
The provision of information technology (IT)-based banking services in the banking industry ecosystem has undergone tremendous changes due to digitalization and technological advancements (Puschmann 2017). New players such as startups operating in “financial technologies” or “FinTechs” have been added to the financial ecosystem (Dhar and Stein 2017). Due to their agility and technology-oriented nature, FinTech companies offer new services and products to the financial industry customers (Lee and Shin 2018). In fact, FinTech companies have promised bank customers to provide them with a different experience of digital banking services through innovative and technology-based advances. These agile companies are appropriate for delivering innovative services and act quickly and dynamically to compensate for the backwardness of banks (Alt et al. 2018). In recent decades, due to the growth of information technology, the financial industry has experienced a remarkable transformation in the provision of innovative services. This transformation has resulted storing and increasing the speed of processing information and the use of emerging technologies in the infrastructure of financial organizations (Gomber et al. 2017). Another reason for the tremendous impact of IT on the financial industry is the centrality of information and data (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2020). For example, basic customer information, deposits, loans, and the history of all financial transactions are all data. These data are considered as the new source of wealth creation for the bank (Hanafizadeh and  Harati Nik 2020). Due to the data-driven nature of the banking industry, IT and digital banking transformation have expanded more rapidly compared to other industries (Abubakar and Tasmin 2012). The application of IT in the financial industry has not only led to the digitalization of data and automation of processes but has also influenced the value created by banks and financial institutions so that the range of services provided by banks to the customers has expanded and the use of services has been facilitated (Lin 2007). Despite the great advances that banks have made in investing and deploying IT, supported by the advantage of having access to information and advance digital technologies, they have not yet been able to provide the innovative services that customers expect and to keep pace with developments in other sectors of the economy and industry.

Although various banking products and services are offered through a variety of channels to a diverse range of customers and markets, banks have not been able to keep pace with technological changes due to being heavily regulated, often inflexible, and conservative bodies in providing innovative services. Researchers believe that FinTech companies can compensate for this backwardness (Zalan and Toufaily 2017). Because of the change in customer behavior patterns, dependence on technology, and loss of market share in some banking services, banks need to change so as to survive through digital transformation (Klus et al. 2018). Indeed, banks that are more flexible about the unpredictable future and collaborate with their ecosystem players can use the potential of ecosystem actors to survive (An 2019). Therefore, by cooperating with FinTech companies as one of the crucial players of the banking ecosystem, banks may try to use their maximum capacity to provide innovative services (Hornuf et al. 2020).

According to the September 2020 report of the KPMG Institute, global investment in FinTech companies has reached 25.6 billion dollars, and some advances in this area have been due to the COVID-19 pandemic (KPMG 2020). These statistics show that financial institutions have embraced the transforming nature of FinTech companies. In fact, the global pandemic has facilitated the adoption of technological products and has greatly contributed to the growth of FinTech companies. At the same time, the US Business Research Company had predicted in 2020 that the revenue of the global market of financial services would reach 26 trillion dollars by 2022 (The Business Research Company 2020).

According to another study by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in 2017, 82% of the financial and banking service providers intend to increase their partnership with FinTech companies by 2022. Such a partnership has mutual benefits as both the banks and FinTech companies will benefit from this value co-creation. FinTech companies will provide banks with innovative services and more efficient and economical banking solutions (Coetzee 2018). FinTech companies will not only make money by providing such services but will also have access to a large group of customers to test their innovative ideas. Coetzee (2018) argues that banks, with their large, intertwined, and heavy regulated structures, will respond more quickly to customer needs by providing innovative services if they cooperate with FinTech companies.

Because of the challenge of providing innovative services and products to customers and the need for digital transformation, banks have begun to cooperate with FinTech companies to meet the diverse financial needs of their customers (Hornuf et al. 2020). Moreover, according to Haddad and Hornuf (2021), FinTech companies not only have a positive effect on the financial sector’s performance but also can improve financial stability (Haddad and Hornuf 2021).

The growth of FinTech and increasing innovations in information and communication technology (ICT) have led to a digital transformation in the provision of financial services. Such services are provided at the macro-level to various industries, including banks, credit unions, insurance, stock brokerages, accounting and auditing companies, investment funds and equity agencies, consumer finance companies, real estate agencies, exchange offices, and customer accreditation companies (Asmundson 2012). Previously, research articles and reports have dealt with the transformative role of FinTech companies in providing services to these industries. These studies have been conducted more from the FinTech perspective, and the use of these transformative services by industries has been less considered. The banking industry is no exception, and in previous research, the capability to change banking services relying on financial technologies has been less addressed. In studies that have examined the impact of financial technologies of FinTech companies on providing banking services, these services have been studied in general and often based on the most widely used areas of the bank's business area (e.g., payment, lending, and financing).

For example, Accenture’s 2016 report mentions the key FinTech services to areas such as risk management, wealth management, payment, money transfer, lending, crowdfunding, and digital currency (Accenture 2016). In a study by Lee and Shin (2018), FinTech’s business models were described in terms of payment, wealth management, crowdfunding, and lending (Lee and Shin 2018). In another study conducted on the services to be provided to FinTech customers, issues such as account management, money investment and savings, financing and collective investment, money payment and transfer, cryptocurrencies, financial planning, and interpersonal lending were identified as the main activity areas of Fintech Companies (Gimpel et al. 2017). Haddad and Hornuf (2018) classified FinTech companies based on their activity perspective into payment, lending, currency exchange, and risk management (Haddad and Hornuf 2018). In a study on the future of FinTech, Das (2019) pointed to issues such as money transfer and payment, lending and credit, financial management, currency exchange, and retail banking as the business areas of FinTech companies in the future (Das 2019).

The International Monetary Fund’s report on FinTech companies’ financial services indicates that so far, FinTech companies have been able to prepare the ground for the application of new technologies such as blockchain and distributed ledger technology, cryptocurrencies, the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and soft computations by having access to the banks’ big data through application programming interfaces (APIs) (IMF Staff Team 2017). To a limited extent, they have had innovations in providing financial services such as “payment and clearing services,” “capital increase through deposit and lending,” and “capital management and banking data analysis services” (Group Of Twenty 2018). However, banks’ collaboration with FinTech companies does not yet cover a wide range of banking services to a variety of customers (Omarini 2019), and FinTech companies have not yet been able to penetrate in all areas of banking services with the same intensity and weakness (Cai 2018).

Since banks are enthusiastic about using the transforming potential of FinTech companies for their own digital transformation (Westerman et al. 2014), bank managers and strategists are required to identify all potential services and areas of cooperation with FinTech companies.

Although the FinTech companies’ potential has been used in some banking services, considering the diversity of banking service domains, it is clear that banks have not yet used the FinTech companies’ potential in all banking service domains. In this regard, the present study contributes to the literature by identifying the neglected banking service domains that researchers recommend for the activity of FinTech companies.

Although the studies mentioned above have dealt with financial technologies, areas of activity, business models, and adoption of FinTech companies’ products and services, the diversity of business areas in the banking industry and the number of services that can be provided in each area to customers have not been given priority. Therefore, the gap of not covering the transformation capacity of banking services with the advent of FinTechs is felt. Also, the transformative impacts of FinTech developments on bank customers have been less studied and used in banks due to the lack of knowledge about such developments.

In line with this research gap, in a study conducted by Bridbach et al. (2019) on the future research trends on digital transformation in financial services, it was mentioned that previous studies have extensively addressed the role of FinTechs in providing technical infrastructures, business models of FinTech companies and financial technology markets at the macro-level, while the capacity to change banking services through the services of FinTech companies at the micro-level has been overlooked (Breidbach et al. 2019). Therefore, this study aims to identify the service domains that can be exploited by banks due to the emergence and development of FinTechs.

Gomber et al. (2017) reviewed the functions of FinTech companies in the digitalization of financial businesses. They introduced areas of “payment,” “digital financing,” “digital investment,” “digital money,” “digital payment,” “digital insurance,” and “digital financial advice” as the main areas of operation of FinTech businesses. The purpose of Gomber et al.’s (2017) study was to identify FinTech services in the digitalization of financial businesses. Since banks have a broad range of services, in this study, and in line with Gomber et al.’s research, we investigate the services of FinTech companies in all banking domains. Moreover, we posit that identifying the FinTech companies’ service potentials is only possible through a review of state-of-the-art literature on FinTech companies’ services in the banking industry, which have innovatively been devised by researchers and the banking service domain. Thus, the present study seeks to answer the following question:

  • Which banking service domains have the transformative potential?

In this study, to answer the research question, first, the literature of FinTech companies’ activity areas was reviewed. Then, the standards, frameworks, and best practices proposed in the banking industry were studied to find an appropriate reference list of banking services for the classification of FinTech companies’ services research. The Banking Industry Architecture Network (BIAN) was then selected as the reference model for categorizing FinTech companies’ services research. Then, the BIAN was used to encode the hidden concepts of the studies using thematic analysis deductively. In the following and based on the obtained findings, new areas and domains of FinTech companies’ services and instances of services that can be provided to the bank are presented in the form of a model and tables in the findings section. In the discussion section, the theoretical contribution and comparative analysis of this study are determined based on a comparative comparison of the results of this research with accredited international studies and reports.

The present article is organized into six sections after the introduction. First, the standards relevant to the banking service domain are introduced. The aim is to obtain a relatively complete and agreed-upon list of banking services through one of these standards. The article is continued by a short introduction to the BIAN. Then, in the methodology section, the data search and collection, as well as analysis and processing methods, are described. The research question is answered in the findings section. Complementary interpretations are presented in the discussion section, and the article ends with the conclusion section.

How to choose the appropriate reference to cover entire banking services

As obtaining the scope of banking services is not part of this research, and we try to adapt the scope of banking services from a suitable source, in this section, we describe how to select the appropriate reference for adapting the list of banking services. Banking references include standards, frameworks, and models. The banking standards are the global standards that banks are required to comply with when providing their services and interbank exchanges. In the following, we first present the types of banking industry standards in the areas of banking ISOs (ISO), Basel Committee standards (Basel), International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS), standards of the Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP), Anti Money Laundering (AML) advice, and Counter Financing of Terrorism (CFT). To achieve the full range of banking services and to select the appropriate framework for covering all banking services, the above standards are compared and evaluated according to Table 1. The two banking reference frameworks, MIRA-B (Microsoft Industry Reference Architecture for Banking) and the BIAN are more common in the banking industry than other frameworks (Ahmadalinejad and Hashemi 2015). There exist also two famous models for bank supervision which are FMI (Financial Market Infrastructures) and IFW (Information Framework) (Ahmadalinejad and Hashemi 2015). To have a complete overview, the descriptions of these frameworks and models are also added to Table 1. Due to the need to extract banking services to answer the research question and to present the functional differences between these standards, models, and frameworks, Table 1 is classified based on the following three functional areas:

  • Service orientation: The concepts of the framework or standard are related to the structure of banking service provision and the relationship among service provision departments.

  • Message orientation: The concepts of the framework or standard relate to the form or method of transmitting banking messages.

  • Process orientation: The concepts of the framework or standard are related to the executive process of banking operations.

Table 1 Standards and frameworks of the financial industry

Table 1 shows that most models, frameworks, and standards of the banking industry are message-oriented and have standardized information exchange methods among banks and financial institutions. Some of them are process-oriented, and only two of them (MIRA-B and BIAN) are service-oriented. As the question of this research is related to the service domain, we have to choose one of the service-oriented frameworks like MIRA-B and BIAN. MIRA-B is based on Microsoft technology. We ignore MIRA-B because banks may use other different technologies.

As mentioned in the introduction, banks have no choice but the digital transformation to survive in the competition. One of the components of digital transformation is the transformation of banking products and services. Banking structures are risk-averse, and due to the bureaucratic structures of traditional banking, they have to make their architecture agile for digital transformation (Nadkarni and Prügl 2021). The framework of the BIAN is the only framework in which both the agile structure of the banking industry architecture (Al-Fedaghi and Alsulaimi 2018) and the full range of banking services are addressed (see Table 1).

Since FinTech companies are active in a service-oriented environment and provide their services to banks in APIs (Watson financial services 2020), and as the BIAN is the only service-oriented framework in the banking service domain that is constantly updated, the framework of the BIAN was selected as the best option to achieve a complete list of banking services (Ahmadalinejad and Hashemi 2015). This framework is also included in the 2017 Gartner’s Digital Banking Hype Cycle and Gartner’s Open Banking Hype Cycle (2019) (Gartner Research 2019). Also, every bank that wants to be active in the digital transformation and move toward digital banking should be able to implement an agile enterprise architecture and use reference models such as BIAN (Farzi 2021). Therefore, the Banking Industry Architecture Network and the perspective of its banking services are introduced.

Banking Industry Architecture Network (BIAN)

The BIAN was officially introduced to the world in 2008 (Ahmadalinejad and Hashemi 2015). The BIAN is a model based on the service-oriented architecture in which banking services and the boundaries among these services are defined. The primary function of this network is to direct the banking industry toward a general agreement to achieve a flexible architecture. This architecture aims to meet the needs of the banking business, increase agility, and reduce costs (BIAN Organization 2018).

BIAN is a global, open, independent, and unique community where banks, software providers, and system integrators collaborate to define a common yet exceedingly flexible service-oriented architecture (SOA) framework for the banking industry to establish a common language. The service-oriented framework of the BIAN has the following three distinct and key features (Tesselaa et al. 2018):

  • It is built on a modern, practical, and service-oriented framework. The best experts of well-known IT companies participate in designing and updating the framework and its methodology.

  • The content of this framework is prepared by specialized working groups consisting of banking industry experts from around the world and is continuously reviewed and corrected in several stages.

  • This framework provides a standard definition of business performance and interactions of banking services and describes the overall mechanism of each banking service.

The BIAN deals with four separate banking sections, namely banking business, information, application, and technology, and it is compatible with the global M4Bank modelFootnote 1 (BIAN Organization 2018). In fact, the BIAN is the most appropriate choice to achieve the full range of banking services due to its compatibility with the global M4Bank model and coverage of all components of the digital transformation in the bank.

In addition, the BIAN focuses on the standardization of shared services that perform the same operations in different banks. These services are related to back-end operations, and all banks need them to perform their daily operations. These services are published in the form of the BIAN service landscape document and are reviewed periodically. This study is based on the eighth version of the BIAN service landscape document that was the latest version at the time of doing this research (Tesselaar et al. 2018). In this reference, banking services have been presented in five main banking business areas, 36 banking business domains, and 310 banking service domains. It is considered one of the most comprehensive references for investigating banking services (BIAN Organization 2018).

The structure of areas and domains of banking business and the domains of their sub-services according to the BIAN service landscape document are completely presented in BIAN service landscape structure is also shown in Appendix 1. It is the basis of the thematic analysis conducted in this study.


In the present research, the systematic review method was employed for reviewing the literature on FinTech companies’ services in the banking industry. The steps taken for the literature review are presented in Table 2.

Table 2 The stages of research methodology

Literature review strategy

The literature review strategy was the systematic review method. It is one of 14 methods proposed for literature review (Grant and Booth 2009). Due to the type and nature of the research problem, it was necessary to understand banking services and explore and extract related themes from the reference articles. Hence, the systematic review method was deemed to be one of the most appropriate approaches. In fact, the systematic review method is used to develop knowledge about any phenomenon and is based on knowledge of the themes and constructs of the given phenomenon (Grant and Booth 2009), which is consistent with the overall objective of this paper. The systematic review is a qualitative and interpretive research method. Also, in this study, thematic analysis, which is a common method for determining, analyzing, and reporting hidden patterns in secondary data (Liñán and Fayolle 2015), was employed to extract FinTech companies’ banking services.

Data search and collection

The search protocol and selection of the reference articles involve major stages of determining keywords, deciding on the time span, the search databases, identifying the criteria for selecting or removing the article.

  • Keywords

We used Scopus for searching the references. The keyword “FinTech” was searched in the titles of the articles. We used Scopus for two reasons: First, there was extensive coverage in the field of FinTech studies, and secondly, it was possible to enter a customized advance query and apply different filters to clean up the search results. Only the Scopus search engine was used because of the possibility of providing better coverage of the latest business and management literature. This coverage is 70% higher than Web of Science (Brzezinski 2015).

  • The time span of the searched articles

Although the term FinTech was first coined in the early 1990s (Puschmann 2017), with the growth of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data analytics, Internet of Things (IoT), and the advent of APIs, the trend of studies on FinTech has raised. To extract the references of this article, the keyword was searched in Scopus from 2015 to 2021.

  • Identifying the criteria for selecting or removing the articles in the first phase

In searching the Scopus, some inclusion and exclusion criteria were set for the accuracy of the selection of articles. These criteria are presented in Table 3. Articles dealing with FinTech companies were considered the search references in the first phase. Also, since academics and professionals often use peer-reviewed journal articles to obtain information and publish new findings, articles published in English in the journal outlets were selected. Since the nature of the present study is a systematic review of the literature, all banking services of the FinTechs presented in the articles published in blind-reviewed journals, regardless of their ranking, were taken into consideration.

To achieve the desired result, we used the advanced search feature for query insertion. In this stage, 255 documents were extracted.

  • Selecting related articles in the second phase

The extracted articles from the first phase require cleaning, mainly because the aggregated articles were collected from different subjects about the FinTech companies.

Table 3 Criteria of selecting reference articles

In the previous phase, using the advanced features of Scopus, we filtered out a large number of non-relevant records. At this point, due to the use of the “FinTech” keyword in different subject areas, many articles with irrelevant subjects such as FinTech definition, actors and players of FinTech, FinTech adoption, FinTech ecosystem, FinTech impact and implications, FinTech regulatory realms, and finally FinTech technologies were extracted. So we exclude these irrelevant articles from the resources list after reading their abstracts. Eventually, we achieved a dataset of 87 related articles containing peer-reviewed papers.

Data analysis and processing

In thematic analysis, the unit of analysis is more than one word, and the context of the data and their nuances are also taken into account. This method goes beyond counting apparent words and phrases and focuses on identifying and explaining explicit and implicit ideas (Maguire and Delahunt 2017). The steps of data extraction, analysis, and processing by thematic analysis method using MAXQDA tool are shown in Table 4.

Table 4 Steps of thematic analysis

The steps of thematic analysis were performed according to steps specified in Table 4. In the coding definition stage, the structure of the BIAN service landscape was used according to Appendix 1. Table 5 shows the hierarchical structure of the definition of the main banking business areas and the sub-domains of the businesses in each area. Banking services are defined in the form of 5 main business areas and 36 business domains.

Table 5 The frequency share of banking business areas and domains in the themes extracted from FinTech articles


According to the results of coding and processing the themes of the studied articles (Table 5), both the number of articles in which the coded themes were addressed and the frequency of these themes in the articles were examined. In 9 articles, none of the identified themes were found, and in the remaining 76 articles, the five main areas (e.g., operation and execution) of banking business (based on the BIAN) were discussed. The review results showed that in 72 articles, the themes related to the banking services of “operations and execution area,” in 27 articles, the themes related to “sales and services area,” in 18 articles, themes of “business support area,” in 17 articles, themes related to “risk and compliance area,” and only in one article themes related to “reference data area” were dealt with. The frequency share of the themes related to these areas is as follows. In 87 articles reviewed, in total, 1484 themes related to “operations and execution area,” 96 themes related to “business support area,” 63 themes related to “sales and services area,” 28 themes related to “risk and compliance area,” and two themes related to “reference data area” were extracted. Table 5 presents the share of the themes related to codes attributed to banking business domains and the number of articles where these domains are mentioned, separately.

In the following, each of the main five areas of the BIAN banking services is defined, and the concepts mentioned in the reviewed articles concerning each of these areas are investigated. The display order of banking business areas is sorted by the share of them in 87 reference sources.

Banking services of operations and execution area

According to the definition offered in the BIAN, the services include a wide range of services related to the provision of retail banking and wholesale banking products such as back-office, front-office, and middle-office activities (BIAN Organization 2018). Since the highest frequency of themes in the content of the studied articles were related to this area, we examined these concepts more thoroughly. Of the total business domains related to the first banking business area of the BIAN service landscape, i.e., “operations and execution,” the banking services themes “loans and deposits” and “payments” were more frequent than other banking business domains. The labeling topics and concepts related to the themes of service domains in this area are presented in Table 6.

Table 6 The concepts of operations and execution area

To answer the research question, the banking services of all business domains of the “operation and executive area” were examined based on Table 6. Due to the large number of business domains, the patience of the audience/readers, and the limited length of the article, we will suffice to a brief description of the FinTech companies’ services and actions in each domain.

The first business domain of this area is “trade banking.” In this domain, services such as “trade financing,” “providing credit facilities such as debt purchase,” “project financing,” “letters of credit,” “bank guarantees,” and “credit management” are provided by the banks to trading companies. In response to the research question, the themes related to these services were reviewed, and it was found that the activities of FinTech companies in this domain are more focused on implementing applications for banks to predict the necessary credit for the execution of business projects based on artificial intelligence. In these applications, machine learning occurs based on the previous credits banks have given to commercial projects. FinTech companies can also provide platforms for supply chain accreditation. In China, for example, Foxconn helps in funding supply chains as an e-commerce platform (Tsai and Peng 2017). In the near future, such e-commerce platforms will provide the necessary capital for suppliers. Foxconn has obtained the necessary commercial licenses from the Chinese government to provide facilities, especially debt purchase facilities, financial guarantees, and equipment leasing, to merchants from banks (Chiu 2017). FinTech companies can also provide banks with platforms to receive debt purchase facilities from other organizations or businesses (Gomber et al. 2017). These online platforms of e-debt purchase facilities greatly facilitate the relationship between businesses receiving debt purchase facilities and other supplying businesses (Gomber et al. 2017).

The second business domain in this area is the “loans and deposits,” dealing with themes such as “crowdfunding,” “crowdinvesting,” “peer to peer lending (P2P Lending),” “person to person loans,” “micro-loans,” “loan services,” “leasing,” “consumer loan,” “corporate loan,” and “deposit accounts.” According to studies, one of the main services of FinTech companies in this area is to provide the necessary platform and processes for “credit rating and customer risk forecasting based on analysis of data in the bank,” this is mainly done to assess the credit status and predict the resulting risk before giving loans to customers (Lee and Shin 2018; Li et al. 2017). The other FinTech companies service is to launch platforms and networks to “bring investors and owners of business ideas for crowd investing by investors in a variety of possible ways (such as charity/non-profit, profit and loss sharing, stock sharing)” (Chiu 2017; Gimpel et al. 2017; Gomber et al. 2017). Another service provided by FinTech companies in the area of microloans is the implementation of infrastructures necessary to bring together individuals for lending in a peer-to-peer manner, i.e., bringing the borrower and the lender,” and “managing the communications and obtaining the necessary guarantees for repayment for the borrower”(Ashta and Biot‐Paquerot 2018; Aminah et al. 2020; Dhar and Stein 2017; Gomber et al. 2017; Lee 2017; Sinha 2017). Moreover, FinTech companies provide services on the implementation of platforms for leasing and leasing on the condition of ownership with accurate calculation of fees and repayment period based on customer credit rating and the predicted risk (Jun and Yeo 2016; Leong et al. 2017). The third business domain of this area is “collateral administration,” which covers themes like “collateral” and “collateral collection.” According to studies (Buchak et al. 2018; Cai 2018; Lee and Shin 2018), the main service of FinTech companies in this area is the implementation of the platform and processes to be used by the bank to “calculate the amount and type of collaterals required to get bank loans and evaluate the customers’ collaterals and assets” by analyzing customer data in the bank (Lee and Shin 2018). For example, the same operation is used in the Ant financials microloan risk assessment process in China (Lee and Shin 2018).

The fourth business domain in this area is “account management.” If banks and financial institutions outsource their account opening and management services to their trusted FinTech companies, FinTech companies will be able to operate in this domain as well. In this regard, themes such as “fraud detection” and “counterparty risk” have been pointed. One of the services of FinTech companies in this area is examining and analyzing the data of customer behavior during transactions and “identifying customer behavior patterns in the field of deposit and withdrawal,” and “determining customer behavior patterns and the time intervals and amounts of deposit and withdrawal” (Jagtiani and Lemieux 2018). As a result of this FinTech companies service, the bank will be able to “detect out-of-pattern behaviors and diagnose frauds and combat money laundering” and “determine the risk of out-of-pattern transactions” (Jun and Yeo 2016; Ryu 2018; Won glimpiyarat, 2018). FinTech companies can also provide the necessary platform and tools for bank clearing rooms relying upon blockchain and distributed general offices, thereby minimizing the risk of money transfers between banks (Jagtiani and Lemieux 2018).

The fifth business domain of this area is “investment management,” addressing themes like “investment,” “investment portfolio,” and “electronic trading.” The main services of FinTech companies in this area include “drafting proposals for directing the customer in investment” based on their financial background, risk-taking or risk aversion status, and financial goals. FinTech companies can also “implement and provide robotic consultants (robo-advisers) to provide appropriate pieces of advice to customers to guide investment based on customer-accepted investment goals, and ultimately to “investor asset portfolio management” (Lee Kuo Chuen, 2018). Robo-advisers help customers with little knowledge of the capital market control their own investment portfolio (Li et al. 2017; Razzaque et al. 2020). In this regard, FinTech companies help bank customers in digital investments through channels such as mobile phones, social networks, and online brokerages in B2CFootnote 2 and B2BFootnote 3 areas (Gomber et al. 2017).

The sixth business domain in this area is the “operational services,” where the “disbursement management” theme has been mentioned. Although digital transformation has led to a decrease in cash disbursements, and several alternative technologies have been developed for digital disbursement, FinTech companies’ main services in this area include the use of bank disbursement APIs in applications and social networks to facilitate the disbursement process of all types of bank loans from a single platform (Buchak et al. 2018; Lee and Shin 2018).

The seventh business domain in this area is “wholesale trading,” which focuses on themes such as “market-making” and “program trading to achieve market advantages and opportunities.” Two FinTech companies’ services in this area are “implementation of online trading platforms and pricing in accordance with the supply and demand in the market” and “providing advice for arranging commercial contracts” (Gozman et al. 2018; Ryu 2018).

The eighth business domain in this area is the “consumer services” related to themes such as “currency exchange,” “digital currencies,” and “consumer advisory service.” Some of FinTech companies’ services in this area include “preparation of currency exchange platforms” and “implementation of digital money exchange” (Cai 2018; Gomber et al. 2017; Iman 2018). Another service that FinTech companies offer to improve the user experience of bank customers is the “implementation of customer financial management tools and management of customer budgets and expenses” (Kauffman and Ma 2015). FinTech companies also provide facilities such as “platforms for tax calculations and connecting to related organizations for tax payment,” “helping banks and financial institutions gain access to customers through social networks, attract and retain customers,” “analysis of customer behavior data,” and “assist financial institutions in providing intelligent and personalized services tailored to customer needs” (Gomber et al. 2017; La and Kim 2018).

The ninth business domain in this area is the “payments.” It includes themes such as “e-commerce,” “digital wallet,” “financial settlement,” “and money transfer to accounts receivables,” “clearing center operations,” “payment order,” “mobile payment and mobile wallet.” The themes in this area are currently very tangible for banks and bank customers (Kang 2018). Since these services have become the standards of the banking industry to a large extent, the existing articles have paid less attention to innovations in this area (Center for Latin American Monetary Studies (CEMLA), 2016). The main services of FinTech companies in this area include “implementation of software and application platforms in the payment area for paying the bills, taxes, payment to recipients of payment gateways” (Buchak et al. 2018; Dhar and Stein 2017) through various channels such as smartphones, web and virtual networks, “implementing e-wallets to be used in business applications,” and “creating payment platforms through cryptocurrencies” (Du et al. 2018; Geranio 2017).

Finally, the tenth business domain in this area is “corporate financing and advisory services,” in which themes such as “online financing,” “corporate financing,” “financing chatbots,” “tax advisory,” and “robo-advisors” have been mentioned. One of the services of FinTech companies in this area is “developing platforms for the implementation of various crowdfunding models,” which is also referred to as the loans domain. These platforms can be websites, applications, or social networks where the companies’ projects and plans for financing are announced, and various models for investor participation in project financings such as non-profit investment, partnership with a guaranteed profit, or partnership in company shares are addressed (Davis et al. 2017; Qi and Xiao 2018; Bollaert et al. 2021). Another FinTech companies’ service in this area is to provide advice to companies through the “implementation of web-based portals to compare the types of financing methods offered by banks and financial institutions for financing, financing chatbots, and robo-advisors for consulting about the stock exchange and financing companies” (Gabor and Brooks 2016). FinTech companies also provide platforms and portals for the initial public offering of corporate stocks (Lee and Shin 2018).

Banking services of the sales and services area

Banking services of the sales and services area is the second part as defined by the BIAN. These services include all marketing, business development, customer management, and sales and service activities (Tesselaar et al. 2018). This area also includes activities related to agreements concluded with customers (BIAN Organization 2018). The frequency of topics and concepts related to these themes was also examined in the service domains of the “sales and services of banks” area.

Of the total business domains related to this area, the studies included themes that were, respectively, related to the business domains of “sales,” “marketing,” “customer management” and “services.” The labeling topics, concepts, and articles related to this area are presented in Table 7.

Table 7 The concepts of sales and services area

To answer the research question, we review the services related to the business domains of the “sales and services” area in the articles listed in Table 7:

The first business domain in this area is “customer management.” Although FinTech companies’ services in this area may not be provided directly to bank customers, FinTech companies are involved as intermediaries in providing services in this area by banks and financial institutions to customers.

Nowadays, referrals to banks’ branches for receiving services have been reduced due to the automation of basic banking operations (The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2021). Also, issues such as providing banking services in 7*24 format, ensuring security and authentication of customers, and establishing advisory systems have all changed to the standards of the banking industry. FinTech companies, help banks determine the “customers’ financial life cycle needs” by offering platforms for analyzing the customers’ behavioral data. In fact, analyzing customer data by the platforms provided by FinTech companies allow banks to “provide a set of personalized financial services based on a 360-degree view of the customers” through their “preferred channel”; redefine “the journey path of different customers in using banking services” and improve “their user experience” (Barbu et al. 2021). Another service of FinTech companies in this domain is “providing platforms and processes and defining algorithms for clustering customers based on the parameters considered by the bank and helping to provide financial services according to the situation of customers in each cluster.” By mastering financial technologies, FinTech companies can help “create the infrastructure to maintain the confidentiality and security of customer data and transactions,” “increase the level of digitalization of financial services and reduce operational complexities” in the bank, and based on customer behavior data, “add the necessary intelligence to a variety of financial operations to prevent fraud,” and provide the bank with the “necessary platform to scheduled information and alerts to events contrary to the customer behavior pattern” (Gozman et al. 2018). FinTech companies, as an external entity, can also assist banks in “pricing products and services in a scientific manner, based on the financial level and the customer’s cluster.” They can also play a part in “monitoring customer satisfaction with the efficiency of financial institutions’ products and services by holding campaigns and receiving feedback.” In addition, “managing customer complaints and feedback, and assessing their level of satisfaction,” “managing and measuring customers’ loyalty, along with defining reward and rating systems” are other services of FinTech companies to banks (Gozman et al. 2018; Lim et al. 2018; Puschmann 2017).

The second business domain in this area is the “marketing,” which covers themes related to services such as “advertising” and “business development by comparing competitive performance, identifying market opportunities and business development initiatives.” In this area, FinTech companies contribute to the development of the banking business “by providing technical platforms for offering omnichannel services to banks and financial institutions” (Gozman et al. 2018). Also, by developing platforms for analyzing customer data, they “make it possible for banks and financial institutions to recognize customers’ preferences and provide intelligent and targeted customer-centered advertising” (Lee Kuo Chuen, 2018). In the advertising sector, FinTech companies can also offer financial training related to the use of financial service platforms, new models of loans such as P2P and crowdfunding, automated payment processes, validation, and personalized services to bank customers through social networks and media (Tran et al. 2018).

The third business domain in this field is “sales,” and it deals with “commission” and “underwriting.” One of the services of FinTech companies to banks in this area is “the reduction of bank fees by providing banking services through various channels” (Lee Kuo Chuen 2018; Kauffman and Ma 2015; Boot et al. 2021). Another service of FinTech companies is “providing a platform for underwriting and security underwriting offers to the customers based on artificial intelligence” (Kotarba 2016). These offers are based on algorithms operating on the basis of customers’ risk-taking and financial ability (Geranio 2017; Kotarba 2016; Mackenzie 2015).

The fourth business domain in this area is “servicing” and deals with the theme of “payment initiation". One of the services of banks in the area of corporate banking is to create the necessary platform and processes for “obtaining payment licenses from the customer and delegating the payment process to the merchants or the companies and organizations” (Cai 2018). In fact, FinTech companies in this domain “implement the infrastructures for delegating payment on the part of the customer at specific deadlines or specific events (such as an invoice for payment)” (Iman 2018; Wonglimpiyarat 2018).

Banking services of the business support area

Banking services of the business support area defined by the BIAN as fourth part, include a wide range of management and public support activities that may be performed in any other business and, therefore, are not unique to the banking industry (Tesselaar et al. 2018). These services are included in the BIAN only because other business activities specific to the banking industry may need to receive these more general services (BIAN Organization 2018). The frequency of topics and concepts related to these themes in the service domains of the “business support” area was examined.

This service area of banks is very general and is present in every business. Of the total business domains related to the “business support” area, the number of articles and the frequency of the themes mentioned in FinTech articles related to the services of the “non-IT and non-HR” and “IT management” domains were higher than other domains (chiu 2017; Jun and Yeo 2016; Li et al. 2017; Todorof 2018; Tran et al. 2018; Yoon and Jun 2018; Гeннaдiйoвич Бpiтчeнкo, Polishchuk, Sybirianska, Vasylyshen, and Dyba 2018), (Buchak et al. 2018; Chen et al. 2020; Cumming and Schwienbacher 2018; Davis et al. 2017; Gimpel et al. 2017). The labeling topics, concepts, and articles of this domain are presented in Table 8.

Table 8 The concepts of the business support area

To answer the research question, the services related to the “business support” domain mentioned in the articles in Table 8 are investigated.

The first domain in this area is “IT management,” which is related to the themes “system development" and “ecosystem development.” FinTech companies provide a variety of services in this area. They can help banks “develop IT infrastructures (software, hardware, and network)” and “develop customer service channels (mobile applications, banking websites, kiosks)” (Buchak et al. 2018). They are also able to “develop public infrastructures of digital authentication and signature, blockchain platforms, cloud computing, smartphones, robotics and Internet of Things (IoT), data storage platforms, and analysis and interpretation of customer data based on deep learning and artificial intelligence” (Gimpel et al. 2017). The “technical development of an integrated banking ecosystem based on international and national regulations, and the creation of banking technological service hubs for the exchange of financial institutions’ services” are other instances of FinTech companies’ services (Chen et al. 2020).

The second domain in this area is “enterprise services (non-IT and non-HR),” which focuses on the themes of “internal audit” and “procurement.” One of the services of FinTech companies in this area is the “implementation of procurement platforms of financial and banking institutions” (Jun and Yeo 2016; Tran et al. 2018). Another service is “implementing software for internal accounting and executing risk control and management processes, especially for cyber risk management” (Li et al. 2017).

The third domain is “finance” and deals with “financial statement reporting” and “audit and financial compliance reporting.” One of the main reasons for the trust of depositors to banks and financial institutions is to ensure that the bank or financial institution’s credit situation (based on the bank’s financial statements and audit report) complies with the regulations of the Central Bank. FinTech companies’ services in this area include “developing software for analyzing credit data and preparing financial statements of banking institutions, auditing the credit status and classifying banks and financial institutions based on credit status” (Geranio 2017).

The fourth domain in this area is the “business directions” and focuses on the themes of “business architecture” and “bank strategy.” With FinTech companies’ services, banks, in addition to the digital transformation of their services, can develop services to reach customers who have not previously been served (Qi and Xiao 2018). FinTech companies’ services in this area include “providing advice to change the bank’s strategy to provide innovative services to customers,” “helping to promote the bank’s brand position among customers and competitors,” “lowering the cost of services using specialized technologies and the expert forces of FinTech companies,” and “implementing business architectural infrastructures such as payment channels, interbank clearing infrastructures, and banking APIs’ exchanges” (Buchak et al. 2018).

Banking services of the risk and compliance area

Banking services of the risk and compliance area are the third part as defined by the BIAN. According to the BIAN’s definition, these services focus on the areas of business risk analysis and management and asset and debt policy-making (Tesselaar, de Groot, and Rackham, 2018). Also, dealing with the regulatory obligations and reporting requirements to government agencies is another service in this area (BIAN Organization 2018). The frequency of topics and concepts related to these themes in the risk and compliance area service domains was studied. Of the total number of business domains related to the “risk and compliance” service area, a higher number is devoted to articles and the frequency of the themes in FinTech articles related to the business domain of investigating the compliance with law, which is a service of RegTechs (Anagnostopoulos 2018). The labeled topics, concepts, and articles related to the themes of this area are presented in Table 9.

Table 9 The concepts of risk and compliance area

To answer the research question, we review the services related to the “risk and compliance” business domains mentioned in the articles in Table 9:

The first business domain of this area is the “models” business domain, which involves themes like “gap analysis and assessment and management of risks like liquidity risk” and “estimating the economic capital required to confront a variety of risks.” FinTech companies’ services in this area include “creating a technological infrastructure for customer behavior,” “developing a monitoring platform for employee behavior analysis,” and “providing a technological infrastructure for determining customer credibility and risk assessment” (Geranio 2017).

The second business domain in this area is “business analysis,” dedicated to the “market research” theme. FinTech companies’ services in this area include “launching website and software for analyzing financial markets and comparing the services of financial and banking institutions” (Lee Kuo Chuen 2018; Strategic Direction 2018).

The third and most widely used domain in this area is the “regulations and compliance” domain, which deals with the themes of “regulatory compliance,” “regulatory reporting,” and “financial accounting” (Tesselaar et al. 2018). Banks and financial institutions often have outdated systems due to their old history, while international financial regulations and even the financial regulations of countries are changing every day with the advent of new financial technologies (Anagnostopoulos 2018). Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and Basel committee regulations have required banks to comply, especially after the 2008 financial crisis, and due to the digital transformation of the financial industry and the vulnerability of banks with attacks. In this regard, a group of FinTech companies, called RegTechs, have been introduced due to the importance of complying with financial regulations and have provided the necessary technologies to help banks and financial institutions in this area (Anagnostopoulos 2018). One of the services of RegTechs in this area is “creating technological grounds for modeling regulations and evaluating the impacts of fiscal policies and regulations, before their implementation and predicting probable conflicts among regulations” (Geranio 2017). Other service of the FinTech companies is to “provide the technical basis for defining international/national/intra-bank financial regulations” to monitor customers’ financial behavior and to detect potential discrepancies with regulations at the time of occurrence” (Iman 2018; Ryu 2018). FinTech companies can also “prepare reports on money laundering and fraud for banks and financial institutions,” and provide “technical monitoring platforms and reporting panels and frameworks, as well as strategic frameworks for data accumulation and reporting the violations of financial institutions to the financial legislature, the executive and the judiciary powers” (Ahlstrom 2018; Geranio 2017). Implementation of “reporting platforms on the cyber security of banks and financial institutions” (Huei et al. 2018) and launching “technical platforms in accordance with the prudential macro-policies of the central bank to assess credit, security, and safety of financial institutions for investors” is another service of FinTech companies (Kim and Hong 2016ab).

Banking services of reference data area

Finally, banking services of reference data area is the last part according to the definition of the BIAN, these services deal with the management of business reference information and issues like customer information management, business partner information management, and product and market information details (Tesselaar et al. 2018). This reference data will be widely used in other areas of banking services (BIAN Organization 2018). The frequency of topics and the number of articles related to the themes in all service domains of the “reference data” area were examined. As expected, due to the FinTech companies’ dependence on the banks’ bulk and valuable data, FinTech companies provide the least services in this area. Of all the business domains related to the “reference data” business area, the themes covered in the articles are dedicated only to the “product management” business domain (Du et al. 2018). Table 10 shows the labeled topics, concepts, and articles related to these themes.

Table 10 The concepts of reference data area

To answer the research question, we review the services related to the business domains of “reference data” in the article by Du et al. (2018).

Regarding the “product management” domain, themes such as “product design” and “designing the products” were addressed. Since FinTech companies use advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, cloud computing, smartphones, social networks, artificial intelligence, and deep learning, they can both design innovative new products and use new technologies and processes in designing and launching these products (Du et al. 2018). FinTech companies can greatly help the bank in “designing new products and services according to the customers’ preferences and analyzing their needs,” and define and implement “processes necessary to manage financial and banking products throughout their life cycle from design, testing, deployment, and support” (Du et al. 2018). In China, for example, Ant FinTech has revolutionized designing financial and banking products by relying upon technology (Du et al. 2018). The blockchain platform has helped globally interconnected systems provide a trusted, secure network for storage, exchange, and processing (Du et al. 2018). Using artificial intelligence, Ant also offers new and personalized products and services based on customer behavioral data analysis on its financial services platform. Internet of Things (IoT) has also helped Ants provide new financial services to customers through new platforms and develop a platform for collecting customer behavioral information to offer financial services such as loans (Du et al. 2018).


The present study sought to specify which areas of banking services has been studied and is recommended by researchers for FinTech companies’ presence. To this end, this systematic literature review paper has identified the themes related to the BIAN service domains by thoroughly investigating 87 reference articles published from 2015 to 2021. The results of this study revealed that the FinTech companies, besides entering the bank’s functional services to customers, can help the banks in areas such as providing infrastructural technologies, consulting on choosing the bank’s digital transformation strategy, and improving processes and procedures, and training knowledge forces (Puschmann 2017). In the following, the areas of FinTech companies’ banking services based on the BIAN and the atmosphere of communication with the bank, which is based on API exchange, are shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

FinTech companies’ banking service areas (our model)

In this model, banks use FinTech companies’ knowledge to provide technological infrastructure, security, and support platforms such as distributed ledger, big data analysis, machine learning, cloud computing, and even the Internet of Things (IoT). In the banking business sector, the main body of banking business operations such as deposit and withdrawal operations, processes and regulations, customer information, accounts and cards information, and transactions are also stored in the bank databases. These banking services are made available to FinTech companies as distributed micro-services in the form of APIs while maintaining security and confidentiality based on security protocols. FinTech companies can also use these APIs to implement value-added and innovative services and provide them to bank customers or through APIs to the banks themselves. Findings related to the study of each of the areas of FinTech companies’ banking services are briefly presented as a model in Fig. 1.

Thematic analysis of 87 articles on FinTech companies’ services revealed that the highest frequency of banking service area in the studied articles belongs to the “banking operations and execution” area and the business domain of “deposits and loans.” The review results show that, banks have practically used investment and partnership with FinTech companies to provide these services. Other services related to banking business domains such as “sales and services,” “risk and compliance,” “business support,” and “reference data,” were also reviewed and explained. The summary of FinTech companies’ products and services in each BIAN business domain is presented in Table 14 from Appendix 2. The findings outlined in Appendix 2 (Table 14) provide unique insights and new knowledge to bank decision-makers and the managers on how to utilize the opportunity of working with FinTech companies in business domains.

To confirm the results of the present study, its theoretical and comparative analysis are discussed in the following subsections.

Theoretical contribution

Previous studies have addressed the applicability of FinTech services in a variety of industries such as banking, insurance, stock brokerages, investment funds and equity brokers, and customer accreditation companies from a macro-perspective. They have investigated the transformative activities of FinTechs at the industry level and, in general, in their business areas. The main distinguishing aspect of this research compared to previous studies is examining the full range of FinTech products and services that have the potential to be used only in banking services. In other words, the present study is focused on the banking industry. This research is based on the BIAN service landscape.

The present study was inspired by the study of Gomber et al. (2017). Gomber, Koch, and Siering investigated the functions of FinTech companies in the area of digital finance. In the financial industry, digital finance has a wider scope compared to banking services. In Gomber et al.’s study, the concept of “digital finance cube,” which has three dimensions, was introduced: The first dimension is digital finance business functions, and it mentions functions such as digital financing, digital investment management, digital money, digital payment, and digital insurance. The second dimension is digital technologies and technological concepts. It deals with technologies like blockchain, social networks, near field communication (NFC), peer-to-peer (P2P) technology, big data analytics, and further enablers. Finally, the third dimension is digital finance institutions, in which FinTech companies and traditional service providers (such as banks) are identified as providers of these services (Gomber et al. 2017).

In the present study, the areas and domains of banking services of FinTech companies are identified and discussed in the form of a model presented in Fig. 1. The domains categorized by the model have commonalities with the digital functions and technologies of FinTech companies proposed by Gomber et al. (2017) (the first and second dimensions of the “digital finance cube”).

In order to validate the results of this research, in Table 11, the banking services of the present model are compared with those proposed by Gomber et al. (2017) as new potential areas of FinTech companies. The basis of this comparison is the complete list of areas and domains of banking business services indicated by the BIAN. Although it is possible that these two studies use different names to refer to the same service or function, or these names do not correspond exactly, different names attributed to the same concept were specified, and then, a comparison was performed.

Table 11 Comparison of the present research’s model with Gomber et al. (2017)

The areas and domains of banking services presented in the model of this research completely cover the functions and technologies reported in the study of Gomber et al. (2017). This confirms the fact that our model has the essential service domains of banking services and also demonstrates that the results and our proposed model are aligned with the previous findings in the literature.

Also, among the functions of digital finance proposed by Gomber et al. (2017), the domains of business and banking services such as consumer service, wholesale trading, collateral management, account management, customer management, sales, marketing, services, models, business analysis, regulation and compliance, and product management are not identified before. These new business domains put emphasis on the capabilities and merits of our study over the competing ones such as Gomber et al. (2017) and demonstrate the theoretical contribution of this research.

The theoretical contribution of this research is to determine the potential service domains for which banks can use the capacity of FinTechs. Figure 2 presents the business domains of the banking services in line with the BIAN. Also, those areas of banking services that, according to the findings of the thematic analysis, have sufficient potential to benefit from the FinTech services are identified. In fact, in the present study, the transformative activities of FinTechs in different areas and domains of banking business at the micro-level (at the level of banking services) were investigated. Services provided by FinTechs in each of these areas per banking services businesses domains were discussed in detail in Sect. 5. The use of FinTechs’ capacity in providing these services can help to complement and innovate the bank’s products and services and ultimately pave the way for the bank to achieve digital transformation.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Bank service domains vs. FinTech companies’ service domains according to BIAN service landscape

Comparative analysis

According to the survey conducted in the 2017 report of the Basel Committee on banking supervision (BCBS), innovative FinTech companies’ services in the banking domain were specified. In fact, the BCBS conducted an informal survey of its members, asking them to identify the significant FinTech companies’ products and services.

In a graph which has been shown on page 9 of the Basel committee report (BIS 2017), the innovative service areas of FinTech companies are provided. The graph, which has four areas, is introduced: The first service area is “credit, deposit and capital raising,” and it includes sub-services such as crowdfunding, lending marketplaces, mobile banks, and credit scoring. The second service area is “payment, clearing, and settlement,” and it deals with retail and wholesale sub-areas. The retail sub-area includes services such as mobile wallets, peer-to-peer transfers, and digital currencies. The wholesale sub-area also contains services such as value transfer networks, FX wholesale, and digital exchange platforms. The third service area is “investment management,” and it mentions services such as high-frequency trading, copy-trading, e-trading, and robo-advice (BIS 2017).

Moreover, according to the Basel committee report, the technologies and technical platforms that can be provided by FinTech companies for offering banking services are also mentioned in the fourth service area which is called “market support” (BIS 2017). Market support services also refer to infrastructure technologies and facilitators for providing services such as portals and aggregators, ecosystems, data applications, distributed ledger technology, security, cloud computing, internet of things / mobile technology, and artificial intelligence.

Although the FinTech innovative services mentioned in the Basel report were based on survey and they may be developed over time, to validate the results of this study, the banking services of the present study were compared with the banking services of the Basel committee 2017 report (BIS 2017), according to Table 12. The basis of this comparison is the complete list of areas and domains of banking business services mentioned in the BIAN. Although it is possible that these two studies use different names to refer to the same service or function, or these names do not correspond exactly, different names attributed to the same concept were specified, and then, a comparison was performed. As shown in Table 12, the banking services of FinTech companies listed in the Basel committee report (BIS 2017) are also completely covered by the results of our model.

Table 12 Comparison of the present research’s model with Basel committee report (2017)

There exist some banking service domains that FinTech companies provide according to our model; these service domains were not mentioned in the Basel committee report. FinTech companies can help banks in the marketing and sale of banking products and services. Customer management and customer services can also be provided by FinTech companies. Checking the compliance of banking services and products with international and national financial regulations, helping banks in business analysis, preparing the recognition and gap reports for banks, and directing banks for their product management are other FinTech companies’ services.


In this study, while reviewing the literature of FinTech companies’ banking services, an attempt was made to provide new insights into those FinTech companies’ banking services that banks have less used so far. FinTech companies’ banking services were also compared with the banking services listed in the eighth version of the BIAN service landscape document. BIAN service landscape covers all banking services for all customer segments (retail, corporate, and investment banking), and this comparison is the main advantage of this research over previous research. The main purpose of this study is to perform a systematic review of relevant literature and determine the areas of banking services that academic researchers have addressed in studies conducted between 2015 and 2021 on FinTech companies. Based on the review results, the FinTech companies’ services and products that can be provided to the banking industry in the business areas are “operations and execution,” “business support,” “sales and services,” “risk and compliance,” “reference data” and related business domains are presented in Table 14, respectively. Based on the findings of this research, banking industry strategists can identify the neglected banking services of FinTech companies such as: wholesale trading, trade banking, collateral management, account management, operational services, IT management, organizational services (non-IT and non-HR services), business directions, financial audit, customer management, sales, marketing, services, models, banking business analysis, regulations and compliance and product management and benefit from the capacity to cooperate with FinTech companies. The results show that the FinTech companies do not enter all areas of banking services and consider the banks’ failure in using the full capacity of FinTech companies in the banking services domain.

There are some limitations in this research. First, we have done our best to collect, document, and analyze the data as carefully as possible. However, it is possible that not all standards of banking service domain were found. Second, we compare the areas of FinTech banking services with the latest version of the BIAN banking services landscape document (Tesselaar et al. 2018). However, the BIAN banking services landscape document is updated periodically, and at the time of writing this paper, a newer version of it might be released.

There are some recommendations and suggestions for future research. We suggest addressing issues such as (i) the reasons and challenges of FinTech companies’ failure to enter all banking services, (ii) the impact of the working service area on selecting the appropriate model of collaboration or competition between banks and FinTech companies, and (iii) the success factors of banks’ collaboration with FinTech companies in future studies.