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Controlling load-dependent kinetics of β-cardiac myosin at the single-molecule level

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Concepts in molecular tension sensing in biology are growing and have their origins in studies of muscle contraction. In the heart muscle, a key parameter of contractility is the detachment rate of myosin from actin, which determines the time that myosin is bound to actin in a force-producing state and, importantly, depends on the load (force) against which myosin works. Here we measure the detachment rate of single molecules of human β-cardiac myosin and its load dependence. We find that both can be modulated by both small-molecule compounds and cardiomyopathy-causing mutations. Furthermore, effects of mutations can be reversed by introducing appropriate compounds. Our results suggest that activating versus inhibitory perturbations of cardiac myosin are discriminated by the aggregate result on duty ratio, average force, and ultimately average power output and suggest that cardiac contractility can be controlled by tuning the load-dependent kinetics of single myosin molecules.

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Fig. 1: Load-dependent kinetics of single molecules of human β-cardiac myosin measured by HFS.
Fig. 2: Dose-dependent effects of small-molecule compounds on the actin-sliding velocity of β-cardiac myosin in unloaded, in vitro motility.
Fig. 3: Effects of small-molecule compounds on the load-dependent kinetics of single molecules of β-cardiac myosin.
Fig. 4: Effects of cardiomyopathy-causing mutations on the load-dependent kinetics of single molecules of β-cardiac myosin, and their reversal by small-molecule compounds.
Fig. 5: Dosage analysis of OM’s effect on the load-dependent detachment kinetics of single molecules of β-cardiac myosin.
Fig. 6: Single-molecule load-dependent kinetics as the basis of the ensemble force–velocity relationship in β-cardiac myosin.
Fig. 7: The effects of small-molecule compounds and cardiomyopathy-causing mutations on the power produced by single molecules of β-cardiac myosin.
Fig. 8: Predictions of the effects of small-molecule compounds and cardiomyopathy-causing mutations on the contractility of β-cardiac myosin at the single molecule level.

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The authors thank all members of the Spudich lab, J. Sung, S. Nag, and R. McDowell for discussions and edits to the manuscript; D. Herschlag, C. Limouse, and S. Bonilla for discussions on the data analysis and interpretation; M. Woody for discussions on OM and help with MEMLET; J. Baker for discussions on attachment vs. detachment rate-limited motility velocity; and F. Malik and J. Hartman for discussions on clinically relevant dosage of OM. We thank MyoKardia, Inc., for providing the various small-molecule effectors of the human β-cardiac myosin that were derived from their screens, as well as dATP and bovine actin. This work was funded by NIH grants RO1GM033289 (J.A.S.), RO1HL117138 (J.A.S.), T32GM007276 (C.L.), TL1RR025742 (C.L.), and F32HL124883 (M.K.); a Stanford Bio-X fellowship (C.L.); and Stanford School of Medicine Dean’s Postdoctoral Fellowship (D.S.). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official view of the National Institutes of Health.

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C.L. performed single molecule experiments and analyzed the data. M.K. performed in vitro motility experiments and analyzed the data. C.L. and D.S. performed ATPase experiments. D.S. analyzed the ATPase data. M.K., D.S., and K.M.R. expressed and purified protein. C.L. and J.A.S. wrote the paper. All authors discussed the data as they evolved and reviewed and edited the paper.

Corresponding authors

Correspondence to Chao Liu or James A. Spudich.

Ethics declarations

Competing interests

J.A.S. is a founder of Cytokinetics, Inc., and MyoKardia, Inc., is a member of their advisory boards, and owns shares in the companies. K.M.R. is a member of the MyoKardia scientific advisory board.

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Supplementary Figure 1 Purified actin and myosin shown by SDS-PAGE.

Lane 1: bovine cardiac actin (MW = 42 kDa) used in the actin-activated ATPase assay. Lane 2: recombinant human β-cardiac myosin sS1 (residues 1-808) fused to a C-terminal eGFP that migrates around 120 kDa. Myosin sS1 fragment was co-purified with a FLAG-tagged human ventricular essential light chain in which the FLAG tag had been cleaved off by TEV protease and migrates around 22 kDa.

Supplementary Figure 2 Example molecule from each condition measured (part 1).

Event lifetimes are plotted against load force (top). The detachment rate k det at each force is determined by MLE on the exponentially-distributed lifetimes. k det is then fitted to the Arrhenius equation with harmonic force correction (Eqn. 1) (bottom). An example of WT without compound is shown in Fig. 1c,d. Error bars are calculated as the variance on the MLE from the inverse Fisher information matrix.

Supplementary Figure 3 Example molecule from each condition measured (part 2).

Event lifetimes are plotted against load force (top). The detachment rate k det at each force is determined by MLE on the exponentially-distributed lifetimes. k det is then fitted to the Arrhenius equation with harmonic force correction (Eqn. 1) (bottom). An example of WT without compound is shown in Fig. 1c-d. Error bars are calculated as the variance on the MLE from the inverse Fisher information matrix.

Supplementary Figure 4 Effects of small-molecule compounds on the load-dependent kinetics of single molecules of human β-cardiac myosin.

Each gray line represents one molecule fitted to k det from events binned by force, shown as data points without error bars for clarity. The weighted means of k 0 and δ across molecules for each condition have a curve represented in black and also plotted in Fig. 3b. Their values are given in Table 1 and Supplementary Table 1. The plot for WT is replicated from Fig. 1f for comparison. In the case of dATP, 2 mM dATP was used in place of ATP. All other conditions used 2 mM ATP, 2% DMSO, and 25 µM compound.

Supplementary Figure 5 Effects of cardiomyopathy-causing mutations on the load-dependent kinetics of single molecules of human β-cardiac myosin, and their reversal by small-molecule compounds.

Each thin line represents one molecule fitted to k det from events binned by force, shown as data points without error bars for clarity. The weighted means of k 0 and δ across molecules for each condition have a curve represented as a thick line and also plotted in Fig. 4b. Their values are given in Table 1 and Supplementary Table 1. Addition of 25 µM compound F3345 to D239N and H251N and OM to R237W were in the presence of 2% DMSO, therefore effects of 2% DMSO (blue) on these mutants were also measured. Mutant A223T had no significant change from WT, therefore no compounds were added. The plot for WT is replicated from Fig. 1f for comparison.

Supplementary Figure 6 Effects of small-molecule compounds and cardiomyopathy-causing mutations on the load-dependent kinetics of single β-cardiac myosin molecules.

The weighted average detachment rate curves for the different conditions are replicated from Fig. 3 and 4. Their k 0 and δ values are given in Table 1. Black: WT. Gray: DMSO. Blue: HCM or activators. Red: DCM or inhibitor.

Supplementary Figure 7 Durations of all events in the F = 0 force bin from all molecules for each condition measured.

For each condition, the red curve represents the single exponential distribution parameterized by a single detachment rate. Even at the saturating 25 µM concentration of OM, there are still two populations better described by a double (green) rather than a single (red) exponential distribution (top). F ≠ 0 bins show similar single (all conditions except OM) or double (OM) exponential distributions (not shown).

Supplementary Figure 8 Unloaded actin-sliding velocities measured by in vitro motility assay vs. the attachment rate, kattach.

Linear regression gives R2 = 0.35. Motility velocity of mutants and dATP are obtained from other studies (Aksel, T., Choe Yu, E., Sutton, S., Ruppel, K. M. & Spudich, J. A. Ensemble force changes that result from human cardiac myosin mutations and a small-molecule effector. Cell Rep 11, 910-920, doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2015.04.006 (2015); Regnier, M., Rivera, A. J., Chen, Y. & Chase, P. B. 2-deoxy-ATP enhances contractility of rat cardiac muscle. Circ Res 86, 1211-1217 (2000); Adhikari, A. S. et al. Early-Onset Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Mutations Significantly Increase the Velocity, Force, and Actin-Activated ATPase Activity of Human beta-Cardiac Myosin. Cell Rep 17, 2857-2864, doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2016.11.040 (2016); Ujfalusi, Z. et al. Dilated cardiomyopathy myosin mutants have reduced force-generating capacity. J Biol Chem, doi:10.1074/jbc.RA118.001938 (2018); Tomasic I., Liu C., Rodriguez H., Spudich J.A., Bartholomew Ingle S.R., manuscript in preparation). Horizontal error bars are propagated errors from the k attach calculation. Vertical error bars are s.e.m. (see Methods).

Supplementary Figure 9 Effects of compounds on the actin-sliding velocities of human β-cardiac myosin in the loaded in vitro motility.

a, Percent time mobile (a measure of velocity) as a function of the actin-binding protein utrophin, which served as a resistive load against myosin in the motility assay, at different concentrations of compound. Error bars represent s.e.m. of bootstrapped data calculated by the FAST program (Aksel, T., Choe Yu, E., Sutton, S., Ruppel, K. M. & Spudich, J. A. Ensemble force changes that result from human cardiac myosin mutations and a small-molecule effector. Cell Rep 11, 910-920, doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2015.04.006 (2015)). Dashed lines denote K s , a measure of the ensemble load-bearing ability of myosin. K s roughly corresponds to the concentration of utrophin required to slow down velocity by half (see Aksel et al. Cell Rep 2015 for rigorous definition). b, K s from (a) is plotted against compound concentration. Error bars represent s.e.m.

Supplementary Figure 10 Effects of compounds on the actin-activated ATPase of human β-cardiac myosin.

a, The Michaelis-Menten equation fitted to ATPase data for all conditions performed with one protein preparation. The entire experiment measuring all conditions was done on the same day that the protein was purified. Error bars on data points are s.e.m. of replicate experiments (N = 3 in this example). Errors on k cat and K m are estimated fitting errors. k cat ’s from each day’s experiment are averaged to calculate the mean and s.e.m. given in Table 1. b, The Michaelis-Menten equation fitted to ATPase data aggregated from both protein preparations. Here, error bars on data points are s.e.m. of all replicates (total 5 - 7), and errors on k cat and K m are estimated fitting errors.

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Liu, C., Kawana, M., Song, D. et al. Controlling load-dependent kinetics of β-cardiac myosin at the single-molecule level. Nat Struct Mol Biol 25, 505–514 (2018).

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