
A frequent request from editors and reviewers is for authors to report the reliability of a scale in their sample. The second statistical guideline for IJBM is for authors to provide this report for every measure. “Reliability is not a property of a test per se, but rather a property of a scale applied in a given context to a particular population” ([1], p. 401). Even within a population, reliability is subject to sampling variability. That is, scale reliability in a sample of adolescents may not be reproduced in older adults or even in a different sample of adolescents. Informed interpretation of statistical analyses relies on scale reliability obtained in the sample under consideration. In addition, authors should consider reliabilities other than Cronbach’s alpha, reliability of change in a scale over time, and reliability ensuing from the consolidation of repeated measurements and report them if applicable.

The general definition of scale reliability from classical test theory is the ratio of true score variance to scale score variance; thus, higher reliability suggests a higher proportion of the obtained score due to the (unobserved) true score. Most authors report Cronbach’s alpha for scales with continuous responses, which seem to comprise the majority of psychological scales (scales with binary responses can be characterized with Kuder-Richardson formula 20 reliability). Alpha is a function of item interrelatedness and the number of items in the scale. Note that alpha is not a measure of internal consistency, which can refer to the dimensionality of the scale. A multidimensional scale can yield a higher alpha than a unidimensional scale [2].

Psychometricians note that alpha makes unreasonable assumptions, particularly that all items have equal true-score variances (the “essentially tau-equivalent” assumption). Alpha also usually underestimates reliability. The greatest lower bound (glb; [3]) and omega [1] have been proposed as alternative measures whose more relaxed assumptions yield a more accurate estimate. Table 1 shows glb, omega, and alpha (using the Factor freeware program [6]; see [1] for how to estimate omega using R) for three scales administered to almost 1,000 undergraduates [7]. Alpha resulted in a downwardly biased estimate of reliability in all cases. Omega was less biased, particularly in the case of the less homogeneous Rumination Scale, which also yielded the largest difference between the alpha and glb. Given the hegemony of alpha, one suggestion is to report alpha along with another, less biased estimate, with confidence intervals if possible [1, 3].

Table 1 Alpha, omega, and GLB reliabilities for three repetitive thought scales

Why is underestimation undesirable? Surely this is a case of being conservative, which is usually not a problem, right? In this case, it can be. Reliability is sometimes used mathematically to “correct for attenuation,” and a relationship could be overcorrected if reliability is underestimated. More often, reliability is used heuristically to interpret a relationship in the context of its upper bound, which is scale reliability. If the Rumination Scale were (theoretically) correlated r = .50 with a measure of depression, the context of an upper bound of .70 (alpha) versus .80 (glb) could be important to interpretation.

Another consideration is study design. For single (e.g., cross-sectional) assessments, scale reliability as described above is adequate. However, sometimes we are interested in scale change, not its level at a single time point. In that case, we are not interested in how much the items covary with each other across different people (if one person has a high score on one item, does he or she also have high scores on other items?) but across time (if one item goes up, do the others go up with it?). In longitudinal studies with repeated administrations, it is common to report a range of Cronbach’s alphas across the administrations, but this approach does not answer the second question. Generalizability theory, a logical extension of classical test theory, can be easily used to estimate the reliability for change [8]. Multilevel designs also require the consideration of multilevel reliability [9].

Scale reliability, although the most commonly reported type of reliability, is not the only kind that should be considered. Often, an average of repeated measurements of a biomarker, such as blood pressure or salivary cortisol, is taken as a more useful estimate, given the many sources of error variance in a single measurement. However, the “physiometrics,” such as reliability, resulting from this approach are rarely reported [10, 11]. Another example relevant to repeated measurement arises from investigation of intraindividual variability; for example, the individual standard deviation has different reliability from the individual mean [12].

In short, it is inadequate to report how a mean or standard deviation (over items or observations) performs in a validation sample. Instead, appropriate measures of reliability should be reported (1) for the analytic sample, (2) for all measures including biomarkers, and (3) taking into consideration the design of the study (cross-sectional, multilevel, or longitudinal).