1 Introduction

Let G be a finite simple graph with vertex set V(G) and edge set E(G). The order and the size of a graph G, denoted by |V(G)| and |E(G)|, are its number of vertices and edges, respectively. For a subset \(S\subseteq V(G)\), the neighborhood of S is the set \(N_G(S)=\{u\in V(G)\setminus S\mid uv\in E(G), v\in S\}\) and closed neighborhood of S is the set \(N_G[S]=N_G(S)\cup S\). Thus, \(N_G(v)\) and \(N_G[v]\) denote the neighborhood and closed neighborhood of \(v\in V(G)\), respectively. The degree of v is \(d_G(v)=|N_G(v)|\). If the graph G is clear from the context, we will omit it as the subscript. \(\delta (G)\) and \(\Delta (G)\) denote the minimum and maximum degree of a graph G, respectively. Denote by G[S] the subgraph of G induced by \(S \subseteq V(G)\). For terminology and notations not explicitly described in this paper, readers can refer to related books [1, 9].

Given graphs G and H, the notation \(G + H\) means the disjoint union of G and H. Then tG denotes the disjoint union of t copies of G. For graphs, we will use equality up to isomorphism, so \(G = H\) means that G and H are isomorphic. A graph is H-free if it does not contain H as a subgraph. \(\kappa (G)\) and \(\gamma (G)\) denote the connectivity and domination number of a graph G, respectively. \(P_n, C_n, K_n\) and \(K_{p,q}\) stand for the path, cycle, complete graph of order n and complete bipartite graph with partition sets of p and q vertices, respectively.

Let G be a graph and \(\mathcal {F}\) a family of connected graphs. A subset \(S\subseteq V(G)\) is called an \(\mathcal {F}\)-isolating set of G if \(G-N[S]\) contains no subgraph isomorphic to any \(F \in \mathcal {F}\). The minimum cardinality of an \(\mathcal {F}\)-isolating set of a graph G will be denoted \(\iota (G,\mathcal {F})\) and called the \(\mathcal {F}\)-isolation number of G. When \(\mathcal {F}=\{H\}\), we simply write \(\iota (G,H)\) for \(\iota (G,\{H\})\).

The definition of isolation set is a natural extension of the commonly defined dominating set, which was introduced by Caro and Hansberg [5]. Indeed, if \(\mathcal {F}= \{K_1\}\), then an \(\mathcal {F}\)-isolating set coincides with a dominating set and \(\iota (G,\mathcal {F})=\gamma (G)\). A classical result of Ore [7] is that the domination number of a graph G with order n and \(\delta (G)\ge 1\) is at most \(\frac{n}{2}\). In other words, if G is a connected graph of order \(n\ge 2\), then \(\iota (G,K_1)\le \frac{n}{2}\). Caro and Hansberg [5] focused mainly on \(\iota (G,K_2)\) and \(\iota (G,K_{1,k+1})\) and gave some basic properties, examples concerning \(\iota (G,\mathcal {F})\) and the relation between \(\mathcal {F}\)-isolating sets and dominating sets. They [5] proved that if G is a connected graph of order \(n\ge 3\) that is not a \(C_5\), then \(\iota (G,K_2)\le \frac{n}{3}\). Since then, Borg [2] showed that if G is a connected graph of order n, then \(\iota (G,\{C_k : k\ge 3\})\le \frac{n}{4}\) unless G is \(K_3\). After that, Borg, Fenech and Kaemawichanurat [3] proved that if G is a connected graph of order n, then \(\iota (G,K_k)\le \frac{n}{k+1}\) unless G is \(K_k\), or \(k = 2\) and G is \(C_5\). Both the bounds are sharp. Then Zhang and Wu [11] gave the result that if G is a connected graph of order n, then \(\iota (G,P_3)\le \frac{2n}{7}\) unless \(G\in \{P_3,C_3,C_6\}\), and this bound can be improved to \(\frac{n}{4}\) if \(G\notin \{P_3,C_7,C_{11}\}\) and the girth of G is at least 7. For more research on isolating sets, refer to [4, 6, 8, 10, 12].

The diamond graph is the graph obtained from \(K_4\) by deleting one edge (see Fig. 1). The book graph with p pages, denoted by \(B_p\), is the graph that consists of p triangles sharing a common edge. Obviously, \(B_2\) is the diamond graph. For the convenience of expression, we use \(B_2\) to represent the diamond graph in the sequel.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Diamond graph

Fig. 2
figure 2

The 4-regular graph of order 9 Y

In this paper, we consider the isolation number of the diamond graph in a connected graph of a given order.

Theorem 1

If G is a connected graph of order n, then, unless G is the diamond graph, \(K_4\), or Y,

$$\begin{aligned} \iota (G,B_2)\le \frac{n}{5}, \end{aligned}$$

where Y is shown in Fig. 2.

2 Main Results

From the proof of Theorem 3.8 in this paper [5], we obtain Lemma 2 and give an example that satisfies the lemma, see Fig. 3. The minimum cardinality of a \(B_2\)-isolating set of the graph H of order 15 is 3.

Lemma 2

There exists a connected graph G of order n such that \(\iota (G,B_2)= \frac{n}{5}\).

Fig. 3
figure 3

The graph H

We start with two lemmas that will be used repeatedly.

Lemma 3

[2, 11] If G is a graph, \(\mathcal {F}\) is a set of connected graphs, \(A\subseteq V(G)\) and \(B \subseteq N[A]\), then

$$\begin{aligned} \iota (G,\mathcal {F})\le |A|+ \iota (G-B,\mathcal {F}). \end{aligned}$$

In particular, if \(A=\{v\}\) and \(B=N[A]\), then \(\iota (G,\mathcal {F})\le 1+ \iota (G-N[v],\mathcal {F})\).

Lemma 4

[2, 11] Let \(\mathcal {F}\) be a family of connected graphs. If \(G_1,\ldots ,G_k\) are the distinct components of a graph G, then

$$\begin{aligned} \iota \left( G,\mathcal {F}\right) =\sum _{i=1}^{k}\iota \left( G_i,\mathcal {F}\right) . \end{aligned}$$

For any graph G, let \(A,B\subseteq V(G)\) and \(A\cap B=\phi \). Denote by E(AB) the set of edges of G with one end in A and the other end in B and \(e(A,B)=|E(A,B)|\). We abbreviate \(E(\{x\},B)\) to E(xB) and \(e(\{x\},B)\) to e(xB).

Now, we first prove Theorem 1 when the order \(n\le 9\).

Lemma 5

Let G be a connected graph of order \(n\le 9\). Then \(\iota (G,B_2)\le \frac{n}{5}\) except for \(G\in \{B_2,K_4,Y\}\).


Let G be a connected graph of order n. The result is trivial if \(n \le 4\) or \(\iota (G, B_2) = 0\). Suppose \(5\le n\le 9\) and \(\iota (G, B_2) \ge 1\). Then we need to show that G has a \(B_2\)-isolating set S with \(|S|=1\) except for \(G=Y\).

Since \(\iota (G, B_2) \ge 1\), it follows G contains \(B_2\) and \(\Delta (G)\ge 3\). Let \(x\in V(G)\) such that \(d(x)=\Delta (G)\). Of course, \(S=\{x\}\) is a \(B_2\)-isolating set of G if \(G-N[x]\) is \(B_2\)-free. Otherwise, it implies that \(n=8\) with \(\Delta (G)= 3\) or \(n=9\) with \(3\le \Delta (G)\le 4\). We distinguish two cases.

Case 1 \(\Delta (G)= 3\) and \(n=8\) or 9

Let \(u\in V(G)\) such that \(d(u)=3\) and \(G[N[u]]=B_2\). If \(G-N[u]\) is \(B_2\)-free, then \(\iota (G, B_2) = 1\le \frac{n}{5}\). So, suppose that \(G-N[u]\) contains \(B_2\). For \(n=8\), obviously, \(G-N[u]=B_2\). Since G is a connected graph and \(\Delta (G)= 3\), there is an edge \(e=yz\) with \(y\in N(u)\) and \(z\in V(G)\setminus N[u]\). It is easy to check that \(\{y\}\) or \(\{z\}\) is a \(B_2\)-isolating set of G. Hence, \(\iota (G, B_2)=1 \le \frac{n}{5}\). Now we prove the case of \(n=9\). Let us consider a copy H of \(B_2\) in \(G-N[u]\) and let w be the remaining vertex of \(G-N[u]-V(H)\). If there is an edge \(e=yz\) with \(y\in N(u)\) and \(z\in V(H)\), then \(\{y\}\) or \(\{z\}\) is a \(B_2\)-isolating set of G. Otherwise, w is a cut vertex of G and \(G-N[w]\) is \(B_2\)-free. Hence, \(\iota (G, B_2)=1 \le \frac{n}{5}\).

Case 2 \(\Delta (G)= 4\) and \(n=9\)

Let \(u\in V(G)\) such that \(d(u)=4\) and let \(F=G-N[u]\). We have \(\iota (G, B_2)=1\) if F is \(B_2\)-free. Assume that F contains \(B_2\). Since \(|V(F)|=4\), then \(F=B_2\) or \(F=K_4\). The vertices are labeled as shown in Fig. 4. We distinguish two subcases.

Fig. 4
figure 4

The labels of the vertices for Case 2

Fig. 5
figure 5

The labels of the vertices for Subcase 2.2

Subcase 2.1 \(F=K_4\). Note that \(e(N(u),V(F))\ne 0\). Without loss of generality, suppose \(u_1\) is adjacent to v. If \(G-N[v]\) is \(B_2\)-free, \(\iota (G, B_2)=1\). Otherwise, \(G-N[v]=K_4\) or \(B_2\) since \(|V(G)\setminus N[v]|=4\). For \(G-N[v]=K_4\), we have \(G-\{u,u_1,v\}\) is \(B_2\)-free. Thus, \(\{u_1\}\) is a \(B_2\)-isolating set of G and \(\iota (G, B_2) \le \frac{n}{5}\). For \(G-N[v]=B_2\), \(G-\{u,u_1,v\}\) contains \(B_2\) if and only if \(u_2\) or \(u_4\) is adjacent to at least two vertices of \(\{v_1,v_2,v_3\}\). Now we have \(\{u_2\}\) or \(\{u_4\}\) is a \(B_2\)-isolating set of G, and hence, \(\iota (G, B_2) \le \frac{n}{5}\).

Subcase 2.2 \(F=B_2\). The proof for this case is similar to Subcase 2.1. First suppose F has a vertex of degree 3 that is adjacent to one vertex of N(u). Without loss of generality, suppose v, \(d_{F}(v)=3\), is adjacent to \(u_1\). Then we have \(\iota (G, B_2)=1\) if \(G-N[v]\) is \(B_2\)-free. Otherwise, \(G-N[v]\) contains \(B_2\). For \(G-N[v]=K_4\), by the proof of Subcase 2.1, \(\iota (G, B_2) \le \frac{n}{5}\). For \(G-N[v]=B_2\), \(G-\{u,u_1,v\}\) contains \(B_2\) when one of the following four cases is true. (1)\(u_2v_1\in E(G)\), \(u_2v_2\in E(G)\) and \(u_3v_1\in E(G)\). (2)\(u_2v_2\in E(G)\), \(u_2v_3\in E(G)\) and \(u_3v_3\in E(G)\). (3)\(u_3v_1\in E(G)\), \(u_4v_1\in E(G)\) and \(u_4v_2\in E(G)\). (4)\(u_3v_3\in E(G)\), \(u_4v_2\in E(G)\) and \(u_4v_3\in E(G)\). Figure 5 shows that the proof methods of the above four cases are similar. So let us just consider the first case. Note that \(G-N[u_2]\) contains \(B_2\) if and only if \(G[u_1,u_4,v_3]=K_3\). Observe that \(G=Y\).

Next suppose that only the vertices of degree 2 of F are adjacent to the vertices of N(u). Suppose \(v_1\), \(d_{F}(v_1)=2\), is adjacent to \(u_1\). Then \(\iota (G, B_2)=1\) if \(G-\{u,u_1,v_1\}\) is \(B_2\)-free. Otherwise, since \(e(v,N(u))=e(v_2,N(u))=0\), we have \(G[u_2,u_3,u_4,v_3]\) contains \(B_2\) as a subgraph. Recall that \(\Delta (G)= 4\), then \(G[u_2,u_3,u_4,v_3]=B_2\). Moreover, \(G-N[v_3]\) is \(B_2\)-free. Thus, \(\iota (G, B_2) \le \frac{n}{5}\).

Hence, in all cases we obtain \(\iota (G, B_2) \le \frac{n}{5}\) with \(n\le 9\) except for \(\iota (B_2, B_2)=1\), \(\iota (K_4, B_2)=1\) and \(\iota (Y, B_2)=2\). \(\square \)

Next, we prove Theorem 1 when \(\Delta (G)= 3\).

Lemma 6

Let G be a connected graph of order n. \(\iota (G',B_2)=\iota (G,B_2)\) if

  1. (1)

    \(G'\) is obtained from G by attaching one edge to any vertex of G,

  2. (2)

    \(G'\) is obtained from G by identifying one vertex of a triangle and a vertex of G,

  3. (3)

    \(G'\) is obtained from \(G+K_3\) by adding an edge joining a vertex of \(K_3\) and a vertex of G.


(1) Let S be a minimum \(B_2\)-isolating set of G. Then, clearly, S is a \(B_2\)-isolating set of \(G'\), and thus, \(\iota (G',B_2)\le \iota (G,B_2)\). Let \(S'\) be a minimum \(B_2\)-isolating set of \(G'\) and let x be the vertex of \(V(G')\setminus V(G)\). Note that \(S'\setminus \{x\}\) is a \(B_2\)-isolating set of G. Thus, \(\iota (G,B_2)\le \iota (G',B_2)\). Now the both inequalities imply the result.

(2) and (3) can be proved similarly as (1). \(\square \)

Lemma 7

Let G be a connected graph of order n. If \(\Delta (G)= 3\), then

$$\begin{aligned} \iota (G,B_2)\le \frac{n}{5} \end{aligned}$$

except for \(G\in \{B_2,K_4\}\).


Let G be a connected graph of order n with \(\Delta (G)= 3\). The proof is by induction on n. By Lemma 5, the result is trivial if \(n \le 9\) or \(\iota (G,B_2)=0\). Thus, suppose that \(n\ge 10\) and \(\iota (G,B_2)\ge 1\). Since G contains \(B_2\), it follows that there exists at least one vertex \(u\in V(G)\) such that \(d(u)=3\) and \(G[N[u]]=B_2\). Let \(N(u)=\{u_1,u_2,u_3\}\) and let \(u_2\) be the another vertex of the \(B_2\) with degree 3. As G is connected and \(\Delta (G)= 3\), then either \(d(u_1)=3\) or \(d(u_3)=3\). We distinguish the following two cases.

Case 1 \(d(u_1)=3\) and \(d(u_3)=2\) or \(d(u_1)=2\) and \(d(u_3)=3\)

Without loss of generality, suppose \(d(u_1)=3\) and \(d(u_3)=2\). Let \(w\in V(G-N[u])\) and w is adjacent to \(u_1\). Define \(G'=G-N[u]-w\). Note that \(|V(G')|=n-5 \ge 5\). Clearly, \(\{u_1\}\) is a \(B_2\)-isolating set of G if \(G'\) is \(B_2\)-free. Suppose \(G'\) contains \(B_2\). If \(G'\) is connected, by the induction hypothesis, \(\iota (G',B_2)\le \frac{n-5}{5}\). Then by Lemmas 3 and 4, we have \(\iota (G,B_2)\le |\{u_1\}|+\iota (G',B_2)\le 1+\frac{n-5}{5}=\frac{n}{5}\).

Suppose that \(G'\) is disconnected. It is easy to check that \(d(w)=3\) and \(G'\) has exactly two components. Let \(G'=G_1+G_2\). If \(G_1\ne B_2\) and \(G_2\ne B_2\), the union of a minimum \(B_2\)-isolating set of \(G_1\), a minimum \(B_2\)-isolating set of \(G_2\) and \(\{u_1\}\) is a \(B_2\)-isolating set of G. By the induction hypothesis and Lemma 4,

$$\begin{aligned} \iota (G,B_2)\le 1+\iota (G_1,B_2)+\iota (G_2,B_2)\le 1+\frac{|V(G_1)|}{5}+\frac{|V(G_2)|}{5}=\frac{n}{5}. \end{aligned}$$

If \(G_1= B_2\) and \(G_2= B_2\), we have \(n=13\). Observe that \(\{w\}\) is a \(B_2\)-isolating set of G. Hence, \(\iota (G,B_2)\le \frac{n}{5}\). So, it remains to consider the case of exactly one of \(\{G_1,G_2\}\) is isomorphic to \(B_2\). Suppose that \(G_1=B_2\) and \(G_2\ne B_2\). Let \(w_1\) be the neighbor of w in \(G_2\) and let \(G''=G'-V(G_1)-w_1\). Note that \(|V(G'')|=n-10\).

Fig. 6
figure 6

The graph when G” is disconnected

If \(G''\) is connected and \(G''\ne B_2\), by the induction hypothesis, \(\iota (G'',B_2)\le \frac{n-10}{5}\). Then the union of \(\{w\}\) and a minimum \(B_2\)-isolating set of \(G''\) is a \(B_2\)-isolating set of G. Thus, \(\iota (G,B_2)\le 1+\frac{n-10}{5}\le \frac{n}{5}\). Observe that \(n=14\) and \(\{w,w_1\}\) is a \(B_2\)-isolating set of G when \(G''= B_2\). We also have \(\iota (G,B_2)\le \frac{n}{5}\). Suppose that \(G''\) is disconnected. Recall that \(\Delta (G)= 3\), then \(d(w_1)=3\) and \(G''\) has exactly two components. Let \(G''=G'_1 + G'_2\) (see Fig. 6). Now let us consider the components \(G'_1\) and \(G'_2\). If \(G'_1\ne B_2\) and \(G'_2\ne B_2\), then the union of a minimum \(B_2\)-isolating set of \(G'_1\), a minimum \(B_2\)-isolating set of \(G'_2\) and \(\{w\}\) is a \(B_2\)-isolating set of G. Thus, by Lemmas 3, 4 and the induction hypothesis,

$$\begin{aligned} \iota (G,B_2)\le 1+\iota (G'_1,B_2)+\iota (G'_2,B_2)\le 1+\frac{|V(G'_1)|}{5}+\frac{|V(G'_2)|}{5}\le \frac{n}{5}. \end{aligned}$$

If \(G'_1= B_2\) and \(G'_2= B_2\), we have \(n=18\) and \(\{w,w_1\}\) is a \(B_2\)-isolating set of G. Hence, \(\iota (G,B_2)\le \frac{n}{5}\). So, it remains to consider the case of exactly one of \(\{G'_1,G'_2\}\) is isomorphic to \(B_2\). Suppose that \(G'_1=B_2\) and \(G'_2\ne B_2\). Note that the union of a minimum \(B_2\)-isolating set of \(G'_2\), the neighbor of \(w_1\) in \(G'_1\) and \(\{w\}\) is a \(B_2\)-isolating set of G. Therefore, \(\iota (G,B_2)\le 1+1+ \frac{|V(G'_2)|}{5}\le \frac{n}{5}\). This completes the proof of Case 1.

Case 2 \(d(u_1)=3\) and \(d(u_3)=3\)

If \(N(u_1)=N(u_3)\), denote \(G^*=G\setminus (N[u_1]\cup \{u_3\})\). Then \(G^*\) is connected and \(|V(G^*)|=n-5 \ge 5\) since \(\Delta (G)= 3\) and \(n\ge 10\). Observe that the union of \(\{u_1\}\) and a minimum \(B_2\)-isolating set of \(G^*\) is a \(B_2\)-isolating set of G. Hence, by the induction hypothesis, \(\iota (G,B_2)\le 1+\frac{|V(G^*)|}{5}=\frac{n}{5}\). Otherwise, there exist two vertices \(w,z\in V(G)\) such that \(u_1\) is adjacent to w and \(u_3\) is adjacent to z.

We first prove \(G-N[u]\) is connected. Let \(G'=G-N[u]-w\). Note that this case differs from Case 1 only in that there is an edge between \(u_3\) and \(G'\). By Lemma 6 and the proof of Case 1, we have \(\iota (G,B_2)\le \frac{n}{5}\). Therefore, we omit the proof. Next we treat \(G-N[u]\) is disconnected. Since \(\Delta (G)=3\), then \(G-N[u]\) contains exactly two components and w and z belong to different components. Define \(G-N[u]=G_{w}+G_{z}\), where \(G_{w}\) contains w and \(G_{z}\) contains z. Obviously, if \(G_{w}=B_2\) or \(G_{z}=B_2\), the union of \(\{u_1\}\) and a minimum \(B_2\)-isolating set of \(G_{z}\) or the union of \(\{u_3\}\) and a minimum \(B_2\)-isolating set of \(G_{w}\) is a \(B_2\)-isolating set of G, respectively. Hence, \(\iota (G,B_2)\le \frac{n}{5}\). So, suppose that \(G_{w}\ne B_2\) and \(G_{z}\ne B_2\). Let \(G'=G-V(G_{z})-N[u]-w\). By Lemma 6 (3), we have \(\iota (G_z,B_2)=\iota (G[V(G_z)\cup \{u,u_2,u_3\}],B_2)\). Similarly, using the same method of Case 1, we have \(\iota (G,B_2)\le \frac{n}{5}\). This completes the proof of Lemma 7. \(\square \)

So far, it remains to consider Theorem 1 when \(\Delta (G)\ge 4\).

Lemma 8

The connected graph Y of order 9 has the following properties:

  1. (1)

    \(\kappa (Y)=4\),

  2. (2)

    \(\Delta (Y)=\delta (Y)=4\),

  3. (3)

    for any two vertices \(u,v \in V(Y)\), \(|N(u)\cap N(v)|\le 2\),

  4. (4)

    for any vertex \(u\in V(Y)\), there exists a vertex \(v\in V(Y)\setminus \{u\}\) such that the graph induced by \(V(Y)\setminus (\{u\}\cup N[v])\) is \(P_3\).


It is easy to check these properties of the graph Y (see Fig. 2). \(\square \)

Lemma 9

[5, 11] Let G be a graph on n vertices and \(\mathcal {F}\) a family of connected graphs and let \( A\cup B\) be a partition of V(G). Then

$$\begin{aligned} \iota (G,\mathcal {F})\le \iota (G[A],\mathcal {F}) + \gamma (G[B]). \end{aligned}$$

Lemma 10

Let G be a connected graph of order n. If \(\Delta (G)\ge 4\), then

$$\begin{aligned} \iota (G,B_2)\le \frac{n}{5} \end{aligned}$$

except for \(G=Y\).


Let G be a connected graph of order n with \(\Delta (G)\ge 4\). The proof is by induction on n. By Lemma 5, the result is trivial if \(n \le 9\) or \(\iota (G,B_2)=0\). Thus, suppose that \(n\ge 10\) and \(\iota (G,B_2)\ge 1\). Denote by \(d(u)=\Delta (G)\) and \(H=G-N[u]\). Obviously, \(\iota (G,B_2)=1\) if H is \(B_2\)-free. If \(H=B_2\) or \(K_4\), \(\iota (G,B_2)\le 1+1= 2\le \frac{n}{5}\) for \(n\ge 10\). If \(H=Y\), then \(\Delta (G)\ge 5\). Hence, we have \(n\ge 15\) and \(\iota (G,B_2)\le 1+\iota (Y,B_2)=3 \le \frac{n}{5}\). Suppose that \(H\ne B_2, K_4,Y\). By Lemmas 3, 7 and the induction hypothesis, it is easy to check that \(\iota (G,B_2)\le \frac{n}{5}\) when H is connected. Therefore, let \(H=G_1+ G_2+ \cdots + G_k\) with \(k\ge 2\) and \(|V(G_i)|=n_i\) for \(i=1,2,\ldots ,k\). If H does not contain \(B_2, K_4\) or Y as a component, by Lemmas 3, 4, 7 and the induction hypothesis, we have

$$\begin{aligned} \iota (G,B_2)\le |\{u\}|+\sum _{i=1}^{k}\iota (G_i,B_2)\le 1+\frac{n_1}{5}+\frac{n_2}{5}+\cdots +\frac{n_k}{5}=\frac{n-\Delta (G)+4}{5}. \end{aligned}$$

Since \(\Delta (G)\ge 4\), then \(\iota (G,B_2)\le \frac{n}{5}\).

Next suppose that at least one component of H is \(B_2, K_4\) or Y. We sort the components of H in the order of \(K_4\), Y, \(B_2\) with one vertex of degree 3 of \(B_2\) is adjacent to one vertex of N(u), \(B_2\) with only vertices of degree 2 of \(B_2\) are adjacent to vertices of N(u) and others. Then \(G_1\) is isomorphic to \(K_4\), Y, or \(B_2\). Let \(N(u)=\{u_1,u_2,\ldots ,u_{\Delta (G)}\}\). Since G is connected, without loss of generality, suppose \(N(u_1)\cap V(G_1)\ne \phi \). Denote \(G^*=G-u_1-V(G_1)\). Obviously, \(|V(G^*)|\ge 5\).

Case 1 \(G^*\) is connected.

Subcase 1.1 \(G_1=K_4\). If \(G^*= Y\), we have \(n=14\) and \(\Delta (G)= 5\). By Lemma 8 (4), there exists a vertex \(v\in V(G^*)\) such that the graph induced by \(G^*-u-N[v]\) is \(P_3\). Since \(\Delta (G)= 5\), we have \(\{u_1,v\}\) is a \(B_2\)-isolating set of G, and hence, \(\iota (G,B_2)\le 2 \le \frac{n}{5}\). If \(G^*\ne Y\), by the induction hypothesis and Lemma 7, \(\iota (G^*,B_2)\le \frac{n-5}{5}\). Then, by Lemma 9, \(\iota (G,B_2)\le \gamma (G[V(G_1)\cup \{u_1\}])+\iota (G^*,B_2)\le 1+\frac{n-5}{5}=\frac{n}{5}\).

Subcase 1.2 \(G_1=Y\). Let x be a neighbor of \(u_1\) in \(V(G_1)\). If \(G^*= Y\), we have \(n=19\) and \(\Delta (G)= 5\). Then, by Lemma 8 (4), there exist a vertex \(v_1\in V(G^*)\) such that the graph induced by \(G^*-u-N[v_1]\) is \(P_3\) and a vertex \(v_2\in V(G_1)\) such that the graph induced by \(G_1-x-N[v_2]\) is \(P_3\). Then \(\{v_1,u_1,v_2\}\) is a \(B_2\)-isolating set of G and \(\iota (G,B_2)\le 3\le \frac{n}{5}\). If \(G^*\ne Y\), similar to Subcase 1.1, \(\iota (G,B_2)\le \gamma (G[V(G_1)\cup \{u_1\}])+\iota (G^*,B_2)\le 2+\frac{n-10}{5}=\frac{n}{5}\).

Subcase 1.3 \(G_1=B_2\) and there is one vertex of degree 3 of \(V(G_1)\) is adjacent to \(u_1\). Let x be a neighbor of \(u_1\) in \(V(G_1)\) and \(d_{G[V(G_1)]}(x)=3\). If \(G^*= Y\), we have \(n=14\) and \(\Delta (G)= 5\). Then, similarly, there exists \(v\in V(G^*)\) such that \(G^*-u-N[v]=P_3\). Define \(P=P_3\). If \(G^*-N[u_1]-N[v]\) has no \(B_2\), then \(\iota (G,B_2)\le 2\le \frac{n}{5}\). Otherwise, let \(N(x)=\{x_1,x_2,x_3\}\) and let \(d_{G[V(G_1)]}(x_2)=3\). Observe that \(G^*-N[u_1]-N[v]\) contains \(B_2\) if and only if \(e(V(P),x_1)=3\) or \(e(V(P),x_3)=3\). Assume that \(e(V(P),x_3)=3\), then \(d(x_3)=5\). By Lemma 8 (1), \(G-(N[x_3]\setminus \{x\})\) is a connected graph of order 9. Since \(G-(N[x_3]\setminus \{x\})\ne Y\), by Lemmas 3 and 5,

$$\begin{aligned} \iota (G,B_2)\le |\{x_3\}|+ \iota (G-(N[x_3]\setminus \{x\}),B_2)\le 1+1\le \frac{n}{5}. \end{aligned}$$

If \(G^*\ne Y\), similar to Subcase 1.1, \(\iota (G,B_2)\le \gamma (G[V(G_1)\cup \{u_1\}])+\iota (G^*,B_2)\le 1+\frac{n-5}{5}=\frac{n}{5}\).

Subcase 1.4 \(G_1=B_2\) and only vertices of degree 2 of \(V(G_1)\) are adjacent to \(u_1\). Let x be a neighbor of \(u_1\) in \(V(G_1)\) and \(d_{G[V(G_1)]}(x)=2\) and Let \(d_{G[V(G_1)]}(x_2)=2\). Note that the two remaining vertices of \(V(G_1)\setminus \{x,x_2\}\) have degrees of 3 in G. First we prove the case of \(u_1\in N(x_2)\) and the case of \(u_1\notin N(x_2)\) and \(|N(x_2)\cap N(u)|\le 1\) . If \(G^*= Y\), we have \(n=14\) and \(\Delta (G)= 5\). By Lemma 8 (4), there exists \(v\in V(G^*)\) such that \(G^*-u-N[v]=P_3\). Since \(\Delta (G)= 5\), then \(\{u_1,v\}\) is a \(B_2\)-isolating set of G and \(\iota (G,B_2)\le 2 \le \frac{n}{5}\). If \(G^*\ne Y\), by the induction hypothesis, Lemmas 6 (1) and 7, \(\iota (G,B_2)\le 1+\frac{n-5}{5}=\frac{n}{5}\). It remains the case of \(u_1\notin N(x_2)\) and \(|N(x_2)\cap N(u)|\ge 2\), we will deal with it later.

Case 2 \(G^*\) is disconnected.

It implies that \(E(V(G_i),N(u))=E(V(G_i),u_1)\) for some \(i\in \{2,3,\ldots ,k\}\). Let us denote the components satisfying \(E(V(G_i),N(u))=E(V(G_i),u_1)\) as \(G_{11},G_{12},\ldots ,G_{1t}\), \(t\ge 1\). Let \(G_u\) be the component contains u in \(G^*\). Then \(G^*=G_{11}+G_{12}+\cdots +G_{1t}+G_u\). Assume that there are \(s_1B_2\), \(s_2K_4\) and \(s_3Y\) in \(\{G_{11},G_{12},\ldots ,G_{1t}\}\).

Subcase 2.1 \(G_1=K_4\). Let x be a neighbor of \(u_1\) in \(V(G_1)\) and let \(N(x)=\{x_1,x_2,x_3\}\). It is easy to check that \(\iota (G,B_2)\le 1+\frac{|V(G_{11})|}{5}+\cdots +\frac{|V(G_{1t})|}{5}+\frac{|V(G_u)|}{5}=\frac{n}{5}\) if \(G_{11},G_{12},\ldots ,G_{1t},G_u\notin \{B_2,K_4,Y\}\). If \(G_u=K_4\), then \(\Delta (G)=4\). Hence, by Lemmas 3, 4, 7 and the induction hypothesis,

$$\begin{aligned}&\iota (G,B_2)\le |\{u_1\}|+\sum _{i=1}^{t}\iota \left( G_{1i}-N[u_1],B_2\right) \le 1+s_3\\&\quad +\frac{n-(5+4+4s_1+4s_2+9s_3)}{5}\le \frac{n}{5}. \end{aligned}$$

If \(G_u=B_2\), then \(\Delta (G)=4\). Note that \(G[N[u]\cup V(G_1)]-\{u,u_1,x\}\) contains \(B_2\) if and only if \(e(u_2,\{x_1,x_2,x_3\})= 2\) or \(e(u_4,\{x_1,x_2,x_3\})= 2\). Without loss of generality, suppose \(e(u_2,\{x_1,x_2,x_3\})= 2\). Then \(d(u_2)=4\) and \(G-N[u_2]\) is a connected graph of order \(n-5\) or the union of a connected graph of order \(n-6\) and an isolated vertex. By Lemma 8, \(G-N[u_2]\) does not contain Y as an induced subgraph. Hence, by the induction hypothesis and Lemma 7,

$$\begin{aligned} \iota (G,B_2)\le |\{u_2\}|+\iota (G-N[u_2],B_2)\le 1+\frac{n-5}{5}=\frac{n}{5}. \end{aligned}$$

If \(G_u=Y\), by Lemma 8 (4), there exists \(v\in V(G_u)\) such that \(G_u-u-N[v]=P_3\). Note that \(\Delta (G)=5\), then

$$\begin{aligned}&\iota (G,B_2)\le |\{u_1,v\}|+\sum _{i=1}^{t}\iota \left( G_{1i}-N[u_1],B_2\right) \le 2+s_3\\&\quad +\frac{n-(5+9+4s_1+4s_2+9s_3)}{5}\le \frac{n}{5}. \end{aligned}$$

Suppose \(G_u\ne B_2,K_4,Y\). Then at least one of \(\{s_1,s_2,s_3\}\) is not less than one. Obviously,

$$\begin{aligned}&\iota (G,B_2)\le |\{u_1\}|+\sum _{i=1}^{t}\iota \left( G_{1i}-N[u_1],B_2\right) + \iota (G_{u},B_2)\le 1+s_3\\&\quad +\frac{n-(5+4s_1+4s_2+9s_3)}{5}\le \frac{n}{5} \end{aligned}$$

when \(e(V(G_u),V(G_1)\setminus \{x\})=0\). For \(e(V(G_u),V(G_1)\setminus \{x\})>0\), \(G[V(G_u)\cup \{u_1\}\cup V(G_1)]-\{u_1,x\}\ne B_2,K_4\). If \(G[V(G_u)\cup \{u_1\}\cup V(G_1)]-\{u_1,x\}=Y\), by Lemma 8 (4), there exists v such that \(G[V(G_u)\cup \{u_1\}\cup V(G_1)]-\{u_1,x,u\}- N[v]=P_3\). Then we have

$$\begin{aligned}&\iota (G,B_2)\le |\{u_1,v\}|+\sum _{i=1}^{t}\iota \left( G_{1i}-N[u_1],B_2\right) \le 2+s_3\\&\quad +\frac{n-(2+9+4s_1+4s_2+9s_3)}{5}\le \frac{n}{5}. \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned}&\iota (G,B_2)\le |\{u_1\}|+\iota \left( G[V(G_u)\cup V(G_1)\setminus \{x\}],B_2\right) +\sum _{i=1}^{t}\iota \left( G_{1i}-N[u_1],B_2\right) \\&\le 1+s_3+\frac{n-(2+4s_1+4s_2+9s_3)}{5}\le \frac{n}{5}. \end{aligned}$$

Subcase 2.2 \(G_1=Y\). Note that none of the components of H is \(K_4\). It follows that \(s_2=0\). Let x be a neighbor of \(u_1\) in \(V(G_1)\). It is easy to check that \(\iota (G,B_2)\le 2+\frac{|V(G_{11})|}{5}+\cdots +\frac{|V(G_{1t})|}{5}+\frac{|V(G_u)|}{5}=\frac{n}{5}\) if \(G_{11},G_{12},\ldots ,G_{1t},G_u\notin \{B_2,K_4,Y\}\). Since \(\Delta (G)\ge 5\), we have \(G_u\ne B_2,K_4\). If \(G_u=Y\), then \(\Delta (G)=5\). Similar to the proofs of Subcase 1.2 and Subcase 2.1, we have

$$\begin{aligned} \iota (G,B_2)\le 3+\sum _{i=1}^{t}\iota (G_{1i}-N[u_1],B_2)\le 3+s_3+\frac{n-(19+4s_1+9s_3)}{5}\le \frac{n}{5}. \end{aligned}$$

Suppose \(G_u\ne Y\). Then at least one of \(\{s_1,s_3\}\) is not less than one. If \(e(V(G_u),V(G_1)\setminus \{x\})=0\), we have

$$\begin{aligned}&\iota (G,B_2)\le \iota (G_1+u_1,B_2)+\iota (G_u,B_2)+\sum _{i=1}^{t}\iota (G_{1i}-N[u_1])\le 2+s_3\\&\quad +\frac{n-(10+4s_1+9s_3)}{5}\le \frac{n}{5}. \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned}&\iota (G,B_2)\le |\{u_1\}|+\iota (G[V(G_u)\cup V(G_1)\setminus \{x\}],B_2)+\sum _{i=1}^{t}\iota (G_{1i}-N[u_1],B_2)\\&\le 1+s_3+\frac{n-(2+4s_1+9s_3)}{5}\le \frac{n}{5} \end{aligned}$$

since the component of \(G[V(G_1)\cup \{u_1\}\cup V(G_u)]-\{u_1,x\}\) is not \(B_2,K_4\) or Y.

Subcase 2.3 \(G_1=B_2\) and there is one vertex of degree 3 of \(V(G_1)\) is adjacent to \(u_1\). Note that none of the components of H is \(K_4\) or Y. It follows that \(s_2=s_3=0\). Let x be a neighbor of \(u_1\) in \(V(G_1)\) and \(d_{G[V(G_1)]}(x)=3\). It is easy to check that \(\iota (G,B_2)\le \frac{n}{5}\) if \(G_{11},G_{12},\ldots ,G_{1t},G_u\notin \{B_2,K_4,Y\}\). If \(G_u=K_4\), by the proof of the case of \(G_u=B_2\) in Subcase 2.1, we have \(\iota (G,B_2)\le \frac{n}{5}\). If \(G_u=B_2\), then \(\Delta (G)=4\). Let \(N(x)=\{x_1,x_2,x_3\}\) and let \(d_{G[V(G_1)]}(x_2)=3\). Define \(G'=G[V(G_u)\cup \{u_1\}\cup V(G_1)]-\{u,u_1,x\}\). Note that \(G'\) contains \(B_2\) when one of the following four cases is true. (1)\(u_2x_1\in E(G)\), \(u_2x_2\in E(G)\) and \(u_3x_1\in E(G)\). (2)\(u_2x_2\in E(G)\), \(u_2x_3\in E(G)\) and \(u_3x_3\in E(G)\). (3)\(u_3x_1\in E(G)\), \(u_4x_1\in E(G)\) and \(u_4x_2\in E(G)\). (4)\(u_3x_3\in E(G)\), \(u_4x_2\in E(G)\) and \(u_4x_3\in E(G)\). We can see that the proof methods of the above four cases are similar. So let us just consider the first case. Then \(G-N[u_2]\) is a connected graph with order \(n-5\) or the union of a connected graph with order \(n-6\) and a isolated vertex. By Lemma 8, \(G-N[u_2]\) does not contain Y as an induced subgraph. Thus,

$$\begin{aligned} \iota (G,B_2)\le |\{u_2\}|+\iota (G-N[u_2],B_2)\le \frac{n}{5}. \end{aligned}$$

If \(G_u=Y\), we have \(\Delta (G)=5\). By Lemma 8 (4), there exists \(v\in V(G_u)\) such that \(G_u-u-N[v]=P_3\). Denote \(P=P_3\). Then \(G[V(G_u)\cup \{u_1\}\cup V(G_1)]-\{u,u_1,x\}-N[v]\) contains \(B_2\) if and only if \(e(x_1,V(P))=3\) or \(e(x_3,V(P))=3\). Suppose \(e(x_1,V(P))=3\). Then \(d(x_1)=5\). By Lemma 8 (1), \(G-N[x_1]\setminus \{x\}\) is a connected graph with order \(n-5\) and \(G-N[x_1]\setminus \{x\}\ne Y\). Therefore,

$$\begin{aligned} \iota (G,B_2)\le |\{x_1\}|+\iota (G-(N[x_1]\setminus \{x\}),B_2)\le \frac{n}{5}. \end{aligned}$$

Next suppose \(G_u\notin \{B_2,K_4,Y\}\). Then \(s_1\ge 1\). Obviously,

$$\begin{aligned} \iota (G,B_2)\le |\{u_1\}|+\iota (G_u,B_2)+\sum _{i=1}^{t}\iota (G_{1i}-N[u_1],B_2)\le 1+\frac{n-5-4s_1}{5}< \frac{n}{5} \end{aligned}$$

when \(e(V(G_u),V(G_1)\setminus \{x\})=0\). If \(e(V(G_u),V(G_1)\setminus \{x\})>0\), then \(G[V(G_1)\cup \{u_1\}\cup V(G_u)]-\{u_1,x\}\ne B_2,K_4\). If \(G[V(G_1)\cup \{u_1\}\cup V(G_u)]-\{u_1,x\}=Y\), by Lemma 8 (4), there exists v such that \(G[V(G_1)\cup \{u_1\}\cup V(G_u)]-\{u,u_1,x\}-N[v]=P_3\). Then we have

$$\begin{aligned} \iota (G,B_2)\le |\{u_1,v\}|+\sum _{i=1}^{t}\iota (G_{1i}-N[u_1],B_2)\le 2+\frac{n-(2+9+4s_1)}{5}< \frac{n}{5}. \end{aligned}$$

Otherwise, \(\iota (G,B_2)\le |\{u_1\}|+\iota (G-u_1-x,B_2)\le 1+\frac{n-(2+4s_1)}{5}< \frac{n}{5}\).

Subcase 2.4 \(G_1=B_2\) and only vertex of degree 2 of \(V(G_1)\) is adjacent to \(u_1\). Let x be a neighbor of \(u_1\) in \(V(G_1)\) and \(d_{G[V(G_1)]}(x)=2\) and Let \(d_{G[V(G_1)]}(x_2)=2\). Note that the two remaining vertices of \(V(G_1)\setminus \{x,x_2\}\) have degrees of 3 in G. First we prove the case of \(u_1\in N(x_2)\) and the case \(u_1\notin N(x_2)\) and \(|N(x_2)\cap N(u)|= 1\). It is easy to check that \(\iota (G,B_2)\le \frac{n}{5}\) if \(G_2,\ldots ,G_t,G_u\notin \{B_2,K_4,Y\}\). If \(G_u=B_2\) or \(K_4\), then \(\Delta (G)\le 4\), and hence,

$$\begin{aligned} \iota (G,B_2)\le |\{u_1\}|+\sum _{i=1}^{t}\iota (G_{1i}-N[u_1],B_2)\le 1+\frac{n-9-4s_1}{5}< \frac{n}{5}. \end{aligned}$$

If \(G_u=Y\), by Lemma 6 (3), \(\iota (G_u,B_2)=\iota (V(G_u)\cup (V(G_1)\setminus \{x\}),B_2)\). Furthermore, by Lemma 8 (4), there exists \(v\in V(G_u)\) such that \(G_u-u-N[v]=P_3\). Then

$$\begin{aligned} \iota (G,B_2)\le |\{u_1,v\}|+\sum _{i=1}^{t}\iota (G_{1i}-N[u_1],B_2)\le 2+\frac{n-5-9-4s_1}{5}< \frac{n}{5}. \end{aligned}$$

Suppose \(G_u\ne B_2,K_4,Y\). Then \(s_1\ge 1\). We have \(\iota (G,B_2)\le |\{u_1\}|+\frac{n-5-4s_1}{5}< \frac{n}{5}\). It remains the case of \(u_1\notin N(x_2)\) and \(|N(x_2)\cap N(u)|\ge 2\).

In the end, we deal with the case of \(u_1\notin N(x_2)\) and \(|N(x_2)\cap N(u)|\ge 2\), whether \(G^*\) is connected or not. Assume that \(u_2,u_3\in N(x_2)\). Denote by \(G''=G-\{u_2,u_3,x_1,x_2,x_3\}\). Obviously, if \(G''\) is connected, then \(G''\notin \{B_2,K_4,Y\}\) and we have \(\iota (G,B_2)\le 1+ \frac{n-5}{5}=\frac{n}{5}\). If \(G''\) is disconnected, it implies that \(E(V(G_i),N(u))=E(V(G_i),\{u_2,u_3\})\) for some \(i\in \{2,3,\ldots ,k\}\). Let us denote the components satisfying \(E(V(G_i),N(u))=E(V(G_i),\{u_2,u_3\})\) as \(G''_{11},G''_{12},\ldots ,G''_{1t}\), \(t\ge 1\) and let \(G''_u\) be the component contains u in \(G''\). Then \(G''=G''_{11}+G''_{12}+\cdots +G''_{1t}+G''_u\). Clearly, \(G''_u\ne K_4\). By Lemma 8 (3), \(G''_u\ne Y\). And from the proof of above Subcase 2.4, we have \(\iota (G,B_2)\le \frac{n}{5}\) if any component of \(\{G''_{11},G''_{12},\ldots ,G''_{1t}\}\) is \( B_2\). In other words, \(G''_{1i}\notin \{B_2,K_4,Y\}\) for \(i\in \{1,\ldots ,t\}\). Now, we distinguish two cases. If \(G''_u\ne B_2\), then

$$\begin{aligned} \iota (G,B_2)\le |\{x_2\}|+\iota (G''_u,B_2)+\sum _{i=1}^{t}\iota (G''_{1i},B_2)\le 1+\frac{n-5}{5}=\frac{n}{5}. \end{aligned}$$

If \(G''_u=B_2\), then \(\Delta (G)=4\). Note that \(|V(G''_u)\cup N[x_2]|=9\) and \(\{u_2\}\) is a \(B_2\)-isolating set of \(G[V(G''_u)\cup N[x_2]]\). Hence,

$$\begin{aligned} \iota (G,B_2)\le |\{u_2\}|+\iota (G-(V(G''_u)\cup N[x_2]\setminus \{u_3\}),B_2)\le 1+\frac{n-8}{5}<\frac{n}{5}. \end{aligned}$$

This completes the proof of Lemma 10. \(\square \)

Proof of Theorem 1

From Lemma 2, we can see that the bound is sharp. It is easy to check that the result of Theorem 1 is true when \(\Delta (G)\le 2\). Combining the results in Lemmas 5, 7, 10, we obtain Theorem 1. \(\square \)