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Intelligent problem-solvers externalize cognitive operations

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Humans are nature’s most intelligent and prolific users of external props and aids (such as written texts, slide-rules and software packages). Here we introduce a method for investigating how people make active use of their task environment during problem-solving and apply this approach to the non-verbal Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices test for fluid intelligence. We designed a click-and-drag version of the Raven test in which participants could create different external spatial configurations while solving the puzzles. In our first study, we observed that the click-and-drag test was better than the conventional static test at predicting academic achievement of university students. This pattern of results was partially replicated in a novel sample. Importantly, environment-altering actions were clustered in between periods of apparent inactivity, suggesting that problem-solvers were delicately balancing the execution of internal and external cognitive operations. We observed a systematic relationship between this critical phasic temporal signature and improved test performance. Our approach is widely applicable and offers an opportunity to quantitatively assess a powerful, although understudied, feature of human intelligence: our ability to use external objects, props and aids to solve complex problems.

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Fig. 1: Predicting academic achievement using the conventional and the adapted click-and-drag Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices test in Experiments 1a and 1b (n = 495).
Fig. 2: Simulated data for the dual-mode (green) and single-mode model (blue) and empirical data for experimental participants (black) in Experiment 2 (n = 70).
Fig. 3: Shape parameters, scale parameters, partial autocorrelations as a function of Raven IQ test performance in Experiment 2 (n = 70).
Fig. 4: Variance of intermovement intervals, total number of movements, total time spent on task as a function of Raven IQ test performance in Experiment 2 (n = 70).

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Code availability

The routines/code that were used to perform the statistical analyses in this study are available from the corresponding author upon request. For the routine/code that was used for simulating the dual-mode and single-mode problem-solvers see Supplementary Code.

Data availability

The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon request.


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B.R.B., F.H.P. and B.F. designed the experiments. B.R.B. carried out the experiments, simulations and statistical analyses. B.R.B., F.H.P., B.F. and A.C. wrote the paper.

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Correspondence to Bruno R. Bocanegra.

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Bocanegra, B.R., Poletiek, F.H., Ftitache, B. et al. Intelligent problem-solvers externalize cognitive operations. Nat Hum Behav 3, 136–142 (2019).

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