
Traditional classifications grouped bats lacking laryngeal echolocation in the Megachiroptera and placed echolocators in the Microchiroptera. However, phylogenomic analyses strongly favour the division of echolocating bats between the suborders Yinpterochiropera and Yangochiroptera. Hearing is indispensable for bat echolocation, and for this crucial function the neurons in the spiral ganglion connect the hair cells in the cochlea to the brain. Computed tomography (CT) and histological investigations across 39 species of 19 families of bats (Figs. 13, Extended Data Fig. 1, Supplementary Tables 14, Methods) revealed structures of the spiral ganglion and its bony canal, providing direct evidence from the inner ear that Yangochiroptera developed a unique neuroanatomy of this ganglion, consistent with the evolutionary inference from phylogenomic hypotheses1,2,3,4,5,6,18 (Fig. 2, Extended Data Figs. 1, 2, Supplementary Information). These ganglion canal characters and their disparity patterns can be mapped onto the bat phylogeny via morphometrics (Fig. 2, Extended Data Fig. 2).

Fig. 1: Major neuroanatomical configurations of the spiral ganglion and Rosenthal’s canal in cochleas of bats.
figure 1

a, Hipposideros caffer (Yinpterochiroptera, Hipposideridae; left), skull (middle) and inner ear (right). b, Schematic of the cis-otic ganglion with the foraminal wall of Rosenthal’s canal (far left) and the ‘uncoiled’ model of the foraminal wall along the cochlea for Yinpterochiroptera (second from left). CT visualizations of cochleas of Hypsignathus monstrosus (Pteropodidae) (top right) and Rhinolophus blasii (Rhinolophidae) (bottom right). The cochlear nerve fascicles enter through foramina of the tractus foraminosus of the internal auditory meatus; the ganglion is enclosed by Rosenthal’s canal embedded in the bony modiolus of the cochlea (thus cis-otic). These are therian plesiomorphies, and characterize all Yinpterochiroptera. c, Left, the fenestral pattern of Rosenthal’s canal wall in some Yangochiroptera, and enlarged fenestrae through a thinner wall from the basal three-quarter turn to the apex; the basal half turn of cochlea has foramina, as in all other therian mammals. Right, CT visualization of Tadarida brasiliensis (Molossidae). In the fenestral pattern, the ganglion is still in the modiolus of the cochlea (cis-otic), but the thinner canal wall has much larger openings than foramina—an intermediate character state between the ancestral foraminal wall and the most derived wall-less and trans-otic pattern for Yangochiroptera. d, Left, the wall-less pattern and trans-otic ganglion of most Yangochiroptera; Rosenthal’s canal is wall-less and confluent with the internal auditory meatus (IAM) and its ganglion is placed in the IAM, from the apical turn of the cochlea to the basal half turn that has foraminal walls. Right, CT visualization from Miniopterus inflatus (Miniopteridae) shows that the partition between IAM and Rosenthal’s canal is absent, and the ganglion is displaced into the internal auditory meatus and outside the cochlear space (trans-otic). This pattern is present in all Yangochiroptera except Noctilio, and is the most derived neuroanatomical configuration of all therian mammals (Extended Data Figs. 110).

Fig. 2: Evolutionary patterns and morphological disparity of Rosenthal’s canal and spiral ganglion in inner ears of bats.
figure 2

a, Rates of evolution among the major patterns of canal wall and ganglion placement, assessed by the proportion of wall-less and/or fenestral wall to total cochlear length (100, full foraminal wall between the base and apex; 0, wall-less between basal half turn and apex). Families of bats examined by this study are listed in Extended Data Fig. 1, Supplementary Tables 1, 2. b, Morphological disparity of bat ears. The percentage of ossified wall of Rosenthal’s canal as a percentage of cochlear length (horizontal axis) is plotted against the number of coiled turns of the cochlea to the nearest quarter turn. All yinpterochiropteran bats have a fully enclosed (cis-otic) ganglion in the walled canal over the entire cochlear length regardless of number of turns, as do outgroups. By contrast, in all Yangochiroptera, with the exception of Noctilio, apical turns lack a canal wall and the ganglion is trans-otic in the internal auditory meatus. The three superfamilies of Yangochiroptera occupy different regions of the cochlear turns by ossification morphospace: Emballonuroidea (green), Noctilionoidea (yellow) and Vespertilionoidea (red). Characterization of Rosenthal’s canal wall of the examined bats is summarized in Extended Data Fig. 1 and described in Supplementary Information.

Fig. 3: Apomorphic neuroanatomical configuration of wall-less Rosenthal’s canal (RC) for trans-otic ganglion in most Yangochiroptera, corroborating CT scans and histology in M. inflatus (Miniopteridae).
figure 3

a, Schematic model of the wall-less configuration in which the ganglion space is open to the IAM. b, The extent of wall-less pattern between the apex and half cochlear turn, shown in an uncoiled cochlear model. c, d, Wall-less Rosenthal’s canal is confluent with IAM along the whole cochlea, and the open ganglion (visualized in yellow) is visible in cross section and on the inner surface of the IAM. c, Visualized trans-otic ganglion exposed in the IAM (medial view of pars cochlearis), and cross-sectional view of the whole cochlea. d, The ganglion’s position in the pars cochlearis, and in magnified local area at one full cochlear turn, showing the trans-otic placement of the ganglion in the IAM space. e, Histological section of the spiral ganglion in trans-otic placement in the IAM space and absence of the tracts foraminous. Top, local area at a half cochlear turn. Middle, cross-section of the whole cochlea. Bottom, local area at one full cochlear turn. f, CT slices to corroborate the absence of tractus foraminosus and Rosenthal’s canal wall, and the placement of the ganglion in IAM. This is the most derived condition, present in all yangochiropteran bats except Noctilio (details in Extended Data Figs. 1, 810 and Supplementary Information).

In all mammals including bats (Fig. 1), the cochlear spiral ganglion contains bipolar neurons that transmit auditory information from the mechanosensory hair cells in the organ of Corti via their axons in cochlear cranial nerve to the cochlear nuclei in the brain19,20,21. Previous studies have concentrated on characteristics of basilar membrane, hair cell density and the peripheral (dendrite) connections of ganglion neurons7,8,9,10. Here we focus on the central (axon) connections of ganglion neurons, also known as cochlear nerve fascicles, and their neuroanatomy (Fig. 1, Supplementary Information). These ganglion correlates are associated with the intricate bony structures of the cochlea in therian mammals: neuron bodies of spiral ganglion are enclosed by the ganglion canal (also known as Rosenthal’s canal)—the peripheral processes (dendrites or radial fibers) of the neurons are embedded in the primary bony lamina. The central processes (axons) of ganglion neurons, also known as nerve fascicles, traverse through the tiny foramina in Rosenthal’s canal wall and connect the spiral ganglion to the trunk of cochlear nerve and onward to the brain (Fig. 1b, Extended Data Figs. 36, Supplementary Information).

In Yinpterochiroptera and in non-chiropteran therian mammals (Extended Data Fig. 1, Methods), Rosenthal’s canal has a thick wall perforated by dense foramina, separating the ganglion from the internal auditory meatus and enclosing it in the bony cochlea (Figs. 1, 2, Extended Data Figs. 16). We call this configuration of Rosenthal’s canal the foraminal wall and call the enclosed placement of ganglion cis-otic (Fig. 1, Extended Data Fig. 3). Originating in Mesozoic therian mammals, this arrangement is highly conserved in all marsupial and placental mammals22,23. These are ancestral features of bats and characterize all Yinpterochiroptera (Fig. 1, Extended Data Figs. 1, 46).

Derived cochlear ganglion neuroanatomy

Here we describe two novel configurations of the ganglion and its canal in Yangochiroptera: the wall-less Rosenthal’s canal with trans-otic ganglion placement and the fenestral wall of Rosenthal’s canal with cis-otic ganglion placement (Figs. 1, 3, Extended Data Figs. 610). The wall-less pattern of Rosenthal’s canal is characterized by the absence of bony partition between the spiral ganglion space and the internal auditory meatus such that the space of Rosenthal’s canal is continuous with the internal auditory meatus (Figs. 1, 3). The ganglion transgresses from the lumen of Rosenthal’s canal to the wider, open space of the internal auditory meatus. This placement is ectopical, relative to the cis-otic placement of all other therian mammals. The ganglion itself is in direct contact with the cochlear nerve trunk in the internal auditory meatus (Fig. 3). This wall-less pattern is present in the apical cochlear turn in 24 out of 26 species of Yangochiroptera examined here (Extended Data Fig. 1). Bats of Myzopodidae, Furipteridae, Thyropteridae, Natalidae, Miniopteridae and Vespertilionidae (all families of Yangochiroptera) have the most extensive wall-less canals; this state is present in the first (basal) and second turns, as well as in the apical turn. The wall-less Rosenthal’s canal is the most derived pattern of all therian mammals, and represents an extreme evolutionary transformation of the mammalian cochlear ganglion. Its characters are new synapomorphies of the Yangochiroptera (Fig. 1d, Extended Data Figs. 9, 10, Supplementary Information). We note that these characteristics are lost in Noctilio albiventris and Noctilio leporinus, which have a plesiomorphic foraminal wall. As Noctilio is deeply nested in the noctilionoid clade rooted phylogenetically by Myzopodidae, Furipteridae and Thyropteridae, all of which have the wall-less pattern throughout (Extended Data Fig. 2), we interpret this as a recent reversal in Noctilio.

The fenestral pattern of the ganglion canal is characterized by large openings of the canal wall that are about 200 μm to 300 μm across (Fig. 1, Extended Data Figs. 7, 8), about 8 to 10 times the size of the foramina in the plesiomorphic wall pattern. The fenestral wall is also thinner than the foraminal wall, with a thickness of 20% to 25% of the foraminal wall. The larger fenestra allow for corresponding variation in the bundle size of cochlear nerve fascicles. The spiral ganglion is enclosed by the primary bony lamina (Fig. 1), similar to its cis-otic ganglion placement in the foraminal canal.

Disparity of ganglion canal in bats

This newly recognized fenestral pattern is present in members of all three yangochiropteran superfamilies: Coleura afra of Emballonuridae, Emballonuroidea (Extended Data Fig. 7), Sturnira lilium and Artibeus jamaicensis of Phyllostomidae, Noctilionoidea24,25 (Extended Data Fig. 1), and Tadarida brasiliensis and Molossus rufus of Molossidae, Vespertilionoidea (Extended Data Fig. 8). However, the fenestral pattern is limited locally to the first (basal) and the second cochlear turns in these bats (Extended Data Fig. 1), and it invariably gives way to the wall-less pattern in the third (apical turn) of the same individual. Therefore, in species with the fenestral pattern, the fenestral and wall-less patterns always co-occur, and these configurations are polymorphic states of the Rosenthal’s canal—they are continuously variable states, transitioning into one another along the ganglion canal of same specimen. In local areas of cochlea, the fenestral wall is structurally intermediate between the extreme and highly transformed wall-less pattern (Fig. 2, Extended Data Fig. 1, Methods) and the foraminal wall of Yinpterochiroptera. The latter is a highly conserved symplesiomorphy of all therians (Extended Data Figs. 7, 8).

By our ancestral state reconstruction of discrete characters among the 39 examined bat species, the wall-less pattern in apical turn is the inferred ancestral state of Rosenthal’s canal for Yangochiroptera. The fenestral pattern in the basal and second turns is present in several species scattered across five families, suggesting the fenestral pattern may be secondarily derived in clades in which this feature occurs (Fig. 2, Extended Data Fig. 2), as is the case with the reversal to foraminal wall in Noctilio.

The wall-less and fenestral patterns involve different degrees of reduction in canal wall ossification, which therefore shows much higher variation in Yangochiroptera than the highly conserved foraminal wall of Yinpterochiroptera (Fig. 2a). Further, the Yangochiroptera and Yinpterochiroptera exhibit contrasting patterns of evolutionary disparity in morphospace (Fig. 2, Extended Data Fig. 2), as measured by degree of wall reduction (newly discovered by our investigation) and the spiral cochlear turns, a general metric for quantifying cochlear morphology of therian mammals6,26,27,28.

Yangochiropterans show high variability in progressive reduction of the ganglion canal wall along the cochlea, and also high variability in number of cochlear turns. The prominent disparity of Rosenthal’s canal in Yangochiroptera as a whole is foremost influenced by the remarkable disparity in species of Noctilionoidea. An extreme outlier of this wide disparity is Myzopoda, characterized by 3.75 cochlear turns (very high for bats) and by a wall ossified for less than 10% along the cochlear length (more than 90% of Rosenthal’s canal is wall-less) (Fig. 2, yellow polygon). The other extremes are species of Noctilio (known for its specialized foraging), which resemble yinpterochiropterans in having an ossified wall along the entire cochlea, overlapping that group in morphospace (Fig. 2b). Two other superfamilies—Vespertilionoidea and Emballonuroidea—occupy distinct regions of morphospace (Fig. 2b, red and green polygons, respectively). Species of the family Molossidae have the most complex neuroanatomy, with all three (wall-less, fenestral and foraminal) patterns along the ganglion canal, as seen in Molossus and Tadarida (Extended Data Figs. 1, 8).

Prominent disparities of the Rosenthal’s canal in Yangochiroptera are apparent across multiple phylogenetic hierarchies: between superfamilies, families and even within species in multiple states as the wall-less and fenestral wall can co-exist in the same bat. The structural variation in ossification (from foraminal to fenestral to wall-less) within species and the numerous transitions of these characters recovered over the group’s history (Fig. 2a) are the most distinctive patterns of disparity in evolution of Yangochiroptera.

By contrast, Yinpterochiroptera show far more limited evolutionary disparity: there is little variability in ossified ganglion canal wall, despite high variability in cochlear turns within the clade. The wider range of cochlear turns of Yinpterochiroptera is consistent with observations on other cochlear structures of this clade6,26,27. The group’s disparity pattern is plesiomorphic because it is fundamentally the same as in non-chiropteran outgroups (Fig. 2b).

Many neuroanatomical variables of the mammalian ganglion and its nerves are directly correlated with the wall configuration of Rosenthal’s canal. These include the total neuron count, the overall girth, the innervation density of the ganglion29 and clustering of nerve fascicles (bundles of neuronal axons), all of which are variable11,12,13,29. For bats, it has also been established that variations of these neuroanatomical characteristics are relevant for cochlear correspondence of the best hearing frequencies along the length of the spiral ganglion7,8,9,10,30,31.

The size (girth) of the bony ganglion canal is a major determinant of overall ganglion size7,11,12,13,30 and the local neuron density of the ganglion10,11. The small size of foraminal openings imposes constraints on the clustering of cochlear nerve fascicles, while the fenestral openings can relax such constraints13 (Fig. 1, Extended Data Fig. 3). The structurally most transformed wall-less pattern removes all constraints of the ganglion canal, enabling clustering of the ganglion axons without restriction, and at the same time enlarging the ganglion space for greater numbers of neurons (Supplementary Table 5). Overall, the derived fenestral and wall-less patterns facilitate variation at multiple levels of neuroanatomy, in sharp contrast to the foraminal canal wall, which tightly restricts the variation of the ganglion in all other therians, including the Yinpterochiroptera. Our observations here (Figs. 1, 2, Extended Data Fig. 3) are also consistent with recent evidence that ossification of cochlear structure follows different developmental trajectories in the two suborders6.

Evolutionary implications

The neuroanatomical synapomorphies and their marked disparity pattern show a broad phylogenetic concordance with the broad range of echolocation strategies in Yangochiroptera (Fig. 2a, Extended Data Fig. 1). Most yangochiropterans echolocate with short pulses of broadband frequency-modulated (FM) sound between long intervals of silence. Calls with short, widely spaced pulses are known as low duty cycle (LDC) echolocation4,14,15. Two yangochiropterans—Pteronotus parnellii and Pteronotus mesoamericanus—deviate from this pattern and differ from other Pteronotus species, using calls of narrowband or constant frequency (CF) in longer pulses, known as high duty cycle (HDC) echolocation with Doppler-shift compensation. Their calls are convergent on those of most rhinolophoid bats (Yinpterochiroptera). As most species of Mormoopidae use LDC calls, the HDC echolocation of P. parnellii and P. mesoamericanus was acquired during the diversification of Pteronotus.

Of the 26 yangochiropteran species examined here (Fig. 2, Extended Data Fig. 1), 24 species use FM echolocation with short pulses4,14 (that is, LDC). Of these, a large majority (22 species in 12 families) have the derived wall-less pattern in the apical cochlear turn. All examined members of three of the four families of Vespertilionoidea and three families of Noctilionoidea have the wall-less pattern in all three cochlear turns (Fig. 2, Extended Data Fig. 1). Several noctilionoid bats have a polymorphic mosaic of wall-less and fenestral patterns in local parts of the cochlea (Extended Data Fig. 1).

Our phylogenetic analyses show that these neuroanatomical apomorphies evolved in a common ancestor of yangochiropterans, and are synapomorphies of Yangochiroptera (Fig. 2, Extended Data Fig. 2). As they are the characteristics possessed only by Yangochiroptera (at least ancestrally) and by no yinpterochiropteran, we hypothesize that they have contributed to the diverse echolocating strategies of these bats32. There is a broad (although incomplete) concordance of these ganglion-related apomorphies and frequency-modulated echolocation and LDC calling in a majority of yangochiropterans.

It was proposed that the earliest echolocators of extant Chiroptera used calls with short, broadband and multiharmonic sound7,32. These putatively plesiomorphic behavioural patterns are exemplified by Megadermatidae and Rhinopomatidae (yinpterochiropterans with foraminal walls; Extended Data Figs. 1, 6), and to some extent also by Nycteridae (yangochiropteran with fenestral wall3,7,32). By comparison, HDC echolocation is a clearly derived pattern used by other yinpterochiropteran families (Rhinolophidae, Hipposideridae and Rhinonycteridae), involving a well-defined auditory fovea, a striking apomorphy of these rhinolophoid echolocators despite a plesiomorphic Rosenthal’s canal and cis-otic ganglion.

The novel phylogenetic and morphospace patterns (Figs. 13, Extended Data Figs. 1, 2) clearly show that yangochiropterans diverged by transformation of spiral ganglion neuroanatomy from yinpterochiropterans, supporting either a parallel or a convergent evolution of echolocation. Currently, there is not enough information to test whether the lack of laryngeal echolocation in Pteropodidae represents a secondary loss (Supplementary Information). Fossil evidence suggests that the earliest known bats (outside extant Chiroptera) probably had some capacity for echolocation3,6,27,33,34. The osteological correlates of the ganglion and their distribution among extant bat families (Figs. 13, Extended Data Figs. 1, 2) can be used now to map evolutionary patterns onto extinct bats, and can be tested with fossils. Fossil bats closer to Yangochiroptera than Yinpterochiroptera would be expected to have wall-less or fenestral walls. Fossil bats on the stem to crown Chiroptera would probably have foraminal walls.

Bats are spectacular examples of adaptive radiation35. Recent morphometrical analyses of the cranial shape and mandibular structure suggest that the adaptive changes in skulls are driven less by dietary diversification than by echolocation36,37,38,39. Echolocation is the primary sensory function for most bats4,40. The differences in echolocation are relevant for different foraging modes and therefore influence the diversification of the main clades of bats35,36,37,38,39,41,42,43,44. We hypothesize that the highly transformed and evolutionarily highly variable ganglion canal structures are such neuroanatomical correlates for the larger cochlear ganglia and more varied nerve fascicles in Yangochiroptera, enhancing the capability of peripheral signal processing by the ganglion for a wide range of echolocating strategies7,8,9,10,30,31,32 (Extended Data Fig. 7, 8, Supplementary Table 5).

In summary, we report a major evolutionary apomorphy in the ganglion neuroanatomy for Yangochiroptera—the Rosenthal’s canal becomes wall-less, which allows the ganglion to transgress, partially or entirely, to the internal auditory meatus. This reduces the spatial constraint on the ganglion, allowing increased neuron density (Fig. 1, Extended Data Fig. 1). The wall-less pattern and transitional fenestral pattern in Yangochiroptera are variable between superfamilies, between bat species, and can be polymorphic in individual bats. These variations drive a much wider morphospace distribution of the neuroanatomy in Yangochiroptera than in Yinpterochiroptera, manifested in their striking divergence in evolutionary disparity (Fig. 2b, Extended Data Fig. 2). Finally, we hypothesize that the apomorphic ganglion neuroanatomy and its disparity evolved in tandem with the wider range of echolocating strategies used by Yangochiroptera (Fig. 2, Extended Data Fig. 1). The freedom from constraint afforded by the wall-less condition and trans-otic ganglion is clearly associated with the explosive diversification in echolocators of Yangochiroptera, which today account for 70% of the families, 90% of the genera and 82% of the species of all echolocating bats.


CT scans of inner ear cochleas of bats and outgroups

Intact skulls of 39 bat species of 19 bat families, and isolated petrosals of five non-chiropteran outgroups were scanned, all on GE Phoenix CT scanners (240/180 kv dual X-ray tubes): 38 bat species scanned at UChicago ( One bat (yangochiropteran Mystacina robusta) and two outgroup species (Setifer setosus and Mus musculus) were scanned at AMNH ( and one outgroup species (Didelphis virginiana) was scanned at University of Bonn (Germany). All bat species were scanned at ≤15 µm; resolution for each scanned specimen is detailed in Supplementary Table 3.

Histological confirmation

To confirm CT scan with soft tissue histological sections on the spiral ganglion placement and its canal wall patterns, we obtained histological sections of inner ears of five bat species that were also CT scanned (Supplementary Table 1). These exemplar species are: foraminal wall pattern, Epomophorus wahlbergi and Hipposideros caffer (Extended Data Fig. 4); fenestral wall pattern, Coleura afra (Extended Data Fig. 6); Noctilio albiventris (exemplar for diverse Noctilionoidea); and wall-less pattern of Rosenthal’s canal, Miniopterus inflatus (Fig. 3). Inner ear of bats were decalcified in EDTA solution and then were sliced into sections at 8 µm or 12 µm thickness. Tissues on histological sections were then contrast-stained with haematoxylin and eosin. Histology work was performed on microtomes in Institute for Genomic Biology, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and at AMNH. Histological confirmation of the ganglion placement and Rosenthal canal wall pattern on additional 15 bat species are based on published histological photographs (or drawings) of previous studies of bat cochleas (sources listed in Supplementary Table 3).

Reporting summary

Further information on research design is available in the Nature Research Reporting Summary linked to this paper.