1 Introduction

Since the single-layer graphene was amazedly acquired from graphite by a stripping method in 2004 [1], its unique electrochemical and optoelectronic properties excited a huge research enthusiasm on the fabrication and exfoliation of two-dimensional (2D) layered materials, such as silicone [2], germanene [3], phosphorene [4], MoS2 [5], and clays [6]. In 2011, Naguib et al. [7] originally extracted the Al layers from Ti3AlC2 by hydrofluoric acid (HF) to form a novel laminated Ti3C2 nanocrystal, which owned graphene-like properties and morphology and therefore was defined as “MXene.” Thereafter, more transition metal carbides and/or nitrides such as Ti2C, Ti3C2, Ti3CN, Ta4C3, Nb2C, Nb4C3 and V2C were discovered to extensively expand this burgeoning MXene family [8,9,10]. The general formula of MXene is Mn+1XnTx (n = 1–3), in which M means early transition metals (i.e., Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Zr, Hf, Nb, Mo, Ta, and W), X stands for carbon and/or nitrogen, and Tx refers to the surface terminations (such as –OH, –O, and –F) which was formed during the chemical etching process [11]. The originally obtained MXene from its MAX phase usually appears as an accordion-like structure, which is not only conducive to the interpenetration of ions for specific applications (such as batteries and sensors), but also highly flexible and shapeable, because single- or few-layer form of MXenes can be readily obtained by a facile delamination step from their accordion-like multilayer form [12,13,14,15,16], and even more, quantum dot (QD) form of MXenes can also be achieved by further treatment such as hydro-/solvothermal [17, 18], ball milling [19] and micro-explosion [20] strategies.

Although the MXene family was continually expanding with the assistance of both theoretical and experimental technologies, Ti3C2Tx still debuts in a central role among the MXenes up to now for the following reasons. (1) The preparation process of Ti3C2Tx is simple and low-cost with a wide market prospect [21]. (2) Ti3C2Tx is fairly flexible in various structures including three-dimensional (3D) accordion-like multilayers, 2D lamellar nanosheets, and zero-dimensional (0D) ultra-small QDs, which can meet different requirements in diverse situations [22]. (3) The electronic energy band structure and physicochemical properties of Ti3C2Tx are feasibly steerable by controlling the abundant functional groups on its surface [23]. (4) Apart from the terminations on the surface, local defects also exist in Ti3C2Tx, which can be fully utilized in the preparation of MXene-based composites [24]. (5) Ti3C2Tx exhibited outstanding electrical conductivity even with the surface terminations and local defects [25]. (6) In Ti3C2Tx, carbon is the basic element for constructing living organism, and transition metal Ti is inert to living beings. Therefore, Ti3C2Tx is non-toxic and biodegradable, which has unparalleled research potential in the field of biomedicine [26].

Although Ti3C2Tx has multifarious excellent characteristics, there are still some shortcomings that hinder its current development. For example, the structure of Ti3C2Tx tends to inevitably collapse in a humid environment, because the exposed Ti atoms on the surface make it easily oxidized. In addition, the synthesis methods to obtain Ti3C2Tx were still limited, which usually required the use of hazardous fluorinated reagent [22]. In order to further expand the application areas of Ti3C2Tx and accelerate its development pace, researchers have constructed it into hybrids with other materials including metal [25], metal oxide [27], metal sulfide [28], polymer [29], protein [30], and natural organic molecules [31] to combine their merits.

Hitherto, the research on Ti3C2Tx and its hybrids is still in its infancy. Thus, it is quite necessary to update the recent research progress and milestones on Ti3C2Tx MXene. In this review, we initially introduced the fundamentals of Ti3C2Tx MXene, such as their atomic structure, crystal phase, morphologies, and physicochemical properties. Subsequently, we emphasized the synthesis methods of various formed Ti3C2Tx and their composites. Next, we summarized the diverse applications of Ti3C2Tx in different fields, including energy storage, electromagnetic interference, photothermal conversion, biomedical application, sensor, and photocatalysis. Besides, the synthesis strategies and applications of Ti3C2Tx-based composites are classified and summarized in Table 1 [15, 19, 24, 25, 28, 29, 31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58]. Meanwhile, as shown in Fig. 1, linked by their unique physicochemical properties, diverse applications of Ti3C2Tx-based composites are inseparable and correlated with each other, just like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Finally, a perspective on future opportunities and challenges of MXene materials was provided. It aims to offer theoretical and technical guidelines for the preparation and application of Ti3C2Tx and other similar MXene materials (Fig. 1).

Table 1 Summary of synthetic approaches and applications of Ti3C2-based composites
Fig. 1
figure 1

Schematic diagram of applications of different dimensional Ti3C2Tx MXene in diverse and correlative fields

2 Fundamentals

In-depth understanding and research on the fundamentals of Ti3C2Tx are not only instructive to promoting its fabrication strategy, but also conducive to discovering and extending its great potential in various fields. Therefore, in this part, we will demonstrate its fundamentals from the aspects of atomic structure, crystal phase, morphology, and various physicochemical properties in detail.

2.1 Atomic structure and crystal phase

To understand the atomic structure of Ti3C2 MXene, one must retrospect its precursor, Ti3AlC2 MAX. As shown in Fig. 2a, the crystal structure of Ti3AlC2 involves the periodic superposition of six atomic layers (Ti–C–Ti–C–Ti–Al) along its cross section [22]. Typically, the Ti layer is closely packed and interleaved with the Al element layer, and C atoms fill the octahedral sites on the Ti layers [11]. Fortunately, Ti3C2 MXene can be easily prepared from the Ti3AlC2 MAX by selectively removing “Al” layer through etching methods, because Ti–C bound layers with metallic bond energy are more stable than Ti–Al layers [7, 13, 59]. After the etching treatment, the exposed metal sites on Ti3C2 surface have higher redox activity than the carbon sites in the framework. Thereby, the bare Ti3C2 possesses high surface energy and prefers to quickly react with the anions in the solution to form the functional terminations, such as –O, –OH, and/or –F, which were noted as Tx, where x is the number of the terminal groups [12, 60].

Fig. 2
figure 2

Atomic structure of Ti3C2 MXene. a Scheme of Ti3C2Tx MXene formation from Al etching in Ti3AlC2 MAX; b comparison of XRD patterns of Ti3AlC2 and Ti3C2. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [36]. Copyright 2018, Wiley. c TEM image of Ti3C2 nanoflakes and (inset) its corresponding SAED pattern. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [16]. Copyright 2016, Wiley

Technically, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis could tell the transition of the crystal phases from Ti3AlC2 MAX to Ti3C2 MXene. As displayed in Fig. 2b, XRD pattern of the initial Ti3AlC2 shows a spiculate (104) diffraction peak at 2θ ≈ 39°, as well as other typical diffraction peaks, such as those at the 2θ values of 9.4°and 19.0°, which correspond to (002) and (004) crystal planes, respectively [13]. These characteristic peaks all confirmed the hexagonal crystal phase of Ti3AlC2. The etching of Al elements from Ti3AlC2 to form Ti3C2 was evidenced by the disappearance of the (104) peak, as well as the shift of (002) and (004) peaks to a lower angle [36]. At the same time, the diffraction peaks of (002) and (004) were obviously broadened and weakened, which indicated that the interplanar spacing between the Ti3C2 multilayers became larger and thus, the c-lattice parameter (c-LP) increased [12]. Nevertheless, the selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern of few-layer Ti3C2 shows the typical hexagonal diffraction pattern (inset in Fig. 2c), indicating that the quality of the Ti3C2 nanosheets is intact and the hexagonal structure is still maintained after peeling off [38].

2.2 Morphology

Obviously, the macro- and micro-appearance of Ti3AlC2 will change dramatically after being etched into Ti3C2Tx. From a macro-perspective, the dense powder became fluffy, and its color changed from black to dark purple or bright black (Fig. 3a, b). Microscopically, it can be observed from scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image that the bulk Ti3AlC2 exhibited a compact layered structure (Fig. 3c), while Ti3C2Tx presented an accordion-like shape (Fig. 3d) [8]. Through some specific treatment (see Sect. 3.2), the accordion Ti3C2Tx could be peeled off to form 2D single-layer nanosheets, which are more favored by researchers due to its larger specific surface area and unique quantum size effect. In reality, the tested thickness of Ti3C2Tx nanosheets by atomic force microscope (AFM) technique was usually 0.5–2.0 nm with the presence of surface groups and absorbed water molecules [61,62,63,64,65]. For example, Lipatov et al. [16] prepared monolayer Ti3C2Tx (Fig. 3e), and the AFM height curve in Fig. 3f shows that it was about 1.5 nm in thickness. Similar results have also been reported in other studies related to Ti3C2Tx, where the thicknesses were tested as 0.74, 0.98 and 1.63 nm, respectively [65,66,67,68].

Fig. 3
figure 3

Reproduced with permission from Ref. [8]. Copyright 2012, American Chemical Society. e TEM and f AFM images of 2D Ti3C2Tx monolayers. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [16]. Copyright 2016, Wiley. g TEM and h HRTEM images of 0D Ti3C2Tx QDs. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [10]. Copyright 2018, The Royal Society of Chemistry

Morphology of Ti3C2 MXene. Photographs of a Ti3AlC2 MAX powder and b Ti3C2 MXene powder; SEM images of c Ti3AlC2 precursor and d 3D Ti3C2 multilayers.

For the lamellar size of Ti3C2Tx monolayer, it varies along with the utilized preparation methods. For instance, the Ti3C2Tx monolayer flakes prepared by a harsh chemical corrosion method in 40% HF aqueous solution were usually broken down to nanometer level in lamellar size (100–400 nm) [69]. In comparison, those prepared in milder conditions such as LiF/HCl and NH4Cl etching methods often possess much larger size in micrometer level [70]. Generally, the larger the lamellar size of nanosheets is, the more the active sites are exposed. However, sometimes, small flakes are also in demand due to their agility. Especially, Ti3C2Tx QDs can be prepared by proper methods such as hydro-/solvothermal [17, 18, 39], ball milling [19], and micro-explosion [20] strategies. As shown in Fig. 3g, h, Ti3C2Tx QDs with the lattice spacing of 0.21 nm are relatively uniform in size, and the average size is less than 10 nm [10].

2.3 Physicochemical properties

As a new member of 2D materials, Ti3C2 MXene with a regular metal atom skeleton displays some unique properties. With the assistance of abundant surface functional groups on Ti3C2, the obtained Ti3C2Tx can perfectly combine the metal conductivity and the hydrophilicity [10, 59]. Moreover, specific characteristics of Ti3C2Tx can be achieved by controlling and adjusting these terminal functional groups, which is of great research value.

In this part, three typical physicochemical properties of Ti3C2Tx including electrical conductivity, hydrophilicity, and mechanical stability will be introduced in detail to further recognize its fundamentals.

2.3.1 Electrical conductivity

Undeniably, one of the most critical factors that motivate researchers to keep enthusiastic in the research of Ti3C2Tx is its unparalleled conductivity. It is the conductive carbide core along with transition metal oxide-like surfaces that plays a central role in the electrical conductivity of Ti3C2Tx [71]. It has been reported that a pure Ti3C2Tx MXene film with a thickness of 940 nm prepared by a scalable blade coating process using large-sized MXene flakes can exhibit the electrical conductivity up to ≈ 15,100 S·cm−1 [72]. Compared with the conductivity of graphene films (1.5 × 104 S·cm−1) [73], the conductivity of Ti3C2Tx is in the same order of magnitude. Therefore, it is supposed to be a promising alternative to graphene.

The electrical conductivity of Ti3C2Tx is usually influenced by the factors including terminal groups [74], interlamellar spacing between flakes, and ambient temperature. Firstly, the electrical conductivity of Ti3C2Tx can be distinctly improved by removing part of the surface functional groups via annealing in vacuum [75]. For example, Wang et al. [23] roasted Ti3C2Tx nanosheets at 600 °C for 1 h, and successfully reduced the amount of the functional groups to shorten the conduction path of electrons, which resulted in the enhancement of its conductivity by nearly three times. Secondly, increasing the interlamellar spacing between the flakes influences the electrical properties of Ti3C2Tx. For instance, the conductivity of multilayer Ti3C2Tx was reported to be one order of magnitude lower than that of single-layer one ((4600 ± 1100) S·cm−1) [16]. Furthermore, the used intercalants to increase the interlayer spacing of the multilayered Ti3C2Tx also decreased its resistivity. For instance, Muckley et al. [76] reported that H2O and Li+ intercalation caused the resistance value of Ti3C2Tx to decrease from 41 to 10 Ω. Thirdly, temperature is also a vital effect for the electron conductivity of Ti3C2Tx MXene. For example, Halim et al. [77] and Bergmann [78] confirmed that the resistivity of the 2D Ti3C2Tx nanofilm increases from 4.8 to 6.1 μΩ·m with the decrease in temperature when the temperature is below 100 K, which is attributed to the common electron backscattering phenomenon in 2D metals materials.

The feature of good electro-conductivity has now been used as the most dazzling advantage of Ti3C2Tx in various fields including electromagnetic wave absorption and shielding, energy conversion, sensors, catalysis, etc. Thereby, more efforts should be invested in the development and optimization of the MXene's conductivity.

2.3.2 Hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity

Ti3C2Tx MXene was usually derived by the acid etching process in a watery environment, thus abundant polar terminal groups were formed on its surface. These terminations always resulted in strong hydrophilicity of Ti3C2Tx nanosheets, which has been taken full advantage in some typical application fields, such as photocatalytic pollutant degradation, biomedicine, and seawater desalination. For instance, Cai et al. [79] made full use of the abundant hydrophilic functional groups on the surface of Ti3C2Tx to form a strong interface contact with Ag3PO4 to promote the separation of electron–hole pairs and achieve high-efficiency photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants. Furthermore, Singh et al. [80] confirmed that Ti3C2Tx featured with good hydrophilicity showed excellent cell adhesion to mouse fibroblasts, which exhibited good biocompatibility. In addition, Zhang et al. [81] designed an amphiphilic MXene aerogel for solar desalination by vertically arranged Ti3C2Tx, where the upper layer was hydrophobic, and the bottom layer was hydrophilic. The designed aerogel was featured with adjustable and ordered vertical-array structure, which achieved a daily seawater output of 6 L·m−2 due to the feasibility of steam escape, moisture transfer, and little heat loss.

On the other hand, a hydrophobic surface of Ti3C2Tx suitable for specific environments can also be obtained by adjusting its surface functional terminations or introducing it into other functional materials to construct composites [82]. For example, Zhao et al. [83] prepared a hydrophobic Ti3C2Tx MXene film terminated with trimethoxy groups for solar steam conversion. The efficiency reached 71%, ensuring efficient and long-term stable light and heat transmission in seawater with high salinity. In addition, Liu et al. [84] prepared hydrophobic porous Ti3C2-based foam by fixing the Ti3C2 film between two ceramic wafers, which were coated with 80% hydrazine monohydrate and then calcined in 90 °C. Compared with the hydrophilic Ti3C2 films with a contact angle of 59.5°, the Ti3C2-based foam exhibited hydrophobic character with a contact angle of 94.0°. The unique hydrophobicity-made Ti3C2 foam possessed excellent durability in humid environments and also improved its stability in water.

Although the abundant surface terminal groups endow Ti3C2Tx MXene with excellent hydrophilic characteristics, it is easily oxidized by the air or water to form TiO2, and subsequently results in the structure collapse of Ti3C2Tx, which is a non-negligible issue hindering the further development and wide application scope of MXene-based materials. Up to now, many researchers have taken effort to tackle this problem by various methods such as saving in organic antioxidant, isolating from oxygen, and refrigerating in a low temperature. For instance, Zhao et al. [85] utilized sodium L-ascorbate (NaAsc) as an antioxidant to prevent the oxidation of Ti3C2Tx nanosheets in wet environments. The L-ascorbate group could associate with the terminations of Ti3C2Tx to restricting their further reactions with water in colloidal solution. The as-obtained Ti3C2Tx sheets retained its inchoate morphology after even half a year. Analogously, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), ethanol, and n-picoline have also been proven to prolong the lifetime of Ti3C2Tx to ca. ~ 30 days [86]. However, the utilized organic additives will inevitably remain in the Ti3C2Tx layers and cause the decreased conductivity. Moreover, in order to remove these organic reagents, the exposure time of MXene to water and air will be increased. For long-term storage of Ti3C2Tx, the more direct and effective method is to store it in powder form under vacuum [87], or to inject inert gas into the solution to isolate the MXene from water and/or oxygen [88]. Furthermore, Habib et al. [89] recently verified that Ti3C2Tx oxidized fastest in liquid media and slowest in solid media (including polymer matrix). Thereafter, Zhang et al. [87] proposed that freezing the MXene aqueous dispersion at − 20 °C could effectively prevent the formation of TiO2 nanoparticles on the edge of Ti3C2Tx in the early stage of oxidation.

2.3.3 Mechanical stability

Mechanical stability of equipment and devices has become a key consideration in their practical applications. So far, due to the excellent mechanical stability, Ti3C2Tx nanosheet has been proven to be one of the chosen materials for the next generation of flexible functional devices [90, 91]. The mechanical properties of Ti3C2 nanosheets largely depend on the interaction force between individual nanosheets. When the thickness of the Ti3C2Tx film is 940 nm, the tensile strength can reach 570 MPa, and the corresponding Young's modulus in the vertical direction is about 20.6 GPa [72]. In order to adapt to the development of intelligent technology, reducing the thickness of the product while ensuring its mechanical stability is extremely important for flexible electronic devices. Therefore, the tensile strength of Ti3C2 nanosheets with a thickness of about 40 nm optimized by Firestein et al. [92] can be as high as 670 MPa, which can be proved by in situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) tensile strength testing. Meanwhile, the Young's modulus perpendicular to the direction of the Ti3C2Tx nanosheet was measured to be 120–140 GPa. In addition, the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) can be significantly affected by defects in the structure of Ti3C2Tx. It was reported that when the defect concentration in the structure increased from 2% to 8%, the UTS of Ti3C2Tx nanosheets decreased from 21.6 to 18.9 GPa [92]. Therefore, it can be concluded that the mechanical properties of Ti3C2Tx can be adjusted by controlling the thickness of the nanosheets and concentration of the structural defects.

3 Synthesis methods

Contemporarily, the chief strategy to obtain Ti3C2 MXene is selectively etching Al element layers from the Ti3AlC2 MAX phase, which could be obtained by the bottom-up synthesis method from atoms and molecules, such as chemical vapor magnetron sputtering [77] and self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (MASHS) method [93]. To improve the work efficiency, most researchers preferred to directly purchase Ti3AlC2 powder from companies, such as Beijing Lianli New Technology Co., Ltd, China [36], Jilin 11 Technology Co., Ltd, China [94], Macklin [28], and Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co. Ltd. [79]. In this section, we firstly present the technologies for preparing Ti3C2Tx multilayer flakes from Ti3AlC2 MAX precursor, and then illustrate the delamination methods of Ti3C2Tx to obtain few-layer or single-MXene nanosheets. Subsequently, the synthetic strategies of 2D-nanosheet and 0D-QD MXenes were expounded. At last, the design and fabrication strategies of Ti3C2Tx-based composites were also summarized.

3.1 Synthesis of Ti3C2Tx multilayer flakes

Different from other 2D materials, such as graphene and MoS2, the force between the MAX layers is much stronger due to the presence of M–A metal bonds [13]. In 2011, Gogotsi et al. unprecedentedly reported that Ti3C2Tx multilayer could be produced by selective etching Al atoms from Ti3AlC2 MAX phase in 50% hydrofluoric acid (HF) aqueous solution (Fig. 4a) [7]. Typically, when Ti3AlC2 is immersed in HF aqueous solution, the etching reaction equations are as follows:

$${\text{Ti}}_{{3}} {\text{AlC}}_{{2}} + {\text{3HF }} = {\text{ AlF}}_{{3}} + 3/2{\text{H}}_{{2}} + {\text{Ti}}_{{3}} {\text{C}}_{{2}}$$
$${\text{Ti}}_{{3}} {\text{C}}_{{2}} + {\text{ 2H}}_{{2}} {\text{O }} = {\text{ Ti}}_{{3}} {\text{C}}_{{2}} \left( {{\text{OH}}} \right)_{{2}} + {\text{ H}}_{{2}}$$
$${\text{Ti}}_{{3}} {\text{C}}_{{2}} + {\text{ 2HF }} = {\text{ Ti}}_{{3}} {\text{C}}_{{2}} {\text{F}}_{{2}} + {\text{ H}}_{{2}}$$

In Eq. (1), Al atoms are exfoliated from the Ti3AlC2 MAX phase to form Ti3C2. After etching, the exposed Ti atoms will become the reaction sites, which is easy to react with water (Eq. (2)) and HF (Eq. (3)) to produce Ti3C2(OH)2 and Ti3C2F2, respectively. In most cases, Eqs. (2, 3) occurred simultaneously [7].

Fig. 4
figure 4

Reproduced with permission from Ref. [7]. Copyright 2011, Wiley. b Etching Ti3AlC2 by XHF2 bifluoride, where X presents K+, Na+, and NH4+. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [97]. Copyright 2017, Elsevier. c Etching Ti3SiC2 by Lewis acids such as CuCl2, FeCl2, and AgCl through a high-temperature molten salt method. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [99]. Copyright 2020, Nature. d Etching Ti3AlC2 by alkali (NaOH) solution. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [100]. Copyright 2014, The Royal Society of Chemistry

Synthesis strategies of Ti3C2Tx multilayers. a Etching Ti3AlC2 by HF. 

However, HF is a dangerous and toxic substance due to that it is strongly corrosive and irritating effect to the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract. Alternatively, a LiF/HCl mixed solution was then developed as a milder etchant. As illustrated in Eq. (4), the HF species with a controllable concentration can be in situ produced from LiF and HCl, and serve as the etchant for Ti3AlC2. Interestingly, it has been found that the Ti3C2Tx MXene produced by this mild etching method usually possessed a larger planar size and fewer atomic defects than that produced by HF etching [95]. Similarity, Wang et al. [96] employed NH4F to remove Al element from bulk Ti3AlC2 for preparing multilayered Ti3C2 by a facial hydrothermal strategy. Followed Eqs. (5, 6), this method also avoids the direct utilization of HF.

$${\text{LiF }} + {\text{ HCl }} = {\text{ HF }} + {\text{ LiCl}}$$
$${\text{NH}}_{{4}} {\text{F }} + {\text{ H}}_{{2}} {\text{O }} = {\text{ NH}}_{{3}} \cdot{\text{H}}_{{2}} {\text{O }} + {\text{ HF}}$$
$${\text{3NH}}_{{4}} {\text{F }} + {\text{ AlF}}_{{3}} = \left( {{\text{NH}}_{{4}} } \right)_{{3}} {\text{AlF}}_{{6}}$$

Although the optimized LiF/HCl etching method avoids the direct utilization of HF, danger is still not changed in essence. Therefore, Feng et al. [97] attempted to use XHF2 (where X presents K+, Na+, NH4+) to replace HF as the etchant for the production of Ti3C2Tx based on Eq. (7) (Fig. 4b). Therein, NH4HF2 allows extra intercalation of NH4+ cations and NH3 molecules in the etching reactions. In this way, Ti3C2Tx can be obtained in a single reaction with a large interplanar spacing, so the accordion structure can be better maintained.

$${\text{Ti}}_{{3}} {\text{AlC}}_{{2}} + {\text{ XHF}}_{{2}} = {\text{ X}}_{{{a}}} {\text{AlF}}_{{{b}}} + {\text{ AlF}}_{{3}} + {\text{ H}}_{{2}} + {\text{ Ti}}_{{3}} {\text{C}}_{{2}}$$

The above-mentioned etching mechanism is still based on utilizing detrimental HF or fluoride solution [98]. To explore a non-hazardous fabrication process, Li et al. [99] proposed a generic strategy to directly etch A-element from the MAX phases by Lewis acids such as CuCl2, FeCl2 and AgCl through a high-temperature molten salt method. During the redox process, the exposed Si atoms in the Ti3SiC2 were oxidized into Si4+ by cations of Lewis acid. However, the excess Cu2+ in the reaction system will react with the exposed Ti atoms on the surface of Ti3C2 to form Cu metal particles, which needs to be removed by ammonium persulfate ((NH4)2S2O8, APS) solution (Fig. 4c).

Except the Lewis acidic molten salt method, alkali etching is another feasible method, because Al is amphoteric, soluble in both acids and bases. For example, Xie et al. [100] immersed massive Ti3AlC2 in the NaOH solution (1 mol·L−1) and continuously stirred at 80 °C for 100 h to remove the Al atomic layer (Fig. 4d). Finally, multilayered Ti3C2Tx was obtained by further removing the un-etched Al element and generating hydroxyl terminal functional groups in 1 mol·L−1 H2SO4 at 80 °C for 2 h.

Overall, the production of Ti3C2Tx MXene multilayer flakes can be achieved by selective etching steps in different ways. However, the multilayer flakes possess small specific surface area and limited amount of available reactive sites, which greatly suppress their potential applications. Therefore, enlarging the interlayer space of Ti3C2Tx to gain few-layer ones is necessary. We summarized the delamination methods of Ti3C2Tx multilayers in the following section.

3.2 Delamination of Ti3C2Tx multilayers

For delamination of Ti3C2Tx multilayers, the commonly used strategies of Ti3C2Tx are intercalation and ultrasonication methods. Hitherto, the intercalators that have been applied in delamination of Ti3C2Tx mainly include some organic reagents such as DMSO [12], tetrabutylammonium hydroxide (TBAOH) [101], tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAOH) [13], N-methylpyrrolidone [102] and urea [15]. For instance, Mashtalir et al. [12] reported the formation of Ti3C2Tx-based “paper” by the DMSO intercalation, where the DMSO molecules would get into the separated sheets of Ti3C2Tx by sonication, and resulted in increasing lattice spacing of Ti3C2Tx. Similarly, Chia et al. [101] also took advantage of the large volume of TBAOH molecules to enter the interlayer of Ti3C2Tx to promote its delamination. Yang et al. [15] successfully obtained delaminated Ti3C2Tx by simultaneous calcination of Ti3C2Tx multilayers and urea (Table 1, No. 34). Owing to the abundant functional groups on the surface of Ti3C2Tx, urea can be tightly adsorbed on its surface, and NH3 generated by urea during the calcination process can further be employed as a gas template to increase the layer spacing of Ti3C2Tx and promote its delamination.

However, the production yield of 2D monolayer Ti3C2Tx sheet by delamination is usually unsatisfactory (≤ 20%), which lies in the remaining Ti–Al bonds and potential Ti–Ti bonds between adjacent Ti3C2Tx layers after etching. Innovatively, Han et al. [13] used TMAOH as the intercalator, and the yield of monolayered Ti3C2Tx achieved the recorded highest value of 74% by a facile hydrothermal-assisted intercalation method (Fig. 5). Compared with DMSO, TMAOH plays better corrosion to Al, and the spatial structure of TMAOH is relatively larger to weaken the interaction between the adjacent Ti3C2Tx sheets. Moreover, the formation of Al(OH)4− during the corrosion process will further expand the interlayer space.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Reproduced with permission from Ref. [13]. Copyright 2019, American Chemical Society

Delamination of Ti3C2Tx multilayers by intercalators. a Synthesis process of 2D Ti3C2Tx nanosheets by hydrothermal and ultrasonication strategy using tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAOH) and ascorbic acid (AA) as intercalators; SEM images of b Ti3AlC2 precursor, c 3D Ti3C2Tx multilayers and d 2D Ti3C2Tx nanosheets.

To date, the difficulty in layering Ti3C2 is generally explained by the strong interaction of potential Ti−Ti bonds between adjacent Ti3C2 layers. Meanwhile, since Ti3C2Tx is easily oxidized in humid conditions, the layered structure inevitably collapses to a certain extent. When choosing an intercalation agent, one should consider whether it will accelerate the oxidation of Ti3C2Tx or not. Therefore, it is still a challenging hot topic for researchers to explore more efficient and environmental-friendly intercalations.

3.3 Synthesis of few-/mono-layer Ti3C2Tx

Apart from delamination of multilayers, it is feasible to directly prepare uniform and high-quality single-layer Ti3C2Tx by adjusting the type and ratio of the etchant and the precursor. Originally, Ghidiu et al. [103] successfully produced single-layer Ti3C2Tx flakes from Ti3AlC2 via LiF/HCl etching strategy, in which the molar ratio of LiF to Ti3AlC2 was 5:1. However, the average diameter of Ti3C2Tx flakes obtained after etching was less than 1 μm and had an uneven thickness. In addition, in order to obtain ultra-thin structure and prevent oxidation, the cumbersome steps of sonicating MXene for 1 h under the protection of argon atmosphere cannot be omitted. Thereafter, Lipatov et al. [16] proposed an optimized method to directly etch Ti3AlC2 into high-quality monolayer Ti3C2Tx flakes, only through changing the molar ratio of LiF to Ti3AlC2 without sonication (Fig. 6). When the molar ratio of LiF to Ti3AlC2 increased from 5:1 to 7.5:1, the significantly increased Li+ amount not only promoted the etching efficiency of Al, but also improved the product quality with a uniform thickness and a smooth surface. In addition, the size of Ti3C2Tx flakes was distinctly larger (4–15 μm) than the previous ones (200–500 nm).

Fig. 6
figure 6

Reproduced with permission from Ref. [16]. Copyright 2016, Wiley

Synthesis of Ti3C2Tx monolayers by chemical etching method. a Synthesis process of Ti3C2Tx flakes via LiF–HCl etching methods (Route 1: molar ratio of LiF to MAX being 5:1, Route 2: molar ratio of LiF to MAX being 7.5:1.0); b SEM and c TEM images of obtained Ti3C2Tx flakes by Route 1; d SEM and e TEM images of obtained Ti3C2Tx flakes by Route 2.

In addition to the wet chemical method, direct fabrication of Ti3C2 MXene nanosheets can also be achieved by electrochemical methods (Fig. 7). Yang et al. applied Ti3AlC2 as the anode in a weak alkaline solution containing ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) and TMAOH (Fig. 7a) [70]. In this way, Ti3AlC2 could be etched in a short time (5 h), and a large number of single or double layered Ti3C2Tx with an average size of ca. 2 μm could be obtained. Meanwhile, most of Ti3C2 (> 90%) thickness was about 1.2 nm, which is in line with the single layer (Fig. 7b).

Fig. 7
figure 7

Reproduced with permission from Ref. [70]. Copyright 2018, Wiley. b SEM and AFM images of Ti3C2Tx nanosheets with corresponding statistical size distribution and relevant height profiles; c optical photographs of electrochemical etching process from 0 to 120 min

Synthesis of Ti3C2Tx monolayers by electrochemical anodic etching method. a Schematic diagram of electrochemical anodic etching process of bulk Ti3AlC2 into Ti3C2Tx nanosheets.

3.4 Synthesis of Ti3C2Tx quantum dots

Beside of 3D and 2D MXenes, 0D MXenes are also worthy of study due to its potential applications in optical and biological fields. It is because the quantum confinement of small-sized QDs can lead to the expansion of the band gap, and 0D Ti3C2Tx has tunable photoluminescence characteristics, which are very suitable for biological imaging and functionalization [20, 104, 105]. Therefore, it is of vital significance to summarize and explore the preparation methods of Ti3C2Tx MXene QDs.

The methods of preparing Ti3C2Tx MXene QDs mainly include hydro-/solvothermal method [17, 18], ball milling method [19], and micro-explosion method [20] from 3D or 2D MXenes. Most of these strategies follow a similar principle that the bulk structure is cut into smaller quantum particles with the assistance of external force through the defects in the material, which are regarded as the reaction sites. Among the reported strategies, hydro-/solvothermal method was regarded as the most acceptable process for synthesizing Ti3C2Tx QDs due to its mild operation conditions. Particularly, Xue et al. [17] prepared Ti3C2Tx QDs by a facile hydrothermal route and confirmed that the size and thickness of the obtained Ti3C2Tx QDs could be controlled by the hydrothermal temperature and reaction time (Fig. 8a). The appropriate reaction temperature for the synthesis of Ti3C2Tx QDs should be 100–180 °C, the pH of the solution was 6–9, and the synthesis time was determined by both temperature and pH value [105]. Analogously, Niu et al. used DMSO, dimethylformamide (DMF), and ethanol as the alternative solvents to synthesize Ti3C2Tx QDs by a solvothermal process [18]. Compared with the hydrothermal method, the solvothermal method could accurately control the size and crystallinity of the sample. However, during the solvothermal heating process, carbon QDs were inevitably generated from the utilized organic precursors, which are usually unwanted by-products.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Reproduced with permission from Ref. [17]. Copyright 2017, Wiley. b Formation mechanism of red phosphorus-Ti3C2Tx QDs composites via ball milling method. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [19]. Copyright 2018, Wiley. c Preparation process of Ti3C2Tx QDs by a micro-explosion strategy. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [20]. Copyright 2020, Wiley

Synthesis of Ti3C2Tx quantum dots. a Schematic diagram of effect of hydrothermal temperatures on prepared Ti3C2Tx QDs.

In addition, the ball milling method is also applied to prepare Ti3C2Tx QDs, which usually has a high yield. The final morphology and physical properties of the sample depend on the milling speed, milling time, and ball-to-powder weight ratio. For instance, Zhang et al. [19] synthesized Ti3C2Tx QDs with the thickness of 2–5 nm using red phosphorus (red-P) and multilayered micro-sized Ti3C2Tx as precursors under a high ball milling shear force. The Ti–O–P bonds were formed during the ball milling process, which was the key point to result in the delamination and diminution of Ti3C2Tx MXene flakes (Fig. 8b). Beside P, other solid materials such as silicon, sulfur, and carbon could also be added in the ball milling process to induce the formation of Ti–O–X (X = P, C, S, Si) bonds, and it has been found that the stronger the –O–X bond energy is, the smaller the size of the obtained Ti3C2Tx QDs is. Generally, this strategy is suitable for the preparation of composite materials (Table 1, No. 33) [19].

In order to explore a more environmental-friendly and efficient method, Li et al. [20] tactfully utilized the great temperature difference between liquid nitrogen and hot deionized water to prepare Ti3C2Tx QDs by a self-made micro-explosion method (Fig. 8c). In this strategy, the multilayer Ti3C2Tx MXene was firstly flooded with liquid nitrogen, and then hot water was poured in. The water seal formed by hot water and the vaporization of liquid nitrogen promoted the micro-explosion of the layers, thereby destroying the layered structure into Ti3C2Tx QDs.

3.5 Synthesis of Ti3C2Tx-based composites

Owing to the unique structure and surface properties of Ti3C2Tx, various kinds of materials including metal [106], metallic oxide [107], metal-salt [36], metallic sulfide [37] and organic cellulose [49, 108] have been successfully combined with Ti3C2Tx to construct composites for different applications, and it has been widely recognized that the performance of hybrids could be significantly improved with the help of Ti3C2Tx. This section lists some mainly used preparation strategies for the Ti3C2Tx-based hybrids in recent years, involving hydro-/solvothermal method, deposition method, self-assembly method, in situ grow method, self-reduction method, and freeze-dried method, which are summarized in Table 1 for convenience of reference.

3.5.1 Hydro-/solvothermal method

Hydro-/solvothermal method has become the most commonly used strategy for preparing Ti3C2Tx-based hybrids due to its convenient and simple characteristics. As early as 2017, Ran et al. [37] pioneered the idea of combining CdS with Ti3C2 nanoparticles by a hydrothermal strategy, where the Ti3C2 nanoparticles served as an efficient co-catalyst for photocatalytic H2 production (Table 1, No. 6). Since then, articles about employing Ti3C2 in the field of photocatalysis have sprung up. For example, Cao et al. [36] prepared a novel 2D/2D Ti3C2Tx/Bi2WO6 heterojunction by in situ growth of Bi2WO6 nanosheets on Ti3C2Tx ultra-thin nanosheets through a hydrothermal method (Table 1, No. 4). Theoretically, when Bi3+ and Ti3C2Tx nanosheets coexisted in an aqueous solution, Bi3+ were readily anchored on the surface of Ti3C2Tx, because a number of terminal groups (–O or –OH) on the surface of Ti3C2Tx resulted in a negative potential. After a simple hydrothermal treatment, with the existence of Na2WO6 and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), the intimate contact between Ti3C2Tx and Bi2WO6 was established. Wang et al. [35] rationally designed Ti3C2Tx as a 2D platform to achieve in situ growth of flower-like Zn2In2S5 microsphere under an oxygen-free hydrothermal condition (Table 1, No. 3). Jiao and Liu [109] also proposed a facile hydrothermal method that allowed MoS2 nanosheets grown on Ti3C2Tx vertically. Zuo et al. found that under the solvothermal condition, ZnIn2S4 nanosheets could grow uniformly on the surface of a single-layer Ti3C2 to fabricate a heterojunction, which was beneficial to photocatalytic hydrogen production [28].

3.5.2 Deposition method

Through the deposition methods, the chemical substances can be uniformly dispersed on the surface of the receptor objects, and the reaction conditions are not harsh. Thereby, the deposition methods including electrochemical deposition and chemical vapor deposition are also widely applied in the preparation of Ti3C2Tx-based hybrids. Recently, Yang et al. [38] synthesized a Zn@Ti3C2 cathode through a constant-voltage electrochemical deposition technology in a two-electrode system (Table 1, No. 10). Typically, the Ti3C2 nanoflakes were used as the work electrode, while a commercial zinc plate was used as the counter electrodes in the reaction system. During the reaction, Zn nanosheets grew vertically on the Ti3C2 ultra-thin sheets to form a 3D petal-like structure, which was applied for fabricating biodegradable energy storage systems that deal with increasing amounts of electronic-waste, such as heavy metals. Similarly, Gan et al. [42] prepared a crystalline lithium metal anode with a hair-layer structure by electrochemically depositing lithium on the lithiophilic (LTO)/Ti3C2 composite material (Table 1, No. 12). As shown in Fig. 9a, the hair-like LTO grown on the surface of Ti3C2 and between the layers could provide a uniformly distributed electric field, which was beneficial to induce the uniform deposition of Li+. Furthermore, the page-shaped Ti3C2 also provided a favorable foundation for Li+ intercalation. Finally, metal Li anchored smoothly and uniformly on the surface and between layers of Ti3C2 to form a mechanically stable structure for lithium anode of the battery. In addition, Li et al. [41] proposed a strategy of fabricating Ti3C2Tx/CNTs nanocomposite for high-performance electromagnetic wave absorbing material via a facile chemical vapor deposition (Table 1, No. 11). Typically, Ti3C2Tx powder was dispersed in an aqueous solution with a certain concentration of nickel nitrate hexahydrate (Ni(NO3)2·6H2O) as a catalyst, and then freeze-dried. Subsequently, using C2H4 as the carbon source, the mixed powder was calcinated at 800 °C, and thus CNTs in situ grew on the surface of Ti3C2Tx to form the Ti3C2Tx/CNTs nanohybrids (Fig. 9b). In this composite, the proper multilaminate structure of Ti3C2Tx could effectively prevent the CNTs from stacking.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Reproduced with permission from Ref. [42]. Copyright 2020, The Royal Society of Chemistry. b Synthesis process of Ti3C2Tx/CNTs hybrids by a chemical vapor deposition method. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [41]. Copyright 2017, The Royal Society of Chemistry

Preparation of Ti3C2Tx-based composites by deposition methods. a Schematic illustration showing Li deposition behavior on LTO/Ti3C2/Cu electrode.

3.5.3 Self-assembly method

Attributed to the abundant terminal groups (−O, −F, and −OH) on its surface, Ti3C2Tx prefers to attract and react with other materials to form strong interfacial contact. To this end, some typical Ti3C2-based composites could be rationally fabricated by self-assembly methods. For instance, Xie et al. [43] successfully constructed a 3D porous structured composite of Ti3C2Tx and CNTs through an electrostatic self-assembly method (Table 1, No. 13). In detail, Ti3C2Tx nanofilms had a hydrophilic surface with a negatively Zeta potential (−63.3 mV), while CNTs were treated by CTAB and thus had a positively Zeta potential (+ 74.8 mV). In the suspension, CNTs were automatically adsorbed on the surface of Ti3C2Tx nanofilms through the electrostatic attraction, finally forming a compact structured composite (Fig. 10a). Besides, Guo et al. [46] prepared serine-modified Ti3C2Tx by using active sites on serine (such as hydroxyl, amino, and carboxyl) to undergo an esterification reaction with the abundant hydroxyl groups on the surface of Ti3C2Tx (Table 1, No. 16). Subsequently, epoxidized natural rubber (ENR) was introduced into the serine-Ti3C2Tx in order to overcome the mechanical deformation caused by the inherent rigidity and brittle structure of Ti3C2Tx. Since the amino group on the serine molecule and the epoxy group on the ENR chain underwent a ring-opening reaction, a serine-grafted epoxy natural rubber (S-ENR) emulsion was formed. Therefore, the Ti3C2Tx nanosheets uniformly dispersed therein were selectively pushed into the gaps of the S-ENR latex microspheres and connected to each other, inducing an ordered 3D conductive network structure (Fig. 10b). Particularly, the natural latex can effectively prevent Ti3C2Tx from oxidation during the reaction. Therefore, the mechanical flexibility and sensing performance of the prepared Ti3C2/S-ENR sensor can be significantly improved.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Reproduced with permission from Ref. [43]. Copyright 2016, Elsevier. b Formation diagram of MXene/rubber-based supramolecular elastomer network via esterification and latex self-assembly process. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [46]. Copyright 2020, American Chemical Society

Preparation of Ti3C2Tx-based composites by self-assembly methods. a Formation diagram of MXene/CNTs via electrostatic self-assembly of negatively charged MXene and positively charged CNTs.

Developed rapidly from the 1990s, LBL self-assembly is a simple and multi-functional surface modification method, which can achieve finer control of the material structure, and can also apply uniform coating to the sample. Recently, the driving force of LBL has gradually expanded from electrostatic attraction to hydrogen bonds, and even chemical bonds, which makes it extensively applied in preparing composite materials [110,111,112]. For instance, An et al. [29] synthesized a Ti3C2/PDAC (poly (diallyldimethylammonium chloride)) humidity sensor through a LBL self-assembly method (Table 1, No. 17), using the characteristics that the surface charge of Ti3C2 is negative and that of the polymer electrolyte is positive in an aqueous solution with a pH of about 5. Besides, Ma et al. [55] took advantage of the formed hydrogen bond (HB) between the −OH functional group on bacterial celluloses (BCs) and the F− terminal group of Ti3C2Tx to synthesize a transparent BCs/MXene composite film, which exhibited an excellent tensile strength and flexibility. In addition to the dominant HB, the density functional theory (DFT) calculations have also been used to testify that a strong chemical bond (Ti–O covalent bond) was generated between Ti3C2Tx MXene and BCs.

3.5.4 In situ grown method

Typically, Ti3C2Tx is extremely unstable in a humid environment and is easily oxidized by water or air. It is the exposed Ti atoms on the surface of Ti3C2Tx that are regarded as the nucleation sites to form TiO2. Inspiring by this feature, Low et al. [50] reported a simple calcination method to in situ convert Ti3C2Tx into TiO2 nanoparticles at 350 °C with a ramping rate of 10 °C·min−1. TiO2 nanoparticles with uniform size in situ grew on the Ti3C2Tx surface, which effectively avoided the particle agglomeration happened in the traditional TiO2 preparation process (Table 1, No. 22). More significantly, there were a large number of voids between the formed TiO2 nanoparticles to increase the surface area of the hybrid, which is beneficial to the photocatalytic CO2 reduction reaction. Similarly, but not the same, Peng et al. [58] directly dispersed Ti3C2Tx in a hydrochloric acid solution containing NaBF4 by stirring and ultrasonication, followed by hydrothermal oxidation to easily grow TiO2 in situ on Ti3C2Tx (Table 1, No. 21). In this way, an atomic-level heterojunction was easily formed between TiO2 and Ti3C2Tx, which could effectively reduce the charge recombination caused by defects in the bare TiO2. In addition, Ti3C2-IONPs@PEG (iron oxide nanoparticles @amino-[poly (ethylene–glycol)]) compound can also be obtained by an in situ grown method (Table 1, No. 23) [51]. Firstly, by employing ferrous sulfate as the precursor, the IONPs can be grown in situ on the surface of Ti3C2 through a redox reaction under alkaline conditions, because the prepared Ti3C2 contains negatively charged −O end groups. Afterward, in order to improve the stability of the complex in vivo, PEG was modified on the prepared Ti3C2-IONPs by means of electrostatic interactions between Ti3C2 and PEG. The constructed composite system can be applied for specific cancer treatment in the tumor microenvironment.

3.5.5 Self-reduction method

It is worth noting that during the formation of the single-layer/ultra-thin Ti3C2Tx MXene flakes through the acid etching of Al from Ti3AlC2, even under mild conditions, some adjacent Ti atoms on the surface of Ti3C2Tx will also inevitably be corroded away, which results in the formation of Ti vacancies [113]. These Ti-deficit vacancies are unstable and highly reductive, which can serve as reducing agents for some high-valence metal substances [114]. Taking advantage of this feature, Zhao et al. [25] prepared stable Pt single-atom catalyst over ultra-thin Ti3−xC2Ty nanofilms with a large number of Ti defects by a synchronous self-reduction stabilization method at room temperature (Fig. 11). In addition, Zou et al. [52] prepared the MXene/Ag composite material by direct self-reduction of AgNO3 in an aqueous solution containing Ti3C2Tx (Table 1, No. 24). Similarly, Zhang et al. [115] dispersed poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) and Ti3C2Tx in deionized water at a ratio of 1:1. When the AgNO3 solution is added to the above solution, a large amount of dot-shaped Ag nanocrystalline will be formed, and as the reaction time increases, part of the dot-shaped particles will transform into long strips of precipitate. Finally, urchin-like MXene-based composite will be obtained by regulating the reaction time.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Reproduced with permission from Ref. [25]. Copyright 2019, American Chemical Society

Simultaneous self-reduction and stabilization process for preparation of Pt1/Ti3−xC2Ty catalyst.

3.5.6 Freeze-drying method

Freeze-drying process is based on the sublimation of ice crystals, that is, the moisture in the composites will be directly changed from solid to gas under vacuum conditions. Moreover, the volume of the sample will not change significantly during the freeze-drying process, so its structure can be well preserved. Thereby, the freeze-drying method can be regarded as an efficient solution to prepare the Ti3C2-based compounds with a porous structure and sufficient surface area. Recently, Shi et al. [53] prepared the 3D porous MXene/graphene oxide (MGO) aerogels by a freeze-drying method (Table 1, No. 26). Typically, the prepared Ti3C2 nanosheets and GO were uniformly dispersed in the aqueous solution, and sonicated for 10 min in argon atmosphere. Subsequently, the 3D MGO aerogels can be facially obtained after freeze-drying the as-prepared homogeneous solution for 3 days. The highly conductive 3D MGO aerogel can be employed as an anode material for ultra-stable and high-capacity lithium metal batteries.

3.5.7 Other methods

Except the methods as mentioned above, other methods were also reported to prepare Ti3C2Tx-based composites, such as ultrasound reduction and vacuum filtration. In general, ultrasound will cause the micro-bubbles in the solution to undergo acoustic cavitation and burst, and the rupture of micro-bubbles will generate high temperature. At the same time, water molecules will homogenize at high temperature to produce highly active H· and OH· free radicals. Therefore, Liu et al. [106] slowly added HAuCl4 into the Ti3C2Tx suspension under magnetic stirring, and prepared Au/Ti3C2Tx composite by sonicating, centrifuging, and drying under the protection of nitrogen, where Au ions were induced to be loaded on Ti3C2Tx nanosheets by the reductive H· free radicals.

In addition, filtration method also occupies an important position in the synthesis of Ti3C2-based composites due to its simple operation, wide application, and high efficiency. For example, Wang et al. [31] constructed a Ti3C2/NMC (natural microcapsule) flexible pressure sensor with assistance of vacuum filtration (Table 1, No. 27). Typically, monolayer Ti3C2 aqueous suspension was slowly added into the NMC ethanol suspension, and intensively stirred to form a uniform solution. Then, the Ti3C2/NMC biocomposite film was obtained through vacuum filtration with a fine polypropylene fiber membrane.

4 Applications

After introducing the structure, properties, and synthesis of Ti3C2Tx MXene, we now turn to their application prospect. Ascribed to their simple preparation process and unique characteristics, the Ti3C2-based composite materials have attracted vast attention in the fields of electromagnetic interference, photothermal conversion, biomedicine, energy storage, sensors, photocatalysis, etc. In this section, we will outline the applications of Ti3C2 in these fields in detail.

4.1 Electromagnetic wave absorption and shielding

With the development of portable electronic devices and military technology, the exacerbated pollution caused by electromagnetic (EM) wave negatively affected human health and normal electronic communication equipment. In other words, the development of the high-tech intelligent era has shown a huge demand for protecting electronic instruments and human body from electromagnetic waves.

Recently, Ti3C2 MXene has become a hotspot in the microwave absorption (MA) and electromagnetic interference (EMI) fields, because the excellent electrical conductivity and unique layered structure of Ti3C2 facilitate some incident electromagnetic waves to be reflected effectively, which improves the conduction loss of the shielding materials to a large extent. Moreover, the presence of terminations on the surface of Ti3C2 can cause inherent defects, thus leading to an increase in dipolar polarization, which render Ti3C2 a promising candidate for novel MA and EMI absorbing applications. Han et al. [116] designed and fabricated an electromagnetic absorbing material based on Ti3C2Tx with an accordion structure. The gained Ti3C2Tx films afforded abundant interfaces, which extended the path of electromagnetic wave, and resulted in the attenuation of the electromagnetic wave (Fig. 12a). Moreover, the Ti3C2Tx films were annealed and obtained further improved electronic conductivity due to the decrease amount of hydroxyl groups and formation of amorphous carbon on their surface. The reflection coefficient (RC) value of the annealed Ti3C2Tx with a loading of 55 wt% on a wax matrix can achieve − 30 dB, and the efficient absorption frequency domain reached up to 2.8 GHz (Fig. 12b). Besides, carbon nanotubes (CNT) were also a good candidate to combine with Ti3C2 for electromagnetic interference shielding. For example, Weng et al. [47] fabricated Ti3C2/CNT nanocomposite films through a spin spray LBL assembly method (Table 1, No. 18). The obtained thin film shows high conductivity and high electromagnetic shielding efficiency due to the synergistic enhancement effect of Ti3C2 and CNT with a layer-by-layer structure. Zhou et al. [57] improved the flexibility and structural stability of Ti3C2 nanosheets by repeatedly spraying the composite of Ti3C2 and cellulose nanofibers (CNF) on bacterial cellulose (BC) (Table 1, No. 31). Subsequently, CNF/Ti3C2/BC films with a compacted layered structure were obtained by hot pressing, which had excellent electrical conductivity and unmatched flexibility. It is worth noting that the CNF/Ti3C2/BC composite film was still stable after multiple washings and exhibited good wrinkle resistance, and the shielding effect for EMI was as high as 60 dB. Analogously, Ma et al. [55] took advantage of the chemical bond and hydrogen bond interaction between BC and MXene to synthesize ultra-thin and transparent BCs/Ti3C2 films through a simple filtration process (Table 1, No. 29). The composite films exhibited an EMI shielding effectiveness up to ∼ 69,455.2 dB·cm2·g−1.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Reproduced with permission from Ref. [116]. Copyright 2016, American Chemical Society. c Schematic diagram of water evaporation over Ti3C2Tx MXene via its light-to-heat conversion property; d temperature change process of PVDF film and MXene-PVDF film under same condition of illumination and (insets) infrared camera photos of PVDF film and MXene-PVDF film. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [117]. Copyright 2017, American Chemical Society

Applications of Ti3C2 in electromagnetic wave absorption and photothermal conversion. a Schematic illustration of electromagnetic wave absorption in Ti3C2Tx MXenes. b Comparison of reflection coefficients of 55 wt% Ti3C2Tx on a wax matrix versus frequency with different thicknesses.

Overall, the investigation on Ti3C2-based hybrids for MA and EMI has obtained a sequence of crucial progress up to date. Nevertheless, compared with the mature graphene-based materials, the MA and EMI properties and mechanisms of Ti3C2-based ones are still required to be further researched, which is a long journey for Ti3C2 to be practically applied [30].

4.2 Photothermal conversion

As mentioned above, Ti3C2 has been testified to be a promising electromagnetic absorbing material. Sunlight, as the optical energy, is also one kind of widespread electromagnetic waves present in our life. Considering that ultimate fate of the absorbed waves is to dissipate in the form of heat within the material demonstrably [30], it can be reasonably conjectured that Ti3C2 can act as a promising light-to-heat conversion material by converting the absorbed microwave into heat energy. Actually, Li et al. [117] fabricated a self-floating Ti3C2 film by vacuum filtration with polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membrane as the substrate, and applied it for photothermal water evaporation under sun irradiation (Fig. 12c). Under illumination, the equilibrium temperature of Ti3C2-PVDF film achieved a much higher value than that of the pure PVDF membrane (Fig. 12d). In addition, the efficiency of water evaporation was enhanced with increasing Ti3C2 ratio. This work has demonstrated that Ti3C2 can really be served as a promising photothermal conversion material. Thereafter, Wang et al. [32] successfully constructed a 3D nanoflower–nanosheet structure Cu3BiS3/Ti3C2 for photothermal seawater desalination (Table 1, No. 5), and the light absorption in the visible-light region exceeded 90%. However, in real life, the propagation of light is multi-angled. In order to improve the ability of the photothermal conversion materials to capture multi-angle light, Yang et al. rationally constructed a Co3O4/Ti3C2 nanocomposite material as a 3D spherical evaporator (Table 1, No. 9) [40]. The 0D Co3O4 was uniformly dispersed on the surface of Ti3C2 through its abundant functional groups, and synergistically improved the efficiency of Ti3C2 for the absorption and utilization of sunlight. Importantly, the uniformly distributed high-density Co3O4 nanoparticles on the surface of Ti3C2 effectively blocked the contact of the surface terminal groups with water and oxygen, thereby significantly improving the chemical stability of Ti3C2 MXene.

4.3 Biomedical applications

Besides water evaporation and seawater desalination, the photothermal conversion property of Ti3C2 was also successfully employed in biomedical field. Liu et al. [118] modified the Ti3C2 nanosheets with Al(OH)4 to enhance its optical absorption capacity according to the previous report by Xuan et al. [119], then mixed it with doxorubicin (DOX) and hyaluronic acid (HA) to achieve the purpose of killing cancer cells and destroying tumor tissue. Under laser (808 nm, 0.8 W·cm−2) irradiation, the tumor in mice was completely eliminated without reoccurrence after the injection of the functional Ti3C2, which exhibited a high photothermal conversion efficiency of 58.3% in the near-infrared (NIR) range (Fig. 13a). Subsequently, Liang et al. [51] combined photothermal conversion effect of Ti3C2 with catalysis reactivity of iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) to synthesize a consecutive catalytic system for tumor microenvironment (TME)-specific cancer therapy. The system was fabricated by anchoring natural glucose oxidase (GOD) and superparamagnetic IONPs onto ultra-thin Ti3C2 nanosheets (Fig. 13b). Glucose was consumed in the presence of GOD to produce hydrogen peroxide and gluconic acid, which were further catalyzed into hydroxyl radicals by IONPs via Fenton reaction. Simultaneously, the NIR light was effectively converted into thermal energy through the light-to-heat ability of Ti3C2 nanofilm, which dramatically enhanced the efficiency of catalytic reaction. Finally, the cancer cells were killed by the generated toxic hydroxyl radicals, realizing the high synergistic cancer-therapeutic result.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Reproduced with permission from Ref. [118]. Copyright 2017, American Chemical Society. b Utilization of glucose oxidase (GOD) and iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) modified Ti3C2Tx nanoplatforms in synergistic photothermal-catalysis for anti-cancer application under near-infrared light. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [51]. Copyright 2019, American Chemical Society. c Simulated process of urea adsorption on 2D Ti3C2Tx MXenes dialysis from patient’s dialysate. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [26]. Copyright 2018, American Chemical Society

Applications of Ti3C2 MXene in biomedicine. a Synthetic process of Ti3C2Tx-based nanoplatform with a synergistic photothermal effect for tumor chemotherapy, where I.V. injection refers to intravenous injection, and PTT/PDT refers to photothermal/photodynamic therapy.

Interestingly, if the 2D Ti3C2 nanosheets are further cut into quantum dots, the unique fluorescence effect and excellent dispersion of Ti3C2Tx QDs will provide more suitable services for biomedicine due to the quantum confinement effect. Specifically, Xue et al. [17] have confirmed the development potential of Ti3C2Tx QDs as multicolor cell probes in biomedicine and optoelectronic applications by labeling RAW264.7 cells (derived from tumors, induced by Abelson murine leukemia virus). In addition, Li et al. [20] illustrated that Ti3+ in the Ti3C2Tx QDs could react with H2O2 in tumor cells to generate excess toxic hydroxyl radicals, achieving the goal of synergistically killing cancer cells.

Apart from eliminating cancer cells as mentioned above, Ti3C2Tx can even serve as a wearable artificial kidney to remove urea, which can provide continuous dialysis for patients with advanced kidney disease (Fig. 13c) [26]. Ti3C2Tx has adjustable interlayer spacing and terminal groups, which is advantageous for urea adsorption. The urea adsorption efficiency could reach 99% at room temperature when the content of Ti3C2Tx in aqueous solution was 0.83 g·ml−1. More importantly, the cell viability remained stable even in the Ti3C2Tx solution with a high concentration (up to 200 μg·ml−1), which demonstrated the biological harmlessness of Ti3C2Tx. However, due to the limitations of the 2D structure of Ti3C2Tx MXene, it cannot meet the requirements of sustainable drug release, which is of great significance to clinical medicine. Therefore, Xing et al. [49] for the first time synthesized a Ti3C2-integrated cellulose hydrogel by using a chemical cross-linking reaction in a low-temperature NaOH−urea−H2O system (Table 1, No. 32). Replacing terminations on the Ti3C2 nanoplatforms by cellulose can make up for the lack of proper biocompatibility of Ti3C2. Meanwhile, such cellulose-modified Ti3C2 not only improves the carrying capacity of anti-cancer drugs, but the drug release performance of Ti3C2 has also been excellently optimized, which can effectively kill tumors and prevent their recurrence.

However, the long-term biosafety of Ti3C2 is still a problem to be systematically researched. Further research on controlling the terminal functional groups of Ti3C2Tx should be conducted for future biomedical applications. In addition, although Ti3C2Tx has excellent dispersibility in pure water, its stability in physiological media needs to be ameliorated [120]. Furthermore, in order to realize the convert of Ti3C2Tx from laboratory research to medical clinical application, the researching on safe, facile and controllable preparation method of Ti3C2Tx with high quality and large quantity is still crucially needed.

4.4 Energy conversion and storage

Batteries and supercapacitors have been a hot research topic for a long time. Nevertheless, the existence issues of low capacity and unstable structure make their practical applications difficult. Fortunately, Ti3C2Tx-based composite materials emerged and were regarded as a promising electrode candidate for batteries, supercapacitors, and power generators, benefiting from their characteristics of mechanical stability, good electron conductivity, unique multilayered structure, and abundant surface terminations. For example, Shi et al. [53] constructed a stabilized 3D Ti3C2 MXene/graphene (MG) framework by anchoring Ti3C2 nanosheets on rGO as a dendrite-free lithium (Li)-metal anode (Fig. 14a, Table 1, No. 26). Compared to pure rGO electrodes, the 3D MG effectively suppressed the formation of Li dendrites, because the abundant terminations on the surface of Ti3C2Tx were beneficial for the adsorption of Li ions (Fig. 14b). It was noted that the 3D MG electrode maintained an excellent stability and reached a high Coulombic efficiency of ∼99% within 2700 h at 5 mAh·cm−2.

Fig. 14
figure 14

Applications of Ti3C2 MXene in energy conversion and storage. Schematic illustration of a Ti3C2 MG anode and b processes of Li+ plating and striping into MG and pure rGO electrodes, respectively. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [53]. Copyright 2019, American Chemical Society. c Schematic diagram of charging and discharging process of Ti3C2 MXene as cathode in an aqueous zinc-ion battery; d typical galvanostatic charge−discharge curves of Ti3C2Tx with different functional groups at current density of 0.5 A·g−1. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [121]. Copyright 2021, American Chemical Society

In addition to Li+ batteries, Ti3C2Tx is also a potential anode material for sodium ion (Na+) batteries. For example, Wang et al. [45] induced the positively charged conductive polyaniline (PANI) into negative-charged Ti3C2Tx (Table 1, No. 15). The strong covalent Ti–N bond formed between Ti3C2Tx and PANI ensured the stability of the 3D network structure. Moreover, the increased spacing between Ti3C2Tx layers and the 3D network structure provided more transmission channels for Na+, which improved the diffusion kinetics of Na+ to promote the rate performance and prolong the life of the battery. Homoplastically, Li et al. [121] synthesized MXene functionalized with halogen terminal groups as the cathode of water-based zinc-ion (Zn2+) batteries with extraordinary electrochemical performance (Fig. 14c). In particular, Ti3C2Br2 and Ti3C2I2 showed distinct electric capacities of 97.6 and 135 mAh·g−1, respectively (Fig. 14d).

In the prospective energy storage and conversion systems, supercapacitors also occupy an important position, in which mechanical strength is one of the most important test criterions for their practical applications. Chang et al. [54] designed a highly stretchable, bendable, and efficient Ti3C2/elastomer electrode by Ag NWs for supercapacitor (Table 1, No. 28). This work indicated that the densely stacked nanosheets in the laminated film are very competitive in electrochemical energy storage due to their high flexibility. However, laminated films usually hinder the diffusion and adsorption of electrolyte ions due to the severe self-stacking of nanosheets. Thereby, Dong et al. reported a molecular ligand-assisted assembly strategy to successfully assemble Ti3C2Tx and rGO. After the heat treatment, an ultra-high energy density of 42.1 Wh·L−1 can be achieved due to the superlattice formed in the MXene–rGO (Table 1, No. 14) [44]. Moreover, the flexible Ti3C2Tx/Nb2CTx composite membrane was fabricated through alternately stacked by vacuum-assisted filtration (Table 1, No. 30) [56]. After the introduction of Ti3C2Tx into Nb2CTx, the interlayer spacing was significantly increased compared with that of pure Nb2CTx, and the conductivity of the composite membrane was significantly improved. The obtained Ti3C2Tx/Nb2CTx composite membrane exhibited a mass specific capacitance of 370 F·g−1 at a scan rate of 2 mV·s−1, and a capacitance retention rate of 56.1% at 200 mV·s−1.

4.5 Sensor

As mentioned above, Ti3C2Tx has been applied in the wearable electronic devices such as electromagnetic shielding equipment and artificial kidney, all of which are kinds of sensors. Nowadays, most electronic sensors faced with inevitable fractures and low sensitivity in the process of operation, which immensely limits their application in practice. Fortunately, Ti3C2Tx can be combined with traditional sensor materials to improve their electrical and/or humidity sensitivity. Besides, the favorable mechanical strength of Ti3C2Tx can significantly improve the mechanical stability and bending resistance of the sensor after introducing into polymer materials. Inspired by the supramolecular interactions of amino acids as the building blocks of a protein, Guo et al. [46] designed a self-healing flexible electric sensor by regularly configuring Ti3C2 thin films around the serine-grafted epoxidized natural rubber (S-ENR) latex to form a 3D conductive network via hydrogen bonding interaction (Table 1, No. 16). When people make various expressions such as smiling, astonishing, and frowning, the facial muscle states are totally different, which leads to the discrepancies of electrical signals (Fig. 15a). The obtained flexible electric sensor could detect those different tiny electrical signals due to its high sensitivity and precision rate. Analogously, inspired by sensing mechanisms of human skin, Wang et al. [31] constructed a Ti3C2/natural microcapsule (NMC) biocomposite membranes to achieve the human—machine interactions (Fig. 15b, Table 1, No. 27). The stable and flexible sensing device has realized voice recognition via detecting and distinguishing different signals from human motion and pulses. Up to now, the developments of Ti3C2-based functional composites in sensor applications are still in initial stage. However, the combination of Ti3C2 has effectively overcome the disadvantages of traditional sensors, such as inevitable buckling and fracturing in their working process, which paved the broad road.

Fig. 15
figure 15

Reproduced with permission from Ref. [46]. Copyright 2020, American Chemical Society. b Relative current change of Ti3C2/NMC (natural microcapsule) flexible sensor when finger was bent at different angles. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [31]. Copyright 2019, American Chemical Society

Applications of Ti3C2 MXene in sensors. a Respond of Ti3C2-based sensors to currents generated by different voices and facial expressions.

4.6 Photocatalysis

Photocatalytic technology based on semiconductor materials is regarded as an effective measure to remit the issues of energy crisis and environmental pollution [122]. Up to now, the semiconductors including TiO2, CdS, ZnIn2S4, and g-C3N4 have been widely studied due to their suitable band structure and controllable morphologies [123,124,125,126,127]. However, the traditional single semiconductor catalyst has poor light utilization efficiency and low carrier separation efficiency. Supporting co-catalysts and building heterojunctions are common strategies to solve the above problems. In view of this, the merits of Ti3C2Tx including appropriate energy band structure, excellent electron conductivity, popular price, and hydrophilic surface endowed it with incredible potential in the photocatalysis application fields, such as hydrogen (H2) production from water splitting, CO2 reduction, nitrogen (N2) fixation, and pollutant degradation.

4.6.1 Hydrogen production

For H2 production, Ran et al. [37] for the first time utilized theoretical calculations to systematically evaluate the ability of Ti3C2Tx as a co-catalyst in the process of photocatalytic H2 production from water splitting. Generally, the entire H2 evolution reaction (HER) pathway can be summarized into three processes: (I) initial state of H+  + e, (II) intermediate adsorption of H*, and (III) final production of H2 [128]. Therein, the Gibbs free energy (|ΔGH*|) of the second stage is the key factor to evaluate the performance of the catalyst, the most theoretically suitable value of which is zero for H2 evolution [129]. Ran et al. [37] constructed a 4 × 4 × 1 O-terminated Ti3C2Tx supercell (Ti3C2Ox) as shown in Fig. 16a, and the Gibbs free energies of the Ti3C2Ox with different hydrogen atomic (H*) coverage on the surface were calculated based on the DFT method. As shown in Fig. 16b, the |ΔGH*| value for Ti3C2Ox with an H* coverage of θ = 1/2 was inspiringly 0.00283 eV, extremely close to zero, which indicated that it is beneficial to promote the H2 production efficiency of semiconductors from the thermodynamic point of view. Therefore, they accordingly modified CdS with Ti3C2 QDs for enhanced visible-light photocatalytic H2 production, which achieved an extremely high H2 production rate of 14,342 mmol·h−1·g−1 with the corresponding apparent quantum efficiency of 40.1% at 420 nm (Table 1, No. 6). According to the relationship between the band structures of CdS and Ti3C2, the charge transfer mechanism was following the schemes in Fig. 16c, d. It was also found that the photocatalytic activity of the composite was enhanced with the decreasing atomic ratio of F to O on the Ti3C2Tx surface (Fig. 16e).

Fig. 16
figure 16

Reproduced with permission from Ref. [37]. Copyright 2017, Nature

DFT calculation results of O-terminated Ti3C2Tx. a Side and top views of structure model for a 4 × 4 × 1 O-terminated Ti3C2Tx supercell; b calculated ∆GH* diagram of HER at equilibrium potential (U = 0 V) on surface of a 2 × 2 × 1 Ti3C2Ox supercell at different H* coverage (1/8, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8 and 3/4) conditions (inset: side and top views of a 2 × 2 × 1 Ti3C2Ox supercell at 1/2 H* coverage); c energy band structures of CdS and Ti3C2, and charge transfer mechanism of CdS/Ti3C2 system under visible-light irradiation; d charge transfer route over interface of CdS/Ti3C2 system under visible-light illumination; e influence of Ti3C2’s surface F to O atomic ratio on photocatalytic activity.

Homoplastically, taking advantage of suitable Fermi level position, a large number of hydrophilic functional groups, and good electronic conductivity, Ti3C2 was also verified to be an effective co-catalyst of the ZnIn2S5 [35] and ZnIn2S4 [28] photocatalysts for H2 production (Table 1, Nos. 3 and 7). Furthermore, Su et al. [107] experimentally confirmed that monolayer Ti3C2 performed better in improving the photocatalytic H2 production activity of TiO2 than multilayer Ti3C2, because the monolayer one with abundant hydrophilic functional groups on its surface tended to adsorb water molecule and simultaneously provided more active sites for H2 production. More importantly, there are abundant Ti vacancy defects with strong reducibility on the monolayer or ultra-thin Ti3C2Tx nanosheets prepared by the wet etching method, which can realize the reduction of high-valent metal salts without adding extra reducing agents and energy input [130]. Based on this feature, Li et al. [24] reported a simple reduction and self-assembly strategy to construct a ternary CdS@Au/MXene composite photocatalyst (Table 1, No. 8), which exhibited a photocatalytic H2 production rate of 5371 μmol·g−1·h−1 under visible-light irradiation, nearly 27 times higher than that of pure CdS.

4.6.2 CO2 conversion

Similar to the role played in photocatalytic H2 production, Ti3C2 also can serve as a co-catalyst to enhance the performance of semiconductors for photocatalytic CO2 reduction. For example, Cao et al. [36] demonstrated that the yields of CH4 and CH3OH produced from CO2 reduction on the Ti3C2/Bi2WO6 nanohybrid (Table 1, No. 4) were, respectively, 4 and 6 times higher than those produced on pure Bi2WO6 nanofilms (Fig. 17a). The intimate contact between Ti3C2 nanosheets and Bi2WO6 ultra-thin nanofilms was the key factor to improve the separation and transfer efficiency of photogenerated charge carriers, which greatly enhanced the performance of photocatalytic CO2 reduction. Since the Fermi level of Ti3C2 with –O termination was more positive than the conduction band edge of Bi2WO6, the photoinduced electrons can transfer from Bi2WO6 to Ti3C2 (Fig. 17b). Similarly, the Ti3C2/g-C3N4 composite prepared by Yang et al. [15] also facilitated the electron transferring from g-C3N4 to Ti3C2, which was beneficial to the improvement of the CO2 reduction performance, and the highest CO yield reached up to 5.19 μmol·h−1·g−1.

Fig. 17
figure 17

Reproduced with permission from Ref. [36]. Copyright 2018, Wiley

Application of Ti3C2 MXene in CO2 conversion. a Photocatalytic activity of pure Bi2WO6 and Ti3C2/Bi2WO6 (TBx) nanohybrids with different Ti3C2 contents; b energy level diagram of Bi2WO6 and Ti3C2 and photoinduced electron transfer process at interface of Ti3C2/Bi2WO6 hybrids.

In addition, CO2 can also be converted into other green energy sources through photocatalytic reactions with the assistance of Ti3C2. Zhao et al. [25] used Ti3C2 nanosheets rich in Ti vacancies to construct a single-atom catalyst (SAC) Pt1/Ti3−xC2Ty through a self-reduction process at room temperature (Table 1, No. 25). Owing to the high reduction ability of the Ti vacancies, single-atom Pt can be successfully stabilized on the Ti defects through strong metal–carbon bonds. Compared with traditional single-atom catalysts, the utilization of Ti3C2 nanosheets as supporting substrates can effectively overcome the shortcomings of reduced catalytic efficiency caused by the aggregation of dispersed single atoms. Meanwhile, the inherent reducing ability of defective Ti3C2 can omit the conditions of reducing atmosphere (H2 or Ar) required in the traditional preparation process of SAC. In this way, CO2 can contact the evenly distributed Pt atoms on the nanosheets more efficiently, so that the functionalization efficiency of CO2 can be effectively improved when amines and silanes are present in the system.

It has to be mentioned that Ti3C2 MXene can also construct composite catalysts with other semiconductors in the shape of QDs to optimize the capabilities of CO2 reduction and conversion. Compared with 2D ultra-thin nanosheets, 0D QDs can be more uniformly dispersed in the liquid and have abundant active edge sites. Reported by Zeng et al. [39], the negatively charged Cu2O NWs/Cu modified with poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) (PSS) and the positively charged Ti3C2Tx QDs modified with polyethylenimine (PEI) were combined to fabricate Ti3C2Tx QDs/Cu2O NWs/Cu composites through electrostatic self-assembly strategy (Table 1, No. 19). Under calcination in argon atmosphere, PSS and PEI molecules can be completely removed so that Ti3C2Tx QDs and Cu2O NWs were closely contacted. The efficient conversion of CO2 to methanol by ternary Ti3C2Tx QDs/Cu2O NWs/Cu was 8.25 times higher than that of the pure Cu2O NWs/Cu. Similarly, Ti3C2Tx QDs were also employed to improve the photocatalytic CO2 reduction ability of TiO2/C3N4 (Table 1, No. 20) [48]. The conversion rates of CO and CH4 were 3 and 8 times higher than those of pure TiO2 and C3N4, respectively.

4.6.3 Nitrogen photofixation

For practical applications in industries, the ultimate goal of N2 fixation is to realize its conversion to ammonia (NH3), which is of great significance for the modern agricultural production, because NH3 is the main source of nitrogen element in artificial fertilizers. Generally, the difficulty for the synthesis of NH3 from N2 lies in the strong N≡N triple bond energy (945 kJ·mol−1) of N2 [126], and it is indispensable to accumulate multiple electrons on the surface of the photocatalyst because N2 reduction is a multi-charge transfer process.

Currently, the outstanding conductivity of Ti3C2Tx lays the foundation for its excellent performance in the N2 reduction reactions. Besides, the exposed Ti vacancies on the surface and edges of the Ti3C2Tx and the large specific surface area could provide abundant active sites for the N2 adsorption and activation. In 2019, Qin et al. [131] reported that 0D/2D AgInS2/Ti3C2 Z-scheme heterojunction prepared by a hydrothermal method was applicable in solar photocatalytic N2 fixation. The photocatalytic N2 fixation rate under visible light (< 400 nm) could reach 38.8 μmol·g−1·h−1. The Z-scheme heterostructure formed between Ti3C2 and AgInS2 accelerated the accumulation of multiple electrons on the surface of Ti3C2, thereby achieving efficient charge separation and migration (Fig. 18a). In addition, this work used DFT simulations to investigate the adsorption and activation behavior of N2 on the Ti3C2 (001) surface. The result showed that the maximum adsorption energy of NH3 on Ti3C2 was −5.20 eV, and the length of the N≡N bond increased from 0.1098 to 0.1334 nm, indicating a weakening of the N≡N bond. The above results confirmed that N2 molecules tended to be activated with the aid of Ti3C2 (Fig. 18b).

Fig. 18
figure 18

Reproduced with permission from Ref. [131]. Copyright 2019, Elsevier

Application of Ti3C2 in nitrogen photofixation. a Scheme for spatial charge separation and transportation during photocatalytic N2 reduction over AgInS2/Ti3C2 nanosheets; b adsorption configuration of N2 molecule on Ti3C2 (001) surface with a (2 × 2 × 1) supercell and its corresponding N–N bond length.

Based on the above research, Liao et al. [132] compounded Ti3C2 with P25 TiO2 and measured the performance of photocatalytic NH3 synthesis. Under full-spectrum light irradiation, the NH3 generation rate of the optimized Ti3C2/P25 sample was 5 times higher than that of bare P25. Similarly, the DFT calculations also confirmed that Ti3C2 can significantly improve the efficiency of N2 chemical adsorption and activation. Furthermore, Sun et al. [133] developed 1D/2D CdS nanorod@Ti3C2 MXene composites for photocatalytic NH3 synthesis with the N2 fixation rate of 293.06 μmol·g−1·h−1.

Herein, N2 photofixation on MXene materials is still in its infancy. More in-depth research is needed to reveal the N2 adsorption model on MXene, as well as the effect and mechanism of MXene in the reaction process of photonitrogen fixation and ammonia synthesis.

4.6.4 Pollutant degradation

Ti3C2Tx also plays a central role in photocatalytic pollutant cleanup. For example, Peng et al. [58] synthesized (001) TiO2/Ti3C2Tx composites by a facile hydrothermal process, which exhibited significantly enhanced photocatalytic degradation efficiency of methyl orange (MO) than bare TiO2. As illustrated in Fig. 19a–c, on the basis of DFT calculation results, the work function values of the Ti3C2Tx with −OH terminal groups and TiO2 with (001) surface exposed were calculated to be 1.800 and 4.924 eV, respectively. Since the “work function” of a material is defined as the difference between its Fermi level (Ef) and the vacuum level (Evac), it can be inferred that the Ef of the OH-terminated Ti3C2Tx is higher than that of the (001) TiO2. Therefore, after they are tightly contacted, a new balanced Fermi level would be formed between their original ones. Meanwhile, the energy band edge of (001) TiO2 will bend downward to form a Schottky heterojunction with Ti3C2(OH)x, which will trap the holes from TiO2 and thus largely reduce the recombination of charge carriers. Under this circumstance, the Ti3C2 was regarded to be a reservoir of photogenerated holes. Similar mechanism was also applied to explain the enhanced photocatalytic performance of (111) TiO2/Ti3C2Tx and Cu/TiO2@Ti3C2Tx composites (Table 1, Nos. 1 and 2) [33, 34].

Fig. 19
figure 19

Reproduced with permission from Ref. [58]. Copyright 2016, American Chemical Society. d SEM image of rice crust-like TiO2/Ti3C2 composite; e schematic illustration for electronic structure of Ti3C2 and (101) facets of anatase TiO2; f energy level diagram of TiO2/Ti3C2 composite before and after contact, and formation mechanism of Schottky junction for electrons trapping. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [50]. Copyright 2018, Elsevier

Comparison of charge transfer mechanisms in TiO2/Ti3C2 composites in different situations. a HRTEM image and (inset) model structure of TiO2/Ti3C2 interface; b initial and final optimized interface structures of (001)TiO2/OH-terminated Ti3C2 simulated by DFT; c energy level diagram of TiO2/ Ti3C2 composite before and after contact, and formation mechanism of Schottky junction for holes trapping.

However, there are some arguments to the contrary. For example, Low et al. [50] reported that the Ti3C2 acted as the trap of electrons in the TiO2/Ti3C2 composite for highly efficient photocatalytic CO2 reduction. The difference might lie in the chosen model structures for the DFT calculations. As shown in Fig. 19d–f, Ti3C2 with no terminal groups and TiO2 with (101) surface exposed were chosen to be the calculating object, whose work functions were 4.46 and 4.25 eV, respectively. Therefore, after their contact, the energy band edge of (101) TiO2 will bend upward to form a Schottky heterojunction with Ti3C2. In this case, the Ti3C2 served as a reservoir of photogenerated electrons from TiO2 instead.

Therefore, in order to determine the actual role of Ti3C2 in the composite photocatalyst by DFT calculations, it is necessary to build that structural model as close to reality as possible, paying particular attention on the terminal groups on Ti3C2 and surface atomic configuration of TiO2. Different calculation methods may also influence the final conclusion on the proposed charge transfer mechanism.

Overall, in the field of photocatalysis, (1) Ti3C2Tx with different terminations could serve as electrons or holes acceptor to play as an effective co-catalyst in various photocatalysis systems. (2) Owing to appropriate Fermi level, Ti3C2 could couple with various semiconductor materials to establish Schottky junction, which could suppress recombination of electron or hole. (3) The intrinsic Ti vacancies in Ti3C2Tx could act as reduction sites for cations to form single-atom catalyst and binary/ternary composite catalyst. However, the proposed mechanisms of Ti3C2Tx as the co-catalyst in the previous literatures were actually inadequate and worthy further consideration. Meanwhile, the development of new strategies to prepare Ti3C2Tx with different end groups to regulate its Gibbs free energy and energy band structure is still a challenge worthy of breakthrough in the field of photocatalysis.

5 Summary and future opportunities

To summarize, considerable achievements and excellent progress have been made in the Ti3C2Tx material, which has been recognized as one of the most thoroughly studied materials in the MXene family due to its various excellent properties, such as flexible structures, good conductivity, hydrophilicity, and mechanical stability. Consequently, researchers have taken much effort to combine the advantages of Ti3C2Tx with traditional inorganic, organic, and polymer materials to overcome the development obstacles in the conventional functional materials. So far, the explored preparation methods of the Ti3C2Tx-based composites include hydro-/solvothermal method, deposition, self-assembly, in situ growing, freeze-drying method, and other strategies. Followed by, the obtained composite has been successfully applied to energy storage, electromagnetic interference, photothermal conversion, biomedicine, sensors, photocatalysis, and other fields, and has made considerable progress. By summarizing the examples mentioned in this review, it can be seen that the discovered properties of Ti3C2Tx have been successfully applied in corresponding fields, following some certain disciplines.

  1. (1)

    A large number of terminal groups such as –O, –F, and –OH on the surface of Ti3C2Tx render it a negative surface, which is particularly attractive to positively charged ions or ligands, providing more active sites and possibilities for the reactions in need. In addition, the abundant groups located on the surface of Ti3C2Tx endow it with intrinsic hydrophilicity, which makes it possible to achieve uniform dispersion in aqueous solution for those reactions occurred in aqueous systems. Furthermore, polymers, organic molecules, and inorganic nanomaterials can achieve the functionalization of Ti3C2Tx through electrostatic physical adsorption or surface chemistry strategies.

  2. (2)

    Adjustable forms of Ti3C2Tx MXene make it adaptable to different needs. First, the accordion-like multilayered structure of Ti3C2Tx is conducive to multiple reflections of electromagnetic waves, increasing energy consumption and improving electromagnetic wave absorption and shielding capabilities. After delamination, Ti3C2Tx can exist in a few-layer/monolayer form, which offers a large specific surface area and thus abundant active sites for reactions. Therefore, it hides huge development potential in energy conversion and storage, wearable smart devices, and biomedicine. After further regulation, Ti3C2Tx can be presented in the form of quantum dots, which is characteristic by fluorescence emission due to quantum size effect. The unique optical properties not only make Ti3C2Tx show its brilliance in the field of biomedicine, but also have positive influence on the wide applications of Ti3C2Tx in optical-related fields.

  3. (3)

    Besides, Ti3C2Tx possesses the special skill of light-to-heat conversion capability, which makes MXene widely favored in the fields of biomedicine, sensor, and energy conversion.

  4. (4)

    Owing to the appropriate band structure and excellent conductivity, Ti3C2Tx plays the role of co-catalyst in the field of photocatalysis by improving the carrier transport efficiency. Also, it can serve as an electrode material to enhance the energy storage capacity and optimize the sensitivity of the device in the sensor.

Hitherto, despite the fact that many efforts have been implemented in the research of Ti3C2Tx and its composites, there are still several key points to be solved.

  1. (1)

    Owing to the limitations of the preparation process through wet chemical etching, bare Ti3C2 without terminal surface groups has not yet been obtained. These difficult-to-control end groups will influence the electro-conductivity and surface properties of Ti3C2Tx to a certain extent, which in turn affects its application scale. Besides, Ti3C2Tx is easily oxidized in a humid environment, which will result in inevitable structural collapse and performance decline or even disappearance. Therefore, exploring a new and smart strategy for preparing bare Ti3C2 is still a huge challenge.

  2. (2)

    So far, most of the methods for preparing Ti3C2Tx still rely on highly corrosive acid solutions. The utilization of these reagents will cause adverse effects on human body as well as environment. To this end, the exploitation of novel, polluting-free and non-toxic preparation strategies still needs a lot of attention. Moreover, except for the preparation of Ti3C2Tx by selective etching MAX from up to bottom, the bottom-to-up fabrication technology has not yet been achieved, that is directly synthesizing Ti3C2Tx from single atoms.

  3. (3)

    As the current researches on the properties of Ti3C2Tx are not sufficient, the reaction mechanism of Ti3C2Tx in various application fields is still unclear and uncertain. Subsequent research could take advantage of theory calculation to interpret the true role of Ti3C2Tx in the composite materials.

  4. (4)

    Although Ti3C2Tx has been clinically proven to be harmless to living organisms, its application in biomedical fields is still in its infancy. Especially, the long-term life safety of Ti3C2Tx needs to be further confirmed.

  5. (5)

    Concerning technical issues for mass production and process integration, most of the current research is limited to the laboratory, and has not been able to test in actual conditions. There is still a long way to go to commercialize Ti3C2Tx and Ti3C2Tx-based composites.

Although the research on Ti3C2 and its composites is still in initial stage and many unknowns lie ahead, it is unable to conceal its enormous potential in diverse practical areas. Just keep our passion and faith in scientific knowledge, and it is hoped that this review can give some useful guidance to researchers in the related fields and pave the way for further development of MXene-based composites with bright prospect.