The Raspberry Pi has a UART interface to allow it to perform serial data communication. The data lines used are 3.3 V logic-level signals and should not be connected to TTL logic (+5 V) (they also are not RS-232 compatible). To communicate with equipment using RS-232, you will need a converter module.

RS-232 Converter

While an industrious person could build their own RS-232 converter, there is little need to do so when cheap converters on a pcb are available.

Figure 10-1 shows a MAX232CSE chip pcb that I have used. This particular unit supports only the RX and TX lines with no hardware flow control. When searching for a unit, get one that works with 3.3 V logic levels. Some units will only work with TTL (+5 V) logic, which would be harmful to your Pi. The MAX232CSE chip supports 3.3 V operation when its VCC supply pin is connected to +3.3 V.

Figure 10-1
figure 1

MAX232CSE interface

I also recommended that you choose a unit supporting the hardware flow control signals. Look for the CTS and DTR signals. A full RS-232 converter would also include DTR, DSR, and CD signals.


Throughout this text, we’ll refer to 3 V, knowing that it is more precisely 3.3 V.

TTL Adapters

You can also use TTL adapters instead of converting the signal to the +/- voltages required by RS-232. The Pi requirement is that the signaling side (TTL) should be capable of operating at +3.3 V instead of the usual +5 V. Using a +5 V adapter could damage your Pi. Units that can interface +3.3 V will likely have a jumper to select the voltage.


When choosing your RS-232 converter, keep in mind that there are two types of serial connections:

  • DCE: Data communications equipment (female connector)

  • DTE: Data terminal equipment (male connector)

A normal USB serial adapter (for a laptop, for example) will present a DTE (male) connector. The wiring of this cable is such that it expects to plug into to a DCE (female) connection. When this holds true for your Raspberry Pi’s adapter, the laptop’s serial adapter can plug straight into the DCE (female) connector, eliminating the need for a crossover cable or null modem.

Consequently, for your Pi, choose a RS-232 converter that provides a female (DCE) connector. Likewise, make sure that you acquire for the laptop/desktop a cable or USB device that presents a male (DTE) connection. Connecting DTE to DTE or DCE to DCE requires a crossover cable, and depending on the cable, a “gender mender” as well. It is best to get things “straight” right from the start.

Assuming that you used a DCE converter for the Pi, connect the RS-232 converter’s 3 V logic TX to the Pi’s TXD0 and the RX to the Pi’s RXD0 data lines.

All this business about DCE and DTR has always been rather confusing. If you also find this confusing, there is another practical way to look at it. Start with the connectors and the cable(s) that you plan to use. Make sure they mate at both ends and that the serial cable is known to be a straight cable (vs. a crossover). Once those physical problems are taken care of, you can get the wiring correct. Connect the TX to RX, and RX to TX. In other words, you wire the crossover in your own wiring between the RS-232 adapter and the Raspberry Pi. The important thing to remember is that somewhere the transmitting side needs to send a signal into the RX (receiving) side, in both directions.


A straight serial cable will connect pin 2 to pin 2, and pin 3 to pin 3 on a DB9 or DB25 cable. A crossover cable will cross these two, among other signal wires.


RS-232 is the traditional name for a series of standards related to serial communication. It was first introduced by the Radio Sector of the EIA in 1962. The first data terminals were teletypewriters (DTE) communicating with modems (DCE). Early serial communications were plagued by incompatibilities until later standards evolved.

A serial link includes two data lines, with data being transmitted from a terminal and received by the same terminal. In addition to these data lines are several handshaking signals (such as RTS and CTS). By default, these are not provided for by the Raspberry Pi.

Figure 10-2 shows a serial signal transmission, with time progressing from left to right. RS-232 equipment expects a signal that varies between –15 V and +15 V.

Figure 10-2
figure 2

Serial signal

The standard states that the signal is considered to be in a mark state, when the voltage is between –3 and –15 V. The signal is considered in a space state if the voltage is between +3 and +15 V. The RS-232 data line is in the mark state when the line is idle.

Start Bit

When an asynchronous character of data is to be sent, the line first shifts to a space level for the duration of 1 bit. This is known as the start bit (0). Data bits immediately follow.

Asynchronous lines do not use a clock signal like synchronous links. The asynchronous receiver must have a clock matching the same baud rate as the transmitter. The receiver samples the line 16 times in the bit cell time to determine its value. Sampling helps to avoid a noise pulse from triggering a false data read.

Data Bits

Data bits immediately follow the start bit, with the least significant bit first. A space is a 0 data bit, while mark represents a 1 bit. Early teletype equipment used 5 data bits sending characters in the 5-bit Baudot code.11 For this reason, serial ports can be configured for 5, 6, 7, or 8 data bits. Before the ASCII character set was extended to 8 bits, it was common to use 7-bit serial data.

Parity Bit

An optional parity bit can be generated when transmitting or can be detected on the receiving side. The parity can be odd, even, or stick (mark or space). The most commonly used setting today is No Parity, which saves 1-bit time for faster communication. Older equipment often used parity to guard against errors from noisy serial lines. Odd parity is preferred over even because it forces at least one signal transition in the byte’s transmission. This helps with the data reliability.

Mark or space parity is unusual and has limited usefulness. Mark parity could be used along with 2 stop bits to effectively provide 3 stop bits for very slow teletypewriter equipment. Mark or space parity reduces the effective throughput of data without providing any benefit, except possibly for diagnostic purposes. Table 10-1 summarizes the various parity configurations.

Table 10-1 RS-232 Parity Settings

Stop Bits

Asynchronous communication requires synchronizing the receiver with the transmitter. For this reason, 1 or more stop bits exist so that the receiver can synchronize with the leading edge of the next start bit. In effect, each stop bit followed by a start bit provides built-in synchronization.

Many UARTs support 1, 1.5, or 2 stop bits. The Broadcom SoC supports 1 or 2 stop bits only. The use of 2 stop bits was common for teletypewriter equipment and probably rarely used today. Using 1 stop bit increases the overall data throughput. Table 10-2 summarizes the stop-bit configurations.

Table 10-2 Stop-Bit Configuration

†Unsupported by the Raspberry Pi

Baud Rate

The baud rate is calculated from bits per second, which includes the start, data, parity, and stop bits. A link using 115200 baud, with no parity and 1 stop bit, provides the following data byte rate:

$$ {\displaystyle \begin{array}{l}{D}_{rate}=\frac{B}{s+d+p+S}\\ {}\kern3.75em =\frac{115200}{1+8+0+1}\\ {}\kern3.75em =11,520\kern0.125em bytes/s\end{array}} $$


B is the baud rate.

s is the start bit (always 1 bit).

d is the number of data bits (5, 6, 7, or 8).

p is the parity bit (0 or 1).

S is the stop bit (1, 1.5, or 2).

The 115200 baud link allows 11,250 bytes per second. If a parity bit is added, the throughput is reduced:

$$ {\displaystyle \begin{array}{l}{D}_{rate}=\frac{115200}{1+8+1+1}\\ {}\kern3.75em =10,472.7\kern0.125em bytes/s\end{array}} $$

The addition of a parity bit reduces the transmission rate to 10,472.7 bytes per second.

Table 10-3 lists the standard baud rates that a serial link can be configured for on the Raspberry Pi.

Table 10-3 Standard Baud Rates


With asynchronous communication, it is also possible to send and receive a break signal. This is done by stretching the start bit beyond the data bits and the stop bit(s), and eventually returning the line to the mark state. When the receiver sees a space instead of a mark for the stop bit, it sees a framing error.

Some UARTs distinguish between a framing error and a break by noting how long the line remains in the space state. A simple framing error can happen as part of noisy serial line communications (particularly when modems were used) and normally attributed to a received character error. Without break detection, it is possible to assume that a break has been received when several framing errors occur in a sequence. Short sequences of framing errors, however, can also just indicate a mismatch in baud rates between the two endpoints.

Flow Control

Any link that transmits from one side to a receiver on the other end has the problem of flow control. Imagine a factory assembly line where parts to be assembled arrive at the worker’s station faster than he/she can assemble them. At some point, the conveyor belt must be temporarily stopped, or some parts will not get assembled. Alternatively, if the conveyor belt is reduced in speed, the assembly worker will be able to keep up, but at a slower than optimal pace.

Unless the serial link receiver can process every character of data as fast as it arrives, it will need flow control. The simplest approach is to simply reduce the baud rate, so that the receiver will always keep up. But this isn’t always satisfactory. A logging application might be able to write the information quickly, except when writes occur to an SD card, for example.

A better approach is to signal to the transmitter to stop sending when the receiver is bogged down. Once the receiver catches up, it can then tell the transmitter to resume transmission. Note that this problem exists for both sides of a serial link:

  • Data transmitted to the terminal (DTE)

  • Data transmitted to the data communications equipment (DCE)

Two forms of flow control are used:

  • Hardware flow control

  • Software flow control

Hardware Flow Control

Hardware flow control uses additional signal lines to regulate the flow of data. The RS-232 standards have quite an elaborate set of signals defined, but the main signals needed for flow control are shown in Table 10-4. Unlike the data line, these signals are inactive in the space state and active in the mark state.

Table 10-4 Hardware Flow Controls

† Primary flow control signals

The most important signals are the ones marked with a dagger in Table 10-4. When CTS is active (mark), for example, the DCE (Pi) is indicating that it is OK to send data. If the DCE gets overwhelmed by the volume of data, the CTS signal will change to the inactive (space) state. Upon seeing this, the DTE (desktop) is required to stop sending data. Otherwise, loss of data may occur.

Similarly, the desktop operating as the DTE is receiving data from the DCE (Pi). If the laptop gets overwhelmed with the volume of incoming data, the RTS signal is changed to the inactive state (space). The remote end (DCE) is then expected to cease transmitting. When the desktop has caught up, it will reassert RTS, giving the DCE permission to resume.

The DTR and DSR signals are intended to convey the readiness of the equipment at each end. If the terminal was deemed not ready (DTR), DSR is not made active by the DCE. Similarly, the terminal will not assert DTR unless it is ready. In modern serial links, DTR and DSR are often assumed to be true, leaving only CTS and RTS to handle flow control.

Where flow control is required, hardware flow control is considered more reliable than software flow control.

Software Flow Control

To simplify the cabling and the supporting hardware for serial communications, the hardware flow controls can be omitted/ignored. In its place, a data protocol is used instead.

Initially, each end of the link assumes readiness for reception of data. Data is sent until an XOFF character is received, indicating that transmission should stop. The receiver sends the XON character when it is ready to resume reception again. These software flow control characters are shown in Table 10-5.

Table 10-5 Software Flow Control Characters

In a terminal session, the keyboard commands can be used to control the serial connection. For example, if information is displaying too fast, the user can type Ctrl-S to cause the transmission to stop. Pressing Ctrl-Q allows it to resume.

The disadvantages of software flow control include the following:

  1. 1.

    Line noise can prevent the receiver from seeing the XOFF character and can lead to loss of data (due to data overrun).

  2. 2.

    Line noise can prevent the remote end from seeing the XON character and can fail to resume transmission (causing a link “lockup”).

  3. 3.

    Line noise can cause a false XON/XOFF character to be received (data loss or link lockup).

  4. 4.

    The delay in the remote end seeing a transmitted XOFF character can cause loss of data if the receiving buffer is full.

  5. 5.

    The XON and XOFF characters cannot be used for data in the transmission link.

Problems 1 to 3 can cause link lockups or data loss. Problem 4 is avoidable if the buffer notifies the other end early enough to prevent overflow. Problem 5 is an issue for binary data transmission.

Raspberry Pi UARTs

The Raspberry Pi supports two UARTs:









14 & 15





14 & 15


Whether the PL011 or the mini UART is used depends upon the model of the Raspberry Pi. Originally, this question was simple to answer. The Model B and Model A Pi’s simply used the PL011 (/dev/ttyAMA0) device for the console. The mini UART (/dev/ttyS0) is a different hardware block and was also available, albeit with limited features.

With the addition of Wireless and Bluetooth on the Pi 3 and the Pi Zero W, the PL011 UART was commandeered for the BT (Bluetooth) and WIFI support while the mini UART was substituted for the serial console. All other models use the preferred PL011 device for the console instead.

However, the rules for what is assigned is more complicated now that the device tree overlays are being used. More detail is available from The following online document, which doesn't include a date-stamp, has more of the gory details:

Which Is in Use?

You can verify which serial device is being used as follows:

$ cat /boot/cmdline.txt dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=serial0,115200 console=tty1 ...

The console= option can appear multiple times in the kernel command line. In this Raspberry Pi 3 Model B example, we see that there are two consoles defined, but only one is the serial port (serial0). Listing the serial device shows:

$ ls -l /dev/serial0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 5 Jun 19 22:04 /dev/serial0 -> ttyS0

The name /dev/serial0 is a symlink to the actual device /dev/ttyS0.

$ ls -l /dev/ttyS0 crw--w---- 1 root tty 4, 64 Jun 19 22:04 /dev/ttyS0

So this Pi is configured to use the mini UART (/dev/ttyS0).

Listing the boot command line on my Raspberry Pi 3 B+ yielded:

$ cat /boot/cmdline.txt dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=serial0,115200 console=tty1 ...

It claims to be using /dev/serial0, but there is no serial0 device for this configuration:

$ ls /dev/serial0 ls: cannot access '/dev/serial0': No such file or directory

The page also states:

If cmdline.txt uses the alias serial0 to refer to the user-accessible port, the firmware will replace it with the appropriate port whether or not this overlay is used.

Disabling the Serial Console

If you want to make use of the serial device for a non-console purpose, then obviously we must disable the console. The easiest way to do this is to become root and use raspi-config :

# raspi-config

Cursor down to select “Interface Options” and press Return (Figure 10-3).

Figure 10-3
figure 3

The opening dialog for raspi-config, with “Interface Options” selected

Then cursor down (Figure 10-4) to select “Serial” and press Return.

Figure 10-4
figure 4

Select “Serial” in raspi-config and press Return

Then choose “<No> ” to disable the console and press Return (Figure 10-5).

Figure 10-5
figure 5

Choose “<No>” to disable the console in raspi-config

The dialog completes (Figure 10-6) by prompting if you want to reboot. This is necessary for a console change in the kernel. This prompt may be skipped if you already had the chosen setting.

Figure 10-6
figure 6

The raspi-config dialog ends by asking if you want to reboot

Raspberry Pi 3 Serial Console

When booting the Raspberry Pi 3 with the serial port connected and console enabled, the following login prompt is shown after booting up:

Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 rpi3bplus ttyS0 rpi3bplus login: pi Password:

Note the “ttyS0” above the prompt. Despite the fact that /dev/serial0 does not exist (on the B+), Raspbian arranges that /dev/ttyS0 (mini UART) is used as the console.

Raspberry Zero Serial Console

Booting the Raspberry Pi Zero (not W) with the serial console enabled confirms that it uses the PL011 (/dev/ttyAMA0) device for the console:

Raspbian GNU/Linux 8 raspberrypi ttyAMA0 raspberrypi login: pi Password:

The Raspberry Pi Zero shown in Figure 10-7 has a female header strip soldered into the board. The serial port adapter is a true RS232C converter using the MAX232CSE IC. The connections are:

Figure 10-7
figure 7

Raspberry Pi Zero with serial console wired to RS232C adapter. The adapter has a true RS232C to USB plugged into it.

  • P1-01 (+3.3 V) to VCC

  • P1-06 to Gnd

  • P1-08 (GPIO14) to TX

  • P1-10 (GPIO15) to RX

With this arrangement, there is no flow control. Given the high baud rate involved, if improved data integrity is needed, drop the baud rate to something lower like 9600 baud.

PL011 and Mini UART Differences

The mini UART has smaller FIFOs and does not support hardware flow control. Without flow control, it will be prone to losing data at high data rates. The mini’s baud rate is also linked to the VPU clock, leading to other problems.

The mini UART also is deficient in the following ways:

  • No break detection

  • No framing error detection

  • No parity bit support

  • No receive timeout interrupt

  • No DCD, DSR, DTR, or RI signals

The VPU clock presents a problem for the UART because the VPU frequency governor normally varies the core frequency. This would cause the UART baud rate to vary also. The states:

The Linux console can be re-enabled by adding enable_uart=1 to config.txt. This also fixes the core_freq to 250Mhz (unless force_turbo is set, when it will fixe to 400Mhz), which means that the UART baud rate stays consistent.

Avoid the mini UART if you can.

PL011 UART Features

The Broadcom BCM2835 ARM Peripherals manual states that the following features are unsupported:

  • No Infrared Data Association (IrDA) support

  • No Serial InfraRed (SIR) protocol encoder/decoder (endec)

  • No direct memory access (DMA)

  • No support for signals DCD, DSR, DTR, and RI

The following features are supported, however:

  • Separate 16×8 transmit and 16×12 receive FIFO buffers

  • Programmable baud rate generator

  • False start-bit detection

  • Line-break generation and detection

  • Support of control functions CTS and RTS

  • Programmable hardware flow control

  • Fully programmable serial interface characteristics:

    • Data can be 5, 6, 7, or 8 bits.

    • Even, odd, mark, space, or no-parity bit generation and detection.

    • 1 or 2 stop-bit generation.

    • Baud rate generation, DC up to UARTCLK/16.

Broadcom also states that there are some differences between its implementation of the UART and the 16C650 UART. But these are mostly device driver details:

  • Receive FIFO trigger levels are 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, and 7/8.

  • Transmit FIFO trigger levels are 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, and 7/8.

  • The internal register map address space and the bit function of each register differ.

  • 1.5 stop bits is not supported.

  • No independent receive clock.

The only real concern to the application developer is that the 1.5 stop-bits configuration option is not available, which is rarely used these days.

If you need the RS-232 DCD, DSR, DTR, and RI signals, these can be implemented using GPIO input and output pins (along with the appropriate RS-232 line-level shifters). These are relatively slow-changing signals, which can easily be handled in user space. The one limitation of this approach, however, is that the hang-up TTY controls provided by the device driver will be absent. To change that, the device driver source code could be modified to support these signals using GPIO. The Raspbian Linux module of interest for this is as follows:



By default, the transmit and receive pins are GPIO 14 (TX) and 15 (RX), which are pins P1-08 and P1-10 respectively on the GPIO header. When the PL011 device is available, the hardware flow control signals can also be made to appear on the GPIO header when alternate function 5 is chosen. Table 10-6 lists these connections.

Table 10-6 UART Pins

RTS/CTS Access

Hardware flow controls CTS and RTS are available on GPIO 30 (P1-26) and 17 (P1-11), respectively, when configured. By default these are GPIO inputs, but this can be reconfigured. To gain access to the UART’s CTS and RTS signals, configure GPIO 30 and 17 to alternate function 5.


As the Raspberry Pi has matured into new models, the features associated with the serial device have become more complicated. Yet the Raspberry Pi Foundation has provided you with the raspi-config tool to simplify the configuration of the serial console or exclusive use serial line.

Armed with the information presented, you will be able to log into your headless Raspberry Pi Zero using the serial adapter. This information puts you in the best possible position to make use of this valuable resource.