1 Introduction

As the cost of Internet connections and information processing decreases, more and more businesses are exposing themselves to a variety of cyber risks. According to a recent study by the Coordination Centre/Computer Emergency Response Team (CC/CERT) [1], the frequency of cyber-attacks has tripled annually. Making our information systems resilient to and tolerant of such attacks has taken on increased significance, particularly for those used for crucial operations in the commercial and defense sectors. Intrusion detection includes detecting malicious actions that put the accessibility, confidentiality, and integrity of data sources in danger. A thorough understanding of recognized attack signatures serves as the cornerstone of traditional intrusion detection methods [2]. Events are compared to signatures to identify intrusions when they are monitored [3]. These methods use features from various audit streams and a collection of malicious activities provided by human experts, comparing attribute values to identify intrusions [4]. Every time a new type of infiltration is identified, the signature database needs to be manually updated. The fact that signature-based approaches are unable to identify evolving cyber threats—which by definition are launched using previously unheard-of tactics—is a significant flaw in their design [5]. Even after a new attack has been found and its signature established, there can occasionally be a significant delay in its dissemination across networks. Due to these restrictions, data mining-based intrusion detection methods are being used more frequently [6].

Techniques for detecting intrusions using data mining are often separated into two classes: The first one is misuse detection, and the second one is anomaly detection. In misuse detection, each occurrence in such a dataset is categorized as either "normal" or "intrusion," as shown in Fig. 1. An algorithm for machine learning is then trained on the indexed data. As long as the attacks have been accurately tagged, these techniques may continuously train up models for intrusion detection using various input data that includes the latest attack forms. Using misuse detection techniques provides a distinct advantage in detecting known attacks and their variants with high accuracy. The fact that systems are not able to identify threats whose occurrences have not yet been observed is clearly a drawback for them. On the other hand, anomaly detection creates typical behavior models and automatically recognizes one departure from all of this, marking the latter as suspicious [7].

Fig. 1
figure 1

Occurrences in dataset

Detecting deviations from standard usage patterns is how anomaly detection systems identify new incursions [2]. While having good detection techniques, the possibility of false alarms is a potential drawback of using these methods. Due to its ubiquity and susceptibility. Ensuring security in cyberspace requires ongoing assessment. Massive cyber-attacks have been seen worldwide, including data breaches that gave hackers access to billions of debit and credit card numbers, crypto-jacking attacks, corporate espionage, cyber warfare, social engineering attacks, IoT (Internet of Things) assaults, etc. In addition to the standard system flaws that were exploited in all successful attacks, an IDS, in addition to other security measures such as secure data storage authorization and authentication, methods, and firewalls, is also strongly advised [8].

While a few IDS monitor network traffic and issue alerts for suspicious activity, others also act once threats are discovered, depending on their detection criteria [9]. The meticulous examination of system activity and differentiation between legitimate and malicious activity allows anomaly-based IDS to detect network intrusions. Most IDSs employ misuse detection approaches, which involve scanning and alerting for "known patterns" of harmful behavior. Although this type of IDS restricts itself by consulting the list of known attacks, Their main drawback is that they will be ineffective at protecting against future attacks because signatures have not yet been included. As a result, the system has a significant security hole that a hacker can readily use to trick the IDS. Such IDS must be regularly upgraded to recognize newly emerging attack signatures and those already well-known. Integrating IDS with intelligence often involves leveraging deep learning and machine learning techniques [10]. These methods simplify identifying all types of assaults and protecting the system from all potential threats. But picking the correct dataset is crucial to constructing a machine learning model effective at intrusion detection. On the publicly accessible IDS datasets NSL-KDD [14], KOYOTO [13], KDD 99 [12], and DARPA [11], various machine learning algorithms currently in use are applied. The fact that the statistics, as mentioned earlier, are outdated and don't reflect current traffic patterns is a crucial shortcoming of the planned systems utilizing them. Additionally, numerous researchers have suggested models using machine learning for IDS, and the majority believes accuracy to be the most crucial criterion for assessing the proposed models. But instead, because IDSs make accurate predictions in real-time, accuracy alone is not enough to evaluate a system's performance.

Evaluation of IDS for prediction latency, also known as prediction accuracy, is equally essential to accuracy evaluation. Most academics haven't examined the effect on prediction latency, even though it increases prediction accuracy. A significant actual positive prediction rate should also be included in high-performing IDS, precision, and accuracy latency. False positives, incorrectly identified as attacks, and false negatives, wrongly classified as benign, cannot be considered equal. False negatives can render the system utterly ineffective, whereas positives can add to the system's resources. As a result, in addition to prediction, recall rate, and accuracy, the delay is crucial for assessing the performance of the IDS model.

The remainder of the study is structured as follows: Sect. 3, "Related Work," discusses prior research on machine learning-based intrusion detection. The implementation is covered in detail in Sect. 4, "Proposed Work," along with a thorough explanation of the stages involved in data preparation. The results are discussed in Sect. 5, "Experimental Results." The summary of the developments in Sect. 6, "Conclusion" serves as the paper's conclusion.

1.1 Contribution/Advantage

The main contributions of the proposed work can be summarized as follows:

  1. (1)

    The major benefit of the hybrid crowd search analysis and optimization algorithm is that it considers all the features of the NSL-KDD dataset because this dataset contains numerical as well as categorical data, and the processing of categorical data is difficult, so in this approach, categorical data is labeled by a one-hot encoding technique for the consideration of attack detection.

  2. (2)

    Another benefit of the proposed work is that feature selection is done on the basis of correlation. For which 0.5 is considered the threshold limit, if the dataset changes or we work on a real-time dataset, we do need to change the correlation-based feature selection, but if we use the feature selection approach that was used in previous work, we need to change the algorithm as per the complex dataset.

  3. (3)

    The HCSAOANN algorithm achieved 98% accuracy and a 98% precision rate, which is 2.2% better than the CSO-ANFIS technique and 8.877% superior to the FC-ANN technique.

  4. (4)

    The pre-processing step of feature selection chooses the most significant features while improving classification accuracy and lowering the dimensionality of datasets.

2 Rare Classes for Learning

Due to several unique considerations, such as learning from data streams, dealing with imbalanced class distribution, and identifying network connections, traditional data mining approaches are unsuitable for misusing detection-related problems. The problem of an unbalanced class distribution in intrusion detection for networks is apparent because the category of intrusion that is of concern, incursion, is much more minor and consequently more infrequent than the class that represents typical network activities. In such circumstances, where normal conduct may generally represent 98–99% of the total population, a primary classification that classifies everyone in the class label might approach 98–99% accuracy. The accuracy of the category is inadequate in this case as a benchmark evaluation metric. Evaluating the efficacy of a machine learning approach for the minority class is crucial. ROC testing [13] and measures like accuracy and precision have been applied [15]. A confusion matrix, as depicted in Table 1, is frequently utilized to assess the efficiency of such a machine-learning system [16].

Table 1 Common measures for evaluating (intrusions)

From Table 1, ROC, F1-value, as well as precision can be defined as follow:

$${\text{Precision}}\, = \,\frac{{\text{Cuttectly Detected Attacks}}}{{{\text{Currectly Detected Attacks}}\,{ + }\,{\text{False Alarms}}}}$$
$${\text{Recall}}\,{ = }\,\frac{{\text{Cuttectly Detected Attacks}}}{{{\text{Currectly Detected Attacks}}\,{ + }\,{\text{False Negative}}}}$$
$${\text{F1 Score}}\,{ = }\,{2*}\frac{{\text{Precision*Recall}}}{{{\text{Precision}}\,{ + }\,{\text{Recall}}}}$$

A few historical algorithms for data mining are better suited to deal with intrusions since they are provided based on a succession of events. Labeling all data is necessary for misuse detection algorithms, but classifying connectivity as legal or intrusive takes time and requires considerable human specialists. Developing anomaly-based models becomes quite complicated due to all these problems. Advanced classification algorithms have been developed to learn from unconventional classes. For instance, the two-stage learning method PN rule [9] is centered on determining the norms. The first level aims to find P-rules covering the majority of invasive instances, whereas the second step finds N-rules and removes false alarms produced in the first stage. Through boost generalization ability, CREDOS [17] is a unique method that initially over fits the training data using ripple-down rules before pruning it. It is commonly recognized in data mining that using many classifiers in conjunction can increase prediction accuracy. The Rare-Boost [13] technique aims to include rare class learning techniques [15]. For every one of the four records in Table 1, Rare-Boost modifies the weight of occurrences differently than the regular boosting procedure, which equivalently upgrades the events' importance. By concentrating on a rare class problem, we have also looked into a conventional association-based classification approach. These top item sets are chosen as "meta-features" after each class has undergone the specific item set generation process. Its primary data set is supplemented with these created features, and the resulting data set is subjected to a standard categorization method. The most excellent rules to put the components into the classifiers are chosen using confidence-like metrics in the current association-based classification methods. These methods, however, might only be effective if the data set has a good representation of each type. A number of the remarkable accuracy item sets may also be helpful for the unusual class problems, provided that their precision isn't extremely low. As a result, in addition to accuracy, ROC and F-value are also used to pick the best item sets to be included in the original data set [18].

3 Related Work

Building systems for intrusion detection frequently use machine learning techniques [19]. In this context, the term "classification" describes machine learning methods to differentiate between safe and unsafe behaviors within a network traffic data collection while creating anomaly-based IDS. In this, it was advised to use an effective system for intrusion detection that uses feature selection and an ensemble classifier [20]. On multi-attack classification, they propose the Ensemble technique, which is CFS-BA, in which correlations are used for the selection of features, followed by an ensemble method based on Random Forest, C4.5, as well as Forest PA (forest by penalizing attributes), including an AOP (average of probabilities) algorithm. They claimed that for the NSL KDD dataset as well as the CICIDS 2017 datasets, the classifier offers 99% accuracy. A crucial weakness in the system is that the researcher hasn't taken this model's time efficiency into account. Presented a hybrid intrusion system that uses prioritized improved support vector machines (SVM) as well as KNN (K-Nearest Neighbors) classifiers on three intrusion detection datasets—Koyotto 2006 + , NSL-KDD, and KDD Cup99 [21].

This hybrid system for intrusion detection uses the Naive Bayes approach of feature selection for an optimized SVM to find outliers and decrease the dimensionality of the data set. The classification is then performed using a prioritized KNN classifier. Four modules make up this proposed method: DPM (Data Preprocessing Module), FSM (Feature Selection Module), ORM (Outlier Rejection Module), and DMM (Decision-Making Module). This model uses mutual and feature effects recognition to choose pertinent attributes based on training time, testing time, and accuracy. The author's use of obsolete datasets to assess the effectiveness of the proposed model, which does not adequately reflect current traffic patterns, is the fundamental weakness of the model. Furthermore, compared to the approaches the author explains, machine learning techniques are more efficient and effective. Since most intrusion datasets are skewed, numerous academics have suggested methods to equalize the dataset to improve detection rates. The CIC-IDS2018 dataset's skewed classes were balanced using a model developed using the SMOTE oversampling technique [22].

The samples of crooked styles are enlarged in proportion to the mean sample size. They claim to have used Ad-boost, RF, KNN (K Nearest Neighbor), DT (Decision Tree), and LDA to obtain an accuracy of 99% utilizing this method (Linear Discriminant Analysis). Models for intrusion detection frequently employ techniques like the GA (Genetic Algorithm). Although the article says it has a 99% accuracy rate, time-based metrics are not tested for the approach. The GASVM (Genetic Algorithm Support Vector Machine) classification algorithm was applied to a model [23]. For feature selection, a hybrid method is employed. The GA assigns three priorities to the chosen features. Additional classification is done using these features. Numerous deep-learning techniques are also recommended for developing successful IDS. A dynamic method for anomaly detection was presented, and the neural network was developed using LSTM (long short-term memory) [24]. The most recent CIC-IDS 2018 information was utilized. Although the author's proposed strategy had a 96.2% accuracy rate, the time efficiency of the model was not evaluated. By using the CIC-IDS 2018 dataset, an artificial neural network detection model is proposed. They asserted a 99.97% accuracy rate and an average Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) curve area of 0.999 [25].

The model was only meant for botnet identification, despite its excellent accuracy rating of 99.97%. Furthermore, the time efficiency of the model is not evaluated. SCDNN was proposed based on the DNN (Deep Neural Network) as well as SC (Spectral Clustering) algorithms [26]. Sensor network, the NSL-KDD datasets, KDD-Cup99, and the proposed approach were used to assess it. The authors asserted that their method surpasses SVM, BPNN (back propagation neural network), Bayes tree, and RF models in terms of attack detection accuracy. The SCDNN's drawback is that it requires empirical rather than theoretical determination of the clusters' k and parameters and tuning of the DNN layers thresholds and weight parameters. The specified model's time efficiency also isn't measured, and the system is tested with out-of-date datasets. Numerous deep-learning methodologies were compared [27].

The other dataset, CIC-IDS 2018, was used to compare the performance of all of these models, such as convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, DNN, restricted Boltzmann machines, deep belief networks, deep auto encoders, and deep Boltzmann machines. The investigation was run on 5% of the whole dataset. Only accuracy and recall rate were used to evaluate the deep learning models. Missing measurements were F-measure and accuracy rate. The novel model DNN was developed, which consists of two recurrent neural networks, a constrained Boltzmann machine, and a feed-forward module [28].

The dataset CIC-IDS 2018 served as the training ground for the model. Any technique did not correct the extreme skewness of this dataset. A few attack groups within the CIC-IDS dataset had no results for this strategy. NIDS (Network-based Intrusion Detection System) and HIDS (Host-based Intrusion Detection System) both use the newly proposed distributed deep learning approach for the detection of attacks [29]. The researcher proposed SHIA (Scale-Hybrid-IDS-AlertNet), an intrusion detection system for scaled hybrid attacks. The CIC-IDS 2018 dataset appeared highly skewed, and no strategy was used in the presented methodology to balance it. A few attack categories had unsatisfactory results in this method's findings. Some writers also employ advanced learning algorithms like PSO (Particle Swarm Optimisation) and Extreme Learning to boost the intrusion detection system’s effectiveness. Extreme machine learning and clustering approaches are two technologies that Novel Framework proposes for adaptive systems, including interactive network intrusion detection systems [30].

The update manager, decision maker, and clustering manager are the three components that make up its proposed Intrusion Detection System. The update manager receives a repair proposal, and the decision-maker assesses the clustering choices, including the clustering manager organizing the training data. On the now-outdated NSLKDD dataset, the proposed system is tested: FLN (fast learning model)-based PSO. Using the KDD99 dataset, this model's performance is assessed [31]. The time efficiency of the model was not assessed, and the suggested method could not recognize all attack types. An ensemble approach called SVM-KNN-PSO (Support Vector Machine—K Nearest Neighbor—Particle Swarm Optimization) for intrusion detection was proposed [32]. They proposed a model that uses experts in an ensemble-based strategy. There are five binary classifiers for each expert. Every lesson considers the views of the expert. Every classifier in the expert repeats the vote for each observation. The outcomes from numerous experts are combined using weighted majority voting. The serial intrusion detection mechanism and Light GBM-based real-time system for detecting intrusions have been introduced [33]. The proposed model employs two strategies to cut time without sacrificing the precision of assault detection. First, the intrusion detection algorithm employs a light GBM (light gradient boosting machine). Second, to efficiently evaluate traffic data, serial intrusion detection is used. Parallel intrusion detection methods with coordination and communication overheads form the foundation of Swift IDS. Additionally, this model is steady at network speeds up to 1.26 Gbps [34].

Earlier studies haven’t assessed how quickly a request can be classified as malicious or benign. Delays within the classification process might severely hamper the system's performance and user experience.

4 Proposed Work

Here, we discuss our planned work, including the original CSA-CSO for intrusion detection.

4.1 The Crow Search Algorithm (CSA)

The CSA is an algorithm that was inspired by nature. This algorithm uses the community's collective intelligence to optimize their performance and achieve their objectives. By studying the behavior of crows, these algorithms can mimic the communication patterns, decision-making processes, and other social interactions characteristic of this species.

Crows are undoubtedly intelligent creatures that live in a flock and have large brains for their size. They also know where to hide their food, which they can remember and retrieve even months later. Additionally, people are embarrassed when performing the mirror test. They can retain looks, and if an unpleasant one is seen, they can communicate complexly to inform the other crows. Like other social animals, crows occasionally commit robberies by carefully observing where other crows hide their food and then stealing it. A crow goes to a different spot far from where the food is hidden when he thinks another one is following him to trick a thief.

4.2 CSA’s Framework

Here present populations with problem dimensions are represented as pd, and the number of crows (solutions) represented as NC. The position of all crow i is represented by a vector \(s_{i}^{t} = [s_{{i1}} ^{t} ,s_{{i2}} ^{t} , \ldots {\text{ }}s_{{ipd}}^{t} ]f\), at iteration t or i = 1, 2, 3, …, NC, where \({\text{s}}_{{\text{i}}}^{{\text{t}}}\) is the probable position decision in dimension pd for crow i.

In this case, two things might happen if a crow declares, "i really would like to grab from some other crow j."

1. The crow that follows it, crow i, is not noticed by crow j; When crow i locates the food that crow j has stowed, he or she changes its placement as Eq. (1).

$${\text{s}}_{{\text{i}}}^{{\text{t}}} + 1 = {\text{ s}}_{{\text{i}}}^{{\text{t}}} + {\text{ ri }} * f{\text{m}}_{{\text{j}}}^{{\text{t}}} {\text{ * (n}}_{{\text{j}}}^{{\text{t}}} - {\text{s}}_{{\text{i}}}^{{\text{t}}} {)}$$

where ri is a random digit between [0, 1] and fm is the flight length.

2. Once j realizes she is a crow, i follow her to find where her food is being hidden. In this scenario, the crow j dances erratically to deceive the crow i.

The two examples can be mathematically combined, as shown below;

$${\text{s}}_{{\text{i}}}^{{{\text{t}} + 1}} = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {{\text{s}}_{{\text{i}}}^{{\text{t}}} + {\text{ri * fm}}_{{\text{j}}}^{{\text{t}}} * \left( {{\text{n}}_{{\text{j}}}^{{\text{t}}} - {\text{s}}_{{\text{i}}}^{{\text{t}}} } \right), } & {rj \ge {\text{AWP}}_{{\text{i}}}^{{\text{t}}} } \\ {\text{Random position selected,}} & {{\text{Otherwise}}} \\ \end{array} } \right.$$

where random numbers are ri and rj and at t iteration, crow j’s awareness probability is \({\text{ AWP}}_{{\text{i}}}^{{\text{t}}}\). The value of fm has an impact on crows' capacity to search. High values of fm support global search, whereas low values support local search [35]. Each crow is evaluated while the method is executed using a precisely defined fitness function. The crows then change their places under the fitness value. Every new post is examined for viability. According to Eq. (3), the crows' memories are updated:

$${\text{m}}_{{\text{i}}}^{{\text{t}}} + 1 = {\text{ s}}_{{\text{i}}}^{{{\text{t }}}} + 1,{\text{ if f s}}_{{\text{i}}}^{{\text{t}}} + 1{\text{is better than f }}\left( {{\text{s}}_{{\text{i}}}^{{\text{t}}} } \right){\text{n}}_{{\text{i}}}^{{\text{t}}} ,{\text{Otherwise }}$$
Algorithm 1
figure d


Local optima are then determined using Eqs. (5) and (7); under those results, the current solution for every crow is updated.

$${\text{S}}_{{\text{i}}}^{{\text{t}}} = \left[ {{\text{s}}_{{{\text{i, }}}} 1^{{\text{t}}} ,{\text{s}}_{{{\text{i, j}}}}^{{\text{t}}} , \ldots {\text{ s}}_{{{\text{i, d}}}}^{{\text{t}}} } \right]\;{\text{i}} = 1,2,3 \ldots {\text{NC}}$$
$$\mathop {\text{V}}\nolimits_{{\text{i, j}}}^{{\text{t + 1}}} {\text{ = w}}^{\prime } {\text{v}}_{{\text{i, j}}}^{{\text{t}}} {\text{ + A1r1}}\left( {{\text{G1best}}_{{\text{i, j}}}^{{\text{t}}} - \mathop {\text{s}}\nolimits_{{\text{i, j}}}^{{\text{t}}} } \right){\text{ + A2r2}}\left( {{\text{G2best}}_{{\text{j}}}^{{\text{t}}} - \mathop {\text{s}}\nolimits_{{\text{i, j}}}^{{\text{t}}} } \right)$$

where A1 and A2 are, respectively, the cognitive and interpersonal factors, the values r1 and r2 are random. The inertia weight, or w', describes how the prior velocity of the swarm influences the velocity of the successive stage. The value of w' is stated in Eq. (6).

$${\text{w}}^{\prime } = {\text{w}}_{\max }^{\prime } - {\text{iteration}}*\frac{{{\text{w}}_{\max }^{\prime } - {\text{w}}_{\min }^{\prime } }}{x}$$

where; x = max_iteration

$${\text{S}}_{{\text{i,j}}}^{{\text{t + 1}}} {\text{ = s}}_{{\text{i,1}}}^{{\text{t}}} {\text{ + V}}_{{\text{i,j}}}^{{\text{t + 1}}}$$

4.3 The HCSAOANN (Proposed Algorithm)

Algorithm 2 outlines the key steps of the proposed approach to dealing with feature selection problems. This part also uses the integration of CSA-CSO principles with ANN algorithms to produce an algorithm that could profit from its combination.

The efficiency of fully random following every crow in the classic CSA is increased in the proposed technique by targeting a few selected crows with the greatest goodies. Then, algorithm 3 uses the CSA approach to build the various crow positions or change places in the CSO. The goal is to allow the two algorithms to explore the search space independently without being influenced by the results of either strategy. Establish the initial values for the crow search parameters, including awareness likelihood, flock size, flight duration, crow position, and the number of iterations. Create an attack prediction including a classification model using a neural network, and then optimize it using a crow search-based approach with each update of the crow memory. The selecting properties of the NSL-KDD dataset were subjected to the Met heuristic Crow Search Optimization (CSO) method in contrast to the mentioned state-of-the-art classifier, which improved the accuracy and detection rate of the IDS while decreasing the false alarm rate.

Algorithm 2
figure e


Algorithm 3
figure f

Crow location in opposite

When the feature vector size is N, the number of potentials picked tends to be 2, which is a fairly large space for comprehensive searching. By accomplishing this and providing the ideal feature combination, the recommended hybrid algorithm is employed to investigate the feature space dynamically. Here, feature selection must satisfy many objectives to achieve the optimum result, which minimizes the feature subset selected and simultaneously increases the output accuracy for a given classifier. The flow chart of the proposed methodology is illustrated in Fig. 2.

  1. 1.

    Data pre-processing:

    1. a.

      Read the input NSL-KDD dataset.

    2. b.

      Remove the attribute 'difficulty_level' from the dataset since we are assuming it is not a decision parameter and it will not help us to classify our dataset.

    3. c.

      Changing the attack labels to their respective attack classes.

    4. d.

      Selecting numeric attribute columns from the dataset.

  2. 2.

    Data normalization:

    1. a.

      Normalize the dataset using a standard scaler, since normalization can help train of our neural networks as the different features are on a similar scale, which helps to stabilize the gradient descent step, allowing us to use larger learning rates or it will help models converge faster for a given learning rate.

    2. b.

      Selecting categorical data attribute from the dataset.

    3. c.

      Creating a data frame from this categorical attributes dataset.

    4. d.

      Apply the one-hot-encoding attack label for categorical attributes using pandas.get_dummies() function to categorize these categorical column attributes and used them in the learning model.

  3. 3.

    Feature selection:

    1. a.

      Finding the attributes that have more than 0.5 correlations with the encoded attack label attribute when considering only the dependent attributes from the dataset.

    2. b.

      Selecting attributes is done by using Pearson correlation coefficient.

    3. c.

      Joining the selected attribute with the one-hot-encoded categorical data frame.

  4. 4.

    Training and testing:

    1. a.

      Splitting the dataset into 75% for training and 25% for testing or to get the more accurate model we can split it into more training and testing sets.

  5. 5.

    Parameter initializing and model evaluation:

    1. a.

      Initialize the crow search parameters, such as awareness probability, flight length, flock size, maximum number of iterations, and position of the crow.

    2. b.

      Apply the neural network model to create a model for attack prediction and classification. Optimize this model at each iteration of the Crow memory update by applying Crow search-based optimization. The meta-heuristic Crow Search Optimization (CSO) algorithm was applied to the selective features of the NSL-KDD dataset, which cut down the false alarm rate and enhanced the detection rate and accuracy of the IDS as compared with the mentioned state-of-the-art classifiers.

Fig. 2
figure 2

HCSAOANN proposed work

5 Experimental Results

The observations in this research are conducted over a few stages:

  1. 1.

    Analysis of various attacks in a given dataset (NSL-KDD Dataset)

  2. a.

    Classification Attacks in the NSL-KDD Dataset.

  3. b.

    Classification of Major Attacks in the given dataset (NSL-KDD Dataset).

  4. 2.

    Various plots of accuracy vs. epoch for training and test datasets based on the number of neurons, epochs, and batch size

  5. a.

    Show some results on when we applied with CSA and without CSA.

  6. b.

    Performance Analysis of Various Metrics on Binary Class Distribution.

  7. c.

    Performance Analysis of Various Metrics on Multi-Class Distribution.

5.1 Definition of Dataset

The improved version of KDD99, known as NSL-KDD (National Security Lab-Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining), was developed to overcome its drawbacks. Downloading this publicly accessible dataset is possible at https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/hassan06/nslkdd. The train and test sets' duplicate records are first removed. Second, alternative records from the original KDD99 dataset were selected to produce trustworthy results from classifier systems. Third, the imbalanced probability distribution problem was solved. The NSL-KDD data collection consists of 125,973 training examples and 22,544 test cases.

5.2 Result Discussion

The algorithms employed in this work were initiated at random, permitted to execute P = 10 + individually with 60 + iterations, and kept at a population size of 20, with a dimension equal to the figure of characteristics in the given dataset. The specifications used for the comparative methods are listed in Table 3. All of the tests for this study were done in Python on a machine with an Intel (R) Core (TM) i3-7020U CPU at 2.30 GHz. The following statistical metrics are noted based on the validation results.

Applying Crow Search Optimization, in this case, enhances the algorithm's predictive power. NSL-KDD data sets are publicly available data sets for assessing intrusion detection systems. Some of the underlying issues are resolved by the NSL-KDD data set.

The set of numerous duplicated records in the NSL-KDD data set, which biases learning algorithms towards frequent records and prevents them from learning uncommon records that are typically more destructive to networks, like U2R and R2L attacks, is one of the data set's most significant efficiencies. In this experiment, we used the NSL-KDD data set, which contains 494,021 records, including 125,973 records.

Figure 3 shows that the data set is severely out of balance or that there is not a consistent distribution of samples for every type of attack. DoS-type attacks have a large sample count, whereas U2R-type attacks have a lower sample count. This uneven distribution of samples could be problematic for any classification model based on data mining.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Attacks distribution in KDD dataset

A variety of fundamental attacks from the KDD Cup dataset are shown in Table 2. The different attack types from the dataset are divided into Normal, Probe, Dos, U2R, and R2L groups.

Table 2 Classification attacks in the NSL-KDD dataset

The KDDCup dataset's analysis of all potential assaults is shown in Fig. 4. Without using any distributions of attack types, the analysis is complete. This data collection includes one normal type and four different forms of attack. Using the given NSL-KDD data set, an experiment is conducted to evaluate the robustness of the model.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Classification of attacks in KDD dataset

Probe: When an attacker uses to host and network scanning techniques to access data on the target network. A port scanning is one example of a probe.

DoS: Whenever an attacker prevents authorized users from accessing a system or service.

U2R: Whenever a hacker tries to convert a restricted user's advantages to root access (During stolen or malware facts infection).

R2L: An outsider gains wireless connectivity to a targeted system by imitating other nearby users. As they imitate the behavior of typical users, U2R, as well as R2L attacks, were some of the most difficult to recognize.

Figure 5 shows the attack type distribution from the KDDCup dataset. The classification between normal and abnormal labels is shown in Fig. 5a. Attacks of the normal and atypical types account for 53.46 and 46.54%, respectively. Conversely, Fig. 5b shows how multiclass labels are classified, with normal remaining at 53.46%, DoS at 36.46%, R2L at 9.25%, and Probe and U2R at 84%.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Classification of major attacks in the NSL-KDD dataset

Five possible classifications were covered in training and testing sessions: normal, probe, dos, U2R, and R2L. Here, the normal class denotes the absence of anomalies. As the last classes influence the results, these five classes are considered. These categorizations remain useful for identifying intrusions and remain fairly unbalanced (a crucial aspect of intrusion data), having sufficient cases for each class to produce more useful results.

Table 3 shows the dataset's most dependent quality ordering distribution, along with a list of attributes and their correlation coefficients. The correlation coefficient, which identifies the dataset's primary indicators of attack types, serves as the foundation for the sorting.

Table 3 Ordering distribution of most dependent attributes

The accuracy of the proposed algorithm changes according to the testing and training of KDDCup datasets, as illustrated in Fig. 6. The accuracy is calculated using the split between the training sets, test sets, and the number of epochs. 50 neurons, 10 epochs, and 500 batch sizes were used for the analysis, as illustrated in Fig. 6. The analysis uses various neurons and 500 batches for 500 epochs, as indicated in Table 4 and Table 5 for binary and multi-classification, respectively.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Plot of accuracy versus epoch for train and test dataset based on 50 neurons, 10 epochs and 500 batch size

Table 4 Performance analysis of various metrics on binary class distribution
Table 5 Performance analysis of various metrics on multiclass distribution

We are using here four parameters like average loss, accuracy, F1 score, precision, and recall at each epoch, and we analyzed these parameter values along with CSA and without CSA. After the analysis at each epoch, we found average loss to be very less with CSA than without CSA; on the other hand, accuracy, recall, and F1 score values were found to be very high with CSA compared to without CSA.

Figure 7 illustrates the study and comparison of our works, correctness for various epochs by categorizing the dataset's binary distribution. The graphs illustrate the effectiveness of detecting intrusions using a binary set created using crow search optimization for 50 neuron layers in neural network-based models.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Comparison of accuracy on 50 neurons for binary distribution

Figure 8 illustrates the study and comparison of our works, correctness for various epochs by categorizing the dataset's binary distribution. The graphs illustrate the effectiveness of neural network-based models utilizing crow search optimization for 100 neuron layers in identifying intrusions as a binary set.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Comparison of accuracy on 100 neurons for binary distribution

Figure 9 compares and analyses the accuracy of our work by categorizing the dataset's binary distribution across multiple epochs. The graphs illustrate the effectiveness of detecting intrusions using a binary set generated using Crow Search Optimization for 500 neuronal layers.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Comparison of accuracy on 500 neurons for binary distribution

Figure 10 represents the analysis and comparison of our proposed work in terms of precision for various epochs by classifying the binary distribution of the dataset. The graphs show the performance of detecting intrusions as a binary set by an optimization model based on a neural network using Crow Search Optimization for 50 neural layers.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Comparison of precision on 50 neurons for binary distribution

The dataset's binary distribution is classified in Fig. 11 to show the study and comparison of our proposed work Precision for different epochs. The graphs demonstrate the effectiveness of detecting intrusions using a binary set created by optimizing neural network-based models using Crow Search Optimization for 100 neuron layers.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Comparison of precision on 100 neurons for binary distribution

Figure 12 represents the analysis and comparison of our proposed work in terms of Precision for various epochs by classifying the binary distribution of the dataset. The graphs show the performance detecting intrusions as a binary set by optimization model, based on Neural Network using Crow Search Optimization for 500 neurons layers.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Comparison of precision on 500 neurons for binary distribution

Figure 13 compares and analyses our proposed work accuracy for various epochs by classifying the dataset's multiclass distribution. The graphs illustrate the effectiveness of identifying intrusions using a multiclass set of optimizations for 500 neuronal layers of neural network-based models.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Comparison of precision on 500 neurons for multiclass distribution

The multiclass distribution of the given dataset and the analysis and comparison of our work in Precision for different epochs are shown in Fig. 14. The graphs illustrate the effectiveness of identifying intrusions using a multiclass set of optimizations for 500 neuronal layers of neural network-based models.

Fig. 14
figure 14

Comparison of accuracy on 500 neurons for multiclass distribution

By classifying the dataset's multiclass distribution, the analysis and comparison of our proposed work regarding a recall for different epochs are shown in Fig. 15. The graphs illustrate the effectiveness of identifying intrusions using a multiclass set of optimizations for 500 neuronal layers of neural network-based models.

Fig. 15
figure 15

Comparison of recall on 500 neurons for multiclass distribution

Table 4 shows the performance analysis of various metrics on binary class distribution for different sizes of neurons using both neural networks with crow search analysis and neural networks without crow search analysis.

The performance analysis of various metrics on multiclass distribution for neurons of various sizes using both neural networks with crow search analysis and neural networks without crow search analysis is shown in Table 5.

The result of the intrusion detection based on the NSL-KDD dataset is better and more efficient as compared with the previous approach because our detection rate is 98%, as shown in Table 6, which is 2.2% better than the CSO-ANFIS technique as shown in Fig. 16. And the precision, recall, and f1 score also reached up to 98% accuracy, which shows the effectiveness of this proposed approach.

Table 6 Classification accuracy comparison
Fig. 16
figure 16

Graphical plot of accuracy, based on 50/100/500 neurons for multiclass distribution

6 Conclusion

In this paper, we propose a hybridized method combining a neural network-enhanced crow search algorithm with a crow search optimization strategy to help remove features from irrelevant and noisy datasets, otherwise recognized as a feature selection strategy. The recommended algorithm is the Hybrid Crow Search Analysis and Optimization Algorithm with Neural Network (HCSAOANN). This combined algorithm performs better than any one of its component algorithms separately. The proposed algorithm, HCSAOANN, was validated and studied over NSL KDD repository datasets to ensure the algorithm's validity and accuracy. Based on some factors, the HCSAOANN algorithm was compared to many well-known optimization techniques (CSA-CSO and ANN). These factors include the number of characteristics chosen and the accuracy of the classifier's outcome. The comparison tests and analyses demonstrate that the recommended HCSAOANN performs the best on the dataset in terms of overall classification accuracy. The proposed model achieved 98% accuracy and a 98% precision rate, which is better than the previous technique.

In conclusion, the outcomes demonstrate that the HCSAOANN can compete with other algorithms and achieve superior outcomes. There are major practical ramifications for the proposed HCSAOANN feature selection mechanism. The HCSAOANN can be useful to different industries, including data science, engineering, sentiment analysis, etc. By improving this method, a new selection technique might be used to select the least likely traits that could potentially be the subject of future research. Real issues like sentiment analysis, including cancer detection, may be looked into in the future using HCSAOANN. Various dataset types can be used to test HCSAOANN.