1 Correction to: Sports Med 2018;48(2):243–250 https://doi.org/10.1007/s40279-017-0782-3

In Table 2 of the original publication, an error was made in the calculations for endogenous substrate oxidation which, subsequently, altered the values for total change in body mass. A corrected version of Table 2 is provided below. With the revised calculations, our conclusions are adjusted to indicate that the percentage of body mass loss required to sustain body water balance to maintain euhydration during an ~ 25–30 h 161-km mountain ultramarathon is 3.0% (rather than 4.2% as originally stated) for the ‘average runner’ and 1.2–3.5% (rather than 1.9–5.0% as originally stated) across a variety of other realistic assumptions. While the magnitude of the effect is slightly less with the corrected calculations, the key message that “universal guidelines to avoid body mass loss over 2% during exercise are not suitable to circumstances when the exercise is prolonged running of several hours” is unchanged.

Table 2 Required change in body mass to sustain body water balance to maintain euhydration during a 161-km mountain ultramarathon under various conditions