
Composite indicators are constructed with the aim of obtaining a single ‘synoptic’ or ‘comprehensive’ number, that represents a large set of measurements (individual indicators) on the multiple aspects of a phenomenon (conceptual entity), such as human development, competitiveness, happiness, quality of life and well-being (Mishra 2007). These measures have been called ‘pragmatic’ because they meet a practical need to rate or rank individual units (e.g., countries, cities, universities or hospitals) for a specific purpose (Paruolo et al. 2013). Sociologists, economists, and policy makers use composite indicators for obtaining useful tools for social, economic, and political decision making (Somarriba and Pena 2009). For this reason, socio-economic indicators are often analyzed using multivariate statistical methods, such as Principal Components Analysis (PCA), in order to summarize the data and create composite indices (Ram 1982; Slottje et al. 1991; McGillivray 2005; Li et al. 2012; Ferrara and Nisticò 2014; Yadav and Velan 2021; da Vieira et al. 2022).

Nevertheless, the idea of summarizing complex phenomena into single numbers is not straightforward (Saltelli 2007), and this disciplinary field is still a ‘black box’ for some researchers (Dialga and Thi Hang Giang 2017). The construction of a composite index involves both theoretical and methodological assumptions that must be carefully assessed to avoid results of dubious analytical rigour (Nardo et al. 2005).

One of the best known guides for the construction and use of composite indicators, if not the best known, is the “Handbook on Constructing Composite Indicators. Methodology and User Guide” by the OECD (2008). It considers the multivariate analysis as a preliminary step that should be used to study the overall structure of the dataset, assess its suitability, and guide subsequent methodological decisions (e.g., weighting, aggregation). However, PCA is also cited as a method for weighting and aggregating individual indicators (OECD 2008; UNECE 2019). In this regard, a distinction must be made between dimensionality reduction and the construction of composite indicators.

Dimensionality reduction is a purely mathematical operation that consists of combining a set of individual indicators, in such a way that most of the information in the data is retained. PCA is the most common method developed for this purpose (Hotelling 1933). The basic idea is simple: to reduce the dimensionality of a dataset so that the original ‘variability’ is reproduced as well as possible. This means finding new variables that are linear functions of the original variables, that sequentially maximize variance and are uncorrelated with each other. Since the new variables are defined by the dataset at hand and not a priori, PCA can be considered a data-driven tool (Greco et al. 2019).

The construction of composite indicators (or composite indices) is a conceptual and mathematical process that consists of combining (or aggregating as it is termed) a set of individual indicators based on a well-defined measurement model that can be formative or reflective (Michalos 2014; Mazziotta and Pareto 2017). A composite indicator is thus formed when individual indicators are combined into a single index based on an underlying model of the multidimensional concept being measured (UNECE 2019).

Of course, a composite index can be obtained by dimensionality reduction (with an appropriate measurement model), but dimensionality reduction does not necessarily lead to a composite index. In this case, there may be potential difficulties in interpretations, inaccurate ranking, and conflicts with the theoretical framework. Recently, Boudt et al. (2022) proposed an adjustment in the construction of a PCA-based composite index to avoid the presence of positive and negative weights, but they do not deal with the definition of the correct measurement model. In fact, if the measurement model is formative, PCA should not be used.

In this paper, we discuss the use of PCA to construct a composite index and show that it can be used improperly if a proper measurement model has not been defined.

The paper is organized as follows. Section “The measurement model” explains the difference between formative and reflective measurement models, while section “PCA and composite indices” describes the use of PCA to construct composite indices and its relationship with the measurement models. In section “A numerical example”, a simple numerical example is illustrated, while in section “An application to real data” an application to real data is provided in order to show that PCA can perform poorly when a formative approach is followed. Finally, some concluding remarks are given in section “Conclusions”.

The measurement model

It is well known that a measurement modelFootnote 1 can be conceptualized through two different approaches: reflective or formative (Edwards and Bagozzi 2000; Jarvis et al. 2003; Coltman et al. 2008; Diamantopoulos et al. 2008).

The most widely used approach is the reflective model, in which individual indicators represent the effects (or manifestations) of an underlying latent variable (manifest variables). Therefore, causality is from the concept to the indicators and a change in the phenomenon causes variations in all its measures (i.e., covariation among indicators reflects variation in the latent factor). In this model, the construct exists (in an absolute sense) independent of the researcher’s perception or interpretation, even if it is not directly measurable. Specifically, the latent variable R represents the common cause shared by all indicators Xi that reflect the construct, with each indicator corresponding to a linear function of the underlying variable plus a measurement error:

$${{\text{X}}_i} = {{{\lambda }}_i}{\text{R}} + {{{\varepsilon }}_i}$$

where Xi is indicator i, λi is a coefficient (loading) that captures the effect of R on Xi and εi is the measurement error for indicator i. It is assumed that the measurement errors are independent (i.e., ri, εj) = 0, for i ≠ j) and unrelated to the latent variable (i.e., r(R, εi) = 0, for all i).

A fundamental characteristic of reflective models is that the change in the latent variable must precede the change in the indicators. Thus, the indicators share a common theme and are interchangeable (adding or removing an indicator does not change the essential nature of the underlying concept). It follows that all indicators must be highly correlated with each other, and the correlations are explained by the measurement model.

Another important issue concerns the polarity of the individual indicators. The ‘polarity’ of an individual indicator is the sign of the relationship between the indicator and the concept being measured. In a reflective model, indicators with the same polarity must be positively correlated, while indicators with opposite polarity must be negatively correlated. Otherwise, the model will produce inconsistent results (Mazziotta and Pareto 2019).

A typical example of a reflective model is the measurement of a person’s intelligence. In this case, it is intelligence that influences responses and reaction times to a IQ (intelligence quotient) test, and not vice versa. Hence, if a person’s intelligence increases, this is accompanied by an increase in correct answers to all questions and a decrease in response times. So, the “Percentage of correct answers” has positive polarity, while the “Average response time” has negative polarity. And these two indicators are negatively correlated.

Other appropriate applications of the reflective model include concepts such as attitudes and purchase intentions (Jarvis et al. 2003).

PCA and Factor AnalysisFootnote 2 (FA) are often used to find sets of correlated indicators that are thought to reflect underlying latent constructs (Shwartz et al. 2015).

The second approach is the formative model, in which individual indicators are causes of an underlying latent variable, rather than its effects (causal variables). Therefore, causality is from the indicators to the concept and a change in the phenomenon does not necessarily imply variations in all its measures (i.e., the latent factor is not assumed to explain the variances of the indicators or their covariation). In this model, the construct is defined by, or is a function of, the observed variables. It depends on an operationalist or instrumentalist interpretation by the researcher (Borsboom et al. 2003). The specification of the formative model is:

$${\text{R}} = \sum\nolimits_i {{\text{ }}{{{\lambda }}_i}{{\text{X}}_i} + {{\zeta }}} $$

where λi is a coefficient capturing the effect of Xi on R, and ζ is an error termFootnote 3. ζ includes all remaining causes of the construct that are not represented in the indicators and are not correlated with them (i.e., r(Xi, ζ) = 0), while the Xi are considered error-free.

Since, in this case, the indicators define the construct, its meaning depends on the number and type of indicators and they are not interchangeable (adding or removing an indicator may change the underlying concept). It follows that indicators can have any intercorrelation pattern (high correlations between indicators are possible, but generally not expected) and the correlations are not explained by the measurement model. Therefore, in a formative model, polarities and correlations are independent and indicators can have positive, negative or zero correlations.

A typical example of a formative model is the measurement of the well-being of society. It depends on health, income, occupation, services, environment, etc., and not vice versa. Hence, if one of these factors improves, well-being increases (even if the other factors do not change). However, an increase in well-being is not necessarily accompanied by an improvement in all factors. So, for example, “GDP per capita” has a positive polarity, while “CO2 emissions” has a negative polarity. But these two indicators are not necessarily negatively correlated (in fact, they are generally positively correlated).

Most of socio-economic composite indicators, such the Human Development Index (UNDP 1990, 2010) are based on formative models (UNECE 2019).

Since a formative model is not based on the hypothesis that the indicators are correlated, the correlation structure of the data cannot be used to determine the latent variable. Rather, the latent variable can be estimated by taking a weightedFootnote 4 average of the indicators that encompass the concept (Shwartz et al. 2015).

It is important to note that (1) is a system of simple regression equations where each individual indicator is the dependent variable and the latent variable is the explanatory variable; while (2) is a multiple regression equation where the latent variable is the dependent variable and the indicators are the explanatory variables.

Table 1 summarizes the main differences between the two types of models.

The choice between reflective and formative models substantially affects the results, but has received little attention in the literature (Jarvis et al. 2003). Most researchers apply procedures without even questioning their appropriateness for the specific construct, and Diamantopoulos and Winklhofer (2001) speak of an “almost automatic acceptance of reflective indicators”. Consequently, misspecification is often the adoption of a reflective model where a formative approach would be appropriate. The other case of misspecification, i.e., the erroneous adoption of a formative model where a reflective approach would be appropriate, is rather negligible. One explanation is that procedures for developing and evaluating measures for reflective latent factor models have a long tradition in the social sciences and have become established over the years (Diamantopoulos et al. 2008).

In the next Section, we show that misspecification of the measurement model in the construction of a PCA-based composite index, can lead to some potentially serious consequences. Therefore, researchers need to think carefully about the direction of causality between concept and individual indicators.

Table 1 Reflective model versus formative model

PCA and composite indices

The simplest and common formula for constructing a composite index (CI) is the sum of weighted and normalizedFootnote 5 indicators (OECD 2008):

$$\,{\text{CI}} = \sum\nolimits_i {{\text{ }}{{w}_i}{{\text{Z}}_i}} $$

where Zi is the normalized indicator i, and wi is the weight of normalized indicator i, with:

$$\sum\nolimits_i {{\text{ }}{{w}_i} = 1} \;{\text{and}}\;0 \leqslant {{w}_i} \leqslant 1\;{\text{for}}\;{\text{all}}\;i{\text{}}$$

Normalized indicators can be obtained through standardization (z-scores), re-scaling or other methods (OECD 2008; Mazziotta and Pareto 2017; Terzi et al. 2021). In any case, individual indicators must be transformed so that an increase in the normalized indicators corresponds to an increase in the composite index (Salzman 2003). Therefore, it is necessary to ‘invert’ the sign of indicators with negative polarity. For example, in the case of well-being, “CO2 emissions” has negative polarity (the lower the CO2 emissions, the greater the well-being), so it can be standardized (i.e., transformed in z-score) and multiplied by -1. Alternatively, indicators with negative polarity should have negative weights in (3), but condition (4) cannot be satisfied.

PCA is a multivariate statistical method that allows a large number of quantitative individual indicators to be transformed into a set of new uncorrelated variables (principal components or factors), ordered so that the first few explain most of the observed variance (Dunteman 1989). The first principal component is often used as the ‘best’ composite indexFootnote 6 (Booysen 2002; Mishra 2007, 2008; Somarriba and Pena 2009). It is defined as:

$${\text{P}}{{\text{C}}_{\text{1}}} = \sum\nolimits_i {{\text{ }}a_{i1}^{}{{\text{Z}}_i}}$$

where ai1 is the weight (loading) of indicator i for the first principal component, with:

$$\sum\nolimits_i {{\text{ }}a_{i1}^{\text{2}} = 1} $$

and the weights are determined in such a way that the sum of the squared correlation coefficients between the index and the individual indicators (used to construct the index) is maximized:

$$\sum\nolimits_i {{\text{ }}{r^{\text{2}}}({\text{P}}{{\text{C}}_1},{Z_i}) = \max } $$

The solution is given by the eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue of the correlation (or covariance) matrix of the individual indicators (Jolliffe 2002).

The definition of principal component (5) as a weighted sum of individual indicators is similar to Eq. (2) and suggests that a PCA-based composite index can be used with a formative measurement model (Edwards and Bagozzi 2000; Zumbo 2007).

Nevertheless, some important issues need to be considered.

First, in a PCA-based composite index, the weights depend on the correlations between indicators, as they are given by the eigenvectors of the correlation (or covariance) matrix. However, correlations between individual indicators are not relevant in a formative model and cannot be explained by it, because indicators do not necessarily share the same theme and hence do not have a ‘preconceived’ pattern of intercorrelation (Coltman et al. 2008). In this regard, already 20 years ago, Fayers and Hand (2002) in an article on “Journal of the Royal Statistical Society” pointed out that the main focus of methods of scale construction and assessment of standard psychometric approaches “has been the correlation structure of the data– which is inappropriate for causal variables”. And they added that “Also, it is disturbing to note that anyone developing a scale by using traditional methods would remain blissfully unaware that they may be omitting important items or including inappropriate items”. The idea of PCA is to account for the largest possible variation in the individual indicators with the smallest possible number of factors. Therefore, in PCA, the weights are used only to correct for overlap between two or more correlated indicators and are not a measure of the theoretical importance of the associated indicators (OECD 2008). In fact, if no correlation is found between the individual indicators, the weights cannot be estimated using this method.

Second, by construction (see Eq. 6), a PCA index assigns larger weights to highly correlated indicators (because they help maximize the sum of squared correlation coefficients between the index and the individual indicators) and marginal weights to poorly correlated indicators. As a result, the index so constructed is inherently ‘elitist’ since it favors the highly correlated subset over the poorly correlated subset of variables, regardless of the (possible) contextual importance of the latter subset of variables (Mishra 2007, 2008). However, in a multiple regression, such as (2), the individual indicators should have little or no correlation with each other to avoid multicollinearityFootnote 7. In contrast to reflective models, where each individual indicator is by design collinear with the others, multicollinearity in formatively measured constructs can potentially lead to unstable weights (Tabachnick and Fidell 2001). Moreover, an excessive multicollinearity makes it difficult to separate the distinct influence of the individual indicators on the latent variable (Bollen 1989; Diamantopoulos and Winklhofer 2001). Thus, collinearity among individual indicators challenges the interpretation of formative composite indices (Cenfetelli and Bassellier 2009).

Third, under certain conditions, the principal components are equivalent to the factor scores obtained by FA and can then be considered as estimators of latent factors (Krishnakumar and Nagar 2008). For example, FA and PCA produce similar results in cases with a large number of variables (e.g., 30 or more) and/or high estimated communality (Gorsuch 1983; Hair et al. 2006). Moreover, both types of analysis have a common mathematical core, are based on the correlation (or covariance) matrix of the data and use methods of matrix decomposition to obtain the components or factors. If ‘principal components’ is used as a factor extraction method, the matrix of factor loadings obtained in FA is identical to matrix of correlation coefficients between original variables and principal components obtained in PCA. Hence, the factors, before any rotation, are identical to the first few principal components with the largest variances (Gniazdowski 2017, 2021). However, FA is based on a reflective measurement model, therefore PCA cannot be used correctly in a formative approach (Mazziotta and Pareto 2019).

Finally, it is also important to note that the signs of the weights in (4) are based on observed covariances, and not on user-defined polarities, as required in a formative model. Indeed, even if individual indicators with negative polarities are ‘reversed’ by normalization, a PCA-based composite index ignores the polarities of the individual indicators and yields consistent results only if:

$$\operatorname{sgn} (r({{\text{X}}_i},{{\text{X}}_j})) = {p_i}{p_j}\; \ \;{\text{for}}\;i \ne j$$

where pi e pj are the polarities of indicators i and j.

Equation (7) is the formalization of item 5 in Table 1 for reflective models. If a formative model is assumed where (7) is not satisfied, a PCA-based index will produce incorrect results.

Because of these features, a PCA-based composite index should only be used in reflective models, as is the case of FA. Indeed, PCA is frequently used to evaluate reflective measurement models (Götz et al. 2010) and is considered an appropriate method for examining the latent structure underlying a set of indicators (Bohrnstedt 1970; Vinzi et al. 2003). The use of PCA to test the ‘content validity’ or ‘construct validity’ of reflective models can be found in several studies in the literature, since the 1970s, especially in psychological and clinical fields (Harbison et al. 1974; Raskin and Terry 1988; Toledano and Pfaus 2006; Klingstedt et al. 2020; Ghazali et al. 2021).

A numerical example

In this Section, we consider a numerical example where a formative composite index is required. A simple arithmetic mean and the first principal component are compared as composite indices, but the PCA-based composite index fails because it is not consistent with the polarities of the individual indicators.

Suppose that we want to construct a composite index of well-being for 7 world regions, in 2018, based on the following individual indicators (Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators):

  • X1 = GDP per capita, PPP (current international $);

  • X2 = CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita).

These two indicators are not manifestations of an underlying latent variable, but determine the latent variable that gets its meaning from them, i.e., we create an ‘induced’ latent variable that is an aggregation of observed variables (Heise 1972). Thus, causality is from the indicators to the concept and indicator X1 has a positive polarity, whereas indicator X2 has a negative polarity.

In Table 2 are reported the original data (mean and standard deviation are in bold). The table also provides the normalized indicatorsFootnote 8 Z1 and Z2, the ranks R1 and R2, the arithmetic mean of the normalized values M1, and the first principal component scores PC1.

Table 2 Comparing arithmetic mean and first component score as composite indices

Note that r(X1, X2) = 0.95, i.e., X1 and X2 are positively correlated, so that the higher the GDP per capita, the greater the CO2 emissions. On the other hand, we have r(Z1, Z2)=-0.95, because the polarity of X2 has been inverted in order to construct the composite index.

In a formative approach, as Eq. (2), we can form a composite index by the arithmetic mean. However, the first principal component might be the best solution, as it accounts for 97.7% of the variance in the data.

The rankings by normalized indicators and by composite index are shown in Fig. 1. As we can see, North America has the highest GDP per capita (61,762) and CO2 emissions (15,3), while Sub-Saharan Africa has the lowest GDP per capita (3,965.6) and CO2 emissions (0.8) (Fig. 1a). This means that North America is ranked first by X1, while Sub-Saharan Africa is ranked first by X2. Nevertheless, North America is ranked first by PC1, and Sub-Saharan is ranked seventh (Fig. 1b). Thus, the ranking by PC1 accurately reflects the ranking by X1, but neglects the ranking by X2. This is due to the fact that PCA ignores the polarity of the individual indicators and normalized indicators (i.e., indicators that both have positive polarity) are not positively correlated (i.e., Eq. 7 is not satisfied). Therefore, using PC1 to aggregate X1 and X2 results in an inconsistent composite index and an unrealistic ranking of units.

Another very important point is that a PCA-based composite index can be non-monotoneFootnote 9. In our application, the formulas used to calculate the two composite indices are as follows:

$$\eqalign{& {{\text{M}}_1} = ({{\text{Z}}_{\text{1}}} + {{\text{Z}}_{\text{2}}})/2 = 0.5{{\text{Z}}_{\text{1}}} + 0.5{{\text{Z}}_{\text{2}}} \cr & {\text{P}}{{\text{C}}_1} = {a_{11}}{{\text{Z}}_{\text{1}}} + {a_{21}}{{\text{Z}}_{\text{2}}} = 0.707{{\text{Z}}_{\text{1}}} - 0.707{{\text{Z}}_{\text{2}}} \cr} $$

where ai1 is the weight of indicator i, as used in the creation of the first principal componentFootnote 10. In both composite indices, the weights of the two variables are equal, but in PC1 the weight of Z2 is negative. Thus, if Z2 increases, and Z1 remains constant, PC1 decreases. This means that if CO2 emissions decrease (i.e., Z2 increases) and GDP per capita does not change, M1 correctly increases, while PC1 incorrectly decreases.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Normalized indicators and composite indices

An application to real data

A typical case in which the use of PCA can have potentially critical consequences and lead to misleading results is the construction of a health index.

Consider the set of 15 individual indicators of the “Health” domain of the 10th Italian reportFootnote 11 on Equitable and Sustainable Well-being (BES) for the year 2022 (Istat 2023). The BES project was launched in 2010 to evaluate the progress of society not only from an economic point of view, but also from a social and environmental one. To this end, traditional economic indicators, such as GDP per capita, were integrated with measures of people’s quality of life and the environment. The report provides an integrated picture of the main economic, social and environmental phenomena that characterize Italy, through the analysis of a large number of indicators for the Italian regions, divided into 12 domains.

The indicators selected for the “Health” domain describe essential elements of the population’s health profile in the main dimensions: objective, functional and subjective health. They are divided into three groups: global outcome indicators, specific indicators for life cycle stages, and indicators of lifestyles-related risk or health protection factors.

The indicators have different units of measurement and ranges; some have positive polarity (e.g., “Life expectancy at birth”), while others have negative polarity (e.g., “Infant mortality rate”). Therefore, they were normalized into z-scores and the signs of the indicators with negative polarity were reversed.

A PCA was performed on both the set of original indicators and the set of normalized indicators, and the first principal component was used as the health index. The results are presented in Table 3, which shows the polarities and weights of the original and normalized indicatorsFootnote 12.

Table 3 Polarities and weights of wealth indicators in a PCA-based composite index

As we know, in a correct composite index, indicators with positive polarity should have positive weight, while indicators with negative polarity should have negative weight. Otherwise, if all indicators are normalized to have positive polarity, each of them must have a positive weight, as in Eq. (3). However, this is not the case because the weights of “Age-standardized mortality rate for dementia and nervous system diseases” and “Alcohol consumption” do not have the correct sign (indicators and values in bold).

This occurs because Eq. 7 is not satisfied for each pair of individual indicators. For example, “Life expectancy at birth” and “Alcohol consumption” are positively correlated (r = 0.67), but the first indicator has positive polarity and the second has negative polarity. In other words, a positive correlation indicates that an increase in alcohol consumption is associated with an increase in life expectancy, which is contrary to what the theoretical framework assumes. The same is true for “Life expectancy at birth” and “Age-standardized mortality rate for dementia and nervous system diseases” (r = 0.60). But the most interesting aspect is that reversing the sign of indicators with negative polarity, through normalization, does not solve the problem.

This result shows that data-driven methods such as PCA, which rely solely on the observed correlation (or covariance) matrix, are inappropriate for constructing a formative composite index in which the nature of the concept and the polarity of each individual indicator are defined by the researcher.

The experiment can be replicated with any other set of indicators, and it is always possible that some correlations do not match polarities. Of course, the researcher could remove the indicators with undesirable weights and still use a PCA-based composite index, as many doFootnote 13, but in a formative model, the individual indicators are not interchangeable and “omitting an indicator is omitting a part of the construct” (Bollen and Lennox 1991).


The construction of composite indices to measure multidimensional concepts is a common problem in data analysis. Researcher cannot easily solve this issue using PCA or related methods, such as FA, because they are used for a reflective approach; while composite indices are generally based on a formative approach.

PCA is essentially a data reduction technique for summarizing a set of correlated individual indicators, improving interpretability and minimizing information loss. So, it can be very useful for eliminating redundant indicators. However, in a formative measurement model, the individual indicators define the concept being measured and they are not redundant.

Individual indicators may have high, low or no intercorrelation, so it does not makes sense to aggregate them with a PCA-based composite index. It does not take into account all non-redundant information, as it only explains most of the variance, and can therefore remove useful information. For example, if some individual indicators are poorly correlated with others, PCA can assign them very small weights, irrespective of their importance.

Moreover, although PCA allows the construction of subsequent indices (orthogonal to the first principal component), it may not be possible to use them for any comprehensive analysis, as there is no reliable and well-established procedure to construct a single composite index by merging several principal component indices derived from the data (Mishra 2007).

Finally, in a formative approach, the polarities of the individual indicators are defined by the researcher, whereas the signs of the weights obtained in a PCA-based composite index depend on the observed correlations, regardless of the polarities.

Therefore, a PCA-based composite index can provide very misleading information about the latent variable of interest, as it is based solely on the covariance structure between individual indicators.

In light of the above, although PCA and related methods are often used to construct socio-economic composite indicators, they should be used only for reflective purposes, and not to build formative composite indices.