Garcinia L. is the second largest genus of Clusiaceae, with ca. 240 spp. distributed throughout the global tropics (Sweeney, 2008; Stevens, 2001). The center of diversity for the genus is found in the paleotropics, especially in the regions of Indo-Malaya and Madagascar (Sweeney, 2008), whereas only 5% of known Garcinia species occur in the neotropics. Although the genus is not very diverse in the Americas, some taxonomic issues remain to be resolved (Medellín-Zabala, 2015; Mouzinho et al., 2022).

Planchon & Triana (1860) provided one of the earliest worldwide taxonomic treatments for the genus, but they treated Rheedia as distinct from Garcinia. In that study, the authors presented descriptions for 19 species and described Rheedia gardneriana Planch. & Triana, based on a collection from the Brazilian Cerrado (Gardner 1922 – K “Brésil, prov. de Ceará [Gardner, s.n.]”). In Flora brasiliensis, Engler (1888) proposed two varieties based on specimens from the Atlantic Forest: R. gardneriana var. glaziovii Engl. and R. gardneriana var. parvifolia Engl. Ninety years later, van den Berg (1979) used the fruits as the main characteristic to delimit Rheedia species (= Garcinia), citing the occurrence of eight species in Brazil. That author pointed out the occurrence of R. gardneriana for the Brazilian Amazon and, in addition to the two varieties proposed by Engler, included in the synonymy of R. gardneriana the names R. spruceana Engl., R. spruceana var. cuneata Engl., R. tenuifolia Engl., R. calyptrata (Schltdl.) Triana & Planch. and Tovomita calyptrata Schltdl. Subsequently, Zappi (1993) transferred R. gardneriana to Garcinia, as G. gardneriana (Planch. & Triana) Zappi.

In a taxonomic review of Garcinia for Colombia, Medellin-Zabala (2015) treated G. gardneriana as a species complex and maintained the occurrence of the species for the Amazon, citing only two synonyms, R. spruceana and G. brasiliensis Mart. Garcinia brasiliensis was considered distinct from G. gardneriana in the treatment of Flora do Brasil 2020 (Muniz, 2020), but Mouzinho et al. (2022) later removed R. spruceana from synonymy and provided a new combination of this taxon within Garcinia as Garcinia spruceana (Engl.) Mouzinho.

When analyzing specimens identified as G. gardneriana throughout its distribution, including specimens from the Cerrado, Amazon and Atlantic Forest, we realized that there were problems in delimiting the species morphologically, particularly when compared to the type collection of R. gardneriana. Our investigation allowed us to confirm that the Amazonian specimens that had previously been identified as G. gardneriana are morphologically distinct from the specimens collected from eastern Brazil, the Cerrado, and the Atlantic Forest, which more closely match the type. Among features that differentiate the Amazonian specimens from those from other regions include the texture of the leaf blade, the number of secondary veins, the shape of the petals, and the number and organization of the stamens, as well as the thickness and length of the pedicels in fruit. Here, we delimit the Amazonian specimens as a new species, Garcinia apostoloi Mouzinho.

Materials and Methods

The terminology and definitions in the morphological descriptions follow Hickey (1973) and Gonçalves & Lorenzi (2011) for the vegetative and reproductive characters, respectively. The distribution map was made using SimpleMappr (Shorthouse, 2010), and herbaria acronyms follow Thiers (2022). The conservation threat assessment following the criteria adopted by the IUCN (2012) based on the extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupation (AOO) data generated from GeoCAT (Bachman et al., 2011).

Taxonomic Treatment

Garcinia apostoloi Mouzinho, sp. nov.—Type: Brazil, Pará: Mun. Pau d’Arco, Marajoara, 15 June 1997, (fl. ♂), J. Grogan 150 (holotype: INPA barcode INPA 0057815; isotype: IAN barcode IAN171975). (Figs. 1, 2, 3).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Holotype (INPA0057815) of Garcinia apostoloi Mouzinho deposited in the INPA herbarium.

Fig. 2
figure 2

A-C. Garcinia apostoloi Mouzinho. A. Detail of leaf abaxial surface. B. Staminate flower. C. Inner petal. D-F. Garcinia gardneriana (Planch. & Triana) Zappi. D. Detail of leaf abaxial surface. E. Staminate flower. F. Inner petal

Fig. 3
figure 3

Garcinia apostoloi Mouzinho. A. Branch with staminate flowers and buds. B. Detail of petiole base dilatation. C. Detail of the leaf abaxial surface, arrangement of secondary veins (left) and pattern of exudate canals (right). D. Floral bud. E. Staminate flower. F. Outer petal. G. Inner petal. H. Stamen. I. Mature berry. A-H. from the holotype, I. from the paratype Bahia 87 (NY01304019). Illustrated by Lucas Marinho.

Diagnosis.—Garcinia apostoloi differs from G. gardneriana by the texture of the leaf blade (membranaceous vs. chartaceous in G. gardneriana), number of secondary veins (> 35 pairs vs. < 25 pairs), staminate flowers in 2 series with 20 stamens (vs. 3 series with 30 stamens), and circular to oblong inner petals (vs. obovate).

Shrubs or trees of up to 15 m in height; cylindrical branches, young branches smooth; exudate yellow. Petioles 5–11.3 mm long, slightly striated transversely; hood-shaped structures on the base of petiole inconspicuous, discrete, oblong in sicco. Leaf blades 6.4–12.2 cm long × 2.5–4.0 cm wide, membranaceous, discolorous, greenish-brown in sicco, usually glossy on the abaxial surface, reddish when young, elliptic, rarely elliptic-ovate, apex acuminate to attenuate, margin slightly revolute in sicco, base acuminate to attenuate; secondary veins > 35 pairs, unbranched and reaching the inframarginal vein, rarely branched; intersecondary veins similar and parallel to the secondary ones, reticulated near the margin; inframarginal vein inconspicuous; exudate canals blackish in sicco, running perpendicular between the veins on the abaxial surface. Staminate inflorescence axillary, fasciculate, bracteoles 2, diminutive; pedicels 6.8–15.3 mm long. Staminate floral buds 2–2.5 mm long × 1.7–2.6 mm wide, globose to slightly oblong. Staminate flowers with 2 sepals, ca. 1 mm long × 0.9 mm wide, deltoid; petals 4, the outer ones 2.8–3.2 mm long × 2.7–3 mm wide, circular to oblong, the inner ones 3.4–4.5 mm long × 3–3.3 mm wide, circular to oblong; nectariferous disc ca. 2 mm diam., convex; stamens ca. 20 per flower, arranged around the disc in 2 series, filaments 2.6–4 mm long, filiform, anthers ellipsoid, thecae 0.32–0.34 mm long × 0.22–0.25 mm wide. Inflorescence and pistillate flowers not seen. Fruit a berry, epicarp smooth, sepals, staminodes and stigmas persistent, easily caducous in sicco, when immature 18.4–21.3 mm long × 10.8–13.1 mm wide, green, ovoid to globose, rostrum 1.81–2.54 mm long, when mature 24.6–40.2 mm long × 19.0–30.9 mm wide, orange, globose-ovoid, rostrum 3.8–8.7 mm long, stigma < 3 mm diam., usually with undefined lobes, bi- to trilobate, slightly flattened; pedicels thin and elongated 14.6–30 (−33) mm long. Seeds 2, 14.7–19.3 mm long × 7.3–9.7 mm wide, ellipsoid.

Distribution, habitat and conservation status.Garcinia apostoloi is distributed in the southern Brazilian Amazon (Acre, Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Pará, Rondônia and Tocantins) (Fig. 4). Most specimens are associated with terra firme and floodplain environments. In Brazil, areas close to riverbanks are considered Permanent Preservation Areas by Brazilian law (see Brasil, 2012). Also, G. apostoloi was collected in some conservation units as Jurema National Park, in Mato Grosso state, and Carajás National Forest, in Pará state. According to IUCN (2012) Red List Criterion B (geographic range), we preliminarily assess this species as Least Concern (LC) due to its wide extent of occurrence (EOO 1,154,914.626 km2) and area of occupancy (AOO 64,000 km2). Moreover, the species does not appear to be directly threatened, and its edible fruits represent an important non-timber forest product, which discourages harvesting for wood extraction.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Distribution of Garcinia apostoloi in the Brazilian Amazon.

Etymology.—The epithet honors the Brazilian parabotanist Paulo Apóstolo Costa Lima Assunção (1956–2021). Known as “Paulo Boca” or “Seu Paulinho”, who was a great connoisseur and scholar of the Amazonian flora, and contributed to numerous identifications in the INPA herbarium, as well as other Amazonian herbaria.

Additional specimens examined.—BRAZIL. Acre: Fazenda Bom Sossego, 07°40’S, 73°09’W, 27 September 1985, (sterile), D.G. Campbell et al. 9197 (NY). Amazonas: Mun. Manicoré, Reserva Extrativista do Lago do Capanã Grande, 06°03′03”S, 61°49′57”W, 16 October 2014, (fr.), T.E. Almeida et al. 3648 (INPA). Mato Grosso: Mun. Aripuanã, 09 November 1976, (fr.), M. Gomes et al. 366 (INPA); 59°21’N, 10°12’S, 15 October 1973, (fr.), C.C. Berg et al. P18554 (INPA); 23 September 1976, (fl. ♂), M. Gomes et al. 88 (INPA); Mun. Cotriguaçu, Parque Nacional do Juruena, 08°58′7”S, 58°34′15”W, 24 October 2017, (fr.), R.C. Forzza et al. 9329 (INPA). Pará: Mun. Altamira, Estação Experimental da Embrapa, 19 August 1978, (fr.), R.P. Bahia 87 (NY); Mun. Marabá, Serra dos Carajás, 30 May 1983, (bud), M.F.F. da Silva et al. 1346 (INPA); 16 October 1977, (fr.), A.S. Silva et al. AS38 (INPA); Serra Norte, Parauapebas, 12 August 1982, (sterile), U.N. Maciel et al. 805 (IAN, INPA, MBM, NY); Mun. Jacundá, PA-150, 26 November 1980, (fr.), J. Ramos et al. 738 (INPA); Mun. Tucuruí, (fl. ♂), M.G. Silva 5477 (INPA, NY); Rio Tocantins, 28 June 1980, (fr.), J. Revilla et al. 4549 (INPA); Mun. Vitória do Xingu, 03°11′17”S, 51°46′13”W, 20 October 2015, (fr.), B.K. Braun s.n. (RB-642764). Rondônia: Mun. Ouro Preto do Oeste, BR-364, 30 September 1988, (fr.), J.L. dos Santos et al. 1031 (INPA); Rio Madeira, 18 July 1968, (fl. ♂), G.T. Prance et al. 6176 (INPA, NY, UEC); Tocantins: Mun. Araguatins, 05°21’S, 48°35’W, 12 November 1983, (fr.), E. Mileski 331 (HCDAL, RB).

Morphological note.Garcinia apostoloi differs from two other Amazonian species [G. spruceana and G. fluviatilis Mouzinho & L. Marinho] chiefly due to its leaf blade texture, number of secondary veins, presence or absence of rostrum on the berries and pedicel length. These two additional, Amazonian species are now accepted as the result of recent investigations of G. gardneriana, leading to the description of G. fluviatilis, and the reinstatement of G. spruceana (Mouzinho et al., 2022).

Garcinia apostoloi can be distinguished from G. fluviatilis by the leaf blade texture (membranaceous vs. chartaceous in G. fluviatilis), conspicuous exudates canals (vs. inconspicuous in G. fluviatilis), > 35 pairs of secondary veins (vs. < 30 pairs in G. fluviatilis), secondary veins reaching the margin (vs. arcuate near the margin blade in G. fluviatilis), staminate flowers with 20 filiform stamens arranged in 2 series (vs. 33 terete stamens arranged in 3 series in G. fluviatilis). The berries in G. apostoloi bear a rostrum > 3.8 mm long. (vs. < 3 mm long in G. fluviatilis) and elongated pedicels (> 14 mm long. vs. < 10 mm long in G. fluviatilis). Garcinia apostoloi differs from G. spruceana (an endemic species of the Peruvian Amazon) by the texture of leaf blades membranaceous (vs. chartaceous in G. spruceana), smooth texture of young branches (vs. verrucose in G. spruceana), inconspicuous inframarginal vein (vs. conspicuous in G. spruceana). See Table 1 for a morphological comparison between Garcinia apostoloi and related species.

Table 1 Morphological comparison between Garcinia apostoloi and related species. Data collected in sicco.

The description proposed here for G. apostoloi does not match these species or any of the currently recognized synonyms assigned to G. gardneriana by van den Berg (1979). With the description of this new species, the reestablishment of G. spruceana, and the description of G. fluviatilis (see discussion in Mouzinho et al., 2022), we suggest that the occurrence of G. gardneriana in the Amazon is now doubtful. We emphasize that it is extremely important to review the names and specimens related to G. gardneriana in other phytogeographic domains, especially in the southeast and south of Brazil.