
The advent of the internet has revolutionized the way we live, work, and interact. While it has brought about unparalleled convenience and access to information, it has also opened the floodgates to a myriad of cybersecurity threats. One of the most insidious forms of these threats is malicious websites, which can range from phishing sites that steal personal information to those that distribute malware or ransomware. As the internet continues to evolve, so do the tactics employed by cybercriminals, making the detection of malicious websites a continually challenging problem. Traditional methods, such as blacklisting and signature-based detection, are increasingly proving to be In this context ML and DL offer promising avenues for enhancing cybersecurity measures. These computational techniques have the ability to learn from data, adapt to new information, and make intelligent decisions, thereby providing a dynamic and robust approach to malicious web detection. However, while both ML and DL have been individually applied to cybersecurity problems, there is a lack of comprehensive research comparing their effectiveness, particularly in the domain of web security.This research paper aims to fill this gap by conducting an exhaustive comparative study of various ML and DL algorithms for the detection of malicious websites. Utilizing a dataset comprising over 420,000 web URLs, we evaluate the performance of multiple algorithms, including but not limited to, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Decision Trees, Random Forests, and AdaBoost. The study employs a range of evaluation metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score to provide a holistic view of each algorithm’s capabilities.Moreover, the paper addresses the challenges inherent in cybersecurity datasets, such as high cardinality and class imbalance, and discusses the data preprocessing techniques employed to mitigate these issues. The ultimate goal is to provide a nuanced understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of ML and DL techniques in the context of malicious web detection, thereby aiding cybersecurity professionals, researchers, and policymakers in making informed decisions. In the rapidly evolving landscape of the internet, the prevalence of malicious web content poses a significant threat to users and organizations alike. Malicious content, ranging from phishing sites and malware-laden pages to fraudulent e-commerce platforms, can lead to substantial financial losses, data breaches, and compromised privacy. As these threats continue to grow in sophistication and volume, traditional detection methods, often reliant on predefined rules and signatures, struggle to keep pace [1].

In this context, machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) techniques offer promising solutions for identifying and mitigating malicious web content. Unlike conventional approaches, ML and DL can learn and adapt to new threats by analyzing vast amounts of data, detecting subtle patterns, and making predictions based on complex features that are not easily discernible through manual analysis. This study explores various machine learning and deep learning methodologies for detecting malicious web content. It aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state-of-the-art techniques, evaluating their effectiveness, efficiency, and scalability. The research covers a spectrum of ML and DL models, including supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning approaches, as well as neural networks and other advanced architectures. Key areas of focus include the preprocessing of web content data, feature extraction and selection, model training and validation, and the deployment of these models in real-world scenarios. By investigating the strengths and limitations of different techniques, this study seeks to identify optimal strategies for improving web security and safeguarding users against malicious threats.

Ultimately, this research endeavors to contribute to the development of more robust and adaptive systems capable of defending against the ever-changing landscape of web-based threats, leveraging the power of machine learning and deep learning to enhance cybersecurity measures.

Related Work

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Table 1 Summary of the related work


The research’s methodology was created to offer a thorough and in-depth comparison of ML and DL techniques for the identification of dangerous websites. Data preprocessing, feature selection, model training, evaluation, and interpretation are all included in the study’s methodical methodology.

Dataset Overview

In the realm of cybersecurity, the quality and comprehensiveness of the dataset employed play a pivotal role in the efficacy of the research. For this study, we utilized a robust dataset containing over 420,000 web URLs, meticulously categorized into various features such as ‘domain,’ ‘subdomain,’ ‘domain_suffix,’ and ‘label.’ The dataset is devoid of missing cells, thereby eliminating the need for imputation techniques, which can often introduce bias or inaccuracies. However, it is worth noting that the dataset contained approximately 2.2% duplicate rows, which were subsequently removed to ensure the integrity of the research.The ‘label’ feature serves as the target variable and is categorical in nature, with two distinct classes: ‘good’ and ‘bad.’ The ‘good’ class consists of 344,821 instances, while the ‘bad’ class comprises 75,643 instances, highlighting a class imbalance that was addressed through oversampling techniques during the data preprocessing stage. The features ‘domain,’ ‘subdomain,’ and ‘domain_suffix’ are also categorical but exhibit high cardinality, with 114,880, 27,733, and 701 unique values, respectively. This high cardinality was managed through feature engineering techniques, including one-hot encoding and dimensionality reduction, to ensure that the machine learning models could effectively learn from the data.The dataset is stored in a memory-efficient format, occupying just 16.0 MiB in memory, with an average record size of 40.0 bytes. This efficiency is crucial for scalability, especially when deploying the trained models in real-time web security applications where computational resources may be limited.In summary, the dataset employed in this research is both comprehensive and challenging, with its high cardinality and class imbalance providing a rigorous test bed for evaluating the performance of various machine learning and deep learning algorithms. The preprocessing techniques applied have been carefully chosen to preserve the integrity of the data while making it amenable to complex computational analysis. This dataset serves as the backbone of our research, enabling a nuanced and detailed comparative study of ML and DL techniques in the field of malicious web detection.

Data Pre-Processing

The initial dataset, comprising over 420,000 web URLs, presented several challenges that required meticulous preprocessing to ensure the integrity and reliability of the subsequent analysis. The preprocessing stage was divided into several key steps, each designed to address specific issues in the data.

  • Handling Duplicate Rows: Initially, 2.2% of the rows in the dataset were duplicated. To avoid skewing or introducing bias into the machine learning models, these duplicates were eliminated. In order to ensure that only distinct instances were kept for study, the removal was carried out using a de-duplication technique.

  • Managing High Cardinality: A number of features, including ‘domain,‘’subdomain,’ and ‘domain_suffix,’ showed high cardinality. We used one-hot encoding to control it, then dimensionality reduction with Principal Component Analysis (PCA). This change improves the models’ capacity to detect underlying patterns in the data while simultaneously reducing computational complexity.

  • Feature Engineering: Numerous features in the dataset, some of which were not specifically pertinent to the classification task, were present. After carefully examining the exploratory data, we chose to remove some features like “url,” “type,” and “Category.” To guarantee that every factor affects the model’s performance equally, the remaining attributes were then scaled and normalised.

  • Data Splitting: Finally, stratified sampling was used to divide the dataset into training and testing sets. This made the distribution of the “good” and “bad” classes in both sets identical, increasing the reliability and generalizability of the evaluation measures.

  • Interpretation and Analysis: The last step required a thorough evaluation of the findings with an emphasis on the relative advantages and disadvantages of ML and DL methods for harmful site detection. The models’ computational effectiveness, scalability, and adaptability received particular focus.

Data Analysis

In[ Fig. 1] the bar chart shows the distribution of the labels “good” and “bad” in the dataset. It’s evident that the dataset is imbalanced, with a much larger number of “good” labels compared to “bad” labels.In[ Fig. 2] the bar chart above shows the top 10 most frequent domains in the dataset along with their frequencies.The domain appears 14 times, making it the most frequent domain.Following that, appears 10 times.Other domains like,, and also appear multiple times but less frequently.In[Fig. 3] the bar chart shows the distribution of “good” and “bad” labels for the top 10 most frequent domains in the dataset.For most domains, there’s either only the “bad” label or no label distribution available. This could be due to the fact that the “good” labels are spread across many different domains, diluting their presence in the top 10 list.The domain appears twice and is labeled as “good”.In [Fig. 4] the histogram shows the distribution of URL lengths for both “good” and “bad” labels.For “good” URLs, the length primarily falls within the range of around 0–40 characters.For “bad” URLs, the length varies more widely and tends to be longer on average.This suggests that URL length could be a feature to consider when classifying URLs as “good” or “bad.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Distribution of labels

Fig. 2
figure 2

Top 10 most frequent domain

Fig. 3
figure 3

Label distribution by top 10 domains

Fig. 4
figure 4

URL length distribution by LaBEL

Performance of all Models

In our quest to identify the most effective techniques for malicious web detection, we trained and evaluated a variety of ML and DL models, each assessed based on multiple performance metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score.

  • CNN MODEL 1: Taking the CNN Model 1 as an example, it demonstrated a high degree of accuracy of 97%, precision of 97.71%, and recall of 95.77%. The model’s accuracy and balance of false positives and false negatives are both indicated by the F1-score, a harmonic mean of precision and recall, which was 98%.[Fig. 5].

Fig. 5
figure 5

Performance of CNN Model 1 for Malicious Website Detection

  • CNN MODEL 2: Astonishingly, CNN Model 2 outperformed the previous version with a 98% accuracy rate, a 98.52% precision rate, and a 97.48% recall rate. In our investigation, the F1-score attained 99%, making it the most trustworthy model for actual applications.[Fig. 6].

Fig. 6
figure 6

Performance of CNN Model 2 for malicious website detection

  • Decision Tree Classifier: The Decision Tree Classifier, on the other hand, managed to attain an accuracy of 90.93%, a precision of 92%, and a recall of 97%. Despite the fact that these figures are impressive, they are inferior than the CNN models, particularly in terms of overall accuracy and F1-score, a score of 94%.[Fig. 7].

Fig. 8
figure 7

Confusion matrix for decision tree classifier

  • Random Forest Classifier: The Random Forest Classifier showed a slight edge over the Decision Tree model, achieving an accuracy of 91.49%, a precision of 92%, and a recall of 98%. Its F1-score was 95%, indicating its higher sensitivity to false negatives[Fig. 8].

Fig. 9
figure 8

Confusion matrix for decision random forest classifier

  • AdaBoost Classifier:The AdaBoost Classifier, although sensitive with a high recall of 98%, lagged in accuracy, achieving only 82.01%. Its F1-score stood at 90%, making it less suitable for this specific application[Fig. 9].

Fig. 10
figure 9

Confusion matrix for decision adaboost classifier

  • KNN: The K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) model, with an accuracy of 88.96%, a precision of 89%, and a recall of 95%, performed well but was not as effective as other models in terms of overall accuracy and precision. Its F1-score was 92%[Fig. 10].

Fig. 11
figure 10

Confusion matrix for KNN

  • SGD: The Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) model was the least effective, with an accuracy of just 80.49% and an F1-score of 89%. It is not recommended for this particular problem set[Fig. 11].

Fig. 12
figure 11

Confusion matrix for SGD

  • Extra Trees Classifier: The Extra Trees Classifier closely mirrored the performance of the Random Forest model but with a slightly better accuracy of 91.46%. Its F1-score was 95%[Fig. 12].

Fig. 13
figure 12

Confusion matrix for extra trees classifier

  • Gaussian Naive Bayes: The Gaussian Naive Bayes model had the lowest accuracy of 78.95% and is not recommended for this application[Fig. 13].

Fig. 14
figure 13

Confusion matrix for gaussian naive bayes

After a thorough evaluation, it is evident that CNN Model 2 stands out as the most effective model for detecting malicious websites, excelling in all performance metrics. Its high accuracy, precision, and F1-score make it the most reliable and robust model for this study .

Result and Discussion

In order to address the issue of malicious web identification, a variety of ML and DL algorithms were used in this study. The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Model 2 was found to be the most successful, with an F1-score of 99% and accuracy, precision, and 98.52%. This model surpassed CNN Model 1, which had a 97% accuracy and 98% F1-score and also displayed impressive outcomes. Although they performed admirably, conventional machine learning models like Decision Trees and Random Forests were outperformed by the CNN models, which had accuracy levels of 90.93% and 91.49%, respectively. Despite having a high recall of 98%, the AdaBoost Classifier has a low overall accuracy of 82.01%.The Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) model and the K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN) model also performed poorly overall, with accuracy levels of 88.96% and 80.49%, respectively. The Random Forest model was closely mirrored by the Extra Trees Classifier, but it had a slightly higher accuracy of 91.46%. The Gaussian Naive Bayes model had the lowest accuracy, coming in at only 78.95%. Following a thorough analysis, CNN Model 2 emerges as the most trustworthy and durable model for identifying fraudulent websites, outperforming all performance measures and creating a new standard for this particular application.

Conclusion and Future Work

In order to detect dangerous websites, this research set out to give a thorough comparison analysis of multiple ML and DL models. The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Model 2 emerged as the most successful model among those tested, with an F1-score of 99% and accuracy, precision, and 98.52%. This model offers a solid and trustworthy answer to the issue at hand while also setting a new standard in the industry. Although classic machine learning models like Decision Trees and Random Forests had excellent performance, the deep learning models, especially the CNNs, outperformed them.The study also identified potential areas for performance enhancement for other models, including AdaBoost and Gaussian Naive Bayes.Looking ahead, future effort may concentrate on a number of directions. To further improve performance, it may be investigated to incorporate more complex DL architectures as Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) or Transformers. Second, feature engineering methods should be improved to extract from URLs more useful attributes. Last but not least, the study might be expanded to incorporate real-time detection capabilities, making it more relevant to the present cybersecurity issues.