Correction to: Acta Neurologica Belgica

The authors apologies for this omission and would like to make the following corrections to the figure legends for Fig. 2. We have now obtained permission to reuse this figure with kind permission from Elsevier.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Figure adapted from Fig. 1 [53]

A graphic illustration of tractography is shown in this diagram. a An example of DWI data, is often known as dMRI. b Tractography was used to generate an individual streamline. c An example of a whole-brain tractography is made up entirely of white matter streamlines. d A corpus callosum is a group of streamlines that reflect an anatomical fiber tract. FA, a microstructural measure of anisotropy of water diffusion, is used to color the lines. When looking at a stream, a low FA can be noticed near the cortex and a high FA can be seen in between the two (in the deep white matter). e White matter tractography from the entire brain is used to create an example of a brain structural connection matrix. White matter connections between two brains’ gray matter ROIs are represented by a matrix, where each row and column represent a gray matter ROI (see c for an example of brain gray matter parcellation). The value in an element of the matrix denotes the strength of this connection (quantified as the number of streamlines in this case).