
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

As a result of the continuing information explosion, many organizations are drowning in data and the resulting “data gap” or inability to process this information and use it effectively is increasing at an alarming rate. Data-intensive computing represents a new computing paradigm (Kouzes, Anderson, Elbert, Gorton, & Gracio, 2009) which can address the data gap using scalable parallel processing to allow government, commercial organizations, and research environments to process massive amounts of data and implement applications previously thought to be impractical or infeasible. Cloud computing provides the opportunity for organizations with limited internal resources to implement large-scale data-intensive computing applications in a cost-effective manner.

The fundamental challenges of data-intensive computing are managing and processing exponentially growing data volumes, significantly reducing associated data analysis cycles to support practical, timely applications, and developing new algorithms which can scale to search and process massive amounts of data. Researchers at LexisNexis believe that the answer to these challenges is a scalable, integrated computer systems hardware and software architecture designed for parallel processing of data-intensive computing applications. This chapter explores the challenges of data-intensive computing and offers an in-depth comparison of commercially available system architectures including the LexisNexis Data Analytics Supercomputer (DAS) also referred to as the LexisNexis High-Performance Computing Cluster (HPCC), and Hadoop, an open source implementation based on Google’s MapReduce architecture.

Cloud computing emphasizes the ability to scale computing resources as needed without a large upfront investment in infrastructure and associated ongoing operational costs (Napper & Bientinesi, 2009; Reese, 2009; Velte, Velte, & Elsenpeter, 2009). Cloud computing services are typically categorized in three models: (1) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Service includes provision of hardware and software for processing, data storage, networks and any required infrastructure for deployment of operating systems and applications which would normally be needed in a data center managed by the user; (2) Platform as a Service (PaaS). Service includes programming languages and tools and an application delivery platform hosted by the service provider to support development and delivery of end-user applications; and (3) Software as a Service (SaaS). Hosted software applications are provided and managed by the service provider for the end-user replacing locally-run applications with Web-based applications (Lenk, Klems, Nimis, Tai, & Sandholm, 2009; Levitt, 2009; Mell & Grance, 2009; Vaquero, Rodero-Merino, Caceres, & Lindner, 2009; Viega, 2009).

Data-intensive computing applications are implemented using either the IaaS model which allows the provisioning of scalable clusters of processors for data-parallel computing using various software architectures, or the PaaS model which provides a complete processing and application development environment including both infrastructure and platform components such as programming languages and applications development tools. Data-intensive computing can be implemented in a public cloud (cloud infrastructure and platform is publicly available from a cloud services provider) such as Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Elastic MapReduce or as a private cloud (cloud infrastructure and platform is operated solely for a specific organization and may exist internally or externally to the organization) (Mell & Grance, 2009). IaaS and PaaS implementations for data-intensive computing can be either dynamically provisioned in virtualized processing environments based on application scheduling and data processing requirements, or can be implemented as a persistent high-availability configuration. A persistent configuration has a performance advantage since it uses dedicated infrastructure instead of virtualized servers shared with other users.

1.1 Data-Intensive Computing Applications

Parallel processing approaches can be generally classified as either compute-intensive, or data-intensive (Skillicorn & Talia, 1998; Gorton, Greenfield, Szalay, & Williams, 2008; Johnston, 1998). Compute-intensive is used to describe application programs that are compute bound. Such applications devote most of their execution time to computational requirements as opposed to I/O, and typically require small volumes of data. Parallel processing of compute-intensive applications typically involves parallelizing individual algorithms within an application process, and decomposing the overall application process into separate tasks, which can then be executed in parallel on an appropriate computing platform to achieve overall higher performance than serial processing. In compute-intensive applications, multiple operations are performed simultaneously, with each operation addressing a particular part of the problem. This is often referred to as functional parallelism or control parallelism (Abbas, 2004).

Data-intensive is used to describe applications that are I/O bound or with a need to process large volumes of data (Gorton et al., 2008; Johnston, 1998; Gokhale, Cohen, Yoo, & Miller, 2008). Such applications devote most of their processing time to I/O and movement of data. Parallel processing of data-intensive applications typically involves partitioning or subdividing the data into multiple segments which can be processed independently using the same executable application program in parallel on an appropriate computing platform, then reassembling the results to produce the completed output data (Nyland, Prins, Goldberg, & Mills, 2000). The greater the aggregate distribution of the data, the more benefit there is in parallel processing of the data. Gorton et al. (2008) state that data-intensive processing requirements normally scale linearly according to the size of the data and are very amenable to straightforward parallelization. The fundamental challenges for data-intensive computing according to Gorton et al. (2008) are managing and processing exponentially growing data volumes, significantly reducing associated data analysis cycles to support practical, timely applications, and developing new algorithms which can scale to search and process massive amounts of data. Cloud computing can address these challenges with the capability to provision new computing resources or extend existing resources to provide parallel computing capabilities which scale to match growing data volumes (Grossman, 2009).

1.2 Data-Parallelism

Computer system architectures which can support data-parallel applications are a potential solution to terabyte and petabyte scale data processing requirements (Nyland et al., 2000; Ravichandran, Pantel, & Hovy, 2004). According to Agichtein and Ganti (2004), parallelization is considered to be an attractive alternative for processing extremely large collections of data such as the billions of documents on the Web (Agichtein, 2004). Nyland et al. (2000) define data-parallelism as a computation applied independently to each data item of a set of data which allows the degree of parallelism to be scaled with the volume of data. According to Nyland et al. (2000), the most important reason for developing data-parallel applications is the potential for scalable performance, and may result in several orders of magnitude performance improvement. The key issues with developing applications using data-parallelism are the choice of the algorithm, the strategy for data decomposition, load balancing on processing nodes, message passing communications between nodes, and the overall accuracy of the results (Nyland et al., 2000; Rencuzogullari & Dwarkadas, 2001). Nyland et al. (2000) also note that the development of a data-parallel application can involve substantial programming complexity to define the problem in the context of available programming tools, and to address limitations of the target architecture. Information extraction from and indexing of Web documents is typical of data-intensive processing which can derive significant performance benefits from data-parallel implementations since Web and other types of document collections can typically then be processed in parallel (Agichtein, 2004).

1.3 The “Data Gap”

The rapid growth of the Internet and World Wide Web has led to vast amounts of information available online. In addition, business and government organizations create large amounts of both structured and unstructured information which needs to be processed, analyzed, and linked. Vinton Cerf of Google has described this as an “Information Avalanche” and has stated “we must harness the Internet’s energy before the information it has unleashed buries us” (Cerf, 2007). An IDC white paper sponsored by EMC estimated the amount of information currently stored in a digital form in 2007 at 281 exabytes and the overall compound growth rate at 57% with information in organizations growing at even a faster rate (Gantz et al., 2007). In another study of the so-called information explosion it was estimated that 95% of all current information exists in unstructured form with increased data processing requirements compared to structured information (Lyman & Varian, 2003). The storing, managing, accessing, and processing of this vast amount of data represents a fundamental need and an immense challenge in order to satisfy needs to search, analyze, mine, and visualize this data as information (Berman, 2008). In 2003, LexisNexis defined this issue as the “Data Gap”: the ability to gather information is far outpacing organizational capacity to use it effectively.

Organizations build the applications to fill the storage they have available, and build the storage to fit the applications and data they have. But will organizations be able to do useful things with the information they have to gain full and innovative use of their untapped data resources? As organizational data grows, how will the “Data Gap” be addressed and bridged? Researchers at LexisNexis believe that the answer is a scalable computer systems hardware and software architecture designed for data-intensive computing applications which can scale to processing billions of records per second (BORPS) (Note: the term BORPS was introduced by Seisint, Inc. in 2002. Seisint was acquired by LexisNexis in 2004). What are the characteristics of data-intensive computing systems and what system architectures are available to organizations to implement data-intensive computing applications? Can these capabilities be implemented using cloud computing to reduce risk and upfront investment in infrastructure and to allow a pay-as-you-go model? This chapter will explore those issues and offer a comparison of commercially available system architectures.

2 Characteristics of Data-Intensive Computing Systems

The National Science Foundation believes that data-intensive computing requires a “fundamentally different set of principles” than current computing approaches (NSF, 2009). Through a funding program within the Computer and Information Science and Engineering area, the NSF is seeking to “increase understanding of the capabilities and limitations of data-intensive computing.” The key areas of focus are:

  • Approaches to parallel programming to address the parallel processing of data on data-intensive systems

  • Programming abstractions including models, languages, and algorithms which allow a natural expression of parallel processing of data

  • Design of data-intensive computing platforms to provide high levels of reliability, efficiency, availability, and scalability.

  • Identifying applications that can exploit this computing paradigm and determining how it should evolve to support emerging data-intensive applications.

Pacific Northwest National Labs has defined data-intensive computing as “capturing, managing, analyzing, and understanding data at volumes and rates that push the frontiers of current technologies” (Kouzes et al., 2009; PNNL, 2008). They believe that to address the rapidly growing data volumes and complexity requires “epochal advances in software, hardware, and algorithm development” which can scale readily with size of the data and provide effective and timely analysis and processing results. The HPCC architecture developed by LexisNexis represents such an advance in capabilities.

2.1 Processing Approach

Current data-intensive computing platforms use a “divide and conquer” parallel processing approach combining multiple processors and disks in large computing clusters connected using high-speed communications switches and networks which allows the data to be partitioned among the available computing resources and processed independently to achieve performance and scalability based on the amount of data (Fig. 5.1). Buyya, Yeo, Venugopal, Broberg, and Brandic (2009) define a cluster as “a type of parallel and distributed system, which consists of a collection of inter-connected stand-alone computers working together as a single integrated computing resource.” This approach to parallel processing is often referred to as a “shared nothing” approach since each node consisting of processor, local memory, and disk resources shares nothing with other nodes in the cluster. In parallel computing this approach is considered suitable for data processing problems which are “embarrassingly parallel” , i.e. where it is relatively easy to separate the problem into a number of parallel tasks and there is no dependency or communication required between the tasks other than overall management of the tasks. These types of data processing problems are inherently adaptable to various forms of distributed computing including clusters and data grids and cloud computing.

Fig. 5.1
figure 1

Shared nothing computing cluster

2.2 Common Characteristics

There are several important common characteristics of data-intensive computing systems that distinguish them from other forms of computing. First is the principle of collocation of the data and programs or algorithms to perform the computation. To achieve high performance in data-intensive computing, it is important to minimize the movement of data (Gray, 2008). In direct contrast to other types of computing and supercomputing which utilize data stored in a separate repository or servers and transfer the data to the processing system for computation, data-intensive computing uses distributed data and distributed file systems in which data is located across a cluster of processing nodes, and instead of moving the data, the program or algorithm is transferred to the nodes with the data that needs to be processed. This principle – “Move the code to the data” – which was designed into the data-parallel processing architecture implemented by Seisint in 2003, is extremely effective since program size is usually small in comparison to the large datasets processed by data-intensive systems and results in much less network traffic since data can be read locally instead of across the network. This characteristic allows processing algorithms to execute on the nodes where the data resides reducing system overhead and increasing performance (Gorton et al., 2008).

A second important characteristic of data-intensive computing systems is the programming model utilized. Data-intensive computing systems utilize a machine-independent approach in which applications are expressed in terms of high-level operations on data, and the runtime system transparently controls the scheduling, execution, load balancing, communications, and movement of programs and data across the distributed computing cluster (Bryant, 2008). The programming abstraction and language tools allow the processing to be expressed in terms of data flows and transformations incorporating new dataflow programming languages and shared libraries of common data manipulation algorithms such as sorting. Conventional supercomputing and distributed computing systems typically utilize machine dependent programming models which can require low-level programmer control of processing and node communications using conventional imperative programming languages and specialized software packages which adds complexity to the parallel programming task and reduces programmer productivity. A machine dependent programming model also requires significant tuning and is more susceptible to single points of failure.

A third important characteristic of data-intensive computing systems is the focus on reliability and availability. Large-scale systems with hundreds or thousands of processing nodes are inherently more susceptible to hardware failures, communications errors, and software bugs. Data-intensive computing systems are designed to be fault resilient. This includes redundant copies of all data files on disk, storage of intermediate processing results on disk, automatic detection of node or processing failures, and selective re-computation of results. A processing cluster configured for data-intensive computing is typically able to continue operation with a reduced number of nodes following a node failure with automatic and transparent recovery of incomplete processing.

A final important characteristic of data-intensive computing systems is the inherent scalability of the underlying hardware and software architecture. Data-intensive computing systems can typically be scaled in a linear fashion to accommodate virtually any amount of data, or to meet time-critical performance requirements by simply adding additional processing nodes to a system configuration in order to achieve billions of records per second processing rates (BORPS). The number of nodes and processing tasks assigned for a specific application can be variable or fixed depending on the hardware, software, communications, and distributed file system architecture. This scalability allows computing problems once considered to be intractable due to the amount of data required or amount of processing time required to now be feasible and affords opportunities for new breakthroughs in data analysis and information processing.

2.3 Grid Computing

A similar computing paradigm known as grid computing has gained popularity primarily in research environments (Abbas, 2004). A computing grid is typically heterogeneous in nature (nodes can have different processor, memory, and disk resources), and consists of multiple disparate computers distributed across organizations and often geographically using wide-area networking communications usually with relatively low-bandwidth. Grids are typically used to solve complex computational problems which are compute-intensive requiring only small amounts of data for each processing node. A variation known as data grids allow shared repositories of data to be accessed by a grid and utilized in application processing, however the low-bandwidth of data grids limit their effectiveness for large-scale data-intensive applications.

In contrast, data-intensive computing systems are typically homogeneous in nature (nodes in the computing cluster have identical processor, memory, and disk resources), use high-bandwidth communications between nodes such as gigabit Ethernet switches, and are located in close proximity in a data center using high-density hardware such as rack-mounted blade servers. The logical file system typically includes all the disks available on the nodes in the cluster and data files are distributed across the nodes as opposed to a separate shared data repository such as a storage area network which would require data to be moved to nodes for processing. Geographically dispersed grid systems are more difficult to manage, less reliable, and less secure than data-intensive computing systems which are usually located in secure data center environments.

2.4 Applicability to Cloud Computing

Cloud computing can take many shapes. Most visualize the cloud as the Internet or Web which is often depicted in this manner, but a more general definition is that cloud computing shifts the location of the computing resources and infrastructure providing computing applications to the network (Vaquero et al., 2009). Software accessible through the cloud becomes a service, application platforms accessible through the cloud to develop and deliver new applications become a service, and hardware and software to create infrastructure and virtual data center environments accessible through the cloud becomes a service (Weiss, 2007). Other characteristics usually associated with cloud computing include a reduction in the costs associated with management of hardware and software resources (Hayes, 2008), pay-per-use or pay-as-you-go access to software applications and on-demand computing resources (Vaquero et al., 2009), dynamic provisioning of infrastructure and scalability of resources to match the size of the data and computing requirements which is directly applicable to the characteristics of data-intensive computing (Grossman & Gu, 2009). Buyya et al. (2009) provide the following comprehensive definition of a cloud: “A Cloud is a type of parallel and distributed system consisting of a collection of inter-connected and virtualized computers that are dynamically provisioned and presented as one or more unified computing resource(s) based on service-level agreements established through negotiation between the service provider and consumer.”

The cloud computing models directly applicable to data-intensive computing characteristics are Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS). IaaS typically includes a large pool of configurable virtualized resources which can include hardware, operating systems, middleware, and development platforms or other software services which can be scaled to accommodate varying processing loads (Vaquero et al., 2009). The computing clusters typically used for data-intensive processing can be provided in this model. Processing environments such as Hadoop MapReduce and LexisNexis HPCC which include application development platform capabilities in addition to basic infrastructure implement the Platform as a Service (PaaS) model. Applications with a high degree of data-parallelism and a requirement to process very large datasets can take advantage of cloud computing and IaaS or PaaS using hundreds of computers provisioned for a short time instead of one or a small number of computers for a long time (Armbrust et al., 2009). According to Armbrust et al. in a University of California Berkeley research report (Armbrust et al., 2009), this processing model is particularly well-suited to data analysis and other applications that can benefit from parallel batch processing. However, the user cost/benefit analysis should also include the cost of moving large datasets into the cloud in addition the speedup and lower processing cost offered by the IaaS and PaaS models.

3 Data-Intensive System Architectures

A variety of system architectures have been implemented for data-intensive and large-scale data analysis applications including parallel and distributed relational database management systems which have been available to run on shared nothing clusters of processing nodes for more than two decades (Pavlo et al., 2009). These include database systems from Teradata, Netezza, Vertica, and Exadata/Oracle and others which provide high-performance parallel database platforms. Although these systems have the ability to run parallel applications and queries expressed in the SQL language, they are typically not general-purpose processing platforms and usually run as a back-end to a separate front-end application processing system. Although this approach offers benefits when the data utilized is primarily structured in nature and fits easily into the constraints of a relational database, and often excels for transaction processing applications, most data growth is with data in unstructured form (Gantz et al., 2007) and new processing paradigms with more flexible data models were needed. Internet companies such as Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Facebook, and others required a new processing approach to effectively deal with the enormous amount of Web data for applications such as search engines and social networking. In addition, many government and business organizations were overwhelmed with data that could not be effectively processed, linked, and analyzed with traditional computing approaches.

Several solutions have emerged including the MapReduce architecture pioneered by Google and now available in an open-source implementation called Hadoop used by Yahoo, Facebook, and others. LexisNexis, an acknowledged industry leader in information services, also developed and implemented a scalable platform for data-intensive computing which is used by LexisNexis and other commercial and government organizations to process large volumes of structured and unstructured data. These approaches will be explained and contrasted in terms of their overall structure, programming model, file systems, and applicability to cloud computing in the following sections. Similar approaches using commodity computing clusters including Sector/Sphere (Grossman & Gu, 2008; Grossman, Gu, Sabala, & Zhang, 2009; Gu & Grossman, 2009), SCOPE/Cosmos (Chaiken et al., 2008), DryadLINQ (Yu, Gunda, & Isard, 2009), Meandre (Llor et al., 2008), and GridBatch (Liu & Orban, 2008) recently described in the literature are also suitable for data-intensive cloud computing applications and represent additional alternatives.

3.1 Google MapReduce

The MapReduce architecture and programming model pioneered by Google is an example of a modern systems architecture designed for processing and analyzing large datasets and is being used successfully by Google in many applications to process massive amounts of raw Web data (Dean & Ghemawat, 2004). The MapReduce architecture allows programmers to use a functional programming style to create a map function that processes a key-value pair associated with the input data to generate a set of intermediate key-value pairs, and a reduce function that merges all intermediate values associated with the same intermediate key (Dean & Ghemawat, 2004). According to Dean and Ghemawat (2004), the MapReduce programs can be used to compute derived data from documents such as inverted indexes and the processing is automatically parallelized by the system which executes on large clusters of commodity type machines, highly scalable to thousands of machines. Since the system automatically takes care of details like partitioning the input data, scheduling and executing tasks across a processing cluster, and managing the communications between nodes, programmers with no experience in parallel programming can easily use a large distributed processing environment.

The programming model for MapReduce architecture is a simple abstraction where the computation takes a set of input key-value pairs associated with the input data and produces a set of output key-value pairs. The overall model for this process is shown in Fig. 5.2. In the Map phase, the input data is partitioned into input splits and assigned to Map tasks associated with processing nodes in the cluster. The Map task typically executes on the same node containing its assigned partition of data in the cluster. These Map tasks perform user-specified computations on each input key-value pair from the partition of input data assigned to the task, and generates a set of intermediate results for each key. The shuffle and sort phase then takes the intermediate data generated by each Map task, sorts this data with intermediate data from other nodes, divides this data into regions to be processed by the reduce tasks, and distributes this data as needed to nodes where the Reduce tasks will execute. All Map tasks must complete prior to the shuffle and sort and reduce phases. The number of Reduce tasks does not need to be the same as the number of Map tasks. The Reduce tasks perform additional user-specified operations on the intermediate data possibly merging values associated with a key to a smaller set of values to produce the output data. For more complex data processing procedures, multiple MapReduce calls may be linked together in sequence.

Fig. 5.2
figure 2

MapReduce processing architecture (O’Malley, 2008)

Figure 5.3 shows the MapReduce architecture and key-value processing in more detail. The input data can consist of multiple input files. Each Map task will produce an intermediate output file for each key region assigned based on the number of Reduce tasks R assigned to the process (hash(key) modulus R). The reduce function then “pulls” the intermediate files, sorting and merging the files for a specific region from all the Map tasks. To minimize the amount of data transferred across the network, an optional Combiner function can be specified which is executed on the same node that performs a Map task. The combiner code is usually the same as the reducer function code which does partial merging and reducing of data for the local partition, then writes the intermediate files to be distributed to the Reduce tasks. The output of the Reduce function is written as the final output file. In the Google implementation of MapReduce, functions are coded in the C++ programming language.

Fig. 5.3
figure 3

MapReduce key-value processing (Nicosia, 2009)

Underlying and overlayed with the MapReduce architecture is the Google File System (GFS). GFS was designed to be a high-performance, scalable distributed file system for very large data files and data-intensive applications providing fault tolerance and running on clusters of commodity hardware (Ghemawat, Gobioff, & Leung, 2003). GFS is oriented to very large files dividing and storing them in fixed-size chunks of 64 Mb by default which are managed by nodes in the cluster called chunkservers. Each GFS consists of a single master node acting as a nameserver and multiple nodes in the cluster acting as chunkservers using a commodity Linux-based machine (node in a cluster) running a user-level server process. Chunks are stored in plain Linux files which are extended only as needed and replicated on multiple nodes to provide high-availability and improve performance. Secondary nameservers provide backup for the master node. The large chunk size reduces the need for MapReduce clients programs to interact with the master node, allows filesystem metadata to be kept in memory in the master node improving performance, and allows many operations to be performed with a single read on a chunk of data by the MapReduce client. Ideally, input splits for MapReduce operations are the size of a GFS chunk. GFS has proven to be highly effective for data-intensive computing on very large files, but is less effective for small files which can cause hot spots if many MapReduce tasks are accessing the same file.

Google has implemented additional tools using the MapReduce and GFS architecture to improve programmer productivity and to enhance data analysis and processing of structured and unstructured data. Since the GFS filesystem is primarily oriented to sequential processing of large files, Google has also implemented a scalable, high-availability distributed storage system for structured data with dynamic control over data format with keyed random access capabilities (Chang et al., 2006). Data is stored in Bigtable as a sparse, distributed, persistent multi-dimensional sorted map structured which is indexed by a row key, column key, and a timestamp. Rows in a Bigtable are maintained in order by row key, and row ranges become the unit of distribution and load balancing called a tablet. Each cell of data in a Bigtable can contain multiple instances indexed by the timestamp. Bigtable uses GFS to store both data and log files. The API for Bigtable is flexible providing data management functions like creating and deleting tables, and data manipulation functions by row key including operations to read, write, and modify data. Index information for Bigtables utilize tablet information stored in structures similar to a B+Tree. MapReduce applications can be used with Bigtable to process and transform data, and Google has implemented many large-scale applications which utilize Bigtable for storage including Google Earth.

Google has also implemented a high-level language for performing parallel data analysis and data mining using the MapReduce and GFS architecture called Sawzall and a workflow management and scheduling infrastructure for Sawzall jobs called Workqueue (Pike, Dorward, Griesemer, & Quinlan, 2004). According to Pike et al. (2004), although C++ in standard MapReduce jobs is capable of handling data analysis tasks, it is more difficult to use and requires considerable effort by programmers. For most applications implemented using Sawzall, the code is much simpler and smaller than the equivalent C++ by a factor of 10 or more. A Sawzall program defines operations on a single record of the data, the language does not allow examining multiple input records simultaneously and one input record cannot influence the processing of another. An emit statement allows processed data to be output to an external aggregator which provides the capability for entire files of records and data to be processed using a Sawzall program. The system operates in a batch mode in which a user submits a job which executes a Sawzall program on a fixed set of files and data and collects the output at the end of a run. Sawzall jobs can be chained to support more complex procedures. Sawzall programs are compiled into an intermediate code which is interpreted during runtime execution. Several reasons are cited by Pike et al. (2004) why a new language is beneficial for data analysis and data mining applications: (1) a programming language customized for a specific problem domain makes resulting programs “clearer, more compact, and more expressive”; (2) aggregations are specified in the Sawzall language so that the programmer does not have to provide one in the Reduce task of a standard MapReduce program; (3) a programming language oriented to data analysis provides a more natural way to think about data processing problems for large distributed datasets; and (4) Sawzall programs are significantly smaller that equivalent C++ MapReduce programs and significantly easier to program.

Google does not currently make available its MapReduce architecture in a public cloud computing IaaS or PaaS environment. Google however does provide the Google Apps Engine as a public cloud computing PaaS environment (Lenk et al., 2009; Vaquero et al., 2009).

3.2 Hadoop

Hadoop is an open source software project sponsored by The Apache Software Foundation ( Following the publication in 2004 of the research paper describing Google MapReduce (Dean & Ghemawat, 2004), an effort was begun in conjunction with the existing Nutch project to create an open source implementation of the MapReduce architecture (White, 2009). It later became an independent subproject of Lucene, was embraced by Yahoo! after the lead developer for Hadoop became an employee, and became an official Apache top-level project in February of 2006. Hadoop now encompasses multiple subprojects in addition to the base core, MapReduce, and HDFS distributed filesystem. These additional subprojects provide enhanced application processing capabilities to the base Hadoop implementation and currently include Avro, Pig, HBase, ZooKeeper, Hive, and Chukwa. More information can be found at the Apache Web site.

The Hadoop MapReduce architecture is functionally similar to the Google implementation except that the base programming language for Hadoop is Java instead of C++. The implementation is intended to execute on clusters of commodity processors (Fig. 5.4) utilizing Linux as the operating system environment, but can also be run on a single system as a learning environment. Hadoop clusters also utilize the “shared nothing” distributed processing paradigm linking individual systems with local processor, memory, and disk resources using high-speed communications switching capabilities typically in rack-mounted configurations. The flexibility of Hadoop configurations allows small clusters to be created for testing and development using desktop systems or any system running Unix/Linux providing a JVM environment, however production clusters typically use homogeneous rack-mounted processors in a data center environment.

Fig. 5.4
figure 4

Commodity hardware cluster (O’Malley, 2008)

The Hadoop MapReduce architecture is similar to the Google implementation creating fixed-size input splits from the input data and assigning the splits to Map tasks. The local output from the Map tasks is copied to Reduce nodes where it is sorted and merged for processing by Reduce tasks which produce the final output as shown in Fig. 5.5.

Fig. 5.5
figure 5

Hadoop MapReduce (White, 2008)

Hadoop implements a distributed data processing scheduling and execution environment and framework for MapReduce jobs. A MapReduce job is a unit of work that consists of the input data, the associated Map and Reduce programs, and user-specified configuration information (White, 2009). The Hadoop framework utilizes a master/slave architecture with a single master server called a jobtracker and slave servers called tasktrackers, one per node in the cluster. The jobtracker is the communications interface between users and the framework and coordinates the execution of MapReduce jobs. Users submit jobs to the jobtracker, which puts them in a job queue and executes them on a first-come/first-served basis. The jobtracker manages the assignment of Map and Reduce tasks to the tasktracker nodes which then execute these tasks. The tasktrackers also handle data movement between the Map and Reduce phases of job execution. The Hadoop framework assigns the Map tasks to every node where the input data splits are located through a process called data locality optimization. The number of Reduce tasks is determined independently and can be user-specified and can be zero if all of the work can be accomplished by the Map tasks. As with the Google MapReduce implementation, all Map tasks must complete before the shuffle and sort phase can occur and Reduce tasks initiated. The Hadoop framework also supports Combiner functions which can reduce the amount of data movement in a job.

The Hadoop framework also provides an API called Streaming to allow Map and Reduce functions to be written in languages other than Java such as Ruby and Python and provides an interface called Pipes for C++.

Hadoop includes a distributed file system called HDFS which is analogous to GFS in the Google MapReduce implementation. A block in HDFS is equivalent to a chunk in GFS and is also very large, 64 Mb by default but 128 Mb is used in some installations. The large block size is intended to reduce the number of seeks and improve data transfer times. Each block is an independent unit stored as a dynamically allocated file in the Linux local filesystem in a datanode directory. If the node has multiple disk drives, multiple datanode directories can be specified. An additional local file per block stores metadata for the block. HDFS also follows a master/slave architecture which consists of a single master server that manages the distributed filesystem namespace and regulates access to files by clients called the Namenode. In addition, there are multiple Datanodes, one per node in the cluster, which manage the disk storage attached to the nodes and assigned to Hadoop. The Namenode determines the mapping of blocks to Datanodes. The Datanodes are responsible for serving read and write requests from filesystem clients such as MapReduce tasks, and they also perform block creation, deletion, and replication based on commands from the Namenode. An HDFS system can include additional secondary Namenodes which replicate the filesystem metadata, however there are no hot failover services. Each datanode block also has replicas on other nodes based on system configuration parameters (by default there are 3 replicas for each datanode block). In the Hadoop MapReduce execution environment it is common for a node in a physical cluster to function as both a Tasktracker and a datanode (Venner, 2009). The HDFS system architecture is shown in Fig. 5.6.

Fig. 5.6
figure 6

HDFS architecture (Borthakur, 2008)

The Hadoop execution environment supports additional distributed data processing capabilities which are designed to run using the Hadoop MapReduce architecture. Several of these have become official Hadoop subprojects within the Apache Software Foundation. These include HBase, a distributed column-oriented database which provides similar random access read/write capabilities as and is modeled after Bigtable implemented by Google. HBase is not relational, and does not support SQL, but provides a Java API and a command-line shell for table management. Hive is a data warehouse system built on top of Hadoop that provides SQL-like query capabilities for data summarization, ad-hoc queries, and analysis of large datasets. Other Apache sanctioned projects for Hadoop include Avro – A data serialization system that provides dynamic integration with scripting languages, Chukwa – a data collection system for managing large distributed systems, ZooKeeper – a high-performance coordination service for distributed applications, and Pig – a high-level data-flow language and execution framework for parallel computation.

Pig is high-level dataflow-oriented language and execution environment originally developed at Yahoo! ostensibly for the same reasons that Google developed the Sawzall language for its MapReduce implementation – to provide a specific language notation for data analysis applications and to improve programmer productivity and reduce development cycles when using the Hadoop MapReduce environment. Working out how to fit many data analysis and processing applications into the MapReduce paradigm can be a challenge, and often requires multiple MapReduce jobs (White, 2009). Pig programs are automatically translated into sequences of MapReduce programs if needed in the execution environment. In addition Pig supports a much richer data model which supports multi-valued, nested data structures with tuples, bags, and maps. Pig supports a high-level of user customization including user-defined special purpose functions and provides capabilities in the language for loading, storing, filtering, grouping, de-duplication, ordering, sorting, aggregation, and joining operations on the data (Olston, Reed, Srivastava, Kumar, & Tomkins, 2008a). Pig is an imperative dataflow-oriented language (language statements define a dataflow for processing). An example program is shown in Fig. 5.7. Pig runs as a client-side application which translates Pig programs into MapReduce jobs and then runs them on an Hadoop cluster. Figure 5.8 shows how the program listed in Fig. 5.7 is translated into a sequence of MapReduce jobs. Pig compilation and execution stages include a parser, logical optimizer, MapReduce compiler, MapReduce optimizer, and the Hadoop Job Manager (Gates et al., 2009).

Fig. 5.7
figure 7

Sample pig latin program (Olston et al., 2008a)

Fig. 5.8
figure 8

Pig program translation to MapReduce (Olston et al., 2008a)

According to Yahoo! where more than 40% of Hadoop production jobs and 60% of ad-hoc queries are now implemented using Pig, Pig programs are 1/20th the size of the equivalent MapReduce program and take 1/16th the time to develop (Olston, 2009). Yahoo! uses 12 standard benchmarks (called the PigMix) to test Pig performance versus equivalent MapReduce performance from release to release. With the current release, Pig programs take approximately 1.5 times longer than the equivalent MapReduce ( Additional optimizations are being implemented that should reduce this performance gap further.

Hadoop is available in both public and private cloud computing environments. Amazon’s EC2 cloud computing platform now includes Amazon Elastic MapReduce ( which allows users to provision as much capacity as needed for data-intensive computing applications. Data for MapReduce applications can be loaded to the HDFS directly from Amazon’s S3 (Simple Storage Service).

3.3 LexisNexis HPCC

LexisNexis, an industry leader in data content, data aggregation, and information services independently developed and implemented a solution for data-intensive computing called the HPCC (High-Performance Computing Cluster) which is also referred to as the Data Analytics Supercomputer (DAS). The LexisNexis vision for this computing platform is depicted in Fig. 5.9. The development of this computing platform by the Seisint subsidiary of LexisNexis began in 1999 and applications were in production by late 2000. The LexisNexis approach also utilizes commodity clusters of hardware running the Linux operating system as shown in Figs. 5.1 and 5.4. Custom system software and middleware components were developed and layered on the base Linux operating system to provide the execution environment and distributed filesystem support required for data-intensive computing. Because LexisNexis recognized the need for a new computing paradigm to address its growing volumes of data, the design approach included the definition of a new high-level language for parallel data processing called ECL (Enterprise Data Control Language). The power, flexibility, advanced capabilities, speed of development, and ease of use of the ECL programming language is the primary distinguishing factor between the LexisNexis HPCC and other data-intensive computing solutions. The following provides an overview of the HPCC systems architecture and the ECL language and a general comparison to the Hadoop MapReduce architecture and platform.

Fig. 5.9
figure 9

LexisNexis vision for a data analytics supercomputer

LexisNexis developers recognized that to meet all the requirements of data-intensive computing applications in an optimum manner required the design and implementation of two distinct processing environments, each of which could be optimized independently for its parallel data processing purpose. The first of these platforms is called a Data Refinery whose overall purpose is the general processing of massive volumes of raw data of any type for any purpose but typically used for data cleansing and hygiene, ETL processing of the raw data (extract, transform, load), record linking and entity resolution, large-scale ad-hoc analysis of data, and creation of keyed data and indexes to support high-performance structured queries and data warehouse applications. The Data Refinery is also referred to as Thor, a reference to the mythical Norse god of thunder with the large hammer symbolic of crushing large amounts of raw data into useful information. A Thor system is similar in its hardware configuration, function, execution environment, filesystem, and capabilities to the Hadoop MapReduce platform, but offers significantly higher performance in equivalent configurations.

The second of the parallel data processing platforms designed and implemented by LexisNexis is called the Data Delivery Engine. This platform is designed as an online high-performance structured query and analysis platform or data warehouse delivering the parallel data access processing requirements of online applications through Web services interfaces supporting thousands of simultaneous queries and users with sub-second response times. High-profile online applications developed by LexisNexis such as Accurint utilize this platform. The Data Delivery Engine is also referred to as Roxie, which is an acronym for Rapid Online XML Inquiry Engine. Roxie uses a special distributed indexed filesystem to provide parallel processing of queries. A Roxie system is similar in its function and capabilities to Hadoop with HBase and Hive capabilities added, but provides significantly higher throughput since it uses a more optimized execution environment and filesystem for high-performance online processing. Most importantly, both Thor and Roxie systems utilize the same ECL programming language for implementing applications, increasing continuity and programmer productivity.

The Thor system cluster is implemented using a master/slave approach with a single master node and multiple slave nodes for data parallel processing. Each of the slave nodes is also a data node within the distributed file system for the cluster. This is similar to the Jobtracker, Tasktracker, and Datanode concepts in an Hadoop configuration. Multiple Thor clusters can exist in an HPCC environment, and job queues can span multiple clusters in an environment if needed. Jobs executing on a Thor cluster in a multi-cluster environment can also read files from the distributed file system on foreign clusters if needed. The middleware layer provides additional server processes to support the execution environment including ECL Agents and ECL Servers. A client process submits an ECL job to the ECL Agent which coordinates the overall job execution on behalf of the client process. An ECL Job is compiled by the ECL server which interacts with an additional server called the ECL Repository which is a source code repository and contains shared ECL code. ECL programs are compiled into optimized C++ source code, which is subsequently compiled into executable code and distributed to the slave nodes of a Thor cluster by the Thor master node. The Thor master monitors and coordinates the processing activities of the slave nodes and communicates status information monitored by the ECL Agent processes. When the job completes, the ECL Agent and client process are notified, and the output of the process is available for viewing or subsequent processing. Output can be stored in the distributed filesystem for the cluster or returned to the client process. ECL is analogous to the Pig language which can be used in the Hadoop environment.

The distributed filesystem used in a Thor cluster is record-oriented which is different from the block format used by Hadoop clusters. Records can be fixed or variable length, and support a variety of standard (fixed record size, CSV, XML) and custom formats including nested child datasets. Record I/O is buffered in large blocks to reduce latency and improve data transfer rates to and from disk Files to be loaded to a Thor cluster are typically first transferred to a landing zone from some external location, then a process called “spraying” is used to partition the file and load it to the nodes of a Thor cluster. The initial spraying process divides the file on user-specified record boundaries and distributes the data as evenly as possible in order across the available nodes in the cluster. Files can also be “desprayed” when needed to transfer output files to another system or can be directly copied between Thor clusters in the same environment.

Nameservices and storage of metadata about files including record format information in the Thor DFS are maintained in a special server called the Dali server (named for the developer’s pet Chinchilla), which is analogous to the Namenode in HDFS. Thor users have complete control over distribution of data in a Thor cluster, and can re-distribute the data as needed in an ECL job by specific keys, fields, or combinations of fields to facilitate the locality characteristics of parallel processing. The Dali nameserver uses a dynamic datastore for filesystem metadata organized in a hierarchical structure corresponding to the scope of files in the system. The Thor DFS utilizes the local Linux filesystem for physical file storage, and file scopes are created using file directory structures of the local file system. Parts of a distributed file are named according to the node number in a cluster, such that a file in a 400-node cluster will always have 400 parts regardless of the file size. The Hadoop fixed block size can end up splitting logical records between nodes which means a node may need to read some data from another node during Map task processing. With the Thor DFS, logical record integrity is maintained, and processing I/O is completely localized to the processing node for local processing operations. In addition, if the file size in Hadoop is less than some multiple of the block size times the number of nodes in the cluster, Hadoop processing will be less evenly distributed and node to node disk accesses will be needed. If input splits assigned to Map tasks in Hadoop are not allocated in whole block sizes, additional node to node I/O will result. The ability to easily redistribute the data evenly to nodes based on processing requirements and the characteristics of the data during a Thor job can provide a significant performance improvement over the Hadoop approach. The Thor DFS also supports the concept of “superfiles” which are processed as a single logical file when accessed, but consist of multiple Thor DFS files. Each file which makes up a superfile must have the same record structure. New files can be added and old files deleted from a superfile dynamically facilitating update processes without the need to rewrite a new file. Thor clusters are fault resilient and a minimum of one replica of each file part in a Thor DFS file is stored on a different node within the cluster.

Roxie clusters consist of a configurable number of peer-coupled nodes functioning as a high-performance, high availability parallel processing query platform. ECL source code for structured queries is pre-compiled and deployed to the cluster. The Roxie distributed filesystem is a distributed indexed-based filesystem which uses a custom B+Tree structure for data storage. Indexes and data supporting queries are pre-built on Thor clusters and deployed to the Roxie DFS with portions of the index and data stored on each node. Typically the data associated with index logical keys is embedded in the index structure as a payload. Index keys can be multi-field and multivariate, and payloads can contain any type of structured or unstructured data supported by the ECL language. Queries can use as many indexes as required for a query and contain joins and other complex transformations on the data with the full expression and processing capabilities of the ECL language. For example, the LexisNexis Accurint comprehensive person report which produces many pages of output is generated by a single Roxie query.

A Roxie cluster uses the concept of Servers and Agents. Each node in a Roxie cluster runs Server and Agent processes which are configurable by a System Administrator depending on the processing requirements for the cluster. A Server process waits for a query request from a Web services interface then determines the nodes and associated Agent processes that have the data locally that is needed for a query, or portion of the query. Roxie query requests can be submitted from a client application as a SOAP call, HTTP or HTTPS protocol request from a Web application, or through a direct socket connection. Each Roxie query request is associated with a specific deployed ECL query program. Roxie queries can also be executed from programs running on Thor clusters. The Roxie Server process that receives the request owns the processing of the ECL program for the query until it is completed. The Server sends portions of the query job to the nodes in the cluster and Agent processes which have data needed for the query stored locally as needed, and waits for results. When a Server receives all the results needed from all nodes, it collates them, performs any additional processing, and then returns the result set to the client requestor.

The performance of query processing varies depending on factors such as machine speed, data complexity, number of nodes, and the nature of the query, but production results have shown throughput of a thousand results a second or more. Roxie clusters have flexible data storage options with indexes and data stored locally on the cluster, as well as being able to use indexes stored remotely in the same environment on a Thor cluster. Nameservices for Roxie clusters are also provided by the Dali server. Roxie clusters are fault-resilient and data redundancy is built-in using a peer system where replicas of data are stored on two or more nodes, all data including replicas are available to be used in the processing of queries by Agent processes. The Roxie cluster provides automatic failover in case of node failure, and the cluster will continue to perform even if one or more nodes are down. Additional redundancy can be provided by including multiple Roxie clusters in an environment.

Load balancing of query requests across Roxie clusters is typically implemented using external load balancing communications devices. Roxie clusters can be sized as needed to meet query processing throughput and response time requirements, but are typically smaller that Thor clusters.

The implementation of two types of parallel data processing platforms (Thor and Roxie) in the HPCC processing environment serving different data processing needs allows these platforms to be optimized and tuned for their specific purposes to provide the highest level of system performance possible to users. This is a distinct advantage when compared to the Hadoop MapReduce platform and architecture which must be overlayed with different systems such as HBase, Hive, and Pig which have different processing goals and requirements, and don’t always map readily into the MapReduce paradigm. In addition, the LexisNexis HPCC approach incorporates the notion of a processing environment which can integrate Thor and Roxie clusters as needed to meet the complete processing needs of an organization. As a result, scalability can be defined not only in terms of the number of nodes in a cluster, but in terms of how many clusters and of what type are needed to meet system performance goals and user requirements. This provides a distinct advantage when compared to Hadoop clusters which tend to be independent islands of processing.

LexisNexis HPCC is commercially available to implement private cloud computing environments ( In addition, LexisNexis provides hosted persistent HPCC environments to external customers. Public cloud computing PaaS utilizing the HPCC platform is planned as a future offering.

3.4 ECL

The ECL programming language is a key factor in the flexibility and capabilities of the HPCC processing environment. ECL was designed to be a transparent and implicitly parallel programming language for data-intensive applications. It is a high-level, declarative, non-procedural dataflow-oriented language that allows the programmer to define what the data processing result should be and the dataflows and transformations that are necessary to achieve the result. Execution is not determined by the order of the language statements, but from the sequence of dataflows and transformations represented by the language statements. It combines data representation with algorithm implementation, and is the fusion of both a query language and a parallel data processing language. ECL uses an intuitive syntax which has taken cues from other familiar languages, supports modular code organization with a high degree of reusability and extensibility, and supports high-productivity for programmers in terms of the amount of code required for typical applications compared to traditional languages like Java and C++. Similar to the benefits Sawzall provides in the Google environment, and Pig provides to Hadoop users, a 20 times increase in programmer productivity is typical significantly reducing development cycles. ECL is compiled into optimized C++ code for execution on the HPCC system platforms, and can be used for complex data processing and analysis jobs on a Thor cluster or for comprehensive query and report processing on a Roxie cluster. ECL allows inline C++ functions to be incorporated into ECL programs, and external programs in other languages can be incorporated and parallelized through a PIPE facility. External services written in C++ and other languages which generate DLLs can also be incorporated in the ECL system library, and ECL programs can access external Web services through a standard SOAPCALL interface.

The basic unit of code for ECL is called an attribute. An attribute can contain a complete executable query or program, or a shareable and reusable code fragment such as a function, record definition, dataset definition, macro, filter definition, etc. Attributes can reference other attributes which in turn can reference other attributes so that ECL code can be nested and combined as needed in a reusable manner. Attributes are stored in ECL code repository which is subdivided into modules typically associated with a project or process. Each ECL attribute added to the repository effectively extends the ECL language like adding a new word to a dictionary, and attributes can be reused as part of multiple ECL queries and programs. With ECL a rich set of programming tools is provided including an interactive IDE similar to Visual C++, Eclipse and other code development environments.

The ECL language includes extensive capabilities for data definition, filtering, data management, and data transformation, and provides an extensive set of built-in functions to operate on records in datasets which can include user-defined transformation functions. Transform functions operate on a single record or a pair of records at a time depending on the operation. Built-in transform operations in the ECL language which process through entire datasets include PROJECT, ITERATE, ROLLUP, JOIN, COMBINE, FETCH, NORMALIZE, DENORMALIZE, and PROCESS. The transform function defined for a JOIN operation for example receives two records, one from each dataset being joined, and can perform any operations on the fields in the pair of records, and returns an output record which can be completely different from either of the input records. Example syntax for the JOIN operation from the ECL Language Reference Manual is shown in Fig. 5.10. Other important data operations included in ECL which operate across datasets and indexes include TABLE, SORT, MERGE, MERGEJOIN, DEDUP, GROUP, APPLY, ASSERT, AVE, BUILD, BUILDINDEX, CHOOSESETS, CORRELATION, COUNT, COVARIANCE, DISTRIBUTE, DISTRIBUTION, ENTH, EXISTS, GRAPH, HAVING, KEYDIFF, KEYPATCH, LIMIT, LOOP, MAX, MIN, NONEMPTY, OUTPUT, PARSE, PIPE, PRELOAD, PULL, RANGE, REGROUP, SAMPLE, SET, SOAPCALL, STEPPED, SUM, TOPN, UNGROUP, and VARIANCE.

Fig. 5.10
figure 10

ECL Sample syntax for JOIN operation

The Thor system allows data transformation operations to be performed either locally on each node independently in the cluster, or globally across all the nodes in a cluster, which can be user-specified in the ECL language. Some operations such as PROJECT for example are inherently local operations on the part of a distributed file stored locally on a node. Others such as SORT can be performed either locally or globally if needed. This is a significant difference from the MapReduce architecture in which Map and Reduce operations are only performed locally on the input split assigned to the task. A local SORT operation in an HPCC cluster would sort the records by the specified key in the file part on the local node, resulting in the records being in sorted order on the local node, but not in full file order spanning all nodes. In contrast, a global SORT operation would result in the full distributed file being in sorted order by the specified key spanning all nodes. This requires node to node data movement during the SORT operation. Figure 5.11 shows a sample ECL program using the LOCAL mode of operation which is the equivalent of the sample PIG program for Hadoop shown in Fig. 5.7. Note the explicit programmer control over distribution of data across nodes. The colon-equals “:=”operator in an ECL program is read as “is defined as”. The only action in this program is the OUTPUT statement, the other statements are definitions.

Fig. 5.11
figure 11

ECL code example

An additional important capability provided in the ECL programming language is support for natural language processing (NLP) with PATTERN statements and the built-in PARSE function. The PARSE function cam accept an unambiguous grammar defined by PATTERN, TOKEN, and RULE statements with penalties or preferences to provide deterministic path selection, a capability which can significantly reduce the difficulty of NLP applications. PATTERN statements allow matching patterns including regular expressions to be defined and used to parse information from unstructured data such as raw text. PATTERN statements can be combined to implement complex parsing operations or complete grammars from BNF definitions. The PARSE operation function across a dataset of records on a specific field within a record, this field could be an entire line in a text file for example. Using this capability of the ECL language it is possible to implement parallel processing for information extraction applications across document files including XML-based documents or Web pages. The key benefits of ECL can be summarized as follows:

  • ECL incorporates transparent and implicit data parallelism regardless of the size of the computing cluster and reduces the complexity of parallel programming increasing the productivity of application developers.

  • ECL enables implementation of data-intensive applications with huge volumes of data previously thought to be intractable or infeasible. ECL was specifically designed for manipulation of data and query processing. Order of magnitude performance increases over other approaches are possible.

  • ECL provides a comprehensive IDE and programming tools that provide a highly-interactive environment for rapid development and implementation of ECL applications.

  • ECL is a powerful, high-level, parallel programming language ideal for implementation of ETL, Information Retrieval, Information Extraction, and other data-intensive applications.

  • ECL is a mature and proven language but still evolving as new advancements in parallel processing and data-intensive computing occur.

4 Hadoop vs. HPCC Comparison

Hadoop and HPCC can be compared directly since it is possible for both systems to be executed on identical cluster hardware configurations. This permits head-to-head system performance benchmarking using a standard workload or set of application programs designed to test the parallel data processing capabilities of each system. A standard benchmark available for data-intensive computing platforms is the Terasort benchmark managed by an industry group led by Microsoft and HP. The Terabyte sort has evolved to be the GraySort which measures the number of terabytes per minute that can be sorted on a platform which allows clusters with any number of nodes to be utilized. However, in comparing the effectiveness and equivalent cost/performance of systems, it is useful to run benchmarks on identical system hardware configurations. A head-to-head comparison of the original Terabyte sort on a 400-node cluster will be presented here. An additional method of comparing system platforms is a feature and functionality comparison, which is a subjective evaluation based on factors determined by the evaluator. Although such a comparison contains inherent bias, it is useful in determining strengths and weaknesses of systems.

4.1 Terabyte Sort Benchmark

The Terabyte sort benchmark has its roots in benchmark tests sorting conducted on computer systems since the 1980s. More recently, a Web site originally sponsored by Microsoft and one of its research scientists Jim Gray has conducted formal competitions each year with the results presented at the SIGMOD (Special Interest Group for Management of Data) conference sponsored by the ACM each year ( Several categories for sorting on systems exist including the Terabyte sort which was to measure how fast a file of 1 Terabyte of data formatted in 100 byte records (10,000,000 total records) could be sorted. Two categories were allowed called Daytona (a standard commercial computer system and software with no modifications) and Indy (a custom computer system with any type of modification). No restrictions existed on the size of the system so the sorting benchmark could be conducted on as large a system as desired. The current 2009 record holder for the Daytona category is Yahoo! using a Hadoop configuration with 1460 nodes with 8 GB Ram per node, 8000 Map tasks, and 2700 Reduce tasks which sorted 1 TB in 62 seconds (O’Malley & Murthy, 2009). In 2008 using 910 nodes, Yahoo! performed the benchmark in 3 minutes 29 seconds. In 2008, LexisNexis using the HPCC architecture on only a 400-node system performed the Terabyte sort benchmark in 3 minutes 6 seconds. In 2009, LexisNexis again using only a 400-node configuration performed the Terabyte sort benchmark in 102 seconds.

However, a fair and more logical comparison of the capability of data-intensive computer system and software architectures using computing clusters would be to conduct this benchmark on the same hardware configuration. Other factors should also be evaluated such as the amount of code required to perform the benchmark which is a strong indication of programmer productivity, which in itself is a significant performance factor in the implementation of data-intensive computing applications.

On August 8, 2009 a Terabyte Sort benchmark test was conducted on a development configuration located at LexisNexis Risk Solutions offices in Boca Raton, FL in conjunction with and verified by Lawrence Livermore National Labs (LLNL). The test cluster included 400 processing nodes each with two local 300 MB SCSI disk drives, Dual Intel Xeon single core processors running at 3.00 GHz, 4 GB memory per node, all connected to a single Gigabit ethernet switch with 1.4 Terabytes/sec throughput. Hadoop Release 0.19 was deployed to the cluster and the standard Terasort benchmark written in Java included with the release was used for the benchmark. Hadoop required 6 minutes 45 seconds to create the test data, and the Terasort benchmark required a total of 25 minutes 28 seconds to complete the sorting test as shown in Fig. 5.13. The HPCC system software deployed to the same platform and using standard ECL required 2 minutes and 35 seconds to create the test data, and a total of 6 minutes and 27 seconds to complete the sorting test as shown in Fig. 5.14. Thus the Hadoop implementation using Java running on the same hardware configuration took 3.95 times longer than the HPCC implementation using ECL.

Fig. 5.12
figure 12

ECL code example execution graph

Fig. 5.13
figure 13

Hadoop terabyte sort benchmark results

Fig. 5.14
figure 14

HPCC terabyte sort benchmark results

The Hadoop version of the benchmark used hand-tuned Java code including custom TeraSort, TeraInputFormat and TeraOutputFormat classes with a total of 562 lines of code required for the sort. The HPCC system required only 10 lines of ECL code for the sort, a 50-times reduction in the amount of code required.

4.2 Pig vs. ECL

Although many Hadoop installations implement applications directly in Java, the Pig Latin language is now being used to increase programmer productivity and further simplify the programming of data-intensive applications at Yahoo! and other major users of Hadoop (Gates et al., 2009). Google also added a high-level language for similar reasons called Sawzall to its implementation of MapReduce to facilitate data analysis and data mining (Pike et al., 2004). The HPCC platform includes a high-level language discussed previously which is analogous to Pig and Sawzall called ECL. ECL is the base programming language used for applications on the HPCC platform even though it is compiled into C++ for execution. When comparing the Hadoop and HPCC platforms, it is useful to compare the features and functionality of these high-level languages.

Both Pig and ECL are intrinsically parallel, supporting transparent data-parallelism on the underlying platform. Pig and ECL are translated into programs that automatically process input data for a process in parallel with data distributed across a cluster of nodes. Programmers of both languages do not need to know the underlying cluster size or use this to accomplish data-parallel execution of jobs. Both Pig and ECL are dataflow-oriented, but Pig is an imperative programming language and ECL is a declarative programming language. A declarative language allows programmers to focus on the data transformations required to solve an application problem and hides the complexity of the underlying platform and implementation details, reduces side effects, and facilitates compiler optimization of the code and execution plan. An imperative programming language dictates the control flow of the program which may not result in an ideal execution plan in a parallel environment. Declarative programming languages allow the programmer to specify “what” a program should accomplish, instead of “how” to accomplish it. For more information, refer to the discussions of declarative ( and imperative ( programming languages on Wikipedia.

The source code for both Pig and ECL is compiled or translated into another language – Pig source programs are translated into Java language MapReduce jobs for execution and ECL programs are translated into C++ source code which is then compiled into a DLL for execution. Pig programs are restricted to the MapReduce architecture and HDFS of Hadoop, but ECL has no fixed framework other than the DFS (Distributed File System) used for HPCC and therefore can be more flexible in implementation of data operations. This is evident in two key areas: (1) ECL allows operations to be either global or local, where standard MapReduce is restricted to local operations only in both the Map and Reduce phases. Global operations process the records in a dataset in order across all nodes and associated file parts in sequence maintaining the records in sorted order as opposed to only the records contained in each local node which may be important to the data processing procedure; (2) ECL has the flexibility to implement operations which can process more than one record at a time such as its ITERATE operation which uses a sliding window and passes two records at a time to an associated transform function. This allows inter-record field-by-field dependencies and decisions which are not available in Pig. For example the DISTINCT operation in Pig which is used to remove duplicates does not allow this on a subset of fields. ECL provides both DEDUP and ROLLUP operations which are usually preceded by a SORT and operate on adjacent records in a sliding window mode and any condition relating to the field contents of the left and right record of adjacent records can be used to determine if the record is removed. ROLLUP allows a custom transformation to be applied to the de-duplication process.

An important consideration of any software architecture for data is the underlying data model. Pig incorporates a very flexible nested data model which allows non-atomic data types (atomic data types include numbers and strings) such as set, map, and tuple to occur as fields of a table (Olston, Reed, Srivastava, Kumar, & Tomkins, 2008b). Tuples are sequences of fields, bags are collections of tuples, and maps are a collection of data items where each data item has a key with which it can be looked up. A data record within Pig is called a relation which is an outer bag, the bag is a collection of tuples, each tuple is an ordered set of fields, and a field is a piece of data. Relations are referenced by a name assigned by a user. Types can be assigned by the user to each field, but if not assigned will default to a bytearray and conversions are applied depending on the context in which the field is used. The ECL data model also offers a nested data structure using child datasets. A user-specified RECORD definition defines the content of each record in a dataset which can contain fixed or variable length fields or child datasets which in turn contain fields or child datasets etc. With this format any type of data structure can be represented. ECL offers specific support for CSV and XML formats in addition to flat file formats. Each field in a record has a user-specified identifier and data type and an optional default value and optional field modifiers such as MAXLENGTH that enhance type and use checking during compilation. ECL will perform implicit casting and conversion depending on the context in which a field is used, and explicit user casting is also supported. ECL also allows in-line datasets allowing sample data to be easily defined and included in the code for testing rather than separately in a file.

The Pig environment offers several programmer tools for development, execution, and debugging of Pig Latin programs (Pig Latin is the formal name for the language, and the execution environment is called Pig, although both are commonly referred to as Pig). Pig provides command line execution of scripts and an interactive shell called Grunt that allows you to execute individual Pig commands or execute a Pig script. Pig programs can also be embedded in Java programs. Although Pig does not provide a specific IDE for developing and executing PIG programs, add-ins are available for several program editing environments including Eclipse, Vim, and Textmate to perform syntax checking and highlighting (White, 2009). PigPen is an Eclipse plug-in that provides program editing, an example data generator, and the capability to run a Pig script on a Hadoop cluster.

The HPCC platform provides an extensive set of tools for ECL development including a comprehensive IDE called QueryBuilder which allows program editing, execution, and interactive graph visualization for debugging and profiling ECL programs. The common code repository tree is displayed in QueryBuilder and tools are provided for source control, accessing and searching the repository. ECL jobs can be launched to an HPCC environment or specific cluster, and execution can be monitored directly from QueryBuilder. External tools are also provided including ECLWatch which provides complete access to current and historical workunits (jobs executed in the HPCC environment are packaged into workunits), queue management and monitoring, execution graph visualization, distributed filesystem utility functions, and system performance monitoring and analysis.

Although Pig Latin and the Pig execution environment provide a basic high-level language environment for data-intensive processing and analysis and increases the productivity of developers and users of the Hadoop MapReduce environment, ECL is a significantly more comprehensive and mature language that generates highly optimized code, offers more advanced capabilities in a robust, proven, integrated data-intensive processing architecture. Table 5.1 provides a feature to feature comparison between the Pig and ECL languages and their execution environments.

Table 5.1 Pig vs. ECL feature comparison

4.3 Architecture Comparison

Hadoop MapReduce and the LexisNexis HPCC platform are both scalable architectures directed towards data-intensive computing solutions. Each of these system platforms has strengths and weaknesses and their overall effectiveness for any application problem or domain is subjective in nature and can only be determined through careful evaluation of application requirements versus the capabilities of the solution. Hadoop is an open source platform which increases its flexibility and adaptability to many problem domains since new capabilities can be readily added by users adopting this technology. However, as with other open source platforms, reliability and support can become issues when many different users are contributing new code and changes to the system. Hadoop has found favor with many large Web-oriented companies including Yahoo!, Facebook, and others where data-intensive computing capabilities are critical to the success of their business. Amazon has implemented new cloud computing services using Hadoop as part of its EC2 called Amazon Elastic MapReduce. A company called Cloudera was recently formed to provide training, support and consulting services to the Hadoop user community and to provide packaged and tested releases which can be used in the Amazon environment. Although many different application tools have been built on top of the Hadoop platform like Pig, HBase, Hive, etc., these tools tend not to be well-integrated offering different command shells, languages, and operating characteristics that make it more difficult to combine capabilities in an effective manner.

However, Hadoop offers many advantages to potential users of open source software including readily available online software distributions and documentation, easy installation, flexible configurations based on commodity hardware, an execution environment based on a proven MapReduce computing paradigm, ability to schedule jobs using a configurable number of Map and Reduce tasks, availability of add-on capabilities such as Pig, HBase, and Hive to extend the capabilities of the base platform and improve programmer productivity, and a rapidly expanding user community committed to open source. This has resulted in dramatic growth and acceptance of the Hadoop platform and its implementation to support data-intensive computing applications.

The LexisNexis HPCC platform is an integrated set of systems, software, and other architectural components designed to provide data-intensive computing capabilities from raw data processing and ETL applications, to high-performance query processing and data mining. The ECL language was specifically implemented to provide a high-level dataflow parallel processing language that is consistent across all system components and has extensive capabilities developed and optimized over a period of almost 10 years. The LexisNexis HPCC is a mature, reliable, well-proven, commercially supported system platform used in government installations, research labs, and commercial enterprises. The comparison of the Pig Latin language and execution system available on the Hadoop MapReduce platform to the ECL language used on the HPCC platform presented here reveals that ECL provides significantly more advanced capabilities and functionality without the need for extensive user-defined functions written in another language or resorting to a native MapReduce application coded in Java.

The following comparison of overall features provided by the Hadoop and HPCC system architectures reveals that the HPCC architecture offers a higher level of integration of system components, an execution environment not limited by a specific computing paradigm such as MapReduce, flexible configurations and optimized processing environments which can provide data-intensive applications from data analysis to data warehousing and high-performance online query processing, and high programmer productivity utilizing the ECL programming language and tools. Table 5.2 provides a summary comparison of the key features of the hardware and software architectures of both system platforms based on the analysis of each architecture presented in this chapter.

Table 5.2 Hadoop vs. HPCC feature comparison

5 Conclusions

As a result of the continuing information explosion, many organizations are drowning in data and the data gap or inability to process this information and use it effectively is increasing at an alarming rate. Data-intensive computing represents a new computing paradigm which can address the data gap and allow government and commercial organizations and research environments to process massive amounts of data and implement applications previously thought to be impractical or infeasible. Some organizations with foresight recognized early that new parallel-processing architectures were needed including Google who initially developed the MapReduce architecture and LexisNexis who developed the HPCC architecture. More recently the Hadoop platform has emerged as an open source alternative for the MapReduce approach. Hadoop has gained momentum quickly, and additional add-on capabilities to enhance the platform have been developed including a dataflow programming language and execution environment called Pig. These architectures, their relative strengths and weaknesses, and their applicability to cloud computing are described in this chapter, and a direct comparison of the Pig language of Hadoop to the ECL language used with the LexisNexis HPCC platform was presented. Availability of a high-level parallel dataflow-oriented programming language has proven to be a critical success factor in data-intensive computing.

The suitability of a processing platform and architecture for an organization and its application requirements can only be determined after careful evaluation of available alternatives. Many organizations have embraced open source platforms while others prefer a commercially developed and supported platform by an established industry leader. The Hadoop MapReduce platform is now being used successfully at many so-called Web companies whose data encompasses massive amounts of Web information as its data source. The LexisNexis HPCC platform is at the heart of a premier information services provider and industry leader, and has been adopted by government agencies, commercial organizations, and research laboratories because of its high-performance cost-effective implementation. Existing HPCC applications include raw data processing, ETL, and linking of enormous amounts of data to support online information services such as LexisNexis and industry-leading information search applications such as Accurint; entity extraction and entity resolution of unstructured and semi-structured data such as Web documents to support information extraction; statistical analysis of Web logs for security applications such as intrusion detection; online analytical processing to support business intelligence systems (BIS); and data analysis of massive datasets in educational and research environments and by state and federal government agencies.

There are many tradeoffs in making the right decision in choosing a new computer systems architecture, and often the best approach is to conduct a specific benchmark test with a customer application to determine the overall system effectiveness and performance. The relative cost-performance characteristics of the system in additional to suitability, flexibility, scalability, footprint, and power consumption factors which impact the total cost of ownership (TCO) must be considered. Cloud computing alternatives which reduce or eliminate up-front infrastructure investment should also be considered if internal resources are limited.

A comparison of the Hadoop MapReduce architecture to the HPCC architecture in this chapter reveals many similarities between the platforms including the use of a high-level dataflow-oriented programming language to implement transparent data-parallel processing. Both platforms are adaptable to cloud computing to provide platform as a service (PaaS). A key advantage to using the Hadoop architecture is its availability in a public cloud computing service offering. However, private cloud computing which utilizes persistent configurations with dedicated infrastructure instead of virtualized servers shared with other users common in public cloud computing can have a significant performance advantage for data-intensive computing applications. Some additional advantages of choosing the LexisNexis HPCC platform which can be utilized in private cloud computing include: (1) an architecture which implements a highly integrated system environment with capabilities from raw data processing to high-performance queries and data analysis using a common language; (2) an architecture which provides equivalent performance at a much lower system cost based on the number of processing nodes required as demonstrated with the Terabyte Sort benchmark where the HPCC platform was almost 4 times faster than Hadoop running on the same hardware resulting in significantly lower total cost of ownership (TCO); (3) an architecture which has been proven to be stable and reliable on high-performance data processing production applications for varied organizations over a 10-year period; (4) an architecture that uses a dataflow programming language (ECL) with extensive built-in capabilities for data-parallel processing which allows complex operations without the need for extensive user-defined functions and automatically optimizes execution graphs with hundreds of processing steps into single efficient workunits; (5) an architecture with a high-level of fault resilience and language capabilities which reduce the need for re-processing in case of system failures; and (6) an architecture which is available from and supported by a well-known leader in information services and risk solutions (LexisNexis) who is part of one of the world’s largest publishers of information ReedElsevier.