1 Introduction

Throughout this paper, all groups are finite and \(G\) always denotes a finite group. Moreover, \(p\) is always supposed to be a prime and \(\pi \) is a non-empty subset of the set \(\mathbb {P}\) of all primes. We use \(\mathcal{M}_{\phi }(G)\) to denote a set of maximal subgroups of \(G\) such that \({\Phi }(G)\) coincides with the intersection of all subgroups in \(\mathcal{M}_{\phi }(G)\). If for subgroups \(A\) and \(B\) of \(G\) we have \(AB=BA\), then \(A\) is said to permute with \(B\). If \(G=AB\), then \(B\) is said to be a supplement of \(A\) to \(G\).

Recall that a subgroup \(H\) of \(G\) is said to be S-permutable, S-quasinormal, or \(\pi \) -quasinormal Kegel [11] in \(G\) provided \(HP=PH\) for all Sylow subgroups \(P\) of \(G\). The \(S\)-permutable subgroups possess many interesting properties (see [3, 11, 15] or Chap. 1 in [1]), and such subgroups are used for the analysis of many questions of the group theory (see Sect. 5 in [20]). This circumstance was the main motivation for the introduction and study of various generalizations of the \(S\)-permutability. One of the most interesting generalizations of \(S\)-permutability was found by Shirong Li, Zhencai Shen, Jianjun Liu, and Xiaochun Liu: A subgroup \(H\) of \(G\) is called SS-quasinormal [18] in \(G\) if \(H\) permutes with all Sylow subgroups of some supplement of \(H\) to \(G\). Nice results obtained in the papers [18, 19, 22] were based on applications of this concept.

In this paper we consider another generalization of \(S\)-permutable subgroups.

Definition 1.1

Let \(H\) be a subgroup of \(G\). Then we say that \(H\) is S-propermutable in \(G\) provided there is a subgroup \(B\) of \(G\) such that \(G=N_{G}(H)B\) and \(H\) permutes with all Sylow subgroups of \(B\).

In fact, we meet \(S\)-propermutable subgroups quite often.

Example 1.1

  1. (1)

    Every maximal subgroup of a soluble group \(G\) and every its Hall subgroup \(E\) with \(|G:N_{G}(E)|=p^{a}\) are \(S\)-propermutable in \(G\). Indeed, since \(G\) is soluble, there is a Sylow \(p\)-subgroup \(P\) of \(G\) such that \(EP=PE\). On the other hand, since \(|G:N_{G}(E)|=p^{a}|\) we have \(G= N_{G}(E)P\). Hence \(E\) is \(S\)-propermutable in \(G\).

  2. (2)

    If \(|H|=p^{a}\) and \(H\le Z_{\infty }(G)\), then \(H\le P\), where \(P\) is the Sylow \(p\)-subgroup of \(Z_{\infty }(G)\). Therefore, since \(G/C_{G}(P)\) is a \(p\)-group (see Lemma 2.9 below), \(G=N_{G}(H)G_{p}\) and \(H\le P\le G_{p}\), where \(G_{p}\) is a Sylow \(p\)-subgroup of \(G\). Hence \(H\) is \(S\)-propermutable in \(G\).

  3. (3)

    If \(G\) is metanilpotent, that is \(G/F(G)\) is nilpotent, then for every Sylow subgroup \(P\) of \(G\) we have \(G=N_{G}(P)F(G)\). Therefore, in this case, every characteristic subgroup of every Sylow subgroup of \(G\) is \(S\)-propermutable in \(G\). In particular, every Sylow subgroup of a supersoluble group is \(S\)-propermutable.

It is clear that every \(SS\)-quasinormal subgroup is \(S\)-propermutable. The following elementary example shows that in general the set of all \(S\)-propermutable subgroups of \(G\) is wider than the set of all its \(SS\)-quasinormal subgroups.

Example 1.2

Let \(p > q > r\) be primes such that \(qr\) divides \(p-1\). Let \(P\) be a group of order \(p\) and \(QR\le Aut (P)\), where \(Q\) and \(R\) are groups with order \(q\) and \(r\), respectively. Let \(G=P\rtimes (QR)\). Then \(R\) is \(S\)-propermutable in \(G\). Suppose that \(R\) is \(SS\)-quasinormal in \(G\). Then \(Q^{x}R=RQ^{x}\) for all \(x\in G\) (see Lemma 1.4 below). But \(Q^{x}R\simeq G/P\) is cyclic, so \(Q^{G}= PQ\le N_{G}(R)\). Hence \(R\) is normal in \(G\), which implies that \(R\le C_{G}(P)=P\). This contradiction shows that \(R\) is not \(SS\)-quasinormal in \(G\).

The results of the above-mentioned papers [18, 19, 22] are motivations for the following our theorem.

Theorem A

Let \(E\) be a normal subgroup of \(G\) and \(P\) a Sylow \(p\)-subgroup of \(E\). Suppose that \(|P| > p\).

  1. (I)

    If every number \(V\) of some fixed \(\mathcal{M}_{\phi }(P)\) is \(S\)-propermutable in \(G\), then \(E\) is \(p\)-supersoluble.

  2. (II)

    If every maximal subgroup of \(P\) is \(S\)-propermutable in \(G\), then every chief factor of \(G\) between \(E\) and \(O_{p'}(E)\) is cyclic.

As a first application of Theorem A, we prove also the following result.

Theorem B

Let \(X\le E\) be normal subgroups of \(G\). Suppose that every maximal subgroup of every non-cyclic Sylow subgroup of \(X\) is \(S\)-propermutable in \(G\). If either \(X=E\) or \(X=F^{*}(E)\), then every chief factor of \(G\) below \(E\) is cyclic.

Let \(\mathcal F\) be a class of groups. If \(1\in \mathcal{F}\), then we write \(G^\mathcal{F}\) to denote the intersection of all normal subgroups \(N\) of \(G\) with \(G/N\in \mathcal{F}\). The class \(\mathcal F\) is said to be a formation if either \(\mathcal{F}= \varnothing \) or \(1\in \mathcal{F}\) and every homomorphic image of \(G/G^\mathcal{F}\) belongs to \( \mathcal{F}\) for any group \(G\). The formation \(\mathcal{F}\) is said to be solubly saturated if \(G\in \mathcal{F}\) whenever \(G/\Phi (N) \in \mathcal{F}\) for some soluble normal subgroup \(N\) of \(G\).

Note that if \(\mathcal{F}\) is a solubly saturated formation and \(G/E \in \mathcal{F}\), where every chief factor of \(G\) below \(E\) is cyclic, then \(G\in \mathcal{F}\) (see Lemma 2.13 below). Therefore, from Theorem B we get

Corollary 1.1

Let \(\mathcal F \) be a solubly saturated formation containing all supersoluble groups and \(X\le E\) normal subgroups of \(G\) such that \(G/E \in \mathcal{F}\). Suppose that every maximal subgroup of every non-cyclic Sylow subgroup of \(X\) is \(S\)-propermutable in \(G\). If either \(X=E\) or \(X=F^{*}(E)\), then \(G \in \mathcal{F}\).

Note Theorem A and Corollary 1.4 cover results of many papers and, in particular, some main results in [14, 18, 19] (see Sect. 4).

The proof of Theorem A consists of many steps, and the following useful result is one of them.

Theorem C

Let \(E\) be a normal subgroup of \(G\) and \(P\) is a Sylow \(p\)-subgroups of \(E\). If \(P\) is \(S\)-propermutable in \(G\), then \(E\) is \(p\)-soluble.

All unexplained notation and terminology are standard. The reader is referred to [4, 6, 17] or [2] if necessary.

2 Preliminaries

Lemma 2.1

(See [9]) Let \(A\) and \(B\) be subgroups of \(G\) with \(G=AB\).

  1. (1)

    If \(G\) is \(\pi \)-soluble, then there are Hall \(\pi \)-subgroups \(A_{\pi }\), \(B_{\pi }\), and \(G_{\pi }\) of \(A\), \(B\), and \(G\), respectively, such that \(G_{\pi }=A_{\pi }B_{\pi }\)

  2. (2)

    For any prime \(p\) dividing \(|G|\), there are Sylow \(p\)-subgroups \(A_{p}\), \(B_{p}\), and \(G_{p}\) of \(A\), \(B\), and \(G\), respectively, such that \(G_{p}=A_{p}B_{p}\).

Lemma 2.2

(See Lemma 1.6 in [4]) Let \(H\), \(K\), and \(N\) be subgroups of \(G\). If \(HK=KH\) and \(HN=NH\), then \(H\langle K, N \rangle =\langle K, N \rangle H\).

We say that \(H\) is propermutable in \(G\) provided there is a subgroup \(B\) of \(G\) such that \(G=N_{G}(H)B\) and \(H\) permutes with all subgroups of \(B\).

Lemma 2.3

Let \(H\le G\) and \(N\) be a normal subgroup of \(G\). Suppose that \(H\) is \(S\)-propermutable (propermutable) in \(G\).

  1. (1)

    \(HN/N\) is \(S\)-propermutable (propermutable, respectively) in \(G/N\).

  2. (2)

    \(H\) permutes with some Sylow \(p\)-subgroup of \(G\) for any prime \(p\) dividing \(|G|\).

  3. (3)

    If \(G\) is \(\pi \)-soluble, then \(H\) permutes with some Hall \(\pi \)-subgroup of \(G\).

  4. (4)

    \(|G:N_{G}(H\cap N)|\) is a \(\pi \)-number, where \(\pi = \pi (N)\cup \pi (H)\).


  1. (1)

    First suppose that \(H\) is \(S\)-propermutable in \(G\). By hypothesis there is a subgroup \(B\) of \(G\) such that \(G=N_{G}(H)B\) and \(H\) permutes with all Sylow \(p\)-subgroups of \(B\) for all primes \(p\) dividing \(|B|\). Then

    $$\begin{aligned} G/N=(N_{G}(H)N/N)(BN/N)=N_{G/N}(HN/N)(BN/N). \end{aligned}$$

    Suppose that \(p\) divides \(|BN/N|\) and let \(K/N\) be any Sylow \(p\)-subgroup of \(BN/N\). Then \(K=(K\cap B)N\), so by Lemma 2.1, there are Sylow \(p\)-subgroups \(K_{p}\), \(P\), and \(N_{p}\) of \(K\), \(K\cap B\), and \(N\), respectively, such that \(K_{p}=PN_{p}\). Let \(P\le B_{p}\), where \(B_{p}\) is a Sylow \(p\)-subgroup of \(B\). Then \(K/N\le B_{p}N/N\), which implies that \(K/N= B_{p}N/N\). But \(H\) permutes with \(B_{p}\), so that \(HN/N\) permutes with \(K/N\). Therefore, \(HN/N\) is \(S\)-propermutable in \(G/N\). The second assertion of (1) is proved similarly.

  2. (2)

    By Lemma 2.1 there are Sylow \(p\)-subgroups \(P_{1}\), \(P_{2}\), and \(P\) of \(N_{G}(H)\), \(B\), and \(G\), respectively, such that \(P=P_{1}P_{2}\). Then

    $$\begin{aligned}&HP=H(P_{1}P_{2})=(HP_{1})P_{2}=(P_{1}H)P_{2}=\\&P_{1}(HP_{2})=P_{1}(P_{2}H)=(P_{1}P_{2})H=PH. \end{aligned}$$
  3. (3)

    See the proof of (2) and use Lemma 2.2.

  4. (4)

    Let \(p\) be a prime such that \(p\not \in \pi \). Then by (3) there is a Sylow \(p\)-subgroup \(P\) of \(G\) such that \(HP=PH\) is a subgroup of \(G\). Hence \(HP\cap N=H\cap N\) is a normal subgroup of \(HP\). Thus, \(p\) does not divide \(|G:N_{G}(H\cap N)|\).\(\square \)

Lemma 2.4

Let \(H\) and \(B\) be subgroups of \(G\). If \(G=N_{G}(H)B\) and \(HV^{b}=V^{b}H\) for some subgroup \(V\) of \(B\) and for all \(b\in B\), then \(HV^{x}=V^{x}H\) for all \(x\in G\).


Since \(G=N_{G}(H)B\) we have \(x=bn\) for some \(b\in B\) and \(n\in N_{G}(H)\). Hence \(HV^{x}= HV^{bn}=Hn(V^{b})n^{-1}= n(V^{b})n^{-1}H=V^{x}H\).\(\square \)

Lemma 2.5

Suppose that for subgroups \(A\) an \(B\) of \(G\) we have \(AB=BA\) and \(G=N_{G}(A)B\). Then

  1. (1)

    \(A^{G}=A(A^{G}\cap B)\).

  2. (2)

    If \(A\) permutes with all Sylow \(p\)-subgroups of \(B\), then \(A\) permutes with all Sylow \(p\)-subgroups of \(A^{G}\cap B\).


  1. (1)

    Since \(AB=BA\), \(AB\) is a subgroup of \(G\) and so \(A^{G}=A^{N_{G}(A)B}=A^{B}\le \langle A, B \rangle = AB\). Hence \(A^{G}=A^{G}\cap AB=A(A^{G}\cap B)\).

  2. (2)

    By (1) we have \(A^{G}=A(A^{G}\cap B)\). Let \(P\) be any Sylow \(p\)-subgroup of \(A^{G}\cap B\) and \(P\le B_{p}\), where \(B_{p}\) is a Sylow of \(B\). Then \(AB_{p}=B_{p}A\) and \(P=A^{G}\cap B \cap B_{p}=A^{G} \cap B_{p}\). Hence \(AB_{p}\cap A^{G}=A(B_{p}\cap A^{G})=AP=PA\).\(\square \)

Lemma 2.6

(See Kegel [12]) Let \(A\) and \(B\) be subgroups of \(G\) such that \(G\ne AB\) and \(AB^{x}=B^{x}A\), for all \(x\in G\). Then \(G\) has a proper normal subgroup \(N\) such that either \(A\le N\) or \(B\le N\).

In our proofs we shall need the following well-known properties of supersoluble and \(p\)-supersoluble groups.

Lemma 2.7

Let \(N\) and \(R\) be normal subgroups of \(G\).

  1. (1)

    If \(N\le \Phi (G)\cap R\) and \(R/N\) is \(p\)-supersoluble, then \(R\) is \(p\)-supersoluble.

  2. (2)

    If \(G\) is \(p\)-supersoluble and \(O_{p'}(G)=1\), then \(p\) is the largest prime dividing \(|G|\), \(G\) is supersoluble and \(F(G)=O_{p}(G)\) is a normal Sylow \(p\)-subgroup of \(G\).

  3. (3)

    If \(G\) is supersoluble, then \(G'\le F(G)\).

Lemma 2.8

(See Knyagina and Monakhov [13]) Let \(H\), \(K\), and \(N\) be subgroups of \(G\). If \(N\) is normal in \(G\), \(H\) permutes with \(K\) and \(H\) is a Hall subgroup of \(G\), then

$$\begin{aligned} N\cap HK=(N\cap H)(N\cap K). \end{aligned}$$

We use \(\mathcal{A}(p-1)\) to denote the class of all abelian groups of exponent dividing \(p-1\). The symbol \(Z_\mathcal{U}(G)\) denotes the product of all normal subgroups \(N\) of \(G\) such that every chief factor of \(G\) below \(N\) is cyclic.

Lemma 2.9

(See Lemma 2.2 in [21]) Let \(E\) be a normal \(p\)-subgroup of a group \(G\). If \( E\le Z_\mathcal{U}(G)\) (if \( E\le Z_{\infty }(G)\)), then

$$\begin{aligned} (G/C_{G}(E))^{\mathcal{A}(p-1)}\le O_{p}(G/C_{G}(E)) \end{aligned}$$

(\( G/C_{G}(E)\) is a \(p\)-group, respectively).


See the proof of Lemma 2.2 in [21].\(\square \)

Lemma 2.10

Suppose that \(G\) is \(p\)-soluble and \(O_{p'}(G)=1\). Then \(F^{*}(G)=O_{p}(G).\)


It is clear that \(F(G)=O_{p}(G)\le F^{*}(G)\). Suppose that \(O_{p}(G)\ne F^{*}(G)\) and let \(H/O_{p}(G)\) be a chief factor of \(G\) below \(F^{*}(G)\). Then, since \(G\) is \(p\)-soluble, \(H/O_{p}(G)\) is a non-abelian \(p'\)-group and \(O_{p}(G)\le Z_{\infty }(H)\) by [10], Chap. X, Theorems 13.6 and 13.7]. Hence \(H/C_{H}(O_{p}(G))\) is a \(p\)-group by Lemma 2.9. On the other hand, by the Schur-Zassenhaus theorem, \(O_{p}(G)\) has a complement \(E\) in \(H\). Then \(E\le C_{H}(O_{p}(G))\), which implies that \(E\) is normal in \(H\). Thus, \(E\) is a characteristic subgroup of \(E\), so \(E\le O_{p'}(G)=1\), a contradiction.\(\square \)

Lemma 2.11

(See Lemma 2.15 in [7]) Let \(E\) be a normal non-identity quasinilpotent subgroup of \(G\). If \(\Phi (G)\cap E=1\), then \(E\) is the direct product of some minimal normal subgroups of \(G\).

Let \(\mathcal F \) be a class of groups. A chief factor \(H/K\) of \(G\) is called \(\mathcal{F}\) -central in \(G\) provided \((H/K)\rtimes (G/C_{G}(H/K))\in \mathcal F\).

Lemma 2.12

(See Theorem B in [21]) Let \(\mathcal F \) be any formation and \(E\) a normal subgroup of \(G\). If each chief factor of \(G\) below \(F ^{*} (E) \) is \(\mathcal F \)-central in \(G\), then each chief factor of \(G\) below \(E \) is \(\mathcal F \)-central in \(G\) as well.

Lemma 2.13

(See Lemma 3.3 in [7]) Let \(\mathcal F\) be a solubly saturated formation containing all supersoluble groups and \( E\) a normal subgroups of \(G\) with \(G/E\in \mathcal{F}\). If every chief factor of \(G\) below \(E\) is cyclic, then \(G\in \mathcal F\).

Recall that \(G\) is called a Schmidt group provided \(G\) is not nilpotent but every proper subgroup of \(G\) is nilpotent. We shall need in our proofs the following facts on Schmidt groups.

Lemma 2.14

(See Theorem 25.4 in [16]) Let \(G\) be a Schmidt group. Then

  1. (a)

    \(G=P\rtimes Q\), where \(P\) is a Sylow \(p\)-subgroup of \(G\) of exponent \(p\) or exponent \(4\) (if \(P\) is a non-abelian \(2\)-group), \(Q\) is a Sylow \(q\)-subgroup of \(G\) for some primes \(p\ne q\).

  2. (b)

    \(P/\Phi (P)\) is a chief factor of \(G\) and \(C_{G}(P/\Phi (P))\ne G\).

Lemma 2.15

Let \(E\) be a normal subgroup of \(G\) and \(P\) a Sylow \(p\)-subgroup of \(E\) such that \((p-1, |G| )=1\). If either \(P\) is cyclic or \(G\) is \(p\)-supersoluble, then \(E\) is \(p\)-nilpotent and \(E/O_{p'}(E)\le Z_{\infty }(G/O_{p'}(E))\).


Let \(H/K\) be any chief factor of \(G\) such that \(O_{p'}(E)\le K < H\le E\). Then \(|H/K|=p\), so \(G/C_{G}(H/K)\) divides \(p-1\). But by hypothesis, \((p-1, |G| )=1\). Hence \(C_{G}(H/K)=G.\) Thus, \(E/O_{p'}(E)\le Z_{\infty }(G/O_{p'}(E))\).\(\square \)

Lemma 2.16

Let \(P\) be a normal \(p\)-subgroup of \(G\). If \(P/\Phi (P)\le Z_{\mathcal{U}}(G/\Phi (P))\), then \(P \le Z_{\mathcal{U}}(G)\).


Let \(C\!=\!C_{G}(P)\), \(H/K\) any chief factor of \(G\) below \(P\). Then \(O_{p}(G/C_{G}(H/K))\) \(=1\) by [23], Appendix C, Corollary 6.4]. Suppose that \(P/\Phi (P)\le Z_{\mathcal{U}}(G/\Phi (P))\). Then by Lemma 2.9, \((G/C_{G}(P/\Phi (P)))^{\mathcal{A}(p-1)}\) is a \(p\)-group. Hence \((G/C)^ {\mathcal{A}(p-1)}\) is a \(p\)-group by [5], Chap. 5, Theorem 1.4 ]. Thus, \(G/C_{G}(H/K)\in \mathcal{A}(p-1)\) and so \(|H/K|=p\) by [23], Chap. 1, Theorem 1.4]. This implies that \(P \le Z_{\mathcal{U}}(G)\).\(\square \)

Lemma 2.17

(See Corollary 1.11 in [7]) Let \(N\) be a normal soluble subgroup of \(G\). Then \(F^{*}(G/\Phi (N))=F^{*}(G)/\Phi (N)\).

Lemma 2.18

(See Theorem A* in [8]) Let \(H\) be a Hall \(\pi \)-subgroup of \(G\). Let \(G=HT\) for some subgroup \(T\) of \(G\), and \(q\) a prime. If \(H\) permutes with every Sylow \(p\)-subgroup of \(T\) for all primes \(p\ne q\), then \(T\) contains a complement of \(H\) in \(G\) and any two complements of \(H\) in \(G\) are conjugate.

Lemma 2.19

Let \(A\) and \(B\) be subgroups of \(G\). If \(A^{x}B=BA^{x}\) for all \(x\in G\), then \( AB^{x}=B^{x}A\) for all \(x\in G\).


Indeed, from \(A^{x^{-1}}B=BA^{x^{-1}}\) we get \(AB^{x}= (A^{x^{-1}}B)^{x}=(BA^{x^{-1}})^{x}= B^{x}A\).\(\square \)

A group \(G\) is said to be \(\pi \)-closed (\(p\)-closed) provided \(G\) has a normal Hall \(\pi \)-subgroup (a normal Sylow \(p\)-subgroup, respectively).

Lemma 2.20

(See Corollary 1.7 in [7]) Let \(N\) and \(R\) be normal subgroups of \(G\). If \(N\le \Phi (G)\cap R\) and \(R/N\) is \(\pi \)-closed, then \(R\) is \(\pi \)-closed

3 Proofs of Theorems A, B and C

Proof of Theorem C

Suppose that this theorem is false and let \(G\) be a counterexample with \(|G|+ |E|\) minimal. Suppose that there is a non-identity \(p\)-soluble normal subgroup \(N\) of \(G\) such that \(N\le E\). If \(P\le N\), then \(G/N\) is a \(p'\)-group and so the \(p\)-solubility of \(N\) implies the \(p\)-solubility of \(E\). On the other hand, if \(P\nleq N\), then the hypothesis holds for \(G/N\) by Lemma 2.3 (1). Hence \(E/N\) is \(p\)-soluble by the choice of \((G, E)\) since \(|G/N| < |G|\). Therefore, \(E\) is \(p\)-soluble. But this contradicts the choice of \((G, E)\). Hence every non-identity normal subgroup \(N\) of \(G\) contained in \(E\) is not \(p\)-soluble.

By hypothesis there is a subgroup \(B\) of \(G\) such that \(G=N_{G}(P)B\) and \(P\) permutes with all Sylow subgroups of \(B\). We shall show that \(E=P^{G}=G=PB\). Indeed, by Lemma 2.5, \(P^{G}=P(P^{G}\cap B)\) and \(P\) permutes with all Sylow subgroups of \(P^{G}\cap B\). Hence \(P\) is \(S\)-propermutable in \(P^{G}\). If \(P^{G}\ne G\), then \(P^{G}\) is \(p\)-soluble by the choice of \((G, E)\) since \(P^{G}\le E\). Therefore, \(G\) has a non-identity \(p\)-soluble normal subgroup, a contradiction. Thus, \(E=P^{G}=G=PB\).

Let \(Q\) be any Sylow \(q\)-subgroup of \(B\) such that \(q\ne p\). Then \(p\) divides \(|Q^{G}|\) and \(P_{0}=P\cap Q^{G}\) is a Sylow \(p\)-subgroup of \(Q^{G}\). We show that the hypothesis holds for \( (Q^{G}, P_{0})\). Indeed, let \(R\) be a Sylow \(r\)-subgroup of \(Q^{G}\cap B\), where \(r\ne p\). Then for some Sylow \(r\)-subgroup \(B_{r}\) of \(B\) we have

$$\begin{aligned} R=B_{r}\cap (Q^{G}\cap B)=B_{r}\cap Q^{G}. \end{aligned}$$

By Lemma 2.8 we also know that

$$\begin{aligned} PB_{r}\cap Q^{G}= (P\cap Q^{G})(B_{r}\cap Q^{G})=P_{0}R=RP_{0}. \end{aligned}$$

Therefore, \(P_{0}\) is \(S\)-propermutable in \(Q^{G}\). But since \(G\) has no non-identity \(p\)-soluble normal subgroups, the choice of \((G, E)\) implies that \(Q^{G}=G\). Note that by Burnside’s \(p^{a}q^{b}\)-theorem we have \(PQ\ne G\). On the other hand, by Lemma 2.4, \(PQ^{x}=Q^{x}P\) for all \(x\in G\) and so by Lemma 2.6, \(P^{G}\ne G\). This contradiction completes the proof of the result.\(\square \)

Proof of Theorem A

(I) Suppose that this assertion is false and let \(G\) be a counterexample with \(|G|+ |E|\) minimal. Let \(V\in \mathcal{M}_{\phi }(P)\). By hypothesis there is a subgroup \(B\) of \(G\) that \(G=N_{G}(V)B\) and \(V\) permutes with all Sylow \(q\)-subgroups of \(B\).

  1. (1)

    \(V^{G}= V(V^{G}\cap B)\) and \(V\) permutes with every Sylow \(q\) -subgroup of \(V^{G}\cap B\) for all primes \(q\) dividing \(|V^{G}\cap B|\) (This directly follows from Lemma 2.5).

  2. (2)

    \(O_{p'}(N)=1\) for every normal subgroup \(N\) of \(G\) contained in \(E\).

Suppose that for some normal subgroup \(N\) of \(G\) contained in \(E\) we have \(O_{p'}(N)\ne 1\). Since \(O_{p'}(N)\) is a characteristic subgroup of \(N\), it is normal in \(G\). On the other hand, by Lemma 2.3 (1), the hypothesis holds for \((G/O_{p'}(N), E /O_{p'}(N))\). Hence \(E/O_{p'}(N)\) is \(p\)-supersoluble by the choice of \((G, E)\). Thus, \(E\) is \(p\)-supersoluble, a contradiction.

  1. (3)

    If \(L\) is a minimal normal subgroup of \(G\), then \(L\nleq \Phi (P)\).

Indeed, in the case, where \(L\le \Phi (P)\), we have \(L\le \Phi (E)\) and the hypothesis holds for \((G/L, E/L)\) by Lemma 2.3 (1). Hence \(E/L\) is \(p\)-supersoluble by the choice of \((G, E)\). Therefore, \(E\) is \(p\)-supersoluble by Lemma 2.7 (1), which contradicts to our assumption on \(E\).

  1. (4)

    If \(D\) is a normal \(p\) -soluble subgroup of \(G\) contained in \(E\), then \(D\) is supersoluble and \(p\) -closed.

By (2), \(O_{p'}(D)=1\). Therefore, \(O_{p}=O_{p}(D)\ne 1\). Let \(N\) be a minimal normal subgroup of \(G\) contained in \( O_{p}\). In view of (3) we have \(N\nleq \Phi (P)\). Hence for some subgroup \(W\in \mathcal{M}_{\phi }(P)\) we have \(P=NW\). Let \(S=N\cap W\). Then \(S\) is normal in \(P\). On the other hand, by Lemma 2.3 (4), \(|G:N_{G}(S)|\) is a power of \(p\). Hence \(|E:N_{E}(S)|=|E:N_{G}(S)\cap E|=|EN_{G}(S):N_{G}(S)|\) is a power of \(p\). Thus, \(S\) is normal in \(E\). By Proposition 4.13 (c) in [4], Chap. A], \(N=N_{1}\times \ldots \times N_{t}\), where \(N_{1}, \ldots , N_{t}\) are minimal normal subgroups of \(E\), and from the proof of this proposition we know also that \(|N_{i}|=|N_{j}|\) for all \(i, j\). Therefore, there is a minimal normal subgroup \(L\) of \(E\) such that \(N=SL\) and \(S\cap L=1\). Hence \(P=L\rtimes W\), which implies by Gaschütz’s theorem [9], Chap. I, Satz 17.4] that \(L\) has a complement \(M\) in \(E\). Thus, \(N\nleq \Phi (E)\) and \(N_{1}, \ldots , N_{t}\) are groups of order \(p\). It is clear that \(\Phi (E)\cap O_{p}\) is normal in \(G\). Therefore, \(\Phi (E)\cap O_{p}= 1\). Hence \( O_{p}=L_{1}\times \ldots \times L_{t}\), where \(L_{1}, \ldots , L_{t}\) are minimal normal subgroups of \(E\) by Lemma 2.11. If for some \(i\) we have \(L_{i}\nleq \Phi (P)\), then, as above, one can show that \(|L_{i}|=p\). Therefore, there are normal subgroups \(F\) and \(M\) of \(E\) such that \(O_{p}=FM\), every chief factor of \(E\) below \(M\) is cyclic and \(F\le \Phi (P)\le \Phi (E)\). Now consider \(D/F\). It is clear \(O_{p}(D/F)=O_{p}/F=MF/F\). On the other hand, by Lemma 2.20, \(O_{p'}(D/F)=1\) since \(O_{p'}(D)=1\). Therefore, by Lemma 2.10, \(F^{*}(D/F)=O_{p}/F\), where every chief factor of \(D/F\) below \(F^{*}(D/F)\) is cyclic. Hence \(D/F\) is supersoluble, so \(D\) is supersoluble by Lemma 2.7 (1). But \(O_{p'}(D)=1\), so \(O_{p}\) is a Sylow \(p\)-subgroup of \(D\) by Lemma 2.7 (2).

  1. (5)

    \(E\) is \(p\) -soluble.

Assume that \(E\) is not \(p\)-soluble.

  1. (a)

    If \(O_{p}(E)\ne 1\), then \(P\) is not cyclic.

Suppose that \(P\) is cyclic. Let \(L\) be a minimal normal subgroup of \(G\) contained in \(O_{p}(E)\le P\). Suppose that \(C_{E}(L)=E\), so \(L\le Z(E)\). Let \(N=N_{E}(P)\). If \(P\le Z(N)\), then \(E\) is \(p\)-nilpotent by Burnside’s theorem [9], Chap. IV, Satz 2.6], which contradicts the choice of \((G, E)\). Hence \(N\ne C_{E}(P)\). Let \(x\in N\backslash C_{E}(P)\) with \((|x|, |P|)=1\) and \(K=P\rtimes \langle x \rangle \). By [9], Chap. III, Satz 13.4], \(P=[K, P]\times (P\cap Z(K))\). Since \(L\le P\cap Z(K)\) and \(P\) is cyclic, it follows that \(P= P\cap Z(K)\) and so \(x\in C_{K}(P)\). This contradiction shows that \(C_{E}(L)\ne E\).

Since \(P\) is cyclic, \(|L|=p\). Hence \(G/C_{G}(L)\) is a cyclic group of order dividing \(p-1\). If \(|P/L| >p\), then the hypothesis holds for \((G/L, E/L)\) by Lemma 2.3 (1). Hence \(E/L\) is \(p\)-supersoluble by the choice of \((G, E)\) and so \(E\) is \(p\)-soluble, a contradiction. Thus, \(|P/L|=p\) and hence \(V=L\) is normal in \(G\). Therefore, the hypothesis holds for \((G, C_{E}(L))\), so \(C_{E}(L)\) is \(p\)-supersoluble since \(C_{E}(L)\ne E\). But then \(E\) is \(p\)-soluble since \(E/C_{E}(L)=E/ E\cap C_{G}(L)\simeq EC_{G}(L)/C_{G}(L)\) is cyclic. This contradiction shows that we have (a).

  1. (b)

    If \(P\nleq V^{G}\), then \(V\) is normal in \(G\).

Indeed, since \(P\nleq V^{G}\le E\), \(V\) is a Sylow \(p\)-subgroup of \(V^{G}\). On the other hand, by (1) we have \(V^{G}=V(V^{G}\cap B)\) and \(V\) is \(S\)-propermutable in \(V^{G}\). Therefore, \(V^{G}\) is \(p\)-soluble by Theorem C. Thus, \(V\) is normal in \(V^{G}\) by (4). Since \(V\) is a Sylow \(p\)-subgroup of \(V^{G}\), \(V\) is characteristic in \(V^{G}\). Hence \(V=V^{G}\) is normal in \(G\).

  1. (c)

    \(P\) is not cyclic.

Suppose that \(P\) is cyclic. Then \(\mathcal{M}_{\phi }(P)=\{V \}\), and by (1), (a) and (b) we have \(P\le V^{G}=V(V^{G}\cap B)\) and \(V\) permutes with every Sylow \(q\)-subgroup of \(V^{G}\cap B\) for all primes \(q\) dividing \(|V^{G}\cap B|\). Hence the hypothesis holds for \((V^{G}, V^{G})\). Assume that \(V^{G}\ne G\). Then \(V^{G}\) is \(p\)-supersoluble by the choice of \((G, E)\). Hence by (4), \(P\) is normal in \(G\), which contradicts (a). Therefore, \(V^{G}=G\), which implies that \(G=VB\) by (1). Hence \(P=P\cap VB=V(P\cap B)\), so \(P\le B\) since \(P\) is cyclic. Therefore, \(B=G\), so \(V\) is \(S\)-permutable in \(G\). Hence \(V\le P_{E}\le O_{p}(E)\), which contradicts (a). Hence \(P\) is not cyclic.

  1. (d)

    \(P\) permutes with every Sylow \(q\) -subgroup \(Q\) of \(P^{G}\) for all primes \(q\ne p\) dividing \(|P^{G}|\).

Let \(D=P^{G}\). In view (c), there is a subgroup \(W\in \mathcal{M}_{\phi }(P)\) such that \(V\ne W\). Then \(P=VW\). Hence in view of Lemma 2.2 we have only to show that \(V\) and \(W\) permute with \(Q\). In view of (b) we may suppose that \(P\le V^{G}\) and \(P\le W^{G}\). Then \(D=P^{G}\le V^{G}\) and so by (1), \(D=V(D\cap B)\) and \(V\) permutes with every Sylow \(q\)-subgroup \(Q_{1}\) of \(D\cap B\). It is also clear that \(Q_{1}\) is a Sylow \(q\)-subgroup of \(D\). Therefore, for some \(x\in D\) we have \(Q_{1}= Q^{x}\). Hence \(V\) permutes with \(Q\) by Lemma 2.4. Similarly, it may be proved that \(W\) permutes with \(Q\).

Final contradiction for (5). By (d) and Lemma 2.18, \(P^{G}\) has a Hall \(p'\)-subgroup. Hence by (d), \(P\) is \(S\)-propermutable in \(P^{G}\). Therefore, by Theorem C, \(P^{G}\) is \(p\)-soluble. Hence by (4), \(P\) is normal in \(G\). Therefore, \(E\) is \(p\)-soluble. This contradiction completes the proof of (5).

By (5), \(E\) is \(p\)-soluble. Hence \(E\) is supersoluble by (4). This contradiction completes the proof of (I).

(II) Suppose that this assertion is false and let \(G\) be a counterexample with \(|G|+ |E|\) minimal. Let \(Z=Z_\mathcal{U}(G)\). First we show that \(O_{p'}(E) =1\). Indeed, suppose that \(O_{p'}(E)\ne 1.\) It is clear that \(O_{p'}(E)\) is normal in \(G\). Moreover, the hypothesis holds for \((G/O_{p'}(E), E/O_{p'}(E))\) by Lemma 2.3 (1). Therefore, every chief factor of \(G/O_{p'}(E)\) below \(E/O_{p'}(E)\) is cyclic by the choice of \((G, E)\). Hence every chief factor of \(G\) between \(E\) and \(O_{p'}(E)\) is cyclic, a contradiction. Thus, \(O_{p'}(E) =1\).

By (I), \(E\) is \(p\)-supersoluble. Hence by Lemma 2.7 (2), \(E\) is supersoluble and \(P=F(E)\). Hence the hypothesis is true for \((G, P)\). If \(P\ne E\), then every chief factor of \(G\) below \(P\) is cyclic by the choice of \((G, E)\). Hence every chief factor of \(G\) below \(E\) is cyclic by Lemma 2.12, contrary to the choice of \((G, E)\). Hence \(P=E\).

Let \(N\) be any minimal normal subgroup of \(G\) contained in \(P\). Then the hypothesis holds for \((G/N, P/N)\), so every chief factor of \(G/N\) below \(P/N\) is cyclic by the choice of \((G, E)\). Thus, \(|N| > p\). Moreover, \(N\nleq \Phi (P)\), otherwise every chief factor of \(G\) below \(P\) is cyclic by Lemma 2.16. Thus, \(\Phi (P)=1\) and so \(P\) is elementary abelian \(p\)-group. Let \(W\) be a maximal subgroup of \(N\) such that \(W\) is normal in a Sylow \(p\)-subgroup \(G_{p}\) of \(G\). Let \(V=WS\), where \(S\) is a complement of \(N\) in \(P\). Then \(W= V\cap N\) and \(V\) is \(S\)-propermutable in \(G\) by hypothesis. Hence by Lemma 2.3 (4), \(G=G_{p}N_{G}(W)\). Therefore, \(W\) is normal in \(G\), so \(W=1\). This contradiction completes the proof of Assertion (II).

Theorem is proved.\(\square \)

Proof of Theorem B

First we assume that \(X=E\). Suppose that in this case the theorem is false and consider a counterexample \((G,E)\) for which \(|G| +|E|\) is minimal. Let \(p\) be the smallest prime dividing \(|E|\) and \(P\) a Sylow \(p\)-subgroup of \(E\). Then \(E\) is \(p\)-nilpotent by Lemma 2.15 and Theorems A. Let \(V\) be the normal Hall \(p'\)-subgroup of \(E\). Since \(V char E\lhd G\), \(V\) is normal in \(G\). Moreover, the hypothesis holds for \((G, V)\) and for \((G/V, E/V)\) by Lemma 2.3 (1). Hence in the case when \(V\ne 1\) we have \(V\le Z_\mathcal{U}(G)\) and \(E/V\le Z_\mathcal{U}(G/V)\) by the choice of \((G, E)\). This induces that \(E\le Z_\mathcal{U}(G)\), a contradiction. Therefore, \(E=P\) and consequently \(E\le Z_\mathcal{U}(G)\) by Theorem A.

Finally, if \(X=F^{*}(E)\), then as above we have \(F^{*}(E)\le Z_\mathcal{U}(G)\). Therefore, \(E\le Z_\mathcal{U}(G)\) by Lemma 2.12.\(\square \)

4 Some Applications of Theorem A and Corollary 1.4

In the literature one can find many special cases of Theorem A and Corollary 1.4. Here we discuss only some of them.

From Theorem A and Lemma 2.15 we get

Corollary 4.1

(See Theorem 1.1 in [18]) Let \(P\) be a Sylow subgroup of \(G\), where \(p\) is the smallest prime dividing \(|G|\). If every number \(V\) of some fixed \(\mathcal{M}_{\phi }(P)\) is \(SS\)-quasinormal in \(G\), then \(G\) is \(p\)-nilpotent.

Corollary 4.2

Let \(P\) be a Sylow subgroup of \(G\). If \(N_{G}(P) \) is \(p\)-nilpotent and every number \(V\) of some fixed \(\mathcal{M}_{\phi }(P)\) is \(S\)-propermutable in \(G\), then \(G\) is \(p\)-nilpotent.


If \(|P|=p\), then \(G\) is \(p\)-nilpotent by Burnside’s theorem [9], IV, 2.6]. Otherwise, \(G\) is \(p\)-supersoluble by Theorem A. The hypothesis holds for \(G/O_{p'}(G)\) by Lemma 2.3(1), so in the case, where \(O_{p'}(G)\ne 1\), \(G/O_{p'}(G)\) is \(p\)-nilpotent by induction. Hence \(G\) is \(p\)-nilpotent. Therefore, we may assume that \(O_{p'}(G)=1 \). But then, by Lemma 2.7(2), \(P\) is normal in \(G\). Hence \(G\) is \(p\)-nilpotent by hypothesis.\(\square \)

From Corollary 4.2 we get

Corollary 4.3

(See Theorem 1.2 in [18]) Let \(P\) be a Sylow subgroup of \(G\). If \(N_{G}(P) \) is \(p\)-nilpotent and every number \(V\) of some fixed \(\mathcal{M}_{\phi }(P)\) is \(SS\)-quasinormal in \(G\), then \(G\) is \(p\)-nilpotent.

Corollary 4.4

Let \(P\) be a Sylow subgroup of \(G\). If \(G\) is \(p\)-soluble and every number \(V\) of some fixed \(\mathcal{M}_{d}(P)\) is \(S\)-propermutable in \(G\), then \(G\) is \(p\)-supersoluble.


In the case, when \(|P|=p\), this directly follows from the \(p\)-solubility of \(G\). If \(|P| > p\), this corollary follows from Theorem A.\(\square \)

The next fact follows from Corollary 4.4.

Corollary 4.5

(See Theorem 1.3 in [18]) Let \(P\) be a Sylow subgroup of \(G\). If \(G\) is \(p\)-soluble and every number \(V\) of some fixed \(\mathcal{M}_{\phi }(P)\) is \(SS\)-quasinormal in \(G\), then \(G\) is \(p\)-supersoluble.

Corollary 4.6

If, for every prime \(p\) dividing \(|G|\) and \(P\in Syl _{p}(G)\), every number \(V\) of some fixed \(\mathcal{M}_{\phi }(P)\) is \(S\)-propermutable in \(G\), then \(G\) is supersoluble.


Let \(p\) be the smallest prime dividing \(|G|\). Then \(G\) is \(p\)-nilpotent by Corollary 4.1, so \(G\) is soluble by Fait-Thompson’s theorem. Hence \(G\) is supersoluble by Corollary 4.4.\(\square \)

From Corollary 4.6 we get

Corollary 4.7

(See Theorem 1.4 in [18]) If, for every prime \(p\) dividing \(|G|\) and \(P\in Syl _{p}(G)\), every number \(V\) of some fixed \(\mathcal{M}_{\phi }(P)\) is \(SS\)-quasinormal in \(G\), then \(G\) is supersoluble.

The formation \(\mathcal{F}\) is said to be saturated if \(G\in \mathcal{F}\) whenever \(G/\Phi (G) \in \mathcal{F}\). It is clear that every saturated formation is soluble saturated. Hence from Corollary 1.4 we get

Corollary 4.8

Let \(\mathcal F \) be a saturated formation containing all supersoluble groups and \(X\le E\) normal subgroups of \(G\) such that \(G/E \in \mathcal{F}\). Suppose that every maximal subgroup of any non-cyclic Sylow subgroup of \(X\) is \(S\)-propermutable in \(G\). If either \(X=E\) or \(X=F^{*}(E)\), then \(G \in \mathcal{F}\).

The following results are special cases of Corollary 4.8.

Corollary 4.9

(See Theorem 1.5 in [18]) Let \(\mathcal F \) be a saturated formation containing all supersoluble groups and \( E\) a normal subgroup of \(G\) such that \(G/E \in \mathcal{F}\). Suppose that for every maximal subgroup of every non-cyclic Sylow subgroup of \(E\) is \(SS\)-quasinormal in \(G\). Then \(G \in \mathcal{F}\).

Corollary 4.10

(See Theorem 3.2 in [19]) Let \( E\) a normal subgroup of \(G\) such that \(G/E\) is supersoluble. Suppose that for every maximal subgroup of every Sylow subgroup of \(F^{*}(E)\) is \(SS\)-quasinormal in \(G\). Then \(G \) is supersoluble.

Corollary 4.11

(See Theorem 3.3 in [19]) Let \(\mathcal F \) be a saturated formation containing all supersoluble groups and \( E\) a normal subgroup of \(G\) such that \(G/E \in \mathcal{F}\). Suppose that for every maximal subgroup of every Sylow subgroup of \(F^{*}(E)\) is \(SS\)-quasinormal in \(G\). Then \(G \in \mathcal{F}\).

Corollary 4.12

(See Theorem 3.2 in [14]) Let \(\mathcal F \) be a saturated formation containing all supersoluble groups and \( E\) a normal subgroup of \(G\) such that \(G/E \in \mathcal{F}\). If all maximal subgroups of \(F^{*}(E)\) are \(S\)-permutable in \(G\), then \(G\in \mathcal F\).