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Tissue adhesives have important applications in clinical practice. These biological glues, most especially fibrin, have now been used in European countries for several decades for tissue welding, as hemostatic agents in the control of bleeding, as fluid and gas barriers in fistulas and vascular grafts, as well as in meningeal- and pulmonary-puncture coatings, and, not least, as implants, in which situation they have served as scaffolds and/or as drug-delivery vehicles in wound healing. Fibrin has recently been approved for clinical use in the USA, albeit solely in the capacity of a surgical hemostatic homeostasis agent.

In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.

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Mainil-Varlet, P., Wang, X., Jakob, R.P. (2004). Tissue Adhesives in Orthopedic Surgery. In: Poitout, D.G. (eds) Biomechanics and Biomaterials in Orthopedics. Springer, London.

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