Correction to: J Nanobiotechnol (2021) 19:362

Following the publication of the original article [1], the authors reported that Fig. 8A was incorrect. The corrected Fig. 8 and the figure caption are given. The corrections do not affect the results and conclusions. All authors agree to these corrections and apologize for this error.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Evaluation on the healing-promoting effect of the nanoplatforms on infected burns rats. A H&E staining of wound sites with different treatments, the red arrow indicates intact epidermis, bar = 200 μm. B Masson staining of the wound tissues, dotted line indicates collagen at the wound, bar = 200 μm. C Western blot analysis. D Quantification for the molecules involved in the signaling pathways for burn wound healing. E Scheme diagram showing nanomaterials direct cell proliferation and enhanced fibrinogen expression to accelerate wound healing