Correction to: European Transport Research Review (2020) 12: 21

In the original publication of this article [1], a citation needs to be added in the section ‘1.1 The use of ant Colony optimization to solve the VRP’.

In the sentence ‘In general, ACO is conceived to find the minimum cost paths within a network, so it presents several applications to routing and scheduling problems and is of particular interest in transport problems (Calabrò, G., Inturri, G., Le Pira, M., Pluchino, A., & Ignaccolo, M.: Bridging the gap between weak-demand areas and public transport using an ant-colony simulation-based optimization. Forthcoming) [16].’, the mentioned article in parenthesis has been published before the publication of the article [1], and should be cited as [4] in the article [1]. All the citation numbers after [3] should be revised as well.

[4] Calabrò, G., Inturri, G., Le Pira, M., Pluchino, A., & Ignaccolo, M. (2020). Bridging the gap between weak-demand areas and public transport using an ant-colony simulation-based optimization. Transportation Research Procedia, 45, 234–241.

The original article has been updated.