1 Introduction

The use of FRP bars as an alternative reinforcement in concrete structures has shown to be a valid way to overcome the durability issues of steel-reinforced concrete structures, resulting from the corrosion of steel reinforcement. Over the past two decades, the performance of FRP-reinforced concrete structures has received significant attentions, and this new reinforced system is being widely used in marine structures, hydraulic structures, high-speed railway and subway structures. Masmoudi [1] experimentally and theoretically investigated the effect of FRP reinforcement ratio on cracking, deflection, bending capacity and modes of failure of concrete beams. Grace [2] carried out the experimental study on the mechanical behavior of reinforced concrete beams strengthened by FRP laminates. Pecce [3] discussed the structural behavior, such as curvature, deflection, and crack spacing and width, of concrete beams reinforced with glass FRP bars and analyzed verifications at ultimate and serviceability conditions. Aiello [4] investigated the deformability of concrete flexural members reinforced with FRP rebars. Gravina [5] conducted comparative tests on simply supported and continuous concrete beams reinforced with FRP bars to predict the bending moment distribution. Xue [6] proposed a calculation method for deflections of concrete beams reinforced with FRP rebars. Qi [7] conducted an experimental study on cracking patterns, load–deflection response, load–moment relationship, internal force redistribution and ultimate load of continuous beams reinforced with FRP rebars. Tu [8] conducted an experimental study on simply supported beams reinforced with bonded AFRP tendons, and an effective calculation method for the ultimate load-carrying capacities was derived. Skuturna [9] studied the design methods for calculating the load-carrying capacity of reinforced concrete elements in flexure strengthened with external FRP reinforcement. Lapko [10] reported that much lesser cross-sectional stiffness of basalt BFRP bars produces higher deflections and crack widths compared to the beams reinforced with steel bars of the same cross section. Zhou [11] investigated the in-plane seismic behavior of eight unreinforced masonry walls before and after being retrofitted by BFRP.

Mahroug [12] showed that continuously supported BFRP-reinforced concrete slabs exhibited larger deflections, wider cracks and brittle failure compared with the counterpart reinforced with steel. Such behavior is attributed to the fact that FRP reinforcing bars exhibit a linear elastic stress–strain relationship up to failure without any yielding, causing brittle failure without enough warning to RC structures user. Therefore, few suggestions were recently proposed to improve the ductility of FRP-reinforced concrete members.

A hybrid system consisting of both FRP and steel reinforcement was introduced to improve reinforced concrete element ductility and durability [13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21]. In such reinforcement system, FRP reinforcement is located in the outer layer, whereas steel bars are embedded more deeply, achieving larger cover concrete, combining the advantages of FRP and steel reinforcement simultaneously by improving durability and ductility as well as reducing deflection and crack width. Lau [13] proposed that steel longitudinal reinforcement should be added to form a hybrid FRPRC beam to improve its ductility. Huang [14] conducted an experimental and theoretical study on the mechanical behaviors of steel–GFRP-reinforced concrete beams. Ge [15, 16] investigated the flexural behavior of hybrid FRP/steel-reinforced concrete beams and ECC–concrete composite beams. The test results showed that the ductility of hybrid reinforced composite beams is higher than that of traditional RC beams and formulas for cracking, yield and ultimate moments as well as deflections of hybrid reinforced beams are developed. Kara [17] presented a numerical method for estimating the curvature, deflection and moment capacity of hybrid FRP/steel-reinforced concrete beams. Refai [18] reported the structural performance of concrete beams reinforced with steel and GFRP hybrid reinforcement. Yoo [19] investigated the flexural behavior of UHPFRC beams reinforced with GFRP rebars and steel/GFRP hybrid reinforcements. Sun [20] conducted an experimental study on the flexural behavior of concrete beams reinforced with bundled hybrid steel/FRP bars. Maranan [21] investigated the flexural behavior of geopolymer concrete beams reinforced with a hybrid GFRP and steel bars.

Wu et al. [22] recently introduced a newly developed steel–FRP composite bar (SFCB), composed of inner steel bar wrapped by FRP, combining the advantages of the two materials. SFCBs exhibit high strength, good ductility, high elastic modulus, stable secondary stiffness and excellent corrosion resistance. Uniaxial static and cyclic tensile tests of SFCB showed a bilinear stress–strain relationship before FRP rupture. After the inner steel yielded, SFCB displayed a stable post-yielding stiffness. Few investigations showed the effectiveness of SFCB as structural reinforcement for concrete structures [23, 24]. However, further experimental and computational investigations of structural elements reinforced with SFCBs are essential to better understand their structural behavior and to encourage their use in real structures.

In this paper, static flexural experiments of SFCB, steel, FRP and hybrid RC beams were conducted and compared. The effect of reinforcement form and ratio on the bending capacity, crack width and deflection of RC specimens was studied. Theoretical analysis based on strain compatibility, realistic constitutive relationships and forces equilibrium is also conducted to predict the failure modes, bending capacity, crack width and deflections. Taking the properties of SFCB materials into consideration, modified formulas for the crack width and effective moment of inertia of SFCB RC flexural components are also proposed.

2 Experimental design

2.1 Mechanical performance of material

2.1.1 Concrete

The main concrete ingredients were Portland cement (CEM 42.5), medium sand of grain diameter 0.35–0.5 mm, gravel of maximum size 15 mm and tap water. The mass ratio of water, cement, sand and gravel was 0.39:1.0:1.29:2.88, i.e., 168, 432, 558 and 1242 kg, respectively, for one cubic meter of concrete. The concrete compressive test was conducted at the same time as the flexural experiment of RC beams. The mean compressive strength fcu, mv of concrete obtained from testing three 150 × 150 × 150 mm [25] cubes was 43.85 MPa. The modulus of elasticity Ec (= 102/(2.2 + 34.7/fcu)), compressive strength fc (= 0.88αc1αc2fcu) and tensile strength ft (= 0.348αc2f0.55cu) are 33.43 GPa, 28.65 MPa and 2.80 MPa, respectively [26], where αc1 is the strength ratio of concrete prism to concrete cube and αc2 is the brittleness reduction coefficient of high-strength concrete.

2.1.2 Longitudinal reinforcements

Five different types of longitudinal reinforcements were used, namely steel, basalt FRP (BFRP) and three SFCBs with different arrangements. Table 1 and Fig. 1a present details of the reinforcements used, where d and ds are the full and steel diameters, OFT represents the out-wrapping fiber type, tf is the thickness of outer FRP material, dr and sr are the depth and spacing of ribbed ribs, respectively. All reinforcing bars were of 12 mm diameter. Reinforcing bars A and E were fully made of steel and BFRP, respectively, whereas the other three bars had an inner steel core of diameter ds, externally wrapped with FRP layer of thickness tf achieving the full diameter d.

Table 1 Details of longitudinal reinforcement
Fig. 1
figure 1

Tested longitudinal reinforcements

Tensile properties of FRP and SFCB reinforcements were obtained by testing three specimens for each type [27]. The total length, anchorage and free length of the specimen were 1200, 400 and 400 mm, respectively, as shown in Fig. 1b. Figure 2 and Table 2 present the tensile stress–strain curves and mechanical properties of tested bars, respectively; the values of modulus of elasticity as well as the strengths are the mean values from three test specimens. EI and EII are the moduli of bars before and after yielding, respectively; fu and fy are the ultimate and yield stress of bars, respectively. As reinforcing bars E are purely made from FRP material, only EI is measured and presented.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Tensile stress–strain curves of tested bars

Table 2 Mechanical performance of tested bars

As can be seem from Fig. 2 and Table 2, the three SFCBs, all, exhibit stable secondary stiffness. At the beginning, the load was carried by the outside fiber and inner steel simultaneously; the higher the proportion of inner steel, the higher the elastic modulus EI and yield strength fy. The SFCB appeared to yield when its strain is up to about 0.002 (the yield strain of inner steel). This is illustrated by the fact that SFCB had fewer, but stably increasing, stress increments with the same strain increment, which means that SFCB exhibited stable stiffness after inner steel yielded (post-yield stable secondary stiffness). Because the inner steel had already yielded, the load was mainly resisted by the outside fiber. As the load increased, the loading capacity reached its peak when the fiber fractured at the middle part of the specimen [22].

Figure 3 presents the typical failure mode of each type of refinements. In all specimens, failure occurred at the middle region of the specimens, indicating that the end anchorage was effective. The steel–FRP composite bar underwent a threadlike blowout fracture, illustrating that the resin component of SFCB had better coupling performance with fiber [22].

Fig. 3
figure 3

Failure modes of tested bars

2.1.3 Bond-slip behavior

Standard pullout experiments were conducted to test the bond-slip behavior between the five reinforcing bars and concrete [28]. Figure 4a–c represents the schematic diagram of pullout specimen, pullout setup and bond stress–strain curves, respectively.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Pullout test

Plastic pipes were embedded to reduce the local stress at the load end during testing. The loading was applied by a hydraulic jack and measured by a load sensor; the slip of the free end was measured by a displacement sensor attached to the bar.

Table 3 presents the bond strengths of each reinforcing bar with concrete, while Fig. 5 shows the tested bond-slip specimens, where the bond strength of concrete and reinforced bars, τ, is the stress corresponding to a bond slip of 1.0 mm [29].

Table 3 Bond properties of reinforcement
Fig. 5
figure 5

Failure mode of tested bond-slip specimens

All specimens’ anchorage lengths were 5d to promote the same failure mode of pullout. As can be seen from Table 3, the bond strength ratio τi/τA of SFCBs/BFRP bar to steel bar is all approximately equal to 1.0, illustrating that the ribbed SFCBs/BFRP bar has very similar bond strength as ribbed steel bar.

Table 4 presents the anchorage length with respect to the bar diameter, na = La/d, where La is the anchorage length, of various reinforced bars. The anchorage length is obtained by considering the balance failure case, where bar pullout and rupture simultaneously occur; fuπd2/4 = τπdLa, d is the bar diameter, τ is the bond strength of concrete and reinforced bars, fu is the tensile strength of the reinforced bars and La is the anchorage length of the reinforced bars. Rearranging the above formula, the anchorage length with respect to the bar diameter can be obtained, na = La/d = fu/4τ, as presented in Table 4.

Table 4 Details of designed specimen

2.2 Specimens design and testing program

In total, eight specimens were tested to investigate the flexural performance, one steel RC specimen, one FRP RC specimen, two hybrid steel/FRP RC specimens and the other four SFCB RC specimens. Details of specimens are shown in Table 4, and reinforcement details are presented in Fig. 6. The cross section width is b =120 mm and height is h = 180 mm. The height of the centroid of reinforced bars to the cross section extreme tensile fiber is hr = 25 mm, and the effective height of cross section is h0 = 175 mm. ρ represents the practical reinforcement ratio, ρ = A/(bh0), A is the cross section area of reinforced bars; ρnE represents the nominal elastic modulus reinforcement ratio, for SFCB RC specimen, ρnE = ρEI/Es, and for FRP/steel hybrid RC specimens, ρnE = ρs + ρfEf/Es; ρns represents the nominal strength reinforcement ratio, for SFCB RC specimens, ρns = ρfsfu/fy, and for FRP/steel hybrid RC specimens, ρns = ρs + ρfffu/fy. Fu represents the tensile capacity of longitudinal reinforcement, for SFCB RC specimens, Fu = fsfuAsf, for FRP RC specimens, Fu = ffuAf, for steel RC specimens, Fu = fuAs and for hybrid RC specimens, Fu = ffuAf + fuAs. Af and As are the cross section areas of FRP and steel reinforcement, respectively. ρf and ρs are the reinforcement ratio of FRP and steel reinforcement, respectively. ffu and fsfu are the ultimate stress of FRP and SFCB reinforcement, respectively. fu and fy are the ultimate and yield stress of steel bars, respectively. Ef, Es and EI are the elastic modulus of FRP, steel and SFCB before the yielding of inner steel, respectively.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Schematic diagram of test specimens

2.3 Loading and testing program

Figure 7 presents the loading and testing system. The moment was controlled by a distribution beam on the top of the specimen and applied by a hydraulic jack, while its value was tested by a load sensor (measurement resolution 0.10 kN, accuracy ± 0.10 kN) laid on the top of the jack. Electrical resistance strain acquisition instrument TDS-530 was used to capture loading at various stages. Dial indicators (type I, measurement resolution 0.01 mm, accuracy ± 0.02 mm) were located at mid-span, supporting and loading points. Cracks distributed between the pure flexural span were marked, and their widths (at the height the same as the centroid of reinforcement) were measured and recorded at various loading stages by crack width measuring instrument KON-FK(B) (measurement resolution 0.02 mm, accuracy ± 0.02 mm). Dial indicators equidistant (type II, measurement resolution 0.001 mm, accuracy ± 0.003 mm) with 200 mm measurement length along the height direction (10, 45, 90, 135 and 170 mm, respectively) on the side of mid-span cross section were pasted to measure the average concrete strains under various applied loads.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Loading and testing system

3 Experimental results and analysis

3.1 Distribution of concrete average strain

Figure 8 presents the distribution of concrete average strain along the cross section height at various loading stages, where Mu is the experimental ultimate bending moment.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Distribution of concrete average strain

As observed from Fig. 8, the depths of neutral axis gradually move up with the increase in loading. The average concrete strain along the cross section height is almost a linear distribution, illustrating the validity of the plane section assumption that will be used later in the analytical development below. The depth of neutral axis of steel-reinforced specimen BA is the smallest, that of FRP-reinforced specimen BB is the largest, whereas that of SFCB/hybrid reinforced specimens is in between, reflecting reinforcing bars’ modulus as measured above.

3.2 Moment–deflection curves

Figure 9 presents the moment–deflection curves at mid-span, where dlim is the deflection limit under serviceability state (that is 3.75 mm) [30] for all test specimens.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Moment–deflection curves

As observed from Fig. 9, the beams tested display different features, depending on the characteristics of the reinforcement used. For beams reinforced with FRP bars, two distinct stiffnesses are clearly identified, namely before cracking of concrete and after cracking until concrete crushing. On the other hand, the loading process of SFCB/hybrid RC specimens obviously presents three stages: Stage 1: from initial loading until concrete cracking; Stage 2: after concrete cracking to yielding of SFCB reinforcement (inner steel); Stage 3: stable secondary stiffness after yielding until concrete crushing. The beam reinforced with steel bars exhibited similar behavior to that of SFCB/hybrid RC specimens, but after yielding, the beam stiffness was almost flat. The deflections of SFCB/hybrid RC specimens increase gradually with an increase in the applied load after the yielding of SFCB/steel. For steel reinforcement almost fully plastic after yielded, the deflections of steel RC specimens increase dramatically even the load does not increase.

Table 5 presents the comparison of crack, yield and ultimate moments of all specimens, where the yield moment of specimen BA and ultimate moment of specimen BB are taken as control moments: cracking moment Mcr corresponding to the crack of tensile concrete, yield moment My corresponding to the yielding of tensile steel or SFCB, and ultimate moment Mu corresponding to the crushing of compressive concrete.

Table 5 Comparison of capacity for bending

As observed from Table 5, all specimens have similar cracking moment; the yield moments increase with an increase in nominal elastic modulus reinforcement ratio. Ultimate moment increases (Mu, BF = 15.80 kN m < Mu, BE = 18.90 kN m) with an increase in the nominal elastic modulus reinforcement ratio (ρnE, BF = 0.41% < ρnE, BE = 0.69%) while specimens having similar nominal strength reinforcement ratio (ρnf, BF = 1.94% ≈ ρnf, BE = 1.98%).

Table 6 presents the comparison of deflections under quasi-permanent moments combination, where FRP RC specimen BB is taken as a control specimen. dq,BB is the deflection corresponding to the quasi-permanent moments combination of control specimen BB (that is Mq, BB = 10.37 kN m). Md,lim is the moment corresponding to the deflection limit dlim. ηd,u = Md,lim/Mu is the bending capacity utilization coefficient controlled by the deflection limit under serviceability state.

Table 6 Comparison of deflections and crack widths

As observed from Table 6, the deflections of specimens with high nominal elastic modulus reinforcement ratio (specimens BA and BG) are less than the deflection limit under serviceability state. The deflection of steel and FRP RC specimens corresponding to the quasi-permanent moments combination of control specimen BB dq,BB is the smallest and largest, respectively; that of SFCB and hybrid reinforced specimens is between them; meanwhile, the deflection decreases with the increase in nominal elastic modulus reinforcement ratio. The bending capacity utilization coefficient controlled by the deflection limit under serviceability state ηd,u of steel and FRP RC specimens is the highest and lowest, respectively, and that of SFCB and hybrid RC specimens is between them; meanwhile, the coefficient increases with the increase in nominal elastic modulus reinforcement ratio.

3.3 Cracks and failure modes

Figure 10 presents the moment–crack width curves, where ωlim is the crack width limit under serviceability state (that is 0.32 mm) [26, 31] for all specimens. Table 7 presents the comparison of crack widths under the quasi-permanent moments combinations, where FRP RC specimen BB is taken as a control specimen and ωq,BB is the crack width corresponding to the quasi-permanent moments combination of control specimen BB. Mω,lim is the moment corresponding to the crack width limit. ηω,u = Mω,lim/Mu is the bending capacity utilization coefficient controlled by the crack width limit under serviceability state.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Moment–crack width curves

Table 7 Comparison of tested and predicted mechanical property of SFCB

As observed from Table 7, the crack widths of specimens with high nominal elastic modulus reinforcement ratio (specimens BA,BD, BE, BG and BH) are less than the crack width limit under serviceability state. The crack width of steel and FRP RC specimens corresponding to the quasi-permanent moments combination of control specimen BB ωq,BB is the smallest and largest, respectively; that of SFCB and hybrid RC specimens is between them; meanwhile, the crack width decreases with the increase in nominal elastic modulus reinforcement ratio. The bending capacity utilization coefficients controlled by the crack width limit under serviceability state ηω,u of steel and FRP RC specimens are the highest and lowest, respectively, and those of SFCB and hybrid RC specimens are between them; meanwhile, the coefficients increase with the increase in nominal elastic modulus reinforcement ratio.

Figure 11 presents specimens’ failure modes.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Specimens’ failure modes

Typical appropriate reinforced flexural failure of concrete crushing occurred for all specimens. For steel RC specimen BA, as the steel reinforcement yielded, crack width and deflection significantly increased, until, finally, the top extreme concrete compressive fiber reached its ultimate strain and crushed. For SFCB RC specimens (BC, BD, BE and BF) and hybrid RC specimens (BG and BH), the development rates of crack width and deflection after yielding of steel also increase but at a slower rate compared with specimen BA as the external FRP wrapping was able to achieve a more stable behavior. However, as the load increased, the top extreme concrete compressive fiber reached its ultimate strain and crushed. For FRP RC specimen BB, the crack width and deflection were clearly larger than other specimens and eventually failed due to concrete crushing at the top extreme concrete compressive fiber. For all specimens, no signs of bond-slip occurred between the reinforcing bars and concrete.

4 Analysis of SFCB RC beams

4.1 Basic assumptions

4.1.1 Material constitutive model

  1. (1)


The constitutive relationship of concrete [26] is shown in Fig. 12.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Constitutive relationship of concrete

The compressive constitutive relationship of concrete can be represented by Eq. (1):

$$\sigma_{\text{c}} = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {f_{\text{c}} \left( {1 - \left( {1 - \frac{{\varepsilon_{\text{c}} }}{{\varepsilon_{\text{co}} }}} \right)^{2} } \right),} \hfill & {0 \le \varepsilon_{\text{c}} \le \varepsilon_{\text{co}} } \hfill \\ {f_{\text{c}} ,} \hfill & {\varepsilon_{\text{co}} < \varepsilon_{\text{c}} \le \varepsilon_{\text{cu}} } \hfill \\ \end{array} } \right.$$

where εc and σc are the compressive strain and corresponding stress in concrete, respectively; fc is the concrete compressive strength; εco and εcu are the strain, while the stress up to compressive strength and the ultimate compressive strain, respectively.

The tensile constitutive relationship of concrete can be represented by Eq. (2):

$$\sigma_{\text{ct}} = \frac{{f_{\text{ctu}} }}{{\varepsilon_{\text{ctu}} }}\varepsilon_{\text{ct}} ,\quad 0 \le \varepsilon_{\text{ct}} \le \varepsilon_{\text{ctu}}$$

where εct and σct are the tensile strain and corresponding stress in concrete, respectively, fctu and εctu are the ultimate tensile strength and corresponding strain, respectively.

  1. (2)


Figure 13 represents the simplified tensile constitutive relationship [22] of SFCB. It can be expressed by Eq. (3), where εsf and σsf are the tensile strain and corresponding stress in SFCB material, EI and EII are the modulus of elasticity before and after yielding of inner steel, respectively, fsfy and fsfu are yield and ultimate strength, respectively, of SFCB, and εsy and σfu are yield strain of inner steel and ultimate tensile strain of out-wrapped FRP material, respectively.

$$\sigma_{\text{sf}} = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {E_{\text{I}} \varepsilon_{\text{sf}} ,} \hfill & {0 \le \varepsilon_{\text{sf}} \le \varepsilon_{\text{sy}} } \hfill \\ {f_{\text{sfy}} + E_{\text{II}} \left( {\varepsilon_{\text{sf}} - \varepsilon_{\text{sy}} } \right),} \hfill & {\varepsilon_{\text{sy}} < \varepsilon_{\text{sf}} \le \varepsilon_{\text{fu}} } \hfill \\ \end{array} } \right.$$
Fig. 13
figure 13

Tensile constitutive relationship of SFCB

According to the principle of composite materials, EI = asEs + afEf, EII = afEf, where af and as are the cross section area ratio of out-wrapped FRP, Af, and inner steel As cross section areas, respectively, to the total bar area Asf, af = Af/Asf, as = As/Asf.

A comparison of predicted and tested mechanical properties of SFCB is shown in Fig. 14 and Table 7, where the subscripts e and p represent the experimental and predicted values, respectively, rmv and rcov represent the mean value and coefficient of variation of the ratios of predicted value to experimental value, respectively.

Fig. 14
figure 14

Comparison of tested and predicted stress–strain curves

As observed from Fig. 14 and Table 7, the predicted mechanical properties of SFCB show good agreement with that obtained from experiments.

4.1.2 Basic assumptions

The following assumptions have been taken into account in the analysis presented below:

  • No slip occurs between SFCB/steel/FRP bars and surrounding concrete, i.e., perfect bond.

  • The assumption of plane section at various loading stages is valid.

  • The loading process of SFCB-reinforced flexural specimen exhibits three distinct stages as observed in experiments and described in Sect. 2.2, whereas failure occurs when either the extreme concrete compressive fiber or tensile SFCB reaches their respective ultimate strain.

4.2 Analysis of SFCB RC cross sections

4.2.1 Failure modes

Based on the materials’ constitutive relationship, three failure modes and their corresponding strain distribution can be identified for SFCB-reinforced concrete specimens as shown in Fig. 15, where xc and ht are the height of compressive (neutral axis depth) and tensile concrete zone, respectively, and the subscripts 1 and 2 represent the balanced failure 1 and 2, respectively. h0, hr and h0 are defined in Sect. 1.2, while εc, εcu, εsfy, εsf and εsfu are defined in Sect. 3.1. ① Compressive failure before SFCB reinforcement yielding (over-reinforced case): εc = εcu and εsf < εsfy. ② Compressive failure 2 after yielding of SFCB: εc = εcu and εsfy ≤ εsf < εsfu. ③ Tensile failure: εc < εcu and εsf = εsfu.

Fig. 15
figure 15

Strain distribution under balanced failure modes

As presented in Fig. 15, if εc = εcu and εsf = εsfy simultaneously take place, balanced failure 1 occurs; if εc = εcu and εc = εcu simultaneously take place, balanced failure 2 occurs.

According to triangle similarity, the relative compression height ξ, which is defined as the depth of concrete compression zone xc to the cross section effective height h0, ξ = xc/h0, can be expressed as follows:

Balanced failure 1:

$$\xi_{\text{cb1}} = \frac{{x_{\text{c1}} }}{{h_{ 0} }} = \frac{{\varepsilon_{\text{cu}} }}{{\varepsilon_{\text{cu}} + \varepsilon_{\text{sfy}} }}$$

Balanced failure 2:

$$\xi_{\text{cb2}} = \frac{{x_{\text{c2}} }}{{h_{ 0} }} = \frac{{\varepsilon_{\text{cu}} }}{{\varepsilon_{\text{cu}} + \varepsilon_{\text{sfu}} }}$$

If ξ > ξcb1, failure mode ① occurs; if ξcb2 ≤  ξ  ≤  ξcb1, failure mode ② occurs; and if ξ  < ξcb2, failure mode ③ occurs.

Considering equilibrium of compression force resisted by concrete and tensile force by SFCB, the following expression can be obtained:

$$\int_{{h_{\text{t}} }}^{h} {\sigma_{\text{c}} (x)b} {\text{d}}x = \sigma_{\text{sf}} A_{\text{sf}}$$

where σc(x) is the concrete compressive stress corresponding to the fiber at height x, Asf and σsf are the SFCB cross-sectional area and tensile stress, respectively.

For balanced failure 1, ht = εcuh0/(εcu + εsfy).

$$f_{\text{c}} bh_{ 0} \frac{{\varepsilon_{\text{cu}} - \varepsilon_{\text{co}} /3}}{{\varepsilon_{\text{cu}} + \varepsilon_{\text{sfy}} }} = f_{\text{sfy}} A_{\text{sf}}$$

Equation (7) can be transformed into the expression of reinforcement ratio, as follows:

$$\rho_{\text{sf,b1}} = \frac{{f_{\text{c}} }}{{f_{\text{sfy}} }} \cdot \frac{{\varepsilon_{\text{cu}} - \varepsilon_{\text{co}} /3}}{{\varepsilon_{\text{cu}} + \varepsilon_{\text{sfy}} }}$$

For balanced failure 2, xc = εcuh0/(εcu + εsfu).

$$f_{\text{c}} bh_{ 0} \frac{{\varepsilon_{\text{cu}} - \varepsilon_{\text{co}} /3}}{{\varepsilon_{\text{cu}} + \varepsilon_{\text{sfy}} }} = f_{\text{sfu}} A_{\text{sf}}$$

Equation (9) can be transformed into the expression of reinforcement ratio, as follows:

$$\rho_{\text{sf,b2}} = \frac{{f_{\text{c}} }}{{f_{\text{sfu}} }} \cdot \frac{{\varepsilon_{\text{cu}} - \varepsilon_{\text{co}} /3}}{{\varepsilon_{\text{cu}} + \varepsilon_{\text{sfu}} }}$$

ρsf,b1 and ρsf,b2 are defined as the maximum and minimum balanced reinforcement ratio, respectively. So, if ρsf >  ρsf,b1, failure mode ① occurs; if ρsf,b2 ≤  ρsf ≤  ρsf,b1, failure mode ② occurs; if ρsf< ρsf,b2, failure mode ③ occurs.

4.2.2 Experimental verifications

The maximum and minimum balanced reinforcement ratios for SFCB RC specimens can be obtained from formulas (8) to (10). Comparisons of tested and predicted failure modes are presented in Table 8. CFM and EFM indicate the calculated and experimental failure modes, respectively. SY, SNY and CC indicate steel yielding, steel not yielded and concrete crushing, respectively.

Table 8 Comparisons of experimental and predicted failure modes

As can be seen from Table 8, the predicted failure modes show good agreement with that observed in the experiments.

4.3 Section analysis of the whole loading process

Cross section analysis of the whole loading process of SFCB RC flexural specimens is developed. It is primarily based on materials’ constitutive models, plane section assumption, triangle similarity and equilibrium of force. Figure 16a–e represents the diagrammatic sketches of cross section, strain distribution and stress distribution of stages (I), (II) and (III), respectively.

Fig. 16
figure 16

Cross section strain distribution at different failure modes

4.3.1 Stage (I): elastic stage

In this stage, the strain in tensile concrete, SFCB and compressive concrete meets the following conditions: 0 < εct ≤ εctu, 0 < εsf < εsfy and 0 < εc < εco, respectively.

The strain in the fiber at any height of cross section can be expressed as follows:

$$\varepsilon (x) = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {\varepsilon_{\text{ct}} (h_{\text{t}} - x)/h_{\text{t}} ,} \hfill & {0 \le x \le h_{\text{t}} } \hfill \\ {\varepsilon_{\text{ct}} (x - h_{\text{t}} )/h_{\text{t}} ,} \hfill & {h_{\text{t}} < x \le h} \hfill \\ \end{array} } \right.$$

The strain in the top outmost concrete fiber is ε(h)= εct(h − ht)/ht, while the strain in SFCB reinforcement is εsf =  εct (ht − hs)/ht and the corresponding stress is σsf =  EIεct(ht − hs)/ht.

As the concrete compressive force is equal to the resultant tension of tensile concrete and SFCB, the following formula can be listed:

$$\int_{0}^{{h_{\text{t}} }} {\sigma_{\text{ct}} (x)b} {\text{d}}x + \sigma_{\text{sf}} A_{\text{sf}} - \int_{{h_{\text{t}} }}^{h} {\sigma_{\text{c}} (x)b} {\text{d}}x = 0$$

Substituting Eq. (11) into Eq. (12), Eq. (12) can be converted to a function of ht. By computer iterative calculation, ht varying at loading stage (I) can be calculated. Taking the neutral axis as inertia axis, the cross section moment can be listed as follows:

$$M = \int_{0}^{{h_{\text{t}} }} {\sigma_{\text{ct}} (x)b(h_{\text{t}} - x)} {\text{d}}x + \sigma_{\text{sf}} A_{\text{sf}} (h_{\text{t}} - h_{s} ) + \int_{{h_{t} }}^{h} {\sigma_{\text{c}} (x)b(x - h_{\text{t}} ){\text{d}}x}$$

When εct = εctu, cracking moment Mcr can be obtained by Eqs. (11) to Eq. (13).

4.3.2 Stage (II): from cracking of concrete to the yielding of SFCB

In this stage, the strain in tensile concrete, SFCB and compressive concrete meets the following conditions: εct > εctu, 0 < εsf ≤ εsfy and 0 < εc ≤ εcu, respectively.

The strain of the fiber at any height of cross section can be conveyed as follows:

$$\varepsilon (x) = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {\varepsilon_{\text{sf}} (h_{\text{t}} - x)/(h_{\text{t}} - h_{\text{s}} ),} \hfill & {0 \le x \le h_{\text{t}} } \hfill \\ {\varepsilon_{\text{sf}} (x - h_{\text{t}} )/(h_{\text{t}} - h_{\text{s}} ),} \hfill & {h_{\text{t}} < x \le h} \hfill \\ \end{array} } \right.$$

The strain in the top outmost concrete fiber is ε(h)= εsf (h − ht)/(hths). The strain and stress in SFCB are εsf and σsf= EIεsf.

As the pressure bore by compressive concrete is equal to the tension bore by tensile SFCB, the following formula can be listed:

$$\sigma_{\text{sf}} A_{\text{sf}} - \int_{{h_{\text{t}} }}^{h} {\sigma_{\text{c}} (x)b} {\text{d}}x = 0$$

Substituting Eq. (14) into Eq. (15), Eq. (15) can be converted to the function about ht. By computer iterative calculation, ht for varying loading at stage (II) can be calculated. Taking the neutral axis as inertia axis, the cross section moment is listed as follows:

$$M = \sigma_{\text{sf}} A_{\text{sf}} (h_{\text{t}} - h_{s} ) + \int_{{h_{t} }}^{h} {\sigma_{\text{c}} (x)b(x - h_{\text{t}} ){\text{d}}x}$$

When εsf = εsfy, yield moment My can be obtained by Eq. (14) to Eq. (16).

4.3.3 Stage (III): from the yielding of SFCB to failure

In this stage, the strain in tensile concrete, SFCB and compressive concrete meets the following conditions: εct > εctu, εsfy < εsf ≤ εsfu and 0 < εc ≤ εcu, respectively.

The strain of the fiber at any height of cross section can be conveyed as follows:

$$\varepsilon (x) = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {\varepsilon_{\text{c}} (h_{\text{t}} - x)/(h - h_{\text{t}} ),} \hfill & {0 \le x \le h_{\text{t}} } \hfill \\ {\varepsilon_{\text{c}} (x - h_{\text{t}} )/(h - h_{\text{t}} ),} \hfill & {h_{\text{t}} < x \le h} \hfill \\ \end{array} } \right.$$

The strain in SFCB is εsf= εc (ht − hs)/(h − hs), and its corresponding stress is σs= fsfy + EII(εsf − εsfy).

Substituting Eq. (17) into Eq. (15), Eq. (15) can be converted to the function about ht. By computer iterative calculation, ht for varying loading at stage (III) can be calculated. The cross section moment can be obtained by Eq. (16).

When εc = εcu, ultimate moment Mu can be obtained by Eq. (15) to Eq. (17).

4.4 Comparisons of predicted and tested results

Comparisons of predicted cracking, yield and ultimate moment and tested results are presented in Table 9, where the subscripts e and p represent the experimental and predicted value, respectively, and rmv and rcov represent the mean value and coefficient of variation of ratios of predicted value to experimental value, respectively.

Table 9 Comparison of tested and predicted moment capacity

As observed from Table 9, the predicted bending capacity shows good agreement with tested results, illustrating the validity of the developed formulas.

5 Stiffness and deflection

For SFCB RC flexural specimens, after cracking, the test specimens exhibited two distinct flexural stiffnesses, before and after yielding of SFCB. So, the effective moment of inertia should be divided into two cases: I) before yielding of SFCB and II) after yielding of SFCB. Ig is the gross moment of inertia, Ie, I and Ie, II are the effective moment of inertia [30] before and after the yielding of SFCB, respectively. M, Mcr and My are the applied, cracking and yield moments, respectively. Icr, I and Icr, II are the cracked moment of inertia before and after, respectively, the yielding of SFCB. nI and nII are the modular ratio of SFCB before and after yielding, respectively, to concrete. kI and kII are the ratio of the height of concrete compressive zone before and after the yielding of SFCB, respectively, to effective height of cross section.

$$I_{\text{e,I}} = \left( {\frac{{M_{\text{cr}} }}{M}} \right)^{3} I_{\text{g}} + \left[ {1 - \left( {\frac{{M_{\text{cr}} }}{M}} \right)^{3} } \right]I_{\text{cr,I}} \le I_{\text{g}}$$
$$I_{\text{e,II}} = \left( {\frac{{M_{\text{y}} }}{M}} \right)^{3} I_{\text{y}} + \left[ {1 - \left( {\frac{{M_{\text{y}} }}{M}} \right)^{3} } \right]I_{\text{cr,II}} \le I_{\text{y}}$$
$$I_{\text{y}} = \left( {\frac{{M_{\text{cr}} }}{{M_{\text{y}} }}} \right)^{3} I_{\text{g}} + \left[ {1 - \left( {\frac{{M_{\text{cr}} }}{{M_{\text{y}} }}} \right)^{3} } \right]I_{\text{cr,I}}$$
$$I_{\text{cr,I}} = \frac{{bh_{0}^{3} }}{3}k_{\text{I}}^{3} + n_{\text{fI}} A_{\text{sf}} h_{0}^{2} (1 - k_{\text{I}} )^{2}$$
$$I_{\text{cr,II}} = \frac{{bh_{0}^{3} }}{3}k_{\text{II}}^{3} + n_{\text{fII}} A_{\text{sf}} h_{0}^{2} (1 - k_{\text{II}} )^{2}$$
$$k_{\text{I}} = \sqrt {2\rho n_{\text{I}} + (\rho n_{\text{I}} )^{2} } - \rho n_{\text{I}}$$
$$k_{\text{II}} = \sqrt {2\rho n_{\text{II}} + (\rho n_{\text{II}} )^{2} } - \rho n_{\text{II}}$$

If M ≤ Mcr, Ie= Ig. If Mcr < M ≤ My, the overall flexural stiffness EcIe, I is between EcIg and Icr, I. If My < M ≤ Mu, the overall flexural stiffness EcIe, II is between EcIy and Icr, II.

The comparisons of predicted and tested moment–deflection curves of SFCB RC specimens are presented in Fig. 17.

Fig. 17
figure 17

Comparison of predicted and tested moment–deflection curves

As observed from Fig. 17, the moment–deflection curves predicted by the modified formulas considering the mechanical properties of SFCB RC flexural specimens, especially under the service loading stage (about 40–70% bending capacity), fit well with the experimental results, confirming the validity of the developed formulas for practical use.

6 Crack width

The following formula is recommended by ACI 440.1R-06 [30] to predict the crack width of FRP RC flexural components:

$$w = 2\frac{{f_{\text{f}} }}{{E_{\text{f}} }}\beta k_{\text{d}} \sqrt {d_{\text{c}}^{ 2} { + }s^{ 2} / 4}$$

where w is the extreme crack width (the point at the tensile edge of cross section); ff and Ef are the tensile stress and elastic modulus of FRP reinforcement, respectively; β is the ratio of the height of tensile zone to the distance between the neutral axis and centroid of reinforcement; kb is a coefficient related to the bond property of reinforced bars and surrounding concrete; dc is the concrete thickness of protective layer of FRP reinforcement, that is, the distance between the tensile edge of section and the centroid of FRP reinforcement; s is the spacing of reinforced bars.

For SFCB-reinforced concrete flexural specimens, the above formula for crack width is modified to Eq. (26) to account for mechanical characteristics of SFCB RC specimens as well as the location at which the crack width is calculated. The strain εsf in SFCB is calculated from Eq. (27):

$$w = 2\varepsilon_{\text{sf}} k_{\text{d}} \sqrt {d_{\text{c}}^{ 2} { + }s^{ 2} / 4}$$
$$\varepsilon_{\text{sf}} = \frac{M}{{E_{\text{c}} I_{\text{e}} (1 - k)h_{0} }}$$

The comparisons of predicted and tested moment–crack width curves of SFCB RC specimens are presented in Fig. 18.

Fig. 18
figure 18

Comparison of predicted and tested moment–crack width curves

Figure 18 indicates that the moment–crack width curves predicted by the modified formulas show good agreement with tested results, especially under the service loading stage (about 40–70% bending capacity), illustrating the validity of the proposed formulas for engineering application.

7 Conclusions

Experimental and theoretical analyses of structural behavior of SFCB RC beams are carried out. The following conclusions may be drawn:

  1. 1.

    The predicted mechanical properties of SFCBs obtained by the principle of composite materials are in good agreement with the test results, and the ribbed SFCBs/BFRP bars showed comparable bond behavior to that of ribbed steel bars.

  2. 2.

    As SFCB has the characteristic of stable secondary stiffness, the loading processes of SFCB/hybrid RC specimens obviously present three stages. With an increase in nominal elastic modulus reinforcement ratio, the bending capacity increases gradually.

  3. 3.

    Deflections and crack widths of specimens with high nominal elastic modulus reinforcement ratio are less than the corresponding limits under serviceability state. Under the serviceability state, crack widths and deflections of steel and FRP RC specimens are the smallest and largest, respectively, while those of SFCB and hybrid RC specimens are in between; meanwhile, their values decrease with an increase in nominal elastic modulus reinforcement ratio.

  4. 4.

    For the bending capacity utilization coefficient controlled by the deflection/crack width limit under serviceability state, the values of steel and FRP RC specimens are the highest and lowest, respectively, while those of SFCB and hybrid RC specimens are between them and increase with the increase in nominal elastic modulus reinforcement ratio.

  5. 5.

    Based on strains compatibility, material’s constitutive models and forces equilibrium, failure modes, balanced failure states and balanced reinforcement ratios as well as analytical technique for predicting the whole loading process are also developed, displaying good agreement with test results.

  6. 6.

    On the base of ACI design guidelines and taking the mechanical characteristics of SFCB RC beams into consideration, formulas for effective moment of inertia and crack width are proposed, showing good agreement with experimental results, illustrating their validity.