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Lyotropic main chain liquid crystal polymers

  • Conference paper
  • First Online:
Separation Techniques Thermodynamics Liquid Crystal Polymers

Part of the book series: Advances in Polymer Science ((POLYMER,volume 98))


The synthesis, rheology, and spinning, as well as the mechanical and morphological properties of high-strength/high-modulus fibres made from lyotropic main chain liquid crystal polymers are reviewed. Emphasis is placed on those polymers that have attained (semi)-commercial status. Quantitative relations observed between the rheological and the spinning parameters, and between the structure and the mechanical properties, are extensively discussed. It is shown that these relations fit theoretical expectations as far as the modulus is concerned. A complete model for the strength of these fibers needs further development. A first attempt to provide a theoretical explanation of the long term properties, like creep and stress relaxation, is presented.

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exponent Mark-Houwink equation




critical concentration


degree Celsius


differential scanning calorimetry


differential thermal analysis

ec :

chain modulus


tensile modulus

Ed :

delocalization energy


electron diffraction


orientation distribution


retardation time spectrum

g0 :

modulus for shear between adjacent chains

gII :

lattice distortion parameter of the second kind


filament shear modulus

ΔH :

activation enthalpy




Boltzmann constant


degree Kelvin

Lc :

contour length

L0 :

test length

Lp :

persistence length

LG :

critical Griffith length


contour projection length


liquid crystalline


liquid crystal polymers


Weibull modulus


molecular weight

Mw :

weight average molecular weight

n :

longitudinal refractive index

n :

lateral refractive index

na, nb, nc :

axes refractive index ellipsoid

nr :

radial refractive index

nt :

tangential refractive index



Δn1 :

lateral birefringence


N-methyl pyrrolidone


nuclear magnetic resonance


orientability parameter


poly(p-phenylene benzobisoxazole)


poly(p-phenylene benzobisthiazole)

P2 :

second order Legendre polynomial

\(\overline {P_2 }\) :

order parameter of the director field


order parameter inside the domains

\(\overline {\left\langle {P_2 } \right\rangle }\) :

overall order parameter


cumulative failure probability




poly(m-phenylene isophthalamide)




poly(4,4′-benzanilidylene terephthalamide)


poly(p-phenylene terephthalamide)


polyphosphoric acid


p-phenylene diamine


strength orienting potential


intermolecular distance

s44, s55 :

diagonal elements compliance matrix



ΔS :

activation entropy


small-angle X-ray scattering





Tg :

glass transition temperature

Tm :

melting temperature

Tni :

clearing point or nematic-isotropic transition temperature


terephthaloyl chloride


anisotropic potential




weight fraction


wide-angle X-ray scattering


partition function

α β, γ:

mechanical relaxation peaks


loss factor



εb :

elongation at break

εc :

chain stretching contribution to the strain

ε0 :

imposed strain during stress relaxation

εr :

rotational contribution to the strain


anisotropy of polarizability


intrinsic viscosity


draw ratio

λa :

draw ratio in the air gap

λmax :

maximum draw ratio

λ0 :

predraw ratio


relaxation constant

ϱc :

crystalline density



σb :

tensile strength or tenacity

σc :

compressive strength

σn :

normal stress

σ0 :

imposed stress during creep

σs :

shear stress


retardation time


orientation angle with respect to director


torsion angle

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Northolt, M.G., Sikkema, D.J. (1990). Lyotropic main chain liquid crystal polymers. In: Separation Techniques Thermodynamics Liquid Crystal Polymers. Advances in Polymer Science, vol 98. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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