
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

7.1 Introduction

Increasing capacity and cell leakage have caused the standby power of SRAM on-chip caches to dominate the overall power consumption of the latest microprocessors. Many circuit design and architectural solutions, such as \(V_{\text {DD}}\) scaling [14], power gating [17], and body biasing [13], have been proposed to reduce the standby power of caches. However, these techniques are becoming less effective as technology scaling has caused the transistor’s leakage current to increase exponentially. Researchers have been prompted to look into the alternatives of SRAM technology. One possibility is the embedded DRAM (eDRAM) which is denser than SRAM. Unfortunately, it suffers from serious process variation issues [1]. Another alternative technology is the embedded phase change memory (PCM) [5], a new nonvolatile memory that can achieve very high density. However, its slow access speed makes PCM unsuitable as a replacement for SRAM.

Another substitute for SRAM, the spin-transfer torque RAM (STT-RAM), is receiving significant attention because it offers almost all the desirable features of a universal memory: the fast (read) access speed of SRAM, the high integration density of DRAM, and the nonvolatility of Flash memory. Also, the compatibility with the CMOS fabrication process and similarities in the peripheral circuitries makes the STT-RAM an easy replacement for SRAM.

However, there are two major obstacles to use STT-RAM for on-chip caches, namely its longer write latency and higher write energy. During an STT-RAM write operation in the sub-\(10\,\)ns region, the magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) resistance switching mechanism is dominated by spin precession. The required switching current rises exponentially as the MTJ switching time is reduced. As a consequence, the driving transistor’s size must increase accordingly, leading to a larger memory cell area. The lifetime of memory cell also degrades exponentially as the voltage across the oxide barrier of the MTJ increases. As a result, a \(10\,\)ns programming time is widely accepted as the performance limit of STT-RAM designs and is adopted in mainstream STT-RAM research and development [6, 8, 12, 25, 30].

Several proposals have been made to address the write speed and energy limitations of the STT-RAM. For example, the early write termination scheme [32] mitigates the performance degradation and energy overhead by eliminating unnecessary writes to STT-RAM cells. The dual write speed scheme [30] improves the average access time of an STT-RAM cache by having a fast and a slow cache partition. A classic SRAM/STT-RAM hybrid cache hierarchy with 3D stacking structure was proposed in Ref. [25] to compensate the performance degradation caused by STT-RAM by migrate write-intensive data block into SRAM-based cache way.

In memory design, the data retention time indicates how long data can be retained in a nonvolatile memory cell after it has been written. In other words, it is the unit for measuring nonvolatility of a memory cell. Relaxing this nonvolatility can make the memory cells easier to be programmed and leads to a lower write current or faster switching speed. In Ref. [22], the volume (cell area) of the MTJ device is reduced to achieve better writability by sacrificing the retention time of the STT-RAM cache cells. A simple DRAM-style refresh scheme was also proposed to maintain the correctness of the data.

The key insight informing this paper is that the access patterns of L1 and lower-level caches in a multicore microprocessor are different. Based on this realization, we propose the use of STT-RAM designs with different nonvolatilities and write characteristics in different parts of the cache hierarchy so as to maximize power and performance benefits. A low-power dynamic refresh scheme is proposed to maintain the validity of the data. Compared to the existing works on STT-RAM cache designs, our work makes the following contributions:

  • We present a detailed discussion on the trade-off between the MTJ’s write performance and its nonvolatility. Using our macromagnetic model, we qualitatively analyze and optimize the device

  • We propose a multiretention-level cache hierarchy implemented entirely with STT-RAM that delivers the optimal power saving and performance improvement based on the write access patterns at each level. Our design is easier to fabricate and has a lower die cost

  • We present a novel refresh scheme that achieves the theoretically minimum refresh power consumption. A counter is used to track the life span of L1 cache data. The counter can be composed of SRAM cells or the spintronic memristor. As an embedded on-chip timer, spintronic memristor can save significant energy and on-chip area when compared to SRAM. Moreover, the cell size of the memristor is close to that of STT-RAM, making the layout easier

  • We propose the use of a hybrid lower-level STT-RAM design for cache with large capacity that simultaneously offers fast average write latency and low standby power. It has two cache partitions with different write characteristics and nonvolatility. A data migration scheme to enhance the cache response time to write accesses is also described. The proposed hybrid cache structure has been evaluated in lower-level cache of both 2-level and 3-level cache hierarchies.

The rest of our chapter is organized as follows. Section 7.2 introduces the technical backgrounds of STT-RAM and spintronic memristor. Section 7.3 describes the trade-offs involved in MTJ nonvolatility relaxation and the memristor-based counter design. Section 7.4 proposes our multiretention STT-RAM L1 and L2 cache structures. Section 7.5 discusses our experimental results. Related works are summarized in Sect. 7.6, followed by our conclusion in Sect. 7.7.

7.2 Background

7.2.1 STT-RAM

The data storage device in an STT-RAM cell is the magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ), as shown in Fig. 7.1a, b. A MTJ is composed of two ferromagnetic layers that are separated by an oxide barrier layer (e.g., MgO). The magnetization direction of one ferromagnetic layer (the reference layer) is fixed, while that of the other ferromagnetic layer (the free layer) can be changed by passing a current that is polarized by the magnetization of the reference layer. When the magnetization directions of the free layer and the reference layer are parallel (anti-parallel), the MTJ is in its low (high)-resistance state.

The most popular STT-RAM cell design is one-transistor-one-MTJ (or 1T1J) structure, where the MTJ is selected by turning on the word line (WL) that is connected to the gate of the NMOS transistor. The MTJ is usually modeled as a current-dependent resistor in the circuit schematic, as shown in Fig. 7.1c. When writing “1” (high-resistance state) into the STT-RAM cell, a positive voltage is applied between the source line (SL) and the bit line (BL). Conversely, when writing a “0” (low resistance state) into the STT-RAM cell, a negative voltage is applied between the SL and the BL. During a read operation, a sense current is injected to generate the corresponding BL voltage \(V_{\text{ BL }}\). The resistance state of the MTJ can be read out by comparing the \(V_{\text{ BL }}\) to a reference voltage.

Fig. 7.1
figure 1

1T1J STT-RAM design. a MTJ is in anti-parallel state; b MTJ is in parallel state; c the equivalent circuit

7.2.2 Spintronic Memristor

As the fourth passive circuit element, the memristor has the natural property to record the historical profile of its electrical excitations [4]. In 2008, HP Lab reported the discovery of the memristor device, which was realized in a TiO\(_2\) thin-film device [23]. In this work, we use the magnetic version of memristors, the tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR)-based spintronic memristor, as its device structure is similar to the MTJ, having a compatible manufacturing process.

Figure 7.2a illustrates the structure of a spintronic memristor [20, 27]. Like a MTJ, the free layer in a spintronic memristor is divided into two domains whose magnetization directions are, respectively, parallel or anti-parallel to the one of the reference layer. The domain wall can move along the length of the free layer when a polarized current is applied vertically.

As shown in Fig. 7.2b, the overall resistance of such a spintronic memristor can be modeled as two resistors connected in parallel with resistances \(R_{L}/\alpha \) and \(R_{H}/(1-\alpha )\), respectively [27]. Here, \(0 \le \alpha \le 1\) represents the relative position of the domain wall which is the ratio of the domain wall position (\(x\)) over the total length of the free layer (\(L\)). The overall memristance can be expressed as

$$\begin{aligned} M(\alpha )=\frac{R_{H}\times R_{L}}{R_{H}\times \alpha +R_{L}\times (1-\alpha )}. \end{aligned}$$

The domain wall moves only when the applied current density (\(J\)) is above the critical current density (\(J _{\mathrm{cr}}\)) [15]. The domain wall velocity, \(v(t)\), is determined by the spin-polarized current density \(J \) as [15]

$$\begin{aligned} v(t)= \frac{\text {d} \alpha (t)}{\text {dt}} = \frac{\Gamma _v}{L} \times J _{{\text {eff}}}(t) ,\quad J _{\text {eff}} = \left\{ \begin{array}{l} J , J \ge J _{{\text {cr}}} \\ 0, J \ge J _{{\text {cr}}}. \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

where \(\Gamma _v\) is the domain wall velocity coefficient. It is determined by the device’s structure and material. It is particularly noteworthy that the domain wall motion process has been successfully demonstrated in fabrication very recently [18].

Fig. 7.2
figure 2

TMR-based memristor. a the device view; b the equivalent circuit

Fig. 7.3
figure 3

The simulated programming property of a spintronic memristor

Table 7.1 Memristor design parameters

Figure 7.3 shows the simulated programming property of a spintronic memristor when successive square waves are applied. The dashed gray line represents the pushing pulses applied across the spintronic memristor; the solid pink line is the corresponding current amplitude through the memristor. At the beginning of the simulated period, the pushing pulses raise up memristance, and therefore, the current amplitude decreases. Once the domain wall hits the device boundary, subsequent application of electrical excitations will not change the memristance. The larger the level number of memristance is, the more accurate the decision granularity will be. However, that also indicates a smaller sense margin. As we shall show in Sect. 7.4 that for our purpose, we partitioned the memristance of the spintronic memristor into a moderate number of 16 levels. The parameters of the spintronic memristor are summarized in Table 7.1.

7.3 Design

7.3.1 MTJ Write Performance Versus Nonvolatility

The data retention time, \(T_{\text {store}}\), of a MTJ is determined by the magnetization stability energy height, \(\varDelta \):

$$\begin{aligned} T_{\text {store}}=\frac{1}{f_{0}}e^{\varDelta }. \end{aligned}$$

\(f_0\) is the thermal attempt frequency, which is of the order of \(1\,\)GHz for storage purposes [7]. \(\varDelta \) can be calculated by

$$\begin{aligned} \varDelta = \left( \frac{K_{u}V}{k_{\mathrm{B}}T}\right) =\left( \frac{M_sH_kV\cos ^2(\theta )}{k_{B}T}\right) , \end{aligned}$$

where \(M_{\mathrm{s}}\) is the saturation magnetization. \(H_k\) is the effective anisotropy field including magnetocrystalline anisotropy and shape anisotropy. \(\theta \) is the initial angle between the magnetization vector and the easy axis. \(T\) is the working temperature. \(k_B\) is Boltzmann constant. \(V\) is the effective activation volume for the spin-transfer torque writing current. As Eqs. (7.3) and (7.4) show, the data retention time of an MTJ decreases exponentially when its working temperature, \(T\), rises.

The required switching current density, \(J_{\mathrm{C}}\), of an MTJ operating in different working regions can be approximated as [21, 24]

$$\begin{aligned} J^{\text{ THERM }}_{C}(T_{\text {sw}}) = J_{C0}\left( 1-\frac{1}{\varDelta }\ln \left( \frac{T_{\text {sw}}}{\tau _0}\right) \right) \quad (T_{\text {sw}} > 10\,\text {ns}) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} J^{\text{ DYN }}_{C}(T_{\text {sw}}) = \frac{J^{\text{ THERM }}_{C}(T_{\text {sw}})+J^{\text{ PREC }}_{C}(T_{\text {sw}})e^{(-A(T_{\text {sw}}-T_{\text{ PIV }}))}}{1+e^{(-A(T_{\text {sw}}-T_{\text{ PIV }}))}} \quad (10\,\text {ns} > T_{\text {sw}} > 3\,\text {ns}) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} J^{\text{ PREC }}_{C}(T_{\text {sw}}) = J_{C0}+\frac{C\ln (\frac{\pi }{2\theta })}{T_{\text {sw}}}\quad (T_{\text {sw}} < 3\,\text {ns}). \end{aligned}$$

Here, \(A\), \(C\), and \(T_{\text{ PIV }}\) are the fitting parameters. \(T_{\text {sw}}\) is the switching time of MTJ resistance. \(J_C\) = \(J^{\text{ THERM }}_{C}(T_{\text {sw}})\), \(J^{\text{ DYN }}_{C}(T_{\text {sw}})\), or \(J^{\text{ PREC }}_{C}(T_{\text {sw}})\) are the required switching currents at \(T_{\text {sw}}\) in different working regions, respectively. The switching threshold current density \(J_{C0}\), which causes a spin flip in the absence of any external magnetic field at \(0\,\)K, is given by

$$\begin{aligned} J_{C0} = (\frac{2e}{\hbar })\left( \frac{\alpha }{\eta }\right) \left( {t_F}{M_s}\right) ({H_k}\pm {H_{\text {ext}}}+2{\pi }{M_s}). \end{aligned}$$

Here, \(e\) is the electron charge, \(\alpha \) is the damping constant, \(\tau _0\) is the relaxation time, \(t_F\) is the free layer thickness, \(\hbar \) is the reduced Planck’s constant, \(H_{\text {ext}}\) is the external field, and \(\eta \) is the spin-transfer efficiency.

Fig. 7.4
figure 4

The relationship between the switching current and the switching time of “Base” MTJ design

As proposed by [22], shrinking the cell surface area of the MTJ can reduce \(\varDelta \) and consequently decreases the required switching density \(J_C\), as shown in Eq. (7.5). However, such a design becomes less efficient in the fast-switching region (\(T_{\text {SW}}\,<\,3\,\text {ns}\)) because the coupling between \(\varDelta \) and \(J_C\) is less in this region, as shown in Eq. (7.7). Based on the MTJ switching behavior, we propose to change \(M_s\), \(H_k\), or \(t_F\) to reduce \(J_{c}\). Such a technique can lower not only \(\varDelta \) but also \(J_{c0}\), offering efficient performance improvement over the entire MTJ working range.

Fig. 7.5
figure 5

a MTJ switching performances for different MTJ designs at \(350\,\)K. b The minimal required STT-RAM cell size at given switching current

We simulated the switching current versus the switching time of a baseline \(45\,\times \,90\,\text {nm}\) elliptical MTJ over the entire working range, as shown in Fig. 7.4. The simulation is conducted by solving the stochastic magnetization dynamics equation describing spin torque-induced magnetization motion at finite temperature [28]. The MTJ parameters are taken from [28], which are close to the measurement results recently reported in [31]. The MTJ data retention time is measured as the MTJ switching time when the switching current is zero. When the working temperature rises from \(275\) to \(350\,\)K, the MTJ’s data retention time decreased from \(6.7\,\times \,10^6\) to \(4.27\) years. In the experiments reported in this work, we shall assume that the chip is working at a high temperature of \(350\,\)K.

7.3.2 STT-RAM Cell Design Optimization

To quantitatively study the trade-offs between the write performance and nonvolatility of an MTJ, we simulated the required switching current of three different MTJ designs with the same cell surface shapes. Besides the “Base” MTJ design shown in Fig. 7.4, two other designs (“Opt1” and “Opt2”) that are optimized for better switching performance with degraded nonvolatility were studied. The corresponding MTJ switching performances of these three designs at \(350\,\)K are shown in Fig. 7.5a. The detailed comparisons of data retention times, the switching currents, the bit write energies, and the corresponding STT-RAM cell sizes of three MTJ designs at the given switching speed of 1, 2, and \(10\,\)ns are given in Fig. 7.6.

Fig. 7.6
figure 6

Comparison of different MTJ designs at \(350\)K: a the retention time. b the switching current. c STT-RAM cell size, and d the bit write energy

Significant write power saving is achieved if the MTJ’s nonvolatility can be relaxed. For example, when the MTJ data retention time is scaled from \(4.27\) years (“Base”) to \(26.5\,\upmu \text {s}\) (“Opt2”), the required MTJ switching current decreases from \(185.2\) to \(62.5\,\upmu \text {A}\) for a \(10\,\)ns switching time at \(350\,\)K. Or, at an MTJ switching current of \(150\,\upmu \text {A}\), the corresponding switching times of all three MTJ designs varied from \(20\) to \(2.5\,\)ns. A switching performance improvement of \(8\times \) can be obtained, as shown in Fig. 7.5a.

Since the switching current of an MTJ is proportional to its area, the MTJ is normally fabricated with the smallest possible dimension. The STT-RAM cell’s area is mainly constrained by the NMOS transistor which needs to provide sufficient driving current to the MTJ. Figure 7.5b shows the minimal required NMOS transistor size when varying the switching current and the corresponding STT-RAM cell area at \(45\,\)nm technology node. The PTM model was used in the simulation [3], and the power supply V \(_{\text{ DD }}\) is set to \(1.0\,\)V. Memory cell area is measured in \({\mathrm {F}}^{2}\), where \(F\) is the feature size at a certain technology node.

According to the popular cache and memory modeling software CACTI [2], the typical cell area of SRAM is about \(125\,\)F\(^{2}\). For an STT-RAM cell with the same area, the maximum current that can be supplied to the MTJ is \(448.9\,\upmu \text {A}\). A MTJ switching time of less than \(1\)ns can be obtained with the “Opt2” design under such as a switching current, while the corresponding switching time for the baseline design is longer than \(4.5\,\)ns. In this chapter, we will not consider designs that are larger than \(125\,\text {F}^{2}\).

Since “Opt1” and “Opt2” require less switching current than the baseline design for the same write performance, they also consume less write energy. For instance, the write energies of “Base” and “Opt2” designs are \(1.85\) and \(0.62\,\)pJ, respectively, for a switching time of \(10\,\)ns. If the switching time is reduced to \(1\,\)ns, the write energy of “Opt2” design can be further reduced down to \(0.32\,\)pJ. The detailed comparisons on the write energies of different designs can be found in Fig. 7.6d.

7.4 Multiretention-level STT-RAM Cache Hierarchy

In this section, we will describe our multiretention-level STT-RAM-based cache hierarchy. Our multiretention-level STT-RAM cache hierarchy takes into account the difference in access patterns in L1 and the lower-level cache (LLC).

For L1, the overriding concern is access latency. Therefore, we propose the use of our “Opt2” nonvolatility-relaxed STT-RAM cell design as the basis of the L1 cache. In order to prevent data loss introduced by relaxing its nonvolatility, we propose a dynamic refresh scheme to monitor the life span of the data and refresh cells when needed. LLC caches are much larger than L1 cache. As such, a design built with only “Opt2” STT-RAM cells will consume too much refresh energy. Use of the longer retention “Base” or “Opt1” design is more practical. However, to recover the lost performance, we propose a hybrid LLC that has a regular and a nonvolatility-relaxed STT-RAM portions. Data will be migrated from one to other accordingly. The details of our proposed cache hierarchy will be given in the following subsections.

7.4.1 The Nonvolatility-Relaxed STT-RAM L1 Cache Design

As established earlier, using the “Opt2” STT-RAM cell design for L1 caches can significantly improve the write performance and energy. However, its data retention time of \(26.5\,\upmu \text {s}\) may not be sufficient to retain the longest living data in L1. Therefore, a refresh scheme is needed. In Ref. [22], a simple DRAM-style refreshing scheme was used. This scheme refreshes all cache blocks in sequence, regardless of its data content. Read and write accesses to memory cells that are being refreshed must be stalled. As we shall show in Sect. 7.5.2, this simple scheme introduces many unnecessary refreshing operations whose elimination will significantly improve performance and save energy. Dynamic Refresh Scheme

To eliminate unnecessary refresh, we propose the use counters to track the life span of cache data blocks. Refresh is performed only on cache blocks that have reached their full life span. In our refresh scheme, we assign one counter to each data block in the L1 cache to monitor its data retention status. Figure 7.7 illustrates our dynamic refresh scheme. The operation of the counter can be summarized as follows:

Fig. 7.7
figure 7

Memristor counter-based refreshing scheme

  • Reset: On any write access to a data block, its corresponding counter is reset to ‘0’

  • Pushing: We divide the STT-RAM cell’s retention time into \(N_{\text{ mem }}\) periods, each of which is \(T_{\text{ period }}\) long. A global clock is used to maintain the countdown to \(T_{\text{ period }}\). At the end of every \(T_{\text{ period }}\), the level of every counter in the cache is increased by one

  • Checking: The data block corresponding to a counter would have reached the maximum retention time when the counter reaches its highest level and hence needs to be refreshed. The overhead of such counter pushing scheme is very moderate. Take, for example, a \(32\,\)KB L1 cache built using the “Opt2” STT-RAM design and a counter can represent 16 values from 0 to 15. A pushing operation happens once every \(3.23\,\text {ns} , =\,( 26.5\,\upmu \text {s} / 512 / 16)\) in the entire L1 cache. This is more than 6 cycles at a \(2\,\text {GHz}\) clock frequency. A larger cache may mean a higher pushing overhead.

The following is some design details of the proposed dynamic refresh scheme:

  • Cache access during refresh: During a refresh operation, the block’s data are read out into a buffer and then saved back to the same cache block. If a read request to the same cache block comes before the refresh finishes, the data are returned from this buffer directly. There is therefore no impact on the read response time of the cache. Should a write request comes, the refresh operation is terminated immediately, and the write request is executed. Again, no penalty is introduced

  • Reset threshold \(N_{\text{ th }}\): However, we observe that during the life span of a cache block, updates happen more frequently within a short period of time after it has been written. Many resets of the cache block data occur far from their data retention time limits, giving us an optimization opportunity. We altered the reset scheme to eliminate counter resets that happen within a short time period after data have been written. We define a threshold level, \(N_{\text{ th }}\), that is much smaller than \(N_{\text{ mem }}\). The counter is reset only when its resistance is higher than \(N_{\text{ th }}\). The larger \(N_{\text {th}}\) is, the more resets are eliminated. On the other hand, the refresh interval of the data next written into the same cache block is shortened. However, our experiments in Sect. 7.5.2 shall show that such cases happen very rarely and the lifetimes of most data blocks in the L1 cache are much shorter than \(26.5\,\upmu \text {s}\). Counter Design

In the proposed scheme, the counters are used in two ways: (1) to monitor the time duration for which the data have been written into the memory cells and (2) to monitor the read and write intensity of the memory cells. These counters can be implemented either by the traditional SRAM or by the recently discovered memristor device. The design detail of memristor as an on-chip analog counter will be introduced here. A Verilog-A model for spintronic memristor [27] was used in circuit simulations.

As demonstrated in Eqs. (7.1) and (7.2), when the magnitude of programming pulse is fixed, the memristance (resistance) of a spintronic memristor is determined by the accumulated programming pulse width. We utilize this characteristic to implement a high-density, low-power, and high-performance counter used in our cache refresh scheme: The memristance of a memristor can be partitioned into multiple levels, corresponding to the values the counter can record.

The maximum number of memristance levels is constrained by the minimal sense margin of the sense amplifier/comparator and the resolution of the programming pulse, i.e., the minimal pulse width. The difference between \(R_H\) and \(R_L\) of the spintronic memristor used in this work is 5,000 \(\Omega \) (see Table 7.1), which is sufficiently large to be partitioned into 16 levels. Moreover, we use the pushing current of \(150\,\upmu \text {A}\) as the read current, further enlarging the sensing margin. The sense margin of the memristor-controlled counter \(\varDelta V = 46.875\,\text {mV}\) (\(150\,\upmu \text {A}\,\times \, 5,000\,\Omega /16\) levels) is at the same level as the sense margin in nowadays SRAM design.

The area of a memristor is only \(2\,\text {F}^2\) (refer Table 7.1). The total size of a memristor counter including a memristor and a control transistor is below \(33\,\text {F}^2\). For comparison, the area of a 6T SRAM cell is about \(100\,{\sim }\,150\,\text {F}^2\) [33]. More importantly, the memristor counter has the same layout structure as STT-RAM and therefore can be easily integrated into STT-RAM array.

The memristance variation induced by process variations [10] is the major issue when utilizing memristors as data storage device. The counter design faces the same issue, but the impact is not that critical: As a timer, the memristance variation can be overcome by giving enough design margin to guarantee the on-time refresh.

Every pushing and checking operation of a SRAM counter should include two actions: increase the counter value by one and read it out. In the proposed memristor counter design, the injected current can obtain the two purposes simultaneously—pushing the domain wall to enable counter value increment and meanwhile serving as read current for data detection. The comparison between the two types of counter designs is summarized in Table 7.2. Note that the memristor counter has a larger energy consumption during a reset operation in which its domain wall moves from one end to the other.

Table 7.2 Comparison between SRAM and memristor counter

7.4.2 Lower-level Cache with Mixed High- and Low-Retention STT-RAM Cells

The data retention time requirement in the mainstream STT-RAM development of \(4\,\sim \,10\) years was inherited from Flash memory designs. Although such a long data retention time can save significant standby power of on-chip caches, it also entails a long write latency (\(\sim \!10\,\)ns) and large write energy [25]. Relaxing the nonvolatility of the STT-RAM cells in the lower-level cache will improve write performance as well as save more energy. However, if further reducing retention time to \(\upmu \)s scale, e.g., 26.5\(\,\upmu \)s of our “Opt2” cell design, the refresh energy dominates, and hence, any refresh scheme becomes impractical for the large lower-level cache.

Fig. 7.8
figure 8

Hybrid lower-level cache migration policy: Flow graph (top). Diagram (bottom)

The second technique we proposed is a hybrid memory system that has both high- and low-retention STT-RAM portions to satisfy both the power and performance targets simultaneously. We take a L2 cache with 16 ways as a case study as shown in Fig. 7.8, way 0 of the 16-way cache is implemented with a low-retention STT-RAM design (“Opt2”), while ways 1–15 are implemented with the high-retention STT-RAM (“Base” or “Opt1”). Write-intensive blocks are primarily allocated from way 0 for a faster write response, while read-intensive blocks are maintained in the other ways.

Like our proposed L1 cache, counters are used in way 0 to monitor the blocks’ data retention status. However, unlike in L1 where we perform a refresh when a memristor counter expires, here we move the data to the high-retention STT-RAM ways.

Figure 7.8 demonstrates the data migration scheme to move the data between the low and the high-retention cache ways based on their write access patterns. A write intensity prediction queue (WIPQ) of 16 entries is added to record the write access history of the cache. Every entry has two parts, namely the data address and an access counter.

During a read miss, the new cache block is loaded to the high-retention (HR) region (ways 1–15), following the regular LRU policy. On a write miss, the new cache block is allocated from the low-retention (LR) region (way 0), and its corresponding memristor counter is reset to ‘0’. On a write hit, we search the WIPQ first. If the address of the write hit is already in WIPQ, the corresponding access counter is incremented by one. Note that the block corresponding to this address may be in the HR- or the LR-region of the cache. Otherwise, the hit address will be added in to the queue if any empty entry available. If the queue is full, the LRU entry will be evicted and replaced by the current hit address. The access counters in the WIPQ are decremented periodically, for example, every 2,000 clock cycles, so that the entries that are in the queue for too long will be evicted. Once an access counter in a WIPQ entry reaches a preset value, \(N_{\text{ HR }\rightarrow \text{ LR }}\), the data stored in the corresponding address will be swapped with a cache block in the LR-region. If the corresponding address is already in the LR-region, no further action is required. A read hit does not cause any changes to the WIPQ.

Likewise, a read intensity record queue (RIRQ) with the same structure and number of entries is used to record the read hit history of the LR-region. Whenever there is a read hit to the LR-region, a new entry is added into the RIRQ. Or if a corresponding entry already exists in the RIRQ, the value of the access counter is increased by one. When the memristor counter of a cache block \(B_{i}\) in the LR-region indicates the data are about to become unstable, we check to see whether this cache address is read intensive by searching the RIRQ. If \(B_{i}\) is read intensive, it will be moved to HR-region. The cache block being replaced by \(B_{i}\) in the HR-region will be selected using the LRU policy. The evicted cache block will be send to main memory. If \(B_{i}\) is not read intensive, it will be written back to main memory.

In a summary, our proposed scheme uses the WIRQ and RIRQ to dynamically classify cache blocks into three types:

  1. 1.

    Write intensive: The addresses of such cache blocks are kept in the WIRQ. They will be moved to the LR-region once their access counters in WIRQ reach \(N_{\text{ HR }\rightarrow \text{ LR }};\)

  2. 2.

    Read intensive but not write intensive: The addresses of such cache blocks are found in the RIRQ but not in the WIRQ. As they approach to their data retention time limit, they will be moved to the HR-region

  3. 3.

    Neither write nor read intensive: Neither WIRQ nor RIRQ has their addresses. They are kept in HR-region or evicted from LR-region to main memory directly.

Identifying a write intensive cache blocks also appeared in some previous works. In Ref. [25], they check whether two successive write accesses go to the same cache block. It is highly possible that a cache block may be accessed several times within very short time and then becomes inactive. Our scheme is more accurate and effective as it monitors the read and write access histories of a cache block throughout its entire life span. The RIRQ ensures that read intensive cache blocks migrate from the LR-region to HR-region in a timely manner that, at the same time, also improves energy efficiency and performance.

7.5 Simulation Results and Discussion

7.5.1 Experimental Setup

We modeled a \(2\,\)GHz microprocessor with 4 out-of-order cores using MARSSx86 [16]. Assume a two-level or a three-level cache configuration and a fixed 200-cycle main memory latency. The MESI cache coherency protocol is utilized in the private L1 caches to ensure consistency, and the shared lower-level cache uses a write-back policy. The parameters of our simulator and cache hierarchy can be found in Tables 7.3 and 7.4.

Table 7.3 Simulation platform
Table 7.4 Cache hierarchy configuration
Table 7.5 Cache configuration

Table 7.5 shows the performance and energy consumptions of various designs obtained by a modified NVSim simulator [19]. All the “*-hi*”, “*-md*”, and “*-lo*” configurations use the “Base”, “Opt1”, and “Opt2” MTJ designs, respectively. Note that as shown in Fig. 7.5, they scale differently. We simulated a subset of multithreaded workloads from the PARSEC 2.1, and the SPEC 2006 benchmark suites so as to cover a wider spectrum of read/write and cache miss characteristics. We simulated 500 million instructions of each benchmark after their initialization.

SPICE simulations were conducted to characterize the performance and energy overheads of the memristor counter and its control circuit. The reset energy of a memristor counter is \(7.2\,\)pJ, and every pushing–checking operation consumes \(0.45\,\)pJ.

We compared the performance (in terms of instruction per cycle, IPC) and the energy consumption of different configurations for both 2-level and 3-level hybrid cache hierarchies. The conventional all-SRAM cache design is used as the baseline. The optimal STT-RAM cache configuration based on our simulations is summarized as follows. The detailed experimental results will be shown and discussed in Sects. 7.5.2, 7.5.3, and 7.5.4.

  • An optimal 2-level STT-RAM cache hierarchy is the combination of (a) a L1 cache of the “L1-lo2” design and (b) a hybrid L2 cache of using the “L2-lo” in the LR-region and “L2-md2” in the HR-region;

  • An optimal 3-level STT-RAM cache hierarchy is composed of (a) a L1 cache of the “L1-lo2” design, (b) a hybrid L2 cache of using the “L2-lo” in the LR-region and “L2-md1” in the HR-region and (c) a hybrid L3 cache of the “L3-lo” design in the LR-region and “L3-md2” in the HR-region.

7.5.2 Results for the Proposed L1 Cache Design

To evaluate the impacts of using STT-RAM in L1 cache design, we implemented the L1-cache with the different STT-RAM designs listed in the L1 cache portion of Table 7.5 while leaving the SRAM L2 cache unchanged. L1 I-cache are read operation, it is implemented by conventional STT-RAM. Compared to SRAM L1 I-cache, conventional STT-RAM has a faster read speed and large cache capacity that can reduce cache miss rate. Due to the smaller STT-RAM cell size, the overall area of L1 cache is significantly reduced. The delay components of interconnect and peripheral circuits also decrease accordingly. Even considering the relatively long sensing latency, the read latency of STT-RAM L1 cache is still similar or even slightly lower than that of a SRAM L1 cache. However, the write performance of STT-RAM L1 cache is always slower than that of the SRAM L1 cache for all the design configurations considered. The leakage power consumption of the STT-RAM caches comes from the peripheral circuits only and is very low. The power supply to the memory cells that are not being accessed can be safely cut off without fear of data loss until the data retention limit is reached.

Fig. 7.9
figure 9

The normalized L1 cache read and write access numbers. The access numbers are normalized to the total L1 access number of blackscholes

Figure 7.9 illustrates the ratio between read and write access numbers in L1 D-cache. Here, the read and write access numbers are normalized to the total L1 cache access number of blackscholes. The ratio reflects the sensitivity of the L1 cache in terms of performance, the dynamic energy toward per-read and per-write latency, and energy of the L1 cache.

Fig. 7.10
figure 10

IPC comparison of various L1 cache designs. The IPCs are normalized to all-SRAM baseline

Figure 7.10 shows the IPC performance of the simulated L1 cache designs normalized to the baseline all-SRAM cache. On average, implementing the L1 cache using the “Base” (used in “L1-hi”) or “Opt1” (used in “L1-md”) STT-RAM design incurs more than 32.5–\(42.5\,\)% IPC degradation, respectively, due to the long write latency. However, the performance of the L1 caches with the low-retention STT-RAM design significantly improves compared to that of the SRAM L1 cache: the average normalized IPC’s of ‘L1-lo1’, ‘L1-lo2’, and ‘L1-lo3’ are 0.998, 1.092, and 1.092, respectively. The performance improvement of ‘L1-lo2’ or ‘L1-lo3’ L1 cache w.r.t the baseline SRAM L1 cache comes from the shorter read latency even though its write latency is still longer (see Table 7.5). However, L1 read accesses are far more frequent than write access in most benchmarks as shown in Fig. 7.9. In some benchmarks whose read/write ratio is pretty high, for example, swaptions, the ‘L1-lo2’ or ‘L1-lo3’ design achieves a better than \(20\,\)% improvement in IPC.

Fig. 7.11
figure 11

a L1 cache overall energy comparison. The energy consumptions are normalized to SRAM baseline. b The breakdowns of energy consumption in SRAM-based L1 cache design

Fig. 7.12
figure 12

a Refresh energy comparison of the different refresh schemes. b The number of counter reset operations in the refresh schemes without reset threshold \(N_{\text{ th }}\) and with \(N_{\text{ th }}=10\)

The energy consumptions of the different L1 cache designs normalized to the baseline all-SRAM cache are summarized in Fig. 7.11a. The reported results include the energy overhead of the refresh scheme and the counters, where applicable. Not surprisingly, all three low-retention STT-RAM L1 cache designs achieved significant energy savings compared to the SRAM baseline. The “L1-lo3” design consumes more energy because of its larger memory cell size and larger peripheral circuit having more leakage and dynamic power, as shown in Table 7.5. Figure 7.11a also shows that implementing the L1 cache with the “Base” (used in “L1-hi”) or “Opt1” (used in “L1-md”) STT-RAM is much less energy efficient because (1) the MTJ switching time is longer, resulting in a higher write dynamic energy and (2) a longer operation time due to the low IPC.

Figure 7.11b presents the breakdowns of the read dynamic energy, the write dynamic energy, and the leakage energy in the baseline SRAM cache. First, the leakage occupies more than \(30\,\)% of overall energy, most of which can be eliminated in STT-RAM design. Second, when comparing to Fig. 7.9, we noticed that the dynamic read/write energy ratio is close to the read/write access ratio. The high read access ratio together with the lower per-bit read energy consumption of STT-RAM results in a much lower dynamic energy of STT-RAM L1 cache design. Therefore, “L1-lo1”, “L1-lo2”, and “L1-lo3” STT-RAM designs save up to 30 to \(40\,\)% of overall energy compared to the baseline SRAM L1 cache.

Fig. 7.13
figure 13

Cache write access distributions of the selected benchmarks

Figure 7.12a compares the refresh energy consumptions of the ‘L1-lo2’ L1 cache under different refresh schemes. In each group, the three bars from left to right represent the refresh energy consumptions of DRAM-style refresh scheme, refresh scheme without reset threshold \(N_{\text{ th }}\) and with \(N_{\text{ th }}=10\), respectively. The refresh energy consumptions are normalized to the overall L1 energy consumptions when implementing the refresh scheme with \(N_{\text{ th }}=10\). Note that the y-axis is in logarithmic scale.

The energy consumption of the simple DRAM-style refresh scheme accounts for more than \(20\,\)% of the overall L1 cache energy consumption on average. In some extreme cases of low write access frequency, for example, mcf, this ratio is as high as \(80\,\)% because of the low dynamic cache energy consumption. The total energy consumption of our proposed refresh scheme consists of the checking and pushing, the reset, and the memory cell refresh.

As we discussed in Sect. 7.4.1, the introduction of the reset threshold \(N_{\text{ th }}\) can further reduce the refresh energy consumption by reducing the number of counter resets. This is confirmed in Fig. 7.12a, b. The number of counter reset operations is reduced by more than \(20\times \) on average after setting a reset threshold \(N_{\text{ th }}\) of \(10\), resulting in more than \(95\,\)% of the reset energy being saved. The energy consumption for the refresh scheme is very marginal, accounting for only \(4.35\,\)% of the overall L1 cache energy consumption. By accurately monitoring the life span of the cache line data, our refresh scheme significantly reduced the refresh energy in all the benchmarks.

The refresh energy saving by utilizing the dynamic refresh scheme is determined by the cache write access distribution and intensity. Figure 7.13 demonstrates the distribution of average write access intervals obtained from four selected benchmarks. In each subfigure, the STT-RAM retention time is represented by the red vertical line. Therefore, the data stored in those cache lines on the right side of the red line need refreshment to maintain correctness.

Fig. 7.14
figure 14

Cache write access intensities of different cache lines

We also collected the cache write access intensities with time. The results of two selected benchmarks are shown in Fig. 7.14. For illustration purpose, we divide the overall simulation time into ten periods and partition cache lines into eight groups. Figure 7.14 exhibits the average write access intervals for all the cache line groups in each time period. Benchmark hammer has a relatively uniform cache write intensity. Its average write access interval is less than \(2\,\upmu \text {s}\), which is much shorter than the STT-RAM data retention time \(26.5\, \upmu \text {s}\). Often the cache lines are updated by regular write access without refreshed. Therefore, the dynamic refresh scheme can reduce the refresh energy of hammer significantly—from 30 to \(1\,\)% of the total energy consumption when DRAM-style refresh is utilized. On the contrary, benchmark gobmk demonstrates a completely uneven write access intensities among different cache lines. Moreover, the access intervals of many cache lines are longer than the data retention time, making refresh necessary. The dynamic refresh scheme does not benefit too much in such a type of programs.

7.5.3 Evaluating the Hybrid Cache Design in 2-Level Cache Hierarchy

First, we evaluate the proposed hybrid cache design within L2 cache in 2-level cache hierarchies. In comparing the different L2 cache designs, we fixed the L1 cache to the ‘L1-lo2’ design. In our proposed hybrid L2 cache, way 0 assumes the ‘L2-lo’ design for the best read latency and the smallest leakage power among all three low-retention STT-RAM designs. Ways 1 to 15 are implemented using the ‘L2-md1’, ‘L2-md2’, or ‘L2-md3’ (all “Opt1” MTJ designs) because a \(3.24\)s retention time is good enough for most applications, and they have the minimal refresh overhead. The three resultant configurations are labeled as ‘L2-Hyb1’, ‘L2-Hyb2’, and ‘L2-Hyb3’, respectively. We compare our hybrid L2 cache with the single retention-level STT-RAM design of [22] and the read/write aware high-performance architecture (RWHCA) of [29] and label them as ‘L2-SMNGS’ and ‘L2-RWHCA’, respectively. For ‘L2-SMNGS’, we assumed that the L2 cache uses ‘L2-md1’ because its cell area of \(22\,\)F\(^{2}\) is compatible with the \(19\,\)F\(^{2}\) one reported in [22]. Instead of using ‘L2-hi’ in ways 1–15, ‘L2-RWHCA’ uses ‘L2-md2’ as it has an access latency that is similar to the one assumed in [29] but a much lower energy consumption. Except for hybrid, all other L2 STT-RAM schemes use the simple DRAM refresh when refresh is needed. To be consistent with the previous section, we normalize the simulation results to the all-SRAM design.

Fig. 7.15
figure 15

Performance comparison of different 2-level cache designs. The IPCs are normalized to all-SRAM baseline

Fig. 7.16
figure 16

The hybrid L2 cache statistics. a The write access numbers in HR- and LR-regions. b The ratio of data swaps between HR- and LR-regions among all the L2 accesses. c The ratio of data writing back to main memory among all the L2 accesses

Figure 7.15 compares the normalized IPC results of the different L2 cache designs. As expected, the regular STT-RAM L2 cache with ‘L2-hi’ design shows the worst performance among all the configurations, especially for benchmarks with high L1 miss rates and L2 write frequencies (such as mcf and swaptions). Using relaxed retention STT-RAM design, ‘L2-SMNGS’ improves performance, but on the average, it still suffers \(6\,\)% degradation compared to the all-SRAM baseline due to its longer write latency. Among the three hybrid schemes we proposed, ‘L2-Hyb1’ is comparable in performance (\(99.8\,\)% on average) to the all-SRAM cache design. As we prolong the MTJ switching time by reducing STT-RAM cell size in ‘L2-Hyb2’ and ‘L2-Hyb3’, IPC performance suffers.

Figure 7.16a compares the write access numbers in HR- and LR-regions in hybrid L2 cache. Some benchmarks, such as mcf and freqmine, have a large amount of write accesses falling into HR-region, resulting in significant IPC performance degradation. In the contrast, other programs such as bodytrack and ferret obtain IPC improvement compared to all-SRAM baseline, which mainly benefits from the less L2 write accesses. Although blacksholes sends more data to HR-region than bodytrack and ferret, it has low chances to swap data between HR- and LR-regions and to write data back to main memory, as shown in Fig. 7.16b, c, respectively. So the performance of blacksholes also improves. In summary, all our hybrid L2 caches outperform both ‘L2-SMNGS’ and ‘L2-RWHCA’ due to their lower read latencies.

Since the savings in leakage energy by using STT-RAM designs in the L2 cache are well established, we compared the dynamic energy consumptions of different L2 cache designs. The energy overheads of the data refresh in LR-region and the data migration between LR- and HR-regions in our hybrid L2 caches are included in the dynamic energy. Due to the lower write energy in the LR-region, ‘L2-Hyb1’ has the lowest dynamic energy consumption, as shown in Fig. 7.19a. As the STT-RAM cell size is reduced, the write latency and write energy consumption increased. Thus, the corresponding dynamic energy of ‘L2-Hyb2’ and ‘L2-Hyb3’ grows rapidly. Figure 7.19b shows the leakage energy comparison. Compared to ‘L2-RWHCA’ which is a combination of SRAM/STT-RAM [29], all the other configurations have much lower leakage energy consumptions. ‘L2-hi’, ‘L2-SMNGS’, and ‘L2-Hyb1’ have similar leakage energies because their memory array sizes are quite close to each other. However, ‘L2-Hyb2’ and ‘L2-Hyb3’ benefit from their much smaller memory cell size.

Fig. 7.17
figure 17

Dynamic and leakage energy comparison of L2 cache (normalized to SRAM baseline)

Fig. 7.18
figure 18

Overall cache energy consumption comparison of 2-level cache designs (normalized to the all-SRAM design)

The overall cache energy consumptions of all the simulated cache configurations are summarized in Fig. 7.17. On the average, ‘L2-Hyb2’ and ‘L2-Hyb3’ consume about \(70\,\)% of the energy of ‘L2-SMNGS’ and \(26.2\,\)% of ‘L2-RWHCA’. In summary, our proposed hybrid scheme outperforms the previous techniques in [22] and [29] both in terms of performance and in terms of total energy (by an even bigger margin).

Fig. 7.19
figure 19

Performance comparison of different 3-level cache designs. The IPCs are normalized to all-SRAM baseline

7.5.4 Deployment in 3-level Cache Hierarchies

We also evaluate four 3-level cache designs whose parameters were given in Table 7.5. These designs are

  1. 1.

    The all-SRAM cache hierarchy;

  2. 2.

    ‘3L-SMNGS’ that uses the “md1” STT-RAM design in all the three level of caches, just like ‘L2-SMNGS’ [22];

  3. 3.

    ‘3L-MultiR’—a multiretention 3-level STT-RAM cache hierarchy with “L1-lo2” , “L2-md2”, and “L3-hi”;

  4. 4.

    ‘3L-MultiR-Hyb’—a multiretention 3-level STT-RAM cache hierarchy with “L1-lo2”, as well as the proposed hybrid cache design used in both L2 and L3 caches. Here, ‘Hyb1’ is used in L2 cache for the performance purpose, while ‘Hyb2’ is used in L3 cache to minimize the leakage energy.

In [22], the IPC performance degradations for using the single retention STT-RAM (‘md1’) were from 1 to \(9\,\)% when compared to an all-SRAM design. Our simulation result of ‘3L-SMNGS’ (\(8\,\)% performance degradation on average) matches this well. Comparatively, the average IPC performance degradation of ‘3L-MultiR’ is only \(1.4\,\)% on average, as shown in Fig. 7.18. The performance gain of ‘3L-MultiR’ over ‘3L-SMNGS’ comes mainly from “L1-lo2”. ‘3L-MultiR-Hyb’ has the best performance which is on average \(8.8\) and \(2.1\,\)% better than ‘3L-SMNGS’ and ‘3L-MultiR’, respectively. Most of the write accesses in L2 and L3 caches of ‘3L-MultiR-Hyb’ are allocated into the fast region, boosting up the system performance. Under the joint effort of “L1-lo2” and hybrid lower-level cache, ‘3L-MultiR-Hyb’ can even achieve a slightly higher IPC can all-SRAM design.

Fig. 7.20
figure 20

Overall cache energy consumption comparison 3-level cache designs (Normalized to the all-SRAM design)

Normalized against an all-SRAM 3-level cache design, the overall energy comparison of 3-level cache hierarchy is shown in Fig. 7.20. All three combinations with STT-RAM save significantly more energy when compared to the all-SRAM design. ‘3L-MultiR’ saves slightly more overall energy compared to ‘3L-SMNGS’ because the ‘Lo” STT-RAM cell design has a lower per-bit access dynamic energy than the “md” design. In ‘3L-MultiR-Hyb’, shared L3 cache which embedded “md2” is much larger than local L2 cache which uses “md1”. Thereby, the leakage of L3 dominates the overall energy consumption. The leakage power ratio between “md2” and “hi” is 69.1/110 (see Table 7.5). This is why the overall energy of ‘3L-MultiR-Hyb’ is only \(60\,\)% of ‘3L-MultiR’ whose L3 is “hi”.

7.5.5 Comparison Between 2-Level and 3-Level Cache Hierarchies

First, we directly compare 2-level and 3-level caches both implemented by SRAM. Figure 7.21a shows the IPC comparison. The 3-level SRAM cache outperforms the 2-level SRAM cache by \(24.2\,\)% in IPC performance because the 3-level cache hierarchy includes \(256\,\)KB private L2 cache within each core, enlarging the cache capacity by 32 %. Accordingly, the leakage energy increases. Figure 7.21b compares their overall energy consumptions. The total energy of 3-level SRAM cache is \(14.4\,\)% greater than that of 2-level SRAM cache.

Fig. 7.21
figure 21

IPC and overall cache energy comparison between 2-level and 3-level SRAM cache designs (normalized to the 2-level SRAM design)

The 2-level cache hierarchy with hybrid LR- and HR-regions (‘2L-Hybrid’) is compared with the 3-level multiretention STT-RAM cache hierarchy (‘3L-MuliR’). With regard to IPC performance, ‘2L-Hybrid’ is \(14.36\,\)% worse than ‘3L-MuliR’, as shown in Fig. 7.22a. Compared to SRAM-based cache, that is to say the hybrid design actually shrinks the performance degradation between 2-level and 3-level cache hierarchies. On the one hand, since the leakage energy of STT-RAM cell is very small, the leakage energy increasing has a much smaller scalar than the growth of cache capacity. On the other hand, the access to L3 cache is filtered by L2 cache, which induces a smaller dynamic energy in ‘3L-MuliR’ than that of ‘2L-Hybrid’. So the overall energy of ‘3L-MuliR’ is not increased as 3L SRAM does. The overall energy comparison between ‘2L-Hybrid’ and ‘3L-MuliR’ is shown in Fig. 7.22b.

7.6 Related Work

STT-RAM has many attractive features such as the nanosecond access time, CMOS process compatibility, and nonvolatility. The unique programming mechanism of STT-RAM—changing the MTJ resistance by passing a spin-polarized current [9]—ensures good scalability down to the 22nm technology node with a programming speed that is below \(10\,\)ns [26]. Early this year, Zhao, et al. [31] reported a subnanosecond switching at the \(45\,\)nm technology node for the in-plane MTJ devices.

Dong, et al. [8] gave a comparison between the SRAM cache and STT-RAM cache in a single-core microprocessor. Desikan, et al. [6] conducted an architectural evaluation of replacing on-chip DRAM with STT-RAM. Sun, et. al. [25] extended the application of STT-RAM cache to chip multiprocessor (CMP) and studied the impact of the costly write operation in STT-RAM on power and performance.

Many proposals have been made to address the slow write speed and high write energy of STT-RAM. Zhou et al. [32] proposed an early write termination scheme to eliminate the unnecessary writes to STT-RAM cells and save write energy. A dual write speed scheme was used to improve the average access time of STT-RAM cache that distinguishes between the fast and slow cache portions [30]. A SRAM/STT-RAM hybrid cache hierarchy and some enhancements, such as write buffering and data migration, were also proposed in [25, 29]. The SRAM and STT-RAM cache ways are fabricated on the different layers in the proposed 3D integration. The hardware and communication overheads are relatively high. None of these works considered using STT-RAM in L1 due to its long write latency.

Fig. 7.22
figure 22

IPC and overall cache energy comparison between 2-level and 3-level STT cache designs (normalized to the 2-level hybrid STT design)

In early 2011, Smullen et al. [22] proposed trading-off the nonvolatility of STT-RAM for write performance and power improvement. The corresponding DRAM-style refresh scheme to assure the data validity is not scalable for a large cache capacity. However, the single retention-level cache design is lack of optimization space to maximize the benefits of STT-RAM writability and nonvolatility trade-offs. Also, the MTJ optimization technique they proposed, namely shrinking the cell surface area of the MTJ, is not efficient in the fast-switching region (\(<\!10\,\)ns), as discussed in Sect. 7.3.

The macromagnetic model used in our work was verified by a leading magnetic recording company and calibrated with the latest in-plane MTJ measurement results [31]. However, we note that our model was not able to reproduce the MTJ parameters given in [22], which are overly optimistic in the fast-switching region (\(<\!3\,\)ns) in terms of write energy and performance, as well as data retention time.

7.7 Conclusion

In this chapter, we proposed a multiretention-level STT-RAM cache hierarchy that trades off the STT-RAM cell’s nonvolatility for energy saving and performance improvement. Taking into consideration the differences in data access behavior, we proposed a low-retention L1 cache with a counter-controlled refresh scheme and a hybrid structure for lower-level cache with both low- and high-retention portions. A memristor-controlled refresh scheme was proposed for the STT-RAM L1 cache to ensure data validity with the minimized hardware cost. For L2, a data migration scheme between the low- and the high-retention portions of the cache yielded fast average write latency and low standby power. Compared to the classic SRAM or a SRAM/STT-RAM hybrid cache hierarchy, our proposal uses only STT-RAM. This can save significant die cost and energy consumption. Moreover, compared to the previous STT-RAM-relaxed retention design that only has a single retention level, our design utilizes multiple retention levels, resulting in an architecture that is optimized for the data access patterns of the different cache levels.

Our experimental results show that our proposed multiretention-level STT-RAM hierarchy achieves on average a \(73.8\,\)% energy reduction over the SRAM/STT-RAM mixed design, while maintaining a nearly identical IPC performance. Compared with the previous single-level relaxed retention STT-RAM design, we obtained a \(5.5\,\)% performance improvement and a \(30\,\)% overall energy reduction by having multiple retention levels in 2-level hierarchy. The multiretention STT-RAM cache with proposed hybrid STT-RAM lower-level cache achieves on average of \(6.2\,\)% performance improvement and \(40\,\)% energy saving compared to the previous single-level relaxed retention STT-RAM design for a 3-level cache hierarchy. Compared to traditional SRAM L1 cache, the L1 cache with a ultralow-retention STT-RAM augmented by the proposed refresh scheme can achieve a \(9.2\,\)% performance improvement and a \(30\,\)% energy saving.

With technology scaling, and the increasing complexity of fabrication, we believe that our proposed cache hierarchy will become even more attractive because of its performance, low energy consumption, and CMOS compatibility.