
Long short-term memory [1] has accelerated the research work for problems based on time-series data by providing solution to vanishing and exploding gradient problems of recurrent neural networks [2]. LSTM is a special type of block which requires cell state c(t − 1) and hidden state h(t − 1) along with input data i(t) at each timestamp ‘t’ to perform its operations. Fundamentally, LSTM consists of three type of gates, namely forget gate f(t), input gate i(t) and output gate o(t) which decides relevant and irrelevant information from the input data (Fig. 1).

$$\begin{aligned} & f(t) = \sigma (Wf \cdot [h(t - 1),x(t)] + bf) \\ & i(t) = \sigma (Wi \cdot [h(t - 1),x(t)] + bi) \\ & Ctmp(t) = \tanh (Wc \cdot [h(t - 1),x(t)] + bc) \\ & C(t) = f(t)*C(t - 1) + i(t)*Ctmp(t) \\ & o(t) = \sigma (Wo \cdot [h(t - 1),x(t)] + bo) \\ & h(t) = o(t)*\tanh (C(t)) \\ \end{aligned}$$

Forget gate decides which previous information c(t − 1) is not required at the moment, input gate selects relevant information from the input data x(t), and output gate produces new the hidden state h(t) for time ‘t.’ At each timestamp ‘t,’ h(t) also serves as the output produced by the long short-term cell for timestamp ‘t.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Architecture of long short-term memory (LSTM) cell

In this paper, we have proposed a new type of recurrent cell ‘Cerebral LSTM.’ To show effectiveness of out proposed cell, we have conducted experiments to perform its comparative analysis with LSTM-based recurrent neural networks.

Related Works

Hochreiter et al. [1] proposed a solution for understanding long-term dependencies in recurrent neural network. Chung et al. [3] designed a recurrent unit named GRU, having performance similar to LSTM. Bidirectional LSTM developed by Graves et al. [4] showed better performance in understanding time-series data than unidirectional LSTM. Cheng et al. [5] utilized a mechanism proposed by Srivastava et al. [6] in his research work to optimize the performance of LSTM. LSTM-based recurrent neural networks were used in designing many end-to-end deep learning solutions. Huang et al. [7] used two layers LSTM-based generative model for music generation. In speech recognition, Graves et al. [8] used LSTM-based recurrent neural network for better performance on TIMIT phoneme recognition. Sutskever et al. [9] used LSTM cells as a basic unit in recurrent neural network of both encoder and decoder parts of sequence-to-sequence model for performing language translation. Even in other cross-domain task such as image captioning [10], LSTMs are used in decoder part for generating textual description of the input image.

Recurrent Neural Networks

In the field of deep learning, neural networks had helped in solving many problems, but they were unable to analyze the time-series data. This problem leads to the development of a new type of neural network family called ‘recurrent neural networks’ (Fig. 2). With further research in the field, LSTM and then later GRU-based recurrent cells were introduced to solve the vanishing and exploding gradient problem of a simple recurrent neural network (Fig. 3).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Architecture of recurrent neural networks

Fig. 3
figure 3

Architecture of a gated recurrent unit (GRU) cell

Many end-to-end deep learning architectures were developed using recurrent neural networks to efficiently solve the problems related to time- series data. For better analysis of large time-series data, mechanisms of stacking (Fig. 4), and bidirectional RNN cells (Fig. 5) were developed.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Architecture of two-stacked RNN cells

Fig. 5
figure 5

Architecture of bidirectional RNNs

Specially, the development of sequence-to-sequence model [9] provided a huge boost in the field of natural language processing by providing end-to-end deep learning solution of various problem statements including language translation and designing conversational agents (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6
figure 6

Attention-based sequence-to-sequence model for language translation

Cerebral LSTM

Our proposed recurrent unit cell consists of one hidden state h(t) and two cell states UC(t) and LC(t), where for each timestamp ‘t’ we provide input x(t) with hidden state h(t − 1) and cell states UC(t − 1) and LC(t − 1). It is called ‘Cerebral LSTM’ because of the similarities present in abstract architecture of cerebral hemispheres of human brain and our proposed cell (Fig. 7, Table 1).

$$\begin{array}{*{20}l} {Uf(t) = \sigma \left( {Wuf \cdot [h(t - 1),x(t)] + buf} \right)} \hfill \\ {Ui(t) = \sigma \left( {Wui \cdot [h(t - 1),x(t)] + bui} \right)} \hfill \\ {UCtmp(t) = \tanh \left( {Wuc \cdot [h(t - 1),x(t)] + buc} \right)} \hfill \\ {UC(t) = Uf(t)*UC\left( {t - 1} \right) + Ui(t)*UCtmp(t)} \hfill \\ {Uo(t) = \sigma \left( {Wuo \cdot [h(t - 1),x(t)] + buo} \right)} \hfill \\ {Lf(t) = \sigma \left( {Wlf \cdot [h(t - 1),x(t)] + blf} \right)} \hfill \\ {Li(t) = \sigma \left( {Wli \cdot [h(t - 1),x(t)] + bli} \right) } \hfill \\ {LCtmp(t) = \tanh \left( {Wlc \cdot [h(t - 1),x(t)] + blc} \right)} \hfill \\ {LC(t) = Lf(t)*LC(t - 1) + Li(t)*LCtmp(t)} \hfill \\ {Lo(t) = \sigma \left( {Wlo \cdot [h(t - 1),x(t)] + blo} \right) } \hfill \\ {h(t) = Uo(t)*\tanh (UC(t)) + Lo(t)*\tanh (LC(t))} \hfill \\ \end{array}$$

In human brain, longitudinal fissure separates the cerebral hemispheres into left and right cerebral hemispheres (Fig. 8). Similarly, Cerebral LSTM consists of two cell states: UC and LC connected to same input x(t) and hidden state h(t − 1) to update their cell states (UC(t) and LC(t)) and jointly determine the updated value of the hidden state h(t).

Fig. 7
figure 7

Architecture of our proposed Cerebral LSTM cell

Table 1 Variables-related details
Fig. 8
figure 8

Cerebral hemispheres of human brain

We have also studied the abstract brain design of various other mammals and found that even species with some level of developed intellectual abilities contains similar kind of abstract representations (Figs. 9, 10, 11).

Fig. 9
figure 9

Cerebral hemispheres of a rat brain

Fig. 10
figure 10

Cerebral hemispheres of a sheep brain

Fig. 11
figure 11

Cerebral hemispheres of a chimpanzee brain

To maintain fairness in the comparative analysis among Cerebral LSTM and traditional LSTM, we have also considered the fact that our proposed recurrent cell has two cell states and an additional comparative analysis with two-stacked traditional LSTM is also performed.

Comparative Analysis

We performed a comparative study on the performance of single-LSTM and two-stacked LSTM with respect to the performance of our proposed cell using Simpson dataset [11] and then analyzed the quality of data generated by each model. To obtain unbiased results, some parameters were made constant in each comparison (Table 2).

Table 2 Parameters-related details

Comparative Study of 1 LSTM with two-Stacked LSTM on the Dataset

We first studied the behavior of recurrent neural networks based on single LSTM cell and on two-stacked LSTM cells and then made comparison on the basis training loss (Fig. 12).

Fig. 12
figure 12

Comparative study of training loss

After 250 epochs, two-stacked LSTM-based recurrent neural network started performing better than single-LSTM-based recurrent neural network. This assures that dataset which we are using for comparative analysis is of good quality to perform further comparisons because common notion is that two-stacked LSTM should outperform single-LSTM-based recurrent neural network on dataset of considerable size.

Comparative Study of Single LSTM with Cerebral LSTM

Our proposed Cerebral LSTM showed lower training loss from the beginning as compared to recurrent neural network based on single LSTM cell which helps it better understand time-series dataset.

Up to 250 epochs, traditional LSTM showed lower training loss than two-stacked LSTM in the previous comparative study. When single LSTM cell is compared with our proposed Cerebral LSTM, it is showed that Cerebral LSTM completely outperforms single-LSTM-based recurrent neural network and maintains lower training loss from the very beginning of training phase (Fig. 13).

Fig. 13
figure 13

Comparative study of training loss

Comparative Study of Two-Stacked LSTM with Cerebral LSTM

Cerebral LSTM consists of two cell states (UC(t) and LC(t)), so we performed another comparative study to see if our proposed cell has an advantage over two-stacked LSTM-based recurrent neural networks (Fig. 14).

Fig. 14
figure 14

Comparative study of training loss

It can be easily seen that Cerebral LSTM easily outperformed two-stacked LSTM-based recurrent neural network. We even conducted further analysis to know whether after 500 epochs two-stacked LSTM outperforms our proposed cell, but it does not happen. The value of training loss of Cerebral LSTM on 500 epochs was 0.3979, which two-stacked LSTM achieved after 678 epochs. This analysis makes it very clear that Cerebral LSTM outperformed two-stacked LSTM.

Comparative Study of Generated Data

Generated data are also taken into consideration in our comparative study. Data generated by Cerebral LSTM were having better quality than data generated by two-stacked LSTM- and single-LSTM-based recurrent neural networks. This is because after 500 epochs Cerebral LSTM had lower training loss than two-stacked and single LSTMs which made it easier for our proposed cell to better understand the input data during training phase (Table 3).

Table 3 Sample of data generated by each recurrent unit

We have provided all the experimental results in our GitHub repository [11] along with the dataset used to perform the comparative analysis.


Our proposed recurrent cell ‘Cerebral LSTM’ showed the ability to better understand data and has easily outperformed both single-LSTM- and two-stacked LSTM-based recurrent neural networks. Many variants of Cerebral LSTM can be designed using available varieties of LSTM cells including peephole LSTM. Further research work can be conducted on designing Cerebral LSTM-based stacked recurrent neural networks for designing deep learning architectures for understanding time-series data. Other recurrent cells including gated recurrent units can also be analyzed after modifying its internal connections similar to our cerebral structure.