1 Introduction

Recent innovations in information and communication technologies have led to a new era in healthcare delivery and medical data management. New challenges have arisen as a result of easier access and distribution of digital data, especially regarding security of sensitive medical information. The research community seeks complementary and/or alternative solutions to confront these challenges and to effectively deal with a range of substantial healthcare information management issues.

Digital watermarking is a recently established research area with a plethora of applications [4, 10, 11, 25, 30]; however, its perspectives in the health information management field have just begun to be explored. Digital watermarking has the potential to act as a value-added tool for a range of issues including enhancement of medical confidentiality protection, origin and data authentication, highlighting of diagnostically significant regions, and efficient information retrieval, as discussed in detail in [12]. The paper presents an overview of research efforts in the area of medical data watermarking and describes a medical-oriented wavelet-based watermarking scheme. This scheme embeds in medical images multiple watermarks conveying the physician’s digital signature for origin authentication, patient’s personal and examination data, and keywords for image retrieval through indexing. Finally, a reference watermark, which is a priori known at the receiver’s side, allows an overall image integrity control. The scheme conforms to the strict limitations concerning the integrity of medical images, by allowing the definition of a diagnostically significant region of interest (ROI), wherein the only additional information inserted is the reference watermark for integrity checking purposes.

2 Methods

2.1 Description of the scheme

The proposed scheme applies multiple watermarking in medical images, aiming to provide a unified approach towards enhancement of medical confidentiality protection, origin and data authentication, and efficient information retrieval. The multiple watermarks are embedded in the image by applying 4-level discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and a proper quantization of coefficients. Figure 1 illustrates the pyramid structure of a 4-level wavelet decomposition of an image, including a coarse scale image approximation at the highest decomposition level (LL4), and 12 detail images corresponding to the horizontal (HL), vertical (LH), and diagonal (HH) details at each of the four levels. It is well known that transform domain watermarking schemes outperform compared to spatial ones, since they exploit perceptual properties of the human visual system (HVS) [33] in order to achieve an optimal trade-off between robustness and imperceptibility. Wavelet-based schemes particularly have gained great attention in recent years, due to their ability to provide both spatial and frequency resolution [14, 35]; their main advantage, however, is the fact that the dyadic scaling decomposition of the wavelet transform resembles the signal processing of the HVS, thus allowing the distortion induced by quantization and/or watermarking to be adapted to the masking properties of the human eye [22].

Fig. 1
figure 1

Multiresolution wavelet decomposition of an image: a pyramid structure of 4-level DWT, b 4-level Haar DWT of a CT test image

In order to enhance medical confidentiality protection and to allow efficient data management, retrieval and integrity control, the scheme simultaneously inserts the following different purpose-specific watermarks:

  1. 1.

    A signature watermark comprising the physician’s digital signature or identification code for the purpose of origin authentication.

  2. 2.

    An index watermark that contains keywords (e.g., ICD-10 diagnostic codes, image acquisition characteristics, etc.) and facilitates image retrieval by database querying mechanisms. The insertion of indices into the images provides an alternative for efficient indexing and archiving of digital medical data in hospital information systems, which eliminates storage and transmission bandwidth requirements.

  3. 3.

    A caption watermark containing patient’s personal and examination data (e.g., demographics, health history, and diagnostic reports), which grants a permanent link between the patient and the medical data, and an additional level of protection; this descriptive watermark provides information contributing to a thorough patient status evaluation and also allows the highlighting of diagnostically significant regions, preventing from separate transmission and storage of metadata that would increase memory and transmission bandwidth requirements.

  4. 4.

    A reference watermark is embedded throughout the image for the purpose of data integrity control [18]; the comparison of the extracted reference watermark bits with the originally embedded ones not only provides information on whether the image has been modified, but also indicates the possibly tampered image regions.

The scheme takes into consideration the ethical and legal limitations that apply to medical image manipulation and maintains the integrity of diagnostically significant parts; specifically, it allows the definition of a region of interest whose quality is perceptually preserved throughout the watermarking process, since the only information embedded therein is the integrity-checking reference watermark, which does not affect its diagnostic value.

Different medical applications, ranging from telemedicine to data archiving, storage, and retrieval in picture archiving and communication systems (PACS), could be benefited by integrating the proposed scheme with image acquisition devices, PDAs, PACS viewing stations, etc. Indicatively, in a telemedicine application, the acquired image can be watermarked with the identification code of the mobile unit; also, a mobile healthcare provider can embed patient’s personal data and additional information in the image and transmit them with an additional level of security to a base station (e.g., hospital). There, the expert retrieves the watermarks, makes a preliminary diagnosis based on both the image and the extracted information, and provides directions to the mobile paramedics. Another use case involves acquiring an image in a hospital laboratory and watermarking it with information including the physician’s identification code, patient’s personal and examination data, and keywords to be used for image indexing. The watermarked image is stored in the hospital database and can be retrieved through querying mechanisms. Any authorized medical staff member can extract the embedded watermarks, thus gaining access to information including the primary physician’s identity and diagnosis, data concerning the patient and the examination, as well as additional comments for healthcare providers’ guidance. A variety of other medical applications could also be addressed by the proposed watermarking scheme, towards secure and efficient health data management.

2.2 The algorithm

As mentioned above, the embedding procedure is based on image decomposition through DWT. The Haar wavelet is selected as the mother wavelet for the image decomposition, in order to exploit the dyadic rationality of the resulting coefficients [31] for increased watermark robustness. Specifically, the Haar wavelet coefficients have the attribute that, when modified by addition or subtraction of a multiple of 2l (where l is the decomposition level), their inverse wavelet transform produces an image with integer pixel values; thus any rounding operation, which could distort the values of certain watermark bits, is avoided [17]. The proposed method exploits this attribute in the quantization scheme used to insert the multiple watermarks in embeddable coefficients. According to the algorithm, any coefficient f selected to cast a watermark bit, is assigned a binary value through the following quantization function:

$$ Q(f) = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {{0,\quad {\text{if}}\;2k \cdot \Delta {\kern 1pt} + s \le f < (2k + 1) \cdot \Delta + s} \hfill} \\ {{1,\quad {\text{if}}\;(2k + 1) \cdot \Delta {\kern 1pt} + s \le f < (2k + 2) \cdot \Delta + s} \hfill} \\ \end{array} } \right. $$

where k is an integer, s is a user defined offset for increased security, and Δ, the quantization parameter, is chosen to be equal to 2l in order to exploit the dyadic rationality of Haar coefficients. The above quantization function can be equivalently rewritten as follows:

$$ Q(f) = \left\{ \begin{aligned}{} & 0,\quad {\text{if}}\;{\left\lfloor {{(f - s)} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{(f - s)} \Delta }} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} \Delta } \right\rfloor }\;{\text{is}}\;{\text{even}} \\ & 1,\,\quad {\text{if}}\;{\left\lfloor {({f - s)} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{f - s)} \Delta }} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} \Delta } \right\rfloor }\;{\text{is}}\;{\text{odd}} \\ \end{aligned} \right.\, $$

where \( \,{\left\lfloor . \right\rfloor }\, \) is the floor function.

The multiple watermarks embedding procedure includes the following steps:

  • Step 1: The image is decomposed through 4-level Haar wavelet transform in a coarse scale image approximation at the highest decomposition level and a sequence of detail images (horizontal, vertical, and diagonal) at each of the four levels.

  • Step 2: The above quantization function is applied to each coefficient f that is to be watermarked. If the resulting binary value is equal to the value of the watermark bit to be embedded, the coefficient is left intact; otherwise, it is modified as follows in order to cast the watermark bit value:

    $$ f = \left\{ \begin{aligned}{} & f + \Delta ,\quad {\text{if}}\;f \le 0 \\ & f - \Delta ,\quad {\text{if}}\;f > 0 \\ \end{aligned} \right.\, $$
  • Step 3: The 4-level inverse wavelet transform is implemented to produce the watermarked image.

The extraction of the multiple watermarks is performed through decomposition of the watermarked image using 4-level Haar wavelet transform and key-based detection of the watermarked coefficients. The multiple watermark bits are subsequently extracted by applying the quantization function to each of these coefficients.

2.3 Selection criteria for watermark embedding locations

The wavelet coefficients to be watermarked are specified based on a random key and the ROI map. Initially, the key selects the embeddable coefficients of all levels and subbands; in the cases of the data watermarks (signature, index, caption) however, the wavelet domain ROI map determines which of the key-selected coefficients will finally be used for embedding, by not belonging to the ROI. In this way, the reference watermark is inserted in coefficients corresponding to the whole image, hence allowing an overall image integrity control, whereas the signature, index, and caption watermarks are cast into parts of no diagnostic significance. Thus, the diagnostically important regions of interest are protected against any compromise on their quality, by being burdened only with the information needed to enable integrity control. The wavelet domain ROI map is produced based on the spatial self-similarity between subbands [29] through the procedure described in [13]. The correspondence among the ROI maps of a wavelet-transformed CT test image in four decomposition levels is illustrated in Fig. 1b.

The multiple watermarks are distributed in different decomposition levels and subbands according to their individual characteristics and requirements. In the case of the signature watermark, robustness is of critical importance, due to the fact that even one error bit could result in authentication failure; on the contrary, the capacity requirements for the specific watermark are quite limited, since its length is restricted to the minimum needed to grant uniqueness of the conveyed identification code. The index and the caption watermarks on the other hand, demand also robustness but mainly increased capacity, since they convey many bits of additional information; as they comprise keywords for image retrieval and patient’s personal/examination data respectively, it is evident that especially in the latter case the capacity requirements are even greater. Given the decreasing number of coefficients and consequently the reduced available capacity in ascending decomposition levels, the signature, index, and caption watermarks are embedded in non-ROI coefficients of the fourth, third, and second levels, respectively. The specific distribution of the watermarks is also in accordance with the robustness requirements; due to the fact that most of the energy is concentrated in the high decomposition levels, it is expected that more watermark robustness is achieved in ascending levels. Table 1 illustrates the energy distribution of a CT test image in its approximation and detail images, produced by 4-level Haar DWT. The energy is calculated using the following equation:

$$ e_{k} = \frac{1} {{N_{k} \cdot M_{k} }}{\sum\limits_i {{\sum\limits_j {{\left| {I_{k} (i,j)} \right|}} }} }\, $$

where k denotes the approximation and the detail images at each of the decomposition levels, I k are the coefficients of the subband images, and N k , M k are their corresponding dimensions. The table shows the increasing energy concentration in ascending decomposition levels, with the coarse scale image approximation accumulating the major energy proportion. As also evident from the table, the horizontal detail subbands concentrate more energy than the vertical and much more so than the diagonal subbands, a fact that indicates their minor vulnerability to attacks and motivates their use for embedding of the signature, index, and caption watermarks.

Table 1 Energy of approximation and detail images of a 4-level wavelet decomposition of a CT image

Due to the generally resembling behavior of horizontal and vertical subbands [15], an image modification is very likely to affect them in a similar way; therefore, the selection of vertical subbands for reference watermark embedding provides a reflection of the potential tampering of the image. For imperceptibility reasons, the coarse scale image approximation is left intact by the embedding procedure, because of its crucial effect on image quality resulting from the large energy concentration. Besides, the first decomposition level coefficients are used exclusively for reference watermarking and not for signature, index, and caption watermarks embedding, due to their minor effect on image quality that makes them susceptible to common image processing, compression, or attacks. In order to enable a comprehensive image distortion report, the reference watermark is embedded in selected coefficients of the other three decomposition levels as well; in this way, it can be extracted from specific frequencies and/or spatial regions, in order to reflect their potential tampering.

It should be noted that, despite the fact that the energy allocation in subbands and decomposition levels depends on the characteristics of the image, some attributes are common in different imaging modalities; based on these attributes, as well as the individual robustness and capacity requirements of the multiple watermarks, their distribution in the subbands was devised as illustrated in Table 2. The particular allocation of the watermarks optimizes the trade-off among robustness, capacity, and imperceptibility, being efficient and applicable to different imaging modalities without adaptation. The table presents the maximum available capacity in the selected subbands for images of size 512 × 512 pixels, which corresponds to the amount of embeddable coefficients when no ROI is defined; in any other case, the available capacity in the horizontal subbands is determined by the extent of the ROI, since only horizontal coefficients belonging to the non-ROI are allowed to carry watermark bits.

Table 2 Allocation of watermarks according to robustness and capacity criteria

3 Results

The algorithm was tested on different medical imaging modalities (CT, MRI, MRA, PET), with each test set containing 20 images of size 512 × 512 pixels. The algorithm embeds watermarks that are binary arrays from the set {0, 1}; in our simulations, the signature and the reference watermarks were produced by a uniform random number generator, whereas the index and caption ones were derived by ASCII coding of text files containing keywords and patient’s data, respectively. The length of the signature watermark was selected to be 128 bits, which is sufficient to grant uniqueness to the conveyed identification code [27]. The sets of keywords and patient’s data used for index and caption watermarks generation, were arbitrarily selected to comprise 52 and 208 characters respectively; this corresponds to index and caption watermarks of length 364 and 1,456 bits, respectively, by assigning seven bits per character through ASCII coding.

In order to increase robustness of the watermarks carrying additional data (signature, index, caption), a form of hybrid coding including repetitive embedding of BCH encoded watermarks was implemented; specifically, each of the three watermarks was split into parts of equal length, which were then incorporated into suitably selected BCH codes. Afterwards, the BCH encoded watermarks were embedded three times each; this hybrid coding provides the possibility to correct some errors using repetition decoding, before BCH decoding is performed, thus increasing the robustness of the watermarks [38]. Repetition decoding is actually a majority vote process and refers to forming the output watermark based on the most common bit values extracted from the three embedded watermark copies. Table 3 presents the BCH encoding schemes used in these simulations, as well as the number of BCH codes needed in order to comprehend the whole watermarks. In general, a binary BCH code with parameters (n, k, l) represents a codeword of length n, which includes k bits of the watermark array, and can correct up to l bit errors. For instance, BCH (255, 91, 25) comprises a codeword of 255 bits, which includes 91 bits of the watermark to be embedded, and has an error correction capability of 25 bits. In order for example to encode the 1,456-bits caption watermark using BCH (255, 91, 25), the watermark is split into 16 equal parts, and a separate BCH code is used for each part; this results in a total number of 4,080 codeword bits that need to be embedded.

Table 3 BCH encoding schemes for each type of watermark

Given the strict limitations regarding the acceptable modifications of medical images, a thorough evaluation of the scheme performance in terms of transparency is necessary; therefore, both perceptual and signal qualities need to be assessed. Peak signal-to-noise-ratio (PSNR), although not well correlated with perceptual quality, provides an efficient measure of image distortion in terms of numerical values [5, 19, 20], which convey important information in medical applications, for instance in diagnosis support systems. Table 4 presents the obtained average PSNR values of the watermarked images, for each of the four imaging modalities tested.

Table 4 Performance of the scheme in terms of PSNR

The watermarked images were compared with the original ones by a physician who concluded that the visual difference between them was negligible; special attention was paid to the evaluation of the ROI, whose quality was found to be preserved, as the minor distortion due to reference watermark embedding in sporadic ROI coefficients did not cause any image degradation that could affect its fidelity and diagnostic value. Figures 2, 3, 4, and 5 illustrate four test images (CT, MRI, MRA, PET, respectively), each with a specified ROI, and the corresponding watermarked images resulting from the proposed scheme. The high PSNR values obtained, combined with the adequate perceptual quality of the watermarked images, illustrate the transparency of the scheme.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Original and watermarked CT images: a original image with a specified ROI, b resulting watermarked image

Fig. 3
figure 3

Original and watermarked MRI images: a original image with a specified ROI, b resulting watermarked image

Fig. 4
figure 4

Original and watermarked MRA images: a original image with a specified ROI, b resulting watermarked image

Fig. 5
figure 5

Original and watermarked PET images: a original image with a specified ROI, b resulting watermarked image

The performance of the scheme in terms of robustness of the data watermarks (signature, index, caption) was evaluated through JPEG compression of the watermarked images; JPEG compression was selected as an indicative attack applied to the whole image and with varying quality factors, thus reflecting the tolerance of the watermarks in different levels of image distortion. Tables 5, 6, 7, and 8 demonstrate the performance of the scheme for each of the imaging modalities tested. The watermarked images were subjected to JPEG compression with different quality factors and the three watermarks carrying the additional data were extracted and subsequently compared with the originally embedded ones; the tables show the percentage of bit errors in the extracted watermarks. As evident from these tables, the results in terms of robustness were satisfactory; indicatively, the watermark conveying the signature was extracted intact from all imaging modalities tested, even when the watermarked images were subjected to JPEG75 compression. The index watermark resisted JPEG compression with quality factors of at least 80, and particularly in the cases of MRA and PET images, it was extracted intact even after JPEG75 compression. As expected, the tolerance of the caption watermark to JPEG compression was less, due to the decreasing robustness in descending decomposition levels.

Table 5 Percentage of bit errors in watermarks extracted from CT images (%)
Table 6 Percentage of bit errors in watermarks extracted from MRI images (%)
Table 7 Percentage of bit errors in watermarks extracted from MRA images (%)
Table 8 Percentage of bit errors in watermarks extracted from PET images (%)

Tables 9, 10, 11, and 12 demonstrate the effects of applying JPEG compression with different quality factors to the watermarked images of CT, MRI, MRA, and PET modalities, respectively. In order to evaluate the degree of distortion, we selected the normalized hamming distance (NHD) as the similarity measure:

$$ {\text{NHD}}(w, \ifmmode\expandafter\tilde\else\expandafter\sim \fi{w}) = \frac{1} {{N_{w} }}{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{_{{N_{w} }} } {w(i) \oplus \ifmmode\expandafter\tilde\else\expandafter\sim \fi{w}(i)} }\, $$

where w and \( \, \ifmmode\expandafter\tilde\else\expandafter\sim \fi{w}\, \) are the original and extracted reference watermarks respectively, N w is the length of the watermark, and ⊕ is the exclusive-OR operator. The distance ranges between (0, 1) and the decision on the data integrity is application dependent. As obvious, in medical applications the distance value should not exceed a small threshold, thus indicating negligible image modifications. As expected, JPEG compression with decreasing quality results in increasing NHD values. The tables also illustrate the decrease of the NHD value in ascending decomposition levels, which is due to the increased robustness.

Table 9 Normalized hamming distance values as a function of JPEG quality factor for CT images
Table 10 Normalized hamming distance values as a function of JPEG quality factor for MRI images
Table 11 Normalized hamming distance values as a function of JPEG quality factor for MRA images
Table 12 Normalized hamming distance values as a function of JPEG quality factor for PET images

The above presented experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of the scheme in terms of robustness, imperceptibility, and integrity control capability, and its potential to provide value-added services in health data management systems.

4 Discussion

The paper discusses the perspectives of digital watermarking in health information management and proposes a medical-oriented wavelet-based multiple watermarking scheme; this scheme simultaneously embeds four types of watermarks into medical images, intending to enhance protection of sensitive data, provide origin and data authentication capability, and allow efficient image archiving and retrieval. In order to increase robustness of the watermarks conveying signature, index, and caption data, a combination of BCH encoding and repetitive embedding is performed. The experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of the scheme in terms of robustness, imperceptibility, and integrity control capability.

4.1 Comparison with literature

A plethora of studies regarding digital watermarking techniques and applications have enriched the literature over the last decade; nevertheless, the exploitation of digital watermarking perspectives in medical applications is still in its infancy. A brief overview of the main medical-oriented watermarking studies conducted so far is presented below:

Macq and Dewey [21] focused on the issue of the “trusted header” and proposed a reversible watermarking technique for the purpose of DICOM header verification through insertion of the header hash in the medical image. The method uses “pseudo-sums” and “pseudo-differences” of adjacent image pixels for the insertion of the hash, the comparison of which with the hash corresponding to the received image allows the reliability control of the link between the header and the image.

Coatrieux et al. [9] proposed the use of watermarking techniques as a complementary measure to the existing ones for protecting medical images; they pinpointed the necessary requirements a watermarking system has to conform to in order to be accepted in a medical environment, as well as its complementary role to the existing security systems. Two different application scenarios were presented, which involved image authentication and tracing, and health record integrity control, respectively. In a latter study, Coatrieux et al. [8] discussed again the role of watermarking in the context of security of health information systems and focused on the issue of medical image integrity control; they proposed to separate the images into two parts, the one comprising the regions of diagnostic significance (ROI), and the other representing a region of non-interest. In order to preserve the diagnostic value of the image, they suggested the insertion of the watermarks exclusively in non-ROI parts. They also examined three alternative schemes for extraction of verification signatures and compared their tamper detection performance.

Kong and Feng [16] compared three well-known watermarking techniques in terms of signal integrity verification in an electroencephalogram (EEG) monitoring application for brain injury detection. More specifically, they evaluated patchwork, least significant bit (LSB) replacement, and quantization-based watermarking methods with respect to sensitivity to noise contamination, robustness to EEG signal characteristics changes due to brain injury, and consistency under various communication channel models. They implemented autoregressive modeling to the EEG signal and inserted the authentication watermark in the residual sequence. The result of their study was that the patchwork method outperforms compared with the other two techniques, providing lower error bit passing probability and higher signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) in conditions of moderate bit error rate in the communication channel.

Acharya et al. [1] proposed the embedding of an encrypted version of the electronic patient record (EPR) in medical images, by replacing the LSB of the gray levels of pixels. The text file containing patient’s data was encrypted using the logarithm of the ASCII codes of the text, whereas the encryption of the heart rate signal was based on predictive coding techniques, such as differential pulse code modulation (DPCM) and adaptive delta modulation (ADM). The authors pointed out the reduction of storage and transmission overheads as a result of inserting patient information in medical images. In a latter study, Acharya et al. [2] repeated their tests using error control coding, in order to enhance the reliability of image transmission and storage in the presence of noise or other interference. Subsequently, Acharya et al. [3] performed watermark embedding by LSB replacement in the frequency domain. More specifically, they applied discrete cosine transform (DCT) into image blocks of size 8 × 8 pixels and replaced the LSBs of DCT coefficients belonging to a mid-frequency range with the bits of the array which resulted from the encryption of EPR data. Nayak et al. [24] presented a comparative evaluation of the results deriving from applying the LSB method to the spatial and frequency domains, the latter including not only DCT, but also discrete fourier transform (DFT) and DWT. It is worth mentioning though that, despite the minimal degradation of image quality and the low complexity, the LSB watermarking method is not applicable in practice due to its well-known fragility.

Miaou et al. [23] and Chao et al. [7] also proposed a watermarking technique based on LSB replacement, aiming to provide origin authentication and protection of the patient’s health record. They applied an algorithm using a bipolar multiple-number base in order to embed a watermark consisting of an ECG signal, a diagnostic report, and the physician’s seal. It is noteworthy however to mention that the extraction of the watermark requires the knowledge of the original, unwatermarked image, a fact that invalidates the worth of the system in practice.

The lack of robustness of LSB-replacement watermarking techniques to both malicious attacks and common image processing operations has not deterred other researchers to also implement them in medical applications; Zhou et al. [37] used an LSB watermarking scheme in order to verify the authenticity and the integrity of digital mammography images. They embedded the health record in the image by replacing the LSBs of randomly selected pixels with the bits of the array comprising the record. This array included patient’s data, as well as the digital signature resulting from the encrypted image digest, thus allowing the data authenticity and integrity control. In order to avoid any distortion of the image digest due to watermarking, the LSBs of the image pixels were excluded from the procedure of digest calculation. Cao et al. [6] presented the existing context of medical data protection in PACS based on the DICOM standard and discussed the advantages and disadvantages of the LSB watermarking technique with respect to the existing security measures.

Wakatani [34] proposed the embedding of a signature image in non-ROI regions of the original image in order to avoid any compromise on its diagnostic value. The signature was encoded using embedded zerotree wavelet (EZW) progressive coding and the resulting bit array was embedded in the image by replacing the bits of a randomly selected bit plane of the pixels. The watermark was inserted in a spiral way around the ROI, with the most significant information of the signature embedded in the nearest to the ROI area. By dividing the contour of the ROI in several regions and inserting the signature in each region, the signature image could be extracted from a clipped image including only a part of the ROI.

Trichili et al. [32] suggested the addition of a virtual border to the image by mirror effect, in order to embed the watermark in pixels not belonging to the image itself, thus guaranteeing its integrity. The watermark included the patient’s name, age, and the image acquisition laboratory, and was embedded in the LSBs of the virtual border. The authors claim that the original image can be extracted from the watermarked one due to the reversibility of the method; still, the disadvantages of LSB embedding are applied to this approach as well.

Yang and Bao [36] presented a brief overview of reversible watermarking methods that have been proposed in the literature and proposed a method which is exclusively applicable to the authentication of an Electronic Clinical Brain Atlas. Their method uses for embedding the border between different structures of the atlas, and modifies in a reversible way the color of specific pixels of the border in order to embed the binary sequence.

Recently, Puech and Rodrigues [28] proposed the combination of encryption and watermarking techniques for the purpose of safe transmission of medical images. The suggested methodology includes ciphering of the image using a secret key, which is encrypted with a public-private key method and is subsequently embedded in the ciphered image. A DCT-based watermarking technique was applied in order to embed the encrypted key. The authors claim that their stream cipher method is robust to moderate noise like JPEG compression with high quality factor.

Osborne et al. [26] developed a semi-fragile watermarking technique aiming to verify the integrity of the ROI of medical images after transmission. They used a quantization-based method to multiply embed a signature into the region of background (ROB). The signature was extracted by comparing the coefficient values of pseudo-random pairs of DCT blocks belonging to the ROI. The authors focused on the robustness of the method to both JPEG compression and image transmission over error-prone mobile channels.

According to our extensive literature review, medical-oriented watermarking approaches have focused on specific applications, whereas multiple watermarking of medical images, aiming to provide a unified approach to different healthcare applications, is an innovative concept. On the other hand, our multiple watermarking scheme simultaneously addresses a range of health data management issues having different characteristics and requirements.

4.2 Attributes of the scheme

The proposed scheme provides a value-added tool for secure and efficient health data management through the use of multiple purpose-specific watermarks; different types of data are conveyed in each watermark, providing source identification, indexing and patient/examination information, as well as data integrity control. Each of the embeddable watermarks has different characteristics in terms of robustness and capacity, depending on the purpose that it addresses and consequently on the nature and size of the information that it needs to accommodate. The signature watermark allows the identification of the source of the medical data, be it the physician, the code of the mobile unit, etc. The index watermark carries keywords, based on which efficient image retrieval from image databases can take place. For instance, an image can be watermarked with indexing information along with other additional data at the point of acquisition, be it a remote health center or a laboratory. Subsequently, the image can be transmitted to the hospital server and subjected to index watermark extraction prior to its storage in the hospital image database; this indexing information can afterwards be used for efficient database querying. It is noteworthy to mention that the wavelet-analytic nature of the algorithm provides the potential of deriving image inherent characteristics that could be used for content-based database querying. On the other hand, the insertion of patient’s personal data directly into the image using the caption watermark, guarantees a permanent link between the patient and his/her medical data and enhances medical confidentiality protection. Since only authorized users having the appropriate watermark key can extract the sensitive information, watermarking provides data access control and enables a form of de-identification; given that the personal identification marks are detached from the images and embedded in them using a key, the images can be distributed without the risk of revealing sensitive data to unauthorized users. Both the embedding and extraction procedures are time-efficient, thus providing the authorized user with the capability of easily accessing the embedded data, and if necessary, updating the information and re-embedding it in the image. Moreover, the fact that reference watermarking reveals the possibly tampered image parts and allows the physician to evaluate the extent of the modification by examining its impact in all the decomposition levels, further justifies the value-added functionality of the watermarking scheme.

4.3 Future work

Future work involves exploiting the wavelet-analytic nature of the algorithm to derive image inherent characteristics, in order for the proposed scheme to accommodate content-based image querying. Moreover, the algorithm can be easily integrated with the wavelet-based JPEG2000 compression standard to allow efficient storage and transmission of medical images. Conforming to the strict limitations regarding manipulation of diagnostically significant image regions, the scheme has the potential to be integrated into health information systems, in order to provide value-added services for secure and efficient health data management.