Dear Editor,

The article on “Dietary patterns interact with the variations of 18q21.23 rs17782313 locus on regulation of hypothalamic-pituitary axis hormones and cardio-metabolic risk factors in obesity” is very interesting [1]. Mohammadi et al. noted that “being on CC genotype of rs17782313 polymorphism made obese individuals more prone to have higher SBP, insulin and AgRP even in highest adherence to PDP [1]”. Indeed, the rs17782313 polymorphism basically results in molecular change that can further affect final phenotypic expression. Nevertheless, there are also other factors that might alter the phenotypic expression. Regarding the cardio-metabolic risk factors in obesity, there might also be possible effects of other genetic polymorphisms such as cocaine and amphetamine-regulated transcript prepropeptide gene polymorphisms [2]. Further studies that assess the effects of those confounding genetic polymorphisms should be set.