
After publication of this article [1], two errors were noticed in Table 1 and also in Table 3.

In Table 1 in the Radiographic evaluation section, one of the characteristics was displayed as: ≦ Larsen IV- no. (%), when it should have been: ≧ Larsen IV- no. (%).

In Table 3, one of the headings was displayed as MCA, when it should have been MAC, to refer to the Mean activity count.

The correct version of both Table 1 (Table 1 here) and Table 3 (Table 2 here) are displayed below. Both Tables have also since been updated in the original article [1].

Table 1 Characteristics of participants
Table 2 Spearman’s correlations between subjective measures (SF-36, HAQ-DI) and actigraphic measures