1 Introduction

The meteorological information system is a system which is used to store and analyze a number of the meteorological professional work via some certain relationships [1]. Meteorological information system requires that meteorological information be stored in the form of computer software system [2]. The service it provides covers from data collection, retrieval to processing, analysis, and prediction, including forecasters’ understanding of computer weather products, decisions, and visual submission of forecast conclusions, to form a complete system workflow [3]. It can effectively analyze meteorological conditions and carry out meteorological forecasting and disaster warning, which are closely related to people’s production activities and daily life [4].

However, with the daily growth rate of 12 TB, the traditional meteorological information system has been difficult to deal with the explosive growth of meteorological data resources [5, 6]. The construction of meteorological cloud platform (MCP) supported by big data is imminent. MCP has irreplaceable advantages in business, service, scientific research, and government affairs [7]. Its data resources have the characteristics of complete data, high quality, and fast usage [8]. Relying on the public cloud platform, it can provide personalized services such as big data analysis [9].

When it comes to MCP, cloud computing technology can be well applied to such scenarios. Cloud computing is a style of computing in which dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources are provided as a service over the Internet [10]. Cloud computing has the characteristics of super-large-scale virtualization, high reliability, and so on [11, 12]. It can process these massive meteorological resource data in a timely and batch manner [13]. By accessing meteorological information through parallel network, users’ requests for meteorological analysis tasks can be processed efficiently [14, 15].

Nevertheless, when facing with the mountains of the meteorological information, it contributes to the problem that the data management of MCP becomes difficult [16]. On the one hand, the energy consumption of MCP is greatly increased in order to execute the meteorological task requests, which results in a great cost for the managers of the MCP [17]. On the other hand, how to solve the task requests accurately and timely is another problem of the MCP, which is closely related to the Quality of Service [18]. Hence, the MCP needs a data placement method that takes into account both energy consumption and data access time [19].

Although the energy-efficient data placement methods of the meteorological information system have been studied in many researches, few of them took the resource utilization of MCP, the data access time of the meteorological tasks, and the energy consumption of MCP into consideration. With the observation above, it is still a challenge to realize the big data placement in MCP. In view of this challenge, a big data placement method in MCP, named DPMM, is proposed in this paper.

The main contributions of this paper are listed as follows:

(1) Analyze the resource utilization, the data access time, and the energy consumption model in MCP and formulate the multi-objective problem of the data placement.

(2) Employ improved non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm III (NSGA-III) to improve the resource utilization of MCP and reduce the data access time of the tasks and the energy consumption in MCP.

(3) Conduct adequate experimental evaluation and comparison analysis to validate the efficiency and effectiveness of our proposed method DPMM.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the model of MCP which employed the fat-tree topology is built. In Section 3, formalized concepts, systematic models with the resource utilization, data access time, and the energy consumption which are taken into account, and the multi-objective problem are presented. The proposed data placement in MCP is detailed in Section 4. Section 5 illustrates the comparison analysis and performance evaluation. The related work is summarized in Section 6, and Section 7 concludes this paper with the future work presented.

2 Meteorological cloud platform over big data

In order to place the big data in the MCP, the structure of the MCP should be figured out. Nowadays, the meteorological information system includes the meteorological database, the meteorological application library, and the meteorological graphic image database [6]. The meteorological database is the basis of meteorological engineering, including a huge number of meteorological data. It is mainly responsible for the retrieval of meteorological information. The meteorological application library mainly carries out mathematical analysis for meteorological elements. In addition, the meteorological graphic image database is responsible for the visual expression and display of meteorological information. Since the acquisition of meteorological data is mainly carried out in meteorological databases, this paper will discuss the distribution of big data on the basis of meteorological databases. Figure 1 releases a framework of the MCP in China, which includes a proprietary cloud and a public cloud, and the data processing mainly occurs in the proprietary cloud.

Fig. 1
figure 1

A Framework of the meteorological cloud platform

In meteorological cloud platforms, meteorological data are distributed on thousands of physical machines. When a computational task arrives at a physical machine, it may require a variety of meteorological data at different locations for computation. Therefore, this paper uses fat-tree topology structure to construct the meteorological database of MCP [20].

The advantages of the fat-tree structure are obvious. First of all, its bandwidth division increases with the expansion of network scale which can provide high throughput transmission service for MCP. In addition, it can provide communication between different pods. Moreover, there are many parallel paths between source and destination nodes, the fault-tolerant performance of the network is guaranteed, and there will be no single point of failure in general. Besides, the fat-tree structure achieves timely load handling through multiple links at the core layer, avoiding network hot spots, and avoids overload by reasonable shunting within the pod.

The structure of the fat-tree is mainly composed of three layers of switches which are the core switch, the aggregation switch, and the edge switch, and the edge switch is connected with the physical machine. From our former research [21], it can be seen that in the fat-tree topology, every two aggregation switches and two edge switches form a pod. If we figure out the number of pods, the whole network topology is clear. Assuming that the number of the pods in MCP is p, then the number of physical machines that each pod can connect to is (p/2)2, and the number of edge switches and aggregate switches in each pod is p/2; there are (p/2)2 core switches in the whole topology. The number of ports per switch in the network is p, thus the topology can be connected to p3/4 physical machines in total.

3 Resource model of MCP

In this section, we construct a resource model of MCP in big data environment based on the fat-tree network topology structure and establish the multi-objective problem of big data distribution in MCP [22].

3.1 System resource model

In this paper, we focus on a big data-oriented MCP that provides flexible resources for storing meteorological data. Suppose that there are N meteorological datasets in the current MCP that need to be placed on the physical machines, denoted as D={d1,d2,…,dN}, and M tasks have arrived at the MCP to be performed, denoted as T={t1,t2,…,tM}. A task may require multiple meteorological datasets to perform, and a meteorological dataset may also be accessed by multiple tasks. Since the number of pods is p in the MCP, thus there are p3/4 physical machines provided to place the datasets and the tasks. Assuming W is the total number of physical machines, W=p3/4, then the physical machines in the MCP can be represented by PM={pm1,pm2,…,pmW}. Hence, set X={x1,x2,…,xN} be the collection of the placement strategy for each meteorological dataset, and each placement strategy xnPM(1≤nN). Similarly, set Y={y1,y2,…,yM} be the collection of the placement location of each task set, and each placement location ymPM(1≤mM). Therefore, this paper will solve the placement strategy X of meteorological dataset according to the known task placement strategy Y. Meteorological data refers to information elements or numerical analysis results collected or processed by all possible means of observation, detection, and telemetry, which come from the Earth’s atmosphere and its adjacent layers and are related to the law of atmospheric state change.

According to the types of data in meteorological information system, meteorological data can be divided into two categories which are the meteorological data and industrial social data [6]. Meteorological data, including atmospheric data and surface data, are the main data resources for studying and forecasting meteorological information, and their data volume is relatively large, while industrial social data mainly include geographic information, national economy and other data, which provide assistance for the analysis of meteorological information. Because the industrial social data play a restrictive and auxiliary role in meteorological analysis, the industrial social data should be placed on the physical machine where the task set is requested, which means xn=ym. Using binary flag ξn to represent if dn is the industrial social data, thus

$$ {\xi_{n}} = \left\{ \begin{array}{l} 0,{\mathrm{ }}{d_{n}}{\mathrm{\ is\ industrial\ social\ data,}}\\ {\mathrm{1}},{\mathrm{ Otherwise}}{\mathrm{.}} \end{array} \right. $$

3.2 Resource utilization model

In MCP, task sets and datasets are managed by virtual machines placed on physical machines. The resources required by datasets and task sets and the capacity of physical machines can be expressed by the number of virtual machine instances. Suppose cw be the capacity of the wth physical machine pmw.

Resource utilization is an important metric to manage the utilization of MCP resources. According to the placement strategy X of meteorological datasets, the resource utilization of each physical machine can be obtained by detecting the resource utilization of virtual machine instances. Suppose uw(X) be the resource utilization of the wth physical machine under the placement strategy X, which can be calculated by

$$ {u_{w}}(X) = \frac{1}{{{c_{w}}}}\sum\limits_{n = 1}^{N} {{\theta_{n}} \cdot {I_{n,w}}(X)}, $$

where θn represents the resource demand of meteorological dataset dn, and In,w(X) is the binary flag to judge whether dn is placed on pmw, thus

$$ {I_{n,w}}(X) = \left\{ \begin{array}{l} 1,{\mathrm{\ if\ }}w = {x_{n}},\\ 0,{\mathrm{\ Otherwise}}. \end{array} \right. $$

Then, the overall resource utilization of MCP refers to the usage status of all occupied physical machines. Suppose λ(X) be the number of employed physical machines, which can be calculated by

$$ \lambda (X) = \sum\limits_{w = 1}^{W} {{F_{w}}(X),} $$

where Fw(X) is the binary flag to judge whether pmw is employed, thus

$$ {F_{w}}(X) = \left\{ \begin{array}{l} 1,{\mathrm{\ }}p{m_{w}}{\mathrm{\ is\ empolyed,}}\\ {\mathrm{0,\ Otherwise}}{\mathrm{.}} \end{array} \right. $$

Then, the average resource utilization of the MCP can be obtained by using the following formula

$$ U(X) = \frac{1}{{\lambda (X)}}\sum\limits_{w = 1}^{W} {{u_{w}}(X).} $$

3.3 Access time model

In the MCP, the task set needs to be implemented by the meteorological dataset deployed on the physical machine. Hence, when considering the big data distribution strategy of meteorological cloud platform, it is necessary to consider the data access time of task set accessing meteorological dataset.

Suppose lm,n is the binary flag to judge whether tm needs to access dn, thus

$$ {l_{m,n}} = \left\{ \begin{array}{l} 1,{\mathrm{\ }}{t_{m}}{\mathrm{\ needs\ to\ access}}{d_{n}},\\ 0,{\mathrm{\ Otherwise}}{\mathrm{.}} \end{array} \right. $$

Suppose gm,n is the access frequency of tm access to dn in a task execution cycle R, then the total access frequency K in a period of execution cycle can be calculated by the following formula

$$ K = \sum\limits_{m = 1}^{M} {\sum\limits_{n = 1}^{N} {{l_{m,n}} \cdot {g_{m,n}}.} } $$

In the fat-tree topology, the number of exchanges occurring in data transmission is closely related to the distribution of datasets and task sets. Suppose ES(pm) be the edge switch connected to the physical machines and Pod(pm) represents the pod of this edge switch. Then, the number of exchanges in data transmission can be divided into four cases, respectively: (1) tm and dn are placed on the same physical machine, which means xn=ym. (2) tm and dn are placed on the different physical machines but connected to the same edge switch, which means xnym,ES(xn)=ES(ym). (3) The physical machines of tm and dn belongs to different edge switches but the same pod, which means ES(xn)≠ES(ym),Pod(xn)=Pod(ym). (4) The physical machines of tm and dn belong to different pods, which means Pod(xn)≠Pod(ym). Based on the analysis above, the access time tm,n(X) of tm to access dn once can be calculated by

$$ {\begin{aligned} {t_{m,n}}(X) = \left\{ \begin{array}{l} 0,{\mathrm{\ }}{x_{n}} = {y_{m}},\\ 2\frac{{{\rho_{n}}}}{{{b_{PE}}}} \cdot {l_{m,n}},\ {x_{n}} \ne {y_{m}},{\mathrm{\ }}ES({x_{n}}) = ES({y_{m}}),\\ (2\frac{{{\rho_{n}}}}{{{b_{PE}}}} + 2\frac{{{\rho_{n}}}}{{{b_{EA}}}})\! \cdot \!{l_{m,n}},{\mathrm{\ }}\!ES({x_{n}}) \!\ne\! ES({y_{m}})\ Pod({x_{n}}) \,=\, Pod({y_{m}}),\\ (2\frac{{{\rho_{n}}}}{{{b_{PE}}}} + 2\frac{{{\rho_{n}}}}{{{b_{EA}}}} + 2\frac{{{\rho_{n}}}}{{{b_{AC}}}}) \cdot {l_{m,n}},{\mathrm{\ }}Pod({x_{n}}) \ne Pod({y_{m}}). \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}} $$

where ρn represents the data volume of dn and bPE represents the bandwidth between physical machines and edge switches; similarly, bEA represents the bandwidth between edge switches and aggregation switches and bAC represents the bandwidth between aggregation switches and the core switches. Then, the average data access time T(X) of the MCP can be calculated using the following formula

$$ T(X) = \frac{1}{K}\sum\limits_{n = 1}^{N} {\sum\limits_{m = 1}^{M} {{t_{m,n}}(X) \cdot {g_{m,n}} \cdot {\xi_{n}}}}. $$

3.4 Energy consumption model

In this paper, we focus on the energy consumption of physical machines, virtual machines, and switches in the process of data layout. First of all, all physical machines consume a certain amount of energy to run. We call this energy consumption the basic energy consumption of physical machines, which can be calculated as

$$ BE(X) = \sum\limits_{w = 1}^{W} {R \cdot {\alpha_{w}} \cdot {F_{w}}(X)}, $$

where αw is the basic energy rate of pmw.

Virtual machine also consumes a certain amount of energy. Its energy consumption can be divided into two situations. If the virtual machine instance is occupied by datasets, it will consume more energy. We call this energy consumption as active virtual machine energy consumption, which can be calculated according to the following formula

$$ A{E_{VM}}(X) = \sum\limits_{w = 1}^{W} {\sum\limits_{n = 1}^{N} {{\theta_{n}} \cdot {I_{n,w}}(X) \cdot R \cdot \eta} }, $$

where η is the active energy rate of the virtual machines. And the virtual machine instances that are not occupied by meteorological datasets will consume less energy, which we call it the idle virtual machine consumption, denoted as IE, can be calculated by

$$ I{E_{VM}}(X) = \sum\limits_{w = 1}^{W} {({c_{w}} - \sum\limits_{n = 1}^{N} {{\theta_{n}} \cdot {I_{n,w}}(X)) \cdot R \cdot \tau} }, $$

where τ is the idle energy rate of the virtual machines.

Therefore, the virtual machine consumption in the MCP can be expressed as

$$ VE(X) = A{E_{VM}}(X) + I{E_{VM}}(X). $$

In addition, the energy consumption of switches due to data transmission needs to be considered. In the fat-tree topology model, the total number of switches is 5/4p2, in addition, the number of switches passed by tm to access dn, denoted as δm,n(X), can be calculated by

$$ {\begin{aligned} {\delta_{m,n}}(X) = \left\{ \begin{array}{l} 0,{\mathrm{\ }}{x_{n}} = {y_{m}},\\ 1,{\mathrm{\ }}{x_{n}} \ne {y_{m}},{\mathrm{\ }}ES({x_{n}}) = ES({y_{m}}),\\ 3,{\mathrm{\ }}ES({x_{n}}) \ne ES({y_{m}}),{\mathrm{\ }}Pod({x_{n}}) = Pod({y_{m}}),\\ 5,{\mathrm{\ }}Pod({x_{n}}) \ne Pod({y_{m}}). \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}} $$

Hence, the energy consumption of the switches SE can be calculated by

$$ \begin{aligned} SE(X) =& \frac{5}{4}{p^{2}} \cdot R \cdot \beta \\&+\! \sum\limits_{m = 1}^{M} {\sum\limits_{n = 1}^{N} {{l_{m,n}} \cdot {g_{m,n}}(X) \cdot {t_{m,n}}(X) \cdot {\xi_{n}} \cdot {\delta_{m,n}}(X) \!\cdot\! \gamma,} } \end{aligned} $$

where β is the basic energy rate of the switches and γ is the working energy rate of the switches.

Therefore, the overall energy consumption of meteorological cloud platform can be calculated by

$$ E(X) = BE(X) + VE(X) + SE(X). $$

3.5 Problem formulation

The focus of our research is to solve the problem of big data placement in the environment of MCP. On the basis of known task set placement strategy, we optimize the placement strategy of meteorological dataset in order to improve resource utilization, reduce data access time and energy consumption.

After the above analysis, the multi-objective problem in this paper can be expressed as

$$ \max {\mathrm{ }}U(X){\mathrm{, min }}T(X),{\mathrm{ min }}E(X). $$
$$ {\mathrm{s}}{\mathrm{.t}}{\mathrm{. }}{x_{n}} = \{ 1,2,\ldots,W\}, $$
$$ \sum\limits_{n = 1}^{N} {{\theta_{n}} \cdot {I_{n,m}}(X) \le {c_{w}}}. $$

4 A big data placement method in MCP

In this section, a data placement method in MCP is proposed. Compared with the other data placement, NSGA-III is widely applied in could platform because of its advantages in finding the optimal solution in the feasible solution accurately and timely, which is used to MCP in this paper [23, 24]. First, the placement strategies for meteorological data sets are encoded and fitness functions are given for the optimization problem. Second, the fast non-dominated sorting approach and the crowded-comparison operation are used in selection. Then, the crossover and mutation operation of traditional genetic algorithm (GA) are adopted. Finally, the overview of our method is described in detail.

4.1 Data placement based on NSGA-III

A data placement strategy in MCP is proposed in this subsection. The data placement problem is defined as a multi-objective optimization problem. NSGA-III is an accurate and robust method for addressing the optimization problem with multiple objectives. Here, NSGA-III is adopted to solve the multi-objective optimization problem presented in [18].

Firstly, we encode for the physical machines and then give the fitness function and constraints for the multi-objective optimization problem. In addition, we generate new chromosomes using the crossover and mutation operations. At last, we pick out the chromosomes of the next generation, using usual domination principle and reference-point-based selection. The overview of the multi-objective data placement is elaborated.

4.1.1 Encoding

In this section, we encode for the physical machines and meteorological datasets are placed to the physical machines, as is presented in Section 3. In the genetic algorithm (GA), a gene represents the data placement strategy of a dataset and the genes compromise a chromosome, representing the placement strategies of all the meteorological datasets. The physical machines are encoded as 1,2,…,W.

Figure 2 illustrates an encoding instance for placement of the datasets with N meteorological datasets. In this example, the chromosome is encoded in an array of W integers (1,2,…,W).

Fig. 2
figure 2

An encoding instance of W physical machines for N meteorological datasets

4.1.2 Fitness functions and constraints

The fitness functions are adopted to evaluate the solutions generated by the chromosomes. In GA, each chromosome is an individual and represents a solution of the optimization problem. The fitness functions in this paper includes three categories: the average resource utilization, the data access time, and the energy consumption, presented in [6], [10], and [17] respectively. The resource utilization should be maximized and the data access time and the energy consumption must be minimized, and we aim to achieve a balance among those three objectives.

4.1.3 Initialization

In this subsection, the parameters of GA are determined, including the population size S, the maximum iteration I, the crossover possibility pc, and the mutation possibility pm.

Each chromosome represents the placement strategies of all the meteorological datasets, which is denoted as Xi = (x1,x2,…,xN)(i=1,2,…,S). Each gene in the chromosome stands for the placement strategy of a dataset.

4.1.4 Crossover and mutation

In the crossover phase, we conduct the single-point crossover operation on two chromosomes to generate two new individuals. Figure 3 illustrates an example of crossover operation for two chromosomes with W genes respectively. In this example, a crossover point is determined in advance and then the genes of two chromosomes are swapped around the point. Thus, two new chromosomes are created.

Fig. 3
figure 3

An example of crossover operation

The mutation operation is conducted to modify the genes in chromosomes to create new chromosomes with the hope of higher fitness values. An example of mutation operation of a chromosome with N genes is shown in Fig. 4. Each gene in the chromosome is changed with the equal possibility pm.

Fig. 4
figure 4

An example of mutation operation

4.2 Selection for the next generation

We select the chromosomes for the next generation in the selection phase with higher fitness values. We encode for the physical machines and each chromosome represents all the data placement strategies of the meteorological datasets. As is discussed above, the number of fitness functions for each chromosome is 3, i.e., the resource utilization, the data access time, and the energy consumption. After crossover and mutation operations are conducted, S chromosomes are generated and the size of population becomes 2S. We aim at select S chromosomes for the next generation.

Firstly, the three objectives are evaluated according to [6], [10], and [17]. Then, usual domination principle is conducted to sort the 2S solutions using the three fitness values to generate some non-dominated fronts. Suppose that there are n non-dominated fronts, and the datasets in the first front have the most optimal fitness values.

We select one chromosome at random from the first front to the nth fronts every time until S chromosomes have been picked out. Assume the last chosen solution is in the fth front and the number of the selected chromosomes in the fth front is s. If the number of solutions in the fth non-dominated front is s, that is all the individuals in the fth front are selected, then the selection phase finishes.

However, if part of the chromosomes in the fth front are chosen, then further selection is required to determine the chromosomes in the fth front going into the next chromosomes.

In further selection, the three fitness functions of each individual in the generation are normalized. The maximization of the resource utilization, the minimization of the data access time, and the energy consumption for the population are represented as U(X),T(X), and E(X) respectively. We search U(X),T(X), and E(X) in the population firstly. Then the fitness functions are updated as

$$ \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {U'(X) = U(X) - {U^ * }(X),}\\ {T'(X) = T(X) - {T^ * }(X),}\\ {E'(X) = E(X) - {E^{*}}(X).} \end{array}} \right. $$

Um,Tm, and Em represent the extreme values of the average resource utilization, the data access time, and the energy consumption respectively which are calculated by

$$ \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{U_{m}} = \max \frac{{U'(X)}}{{{W_{U}}}},}\\ {{T_{m}} = \max \frac{{T'(X)}}{{{W_{T}}}},}\\ {{E_{m}} = \max \frac{{E'(X)}}{{{W_{E}}}},} \end{array}} \right. $$

where WU,WT, and WE are the weight vectors to the three functions.

Assume each fitness function as an axis and the intercepts of each axis can be determined according to the three extreme values, denoted as ρU,ρT, and ρE respectively. Then, the fitness functions are normalized by

$$ =\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {U^{\prime\prime}(X) = \frac{{U'(X)}}{{{\rho_{U}}}},}\\ {T^{\prime\prime}(X) = \frac{{T'(X)}}{{{\rho_{T}}}},}\\ {E^{\prime\prime}(X) = \frac{{E'(X)}}{{{\rho_{E}}}}.} \end{array}} \right. $$

After normalization, the fitness values of the resource utilization, the data access time, and the energy consumption are between zero and one. The normalized solutions are scattered in the hyperplane composed by the three fitness axes. Each solution of the individual in the population is corresponding to a triple.

Divide each axis into g subsections, and then, the number of the reference points, denoted as ζ, is calculated by

$$ \zeta = C_{g}^{g + 2}. $$

ζ is approximately equal to S to guarantee each individual associate with a reference point. Then, we associate the normalized solutions with the reference points.

We sort the solutions in the fth non-dominated front, using the number of the associated reference points. Assume the solutions in the fth front are sorted into d levels and the reference points in the first level represents the maximum reference points. Each time selects one solution randomly from the first level until the n individuals have been selected.

4.3 Solution evaluation using SAW and MCDM

The proposed strategy aims at achieving a trade-off in optimizing the average resource utilization, the data access time of the tasks, and the energy consumption of MCP. In each population, there are N chromosomes and each chromosome xn represents a hybrid data placement of N meteorological datasets. In addition, dynamic schedule of datasets is considered and, to select relatively better schedule solution of each placement strategy, simple additive weighting (SAW) and multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) are employed.

The resource utilization is a positive criterion, i.e., the higher the resource utilization is, the better the solution becomes. Oppositely, the data access time and the energy consumption are the negative criterion. We normalize the resource utilization in the nth placement strategy as

$$ UV({U_{n}}) = \left\{ \begin{array}{l} \frac{{U({x_{n}}) - {U^{\min }}}}{{{U^{{\text{max}}}} - {U^{\min }}}},{\mathrm{ }}{U^{{\text{max}}}} - {U^{\min }} \ne 0,\\ 1,{\mathrm{ }}{U^{{\text{max}}}} - {U^{\min }}{\mathrm{ = 0, }} \end{array} \right.\ $$

where Umax and Umin represent the maximum and minimum fitness for resource utilization in the nth placement strategy. Similarly, the time consumption of nth placement strategy is normalized as

$$ UV({T_{n}}) = \left\{ \begin{array}{l} \frac{{{T^{\max }} - T({x_{n}})}}{{{T^{{\text{max}}}} - {T^{\min }}}},{\mathrm{ }}{T^{{\text{max}}}} - {T^{\min }} \ne 0,\\ 1,{\mathrm{ }}{T^{{\text{max}}}} - {T^{\min }}{\mathrm{ = 0, }} \end{array} \right. $$

where Tmax and Tmin represent the maximum and minimum fitness for data access time in the nth placement strategy. And the energy consumption of nth placement strategy is normalized as

$$ UV({E_{n}}) = \left\{ \begin{array}{l} \frac{{{E^{\max }} - E({x_{n}})}}{{{E^{{\text{max}}}} - {E^{\min }}}},{\mathrm{ }}{E^{{\text{max}}}} - {E^{\min }} \ne 0,\\ 1,{\mathrm{ }}{E^{{\text{max}}}} - {E^{\min }}{\mathrm{ = 0, }} \end{array} \right. $$

where Emax and Emin represent the maximum and minimum fitness for energy consumption in the nth placement strategy. In addition, to calculate the utility value of each solution, the weight of each objective function requires determination.

In this paper, we do an overall consideration of three objectives for each strategy. The utility value of the nth placement strategy is calculated by

$$ UV({x_{n}}) = UV({U_{n}}) \cdot {\kappa_{U}} + UV({T_{n}}) \cdot {\kappa_{T}} + UV({E_{n}}) \cdot {\kappa_{E}}, $$

where UV(xn) represents the utility value of the nth placement strategy and κU,κT, and κE represent the weight of the resource utilization, the data access time, and the energy consumption respectively. Therefore, for each chromosome in the population, we have calculated the utility value of the same schedule. The formalized optimization problem given in (18) can be represent by

$$ \mathop {\max }\limits_{n = 1}^{N} UV({x_{n}}) $$
$$ {\mathrm{s}}{\mathrm{.t}}{\mathrm{. }}{x_{n}} = \{ 1,2,\ldots,W\}, $$
$$ \sum\limits_{n = 1}^{N} {{\theta_{n}} \cdot {I_{n,m}}(X) \le {c_{w}}}, $$
$$ {\kappa_{U}},{\mathrm{ }}{\kappa_{T}},{\mathrm{ }}{\kappa_{E}} \in [0,1], $$
$$ {\kappa_{U}} + {\kappa_{T}} + {\kappa_{E}} = 1. $$

The solution selection strategy is elaborated in Algorithm 1. We select the maximum and minimum value of the three objections (Lines 1-6). Then the utility values of the three objections and the solutions are evaluated (Lines 7-12). The maximum utility value of solution is selected (Line 13). Finally, the solution with maximum utility value is output.

4.4 Method overview

In this paper, we aim to optimize the resource utilization, reduce the data access time, and decrease the energy consumption, which is determined as a multi-objective optimization problem. The NSGA-III is adopted to achieve the global optimal data placement strategy. First, we encode for the physical machines and each gene represents the data placement strategy for a meteorological dataset. Then, the fitness functions and constraints of the multi-objective optimization problem are elaborated. Crossover and mutation operations are conducted to generate new chromosomes and usual domination principle and reference-point-based selection in NSGA-III are adopted to select the individuals going into the next generation.

The overview of the proposed method is elaborated in Algorithm 2. We input the tasks, the physical machines, and the placement strategy of the tasks. The algorithm starts with the first iteration, and for each iteration, we conduct the crossover and mutation operation to generate new solutions (Line 3). Then, we evaluate the fitness functions of each chromosomes and obtain the placement routing (Lines 5). We conduct the selection, including the non-dominant sorting, the primary selection, and the further selection (Lines 7-13). When the algorithm reaches the maximum iteration, we evaluate the solutions by SAW and MCDM (Line 17). Finally, the optimal data placement methods are output.

5 Experimental evaluation

In this section, a set of complex simulations and experiments are performed to evaluate the performance of the proposed DPMM. We first introduced the simulation setup with the simulation parameter settings and the statement of the comparative data placement. Then, the influence of different task scales on the performance of the resource utilization, the data access time, and the energy consumption of the compared method and our proposed DPMM is evaluated.

5.1 Simulation setup

In our simulation, six datasets with different scales of the tasks are applied for our experiments, and the number of datasets is set to 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, and 1200 and the industrial social datasets is set to 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, and 300 in each scale of the meteorological datasets. The specified parameter settings in this experiment are illustrated in Table 1 [25].

Table 1 Parameter settings

To conduct the comparison analysis, we employ some other basic data placement method besides our DPMM. The comparative methods are briefly expounded as follows:

• Benchmark: In this method, the meteorological datasets are placed in the order of the physical machines. When the former physical machine is full, the datasets left are placed on the next physical machine. This process is repeated until all datasets have been placed.

• First fit decreasing in MCP (FFD-M): The meteorological datasets are sorted in descending order according to the dataset requests first. Then, the sorted datasets are placed on the physical machines. If the left resources of current physical machine are insufficient for the resource requirement of a dataset, the dataset is placed on the physical machine with enough resource. This process is repeated until all datasets have been placed.

• Best fit decreasing in MCP (BFD-M): The meteorological datasets and the physical machines are both sorted in descending order according to the dataset request and the space of physical machines first. Then, the sorted datasets are placed on the sorted physical machines. If the left resources of the physical machine are insufficient for the resource requirement of the dataset, the dataset is placed on the physical machine with enough resource next to this physical machine in optimal principle. This process is repeated until all datasets have been placed.

The data placement methods are implemented on a personal computer with Intel Core i7-4720HQ 3.60 GHz processors and 4 GB RAM.

5.2 Performance evaluation of DPMM

The proposed DPMM is intended to achieve a trade-off with optimizing the resource utilization while reducing the data access time and the energy consumption. We conducted 50 experiments in the case of convergence for each dataset scale, and multiple sets of results are obtained.

Figure 5 shows the comparison of the utility value of the solutions generated by DPMM at different dataset scales. It is illustrated that when the dataset scale is 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, and 1200, solutions generated by DPMM are 3, 2, 3, 4, 3, and 3 respectively. For the solutions generated by DPMM, we attempt to obtain the most balanced data placement strategy by judging the utility value given in [28]. After statistics and analysis, the solution with the maximum utility value is considered as the most balanced strategy. For instance, in Fig. 5a, the final selected strategy is solution 3 because it achieves the highest utility value.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Comparison of the utility value of the solutions generated by DPMM at different data scales. a Number of datasets = 200. b Number of datasets = 400. c Number of datasets = 600. d Number of datasets = 800. e Number of datasets = 1000. f Number of datasets = 1200

5.3 Comparison analysis

In this subsection, the comparisons of Benchmark, FFD-M, BFD-M, and DPMM with the same experimental context are analyzed in detail. The resource utilization, the data access time, and the energy consumption are the main metrics for evaluating the performance of the data placement method. The corresponding results are shown in Figs. 6, 7, and 8.

(1) Comparison of resource utilization: After placing all the meteorological datasets on the physical machines via the data placement methods, the occupation of the VM instances is achieved. Figure 6 shows the comparison of the resource utilization in MCP of Benchmark, FFD-M, BFD-M, and DPMM at different dataset scales. The resource utilization is calculated according to the number of employed physical machines and the employed VM instances in each physical machine. Fewer employed physical machines with more occupied VM instances contribute to a higher resource utilization. It is intuitive from Fig. 6 that our proposed method DPMM achieves higher and stable resource utilization. That is, DPMM reduces the number of unemployed VM instances and wastes less resources than other data placement method.

(2) Comparison of data access time: Fig. 7 shows the comparison of the data access time of the meteorological tasks of Benchmark, FFD-M, BFD-M, and DPMM at different dataset scales. In this paper, we try to realize a balance between the resource utilization, the data access time and the energy consumption; however, in order to improve the resource utilization and reduce the energy consumption, the meteorological datasets may place on the physical machine which may be far from the tasks. It is illustrated from Fig. 7 that the data access time of our proposed method DPMM is a little more than the other data placement method, which means our proposed method may sacrifice some data access time to optimize the resource utilization and the energy consumption.

(3) Comparison of energy consumption: As the energy consumption is the sign of the cost the MCP needs to give out, it becomes the most important metrics that the manager of the MCP concerned. Figure 8 shows the comparison of energy consumption in MCP of Benchmark, FFD-M, BFD-M, and DPMM at different dataset scales. When the number of the datasets is small, the difference of the energy consumption for those four data placement methods are not obvious, but with the increase of the dataset scales, the energy consumption of DPMM is better than the other data placement method, which means that our proposed method DPMM may well be applied in the big data environment like MCP.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Comparison of the average resource utilization in MCP of Benchmark, FFD-M, BFD-M, and DPMM at different dataset scales

Fig. 7
figure 7

Comparison of the data access time of the meteorological tasks of Benchmark, FFD-M, BFD-M, and DPMM at different dataset scales

Fig. 8
figure 8

Comparison of energy consumption in MCP of Benchmark, FFD-M, BFD-M, and DPMM at different dataset scales

6 Related work

In recent years, with the rapid growth of meteorological data resources, people are actively seeking to replace the traditional meteorological information system platform, and the MCP has attracted extensive attention because of its high-efficiency computing ability for large data [26, 27]. Pokric et al. [6] presents the environmental monitoring solution ekoNET, developed for a real-time monitoring of air pollution and other atmospheric condition parameters such as temperature, air pressure, and humidity. In [28], Sawant et al. addresses above issues through the adaptation of a framework based on Open Geospatial Consortium standards for Sensor Web Enablement. Padarian et al. in [29] explores the feasibility of using this platform for digital soil mapping by presenting two soil mapping examples over the contiguous USA.

However, with the increasing amount of data, the problem of data placement in meteorological cloud data center is becoming more and more serious [30, 31]. Traditional data placement method cannot meet the basic requirements of query and analysis of massive data. A new data placement method for big data needs to be applied to MCP immediately [32]. The data placement method has been widely researched in many studies [33]. In [34], Yu and Pan proposed an associated data placement scheme, which improves the co-location of associated data and the localized data serving while ensuring the balance between nodes. In [35], Paiva et al. addressed the problem of self-tuning the data placement in replicated key-value stores to automatically optimize replica placement in a way that leverages locality patterns in data accesses, such that internode communication is minimized.

In the study of data placement methods, a large number of methods such as operations research are applied to optimize them [36, 37]. And a large number of studies such as [3841] and [42] are carried out. Compared with these methods, genetic algorithms have more rapid and accurate characteristics, and better adapt to the requirements of data placement in big data environment. Many studies focus on genetic algorithms [43].

In [44], Jean-Luc et al. compared genetic algorithm to a pure random optimization approach and their optimization efficiencies are analyzed. In [45], Kadri and Boctor addressed the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with transfer times and the experiment, conducted on a large number of instances, shows that the proposed algorithm performs better than several solution methods previously published. In [46], a set-based Pareto dominance relation was then defined to modify the fast non-dominated sorting approach in NSGA-II.

However, with the observation above, few studies have been conducted about the data placement in MCP facing with the big data. In this paper, we employed one of the genetic algorithm NSGA-III to optimize the resource utilization, the data access time, and the energy consumption in MCP.

7 Conclusion and future work

The existing works of meteorological data placement in MCP have not combined the energy consumption and the data access time together. In this paper, a big data placement method in MCP is proposed. We construct as systematic model of the resource utilization, the data access time, and the energy consumption in MCP. The proposed method is designed to improve the average resource utilization in MCP and access performance while reducing the energy consumption using the NSGA-III. Through adequate experimental evaluation and comparison analysis, the efficiency and effectiveness of our proposed method are validated.

For future work, we will adjust and extend our method to implement the meteorological data placement in exact physical environment. Accordingly, the data access time should also be reduced than the result of this paper in future.