
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

The number of transistors in an Integrated Circuit (IC) has been doubling every 18 months following Moore’s Law for last few decades. This has allowed the sustained growth of the IC industry by increasing the functionality per chip in every generation. However, increasing functionality per unit area has increased the power consumption per unit area (power density) significantly. Figure 9.1 presents the data by Intel published in early 2000s showing the continued increase in power density. If low-power techniques are not employed the power density of the microprocessors would reach that of a nuclear reactor! Hence a significant amount of research in VLSI in the first decade of twenty first century has been targeted toward low-power IC designs.

Fig. 9.1
figure 9_1_188195_1_En

Power density increase in Intel microprocessors over the years [1]

The doubling of transistor per unit area has been achieved by technology scaling, i.e., reducing the dimensions of the transistors. Scaling reduces the area as well as the capacitance associated with each node making the circuits faster. However, with continued scaling the IC industry is past the sub-micron dimensions and has reached the nanometer regime. The controllability of the fabrication process has reduced significantly due to these nanoscale dimensions of the transistors. This causes variability in fabrication resulting in undesired variation in the circuit and system performance. The traditional static circuits fail to meet the demand of the stringent system requirements due to the underlying variation of the transistors. This calls for a new paradigm of variability aware circuit and system design, where the circuits/systems are intelligent enough to understand the underlying variation and able to heal itself by compensating appropriately (self-healing circuits/systems).

The low power and variation tolerance requirement necessitates new design methodologies as discussed throughout this book for digital circuits and systems. Low-Power and Variation-tolerant Analog/Mixed Signal/RF circuits’ require a new/different set of design techniques. In this chapter we highlight the component level as well as system level design challenges in a low-power, process-tolerant Mixed Signal/RF System using a Wireless Transceiver as a demonstration vehicle.

2 System Description and Current Demands

2.1 Overview of Mobile Transceiver

Figure 9.2 shows a simplified block diagram of a wireless radio transceiver system. A digital baseband DSP sends data to be transmitted through the Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) to the Analog /RF portion of the transmitter. An upconversion mixer up converts the low frequency data into Radio Frequency (RF) signals for transmission. A Power Amplifier (PA) boosts up the RF signal power and transmits it through the antenna. The Transmit Receive Switch (T/R Switch) selects signals to be transmitted from the transmitter or to be received and sent to the receiver. In receive mode the weak received signal is amplified by the Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) and then down converted to lower frequency by the down conversion mixer. It is then sampled by the Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) and sent to baseband for further processing. A Phase Locked Loop (PLL) including a Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) provides the mixers with required Local Oscillator signals.

Fig. 9.2
figure 9_2_188195_1_En

Mobile radio transmitter and receiver

The above described architecture is called Direct Conversion Receiver as the low frequency data is directly upconverted to RF frequencies without any intermediate stage. It is very commonly used in wireless radios and would be for demonstrating the concepts of low power and process tolerance throughout this chapter.

2.2 Need for Tunability for Low power and Process Tolerance in Wireless Systems

2.2.1 Low Power Requirements in Wireless/Portable Systems

With the projected explosion in the number of multimedia wireless applications in the consumer electronics market, power consumption will be a critical metric in future designs of multi-mode multi-standard wireless devices, as most of these devices are portable (battery operated) and battery lifetime is a key demand among consumers. At the physical layer level, low-power design methodologies for digital systems have been studied extensively but relatively fewer techniques have been proposed for Mixed Signal (MS) and Radio Frequency (RF) systems. However a lot of the Mixed Signal/ RFcircuits (e.g., an Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) and a Power Amplifier (PA)) are power hungry and are generally have to be overdesigned to work across different operating environments, process, and temperature. Due to the sensitive nature of Analog circuits and variety of specifications that needs to be satisfied simultaneously, the low-power techniques for analog require different approaches than that of digital as descried here.

2.2.2 Process Variation in Mixed Signal Circuits and Yield Loss

With aggressive scaling of CMOS the controllability of the fabrication process is decreasing with each technology node. In the nanometer design regime, high performance Analog/RF circuits are expected to be increasingly susceptible to process variations. It is becoming increasingly impossible to keep the 3σ variations of the process parameters within 10% bound [2, 1]. The variability in the nanometer regime is making circuits less reliable and resulting in significant yield (% of non-faulty chips) loss.

Modern wireless circuits are designed to be extremely high performance as demanded by the consumer. This requires designing the circuits at the edge, making the circuits very sensitive to any process variation. In the nanometer regime, the increased variation in the process causes these high-performance systems to vary a lot from its desired specifications, resulting in throwing away of the device. This causes yield loss and results in reduced profit for the IC design company. With static design techniques, if we try to address this issue by leaving an increased guard band, the power consumption goes up. Hence there is a pressing need for variation tolerant circuits which are also low power. Significant research work has been done in recent years in variability aware design of digital circuits. Important techniques include adaptive body biasing [4], dynamic supply voltage scaling [5, 6], and variable size keepers [7]. Radio Frequency (RF) circuits are very sensitive to the increasing process variation. To make RF design successful in the nanometer regime with acceptable yield there is an increasing demand for variability-tolerant RF circuit design techniques, similar to their digital counterpart.

One way to address this issue is to have intelligent circuits and systems that can understand the process corner it is in and tune itself to meet the required specifications, while minimizing power consumption. This requires built-in tunability in Analog/Mixed Signal/ RFcircuits which is traditionally not that common due to the sensitive nature of these circuits.

2.2.3 Tunability in Analog/Mixed Signal and RF Circuits

The built in control knobs for required tunability in Analog/RF circuits vary significantly depending on the circuit and voltage-based controls are normally difficult unlike its digital counterpart. This chapter first surveys what are possible knobs for tunable intelligent Mixed Signal/RF circuits. Three key circuits, namely a Low Noise Amplifier (LNA), a Power Amplifier (PA), and an Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) are described here. The possible control knobs and their effects on the above-mentioned circuits are summarized. These tuning knobs could be used in component level as well as system level to address low power and process tolerance requirements. First, examples of component level low-power or process-tolerant solutions using these tuning knobs (Section 9.3) are described. Next, a few system level solutions for process variation tolerance (Self healing), low power (VIZOR), and low power under process variation (Pro-VIZOR) are described in Section 9.4.

The life-cycle of an MS/RF chip goes through three distinct phases (Fig. 9.3). During the manufacturing phase the chip goes through process variation which causes the actual specifications to be off from the desired/nominal values. During post-manufacture test/tune the devices are tested for specification compliance and could be tuned for the effect of process variation. The optimal tuning knob settings for each device is found and programmed onto the device as it is sent to be used for real-time operation in field. This can be done in the component level (e.g., DSP Assisted Healing of LNA, Section 9.3) or in the system level (e.g., Power Conscious Self Healing, Section 9.4).

Fig. 9.3
figure 9_3_188195_1_En

MS/RF chip adaptation timeline

Each static system is invariably overdesigned to meet performance under process/temperature variations and aging as well as to combat environmental variations for wireless systems. This leads to more power consumption than needed. In real-time MS/RF systems can be adapted to operate on the “edge” with Virtually Zero Margin depending on its operating environment. Component Level adaptation examples for low power includes a Spectrum Sending ADC (Section 9.3) that can trade off performance for power depending on the interference to signal ratio. System Level example includes a complete design framework for Virtually Zero Margin RF systems or VIZOR in Section 9.4. These low-power systems should also be tuned in the post manufacture tune phase to ensure close to optimal low-power operation for any given device. Hence Process-tolerant VIZOR (Pro-VIZOR) systems encompass both the post-manufacture tune phase as well as the real-time operation phase in the above timeline.

During the real-time operation, there are idle or shut down periods when the chip is not operating actively. These times can be used to periodically calibrate or compensate the chip for any temperature effects or aging effects in the long term.

3 Component-Level Tunability and Adaptation for Low Power and Process Tolerance Using Built in Tuning Knobs

3.1 Tunability in a Low Noise Amplifier (LNA)

An LNA is the first active component after the antenna in the wireless receiver signal path (refer Fig. 9.2). Its job is to provide a high gain to the received weak signal while adding as less noise as possible. The key specifications of a LNA includes Gain, Noise Figure (NF), non-linearity (IIP3), input matching (S11), the dynamic range of the input signal it can process, and the bandwidth (BW). For low-power adaptation supply and bias of the main transistors could be changed, but at the cost of increased NF and non-linearity. Also this does not allow tuning of any frequency shift due to process variation of passive components like inductors and capacitors. Tuning of the input match frequency can be achieved using several-tap tunable inductors [1]. Another way to control only the non-linearity of the LNA is to add an extra current stealing path (Inter-Modulation Distortion or IMD sinker) to a traditional LNA design [8]. The gain of an LNA can be stabilized using damped LC loads [9]. Though this takes care of gain variation to some extent it is not able to compensate for noise figure (NF) and input reflection coefficient (S11). Also this technique is specific to tuned amplifiers. The input and output matching is a critical requirement to ensure proper transfer of signal in RF Amplifier. These matching networks can be made process variation insensitive by breaking then from one step to two step and choosing the components values such that the sensitivity to process variation is minimized [10]. A process and temperature variation tolerant Bluetooth RFIC was designed in [11] by using bandgap references, current compensation circuit, and active loads. The possible tuning knobs in LNA and their effects have been summarized in Table 9.1.

Table 9.1 Tunability for low power and variation tolerance in a low noise amplifier

Process variation causes varied specifications of the LNA resulting in yield loss of the complete receiver chip. The above mentioned tuning knobs can be used in component level to tune against process variation and make the LNA process tolerant. It can be done in two ways in the component level as follows:

  1. (1)

    Sense the variation in the LNA and correct for it through built-in tuning knobs using a DSP-based control. This is a one-time/periodic process controlled by the DSP. The process calibration can be performed during post manufacture tuning phase after fabrication.

  2. (2)

    Design the LNA to be process variation tolerant, i.e., modify the standard LNA design such that under process variation it compensates for the performance loss by itself in an analog nature. This provides a real-time correction mechanism without the help of any DSP.

3.1.1 DSP-Assisted Healing of LNA During Post Manufacture Tuning

A post manufacture self-tuning technique aims at compensating for multi-parameter variations in an LNA during post manufacturing test phase [12]. The tunable LNA incorporates a “response feature” detector and “hardware tuning knobs,” designed into the RF circuit. The RF device test response to a specially crafted diagnostic test stimulus is logged via the built-in detector and embedded analog-to-digital converter. Analysis and prediction of the optimal tuning knob control values for performance compensation is performed using software running on the baseband DSP processor. As a result, the RF circuit performance can be diagnosed and tuned with minimal assistance from external test equipment. Multiple RF performance parameters can be adjusted simultaneously under tuning knob control. The concepts illustrated here on an RF LNA design can be applied to other RF circuits as well.

In the design phase, design centering [12] is performed to maximize manufacturing yield in such a way that design parameters for a given circuit topology are optimized toward minimizing performance variability with respect to process, voltage, and temperature (PVT) variations. Such techniques are not IC-specific and are geared toward optimizing the yield statistics across large populations of manufactured die given manufacturing process statistics. In contrast, the post manufacture tuning mechanisms are IC-specific. Tests are applied to each manufactured device, and circuit-level “tuning knobs” are activated in response to the test results to force unacceptable performance metrics to move toward acceptable values. The goal of such post-manufacture tuning is to force these devices corresponding to the tails of the performance distributions to move toward the mean values of the specifications, thereby improving overall manufacturing yield. Self-Tuning Framework

The self-tuning method is depicted in Fig. 9.4a and works as follows. After manufacture, production tests are conducted to ensure the proper functionality of a DUT. If the DUT is determined to be faulty with catastrophic faults such as opens or shorts, the procedure terminates. This is because such catastrophic faults are difficult to compensate without replacing the faulty circuitry with redundant units. The self-tuning capability is activated only if it is determined that the current DUT has a parametric failure through analysis of test results. The embedded envelope detector is used to convert the test response into a low-frequency test response “signature.” This signature is then mapped onto optimum performance-control tuning “knob” values via predetermined regression models obtained through a set of experiments performed on the DUTs. The ADC for signature capturing is embedded in a wireless transceiver with a DSP processor. This DSP processor adjusts the digital control bits to trim the tuning control knobs. The self-tuning procedure is performed using the hardware configuration depicted in Fig. 9.4b and consists of the feature extractor (embedded envelope detector), ADC, DSP, and tuning knob modules. The test stimulus employed is designed in such a way that the response envelope extracted by digitizing the output of the envelope detector exhibits strong statistical correlation with the test specifications of the DUT of interest under multi-parameter process variations. In this way, changes in the performance metrics of different DUTs (Gain, IIP3, NF of LNA) are detected by observing changes in the output of the envelope detector for the respective devices.

Fig. 9.4
figure 9_4_188195_1_En

(a) Self-tuning procedure; (b) Self-tuning hardware [12]

It is important to note that, in general, the performance specifications of RF/mixed-signal circuits do not change independently of each other under process variations, i.e., changes across different performance metrics are not statistically independent. Consequently, during tuning for process adaptation , each performance metric cannot be independently tuned, for a traditional design. Hence, any tuning procedure must consider the impact of tuning on all the performance metrics simultaneously, since the tunability of one specification may need to be traded off against the tunability of another specification especially when the number of hardware tuning knobs available is limited. Hence, optimal self-tuning involves an iterative optimization process that converges to the optimal values of multiple tuning knobs corresponding to specification values of the DUT as close to the nominal as possible, for different manufacturing process perturbations. This optimization takes into account the interdependence of the several specifications as well as the specification bound requirements set for acceptable yield of a given design. For example, suppose that the requirement for the NF specification of a circuit is stringent, whereas the other specifications have enough performance margins with respect to stated specification limits. In this case, the tuning process focuses mainly on NF compensation. The outcome of this tuning process is a set of optimal knob settings for each given process. This is then used to train the regression function which builds a map between the measured signature and the desired tuning knob settings in the training phase. During production test depending on the signature of the test input the optimal control knob settings is applied by the DSP as discussed above to get back the specifications within bound. Next, an application of this methodology on a RF Low-Noise Amplifier with two tuning knobs is described and specification improvements are shown. GHz CMOS LNA with Two Tuning Knobs

The circuit used for healing should be tunable using some control knobs. Figure 9.5 shows a CMOS LNA with folded p-type MOS (pMOS) IMD sinker [8]. Two tuning knobs were employed to control the bias of the transistors M1 and Mp. The main stage bias predominantly provides gain controllability whereas the IMD sinker provides IIP3 controllability, though both are not exclusive. Each bias uses a five bit control. Process variation was simulated using Monte Carlo simulations by perturbing the following parameters: zero-bias threshold voltage of p-/n-channel transistors, channel doping concentration, low field mobility of p-/n-channel transistors, and values of passive components such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors. It should be noted that the embedded detector was subject to the same process variations as the rest of the circuitry. For each instance generated via Monte Carlo simulation, all the specifications of interest were measured with the nominal tuning knob values. A two-tone sinusoidal waveform was utilized as the test stimulus (20 dBm at ±5 MHz offset from the center frequency 1.9 GHz). Hence, the fundamental frequency of the envelope response was placed at 10 MHz. The details of the algorithm used to find the optimal tuning knob from the observed response could be found in [12]. The specifications of interest were NF, S21, TOI, and Idd. Using the optimal value of the tuning knobs the tuned values of the specifications are achieved. Figure 9.6 shows the distribution of NF and Gain (S21) before and after tuning for the validation set of DUTs. All the performance variabilities are significantly reduced without impacting the mean value of each specification. The perturbations of each specification are listed in Table 9.2 in terms of their mean and standard deviation. For example, the standard deviation of the specification TOI shows 2.86 dBm before tuning and is reduced to 0.86 dBm after tuning. It is also observed that standard deviation of the I dd (i.e., power consumption) is reduced without compromising its mean value. Hence, post manufacturing tuning technique provides healing of the LNA under process variation.

Fig. 9.5
figure 9_5_188195_1_En

LNA with bias and pMOS IMD sinker as built-in tuning knobs and feature detector [12]

Fig. 9.6
figure 9_6_188195_1_En

Specification distribution before and after tuning [12]

Table 9.2 Changes of the specification after tuning [12]

3.1.2 Stand-Alone Self Compensating Process-Tolerant LNA

Another approach for design of process-tolerant RF circuits is to not rely on DSP at all. Self-compensating process variation tolerant RF Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) can be designed using minimal intrusion negative feedback in RF circuits. The example shown in [13] of this design technique provides 18% yield improvement over comparable conventional LNA under severe process variation by developing a non-intrusive mixing technique as well as minimizing the intrusion of the sensing circuit. This enables use of negative feedback in RF circuits and helps in designing process variation tolerant RF front ends. Figure 9.7 shows the design of process variation tolerant LNA. The analysis of the circuit could be understood by following the feedback loop. Due to process variation, say I d has increased from its nominal designed value. This results in similar increase in the mirrored current I M5 and hence increases the voltage across Ri2v. This acts as the gate to source voltage of M3 (V G,M3). As V G,M3 goes up drain voltage of M3 goes down reducing the biasing voltage (point C) of the transconductance stage, in turn reducing I d. Thus through this negative feedback loop this circuit keeps the I d constant (as close as possible to the nominal designed value of I d) or in other words keeps the LNA biased “properly” even under severe process variation. Under RF operation since Zin,B→0 it does not have much effect on the circuit and keeps the RF performance of the circuit intact.

Fig. 9.7
figure 9_7_188195_1_En

Schematic diagram of process variation tolerant LNA [13] Yield Recovery Through Process Variation Tolerant LNA

A conventional LNA and the process variation tolerant LNA, working at 1.8 GHz with similar gain, noise figure (NF) and input return loss (S11) shows the yield improvement using this design. Severe process variations were introduced to important process parameters namely, minimum channel length (L eff), oxide thickness (T ox), threshold voltage (V t), capacitances (C) and inductances (L).

Yield analysis with the following performance constraint: 11 dB<Gain<17 dB, S11<–10 dB and NF<1.35 dB shows a significant yield increase of 18% for the process-tolerant circuit compared to conventional counterpart. Figure 9.8 shows the distribution of % of ICs based on gain, NF and S11 obtained from yield analysis. It can be seen that for all the specs process-tolerant LNA performs better than the conventional one (less variation around its nominal spec). Hence the above-described techniques allows design a process variation tolerant LNA which self-compensates under variation without any DSP. This technique can very easily be extended to other RF components opening up the paradigm of variability-aware RF front end design.

Fig. 9.8
figure 9_8_188195_1_En

Variation of gain, NF, and S11 of the process variation tolerant LNA and conventional LNA [13]

3.2 Tunability in a Power Amplifier (PA)

A PA is the last block in a wireless transmitter that drives the signal to be transmitted to the antenna (refer Fig. 9.2). Due to high-transmission power requirements the PA tends to be the most power hungry block in the transceiver. It needs to provide gain to the signal while delivering high output power, i.e., process signals with extreme large swing (typical swing is close to 1.7–2 times the supply voltage). The key specifications include Gain, Non-linearity (IIP3), input and output matching, Adjacent Channel Power Ratio (ACPR), bandwidth (BW), and efficiency. Since the signal levels in a PA are very high the tunability achieved by gate and drain bias control are minimal. Voltage-based tuning can be aided by dynamically companding in the digital to reshape the signal to reduce its peak to average ratio [14]. Output of the PA has to conform to stringent spectrum requirements set by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). This requires highly linear operation of the PA, which reduces its efficiency or makes it power hungry. A pre-distortion function, i.e., the inverse of the PA nonlinearity is used in the baseband DSP to increase the overall linearity of the system even with low-power consumption.

In the system level, to reduce interference and increase efficiency, output power of the Mobile Station (MS) is varied depending on the channel condition and distance from the Base Station (BS). Using power control information (based on received signal strength) sent by the BS to MS through the BCH (Broadcast channel) [1, 1520], the PA average output power is varied. If the DC power consumption is kept fixed (i.e., static PA) the efficiency of the PA is very low for the time that it is not transmitting at the maximum average output power level. An approach to increase the operational efficiency of RF transmitters has been to use a tunable PA (such as Agilent ACPM-7891 [21]) in the front-end. A MS power controller (such as National Semiconductor LMV243 [22]) uses the information from BS to control the output power of the PA by applying proper control voltages and sometimes using a control loop [20, 23] .Output power is varied in a wide range as described in [24]. For example, output power could be varied from 5 to 39 dBm for GSM 900 MHz band. This recovers some of the efficiency loss due to variable distance between the BS and MS.

To increase the efficiency of PAs using circuit level techniques, the supply voltage of the PA is changed according to the envelope of the signal. These PAs can be broadly divided into three categories [25], namely slow tracking, envelope tracking, and polar modulation PAs. A slow tracking PA [26] supplies the PA with a voltage slightly greater than the largest peaks of the envelope. Hence it can only recover the efficiency loss due to power-control back-off. An envelope following or envelope tracking PA [2729] have been developed in which the supply voltage is dynamically modulated by the estimated or tracked envelope to keep drain efficiency high. Hence it allows recovery of lost efficiency due to both modulation and power-control back-off. In these methods, the envelope amplitude information has to be extracted from the signal and incurs extra complexity and increased hardware overhead. In polar-modulated PAs [30, 31] the supply modulator applies the required envelope signal directly onto the carrier through a saturating PA. Though the use of saturated PAs increase efficiency, the bandwidth requirements of the AM path is significantly high and the noise requirements of the supply modulator makes this implementation impractical. A power management block presented in [32] provides good efficiency while providing variable output voltages. This on-chip block can generate drain and gate bias for a PA using inputs from DSP making adaptation of PAs easier. This work also shows adaptation of a PA with varying average output power to maintain high efficiency, using the above mentioned PMU.

Another significant effect in the PA is input power dependent gain compression and phase distortion. AM–PM distortion can be corrected by introducing an opposite phase shift to cancel the signal power dependent phase shift of the PA. Figure 9.9 shows a schematic that achieves this goal. A varactor is placed across one of the inductors in the mixer or the PA. By changing the control voltage of the varactors [16], the resonance frequency of the tank can be changed, thus modifying the phase shift incurred by the signal. The control voltage changes according to the amplitude of the input signal in such a way as to cancel the AM–PM distortion of the PA. This shows a real-time technique to correct for AM–PM. Under process shift, the AM–PM curve changes for a PA. This can also be compensated for using this technique just by changing the way control voltages are applied.

Fig. 9.9
figure 9_9_188195_1_En

Feed-forward AM–PM correction using varactor tuning [16]

The possible tuning knobs in a PA and their effects have been summarized in Table 9.3.

Table 9.3 Tunability for low power and variation tolerance in a power amplifier

3.3 Tunability in an Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

An ADC is the interface between the Analog/RF and digital section in the receiver chain that converts the analog received and amplified signal to digital for further processing. Similarly, a Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) converts the digital signals to analog in the transmitter (refer Fig. 9.2). Modern communication standards require increasingly higher BW at lower power, making the ADC designs highly challenging. The key specifications of an ADC include the resolution (number of bits), dynamic range, BW, integral non-linearity (INL), differential non-linearity (DNL), signal to noise ratio (SNR), and signal to quantization noise ratio (SQNR). One way to introduce power performance trade-off in ADCs for tuning is to use adaptive step size based on the received signal. Another way to reduce power is to reduce the resolution dynamically by dropping the number of bits. This introduces power vs. SNR trade-off [18].

To reduce power consumption dynamically the order of the loop filter can be reduced dynamically depending on the interference environment in a sigma delta ADC [17]. This could be achieved as shown in Fig. 9.10. The reconfigurable ADC consists of several modes allowing power versus performance trade-off. As the interference to signal ratio goes down the requirement of the ADC dynamic range is relaxed and hence a lower power mode can be used. A low resolution flash ADC is used for spectrum sensing. A simple spectrum Analyzer is used for spectrum sensing from the flash ADC output and the mode of the ADC is set based on that. This allows power savings by choosing lesser performance when interference in the received signal is low.

Fig. 9.10
figure 9_10_188195_1_En

Reconfigurable ADC in a wireless receiver for reduced power consumption when interference is less [17]

The possible tuning knobs in an ADC and their effects have been summarized in Table 9.4.

Table 9.4 Tunability for low power and variation tolerance in an ADC

Similar tuning knobs could be found in other Analog/RF/Mixed Signal blocks, though there are not any standard set of knobs that works across all circuits. To date significant research is going on in identifying efficient tuning knobs in these circuits that enhances adaptability. Until now we have looked at what sort of tuning knobs are available in MS/RF circuits and how they can be used in component level to achieve low power and process variation tolerance. Though several component level techniques possible, a unified system level methodology promises significant power saving and/or yield improvement as it considers the interaction between all the complex specifications that dominate a complete MS/RF system. Next system level techniques for low power and process tolerance of MS/RF systems are discussed showing that significant benefit is achieved when several knobs are tuned simultaneously using a system level framework.

4 System Level Approach to Process Variation Tolerance and Low Power in Mixed Signal/RF Circuits and Systems

Until now some of the possible tuning knobs have been highlighted in some important MS/RF components. In this section we will look into how these tuning knobs can be used efficiently in the system level to achieve process variation tolerance and low-power solutions. We start with an example of a real-time adaptation methodology that adapts a wireless transceiver to its operating environment to reduce built in design margins (Virtually Zero Margin RF: VIZOR) on the fly and save power. The operation of these systems under process variation is also described. Next, process variation tolerant Power Conscious Self-Healing transceiver systems that tune itself, in the post-manufacture tuning phase for specification compliance with minimum possible power consumption leading to increased yield of the system is described. This is a time t=0 adaptation right after production, while VIZOR is an example of real-time adaptation methodology.

4.1 Low-Power Operation of Wireless Systems Under Dynamic Environment

The low power requirements for portable devices start to become even more critical for portable wireless devices. This section provides an overview of the challenges faced by these portable wireless devices and describes traditional solutions and futuristic solutions leading to environment-adaptive wireless systems.

4.1.1 Need for Environment -Adaptive Wireless Systems

Most of the modern portable systems include a radio for wireless communication. The key difference between non-wireless portable systems and portable wireless systems is that wireless systems have to transmit and receive through a channel , which keeps on varying. Hence these systems need to operate at highest performance when the environment is at its worst. Static systems would waste a lot of power as they would over perform when the environment (channel) is better than its worst-case condition. One way to increase battery life of these systems is to design low-power circuits and efficient algorithms. But static low-power systems are still non-optimum in terms of efficiency. Power efficient wireless systems can be designed by adapting the system and the underlying circuits as the environment changes, to deliver just the required amount of power.

To make the radio power efficient both transmitter and receiver should have low power implementation. In the transmitter the PA is the most power hungry block. Hence there are several techniques to reduce the PA power consumption, i.e., increasing its efficiency as described in Section 9.3. Reducing the power consumption of the receiver is even more challenging as all the components play a significant role in power dissipation. At the physical layer, low-power design methodologies for digital systems [33, 34] and analog/RF systems [35, 36] have been studied extensively. The issue with these approaches though is that circuit designs incorporate margins to account for worst-case estimates of process variability, thermal effects in the RF front-end, and channel conditions corresponding to different modes (data rates) of transmission. However, for most of the time a wireless device is powered up for operation, it is not in a worst-case environment and hence, consumes more power than necessary under the majority of operating conditions. The need for dynamically adapting RF front-end, baseband and digital circuits to save power and enable multi-mode operability in future wireless devices was discussed in [3739]. There exists media access control (MAC) and network-level dynamic power management schemes [40] that conserve power by adapting the data rate (modulation and coding rates) based on certain channel quality metrics derived from the analysis of training symbols. Present-day wireless devices also feature high-power, low-power, and shut-down modes that are activated on the basis of prevailing channel conditions. Though these approaches are effective in reducing the power consumption levels, they do so in a few discrete steps, and hence do not fully exploit the design margins through fine-grained system-level adaptation . An energy scalable RF transmitter is shown in [41], where the front-end is dynamically tuned (supply, bias, and resistances) for each data rate modulation set by the higher-level link layer protocol. The tuning is driven by channel quality as determined by channel estimation metrics and relies on simulation of a large number of channel and RF front-end settings.

The trend in low-power Analog/RF systems is hence twofold. One is to design circuits with inherent low power consumption. The second is to adapt those circuits over process, temperature, environment, workload, etc. This leads us to complete system level adaptation of wireless front ends using end-to-end metrics for ensuring performance. These systems are called Virtually Zero Margin RF (VIZOR ) as they thrive to take out the built-in design margins that is a must in static circuits and systems.

4.1.2 Components of Environment-Adaptive System

The enabling technology (VIZOR) that operates the wireless device at minimum power consumption levels across all environmental (channel ) conditions consists of:

  • Tunable Circuits : The wireless circuit in an environment-adaptive system should exhibit power versus performance trade-offs using some built-in control knobs as described in Section 9.3. In the example shown here tunable LNA, Mixer, ADC, and PAs are used.

  • Channel Sensing : The wireless device should be able to accurately estimate the current operating environment so that it can adapt accordingly. Here environment refers to the transmission channel between the wireless access point (AP) or base station (BS) and the mobile station (MS). This channel information is used to drive the adaptation of the transceiver. A simple example of channel sensing is through an adaptation metric called Error Vector Magnitude or EVM as described later.

  • Environment Adaptability : Given any operating channel, the system should consume only the minimum amount of power required to maintain desired performance. This requires that the components (RF circuits, ADC, and baseband processing) of the wireless device to be dynamically adapted using an optimal control law, such that the adaptation is optimal as the channel changes.

  • Control Algorithm for Environmental Adaptation : A system-level multi-dimensional control algorithm that actuates environment sensing and adapts the device using closed-loop feedback is required. The tuning of system components is based on an optimal control law (“locus”) that is obtained during pre-production device characterization phase.

Under process variation this locus might not be optimum anymore, requiring additional steps to maintain the benefits of this VIZOR system. The extra components required in a process-tolerant VIZOR (Pro-VIZOR) system are:

  • Process Sensing : To ensure optimum adaptation to varying channel conditions, the device should be able to self-test and ascertain the performance sensitivity of the individual circuit components to adaptation. Due to the process spread in manufactured devices, the adaptation in each device should be calibrated to enable minimum power operation. Unlike channel sensing (which is continuous), process sensing is a one-time procedure performed during production test.

  • Process Adaptability: To ensure effective environmental adaptation under process variation, a process adaptation routine drives the process estimation and then using that information find the modified optimum locus for the process skewed device.

The above mentioned components will be described in detail in the following subsection leading to the design of a process-tolerant environment-adaptive low-power system.

4.1.3 System Level Adaptation : Virtually Zero Margin RF (VIZOR )

The overall framework for transceiver adaptation is shown in Fig. 9.11. The mobile station (MS) is the point of interest where power consumption is minimized to increase battery lifetime using adaptation in both the transmitter and receiver. A real-time system-level adaptation approach for a tunable wireless transceiver, driven by closed-loop feedback control based on an adaptation metric, is presented here. This metric (in this case, illustrated via Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) of the received symbols) exhibits strong statistical correlation with Bit Error Rate (BER), i.e., usually used for characterizing the performance of a wireless link. The feedback control of the wireless device is designed so that this EVM value is always close to a specified upper limit irrespective of channel (environment) conditions. The EVM is calculated in the MS receiver baseband, and this information is used to govern the tuning of the receiver. Performance of the receiver is increased if calculated EVM is greater than the threshold EVM (EVMT) (corresponding to the maximum BER), and vice versa. The EVM always hovers around its threshold value, providing just enough power to the system to maintain desired performance. In contrast the MS transmitter performance is tracked by computing the EVM in the baseband of the BS. To facilitate power versus performance trade-off of the MS transmitter, this EVM information has to be delivered to the MS from the BS. This is achieved by encoding the information into the MAC header of the next data packet transmitted from BS to MS. The assumption here is the environment changes slowly compared to the duration of the packets, which is valid for a majority of the time that the device is in operation. To keep the transmitted MAC bit overhead minimum only 1 bit reporting scheme is adopted. The BS sends back 0 or 1 depending on EVM is greater or lesser than EVMT respectively. Using this information the MS baseband controls the tuning of the MS transmitter. Both the transmitter and receiver adaptation is performed in a standard compliant manner from data rate perspective, meaning this algorithm works in conjunction with higher level data rate switching protocol and strives to operate at minimum power by operating the system close EVMT (different for different modulation) for any given data rate. A comprehensive system-level framework tunes multiple system control “knobs” that include RF and digital blocks. A control law running on the baseband processor tunes these knobs while simultaneously performing baseband compensation on the received data to save power across all operating conditions without compromising the BER specification. Thus, by dynamically trading off performance (when not required) such an Adaptive System [8, 4244] shows significant power savings compared to Worst-Case Systems.

Fig. 9.11
figure 9_11_188195_1_En

System Level Adaptation Framework [45] A Suitable Adaptation Metric: EVM

The key issues to be considered in developing a dynamic feedback-driven power control for wireless systems include defining a suitable adaptation metric and the acceptance bounds on this metric for satisfactory operation. This metric should provide the best indication of the system performance under all possible environmental conditions and should be estimated in run-time. Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) fits the requirements. It quantifies the difference between the transmitted (ideal) and received (distorted) modulated data. The received signal passes through all the receiver components before it is demodulated and decoded in the baseband processor. The EVM specification therefore captures the cumulative effect of the environment such as attenuation, interference, multipath fading, etc. as well as all the circuit-level specifications such as gain, non-linearity, noise figure, input/output match, ADC resolution, etc. EVM computation is a byproduct of the normal baseband processing and represents minimal hardware/power overhead. Figure 9.12 shows the relation between EVM and BER for three modulation scheme, namely QPSK, 16-QAM, and 64-QAM. It also shows the variance in this metric for guard band estimation purposes. A good correlation between these metrics and a low variance allows using EVM as the adaptation metric. For example, if BER bound is set at 1e–3, the corresponding mean EVM bound for the QPSK and 16-QAM cases can be approximated to about 35 and 12.5%, respectively.

Fig. 9.12
figure 9_12_188195_1_En

EVM vs. BER relations for QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM and EVM guard band estimation for QPSK

4.1.4 VIZOR Receiver Adaptive Receiver Design Framework

Figure 9.13 shows the components of the Adaptive Receiver. It consists of both tunable RF components (LNA and mixer) as well as a tunable mixed signal block (ADC). The tunable supply/bias voltages for LNA and mixer, along with the tunable analog-to-digital converter (ADC) word length serve as control “knobs” for EVM-based feedback control. These tuning knobs provide a way to reduce performance for reduced power operation of the above mentioned blocks. The transmitted signal from the tower goes through a varying channel and passes through the receiver and gets sampled by the ADC. In the DSP, the sampled signal is compensated for known (pre-characterized) non-ideality of the current front end configuration and passed though baseband OFDM processor, which calculates EVM as a byproduct. If the EVM is less than the EVM threshold for the current modulation the power control block reduces the tuning knobs of the tunable components following a predefined control law to save power. This control law defines how all the “knobs” change in relation to each other when the receiver performance is being turned down. This calls for a multi-dimensional tuning algorithm that optimizes how the knobs should change (i.e.,the control law) in design phase and applies it to the adaptive receiver in run time to guarantee optimum performance of a nominal adaptive receiver.

Fig. 9.13
figure 9_13_188195_1_En

Adaptive Receiver Framework [18] Design Phase Optimization

During the design phase, a multi-dimensional optimization algorithm is used to determine a Minimum Power and Maximum EVM locus (that defines how to turn down the “knobs” with respect to each other). A set of channel conditions ranging from good to bad are modeled for use in the optimization procedure. The channel parameters (interference, multipath, and attenuation) are perturbed to obtain channels ranging from good (low EVM) to bad (high EVM). For each of these channel conditions, the optimal settings for control “knobs” are computed through a multi-dimensional optimization procedure as described below. Each optimized point refers to a set of knob values that provide the optimum power for the given channel and is a point on the locus (refer Fig. 9.14). The set of all points for all the channels define the optimum control law.

Fig. 9.14
figure 9_14_188195_1_En

Receiver power optimization [45] Development Optimal Control Law

The constraints on the optimizer is summarized as

  • Input: Maximum allowed EVM for each signal modulation (QPSK, 16-QAM, and 64-QAM).

  • Goal: For each signal modulation, find \(V_{{\textrm{dd}}} ,\,V_{{\textrm{bias}}} ,\,W\,{\textrm{tuning}} = f({\textrm{channel quality}})\) (channel quality) such that power (P) is minimized and \({\textrm{EVM}} = {\textrm{EVM}}\) threshold – EVM guard band.

  • The implementation details are outlined below.

  1. 1.

    For a given channel , starting from the nominal set of values for the supply and bias voltages and ADC word size, the following adaptation vector (A) is calculated

    $$A = \left[ {\frac{{\partial P}}{{\partial EVM_{V{\textrm{dd}}} }}\frac{{\partial P}}{{\partial EVM_{{\textrm{VBias}}} }} \cdots \frac{{\partial P}}{{\partial EVM_{\textrm{W}} }}} \right]$$

    Each entity in A is the ration of change in power consumption of the device and EVM change for a unit change in the corresponding control knob setting (given by the suffix).

  2. 2.

    For every iteration during the optimization procedure, the control knob (V dd, \(V_{{\textrm{bias}}}\), or W) corresponding to the maximum of the four entities in the third row is selected. This allows us to tune the knob that causes the maximum reduction in power consumption for the least increase in EVM.

  3. 3.

    Once a particular voltage parameter is selected, it is scaled down to generate a new set and A is recomputed, and the procedure is repeated.

  4. 4.

    For each channel , the iteration steps continue until the EVM threshold condition is violated or all possibilities are exhausted.

  5. 5.

    A table of these voltage values obtained across a range of channel conditions defines a optimal locus of points in an N-dimensional space for N available tuning knobs. The control law moves the tuning knobs only along this locus for minimum power operation during run time. Run-Time Operation of the Device

During run time, the control law forces continuous adaptation of the device to minimize power while meeting the BER constraint at all data rates and channel conditions. This is done by operating the system along the optimal locus of the control knob settings obtained from the optimization procedure. The threshold and guard band for EVM is set based on the estimated channel quality and current data rate. The voltage scaling is performed independently for each modulation in a standard-compliant manner such that the received signal quality meets the required bit error rate specification for each modulation. The run-time operation is shown in Fig. 9.15a. EVM keeps on increasing as the VIZOR controller throttles the receiver power lower and lower until EVM threshold is reached. Figure 9.15b shows the power of the system as it adapts, highlighting the power savings in lower power bias points than the highest (nominal) one.

Fig. 9.15
figure 9_15_188195_1_En

(a) EVM variation with time and (b) operation along the locus showing power savings compared to the static case (highest point on the locus) [45]

The design of the power control circuitry is crucial in this approach, as it determines the power savings. Low-power operability would be limited by the response and settling time of the feedback control circuitry. Careful optimization of the control loop parameters is necessary to ensure stability, especially under fast varying channel conditions. Response times of the order of a few micro seconds for power management blocks have been presented in literature [32], whereas the channel variation is much slower compared to this, allowing this method to be feasible. In case the channel changes abruptly the VIZOR controller takes the system to full power operation to avoid significant data loss. Power Savings

The power-EVM optimizer is used to obtain the locus of optimal control knob settings for a set of 12 different channels (locus points) ranging from good to bad. Three popular modulation schemes – QPSK, 16-QAM, and 64-QAM are studied. The optimal RF front-end power consumptions across these channel conditions are plotted in Fig. 9.16a for the three different modulations. It is observed that for a majority of the channel conditions, the optimal RF power consumption is lower than nominal value of 48 mW. It is also observed that the optimal control knob settings and the associated power consumption is lowest for QPSK modulation. This is due to the tighter requirements on the SNR for 16-QAM and 64-QAM (higher data rates). The optimal W required along the locus points is shown in Fig. 9.16b. As observed, simulations indicate that sufficient margin exists for pruning W (maximum of 8 bits) under favorable channel conditions. Up to 2 bits of resolution can be sacrificed for QPSK modulation under majority of the channel conditions. Though the margin is lower in the case of 16-QAM and 64-QAM modulation, the system budget allows for a bit drop under good channel conditions.

Fig. 9.16
figure 9_16_188195_1_En

(a) Power consumption for different modulations and (b) optimal ADC wordsize (W) along the locus for different modulations [45]

In wireless standards such as WLAN, the higher-level MAC protocol dynamically changes the data rate (modulation and coding) based on the channel conditions. The control law operates within the framework of the protocol by operating the device near the threshold for each data rate. From simulations, the computed upper bounds of EVM specification for QPSK, 16-QAM, and 64-QAM modulations are 35, 12, and 4.3%, respectively, for a BER compliance of 5e-4. While the data rate and modulations are changed by the higher-level protocol, the above described adaptive operation minimizes power consumption in the receiver by exploiting the EVM margins. The available margins for each modulation are a strong function of the individual circuit components of the receiver. Therefore, careful designs of tunable components in the receiver that exhibit power vs. performance trade-off maximize the power savings in a VIZOR receiver. The adaptive receiver shows significant power savings across different channel conditions with a maximum savings going up to 4X (QPSK), excluding the efficiency loss in the PMU.

4.1.5 VIZOR Transmitter

This subsection describes how the wireless transmitter can be adapted to the environment for low-power operation [14, 46]. Transmitter Adaptation

The PA is the most power hungry block in the transmitter. Hence VIZOR operation in the transmitter is targeted towards saving power in the PA. Figure 9.17 provides an illustration of the adaptive operation of the transmitter. In OFDM transmitter, there is a requirement of high P1dB specification (1 dB compression point) for the PA due to the high peak-to-average ratio (PAR) of the transmitted signal. This requirement of a high PAR ratio translates to high DC power consumption in the PA. To address this issue, a dynamic PAR reduction block (called companding) is used in the transmitter DSP that control the amount of PAR reduction adaptively under favorable channel conditions. This in turn reduces the P1dB requirements of the PA for the same output power level. Significant power savings can be obtained by co-tuning PAR reduction with adaptive PA operation depending upon the channel quality. Adaptive biasing of the PA is performed to save power (lower P1dB ) by applying gate and drain bias though the power management blocks. The adaptive RF PA maintains its class of operation across different operating points, so that the linearity requirement and out of band spurious emission performance is maintained while the PA adapts for low-power operation.

Fig. 9.17
figure 9_17_188195_1_En

Block diagram of the VIZOR transmitter [45] Dynamic Companding and Adaptive PA Operation

Dynamic companding is done using the following formula,

$$\begin{array}{l} x_{\textrm{nc}} = K\displaystyle\frac{{{\textrm{sign}}(x) \times \ln \left[ {1 + \mu \left| {\displaystyle\frac{{x_n }}{A}} \right|} \right]}}{{\ln [1 + \mu ]}} \\ \begin{array}{*{20}cl} \begin{array}{l} {\textbf{x}}_{\textbf{n}} {\textbf{ = original signal}} \\ {\textbf{x}}_{{\textbf{nc}}} {\textbf{ = companded signal}} \\ \end{array} &\displaystyle {0 \le \left| {\displaystyle\frac{{x_n }}{A}} \right| \le 1} \\\end{array} \\ \end{array}$$

where K is the scaling factor and μ is the companding factor that is dynamically modified. The signal is retrieved by expanding in the receiver. The more the signal is companded, lesser the PAR, and hence the P1dB requirement of the PA reduces. On the other hand, as companding increases the signal becomes more and more susceptible to noise. The maximum amount of PAR reduction that can be achieved without compromising on BER for different channel conditions is obtained from system level simulations. For each channel the maximum achievable PAR reduction is found from the value of μ for which \({\textrm{EVM}} = {\textrm{EVM}}_{\textrm{T}}\). An adaptive PA that maintains its class of operation while adapting is used. The relaxed P1dB requirement is exploited by rebiasing the PA and saving power in real-time. The relation between the achievable PAR and the corresponding drain and gate voltages of the PA for minimum power operation is characterized prior hand, and used during online operation for adaptive tuning of the transmitter. During run time the real-time EVM information is fed back from BS to MS (refer Fig. 9.11) and is used for adapting the PA. Power Savings

Figure 9.18 plots the P1dB and DC power consumption of the adaptive PA and comparable static PA across the different bias points. Under good channel conditions, a PAR reduction of 7.25 dB is possible while maintaining the required EVM for QPSK modulation. This translates to relaxation of P1dB requirement from 12.6 to 5.4 dBm for the adaptive PA. This lets the adaptive PA to operate at lesser DC power consumption. Up to 3X power savings can be achieved as seen in the figure. The gate and drain bias of the adaptive PA in terms of companding factor μ defines the locus of transmitter for environmental adaptation .

Fig. 9.18
figure 9_18_188195_1_En

Power consumption of static and adaptive PA and power savings [45]

4.1.6 Adaptive Low-Power VIZOR Operation Under Process Variation Effect of Process Variation on Adaptive Low-Power Systems

With continued scaling the of device geometry in the nanometer regime the controllability of the fabrication process has reduced significantly, resulting in severe process variation. The effect of process variation in Analog/RF circuits shows up as failing of one or more specifications, resulting in classification of the device as faulty. This in turn reduces the yield of the system. To increase yield under process variation more built-in design margin is required for static designs, increasing power consumption. Hence low-power adaptive design methodologies become even more significant under sever process variation.

The previous subsections described the environment-adaptive VIZOR operations of the transmitter and receiver modules of MS for changing channel conditions. In both the cases, the device operation follows a pre-defined control law (“locus”) that is obtained during the design/characterization phase. It should be noted that the optimal control law that is obtained is specific for a device and may not work well for another device in the manufacturing lot due to process variations. To address this issue, a test and process tuning (calibration) procedure must be performed during the production test phase to ensure that all the device operate at minimum power level while satisfying the system EVM/BER. The main components of such a process variation tolerant environment-adaptive transceiver are discussed below. Process Sensing Using Test

Process sensing and tuning is performed using simple tests during the production testing phase of the product development cycle. Alternate testing methodology [47] provides simple and fast tests to estimate complex specification through simple test measurements using supervised learning techniques. Loopback-based alternate testing of RF transceivers has been shown as a low-cost production test technique where the performance-parameters (specifications) of a complex transceiver are estimated using a simple test approach. In loopback-based alternate testing the output of the transmitter is looped back to the receiver to estimate the receiver parameters. But loopback test suffers from accuracy issues because the looped back signal from the transmitter usually does not have high fidelity due to process variations in the transmitter itself. An adaptive testing technique such as shown in Fig. 9.19 enables process sensing using loopback test highly accurate.

Fig. 9.19
figure 9_19_188195_1_En

ACT-based loopback testing approach [45]

Adaptive Calibration Test (ACT): the adaptive test methodology adopts a three-step procedure to ensure high accuracy of estimation.

  • Test the transmitter for its specifications.

  • Tune the transmitter for process variations by changing the available hardware and software knobs to ensure a near ideal operation of the transmitter

  • Estimate the receiver specifications using loopback from the transmitter.

The tuning performed in this phase of product development cycle is to facilitate low-cost process test. Once the specifications are estimated accurately the tuning knobs can be reverted back to nominal operating conditions.

Tuning Technique: In ACT-based tuning technique an envelope detector is used to obtain information about the transmitter characteristics. A golden envelope response pertaining to an ideal transmitter instance is obtained before-hand.

Circuit Tuning: A simple gradient-based adaptive algorithm is used to dynamically control the circuit tuning parameters. The algorithm tunes the bias and supply values continually till the observed envelope of the system is within a certain tolerance limit in comparison to the golden envelope.

The distortion information obtained by comparing the observed envelope with the golden envelope is then used, to compute the coefficients of the correction polynomials, to correct the input of the system in such a way that the output of the system is in correspondence to near ideal operation (i.e., after tuning the observed envelope as close as possible to the golden envelope). Figure 9.20a shows the prediction of the transmitter gain of the DUT. Figure 9.20b shows the estimation of receiver gain without tuning the transmitter (conventional loopback approach). Figure 9.20c shows the receiver gain prediction for ACT-based loopback approach. Similar results for other specifications could be found in [48]. Using ACT both the transmitter and receiver specifications are predicted very accurately. But any other test/diagnosis technique would hold in this context. The process parameter sensed in steps (a) and (c) would now be used for performing process-tolerant VIZOR operation.

Fig. 9.20
figure 9_20_188195_1_En

Estimation plots for system gain Low-Power Adaptation Under Process Variation

An illustration of process tuning procedure is given in Fig. 9.21. Process estimation using alternate test and tuning is performed during the production test phase. Figure 9.21 shows the process estimation and tuning flow was for a transceiver. The power optimal operation of a VIZOR transmitter or receiver depends on a pre-characterized locus as discussed before. Due to process variations in manufactured devices, the optimal locus is different for every device. Therefore, the purpose of process tuning is to identify the “right” locus for the DUT. The following steps are performed to ensure this. A set of N p process perturbed (nominal distribution) instances that adequately span the entire process space is generated during the design/characterization phase. For each of these instances, the optimal locus is obtained using the earlier described optimization. Key circuit-level specification values such as gain, IIP3 (third order intercept), phase noise, etc. and power sensitivities are measured and stored. Here, the power sensitivity refers to the power gradients w.r.t. changing tuning knob values – \(\partial p/\partial V_{{\textrm{dd}}} ,\,\partial p/\partial V_{\textrm{b}}\). The above-mentioned device characteristics, referred to as the process- adaptation metrics along with the optimal locus constitute completely to characterize a device. Moreover, the process-adaptation metrics of each device exhibit a strong correlation with the optimal locus for that device. If the process-adaptation metrics can be accurately measured for a device, the corresponding optimal locus can be estimated using a simple correlation-based mapping function. Here, a simple look-up table (LUT) based approach is used. A LUT consisting of the adaptation metrics along with optimal locus for the N p instances is stored for future reference (product test/tuning phase).

Fig. 9.21
figure 9_21_188195_1_En

Process sensing and estimation of optimal locus for minimum power operation of the DUT under process variation [45]

During the production test/tuning phase, the process-adaptation metrics are first measured for the transmitter module in the DUT. Once the transmitter metrics are measured, the corresponding “best” fit locus is obtained by referring to the LUT and comparing the adaptation metrics of the DUT with the available set. Next, the transmitter is tuned to facilitate receiver testing as described earlier. Once this is done, the receiver adaptation metrics are estimated, which are in turn used to estimate the optimal locus for DUT. Thus, the “best” fit locus can be obtained for each device facilitating minimum power operation during run time. Extra Power Savings Using Process Tuning

Figure 9.22a shows the DC power consumed by a process-perturbed instance before and after process tuning. Run-time operation of the device was first simulated. For this purpose, the device was adapted for changing channel conditions using a locus obtained for a nominal device. Later the device was tested and the optimal locus is obtained after estimation of process-adaptation metrics. The run-time operation was then simulated using the obtained optimal locus. As observed from Fig. 9.22a, when process was tuned, the device consumes lesser power for all the 12 different simulated channel conditions. The difference in device DC power consumption (Δp), while operating along the actual and estimated loci are calculated and plotted as an histogram for all the 50 instances. The Δps for most of the instances being close to zero shows the accuracy of process sensing and tuning approach.

Fig. 9.22
figure 9_22_188195_1_En

(a) Power savings obtained with process tuning and (b) optimality of locus selection: histogram of Δp/P in % [45]

4.2 Power Conscious System Level Self-Healing Solution

The concept of system level healing is described with a case study of yield improvement for a mobile transmitter.

4.2.1 Effect of Process Variation and Built in Tunability

As described in previous sections the reduced controllability of the fabrication process in the nanometer regime reflects as significant variation of the important specifications from chip to chip. The yield of a system design starts to get affected severely as variation in the subsystems directly affects the system specifications. In this section we target to develop healing solutions for complete systems. The general methodology of healing a process skewed system is to have built-in tunability in the system and intelligently tune the system under variation such the system specifications come back within acceptable bounds [4952].

This calls for identifying proper tuning knobs in a design such that the tunable range obtained of the specifications concerned is close to or more than the variations of the same for a 3 sigma variation of the process parameters. This fact is illustrated for a PA in Fig. 9.23. Figure 9.23a shows the \(P_{{\textrm{out}}}\) vs. P in for a PA with V dd (supply voltage) varying within its tuning range. It can be seen that for higher supply voltages gain is lower (due to g m being lower at high values of I d), P1dB is higher and vice versa. So a gain vs. P1dB trade-off can be achieved by using supply as a tuning knob. Similarly even more tuning capability is achieved by using supply and bias of the PA as two tuning knobs simultaneously. Figure 9.23b plots the \(P_{{\textrm{out}}}\) vs. P in for the PA over all combinations of supply and bias knob settings for 4 process instances, 0 being the nominal instance. It is to be noted that some of them (namely 2 and 3) exhibit “small parameter variation” [52] and can be tuned back completely by choosing the right tuning knob values. On the other hand there are instances (like 1) which exhibit “large parameter variation” and can only be tuned for its Gain and not P1dB. To understand how a specification changes with process and how it can be tuned back the Gain of an illustrative Transmitter (with tunable PA and Mixer) is shown in Fig. 9.23c for the nominal process and a varied process instance. For the nominal case the transmitter is to be biased at maximum gain. However, under variation this setting is not optimum for gain. So the job of the healing algorithm is to find out a new tuning knob setting such that the gain is closest to its nominal value for the varied process instance. Now there could be several such knob settings that provide the same gain. A power conscious self-healing system would choose the setting with minimum hit in power consumption. A system level power conscious self-healing framework would find a new setting that optimizes all the specifications for the system simultaneously while minimizing power.

Fig. 9.23
figure 9_23_188195_1_En

(a) \(P_{{\textrm{out}}}\) vs. P in for a PA over V dd variation. (b) \(P_{{\textrm{out}}}\) vs. P in over all combination of tuning knobs (supply and bias) for four process instances. (c) Gain of a transmitter over all tuning knob combinations for 2 process instances [52]

4.2.2 System Level Healing Framework

The framework for power conscious system level self-healing is described below and is shown in Fig. 9.24. The methodology consists of the following key steps:

  • The system is made up of tunable components with built in tuning knobs.

  • During production test/characterization/tune phase any instance with non-nominal specifications are tuned to be as close as possible to the nominalone.

  • An optimized test stimulus is applied to the system with nominal tuning knob settings. Important specifications are calculated from the test response using standard methods or alternate test methods [47] using built in sensors (as shown in Fig. 9.24) for faster response time.

  • If the specifications are within the preset bounds the device passes and the current knob settings are to be applied while operation.

  • If not, the device would have failed in static sense and should now be healed to try to pass it, so that the yield increases.

  • A power conscious constraint optimization algorithm updates the knob settings and repeats this procedure until the best knob setting for the given process is achieved.

  • The final setting found from the optimizations is applied to the system during runtime operation.

  • At the end of the optimization a significant number of instances are expected to meet all of the specifications (as 2 and 3 in Fig. 9.23b); however, there would be some that would still not meet all the specifications (as 4 in Fig. 9.23b).

Fig. 9.24
figure 9_24_188195_1_En

System level power conscious self-healing framework

The detail of the constrained optimization used to perform the power conscious system level healing is described below.

4.2.3 Core Algorithm: Constrained Optimization

In this subsection an “Augmented Lagrange” based nonlinear optimization approach is described to search for the best possible way to turn a knob with the least impact on power. The details of the algorithm are shown in Fig. 9.25. A typical constrained optimization problem is formulated as follows:

$$\begin{array}{ll}{\textrm{Minimize}}: & f(x) \\ {\textrm{Subject to }}G(x) & \le 0 \\ \end{array}$$
Fig. 9.25
figure 9_25_188195_1_En

Power constrained healing algorithm [52]

Where f(x) is the main objective function that needs to be minimized and the function set \(G(x) = [g_1 (x),\,g_2 (x) \ldots g_n (x)]\) are the set of constraints that need to be satisfied while minimizing f(x). The key objective of this work is to improve the overall yield of the system with minimal impact on the power consumption. In this work the DC power consumption of the RF transmitter system across the supply and bias tuning knobs is formulated as the main objective function that needs to be minimized. The accompanying specs are formulated as multiple constraints.

Constraint Formulation: For a given process the nominal specification is taken to be Snom and the DUT’s specification to be S. It is common to guard band the nominal specifications in order to trade-off multiple specs. Let gb be defined as the guard bands associated with the nominal specs. It is desirable that \(abs(Snom - S) \le ab\). The previous equation can be slightly modified as shown Equation (9.2) to represent a typical inequality constraint similar to Equation (9.1).

$$g_i (x) = - gb_i + {\textrm{abs}}({\textrm{S}}_i {\textrm{nom}} - {\textrm{S}}_i ) \le 0$$

The constraints considered are Gain, and distortion measures such as IIP2 and IIP3. A method frequently used to find solutions for problems like Equation (9.1) is the “Augmented LaGrangian method” that combines both the “penalty methods” and the “LaGrangian” methods for solving a constrained optimization problem. The augmented Lagrange function can be formulated in many different ways. Here, the function given by [53] is adapted to convert a constrained problem to an unconstrained function as shown in Equation (9.3).

$$L(x,\lambda ,\gamma ) = f(x) + \sum\limits_{i = 1}^N {[\max (\frac{1}{2}} \lambda i + \gamma .g_i (x),0)]^2 $$

Where λi are the LaGrangian multipliers and the γ is the penalty parameter. A detailed discussion of this technique is beyond the scope of this paper. Detailed insights into the search technique can be found in [53]. In Equation (9.3) “x” refers to a unique combination of the tuning knob values. The update conditions for the λi variables can be derived to the expression shown below. Penalty values (γ) are increased if λ variables fail to update in a particular iteration.

A simple pseudo code of the algorithm is as follows:

  1. (1)

    Start with an initial \(x_0 ,\,\lambda = 0\), and \(\gamma = 1\).

  2. (2)

    Use gradient descent approaches [50] to solve for the minimum \((x_k^* )\) of Equation (9.3).

  3. (3)

    Update \(\lambda _{k + 1} = \max (\lambda _k + 2\gamma _k \cdot g(x_k^* ),0)\).

  4. (4)

    Update \(\gamma _{k + 1} = 2 \cdot \gamma _k\) if λ has not changed from previous iteration.

  5. (5)

    Iteratively optimize till \(\left\| {x_k^* - x_{k + 1}^* } \right\| < \xi\) or if a preset no of iterations are run.

Local Minima: While gradient search techniques do tend to get caught up in the local minimums, the penalty and the lambda functions ensure that the overall search approach recovers quickly from a local minimum. Also some advanced technique proposed in [54] could be used to avoid this problem for an extremely complicated surface.

Figure 9.26 shows the exhaustive specification surfaces for Gain, IIP2, and IIP3. Figure 9.26 also shows the cost function surface (which is nothing but Equation (9.3) evaluated across all the knobs values “x”) across the tuning knobs for the penultimate iteration particular value of λ and γ before convergence. It can be seen from the figures that the cost function has evolved to accommodate distinct minimum located at a supply voltage of 1.8 and bias of 0.6 that satisfies all the constraints with the least impact on the power consumption.

Fig. 9.26
figure 9_26_188195_1_En

Surface plots for specs and Aug-Lagrange cost [52]

4.2.4 Yield Improvement: A Transmitter Case Study

In this section the tuning results for the augmented LaGrange based is presented.

The yield analysis of the lot before and after self-healing is shown above. Gain, IIP2, and IIP3 were used for the yield calculation. The bounds for gain, IIP2, and IIP3 were fixed as shown in Fig. 9.27. It shows the yield plots before and after tuning for the transmitter and the receiver. Based on the given bounds the yield was observed to be 61.59% before tuning and 96.02% after tuning for the transmitter process lot thereby resulting in a yield improvement of 34.43%, showing the effectiveness of the power conscious self-healing approach.

Fig. 9.27
figure 9_27_188195_1_En

Yield improvement results for tuning of transmitter using augmented LaGrange approach [52]

5 Conclusion

This chapter discusses the problems in Analog/RF systems in the era of high integration and severe process variation. Power consumption and variability tend to dominate design choices in this era. This chapter provides an overview of low power and process tolerance techniques in Mixed Signal/RF circuits both in component level as well as system level. Several possible tuning knobs have been identified in important MS/RF components. Component level tuning for process as well as low power has been described. System level solutions that use the component level tuning knobs to provide increased controllability are discussed. As an example, a system level solution is discussed for adaptive low power under dynamically changing environment and process-tolerant solution for such an adaptive system was provided. Finally the chapter ends with a system level self-healing solution for process tolerance of complete wireless systems.