
With over 90% of US adults regularly using the internet, healthcare-related services are increasingly conducted online [1]. eHealth interventions, healthcare services delivered through electronic communication devices, carry the promises of lowering participant travel and related cost burdens, expanding access to services in underserved populations, and offering privacy and discretion when participants are asked to provide information related to socially sensitive information. People with or at-risk for HIV is in a position to derive significant benefit from this model of healthcare delivery, and eHealth interventions have increased the points of access for delivering HIV-related care. eHealth interventions have been developed to encourage antiretroviral therapy (ART) medication adherence, to expand accessibility to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), to refer participants for HIV testing, to strengthen connections with healthcare systems, to encourage less-risky sexual behavior, and to facilitate community building and improve participants’ trust in intervention teams [2,3,4,5].

People at risk for or living with HIV indicate that privacy protections and maintaining confidentiality are key factors influencing their willingness to engage in eHealth intervention research [3, 6, 7]. As internet-based technology rapidly progresses, online users are often unaware that sensitive data can be shared without their permission, leading researchers to seek more up-to-date guidelines for safeguarding participant privacy in HIV-related eHealth modalities [8•]. While research organizations and governmental institutions have issued recommendations for conducting online research and recruitment, a consensus document on guidelines specific to HIV eHealth interventions and research has yet to emerge [9,10,11,12]. The Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR), the American Psychological Association (APA), the Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Human Research Protections (SACHRP), and the British Psychological Society all provide guidelines for conducting internet-enabled research that is not specific to HIV [10, 12,13,14,15]. The American Journal of Bioethics (AJOB) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have published guidelines on ethical online recruitment procedures using social media, but these do not extend into discussions on interventions [11, 16, 17]. The APA has also released guidelines for protecting privacy in telehealth interventions [18, 19], but these do not address issues specific to HIV (mobile health) mHealth methods. Many published articles on HIV-specific best practices with online research do not describe specific approaches to mitigating privacy challenges, and prior reviews have not been updated to reflect the issues raised by the current eHealth landscape [17, 20].

This paper outlines the ways in which HIV eHealth research teams can competently enhance participant trust by staying abreast of current challenges to privacy and confidentiality across online recruitment, data collection, and management, as well as implications for informed consent. We review previously published eHealth guidelines while integrating procedures and recommendations found in the method and discussion sections of current eHealth HIV research.


The authors conducted a literature search in September, 2019, for articles on eHealth HIV interventions through PubMed, PsycInfo, and Google Scholar databases. The initial search terminology included “HIV” and “eHealth” or “mHealth” or “electronic health” or “mobile health,” as well as “HIV” and “intervention” and “online recruitment” or “online research” or “online.” Reference lists and bibliographies served as sources for additional relevant articles that the literature search excluded.

Forty-five articles matched initial search criteria, which the authors analyzed and coded as follows: population (age range, sexual behavior, and HIV status), type of research (intervention, usability testing, and focus group), focus of the subset of intervention studies (HIV prevention versus HIV treatment maintenance), recruitment procedures (online or through clinics), technological implement (computer, user’s existing mobile device, provided mobile device, or other electronic modality), privacy procedures (whether any were implemented and, if so, the actions taken by the research team), and scope (USA versus international). The authors included only peer-reviewed empirical articles HIV eHealth or mHealth prevention or intervention approaches.

Exclusion criteria included publication prior to 2014, primarily international research focus, and no concrete discussion of an HIV intervention. Additionally, articles that discussed online recruitment procedures but then exclusively reported on an offline (e.g., in-clinic) HIV intervention were excluded. Of the initial 45 articles, 24 research studies met eligibility criteria for inclusion in this review. With few exceptions, these articles were published subsequent to an extensive review article on internet-based interventions addressing the HIV care continuum published in Current HIV/AIDS Reports in 2015 [21].

Many empirical articles regarding eHealth interventions for HIV treatment and prevention did not adequately provide guidance or best practices on safeguarding participant privacy, in some cases not mentioning any confidentiality concerns. After the initial literature search, the authors conducted a secondary online search of eHealth and mHealth intervention guidelines and review articles that were not necessarily exclusive to HIV treatment and prevention in order to support knowledge-building around existing discussions on privacy protections in eHealth. The authors also reviewed online publications and other resources from government and scientific organizations using the search terms described above. The next sections of this article describe procedures and recommendations for data security practices in online recruitment, data maintenance, and informed consent.

Online Recruitment

Researchers face various ethical challenges when conducting online recruitment for eHealth studies with populations at elevated risk of HIV infection and people living with HIV (PLWH). In this section, we draw on guidelines for social media recruitment, recommendations for use of social media-targeted advertisements, and the ethical challenges investigators report facing when ensuring response validity during recruitment [11, 14, 16].

Social media sites and geosocial messaging or dating applications that allow targeted advertisements based on profile content and geographic location can be an effective and cost-efficient way of sampling a target population, allowing researchers to more effectively recruit diverse samples of “hidden populations” for HIV eHealth studies [22]. However, when a potential participant clicks on an ad for a research study, the host website automatically collects information about that person’s interests and affiliations based on their profile, leaving an identifiable digital trail [16, 23]. As a consequence, depending upon the nature of the study and the specifics of the inclusion criteria, information regarding prospective participants’ characteristics can be inferred and is available to the companies running these applications. Third parties collect this data before individuals have the chance to learn about potential privacy and confidentiality risks, and even if the individual decides to exit once landing on the recruitment site. A recent study indicated that men who have sex with men (MSM) responding to research ads on several popular sexual minority dating sites indicated greater trust in researchers collecting such data compared with social media companies, but were not aware that those sites could collect information simply from their engagement with the study advertisement [24•].

To maintain participant trust, researchers can strive to educate themselves about the Terms of Services for their recruitment sites to understand how involved companies are protecting and using participant data. In addition, they can host eligibility screener surveys on secure servers that are HIPAA compliant [25, 26]. An alternative, albeit more time-intensive, strategy is to recruit participants from social media or geosocial dating applications but only collect identifiable information offline by conducting in-person or phone eligibility screenings with participants [27].

Researchers can also recruit online through posting study announcements on community message boards or chatrooms, or by creating researcher profiles on geosocial dating applications and reaching out to other users with the purpose of study recruitment [28]. This form of recruitment raises user privacy concerns. For example, user profiles on community message boards or dating applications may contain real names, photos, and HIV status, and users may not expect this kind of information to be viewed by researchers. One study found that some members of these online communities felt that researchers who created user profiles for study recruitment were encroaching on spaces they valued as private and safe [8•]. This recruitment strategy is ethical as long as the profile makes it clear that the user is a research staff member, that messages are restricted to detailed research recruitment language, contact can only be made when app users initiate a chat with research staff, and that no other forms of communication between research staff and users are permitted [29]. Some social media sites now have updated their Terms of Service to block researchers from soliciting users to join studies, which further protects users from research teams violating ethical restrictions [30].

Challenges to Data Validity

Online recruitment provides the opportunity to cast a wider net for identifying potential subjects. However, it may also allow individuals to mislead researchers about their actual eligibility for the study [23]. Researchers recruiting participants for HIV eHealth studies therefore need to design data validation protocols to prevent inclusion of ineligible, repeat, or purposefully fraudulent participants. Automated bots are software applications designed to run online tasks, such as completing a survey, at a much higher rate than would be possible for a human. Since most online research studies offer compensation, automated bots have been developed to fraudulently enter large numbers of studies and secure the incentive. The promulgation of these bots has jeopardized the data integrity of online research, necessitating stringent data validity checks. Recommended automatic and manual protocols that can be used in online studies include cross-checking demographic information such as age and date of birth or state and zip code, comparing responses from similar email addresses (often raising suspicion because they will vary in one or 2 letters), checking for responses from identical IP addresses, and using timestamps to evaluate duration of the survey response (because rapid response times could indicate that automated bots are initiating fraudulent submissions) [31, 32]. Some researchers require participants to enter phone numbers or email addresses during eligibility screening in order to ensure data validity and prevent against fraudulent participants or automated bots [33].

Validation checks for recruitment can become more complicated for researchers wishing to conduct online research on serodiscordant couples. To help ensure validity, research teams must first validate individuals as eligible participants who can then provide an email address for their partner to be contacted by the research team [34]. Researchers must then validate the partner’s identity and eligibility, and further verification around relationship length and shared interpersonal knowledge is required to ensure the participants are in a legitimate relationship [26]. Automated processes may flag discrepancies that do not warrant excluding the data, for example, two individuals might respond differently about the relationship length because there was a period of separation. The automated process may also flag repeat IP addresses as potentially fraudulent, but if a couple lives together they may use the same computer. For these reasons, it is a best practice to manually review the results of automated validity checks.

Online snowball sampling or respondent-driven sampling (RDS) allows researchers to sample hard-to-reach and diverse populations by engaging current participants in recruiting (e.g., forwarding the survey link) to eligible participants in their network [31]. This adds an additional level of privacy for those in the network and can help counteract research distrust since it avoids asking current participants to provide researchers with the email addresses of their friends or other contacts [35]. However, when snowball sampling or RDS is conducted solely online, it can pose challenges for data integrity, as existing participants may inform referred contacts about the eligibility criteria, enabling ineligible participants to modify their screener responses to gain study access. This requires investigators to both train and monitor the strategies of peer recruiters. For example, in one study utilizing peer-recruiters for an eHealth intervention conducted on a social chat room, in addition to training the recruiters, researchers used validity checks to make sure the new participants’ affiliated social media accounts were authentic by ensuring the account was connected to the peer-leader and had more than 50 followers [36].

Data Maintenance Strategies

The participant data research teams collect during eHealth interventions may be stored in and transferred between multiple online locations. These include university servers, cloud-based back-up software, third-party survey or intervention platforms, social media sites, and mobile applications on participant devices. Several organizations, including the AoIR, the APA, the British Psychological Society, the NIH, and the SACHRP provide guidelines for appropriately de-identifying, storing, and transferring participant data to minimize data breaches and informational risk, with an emphasis on proper encryption and protocol for data destruction [10,11,12, 14, 15]. These guidelines offer strategies for restricting access to study data, authenticating participants and researchers, encrypting all data gathered online, and strongly recommend clearly describing safeguards for the collection, storage, processing, and destruction of participant data.

Published articles on eHealth HIV studies increasingly describe the use of secure servers for data storage, specifying whether their institution or third parties host them. Some authors also indicate when these servers are HIPAA-compliant [26, 37]. The use of HIPAA-compliant servers are required when studies involve participant authorization to access their administrative health records or when health-related data collected by the study will be included in a patient’s health record. HIPAA criteria are also useful for guiding confidentiality protections even when data will only be used by investigators. HIPAA-compliant storage safeguards should prevent bad actors from illegally accessing or hacking health records transmitted through a network, which include rules about who can access records, prevent manipulation or destruction of health data, and have a system in place for auditing user activity [38].

When intervention or research teams use personal health information (PHI) from clinics or hospital systems, they need to be aware of which data feeds back into those electronic records and how to maintain HIPAA compliance in the process [39]. Training clinicians and research teams are therefore essential in protecting participant confidentiality and supporting the development of trust between participants and front-line staffs. Some have suggested that to keep pace with technological progression, eHealth intervention devices or applications used in a clinical setting need to be regulated in a similar process to medical devices [40].

In their journal articles, eHealth researchers seldom include reports of whether encryption was used for data transferal, and there is evidence that few eHealth applications use encryption [40]. When participant data from an app is uploaded from cellular or wireless networks to study servers for analysis, there is a risk of a security breach occurring during transmission. Ethical guidelines published by the Journal of Medical Internet Research recommend that mobile applications use encryption for the storage and transmission of data to prevent against hacking and identity theft [40]. Researchers also should be aware that government agencies and telecommunication companies can potentially access data transmitted through wireless networks and that telecommunication companies may claim ownership of such data. One data maintenance strategy used in eHealth HIV studies involves de-identifying subject data and coding with unique numbers immediately after collection so that identifiable data is not stored on any servers [41].

Another key privacy concern in eHealth HIV studies is the secure storage and handling of data contained in messages or posts written by participants on online discussion boards or chatrooms used or created by the study team. These posts may be accessible to individuals outside the group if a participant’s name or username is entered into a search engine, and employers, admissions officers, and even prospective romantic partners commonly search for this type of information [42,43,44]. When researchers carry out interventions on social media sites or geosocial dating applications, they must also consider that these companies may also have access to and ownership of participant data [36]. Researchers must ensure they are knowledgeable about such companies’ respective Terms of Services to assess whether there is a possibility they might sell participant data to third parties for marketing [23].

Researchers must also be aware of the privacy and confidentiality limits of any third-party software they use to analyze data. To protect participant data, investigators can use a third-party analytics app to extract group engagement data. These applications do not extract or store members’ profile data, but only engagement data such as likes and comments [36]. Collaborating with third-party software developers also requires constant communication adjustment to ensure that the technology meets the research goals and ethical standards [45].

Efforts to ensure data security may also be restricted based on the compliance policies of researchers’ home institutions. For example, the developers of one intervention originally designed on a popular social media site tried to move the intervention to a newly created platform after negative participant feedback [45]. The university compliance officer blocked them because it was not possible to store the new software on university secure servers. This example highlights the importance of working with institutional technology and compliance offices in the design of data security protections from a project’s inception.

Use of Mobile Devices

HIV researchers assess mHealth interventions using SMS and mobile applications as promoting HIV testing, preventative behaviors, PrEP or ART adherence, and knowledge of PrEP [21, 31, 37, 46]. There are additional privacy risks for participants in mHealth interventions because of the ease by which mobile phone data can be accessed by third parties [13, 20, 40]. One mitigating strategy is the appropriate deletion of data when there is a risk of a security breach, and instituting protocol for remotely wiping participant data within intervention applications if the phone is lost [47]. Research teams can ask participants to use biometric identification such as thumbprints to access the intervention app and the sensitive personal information it contains [45].

There are specific privacy and confidentiality issues depending on whether eHealth studies deliver interventions via a web browser on participants’ mobile devices versus design a downloadable native application that is able to access information from other applications on the device [13]. If an mHealth application is designed to access the device camera or calendar to help participants track medication and promote an adherence strategy (e.g., the participant is supposed to take a photo of their medication each day or log doses in their calendar), the researcher needs to ensure that only the content the participant wishes to share with the application is collected and stored. Meanwhile, some web browsers enable participants to sync their browsing histories and bookmarks across multiple devices (including one’s phone, tablet, and computer), a process participants may not know is occurring. When participants access an intervention on their phone’s web browser, other parties could easily find sensitive information or activity on a synched home or office computer by searching the browsing history. To help increase data security, researchers will need to give participants tailored instructions on protecting their own privacy depending on whether they are using a web browser or native application.

Researchers may unintentionally exclude marginalized populations needing interventions the most from HIV research that demands up-to-date mobile devices, raising concerns about social equity in eHealth access. Providing a mobile phone can make interventions more accessible to people who may otherwise be unable to obtain the proper technology, expanding participant eligibility and making study results more generalizable to the entire population [47]. Providing participants with phones also offers advantages for data management and security in eHealth HIV research. For example, program supervisors can ensure the standardization of the phone, with updated security features and HIPAA compliance. Another benefit is that limiting the intervention to one kind of standardized phone system allows developers to comprehensively design and troubleshoot issues on one kind of operating system, rather than trying to spread efforts across coding an intervention that works well across multiple platforms [13]. However, study teams that choose to provide phones need to consider whether the provision of the device actually makes participants safer, with better data and privacy protection, compared with what the participant would otherwise have accessible.

For participants who already have access to phones, developing an intervention that will be compatible with their existing devices increases the likelihood that they will intuitively understand how to navigate the system and thus be more motivated to adhere [13]. The decision of whether to provide a phone within an intervention should thus be considered in this context of usability; whatever protocol is more likely to encourage engagement should be pursued, keeping in mind that for participants without phones, there is zero usability to a potential mHealth intervention.

Informed Consent

Researchers are increasingly aware of the importance of protecting sensitive health data from electronic security breaches. While some teams spend a great amount of time and monetary resources on implementing technological protections, they may fail to devote similar resources to ensuring participants’ privacy in everyday use of the intervention.

Social circumstance moderates the severity of risks to participants when researchers do not adequately protect confidentiality. For example, a participant in a society that criminalizes homosexuality or intravenous drug use might face legal consequences if a data breach or privacy violation compromises their confidentiality in an HIV treatment or testing intervention. Likewise, a seropositive woman in a relationship may be vulnerable to intimate partner violence if she unintentionally reveals her status through phone reminders or application use [48]. Sexual and gender minority individuals risk losing their jobs in areas of the USA where employment discrimination against gay and transgender individuals is legal and where discrimination in healthcare settings is common [49,50,51]. As a consequence, informed consent information must include clear descriptions of the extent and limits of confidentiality protections [10, 52].

eHealth researchers have a responsibility to explain to participants the steps they have taken to protect confidentiality of participant data, such as using secure institutional servers, encryption, and biometric identification, while disclosing the limitations of these measures. For example, when data are stored on third-party networks running survey software or social media sites, researchers cannot guarantee total confidentiality because they do not control the networks [14]. It is particularly important to explain to participants the extent to which third-parties such as social media companies or intervention platforms will have access or ownership to their data, and the limits of researcher control in this regard. If there is potential for data sharing and secondary data analysis by other researchers, informed consent processes must include broad consent language [53]. In eHealth HIV research where data sharing can reveal sensitive participant information, it may be helpful to give participants a comprehension quiz after initially presenting consent materials and then review any aspects of confidentiality protections that were misunderstood before proceeding with the study [12]. Because close to half of eHealth application users stop interacting with the programs shortly after downloading, building privacy safeguards into the application while incentivizing use of the intervention is a crucial balance to strike [54].

Participant-Driven Privacy Measures

Researchers should give participants instructions on actions they can take to protect their own privacy during the eHealth intervention and should make clear the limitations of privacy protections put in place by the study team if participants do not follow these recommendations. For example, researchers in a peer-dyad texting eHealth HIV prevention study implemented a self-safety privacy assessment in the assent/consent phase to ensure that the adolescent participants would be able to follow recommended privacy guidelines if they enrolled [46]. This assessment covered topics such as using a password, deleting cookies, and recognizing when a text recipient has a text-tracking application on their phone. In another study, when participants had to download a secure video chat mobile application for an HIV intervention, research staff showed them how to set up the privacy settings on their phones and make sure that notifications from the app would not show up on their phone lock screens [41]. Additional strategies include recommending that participants create alternate email addresses to login to online interventions so as to remain anonymous or to use one-time passwords or secure links for sending to verified individuals that could only be used one time [8•, 55]. To the extent possible, informing participants about privacy protections and risks should begin at the recruitment stage [8•]. Research teams should advise participants to complete the online screener in private, avoid using a public computer, and clear their browser cache after completing the screener.

Many studies attempt to make it easier or more intuitive for participants to keep information private, reducing demands on their time and effort, while still encouraging the steps they should take to protect their privacy. For example, some studies used trigger-based notification systems, whereby failure to report compliance (that the participant had taken their medication on a given day) resulted in automatic message generation, with the intention of reminding participants who may have forgotten [56]. When the notification schedule is unspecified, the unintended visibility or conspicuousness of electronic reminders can compromise participant privacy when messages appear at inopportune times. To ease the burden, some eHealth HIV medical adherence interventions allowed participants to make choices in regard to the content and timing of reminder messages [4, 47, 55,56,57]. The extent to which such customization is feasible will be dependent on available formats, as not all participants are able to control notification settings on the phones they have available [2, 58].

Youth or resource-poor individuals who do not reliably have their own cell phones may have to rely on a parent’s or partner’s device [59]. This presents additional challenges for keeping electronically communicated information relevant to HIV status, behaviors, or treatments confidential. For example, family members sharing devices with the participant might receive timed medication reminders, compromising participant privacy as well as interfering with messaging meant to encourage health maintenance behaviors. In such cases, where there are limits to the intervention team’s ability to design sufficient participant protections, the use of eHealth modalities for HIV research may not be ethically appropriate. However, using passwords and pins to restrict access to eHealth HIV-related messaging can somewhat mitigate the risk of exposure on shared phones.

As described earlier in this article, populations at risk for HIV or PLWH who are socially or geographically isolated may benefit greatly from the peer or community support eHealth interventions offer [47]. Examples include chatrooms, social media groups and feeds, online message boards, and text-buddy programs in which users match with peers to provide text-based support. Interaction among multiple users within eHealth interventions brings up new privacy issues that researchers should address during informed consent processes. One way to protect participants’ privacy on digital message boards is to require participants to choose a non-identifying username and avatar, which allows for “personalization with anonymity” [60•, 61]. Aliases may not always protect participant privacy if their chosen handles can be traced to other social media or dating accounts, so researchers can mitigate informational risk by ensuring that informed consent procedures communicate the importance of choosing a unique name (compared with other accounts they have online).

Participants who form supportive relationships online through eHealth studies may wish to continue them in-person, which may provide additional social benefit. Although there are concerns among researchers that participants who contact each other outside the survey may engage in unsafe sexual practices and thus increase their sexual risk, follow-up studies on HIV peer interventions facilitated by social media use found this to be rare [35]. Researchers can take steps to protect participants who wish to keep their identities private, but if two consenting adults wish to communicate offline, there is a limit to investigator control in this context.

Researchers may consider the privacy risks for minors to be greater than for adult participants. A text-based intervention that matched youth participants in dyads considered this to be an ethical concern and initially put in place algorithmic controls to prevent participants from exchanging contact information [45, 46]. They found that participants were able to circumvent these systems and the research team had to manually monitor conversations. Other online peer-intervention studies use algorithms to ensure that online partner matching is limited to individuals separated geographically at distances that discourage in-person meetings [62].

Some peer-based eHealth interventions do not offer anonymity for participants because they require users to use their real social media accounts [17, 36]. Participant feedback from these interventions suggests that some participants worry that their involvement might appear on their friends’ newsfeeds [35]. The popularity of different social media platforms among different populations and the way distinct groups use these applications have evolved over the years. For example, adolescent populations favor different social media platforms than adults and may have different comfort levels with engaging with various websites [63]. As with other technological advances, the content of informed consent for HIV eHealth studies will need to reflect how cohort differences influence participants’ motivation and ability to protect their online privacy.

Conclusions: The Evolving Nature of eHealth Technologies and Informational Risk

This overview illustrates the many challenges and ways that research teams conducting eHealth HIV intervention studies have employed strategies for online recruitment, data maintenance, and informed consent procedures to minimize informational risk to their participants’ identifiable information. Current guidelines provide an ethical framework to internet-based research [9,10,11,12,13,14,15, 18, 40], but few are specific to the unique considerations of research involving people at risk for or living with HIV [17, 20]. Below, we summarize the recommendations most relevant to current eHealth research informational risk protections, aware that the dynamic changing nature of technology will require continued modifications (Table 1).

Table 1 Privacy and confidentiality recommendations for HIV eHealth research teams

Although this review captures some of the most up-to-date privacy and confidentiality measures used in the field, technological progression is rapid. The proper implementation of research-based interventions can take a great deal of time. This discrepancy in pacing introduces the not-insignificant risk that by the time an eHealth intervention has been rigorously tested and analyzed to be approved for wider use, the technology that supports the intervention may no longer be current [13]. Outdated technologies may not be available for widespread use, interfering with access, both on the side of research teams and participants. That an intervention technology may soon become obsolete changes the calibration of the risk-benefit-analysis.

Potential eHealth participants are assessing their own personal risk-benefit ratio any time they choose whether to engage with an intervention. Some participants may choose to sacrifice digital privacy for the convenience, time-saving, and cost-saving nature of eHealth interventions [64]. The question then becomes not only how to minimize further the risk participants face but the ways in which the potential benefits are maximized. Researchers can outline strategies to communicate meaningful health-related information to participants and consult community advisory boards in every step of the development and implementation process to ensure that the intervention is fulfilling participant expectations. Finally, in the same manner that IRB approval and regulatory compliance are routinely mentioned in research articles, discussion of the specific steps research teams take to protect participant privacy within an intervention should be included in relevant written material.


In conclusion, as indicated by the current review, investigators and IRBs need to be prepared for continuously evolving technological challenges to confidentiality and acquire the competencies to rapidly address these challenges in ways that protect the rights and dignity of participants.