
Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams, 2nd edition, a comprehensive collection of alloy phase diagrams for 2159 binary systems, was published in 1990 (T.B. Massalski, H. Okamoto, P.R. Subramanian, and L. Kacprzak., ASM International, Materials Park, OH [Massalski2]). This review intends to provide more recent information on the binary phase diagrams for the B-Fe, Cr-Zr, Fe-Np, Fe-W, Fe-Zn, Ge-Ni, La-Sn, La-Ti, La-Zr, Li-Sn, Mn-S, and Nb-Re systems that have become available after 1990. The criteria for selecting such information for inclusion in this review are (1) systems for which no phase diagram was given in [Massalski2], (2) complete diagrams that are substantially different from the earlier version, and (3) partial diagrams that alter or clarify the earlier version. Thermodynamic consistency of the new phase diagrams was checked based on phase rules and the diagrams were modified if necessary. However, each updated phase diagram has not gone through the ordinary evaluation process. Accordingly, a newer phase diagram is not always a better diagram, especially when there is too little published data on a system. For convenience, reaction tables and crystal structure data have been added when new information was available.

B-Fe (Boron-Iron)

The information on the Fe-B system assessed by [1993Lia] was updated by [1995Oka] and then by [2004Oka]. According to these updates, the phase diagram could not be determined conclusively because the phase diagrams calculated by [1994Hal] and [2002Van] disagreed with the experimental data differently.

[2013Van] noticed inconsistencies or disagreements among thermodynamic models reported by [1984Kau], [1988Oht], [1994Hal], [2001Pal], [2002Van], and [2008Yos]. Figure 1 and 2 show the Fe-B phase diagram calculated by [2013Van] using an improved thermodynamic model. This result is in good agreement with the existing experimental data assembled by [1993Lia].

Fig. 1
figure 1

Fe-B phase diagram [2013Van]

Fig. 2
figure 2

Fe-rich corner of the Fe-B phase diagram [2013Van]

[2013Pol] also reported a calculated Fe-B phase diagram. The most noticeable difference of this diagram from others is that the (βB) liquidus shows a plateau at around 2000 °C, ~90 at.% B. Because no experimental phase boundary data exist in this region, this phenomenon cannot be denied. Confirmation is required.


  • 1984Kau: L. Kaufman, B. Uhrenius, D. Birnie, and K. Taylor, Coupled Pair Potential, Thermochemical and Phase Diagram Data for Transition Metal Binary Systems-VII, CALPHAD, 1984, 8(1), p 25-66

  • 1988Oht: H. Ohtani, M. Hasebe, K. Ishida, T. Nishizawa, Calculation of Fe-C-B Ternary Phase Diagram, Trans. ISIJ, 1988, 28, p 1043-1050

  • 1993Lia: P.K. Liao and K.E. Spear, B-Fe (Boron Iron), Phase Diagrams of Binary Iron Alloys, H. Okamoto, ed., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1993, p 41-47

  • 1994Hal: B. Hallemans, P. Wollants, and J.R. Roos, Thermodynamic Reassessment and Calculation of the Fe-B Phase Diagram, Z. Metallkd., 1994, 85(10), p 676-682

  • 1995Oka: H. Okamoto, B-Fe (Boron-Iron), J. Phase Equilib., 1995, 16(4), p 364-365

  • 2001Pal: M. Palumbo, G. Cacciamani, E. Bosco, and M. Baricco, Thermodynamic Analysis of Glass Formation in Fe-B System, CALPHAD, 2001, 25(4), p 625-637

  • 2002Van: T. Van Rompaey, K.C. Hari Kumar, and P. Wollants, Thermodynamic Optimization of the B-Fe System, J. Alloys Compd., 2002, 334, p 173-181

  • 2004Oka: H. Okamoto, B-Fe (Boron Iron), J. Phase Equilib. Diffus., 2004, 25(3), p 297-298

  • 2008Yos: K. Yoshitomi, Y. Nakama, H. Ohtani, and M. Hasebe, Thermodynamic Analysis of the Fe-Nb-B Ternary System, ISIJ Int., 2008, 48, p 835-844

  • 2013Pol: M.G. Poletti and L. Battezzati, Assessment of the Ternary Fe-Si-B Phase Diagram, CALPHAD, 2013, 43, p 40-47

  • 2013Van: M.A. Van Ende and I.H. Jung, Critical Thermodynamic Evaluation and Optimization of the Fe-B, Fe-Nd, B-Nd, and Nd-Fe-B Systems, J. Alloys Compd., 2013, 548, p 133-154

Cr-Zr (Chromium-Zirconium)

[1993Oka] updated the Cr-Zr phase diagram of [1990Mas] by introducing the thermodynamic modeling performed by [1993Zen2]. The information on this work is available in [1993Zen1] as well. Since then, [2009Pav] attempted thermodynamic modeling of this system based on the same experimental data as those used for determining the phase diagram of [1990Mas]. More recently, [2015Lu] reexamined the solvus boundaries of (Cr), αCr2Zr, and (βZr) by EPMA measurements of annealed samples and then redetermined the Cr-Zr phase diagram by thermodynamic modeling. The result is shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Cr-Zr phase diagram [2015Lu]


  • 1990Mas: T.B. Massalski, H. Okamoto, P.R. Subramanian, and L. Kacprzak, ed., Cr-Zr (Chromium-Zirconium), Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams, 2nd ed., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1990, p 1359-1360

  • 1993Oka: H. Okamoto, Cr-Zr (Chromium-Zirconium), J. Phase Equilib., 1993, 14(6), p 768

  • 1993Zen1: K. Zeng, M. Hämäläinen, and K. Lilius, Thermodynamic Modeling of the Laves Phases in the Cr-Zr System, CALPHAD, 1993, 17, p 101-107

  • 1993Zen2: K. Zeng, M. Hämäläinen, and R. Luoma, A Thermodynamic Assessment of the Cr-Zr System, Z. Metallkd., 1993, 84, p 23-28

  • 2009Pav: J. Pavlů, J. Vřešt’ál, and M. Šob, Stability of Laves Phases in the Cr-Zr System, CALPHAD, 2009, 33, p. 382-387

  • 2015Lu: H.J. Lu, W.B. Wang, N. Zou, J.Y. Shen, X.G. Lu, and Y.L. He, Thermodynamic Modeling of Cr-Nb and Zr-Cr with Extension to the Ternary Zr-Nb-Cr System, CALPHAD, 2015, 50, p 134-143

Fe-Np (Iron-Neptunium)

[1995Oka] introduced the Fe-Np phase diagram reported by [1994Gib]. [2010Kur] updated this phase diagram by thermodynamic modeling, as shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Fe-Np phase diagram [2010Kur]


  • 1994Gib: J.K. Gibson, R.G. Haire, E.C. Beahm, M.M. Gensini, A. Maeda, and T. Ogawa, The Neptunium-Iron Phase Diagram, J. Nucl. Mater., 1994, 211, p 215-222

  • 1995Oka: H. Okamoto, Comment on Fe-Np (Iron-Neptunium), J. Phase Equilib., 1995, 16(6), p 533-534

  • 2010Kur: K. Kurata, Thermodynamic Database on U-Pu-Zr-Np-Am-Fe Alloy System II—Evaluation of Np, Am, and Fe Containing Systems, IOP Conf. Series: Mater. Sci. Eng., 2010, 9, 12023, 8 pp

Fe-W (Iron-Tungsten)

The Fe-W phase diagram in [1990Mas] was adopted from the assessment done by [1986Nag]. This phase diagram was characterized by the existence of two intermediate phases Fe7W6 (1637-1190 °C) and FeW (<1215 °C). The Fe2W phase observed by many investigators [2007Vil] was regarded as metastable. These features were based on the report of [1981Hen].

There have been many other experimental and theoretical reports on the Fe-W system, and the general consensus was that only Fe2W and Fe7W6 exist in the stable state in this system. There is no report on FeW in [2007Vil]. Figure 5 shows one of the two Fe-W phase diagrams calculated by [2015Jac] by using two different thermodynamic models. This phase diagram is in good agreement with the experimental data reported by [1967Hil], [1967Sin], [1970Fis], [1973Kir], [1981Tak], [1986Ich], and [2013Ant]. The other model of [2015Jac] is also in good agreement, but there is no experimental thermodynamic data to support either one of the models. Experimental confirmation of the stability/instability of Fe2W and FeW may be difficult due to slow kinetics of the formation reaction of these compounds.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Fe-W phase diagram [2015Jac]

More information on the Fe-W phase diagram is available in [1987Gus], [1988Gus1], [1988Gus2], and [1995Yam].


  • 1967Hil: M. Hillert, T. Wada, and H. Wada, The α-γ Equilibrium in Fe-Mn, Fe-Mo, Fe-Ni, Fe-Sb, Fe-Sn and Fe-W Systems, J. Iron Steel Inst., 1967, 205, p 539-546

  • 1967Sin: A.K. Sinha and W. Hume-Rothery, The Iron-Tungsten System, J. Iron Steel Inst., 1967, 205, p 1145-1149

  • 1970Fis: W.A. Fisher, K. Lorenz, H. Fabritius, and D. Schlegel, Study of Alpha-Gamma Transformation in High Purity Binary Alloys of Iron with Molybdenum, Vanadium, Tungsten, Niobium, Tantalum, Zirconium, and Cobalt, Arch. Eisenhuttenwes., 1970, 41, p 489-498 in Germen

  • 1973Kir: G. Kirchner, H. Harvig, and B. Uhrenius, Experimental and Thermodynamic Study of the Equilibria between Ferrite, Austenite, and Intermediate Phases in the Fe-Mo, Fe-W, and Fe-Mo-S Systems, Metall. Trans, 1973, 4, p 1059-1067

  • 1981Hen: E.T. Henig, H. Hofmann, and G. Petzow, The Constitution of W-Fe-Ni Refractory Metal Alloys and The Influence on the Mechanical Properties, Plansee Seminar 1981, H.M. Ortner, ed., Reuette, Austria, Metallwork Plansee, 1981, p 335-359

  • 1981Tak: T. Takayama, M.Y. Wey, and T. Nishizawa, Effect of Magnetic Transition on the Solubility of Alloying Elements in BCC Iron and FCC Cobalt, Trans. Jpn. Inst. Met., Vol. 22, 1981, p 315-325

  • 1986Ich: E. Ichise, Y. Ueshima, and S. Miyagawa, Reexamination of the High Temperature Region of Fe-W Binary Alloy Phase Diagram, Tetsu to Hagane, Vol. 72, 1986, p 791-798 (in Japanese)

  • 1986Nag: S.V. Nagender Naidu, A.M. Sriramamurthy, and P. Rama Rao, The Iron-Tungsten System, J. Alloy Phase Diagrams, 1986, 2, p 176-188

  • 1987Gus: P. Gustafson, A Thermodynamic Evaluation of the C-Fe-W System, Metall. Trans. A, 18, 1987, p 175-188

  • 1988Gus1: P. Gustafson, An Experimental Study and a Thermodynamic Evaluation of the Fe-Mo-W System, Z. Metallkd., Vol. 79, 1988, p 388-396

  • 1988Gus2: P. Gustafson, An Experimental Study and a Thermodynamic Evaluation of the Cr-Fe-W System, Metall. Trans. A, Vol. 19, 1988, p 2531-2546

  • 1990Mas: T.B. Massalski, H. Okamoto, P.R. Subramanian, and L. Kacprzak, ed., Fe-W (Iron-Tungsten), Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams, 2nd ed., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1990, p 1791-1793

  • 1995Yam: T. Yamane, Y.S. Kang, Y. Minamino, H. Araki, A. Hiraki, and Y. Miyamoto, Phase Diagrams of the Fe-rich Part of the Fe-W System under High Pressure, Z. Metallkd., Vol. 86, 1995, p 453-456

  • 2007Vil: P. Villars and K. Cenzual, Pearson’s Crystal Data CD-ROM, Release 2007/8, ASM International, OH, 2007

  • 2013Ant: A. Antoni-Zdziobek, T. Commeau, and J.M. Joubert, Partial Redetermination of the Fe-W Phase Diagram, Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 2013, 44, p 2996-3003

  • 2015Jac: A. Jacob, C. Schmetterer, L. Singheiser, A. Gray-Weale, B. Hallstedt, and A. Watson, Modeling of Fe-W Phase Diagram Using First Principles and Phonons Calculations, CALPHAD, 2015, 50, p 92-104

Fe-Zn (Iron-Zinc)

[2007Oka] introduced the Fe-Zn phase diagram calculated by [2005Nak] as possible refinement of the phase diagram evaluated by [1993Bur]. However, [2009Xio] found that the thermodynamic model used by [2005Nak] was inappropriate because an inversed miscibility gap would form in the liquid phase above about the melting temperature of Fe. The same problem occurs for the thermodynamic model used by [2001Su], which was also quoted in [2007Oka].

Figure 6 shows the Fe-Zn phase diagram calculated by [2009Xio] using a problem-free thermodynamic model.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Fe-Zn phase diagram [2009Xio]


  • 1993Bur: B. Burton and P. Perrot, Fe-Zn (Iron-Zinc), Phase Diagrams of Binary Iron Alloys, H. Okamoto, ed., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1993, p 459-466

  • 2001Su: X. Su, N.Y. Tang, and J.M. Toguri, Thermodynamic Evaluation of the Fe-Zn System, J. Alloys Compd., 2001, 325, p 129-136

  • 2005Nak: J. Nakano, D.V. Malakhov, and G.R. Purdy, A Crystallographically Consistent Optimization of the Zn-Fe System, CALPHAD, 2005, 29, 276-288

  • 2007Oka: H. Okamoto, Fe-Zn (Iron-Zinc), J. Phase Equilib. Diffus., 28(3), 2007, p 317-318

  • 2009Xio: W. Xiong, Y. Kong, Y. Du, Z.K. Liu, M. Selleby, and W.H. Sun, Thermodynamic Investigation of the Galvanizing Systems, I: Refinement of the Thermodynamic Description for the Fe-Zn System, CALPHAD, 2009, 33, p. 433-440

Ge-Ni (Germanium-Nickel)

[2014Oka] introduced a Ge-Ni phase diagram calculated by [2012Jin]. The Ge-Ni phase diagram shown in Fig. 7, calculated by [2010Liu], should have also been introduced for comparison. According to [2012Jin], three phases Ge2Ni3, Ge12Ni19, and ε shown in Fig. 7 form a single-phase region.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Ge-Ni phase diagram [2010Liu]

The phase diagram of [2010Liu] reproduced the diagram assessed by [1991Nas]. On the other hand, the phase diagram of [2012Jin] was partly based on more recent experimental data. Clarification is required by taking into account these contradictory reports.

Table 1 shows Ge-Ni crystal structure data for the Fig. 7 type phase diagram, revised by referring to [2006Vil].

Table 1 Ge-Ni crystal structure data


  • 1991Nas: A. Nash and P. Nash, Phase Diagrams of Binary Nickel Alloys, P. Nash, ed., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 145-153 (1991)

  • 2006Vil: P. Villars, H. Okamoto, and K. Cenzual, ASM Alloy Phase Diagrams Center,, ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 2006

  • 2010Liu: Y.Q. Liu, D.J. Ma, and Y. Du, Thermodynamic Modeling of the Germanium-Nickel System, J. Alloys Compd., 2010, 491, p 63-71

  • 2012Jin: S. Jin, C. Leinenbach, J. Wang, L.L. Duarte, S. Delsante, G. Borzone, A. Scott, and A. Watson, Thermodynamic Study and Re-assessment of the Ge-Ni System, CALPHAD, 2012, 38, p 23-34

  • 2014Oka: H. Okamoto, Supplemental Literature Review of Binary Phase Diagrams: Al-Br, B-Cd, Cd-Mg, Cd-Ti, Er-Fe, Fe-Nd, Ge-Na, Ge-Ni, Ge-Sc, Hf-W, Pb-Yb, and Re-Ti, J. Phase Equilib. Diffus., 2014, 35(2), p 195-207

La-Sn (Lanthanum-Tin)

The La-Sn system was reviewed by [1992Pal]. [2002Oka] introduced a thermodynamic assessment of this system reported by [2000Hua]. Substantial disagreement was observed between [1992Pal] and [2000Hua] with regard to the LaSn3 liquidus temperatures.

[2009Idb] disclosed that the thermodynamic model used by [2000Hua] was inadequate, as it would cause formation of an inverted miscibility gap in the liquid phase at high temperatures. Figure 8 shows the La-Sn phase diagram calculated by [2009Idb] using an improved thermodynamic model. The form of the LaSn3 liquidus was reproduced in good agreement with the experimental phase diagram of [1992Pal].

Fig. 8
figure 8

La-Sn phase diagram [2009Idb]


  • 1992Pal: A. Palenzona and S. Cirafici, The La-Sn (Lanthanum-Tin) System, J. Phase Equilib., 1992, 13(1), p 42-49

  • 2000Hua: M. Huang, X. Su, F. Yin, P. Zhang, Z. Li, and C. Chen, A Thermodynamic Assessment of the La-Sn System, J. Alloys Compd., 2000, 309, p 147-153

  • 2002Oka: H. Okamoto, La-Sn (Lanthanum-Tin), J. Phase Equilib., 2002, 23(3), p 289

  • 2009Idb: M. Idbenali, C. Servant, N, Selhaoui, and L. Bouirden, A Thermodynamic Reassessment of the La-Sn System, CALPHAD, 2009, 33, p 398-404

La-Ti (Lanthanum-Titanium)

The La-Ti phase diagram in [1990Mas] was adopted from [1987Mur]. The assessed phase diagram was calculated based on very limited data of La solubility in (βTi) and (αTi) reported by [1957Sav] and [1962Sav]. Accordingly, [1987Mur] needed experimental determination of Ti solubility in (La) for reliable determination of the phase diagram.

Since then, [1988Cou] and [2016Mat] reported the La-Ti phase diagram. Figure 9 shows the phase diagram calculated by the latter based on experimental data obtained by in situ high-energy synchrotron x-ray diffraction. The phase diagram reported by [1988Cou] is also a monotectic type, but with a large (~20 at.%) solubility of Ti in (γLa). The phase diagram suggests a trend of forming continuous liquidus between W-type (γLa) and (βTi), in contradiction with the existence of the monotectic reaction. This problem does not exist in the phase diagram shown in Fig. 9.

Fig. 9
figure 9

La-Ti phase diagram [2016Mat]


  • 1957Sav: E.M. Savitskii and G.S. Burkhanov, Diagrams of Titanium-Lanthanum and Titanium-Cerium Alloys, Zh. Neorg. Khim., 1957, 2, p 2609-2616 (in Russian)

  • 1962Sav: E.M. Savitski and G.S. Burkhanov, Phase Diagrams of Alloys of Titanium with Rare-Earth Metals, Titan Ego Splavy, 1962, p 51-60 (in Russian)

  • 1987Mur: J.L. Murray, The La-Ti (Lanthanum-Titanium) System, Phase Diagrams of Binary Titanium Alloys, J.L. Murray, ed., ASM International, Metals Park, OH, 1987, p 151-153

  • 1990Mas: T.B. Massalski, H. Okamoto, P.R. Subramanian, and L. Kacprzak, ed., La-Ti (Lanthanum-Titanium), Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams, 2nd ed., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1990, p 2432, 2434

  • 1988Cou: S.A. Court, J.W. Sears, M.H. Loretto, and H.L. Eraser, The Effect of Liquid Phase Separation on the Microstructure of Rapidly Solidified Titanium-Rare Earth Alloys, Mater. Sci. Eng., 1988, 98, p 243-249

  • 2016Mat: N. Mattern, Y. Yokoyama, A. Mizuno, J.H. Han, O. Fabrichnaya, M. Richter, and S. Kohara, Experimental and Thermodynamic Assessment of the La-Ti and La-Zr Systems, CALPHAD, 2016, 52, p 8-20

La-Zr (Lanthanum-Zirconium)

The La-Zr phase diagram was unknown in [1990Mas].

[2016Mat] investigated the La-Zr phase diagram by in situ high-energy synchrotron x-ray diffraction. Figure 10 shows the phase diagram calculated by [2016Mat] based on the experimental data.

Fig. 10
figure 10

La-Zr phase diagram [2016Mat]

Table 2 shows La-Zr crystal structure data.

Table 2 La-Zr crystal structure data


  • 1990Mas: T.B. Massalski, H. Okamoto, P.R. Subramanian, and L. Kacprzak, ed., La-Zr (Lanthanum-Zirconium), Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams, 2nd ed., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1990, p 2444

  • 2016Mat: N. Mattern, Y. Yokoyama, A. Mizuno, J.H. Han, O. Fabrichnaya, M. Richter, and S. Kohara, Experimental and Thermodynamic Assessment of the La-Ti and La-Zr Systems, CALPHAD, 2016, 52, p 8-20

Li-Sn (Lithium-Tin)

The Li-Sn phase diagram in [1990Mas] was copied from [1976Mof]. It was constructed based on [1934Gru] with modification for the composition range from Li7Sn2 to LiSn according to [1979Bai]. Subsequently, this system was assessed by [1998San].

Thermodynamic modeling of the phase diagram was attempted by [1996Gas], [2005Yin], [2006Du], and [2014Wan] based on the same experimental data as used by [1998San] for assessment.

Further improvement of the Li-Sn phase diagram was achieved by [2014Li]. DTA measurements were carried out in order to clarify reactions involving L, Li17Sn4, Li7Sn2, and Li13Sn5. Figure 11 shows the Li-Sn phase diagram calculated by [2014Li] based on the new experimental data. Li22Sn5 in [1998San] was replaced by Li17Sn4. Table 3 shows Li-Sn crystal structure data copied from [1998San] with changes for Li17Sn4 according to [2003Lup]. This editor suspects the stability of Li13Sn5 at low temperatures because of its extreme proximity to Li5Sn2, as suggested by [1993Oka].

Fig. 11
figure 11

Li-Sn phase diagram [2014Li]

Table 3 Li-Sn crystal structure data


  • 1934Gru: G. Grube and E. Meyer, Electrical Conductivity and Phase Diagram of Binary Alloys, The Li-Sn System, Z. Elektrochem., 1934, 40(11), p 771-777 in German

  • 1976Mof: W.G. Moffatt, ed, Handbook of Binary Phase Diagrams, General Electric Co., Schenectady, NY, 1976 and annual update

  • 1979Bai: D.M. Bailey, W.H. Skelton, and J.F. Smith, Li-Sn Phase Relationships between Li7Sn2 and LiSn, J. Less-Common Met., 1979, 64(2), p 233-240

  • 1990Mas: T.B. Massalski, H. Okamoto, P.R. Subramanian, and L. Kacprzak, ed., Li-Sn (Lithium-Tin), Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams, 2nd ed., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1990, p 2469-2470

  • 1993Oka: H. Okamoto and T.B. Massalski, Guidelines for Binary Phase Diagram Assessment, J. Phase Equilib., 1993, 14(3), p 316-335

  • 1996Gas: W. Gasior, Z. Moser, and W. Zakulski, Thermodynamic Studies and the Phase Diagram of the Li-Sn System, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 1996, 205/207, p 379-382

  • 1998San: J. Sangster and C.W. Bale, The Li-Sn (Lithium-Tin) System, J. Phase Equilib., 1998, 19(1), p 70-75

  • 2003Lup: C. Lupu, J.G. Mao, J.W. Rabalais, A.M. Guloy, and J.W. Richardson, X-Ray and Neutron Studies on Li4.4Sn, Inorg. Chem., 2003, 4, p 3765-3771

  • 2005Yin: F. Yin, X. Su, Z. Li, and J. Wang, Thermodynamic Assessment of the Li-Sn (Lithium-Tin) System, J. Alloys Compd., 2005, 393, p 105-108

  • 2006Du: Z. Du, Z. Jiang, and C. Guo, Thermodynamic Optimizing of the Li-Sn System, Z. Metallkd., 2006, 97, p 10-16

  • 2014Li: D. Li, S. Furtauer, H. Flandorfer, and D.M. Cupid, Thermodynamic Assessment and Experimental Investigation of the Li-Sn System, CALPHAD, 2014, 47, p 181-195

  • 2014Wan: J. Wang, J. Han, I.H. Jung, D. Bairos, and P. Chartrand, Thermodynamic Optimization on the Binary Li-Sn System and Ternary Mg-Sn-Li System, CALPHAD, 2014, 47, p 100-113

Mn-S (Manganese-Sulfur)

The Mn-S phase diagram assessed by [1990Fra] was updated by [2011Oka] according to [2010Kan]. The S-rich side of MnS of this phase diagram was speculative due to lack of experimental data.

Figure 12 shows the complete Mn-S phase diagram assessed by [2015Dil]. The gas phase is suppressed, as in the phase diagram of [2010Kan]. Although the results of [2010Kan] and [2015Dil] are topologically the same, critical point temperatures differ up to about 500 °C. Experimental data are still not available to select a preferable phase diagram.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Mn-S phase diagram [2015Dil] (>227 °C)


  • 1990Fra: H.F. Franzen, Mn-S (Manganese-Sulfur), T.B. Massalski, H. Okamoto, P.R. Subramanian, and L. Kacprzak, ed., Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams, 2nd ed., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1990, p 2593, 2597

  • 2010Kan: Y.B. Kang, Critical Evaluations and Thermodynamic Optimizations of the Mn-S and the Fe-Mn-S Systems, CALPHAD, 2010, 34, p 232-244

  • 2011Oka: H. Okamoto, Mn-S (Manganese-Sulfur), J. Phase Equilib. Diffus., 2011, 32(1), p 78

  • 2015Dil: D. Dilner, H. Mao, and M. Selleby, Thermodynamic Assessment of the Mn-S and Fe-Mn-S Systems, CALPHAD, 2010, 48, p 95-105

Nb-Re (Niobium-Rhenium)

The Nb-Re phase diagram in [1990Mas], redrawn from [1965Ell], was a preliminary version of the diagram reported by [1961Gie].

Figure 13 shows the Nb-Re phase diagram calculated by [2013Liu]. The phase boundary data reported by [1961Gie] were used as the primary basis of the thermodynamic model. Accordingly, the Nb-Re phase diagram in [1990Mas] has been improved in Fig. 13.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Nb-Re phase diagram [2013Liu]

This system has been studied repeatedly by [1956Gre], [1959Kna], [1961Eng], [1961Lev], [1961Sav], [1969Sav], [1976Pan], [2008Jou], and [2009Jou], as well as [1961Gie]. These reports generally agreed that a narrow σ phase and a broad χ phase exist in this system, but reported phase boundaries showed significant disagreement. Further experimental studies may be needed for confirmation of the Nb-Re phase diagram shown in Fig. 13.


  • 1956Gre: P. Greenfield and P.A. Beck, Intermediate Phases in Binary Systems of Certain Transition Elements, Trans. AIME, 1956, 206, p 265-275

  • 1959Kna: A.G. Knapton, The Niobium-Rhenium System, J. Less-Common Met., 1959, 1, p 480-486

  • 1961Eng: J.J. English, Columbium-Rhenium System, Binary and Ternary Phase Diagrams of Cb, Mo, Ta, and W, DMIC Rep. 152, 1961, p 20

  • 1961Gie: B.C. Giessen, R. Nordheim, and N.J. Grant, The Constitution Diagram Niobium (Columbium)-Rhenium, Trans. Metall. Soc. AIME, 1961, 221, p 1009-1013

  • 1961Lev: P. Levesque, W.R. Bekebrede, and H.A. Brown, The Constitution of Rhenium-Columbium Alloys, Trans. Am. Soc. Met., 1961, 53, p 215-226

  • 1961Sav: J.M. Savitzki, M.A. Tylkina, and K.B. Povarova, Phase Diagram of the Niobium-Rhenium System, Planseeber. Pulvermetall., 1961, 8, p 188-191 in German

  • 1965Ell: R.P. Elliott, Cb-Re, Columbium-Rhenium, Constitution of Binary Alloys, First Supplement, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1965, p 268-269

  • 1969Sav: E.M. Savitskii, M.A. Tylkina, and O.K. Khamidov, Investigation of the Solid Solubility of Transition Metals in Rhenium and Some Properties of Their Alloys, Russ. Metall., 1969, (4), p 130-135

  • 1976Pan: L.A. Panteleimonov, I.G. Sokolova, and T.O. Mkhitar’yan, A Study of the Properties of Alloys in the Rhenium-Tantalum and Rhenium-Niobium Systems, Moscow Univ. Chem. Bull., 1976, 31(1), p 94-95

  • 1990Mas: T.B. Massalski, H. Okamoto, P.R. Subramanian, and L. Kacprzak, ed., Nb-Re (Niobium-Rhenium), Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams, 2nd ed., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1990, p 2756-2757

  • 2008Jou: J.M. Joubert, Crystal Chemistry and Calphad Modeling of the σ Phase, Prog. Mater. Sci., 2008, 53(3), p 528-583

  • 2009Jou: J.M. Joubert and M. Phejar, Crystal Chemistry and Calphad Modeling of the χ Phase, Prog. Mater. Sci., 2009, 54(7), p 945-980

  • 2013Liu: X.L. Liu, C.Z. Hargather, and Z.K. Liu, First-Principles Aided Thermodynamic Modeling of the Nb-Re System, CALPHAD, 2013, 41, p 119-127