1 Introduction

Due to the fast growing adoption of social media technology, data shared in microblogs are considered as valuable source of information for plethora of applications including user interest mining [38], events detection [15] and healthcare [6]. Entity linking (EL) is a well-known technique used also in data extraction from microblogs such as Twitter. The main goal of the EL task is to map important sequence of terms called mentions into relevant resources of a reference knowledge base such as Wikipedia, DBpedia, or Yago. The linking process seeks for knowledge base resources, called entities, whose principal topics are the extracted mentions. When Wikipedia is used as a sole reference knowledge base, the problem is commonly known as Wikification.

Nowadays, several studies are conducted to deal with tweet entity extraction and linking [5, 36]. The informality, shortness and ambiguity of microblog texts make the EL task more challenging for tweets than for well-structured and rich texts. Due to the lack of formal definition of the EL task [30], various interpretations were adopted for both datasets annotation and systems design. Effectively, the examination of annotated mentions of gold standards used in previous works revealed this issue [17]. Besides, proposed systems do not follow neither a standard definition of the EL task nor rules specifying what exactly should be linked in texts. Supervised systems such as those proposed in [11, 13, 21] rely on self-collected datasets manually annotated to fit designers’ own interpretations of the EL task. Unsupervised systems such as those proposed in [8, 23, 37] use mainly relations of entity mentions in knowledge base graphs for entity extraction and linking. However, this may induce high false positives rate due to the extraction of noisy entity mentions not coherent with the context. In the other hand, proposed systems are mostly validated on manually annotated and non-public datasets. The few shared datasets include annotations that do not follow specific guidelines and highly deviate from most adopted EL task interpretations.

The foregoing discussion shows that there is a lack of a consensus on the EL task which prevents fair and appropriate comparison of EL systems. Our contributions presented in this paper to tackle this issue are:

  1. 1.

    We introduce a set of Wikification rules specifying tweet mentions that need to be linked to Wikipedia.

  2. 2.

    We propose a set of guidelines for manual datasets annotation.

  3. 3.

    We provide a new end-to-end supervised system named TELS (for Tweet-based Entity Linking System) for Wikification of tweets. Developed in light of the proposed rules and guidelines, TELS outperforms most commonly known systems, namely: TagMe, AIDA, DBpedia Spotlight and WAT.

  4. 4.

    We share a revised version of Meij dataset [21] that fits the rules and guidelines proposed in this paper.Footnote 1

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the problem statement. Section 3 presents related works on tweet-based EL systems and EL task issues. Section 4 introduces the proposed rules for Wikification of tweets. Section 5 describes the implementation details of the proposed system TELS. Section 6 presents the conducted experiments, the obtained results and discusses limitations of the proposed system TELS. Section 7 concludes the paper and gives insights on future works.

2 Problem statement

To investigate the extent of the problem, we examined available reference datasets used for the evaluation of EL systems and we experienced the behavior of some commonly known systems. Figure 1 illustrates annotated samples picked from three existing datasets namely, Meij [21], Mena [12] and Microposts NEEL 2014 [25] used in previous works [7, 13, 21] for tweet-based EL systems design and evaluation.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Divergence of existing datasets annotation

The examination of annotated entity mentions highlighted in gray in Fig. 1 reveals the following divergences:

  1. 1.

    Mentions ‘pictures’ and ‘night’ were annotated in Meij but not in Mena

  2. 2.

    Mention ‘president’ was annotated in NEEL2014 but not in Mena

  3. 3.

    Mention ‘trial’ was annotated in Meij but not in NEEL2014

  4. 4.

    Temporal mention ‘December 10th’ was annotated in Meij but mention ‘9 December’ was not annotated in Mena

Moreover, most previously proposed systems were evaluated on non-publicly shared datasets [8, 11, 14, 31]. Very few tweet-based datasets are shared for comparison. Available datasets include disputable annotations or are mainly designed for different tasks. Specifically, Meij dataset [21] was criticized in [11] for its extremely lenient annotation; Micropost NEEL 2016 collection [26] was initially introduced for Named Entity Recognition and Linking (NERL) which mainly differs from the EL task; Microposts NEEL 2014 datasets [25] include annotations of days of the week, dates, years and numbers that extremely deviate from the interpretation adopted by most EL systems. The two remaining datasets Brian [20] and Mena [12] include respectively 22% and 6% of non-Wikipedia links. These latter were used in [13] for linking mentions to external home pages in addition to YAGO knowledge base.

Furthermore, existing systems adopt different interpretations of the EL task. To show this fact, Fig. 2 presents eight tweet samples annotated using TagMe [8], WAT [23], DBpedia Spotlight [4] and AIDA [37]. The mentions of different entities within the tweet samples are shown between different kind of brackets indicating the list of systems that annotate each mention.

Fig. 2
figure 2

EL task interpretations. T: TagMe, W: WAT, D: DBpedia Spotlight, A: AIDA

It can be shown from Fig. 2 that while some systems such as WAT and DBpedia Spotlight link common words such as “pictures” and “ring”, AIDA restricts to dominant entities such as “CIA” and “Barack Obama”. The illustrated samples show also how systems deal with overlapping entities. Specifically, TagMe annotates the longest description of entity mentions such as: “His Holiness Dalai Lama” in Tweet1, “child labor in Bolivia” in Tweet3, “Sweet N Sour” and “fried rice” in Tweet6; while some systems annotate merely chunks of these mentions.

We believe that the adoption of rules for designing EL systems and guidelines for datasets annotation will alleviate the aforementioned problems. For instance, if we adopt annotating longest and coherent entities within tweet texts as a rule, the annotation of Tweet6 of Fig. 2 leads to the results shown in Table 1. The proposed rule excludes linking common words “my doorbell” and “ring” and discards shorter mentions such as “ragoon”, “Christmas”, “sweet” and “rice”. This motivates examining further rules for standardizing the EL task and the adoption of guidelines for datasets annotation.

Table 1 Annotated mentions based on a hypothetical rule

3 Related works

The foregoing discussion suggests that the EL task is not well-defined but subject to various interpretations. An in-depth examination of previous works is needed to identify the EL issues and weaknesses of contemporary EL systems.

3.1 EL task issues

Previous studies raised the issue of EL systems replication noticing the use of invaluable resources like obsolete reference knowledge bases and no longer available reference datasets. In this perspective, Hassibi et al. [16] conducted a replication study on TagMe [8] that they qualified as the most popular entity linking system. Hassibi et al. [16] examined TagMe according to requirements introduced in SIGIR 2015 Workshop, namely: Repeatability, Reproducibility, and Generalizability. Repeatability informs about the possibility of repeating results under the same conditions. Whereas, reproducibility is concerned with reproducing results when the conditions are different but comparable. However, the version of the knowledge base and test datasets used in [8] are no longer available. In addition, current version of TagMe API presents deviations from the original implementation but the differences are not documented. Hassibi et al. stated that the resources provided by TagMe designers are invaluable for replicating their approach. The issue of benchmarking was also raised by Cornolti et al. [3] and Usbeck et al. [32] where some benchmark datasets and protocols are proposed for evaluating system performances. Unfortunately, the authors in  [3, 32] did not propose any requirement regarding the quality of annotation which prevents the use of this benchmark for fair and appropriate comparison. Besides, these proposed benchmarks include collections dealing with two different scopes, regardless of Meij [21] and Microposts NEEL 2014 datasets [25] introduced to annotate tweets, the remaining collections deal with plain text annotation.

Finally, recent works raised an issue of a great importance related to the different interpretations of the entity linking problem [19, 33, 35]. Rosales-Mendez et al. [27] highlighted the importance of formalizing the concept of entity and the benefits for the construction of gold standards. Jha et al. [17] proposed a set of rules for document annotation for EL and NERL tasks and proposed to adopt entity types, introduced previously in MUC-6 conference [10], to define what should be linked. In addition, they derived a semi-automatic tool named EAGLET for gold standards annotation checking. Rosales-Mendez et al. in [28] proposed a tool named NIFify to explore the quality of gold standards and the evaluation of EL systems. In a latter study, Rosales-Mendez et al. [29] stated that defined entity types fail to fit all the interpretations of the EL task. To tackle this problem, the authors conducted a questionnaire involving 37 authors to establish a consensus about what could be linked. They suggested the development of a fine-grained categorization of the different types of entity mentions and links. Consequently, they re-annotated some EL datasets with respect to these categories and proposed a fuzzy recall metric to address the lack of a consensus. However, the experiment conducted by the authors has two main limitations: (1) the two used short texts in the questionnaire are not representative; they do not highlight the choice of the participants regarding marking same mentions within different contexts; (2) the experiment is based on voting and does not justify the choices made by the participants; in other words, the experiment does not indicate what strategy is used by each participant to identify entities.

3.2 Tweet-based EL systems

Several works proposed tweet-based entity linking approaches and systems [5, 36]. These endeavors use mainly either supervised or unsupervised techniques for spotting and linking entities. In both cases, a set of predefined features and criteria were used. These features such as Link Probability [8, 21], Commonness [8, 21, 22], Relatedness [8, 21, 22] and Coherence [8, 11] are mostly derived from seminal works. Existing works use all or subsets of those features with potential adaptation of their definitions. DBpedia Spotlight [4] is an unsupervised system that does not exploit relatedness for the extraction of entities. Entity extraction in DBpedia Spotlight is carried out with a spotting algorithm. This latter performs text tokenization and substring matching using the Aho–Corasick algorithm and prefix tree. A generative probabilistic model is used in DBpedia Spotlight to associate relevant entities to mentions. EL systems that exploit relatedness and coherence for the extraction of entities are called collective linking systems. TagMe [8] is an unsupervised system based on collective linking. TagMe starts by extracting candidate entities based on a vote that combines Commonness and Relatedness, then, entities are filtered using Coherence. Other unsupervised systems such as AIDA [37], KAURI [31] and WAT [23] are graph-based systems. AIDA extracts entities using Stanford CRF [9], then a graph is built and entity linking is carried out considering dense regions of the graph. WAT combines Commonness and Relatedness using a graph for entity extraction and linking, similar to TagMe. KAURI incorporates user interest to improve entity disambiguation. Han et al. [14] proposed to incorporate the degree of direct references between candidates to improve KAURI. Ran et al. [24] explored topical coherence, they used attention mechanism inspired from attention-based models and incorporated user interest in a factor graph model. Feng et al. [7] proposed to mine entities from Twitter instead of knowledge bases to consider the influence of time on entity relevance. Instead of using knowledge bases, they propose to extract dominant candidate entities from a Twitter dataset using a community detection algorithm. Table 2 shows the drawbacks of unsupervised systems.

Table 2 Drawbacks and main differences of unsupervised EL systems

Some other systems [11, 13] used supervised or hybrid techniques for linking tweets to other knowledge base sources such as Yago and DBPedia. Guo et al. [11] made use of a structural SVM along with popular features such as page views, information about the context of tweets and features derived from Relatedness and Coherence. Meij et al. in [21] generated a ranked list of candidate pairs (mention, entity) using an n-gram language model. Thereafter, they used Random Forest (RF) classifier for entities’ extraction and linking. It is the most similar study to our work. The three main differences with our work are: (1) we used a different set of features associated to rules and guidelines that define a clear interpretation of the EL task (2) the contextual similarity is not carried out as a separated step as in [21], instead, it is incorporated as features used to build the model, and (3) the coherence between entities omitted in [21] has been taken into account in our proposed system. Habib et al. [13] worked on linking entities to Wikipedia knowledge base and also to external home pages. The authors adopted an approach based on Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Conditional Random Fields (CRF) models. First, candidate named entities with the highest recall are extracted using a CRF model. Then, a ranked list of entities is obtained using a language model similar to the work of Meij et al. [21]. Finally, the SVM classifier is used to filter ranked entities. The main drawbacks and differences of EL supervised systems are highlighted in Table 3.

Table 3 Drawbacks and main differences of supervised EL systems

Our investigation revealed the following two issues that motivated the work presented in this paper.

  1. 1.

    Weakness of Tweet-based EL systems and the existing attempts to establish a consensus on the EL task.

  2. 2.

    Absence of benchmark datasets for tweets based upon common annotation guidelines.

4 Rules for proper Wikification of tweet contents

To tackle the problem of lack of a consensus on the EL task, we propose a set of rules to identify and link mentions to Wikipedia. The definition of the task requires introducing the basic concepts for the sake of clarity.

Definition 1

(Mention) Each occurrence of a term or sequence of terms in a text represents a mention m. Each mention is defined by a pair \((p_m,l_m)\), where \(p_m\) is its starting position in the text and \(l_m\) its length.

Definition 2

(Entity) Excluding Wikipedia redirect and disambiguation pages, each Wikipedia page represents an entity identified by a unique page ID.

Definition 3

(Annotation) An annotation \(<m,E>\) is the linking of a mention m, located in a tweet, to an entity E.

Definition 4

(Entity dominance) The dominance of an entity E corresponds to the extent to which E is popular and central in a given source of common knowledge.

Definition 5

(Entity relevance) The relevance of an entity E to a given mention m, located in a tweet t, is proportional to:

  1. 1.

    Topical coherence of E with the context of t.

  2. 2.

    Dominance of E with respect to a recent common knowledge source.

Intuitively, given a mention m and an entity E that corresponds to a proper Wikipedia page (see Definition 2), a pair \(<m,E>\) is a valid annotation if the mention m is the principal topic of the entity E, the topic of E is the most similar to the context of the tweet and E is dominant according to human common knowledge. Dominance of entities is used mainly when the context is lacking to capture important entities and to discard common words. More formally, \(<m,E>\) is a valid annotation if and only if the following conditions hold:


m is not a Twitter user mention.Footnote 2


E is a proper entity according to Definition 2.


m is the primary topic of the entity E.


m is the longest description of E that occurs in the tweet.


E is relevant according to Definition 5.

Proposed rules state that, Twitter user mentions are user-defined nicknames that do not actually depend on the context of tweets. Consequently, R1 prevents linking this type of mentions. Rule R2 prevents linking mentions to Wikipedia redirect and disambiguation pages. Redirect pages do not carry any contextual information but are rather shortcuts to other pages, where disambiguation pages are used in Wikipedia to manage conflicts occurring when several articles have the same title and so often address different topics. Hence, disambiguation pages have not primary topics which discord with R3. Rule R3 prevents linking mentions to inappropriate entities by taking into account merely the primary topic of each entity. Rule R4 promotes linking longest mentions found in tweets. For instance, in the passage “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II broke box office records”, the mention “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II” is likely to be selected and linked instead of the short and general mention “Harry Potter”. Finally, R5 allows linking mentions to relevant entities. Relevance of an entity to a given mention is identified based on (1) the coherence of the entity with the context of the mention and (2) the dominance of the entity regarding a recent common knowledge source. Due to the noisy content of tweets where the coherence of entities with the context of mentions cannot be determined effectively, the dominance of entities improves the annotation decision and discards common words. The dominance of an entity depends on the given common knowledge source, the more the source is recent the more the dominance is accurate. Consider, for example, the short passage “The president George Bush”, recent knowledge allow to link “George Bush” to the Wikipedia page of George Bush the son instead of that of George Bush the father.

In fact, what causes the lack of a consensus in the EL community is the ambiguity around the relevance of entities (see Definition 5). More precisely, the trade-off between the dominance of an entity and its coherence with the context of tweets is the key point. Unless this trade-off is quantified, a trade-off could be learned from provided manually annotated datasets that follow a precise definition of the EL task. Making such datasets available requires the introduction of easy-to-use guidelines for the annotation of reference datasets. To this purpose, we introduce five guidelines that include rules R1R3 discussed earlier; and guidelines G4 and G5 defined as follows:


Annotate longest coherent entities in tweets.


Annotate from the remaining mentions in the text dominant entities of types: Person, Organization, Location, Character, Events, Products, and Thing proposed in the taxonomy of the NEEL 2016 challenge [26].

Guidelines G4 and G5, associated to rules R4R5, allow to solve the trade-off between entities coherence with the context and their dominance. During the manual annotation process, G4 and G5 need to be used sequentially. Starting with G4 enables getting clear relevant entities by considering coherence only. By G5, remaining dominant entities are identified using a type-based annotation rule. The choice of NEEL 2016 challenge taxonomy of entity types is based on: (1) the findings of Kwak et al. [18], where it was shown that 85% of tweet topics are headline news, and (2) our assumption that those types cover the most dominant topics of news headlines.

To show how the proposed guidelines can be used, consider the hypothetical dataset presented in Fig. 3. For the proper annotation of this dataset, G4 is firstly used. Therefore, mentions highlighted in gray are annotated and linked to entities coherent with the context of their respective tweets. Then, G5 is used for annotation of eventual remaining entity mentions. Therefore, mentions fitting the adopted list of types are annotated. Identified mentions in each sample of Fig. 3 are highlighted in green with an indication of their types. Eventhough mentions ’Apple’ and ’Mac OS x’ of Tweet4 are dominant entities, they are annotated following the guideline G4. This is due to the application order of the guidelines that gives the priority to the coherence of entities with the topic.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Applicability of the proposed guidelines

Due to the genericity of the proposed rules, prior to systems implementation some design choices should be specified. These latter include the choice of the common knowledge source that allows to evaluate the dominance of entities, the set of criteria that define entities topical coherence and dominance, and contexts associated to each entity to enable the evaluation of entities topical coherence with tweet contexts.

In the following, we introduce a new EL system developed in light of the proposed rules to validate their effectivectiveness.

5 Proposed EL system

The proposed system TELS is designed for linking a tweet to Wikipedia pages representing its topical entities. As shown in Fig. 4, the overall process of TELS is based on six main steps (1) Inverted index and context dataset creation, (2) tweet text preprocessing, (3) generation of candidate pairs (mention, entity), (4) feature extraction, (5) entity extraction and disambiguation, and (6) entity longest description filtering.

Fig. 4
figure 4

TELS architecture

After a pre-processing step, to capture all significant mentions in texts, TELS extracts all sequences of n consecutive terms located in the input tweet (a.k.a., n-grams); with n ranging from 1 to the total number of terms in the tweet. Thereafter, each n-gram is matched to the entries of a pre-built dictionary that includes all anchors used in the Wikipedia dump. If an n-gram matches an anchor, then all Wikipedia pages referenced by the anchor are associated to the n-gram to form candidate pairs (n-gram, entity). Afterwards, a representative feature vector is extracted from each candidate pair and fed into Random Forest classifier for entity spotting and linking in one shot. Finally, obtained overlapping pairs are filtered to keep the pair (n-gram, entity) with the longest entity mention as recommended by rule R4.

Basically, TELS differs from the other systems in that TELS follows a set of rules that provide a clear and precise definition of the EL task. The proposed rules are implemented in the different components of TELS as detailed in the following sections.

5.1 Preprocessing and candidate generation

Due to the noisy content of tweets, a preprocessing step is necessary for all the process of TELS to clean tweet texts. For this sake, First, Twitter user mentions are removed according to R1. Second, as camelcases are often used in tweets to incorporate topics of bloggers, hashtags are expanded to extract each term starting with a capital letter. For instance, the hashtag “#TheForceAwakens” is expanded to the following sequence of terms “The Force Awakens”. After the removal of URLs, tweet texts are split into phrases ending at punctuation symbols. This choice is adopted to avoid the extraction of mentions formed from terms originally separated by a punctuation symbol. For instance, in the passage of text “...free. Fight for human rights”, the mention “free Fight” should not be extracted. For acronyms, point symbols are replaced by a special character and restored after text splitting. Afterwards, all possible sequence of n consecutive terms (i.e., n-grams) are extracted from each phrase. Each n-gram is identified by its phrase number, its position in the phrase and its length. Then, n-grams of each phrase are matched to the entries of the dictionary of anchors. If an n-gram matches an anchor, candidate pairs (n-gram, entity) are generated for each Wikipedia page (entity) referenced by this anchor.

5.2 Feature extraction

Once the candidate pairs generated, TELS uses preprocessed texts to extract a feature vector for each pair (n-gram, entity). Basically, the proposed features are strucutred in two subsets thought to fulfill the requirements of rules R3 and R5. As discussed earlier, rule R5 ensures that extracted entities from a tweet are either coherent with the context or dominant entities. Features associated to rule R5, described in Table 4, can be classified in two types: dominance features and topical coherence features. For each entity E, dominance features include the page rank (\(r_E\)) as a centrality marker from Wikipedia knowledge base graph; and the number of page views during the year 2019 (\(v_E\)) as a popularity marker from Wikimedia project.Footnote 3 Topical coherence features are mainly obtained from the overlap of an input tweet text with three proposed contexts \((L_E,C_E,\mathscr {C}_E)\). The context \(L_E\) stands for the set of all references (i.e., anchors or redirect page titles used in Wikipedia) that link to E. The context \(C_E\) refers to the categories section of E extracted from its textual content. Finally, \(\mathscr {C}_E\) corresponds to the set of anchors and page titles of Wikipedia pages referenced in the abstract of E. The context \(\mathscr {C}_E\) is used to capture the degree of direct cross-references between entities.

Table 4 Features associated to R5 selected and designed for topical coherence and dominance

Features of the second subset, described in Table 5, are related to rule R3 introduced to ensure that the n-gram is the principal topic of the entity. In addition to Commonness (CMNS) and Term Frequency–Inverse Document Frequency (TF–IDF) that consider both the n-gram and the entity, we include two types of features: mention-centric features and entity-centric features. The first type of features exploits only information about the n-gram, where the second considers only the entity. Entity-centric features include TFL that indicates the frequency of entity title in the context \(L_E\), and PTT that represents the overlap of the entity title with the tweet.

Proposed mention-centric features include MRF that stands for the modified relative frequency of the n-gram. Instead of considering only the exact occurrence of the n-gram in the context \(L_E\), we extend the relative frequency used in [21] to take into account occurrences of anchors containing the n-gram. However, we notice that relative frequency and MRF are less significant if the n-gram corresponds to a redirect page title. Effectively, contrary to anchors, redirect page titles may occur at most once in the context \(L_E\). To this purpose, we include the feature TOR that indicates if the n-gram corresponds to an anchor or to a redirect page title. The modified relative frequency MRF is also less significant when all references of an entity are different. To this purpose, we include the feature DIST to capture the distribution of the context \(L_E\). If all references of the context \(L_E\) are different DIST tends to 1, otherwise it tends to \(1/|L_E|\). Mainly, Wikipedia anchors are short and concise descriptions of page titles. Unfortunately, this is not always the case which causes long anchors to be likely less frequent in the context \(L_E\) of an entity E. To alleviate this issue we add two new features, Absorption and Pureness. The former is used to indicate the proportion of anchors contained in the n-gram in the context \(L_E\), where the latter represents the ratio of the n-gram occurrences to the number of anchors containing the n-gram in \(L_E\).

Table 5 Features associated to R3 selected and designed for relevance of pairs (n-gram, entity)

The collected features for each candidate pair are used for entity extraction and disambiguation phases based on a supervised learning technique.

5.3 Entity extraction and disambiguation

Our system TELS is an end-to-end system, it performs entity extraction (spotting) and linking in one step. Effectively, the two steps are mapped to a pairwise classification using Random Forest (RF) that predicts if a candidate pair (n-gram, entity) is a valid annotation according to R3 and R5. The choice of RF is based on the findings of Meij et al. [21] and Speck et al. [34], where it was shown that RF is the best classifier for the EL task. The RF classifier is an ensemble learning technique based on bagging that prevents overfitting. It consists of generating N-decision trees from N-iterations on random subsets of samples and retaining the class that corresponds to the mode of all classes. For each node of a decision tree, Random Forest selects randomly m features to obtain the best split.

The disambiguation phase depends on the extraction of candidate pairs and their corresponding features. These two phases exploit two datases built from a Wikipedia dump.

5.4 Prebuilt datasets

The proposed system TELS uses two prebuilt databases: a dictionary of anchors inlcuding redirect page titles (i.e., inverted index) and a database of contexts. These databases are created from the English Wikipedia dump of January 2019. The dictionary of anchors is a key-value store that associates to each entry (Wikipedia anchor or redirect page title) the set of Wikipedia pages it refers to, along with a score representing the number of times the entry was used as cross-reference to each page. The database of contexts is also a key-value store that includes the following information for each Wikipedia page:

  1. 1.

    Page title.

  2. 2.

    List of anchors and redirect page titles that link to this page.

  3. 3.

    Categories of the page included in the Wikipedia categories section.

  4. 4.

    List of anchors and titles of Wikipedia pages referenced in the abstract.

  5. 5.

    Number of times the page was visited during the year 2019.

  6. 6.

    Rank of the page in the Wikipedia knowledge base graph.

To build the above datasets, the Wikipedia dump is firstly preprocessed. After parsing the Wikipedia dump and removing disambiguation pages, 12.404.539 pages were retained. Thereafter, 4.803.670 redirect pages and 2.560.791 non-Wikipedia English articles were removed ending up with 5.040.078 pages. The collected pages are used to build the databases according to R2.

To implement the two databases, LMDB (Lightening-Mapped Database) storage engine [2] was used due to its high read performances. Effectively, LMDB read transactions are very cheap, the keys are indexed in a B+ tree. Besides, LMDB uses mapped memory with zero copy lookup and exploits the operating system’s buffer cache. The comparison of storage engine performancesFootnote 4 shows that LMDB is the best alternative. Moreover, to improve serialization, Google Protocol BuffersFootnote 5 were used due to their best performances compared with XML, JSON and other existing formats.Footnote 6

6 Experiments

As there is lack of benchmark datasets for tweet-based systems evaluation, some shared datasets were collected and adapted to be used as gold standards.

6.1 Gold standards

For the evaluation of our proposed system, we used five datasets: Mena [12], Microposts NEEL 2016 Train and Dev [26], Microposts NEEL 2014 Train [25] and Brian [20]. The choice of these datasets is based on two main criteria. First, they present interesting and various properties needed for comparison: (1) multi-domain datasets, (2) datasets of various sizes including different proportions of event (tweets likely to contain entities) and non-event tweets. Second, annotations of these datasets adopt various interpretations of the EL task. Microposts NEEL 2016 datasets were introduced in NEEL (Named Entity rEcognition and Linking) 2016 challenge. The task consists of detecting entities and their types (person, location, organization, etc.). Entity mentions are linked to the English version of the DBpedia resources if they exist and NIL identifier is used otherwise. They were built considering event tweets and non-event tweets to evaluate performances in avoiding false positives. Microposts 2016 Train and Dev collections include Twitter mention annotations and links to redirect and disambiguation pages. Brian and Mena entity mentions are linked to YAGO and to external website home pages. Mena dataset includes a total of 33 links (6%) to non-Wikipedia pages. In addition, 32 links are not proper articles; but Wikipedia redirect pages. Brian dataset includes 352 (22%) links to non-Wikipedia pages and 55 links to Wikipedia redirects. For appropriate use of the above datasets to compare systems, the datasets are adapted to fit the rules R1R2 introduced in Sect. 4. Table 6 describes general information about the content of the datasets after revision. The revisions performed are as follows:

  • links to redirects are replaced with their target pages

  • links to disambiguation pages are replaced or removed

  • Twitter mentions are removed

  • NIL mentions are removed

  • non-Wikipedia links are removed

Table 6 Properties of the datasets revised to fit the proposed rules R1R2

The remaing available collection Meij [21] is selected for training. This choice is motivated by the fact that Meij tweets are of general interest domains, contrarily to the other datasets that were collected from specific domains.

6.2 Training dataset

A revised version of Meij dataset [21] was used to train our proposed system. As the raw version was criticized in [11], we inspected its annotations and carried out a deep revision to fulfill the guidelines introduced in Sect. 4 for datasets annotation. Specifically, we revised the annotations to fit topical coherence and dominance requirements. In addition, we noted that the selected tweets do not include examples of ambiguous entities. To this end, we augmented the dataset with 53 short texts of less than 140 characters (14% of the whole dataset) to add representative examples of ambiguous entities. We ended up with a dataset including 428 tweets with a proportion of 16.12% of non-event tweets.

6.3 TELS settings

TELS system is based on Random Forest (RF) classifier which mainly depends on two hyperparameters: (1) the number of iterations N and (2) the feature size m. While the former indicates the number of trees in the forest, the latter represents the maximum number of features that are randomly selected at each node to determine the best split. For the selection of best settings, we performed a grid search to fine-tune these two parameters. Therefore, we varied the value of m from 4 to the total number of features which is 16. Besides, we varied the number of trees N in the forest from 30 to 100 by a step of 10 and from 100 to 1000 by a step of 100. We evaluated the models using the Out-Of-Bag (OOB) technique. Accordingly, the full Meij dataset is used for training from which OOB samples are used to estimate the prediction performances. The OOB method has been proven to be as accurate as testing performances on a dataset of the same size of the training dataset [1]. Figure 5 depicts the effects of parameters selection on performance in terms of F1-score.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Effects of parameters’ settings on TELS performances

The performances when \(N\ge 100\) lie in a narrow interval ranging from 0.6919 to 0.7097, regardless of the values of m as shown in Fig. 5. The best performance is obtained with the settings \(m=6\) and \(N=600\), while comparable performance (with a decrease of only 0.18%) is obtained with \(m=5\) and \(N=100\). The blue and the orange curves in Fig. 6 indicate, repectively, the maximal and minimal performances obtained when fixing a parameter while varying the other one alternately. The green curve in Fig. 6b indicates that when m is set to 5, the performances are comparable with the maximal performances obtained when varying m for different settings of N.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Sensitivity of TELS to parameters settings. The red cross indicates the best settings, the black cross indicates the performance with \(m=5\) and \(N=100\)

The present experiment shows that with a number of trees \(N\ge 100\), TELS is stable and relatively not sensitive to variation of the parameter m. Hence, we retained for TELS the settings \(m=5\) and \(N=100\) representing the best trade-off between performance and complexity in terms of number of trees and number of features.

6.4 Baselines settings

For the evaluation of our proposed system, the most known and leading state-of-the-art baselines with shared implementations were retained: TagMe,Footnote 7 WAT,Footnote 8 AIDAFootnote 9 and DBpedia Spotlight.Footnote 10 To obtain the results of the state-of-the-art systems, we used their corresponding RESTful APIs. However, despite the importance of settings, most previous works omit explicit specification of the settings adopted for baseline systems. We noticed that the evaluation will not be fair, when using default settings. As a demonstrative example, Fig. 7 shows the evaluation of TagMe and WAT on Microposts Dev 2016, Mena, Microposts NEEL 2014 Train and Brian datasets when considering both default and recommended settings. The results show a significant increase in systems performances and a change in their ranking. Therefore, for fair and appropriate comparison, system settings should be taken into consideration.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Comparison of baselines settings: RS recommended, DS default settings

In the following experiments, default settings are used for AIDA due to the absence of any recommendation, DBpedia Spotlight confidence parameter is set to 0.5, as recommended in [4], TagMe pruning threshold is set to 0.2 as recommended in [8] and WAT \(\rho\) (rho) parameter is set to 0.2.

6.5 Results

To assess the overall performances of TELS and the baselines, we used two metrics: micro F1-score and macro F1-score. As the gold standards are different in terms of sample sizes (see Sect. 6.1), using micro F1-score amounts to considering the five gold standards as one dataset. Besides, macro F1-score shows how systems perform overall cross the different datasets. Table 7 shows that TELS outperforms the baselines with an overall increase, in terms of macro F1-score, from 25.04% up to 35.3%. In terms of micro F1-score, the increase performed by TELS ranges from 7.32% up to 42.03%.

Table 7 Overall performances of the baselines and TELS with settings (\(\hbox {m}=5\), \(\hbox {N}=100\))

Table 8 illustrates the performances of TELS and the baselines obtained on individual datasets in terms of recall, precision and F1-score. The results show that TELS outperforms all the baselines in terms of F1-score on four datasets and performs as well as AIDA on Brian dataset. These results show the effectiveness of TELS and its robustness against different dataset types.

Table 8 Results of systems comparison with (\(\hbox {m}=5\), \(\hbox {N}=100\)) as settings of TELS

6.6 Rules effectiveness and feature analysis

The effectiveness of the proposed rules and guidelines for datasets annotation can be highlighted through the analysis of features importance. Table 9 shows the importance of features associated to R3 and R5 (see Table 5 and Table 4, respectively).

Table 9 Analysis of the importance of features grouped by rule

The analysis indicates that our revised version of Meij dataset induces an increase in topical coherence importance, a decrease in dominance and R3 importances relatively to raw Meij annotation. This suggests that topical coherence was less considered in raw Meij annotation. The results show also that features importance depends and varies according to the annotation performed for each dataset. Specifically, R3 features are found more important than other features in all the datasets except for NEEL 2016 Dev where topical coherence features are found more important. In NEEL 2016 Train, dominance features are found more important than topical coherence features which can be explained by the restriction of annotation to eight specific entity types.

Table 10 shows the performances of TELS when rules are included incrementally. The results show an incremental increase of performances when incorporating features of the different proposed rules. Exceptionally, the performance of TELS on Brian dataset decreases when adding features associated to R5. A deep investigation shows that the decrease is due to the restrictive annotation, in the Brian dataset, to only three specific entity types namely: “Person”, “Organization” and “Location” [20]. Due to this restriction, only the location “Victoria” is annotated in the passage “Victoria’s bushfire disaster”. Therefore, the event “Victoria’s bushfire” of the previous passage and events such as “economic recession” and “bushfires” that occur frequently in Brian dataset are ignored and not annotated in the dataset which mainly affects the effectiveness of R5. Consequently, when datasets annotations do not restrict to very few entity types, the proposed rules capture efficiently tacit annotators’ agreements from datasets.

Table 10 Effects of incremental insertion of rules on performances

Finally, to show the impact of using proper guidelines for datasets annotation, we evaluated the performances of baselines on our revised version of Meij dataset and its raw version. Since the revised Meij dataset was used for training TELS, we exclude it from this experiment. The results depicted in Fig. 8a show an increase, highlighted in yellow, in the performances of all the baselines regarding all metrics.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Effects of proposed rules and guidelines on the performances of systems

Besides, Fig. 8b illustrates the performance of TELS and the baselines on raw NEEL 2014 Train and a revised version of this dataset. The revision of this later follows rules R1R2 for annotation and consists of excluding entities not coherent with the context from annotation such as numbers, days of the week, months, years, etc. The results of Fig. 8b show an increase in recall and F1-score for TELS and all the baselines compared with their evaluation on the raw dataset.

6.7 Discussion

The largest performance obtained by TELS compared with the baselines is performed on Microposts NEEL 2016 DEV, with at least 65.66% of F1-score improvement. To explain this high performance, we analyzed the importance of features in terms of information gain (I.G) for all the experimented datasets. Table 11 shows that Commonness (CMNS) is the most important feature for all the datasets, except for Microposts NEEL DEV 2016 where CMNS is found less important than the overlap of texts with entity anchors (\(L_EOverplap\)). Moreover, when using alternately \(L_EOverplap\) and CMNS as unique features, the results show that the performance of TELS on Microposts NEEL DEV 2016 is more important when using the feature \(L_EOverplap\). Hence, systems that do not exploit this feature or rely only on Commonness for relevant candidate pairs (n-gram, entity) extraction will have weaker performances in such case.

Table 11 Feature analysis

The evaluation on the five datasets in terms of overall performances shows that TELS provides the best trade-off between precision and recall. In fact, these results are essentially due to the proposed rules that allow to capture annotators’ tacit agreements from previously annotated datasets.

Despite the encouraging results of the proposed system, false positives still produced by TELS need further examination. To evaluate the behavior of TELS trained on the revised version of Meij collection, we analyzed some false positives from Microposts NEEL 2016 Train dataset. Figure 9 below shows some examples of false positives highlighted in green. For instance, the annotation “Space rocks” in Tweet5 is a false positive since it was linked to an entity dealing with rock music instead of rocks present in space. Effectively, when there is a lack of contexts or only a single entity occurs in a tweet, coherence and similarity become useless. In this case, TELS relies on the dominance of entities which paradoxically may generate false positives. However, false positives detected in Tweet1 to Tweet4 are mostly due to the fact that TELS annotations are also based on coherence of entities with the context, while the annotations of NEEL2016 Train dataset include only entities of types Person, Location, Organization, Event, Character, Product and Thing.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Analysis of our system behavior

It is worth noting that TELS is designed for tweets and short texts; but, not for long documents. This particularity is due to our design choices for the two steps: candidates generation and feature extraction. The technique used for coherence evaluation in the feature extraction phase is not suitable for long documents. Effectively, these features are based on text overlap and involve a look up in the inverted index for each token extracted from the text. This technique is suitable for very short texts, but becomes time and space consuming when the number of tokens is large; which is the case of long documents. In addition, assessing long documents similarity needs more sophisticated techniques. In the other hand, the extraction of mention-entity candidates consists of identifying all the n-grams located in input texts and matching them to the inverted index. As the number n ranges from 1 to the total number of terms in phrases, the absence of punctuation leads to a larger number of n-grams which affects the complexity of the proposed system.

7 Conclusion and future works

In this paper, we introduced a set of rules and guidelines for (1) the design of tweet-based EL systems and (2) the annotation of reference datasets. Given the obtained results, the proposed rules bring a step further towards a consensus on the EL task. Moreover, we proposed TELS as an end-to-end EL system developed in light of the proposed rules. The evaluation process showed that TELS performs an increase of 25.04% better than the baselines in terms of overall macro F1-score that represents the best trade-off between precision and recall. The proposed rules enabled TELS to capture efficiently annotators’ tacit agreements from annotated datasets.

As further contribution in the domain, we intend to annotate the gold standard datasets following the proposed rules in this paper. Therefore, revised datasets can be used by the EL community as benchmark for tweet-based EL task. In addition, we intend to improve TELS performances by (1) incorporating information about user profiles and topics of surrounding posts to enrich the context of entities, (2) gathering external information about entities from other sources such as news headlines. The ultimate objective of this work is to standardize the EL task and design a tool for automatic checking of datasets annotation.