1 Introduction

RFID is an automatic identification technology that uses radio waves to identify and authenticate objects over an insecure communication channel, the channel in which an adversary can intercept and modify the transactions in such a way that legitimate recipient of the transaction does not detect the manipulation [2]. In today’s web enabled world, RFID technology can play a vital role in multidimensional domains like transportation, access control, logistics, manufacturing, inventory control, asset management, e-health, etc. RFID system consists of a secure back-end server, a few readers and a set of low cost tags.

Physically Unclonable Function(PUF) is an emerging security technology that maps a set of challenges to a set of responses \(P(z,.): Challenge \rightarrow Response\) and based upon tag’s untraceable complex physical characteristics, say z like supply voltage, temperature, electromagnetic interference, etc. To resist tag compromising or cloning attacks, we employ PUF function. PUF function can be easily implemented in tags as implementation of a PUF circuit in such a small area requires less than 1000 gates [3]. PUF behaves like one way function; it is infeasible to find the challenge corresponding to the given output. As PUF function itself produces somewhat different outputs for the same challenges due to environment noise, so fuzzy extractors are used with the PUF to produce same output for the same challenge [4]. Execution of any physical attack on the device for the purpose of exploring the structure of PUF function will cause the destruction of its respective physical characteristics.

In RFID system we use the concept of threshold secret sharing to enhance the shared control of the secret among multiple tags. The (tn) threshold scheme [5] is a method of distributing the secret among a group of n participants in such a way that any group of atleast t (\(t<n\)) participants can recover the secret by pooling their shares but the secret remains uncertain even with the knowledge of atmost \(t-1\) participant shares. Also we extend well-known Vaudenay’s RFID privacy model [1] to make the RFID system acceptable for threshold secret sharing system among n tags and to show its implementation, we design an efficient threshold RFID authentication protocol based on physical unclonable functions and formally analyze its security and privacy.

Our proposed RFID threshold secret sharing authentication scheme is the mechanism of distributing the secret s among n tags by generating n shares and then initializing n tags with these shares in such a way that any set of t or more tags will enter into the system and then only after successful mutual authentication server will recover the shared secret key s using Lagrange interpolation but the secret will remain uncertain if any of them will be unauthorized tag or a group of \(t-1\) or less tags have given their information. Due to low storage capacity and limited computation and communication cost of tags, in our threshold RFID system we used only low cost cryptographic primitives such as bitwise Xor operation, pseudo random number generator function, one way hash function and physically unclonable function. In order to enhance anonymity and untraceability of tags, we use dynamic security parameters which are updated after each successful run of mutual authentication session.

1.1 Motivation

In a real world scenario, like to open bank vault, to authenticate an electronic fund transactions, to do shared asset management, to control shared public transport in desolated areas, etc. shared control of the secret among multiple RFID tags will be nowadays an emerging technology which motivate us to use threshold secret sharing in RFID system as the consequence of any adversary interpretation will be expensive as well as unsafe for the society. Also RFID tags are susceptible to traceability, forward traceability, backward traceability, cloning, de-synchronization, impersonation, replay, denial of service, man in middle and side channel attacks. Thus by considering all the requirements and problems in our mind, to the best of our knowledge, we present in this paper a new idea of threshold RFID system and develop secure and efficient threshold RFID mutual authentication protocol using PUF function.

1.2 Organization

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 briefly review the related work. Definitions are described in Sect. 3. Extended threshold RFID framework is presented in Sect. 4. PUF based threshold RFID authentication protocol is proposed in Sect. 5. Formal and informal security proofs are given in Sect. 6 followed by the performance evaluation in Sect. 7. Eventually, we conclude the paper in Sect. 8.

2 Related Work

To design privacy preserving, secure and efficient RFID authentication protocol, large number of RFID frameworks have been proposed in recent years. In 2005, Avoine [6] introduced the first RFID privacy model based on untraceability notion, but his model is just capable to consider 3-pass RFID protocols. In 2006, Lim and Kwon [7] broaden Avoine’s privacy model by formally introducing forward and backward untraceability. Afterwards, Juels and Weis [8] proposed RFID privacy model depending upon indistinguishability of tags. In 2007, Vaudenay [1] proposed simulation based comprehensive RFID security and privacy model in which adversary’s capabilities are classified into \(\{WIDE,\) \(NARROW\}\) \(\times\) \(\{STRONG,\) DESTRUCTIVEFORWARD\(WEAK\}\) classes. Also in his model, an adversary has full capability to create unregistered fake tags. After his work, large number of models have been proposed in recent years to extend it.

In 2008, Paise and Vaudenay [9] enriched his model [1] to analyze mutual authentication protocols. Later in 2010, a new framework for RFID privacy based on zero knowledge formulation was proposed by Deng et al. [10] with the aim to analyze those protocols in which after each protocol execution, entities secret information may be updated. Afterwards in 2011, Hermans et al. [11] propose a new indistinguishability privacy model but his model has several drawbacks [12]. In 2013, Coisel and Martin [12] give a platform by examining the existing well known RFID models preserving privacy [1, 611] and analyze their advantages and drawbacks.

Till now Vaudenay model [1] comes out to be one of the most comprehensive and powerful privacy model approximately. So we extend his framework to make the RFID system acceptable for threshold secret sharing system. The concept of threshold secret sharing scheme independently introduced by Shamir [5] and Blakley [13] in 1979. Shamir’s work is based on polynomial interpolation while Blakley give geometric approach solution of safeguarding cryptographic keys. Since then in order to reduce the storage capacity and to detect fake shares many schemes [1416] have been proposed in literature.

Highest level of feasible privacy; STRONG privacy in Vaudenay model is achieved only by public key cryptography and symmetric cryptography based authentication protocols at the max attain DESTRUCTIVE or FORWARD privacy [1]. But it is infeasible to implement such high cost cryptographic primitives on low cost RFID tags. A low cost cryptographic primitive PUF have been widely studied in recent years [3, 1719] to achieve highest privacy level. Security is enhanced in these PUF based authentication protocols [3, 1719] because of tamper resistance properties of PUF device; execution of any physical attack on the device is of no use. So to enhance security and privacy and to resist tag compromising or cloning attacks in RFID tags, we employ PUF functions in our threshold RFID system.

3 Definitions

In this section, we define negligible function, collision resistant one way hash function and physically unclonable function.

Definition 1

Negligible Function. A function \(\epsilon {(\lambda )}:\, {\mathbb {N}} \,\rightarrow \, {\mathbb {R}}\) depends upon the security parameter \(\lambda\) is said to be negligible function in \(\lambda\) if for every \(l>0\) there exist a number \(m\,\in \,{\mathbb {N}}\) such that

$$\begin{aligned} \epsilon (\lambda )< & ,\frac{1}{\lambda ^l} \qquad \forall \quad \lambda \,>\,m\\&\quad \textit{(M. Bellare, A note on negligible functions}\, [20]) \end{aligned}$$

Definition 2

One Way Hash Function. One way hash function

$$\begin{aligned} h(.): \{0,1\}^*\rightarrow \{0,1\}^{l} \end{aligned}$$

maps an arbitrary length message to a fixed length message \(l \in {\mathbb {N}}\), as defined in [21] such that

  1. 1.

    h(.) is pre-image resistant as for any \(y \in \{0,1\}^{l}\), it is infeasible to find \(x \in \{0,1\}^{*}\) such that \(h(x) = y\).

  2. 2.

    h(.) is second pre-image resistant as for any \(x \in \{0,1\}^{*}\), it is infeasible to find \(x' \in \{0,1\}^{*}\), \(x' \ne x\) such that \(h(x) = h(x')\).

  3. 3.

    h(.) is collision resistant. Let the advantage of an adversary A in finding collision for one way hash function h(.) be \(ADV_A^{HASH}(t)\), i.e. advantage of an adversary A is the probability to randomly select a pair \((x,x')\) such that \(h(x)=h(x')\) and \(x \ne x'\). Then one way hash function is secure and collision resistant if for any sufficiently small \(\epsilon >0\),

    $$\begin{aligned} ADV_A^{HASH}(t)\,\,=\,\,Pr\,[(x,x'):\, x\ne x', \,h(x)=h(x')]\,\,<\,\epsilon \end{aligned}$$

    where the probability in the advantage is evaluated over the random choices made by the adversary A within the execution time t

3.1 Physically Unclonable Function

Physically unclonable function(PUF) is an emerging security technology that maps a set of challenges to a set of responses in unique unpredictable way

$$\begin{aligned} P(z,.): Challenge \rightarrow Response \end{aligned}$$

and based upon untraceable complex physical characteristics, say z of each device like RFID tags, smart cards, etc. [18].

Definition 3

Physically Unclonable Function (PUF). For security parameter \(\lambda\) and \(m(\lambda ),\,l(\lambda )\, \in \,{\mathbb {N}}\); an ideal physically unclonable function

$$\begin{aligned} P(z,.) : \{0,1\}^{m}\rightarrow \{0,1\}^{l} \end{aligned}$$

based on untraceable complex physical characteristics z of each device such that

  1. 1.

    For any particular device, PUF function gives same response for the same challenge as for any \(x, x' \in \{0,1\}^{m}\) and for any physical characteristics z; if \(P(z,x)=y\), \(P(z,x')=y'\) and \(x=x'\) then \(Pr[y=y'] \,= \,1\). While for the different devices PUF function gives different responses for the same challenge as for any \(x, x' \in \{0,1\}^{m}\) and \(P(z,x)=y\) for the device having physical characteristics z and \(P(z',x')=y'\) for the other device having physical characteristics \(z'\), if \(x=x'\) then \(Pr[y=y'] \,<\,\epsilon\).

  2. 2.

    PUF function is unpredictable as it behaves like random functions. For any probabilistic polynomial time probability of an adversary A to distinguish response of PUF function and random number is at most negligible as for any \(y \in \{0,1\}^{l}\) it is infeasible to find \(x \in \{0,1\}^{m}\) such that \(P(z,x)=y\).

  3. 3.

    Execution of any physical attack on the device for the purpose of exploring the structure of PUF function will cause the destruction of its respective physical characteristics and PUF function can not be evaluated correctly for that particular device. In any probabilistic polynomial time, advantage of an adversary A to execute physical attack on the device is at most negligible, \(ADV_A(t)\,<\,\epsilon\).

4 Threshold RFID Framework

First of all the notations used throughout the paper are summarized in Table 1. Then in this section, we present the RFID system set up procedures, adversary oracle model and security and privacy experiment for threshold RFID system by doing modification in Vaudenay privacy model [1] to meet our requirements. We extend his model to make the RFID system acceptable for threshold secret sharing system among n tags. RFID system consists of a secure backend server S, a few readers R and a set of tags T. RFID tags are assumed to be efficient enough to use low cost basic cryptographic primitives such as pseudo random number generator, one way hash function and physically unclonable function. Communication channel between R and S are assumed to be secure while R and T are connected through an insecure communication channel. RFID threshold system performs the following procedure:

Table 1 Notations

4.1 System Model

In RFID based threshold authentication protocol, each tag is being initialized by their shared secret key component \(s_i\), This can be done by the following procedures:

  1. 1.

    SETUPSERVER\((1^\lambda )\rightarrow (pk_s,x,s,t,f(.),DB_s)\): Generate public \(pk_s\), private key x of the server and shared secret key s depending upon the security parameter \(\lambda\). It also generate \(t-1\) degree polynomial f(.) corresponding to secret parameters x and s. To setup tags, algorithm generates the partial secret key component \(s_i\) corresponding to \(i\mathrm{{th}}\) tag depends upon the identity parameter \(ID_i\) and polynomial function f(.) for all \(1\,\le \, i\,\le \, n\). To store secret information about tags server creates an empty database \(DB_s\).

  2. 2.

    SETUPREADER\((1^\lambda ,pk_s) \rightarrow (pk_r,sk_r)\): Generate public/private key pair of the reader \((pk_r,sk_r)\) depending upon the security parameter \(\lambda\). An execution of threshold RFID protocol \(\pi\) is initialized by reader R via sending random number. R has a secure communication channel with the server while R and T communicate through an insecure channel. Also tags are operated only when they are in the readers field of communication.

  3. 3.

    SETUPTAG\((ID_i,z_i,r_1,r_2,pk_s) \rightarrow (K_{i_1},K_{i_2},InitState_{T_i})\): Tag having identity \(ID_i\) generates its secret keys \(K_{i_1}\) and \(K_{i_2}\) via physically unclonable function and one way hash function corresponding to its physical characteristics \(z_i\) and random numbers \(r_1\) and \(r_2\). Also creates tags initial state \(InitState_{T_i}\) with \(ID_i\). Contrary to the Vaudenay privacy model, instead of storing secret key directly in its non-volatile memory, tag save it in its physical characteristics. Also to set up \(i^{th}\) tag, server generates partial secret key component \(s_i\) and save it indirectly in tag memory.

  4. 4.

    IDENTPROTOCOL\((\pi )\): Execute a polynomial time interactive protocol \(\pi\) between S, R and T. If the tag is legitimate then server accepts it and produces an output \(ID_i\) otherwise output is \(\bot\). Only after successful authentication of atleast t tags out of n, secret key can be recovered. Also tag as well as server update their memory after successful protocol session \(\pi\).

4.2 Adversary Model

An adversary A is able to interact with the RFID system and play polynomial number of games with the set of tags by sending the following queries to an oracle o as defined in [1]:

  1. 1.

    \(CreateTag^b(ID)\): An adversary A is able to create legitimate as well as fake tag with unique identity ID corresponding to \(b=1\) or \(b=0\) respectively.

  2. 2.

    \(DrawTag (distr)\rightarrow (vtag_1,b_1,...,vtag_n,b_n)\): An adversary has access to polynomial number of tags and randomly draw free tags between all the existing ones with given probability distribution distr. New pseudonym \(vtag_i\) is allotted to each drawn tag and for legitimate identity of tag, \(b_i = 1\) otherwise \(b_i = 0\).

  3. 3.

    Free(vtag): An adversary reverts the drawn tag vtag to the set of free tags and now A is not able to call vtag in its oracles.

  4. 4.

    \(Launch (\pi )\): An adversary authorized R to initiate a new session of the protocol \(\pi\) between R and T.

  5. 5.

    \(SendReader (m,\pi ) \rightarrow m'\): An adversary A may send a message m of his choice to the reader in the protocol execution \(\pi\) which output \(m'\).

  6. 6.

    \(SendTag (m,vtag) \rightarrow m'\): An adversary A may send any message m to the drawn tag vtag which responds with \(m'\).

  7. 7.

    \(Result (\pi )\): This oracle outputs 1 if session of the protocol \(\pi\) is successfully executed and shared secret key can be recovered otherwise it outputs 0.

  8. 8.

    Corrupt(vtag): This oracle outputs the volatile as well as the non volatile memory of the drawn tag vtag.

4.3 Adversary Classes

In Vaudenay privacy model [1], STRONG class adversary has full access to all the above oracles without any restriction. DESTRUCTIVE class adversary has no ability to use any other oracle on vtag after querying Corrupt(vtag) oracle. FORWARD class adversary can just use Corrupt(vtag) oracle only once. WEAK class adversary is not allowed to use Corrupt(vtag) oracle. NARROW class adversary has no access to Result oracle query while WIDE adversary can access Result oracle. Thus obviously we have:

$$\begin{aligned} WEAK \subseteq FORWARD \subseteq DESTRUCTIVE \subseteq STRONG \end{aligned}$$

4.4 Security Privacy Notions

In this section, we discuss security notions in which non legitimate tags and non legitimate readers are rejected by the server as well as the privacy notions which presents the untraceablity of tags. Vaudenay security model [1] give emphasis on all the attacks in which an adversary has capability to forge a legitimate tag except the cloning attack. For this purpose we have presented PUF functions in tags so that cloning of tags will become infeasible. Also contrary to the Vaudenay model, compromisation of tags as well as readers both can be done by the malicious adversary. Corruption of any reader will provide an adversary secure and discontinuous communication with the server.

Definition 4

Tag Authentication. A RFID system attains tag authentication if the success probability of strong adversary A for identifying a non legitimate tag is at most negligible.

Definition 5

Reader Authentication. A RFID system attains reader authentication if the success probability of strong adversary A for identifying a non legitimate reader is at most negligible.

Privacy is explained by means of the the blinder B and trivial adversary, as defined in [1]. B simulates Launch, SendReader, SendTag and Result oracles without having any any knowledge of real secret keys. Also B sees input/output of any oracle query made by A. RFID system is said to be secure if the success probability of an adversary to differentiate real RFID system from the blinder B is at most negligible.

Definition 6

Trivial Adversary. An adversary A is said to be trivial if there exist a blinded adversary \(A^B\) (who response via the blinder) such that

$$\begin{aligned} |Pr(A \,succeeds)\,-\,Pr(A^B \,succeeds)|\,<\,\epsilon (\lambda ) \end{aligned}$$

4.4.1 Privacy Experiment \(EXP_{A}^{Priv}\)

Let P be the adversary class such that P \(\in\) \(\{WIDE,\) \(NARROW\}\) \(\cup\) \(\{STRONG,\) \(DESTRUCTIVE\), FORWARD\(WEAK\}\). Privacy game is defined between the adversary A and the challenger C and composed of following three phases, as defined in [1]:

  1. 1.

    \(Learning\,Phase:\) Foremost C setup the RFID system. An adversary A interacts with the system and inquiries oracle queries according to her class P. Real oracle queries may be analyzed by the adversary A or the blinder B may simulate the Launch, SendReader, SendTag and Result oracles.

  2. 2.

    \(Challenge\,Phase:\) An adversary A obtains the hidden table, which maps vtag to identity of the tag. An adversary A get access to two uncorrupted challenge tags and then randomly select any one from them. A evaluates oracles on that particular tag according to her class.

  3. 3.

    \(Guess\,Phase:\) Eventually, an adversary A’s privacy game simulation comes to an end and A is expected to produce 1 if he succeeds otherwise 0.

    Privacy Experiment \(EXP_{A}^{Priv}\) wins if A returns 1.

Definition 7

Privacy. An RFID system is said to be P-private if \(\forall \,\, A \in P\),

$$\begin{aligned} |EXP_{A}^{Priv}\,-\,EXP_{A^B}^{Priv}|\,<\,\epsilon (\lambda ) \end{aligned}$$

Definition 8

Forward Untraceable. Let the tag T be corrupted in session i and reveals the corresponding secret keys. An RFID system is said to be forward untraceable if \(\forall \,\, A \in P\), probability of A to trace the tag T in session \(i'\,(i'> i)\) is at most negligible.

Definition 9

Backward Untraceable. Let the tag T be corrupted in session i and reveals the corresponding secret keys. An RFID system is said to be backward untraceable if \(\forall \,\, A \in P\), probability of A to trace the tag T in session \(i'\,(i'< i)\) is at most negligible.

5 Proposed PUF based Threshold RFID Mutual Authentication Protocol

In this section, we implement the proposed threshold RFID system by designing an efficient (tn) threshold RFID mutual authentication protocol based on physically unclonable function. It is a mechanism of distributing a secret s among a set of n RFID tags in such a way that any group of t or more tags will recover the secret s in the probabilistic polynomial time by using physically unclonable function \(P(z,.) : \{0,1\}^m\rightarrow \{0,1\}^l\), one way hash function \(h(.) : \{0,1\}^*\rightarrow \{0,1\}^{l}\), bitwise XOR operation and pseudo random number generator function, as depicted in Figs. 1 and 2. The scheme enable to generate n shares \(s_i\) for each tag by the shared secret s and then enable to initialize n tags with these partial key components \(s_i\). Any set of t or more tags will enter into the system and then only after successful mutual authentication server will recover the shared secret key s using lagrange interpolation. We used in our authentication protocol Shamir’s threshold secret sharing scheme [5] for distribution and recovery of keys but anyone can use any other secret sharing scheme in our RFID based authentication protocol to achieve their requirements. In order to enhance anonymity and untraceability of tags, we use dynamic security parameters which are updated after each successful run of mutual authentication protocol.

The proposed protocol consists of three phases: Initialization Phase, Authentication Phase, Updation and Key Recovery Phase.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Initialization process of threshold RFID system

Fig. 2
figure 2

Authentication and key recovery process of threshold RFID system

5.1 Initialization Phase

In an initialization phase, as defined in Shamir’s secret sharing scheme [5], server distribute the shared secret key s among n tags and initialized n tags as described follows with their partial shared secret key components:

  1. 1.

    Server foremost chooses a secret lagrange polynomial f(y) of degree \(t-1\) over GF(p) for prime p

    $$\begin{aligned} f(y)\,=\,a_0 \,+\, a_1 y \,+\, a_2 y^2 \,+\,...\,+\,a_{t-1} y^{t-1} \end{aligned}$$

    such that the secret is

    $$\begin{aligned} f(0) \, =\, a_0 \, =\, s \oplus x \end{aligned}$$

    where x is the server’s secret key, s is the secret to be shared among n tags and \(a_1,a_2,a_3,...,a_{t-1}\) are random coefficients over GF(p).

  2. 2.

    To initialize \(i\mathrm{{th}}\) tag, firstly server finds its respective partial secret key component by computing:

    $$\begin{aligned} s_i \, = \, f(ID_i) \qquad \forall \quad 0 \le i \le n-1 \end{aligned}$$
  3. 3.

    Then \(i\mathrm{{th}}\) tag generates two random numbers \(r_{i_1},\, r_{i_2}\, \in {\{0,1\}}^l\) and computes its secret keys \(K_{i_1}\) and \(K_{i_2}\) along with the secret messages \(\alpha _i\) and \(\beta _i\) by using physically unclonable function and one way hash function, where

    $$\begin{aligned} K_{i_1} \,= & {} \, P(z_i,r_{i_1} \oplus ID_i)\,,\quad \alpha _i \,=\, h(K_{i_1} \oplus ID_i)\\ K_{i_2} \,= & {} \, P(z_i,r_{i_1} \oplus r_{i_2})\,,\quad \beta _i \,=\, h(K_{i_2} \oplus ID_i) \end{aligned}$$

    and \(z_i\) are the physical characteristics of \(i\mathrm{{th}}\) tag. w.l.o.g we assume that the identity message \(ID_i\) is padded with zero bits to make the bit size of \(ID_i\) as long as the output of hash function, i.e. l.

  4. 4.

    Finally to initiate \(i\mathrm{{th}}\) tag with its partial secret key component, server computes:

    $$\begin{aligned} \gamma _i \,=\, s_i \oplus h(\alpha _i) \oplus h(\beta _i) \end{aligned}$$
  5. 5.

    Server stores the list of triplets \((ID_i, \alpha _i, \beta _i)\) in its database for n tags while \(i^{th}\) tag stores its random numbers along with \(\gamma _i\) and \(ID_i\), i.e., the quadruple \((ID_i, r_{i_1}, r_{i_2}, \gamma _i)\) in its memory. As RFID tags are not tamper proof, any adversary who has the capability to corrupt the tag, can easily get the secret keys and the initial states stored on tags so we have not stored direct secret keys in the tags memory.

5.2 Authentication Phase

In an authentication phase, as described in Table 2, server, reader and tag follow the following steps to mutually authenticate any group of t legal tags, while any group of atmost \(t-1\) tags cant recover any information about the secret in probabilistic polynomial time. Without loss of generality, we assume that t legitimate tags, for \(0\,\le \,j\,\le \,t-1\) will login into the system.

  1. 1.

    When t tags are in communication region, reader generates pseudo random numbers \(r_{j_3} \in {\{0,1\}}^l\) for all \(0 \le j \le t-1\) and send it to tags via an insecure communication channel.

  2. 2.

    Upon receiving random number \(r_{j_3}\), \(j\mathrm{{th}}\) tag itself generate a pseudo random number \(r_{j_4} \in {\{0,1\}}^l\) and then finds its secret value \(K_{j_1}\) and \(\alpha _j\) by using its specific PUF function which cant be cloned, where

    $$\begin{aligned} K_{j_1} \,=\, P(z_j,r_{j_1} \oplus ID_j)\,,\quad \alpha _j \,=\, h(K_{j_1} \oplus ID_j) \end{aligned}$$

    Then tag computes an authentication factor \(M_{j_1}\) and \(M_{j_2}\) from \(K_{j_1}\) and \(\alpha _j\) and immediately delete \(K_{j_1}\) and \(\alpha _j\) from its volatile memory, where

    $$\begin{aligned} M_{j_1} \,=\, ID_j \oplus h(\alpha _j) \oplus r_{j_4} \,,\quad M_{j_2} \,=\, h(ID_j \oplus \alpha _j \oplus r_{j_3} \oplus r_{j_4}) \end{aligned}$$
  3. 3.

    Subsequently \(j\mathrm{{th}}\) tag finds its another secret parameter \(K_{j_2}\) and \(\beta _j\) and computes authentication messages \(M_{j_3}\) and \(M_{j_4}\) from them and thenceforth \(K_{j_2}\) and \(\beta _j\) both are deleted from its volatile memory, where

    $$\begin{aligned} K_{j_2} \,= & {} \, P(z_j,r_{j_1} \oplus r_{j_2}) \,,\quad \beta _j \,=\, h(K_{j_2} \oplus ID_j)\\ M_{j_3} \,= & {} \, h(\beta _j) \,,\quad M_{j_4} \,=\, h(M_{j_2 } \oplus M_{j_3} \oplus \beta _j \oplus r_{j_3} \oplus r_{j_4} \oplus T_j) \end{aligned}$$

    where \(T_j\) is the current time stamp and consequently \(j\mathrm{{th}}\) tag sends the request message \((M_{j_1},M_{j_4},T_j)\) to the reader.

  4. 4.

    After receiving the request message \((M_{j_1}, M_{j_4}, T_j)\), reader first checks the validity of time stamp \(T_j\), for all \(0\,\le \,j\,\le \,t-1\), by verifying \((T_j'-T_j) \le \delta T_j\) to accept or reject the authentication request. If it finds incorrect, the authentication request is rejected else the reader sends \((M_{j_1},M_{j_4},T_j,r_{j_3})\) to the server along with the counter to avoid computation exhaustive attacks as counter value is increased with each reply of the tag and after the predefined wrong attempts server immediately lock the tag for some specific period.

  5. 5.

    Eventually server finds t triplets \((ID_j, \alpha _j, \beta _j)\), \(0\le j \le t-1\) which belongs to the database and satisfy the authentication factor \(M_{j_4}\)

    $$\begin{aligned} {M_{j_4}}^* = h\left( {M_{j_2}}^* \oplus h(\beta _j) \oplus \beta _j \oplus r_{j_3} \oplus {r_{j_4}}^* \oplus T_j\right) \end{aligned}$$


    $$\begin{aligned} {r_{j_4}}^* = M_{j_1} \oplus ID_j \oplus h(\alpha _j)\,, \quad {M_{j_2}}^* = h\left( ID_j \oplus \alpha _j \oplus r_{j_3} \oplus {r_{j_4}}^*\right) \end{aligned}$$

    If it is not verified for any \(0\,\le \,j\,\le \,t-1\), then the session is terminated instantly.

  6. 6.

    After verifying the legality of \(j\mathrm{{th}}\) tag, server computes mutual authentication factor \(M_{j_5}\) and sends it to the reader, where

    $$\begin{aligned} M_{j_5} \,=\, h\left( M_{j_2}^* \Vert h(\beta _j) \Vert r_{j_3} \Vert r_{j_4}^*\right) \end{aligned}$$
  7. 7.

    Reader directly sends \(M_{j_5}\) to the tag.

  8. 8.

    Finally, tag verify the authenticity of received \(M_{j_5}\) by the computed \({M_{j_5}}^*\), where

    $$\begin{aligned} {M_{j_5}}^* \,=\, h(M_{j_2} \Vert M_{j_3} \Vert r_{j_3} \Vert r_{j_4}) \end{aligned}$$

    This equivalency authenticates the legitimacy of the reader. Thus mutual authentication can be done.

Table 2 Authentication phase

5.3 Updation and Key Recovery Phase

In order to enhance anonymity and untraceability of tags, server and tag compute new dynamic security parameters only after successful mutual authentication session. As described in Table 3 server, reader and tag perform the following steps to update and recover the secret from any group of t legitimate tags:

  1. 1.

    Foremost, after successful authentication, \(j\mathrm{{th}}\) tag computes its new dynamic secret parameters \(K^N_{j_1},\,K^N_{j_2},\,\alpha ^N_j\) and \(\beta ^N_j\), where

    $$\begin{aligned} K^N_{j_1} \,= & {} \, P\left( z_j,r_{j_1} \oplus r_{j_3} \oplus M_{j_3} \oplus ID_j\right) \,,\quad \alpha ^N_j \,=\, h\left( K^N_{j_1} \oplus ID_j\right) \\ K^N_{j_2} \,= & {} \, P\left( z_j,r_{j_1} \oplus r_{j_2} \oplus r_{j_3} \oplus r_{j_4} \oplus M_{j_3}\right) \,,\quad \beta ^N_j \,=\, h\left( K^N_{j_2} \oplus ID_j\right) \end{aligned}$$

    Next \(j\mathrm{{th}}\) tag send stored secret parameter \(\gamma _j\) along with the new secret parameters \(\alpha ^N_j\) and \(\beta ^N_j\) via sending the messages \(M_{j_6},\,M_{j_7}\) and \(M_{j_8}\). Also send the left half bits of the message \(M_{j_9}\) to verify the authenticity of the communicated message, where

    $$\begin{aligned} M_{j_6} \,= & {} \, \gamma _j \oplus h\left( M_{j_2} \oplus M_{j_3} \oplus r_{j_4}\right) \,,\,\, M_{j_7} \,=\, \alpha ^N_j \oplus h\left( M_{j_1} \oplus M_{j_2} \oplus M_{j_3} \oplus r_{j_4}\right) \\ M_{j_8} \,= & {} \, \beta ^N_j \oplus h\left( M_{j_1} \Vert M_{j_2} \Vert M_{j_3} \Vert r_{j_4}\right) \,,\,\, M_{j_9} \,=\, h\left( \alpha ^N_j\Vert \beta ^N_j \Vert \gamma _j \Vert r_{j_3} \Vert r_{j_4} \Vert M_{j_2} \Vert M_{j_3}\right) \end{aligned}$$
  2. 2.

    Server then find \(\gamma _j\), \(\alpha ^N_j\) and \(\beta ^N_j\) from \(M_{j_6},\,M_{j_7}\) and \(M_{j_8}\) respectively and compare left half bits of the message \(M_{j_9}\) with the computed \(M^{L^*}_{j_9}\). If it find so then server sends right half bits of the message \(M_{j_9}\) to the \(j^{th}\) tag so that tag also update its memory, where

    $$\begin{aligned} \gamma ^*_j \,=\, M_{j_6} \oplus h\left( M_{j_2} \oplus h(\beta _j) \oplus r_{j_4}\right) \,,\,\, \alpha ^{N^*}_j \,=\, M_{j_7} \oplus h\left( M_{j_1} \oplus M_{j_2} \oplus h(\beta _j) \oplus r_{j_4}\right) \\ \beta ^{N^*}_j \,=\, M_{j_8} \oplus h\left( M_{j_1} \Vert M_{j_2} \Vert h(\beta _j) \Vert r_{j_4}\right) \,,\,\, M^*_{j_9} \,=\, h\left( \alpha ^N_j\Vert \beta ^N_j \Vert \gamma _j \Vert r_{j_3} \Vert r_{j_4} \Vert M_{j_2} \Vert h(\beta _j)\right) \end{aligned}$$
  3. 3.

    After verification of right half bits of the message \(M_{j_9}\), tag accepts the server request to update its secret parameters. Tag update its random parameters \(r_{j_1}\) and \(r_{j_2}\) by \(r^N_{j_1}\,=\,r_{j_1} \oplus r_{j_3} \oplus M_{j_3}\) and \(r^N_{j_2}\,=\,r_{j_2} \oplus r_{j_4}\) respectively. Also tag updates its secret parameter \(\gamma _j\) by \(\gamma ^N_j\), where

    $$\begin{aligned} \gamma ^N_j&=\, \gamma _j \oplus h\left( \alpha ^N_j\right) \oplus h\left( \beta ^N_j\right) \oplus M_{j_1} \oplus M_{j_3} \oplus r_{j_4} \oplus ID_j \\&=\, \left( s_j \oplus h\left( \alpha _j\right) \oplus h(\beta _j)\right) \oplus h(\alpha ^N_j) \oplus h(\beta ^N_j) \oplus \left( ID_j \oplus h(\alpha _j) \oplus r_{j_4} \right) \\&\quad \oplus \, h(\beta _j) \oplus r_{j_4} \oplus ID_j \\&=\, s_j \oplus h(\alpha ^N_j) \oplus h(\beta ^N_j)\\ K^N_{j_1}&=\, P\left( z_j,r_{j_1} \oplus r_{j_3} \oplus M_{j_3} \oplus ID_j\right) \\&=\, P\left( z_j,r^N_{j_1} \oplus ID_j\right) \\ K^N_{j_2}&=\, P\left( z_j,r_{j_1} \oplus r_{j_2} \oplus r_{j_3} \oplus r_{j_4} \oplus M_{j_3}\right) \\&=\, P\left( z_j,\left( r_{j_1} \oplus r_{j_3} \oplus M_{j_3}\right) \oplus \left( r_{j_2} \oplus r_{j_4}\right) \right) \\&=\, P\left( z_j,r^N_{j_1} \oplus r^N_{j_2}\right) \\ \end{aligned}$$
  4. 4.

    Consequently server retrieves partial secret key component \(s_j\) from \(\gamma _j\), where

    $$\begin{aligned} s_j \,=\, \gamma _j \oplus h\left( \alpha _j\right) \oplus h\left( \beta _j\right) \end{aligned}$$

    Server stores \((ID_j, \alpha ^N_j, \beta ^N_j)\) in its database and to save the protocol from desynchronization attack server will not replace the new ordered pair \((ID_j, \alpha ^N_j, \beta ^N_j)\) with the existing one \((ID_j, \alpha _j, \beta _j)\) at that particular time and maintain the pair \((ID_j, \alpha _j, \beta _j)\) till synchronized authentication is done.

  5. 5.

    Thus server obtains partial secret key components of any t tags out of n, i.e., \(s_0,s_1,s_2,...,s_{t-1}\). Then by getting \((ID_0,s_0),(ID_1,s_1),(ID_2,s_2),...,\) \((ID_{t-1},s_{t-1})\) server finds the shared secret key parameter f(0) by using lagrange polynomial:

    $$\begin{aligned} f(0)\,=\, {\displaystyle \sum \limits _{i=0}^{t-1} \,s_i \prod _{\begin{array}{c} 0 \le j \le t-1 \\ j \ne i \end{array} }} \, \frac{ID_j}{ID_j-ID_i} \,(mod\, p) \end{aligned}$$

    Eventually the shared secret s is recovered by

    $$\begin{aligned} s\,=\,f(0) \oplus x \end{aligned}$$

    where x is the secret key of the server.

Table 3 Updation and key recovery phase

6 Security and Privacy Analysis

6.1 Formal Security Proof

In this section, we present formal security analysis of our threshold RFID based mutual authentication protocol and demonstrate that our protocol is secure against various active and passive attacks and achieves destructive privacy. Our mutual authentication protocol is provably secure against side channel attacks. Also tags are untraceable and provides forward as well as backward untraceability.

Theorem 1

Let an adversary A has full potential of side channel attacks on the tag \(T_j\) whose secret keys are \(K_{j_1}\) and \(K_{j_2}\). Then an adversary A can either extract the secret key \(K_{j_1}\) or the \(K_{j_2}\) but not both if \(P(z_j,.)\) is an ideal PUF function and h(.) is one way hash function.


As we know that secret keys \(K_{j_1}\) and \(K_{j_2}\) are not directly store in the non-volatile memory of \(j\mathrm{{th}}\) tag \(T_j\) and it is computed via PUF function having physical characteristics \(z_j\) and secret random parameters \(r_{j_1}\) and \(r_{j_2}\) along with \(ID_j\) only during an implementation of the protocol, where

$$\begin{aligned} K_{j_1} \,=\, P(z_j,r_{j_1} \oplus ID_j) \quad \hbox {and} \quad K_{j_2} \,=\, P(z_j,r_{j_1} \oplus r_{j_2}) \end{aligned}$$

In our protocol run firstly secret parameter \(\alpha _j \,=\, h(K_{j_1} \oplus ID_j)\) and the messages \(M_{j_1}\) and \(M_{j_2}\) are computed from the secret key \(K_{j_1}\) by using hash function and then immediately \(K_{j_1}\) and \(\alpha _j\) are deleted from its volatile memory. Again in the same manner the secret key \(K_{j_2}\) is used in the hash function to compute secret parameter \(\beta _j \,=\, h(K_{j_2} \oplus ID_j)\) and the messages \(M_{j_3}\) and \(M_{j_4}\) and then immediately \(K_{j_2}\) and \(\beta _j\) are also deleted from its volatile memory. When an adversary A with his full capabilities employs side channel attacks on the tag \(T_j\), then by the properties of PUF function its physical characteristics has been changed and secret parameters cant be calculated accurately. Thus following two cases arises:

  1. 1.

    If an adversary A employs side channel attacks on the tag \(T_j\) to get \(K_{j_1}\), then the physical structure of \(T_j\) will be damaged and \(K_{j_2}\) cant be evaluated. Thus an adversary advantage to extract \(K_{j_2}\) when \(K_{j_1}\) is known is atmost negligible;

    $$\begin{aligned} ADV_A = Pr[K_{j_2}|K_{j_1}]\,<\,\epsilon (\lambda ) \end{aligned}$$
  2. 2.

    If an adversary A employs side channel attacks on the tag \(T_j\) to extract \(K_{j_2}\), then A’s advantage to get \(K_{j_1}\) is at most negligible as \(K_{j_1}\) is already deleted from its volatile memory;

    $$\begin{aligned} ADV_A = Pr[K_{j_1}|K_{j_2}]\,<\,\epsilon (\lambda ) \end{aligned}$$

Thus an adversary A can either extract the secret key \(K_{j_1}\) or the \(K_{j_2}\) but not both. \(\square\)

Theorem 2

Our proposed protocol attains tag authentication if \(P(z_j,.)\) is an ideal PUF function and h(.) is one way hash function.


Let us assume that our proposed protocol does not attain tag authentication, thus there exist an adversary A who acts like a legitimate tag \(T_j\) to the reader with non negligible success probability. Also for given \(r_{j_3}\), A’s success probability to generate \(M_{j_1}\), \(M_{j_4}\) and \(T_j\) is non negligible. By the formal model defined in Sect. 4, privacy experiment is composed of following three phases:

  1. 1.

    Learning Phase: A get access to set of tags by querying DrawTag oracle and analyzes the protocol run between R and T. A can call any oracle query on T. A calls Free oracle query to free the chosen tag.

  2. 2.

    Challenge Phase: A get access to the tag \(T_j\) by querying DrawTag oracle and analyze the protocol run between R and \(T_j\). An adversary A is not permitted to call Corrupt oracle on that particular tag \(T_j\) which makes an adversary unaware of volatile and non volatile information of tag \(T_j\). A call SendReader or SendTag queries on \(T_j\) but A can’t evaluate the secret keys \(K_{j_1}\) or \(K_{j_2}\) in spite of the fact that how many times A analyze the protocol run or how many times A call SendReader or SendTag queries. A call free oracle query and free the chosen tag.

  3. 3.

    Guess Phase: Eventually, when A try to impersonate the target tag \(T_j\) by convincing R then R returns a bit \(ID'\) for the corresponding tag.

A wins the experiment or successfully impersonates the target tag \(T_j\) if \(ID'=ID_j\) but for this A has to simulate \(P(z_j,.)\) and h(.) functions so that for a given random challenge \(r_{j_3}\), A correctly generates \(M_{j_1}\), \(M_{j_4}\) and \(T_j\) which contradicts the properties \(P(z_j,.)\) and h(.) functions. Thus

$$\begin{aligned} Pr[ID'=ID_j]\,<\,\epsilon (\lambda ) \end{aligned}$$

Hence our proposed protocol attains tag authentication. \(\square\)

Theorem 3

Our proposed protocol attains reader authentication if \(P(z_j,.)\) is an ideal PUF function and h(.) is one way hash function.


Let us assume that our proposed protocol does not attain reader authentication, thus there exist an adversary A who acts like a legitimate reader R to the tag T with non negligible success probability. An adversary A get access to the target tag \(T_j\) by querying DrawTag oracle and observe the m protocol runs between R and \(T_j\) to get \(r_{j_{3_k}}, M_{j_{1_k}}, M_{j_{4_k}}, T_{j_k}, M_{j_{5_k}}, M_{j_{6_k}}, M_{j_{7_k}}, M_{j_{8_k}}, M^{L}_{j_{9_k}}\) and \(M^{R}_{j_{9_k}}\) protocol transcripts for \(1 \le k \le m\). A try to impersonate the reader R to the tag \(T_j\), by keeping this goal in her mind, A chooses the random challenge \(r_{j_{3_k}}\) from the set \(\{r_{j_{3_1}},r_{j_{3_2}},r_{j_{3_3}},...,r_{j_{3_m}},\}\). W.l.o.g let us assume that \(r_{j_{3_k}}\,=\,r_{j_3}\). Thus following two cases arises:

  1. 1.

    For given \(r_{j_3}\), if the target tag returns with the same \(M_{j_1}\), \(M_{j_4}\) and \(T_{j}\), then the success probability of an adversary A to respond with the correct authentication factor \(M_{j_5}\) is 1 but the parameters \(M_{j_1}\) and \(M_{j_4}\) depends upon the random challenge \(r_{j_4}\) which makes its probability negligible, i.e.

    $$\begin{aligned} Pr[Correct\, M_{j_5}]\,<\,\epsilon \end{aligned}$$
  2. 2.

    Either to guess or to calculate correct \(M_{j_5}\), an adversary A has to be aware of either \((K_{j_1},K_{j_2})\) or \((\alpha _j,\beta _j)\) or \((M_{j_2}, M_{j_3})\) but the possibility of guessing or calculating these variables directly depends upon the PUF function and one way hash function which make its probability negligible, i.e.

    $$\begin{aligned} Pr[Correct\, M_{j_5}]\,<\,\epsilon (\lambda ) \end{aligned}$$

Hence our proposed protocol attains reader authentication. \(\square\)

Theorem 4

Our proposed protocol attains Destructive Privacy if \(P(z_j,.)\) is an ideal PUF function and h(.)is one way hash function.


Let us assume that our proposed protocol does not attain destructive privacy thus there exist a destructive adversary, whose success probability to differentiate real RFID system with the simulation based blinder B generated system is non negligible. Blinded adversary A’s destructive privacy game is composed of following three phases:

  1. 1.

    Learning Phase: An adversary A foremost get access to set of tags say n by querying DrawTag oracle and analyzes the protocol run between R and T. A can send any oracle query on T including Corrupt oracle. Finally A calls Free oracle query to free the chosen tag, i.e.

    $$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{ll} CreateTag(ID_i) \quad for\quad 0 \le i \le n-1 &\\ vtag \leftarrow DrawTag(ID_j) \quad for\quad j\in \{0,1,2,...,n-1\} &\\ \pi \leftarrow Launch &\\ r_{j_3} \leftarrow SendReader(Init, \pi ) &\\ M_{j_1}, M_{j_4}, T_j \leftarrow SendTag(r_{j_3}, vtag) &\\ M_{j_5} \leftarrow SendReader(M_{j_1}, M_{j_4}, T_j, \pi ) &\\ M_{j_6}, M_{j_7}, M_{j_8}, M^L_{j_9} \leftarrow SendTag(M_{j_5}, vtag) &\\ M^R_{j_9} \leftarrow SendReader(M_{j_6}, M_{j_7}, M_{j_8}, M^L_{j_9}, \pi ) &\\ z_j, r_{j_1}, r_{j_2}, \gamma _j \leftarrow Corrupt(vtag) &\\ \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 & \hbox {if authentication done} \\ 0 & \hbox {otherwise} \\ \end{array} \right. \quad \leftarrow Result(\pi ) &\\ Free(vtag) &\\ \end{array} \end{aligned}$$
  2. 2.

    Challenge Phase: An adversary A get access to two uncorrupted tags \(vtag_i\) and \(vtag_j\) as its challenge tags and then randomly choose \(vtag_b\), \(b\in \{i,j\}\) among them. A analyzes the protocol run between R and \(vtag_b\) and evaluates all oracles on \(vtag_b\) but A is not permitted to call Corrupt oracle on that particular tag \(vtag_b\) which makes an adversary unaware of volatile and non volatile information of tag \(T_b\). A calls Free oracle query to free the chosen tag.

    $$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{ll} CreateTag(ID_i) \quad and \quad CreateTag(ID_j) &\\ Choose\,\, b\in \{i,j\} &\\ vtag_b \leftarrow DrawTag(ID_b) \,\, b\in \{i,j\} &\\ \pi \leftarrow Launch &\\ r_{b_3} \leftarrow SendReader(Init, \pi ) &\\ M_{b_1}, M_{b_4}, T_b \leftarrow SendTag(r_{b_3}, vtag_b) &\\ M_{b_5} \leftarrow SendReader(M_{b_1}, M_{b_4}, T_b, \pi ) &\\ M_{b_6}, M_{b_7}, M_{b_8}, M^L_{b_9} \leftarrow SendTag(M_{b_5}, vtag_b) &\\ M^R_{b_9} \leftarrow SendReader(M_{b_6}, M_{b_7}, M_{b_8}, M^L_{b_9}, \pi ) &\\ Free(vtag_b) &\\ \end{array} \end{aligned}$$
  3. 3.

    \({ Guess}\) \({ Phase}\): Eventually, an adversary A’s privacy game simulation comes to an end with the guess output bit \(b'\) for the corresponding tag.

A wins the experiment or its success probability is non negligible if \(b'=b\), i.e.

$$\begin{aligned} Pr[b=b']\,=\,\frac{1}{2} + \epsilon (\lambda ) \end{aligned}$$

and to achieve this either A knows the secret or she can simulate \(P(z_j,.)\) and h(.) functions but she does not know the secret as well as \(P(z_j,.)\) and h(.) functions are one way. So our assumption is wrong. Hence our proposed protocol achieves destructive privacy. \(\square\)

Theorem 5

Our proposed protocol is untraceable if \(P(z_j,.)\) is an ideal PUF function and h(.)is one way hash function.


Let us assume that our proposed protocol is traceable thus there exist an adversary, whose success probability to trace the tag is non negligible. Based on the traceability definition of [1], an adversary A has not given any permission to call Corrupt and Result oracles and A’s privacy game is composed of following three phases:

  1. 1.

    Learning Phase: An adversary A foremost get access to number of tags say n by querying DrawTag oracle and analyzes the protocol run between R and T. A can send any oracle query on T excluding Corrupt and Result oracles. Finally A calls Free oracle query to free the chosen tag, i.e.

    $$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{l l} CreateTag(ID_i) \quad for\quad 0 \le i \le n-1 &\\ vtag \leftarrow DrawTag(ID_j) \quad for\quad j\in \{0,1,2,...,n-1\} &\\ \pi \leftarrow Launch &\\ r_{j_3} \leftarrow SendReader(Init, \pi ) &\\ M_{j_1}, M_{j_4}, T_j \leftarrow SendTag(r_{j_3}, vtag) &\\ M_{j_5} \leftarrow SendReader(M_{j_1}, M_{j_4}, T_j, \pi ) &\\ M_{j_6}, M_{j_7}, M_{j_8}, M^L_{j_9} \leftarrow SendTag(M_{j_5}, vtag) &\\ M^R_{j_9} \leftarrow SendReader(M_{j_6}, M_{j_7}, M_{j_8}, M^L_{j_9}, \pi ) &\\ Free(vtag) &\\ \end{array} \end{aligned}$$
  2. 2.

    Challenge Phase: An adversary A get access to two uncorrupted tags \(vtag_i\) and \(vtag_j\) as its challenge tags and then randomly choose \(vtag_b\), \(b\in \{i,j\}\) among them. A queries SendTag oracle on \(vtag_b\) by sending the previously used learned random variable \(r_{j_3}\) and then calls Free oracle query to free the chosen tag.

    $$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{l l} CreateTag(ID_i) \quad and \quad CreateTag(ID_j) &\\ Choose\,\, b\in \{i,j\} &\\ vtag_b \leftarrow DrawTag(ID_b),\,\, b\in \{i,j\} &\\ M^*_{j_1}, M^*_{j_4}, T^*_j \leftarrow SendTag(r_{j_3}, vtag_b) &\\ Free(vtag_b) &\\ \end{array} \end{aligned}$$
  3. 3.

    Guess Phase: Eventually, an adversary A’s privacy game simulation comes to an end with the guess output bit \(b'\) for the corresponding tag.

A wins the experiment or its success probability is non negligible if \(b'=b\), that is possible only if

$$\begin{aligned} Pr[M^*_{j_1} = M_{j_1}]\,=\,1 \quad and \quad Pr[M^*_{j_4} = M_{j_4}]\,=\,1 \end{aligned}$$

but neither \(M^*_{j_1} = M_{j_1}\) nor \(M^*_{j_4} = M_{j_4}\) as \(M_{j_1}\) and \(M_{j_4}\) depend upon the pseudo random variable \(r_{j_4}\) which is different in each protocol run. So our assumption is wrong. A is unable to trace \(vtag_b\) and eventually

$$\begin{aligned} |Pr(A \,succeeds)\,-\,Pr(A^B \,succeeds)|\,<\,\epsilon (\lambda ) \end{aligned}$$


Theorem 6

Our proposed protocol attains forward untraceability if \(P(z_j,.)\) is an ideal PUF function and h(.) is one way hash function.


Let us assume that our proposed protocol is forward traceable thus there exist an adversary, who knows all the secrets of \(i\mathrm{{th}}\) session and her success probability to trace the tag in \(i' (i'> i+1)\) session is non negligible [22]. An adversary A’s privacy game is composed of following three phases:

  1. 1.

    Learning Phase: An adversary A foremost get access to set of tags say n by querying DrawTag oracle and analyzes the protocol run of \(i\mathrm{{th}}\) session between R and T by querying any oracle. Also A has full access of all the key parameters \(r^i_{j_1}\), \(r^i_{j_2}\), \(K^i_{j_1}\), \(K^i_{j_2}\) and \(\gamma ^i_j\) of \(i\mathrm{{th}}\) session. Updation algorithm updates \((r^i_{j_1}, r^i_{j_2}, \gamma ^i_j)\) by \(r^{i+1}_{j_1}, r^{i+1}_{j_2}, \gamma ^{i+1}_j\). Finally A calls Free oracle query to free the chosen tag.

    $$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{l l} CreateTag(ID_i) \quad for\quad 0 \le i \le n-1 &\\ vtag \leftarrow DrawTag(ID_j) \quad for\quad j\in \{0,1,2,...,n-1\} &\\ \pi ^i \leftarrow Launch &\\ r^i_{j_3} \leftarrow SendReader(Init, \pi ^i) &\\ M^i_{j_1}, M^i_{j_4}, T^i_j \leftarrow SendTag(r^i_{j_3}, vtag) &\\ M^i_{j_5} \leftarrow SendReader(M^i_{j_1}, M^i_{j_4}, T^i_j, \pi ^i) &\\ M^i_{j_6}, M^i_{j_7}, M^i_{j_8}, M^{L^i}_{j_9} \leftarrow SendTag(M^i_{j_5}, vtag) &\\ M^{R^i}_{j_9} \leftarrow SendReader(M^i_{j_6}, M^i_{j_7}, M^i_{j_8}, M^{L^i}_{j_9}, \pi ^i) &\\ r^{i+1}_{j_1}, r^{i+1}_{j_2}, \gamma ^{i+1}_j \leftarrow \, UpdationAlg(r^i_{j_1}, r^i_{j_2}, \gamma ^i_j) &\\ Learn \,\,r^i_{j_1}, r^i_{j_2}, K^i_{j_1}, K^i_{j_2} \,and\, \gamma ^i_j &\\ Free(vtag) &\\ \end{array} \end{aligned}$$
  2. 2.

    Challenge Phase: An adversary A get access to two uncorrupted tags \(vtag_i\) and \(vtag_j\) as its challenge tags and randomly choose \(vtag_b\), \(b\in \{i,j\}\) among them. A analyzes the protocol run of \(i' (i'>i+1)\) session say \(i+2\) session between R and \(vtag_b\) and evaluates all oracles on \(vtag_b\) except Corrupt oracle. A calls Free oracle query to free the chosen tag.

    $$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{l l} CreateTag(ID_i) \quad and \quad CreateTag(ID_j) &\\ Choose\,\, b\in \{i,j\} &\\ vtag_b \leftarrow DrawTag(ID_b) \,\, b\in \{i,j\} &\\ \pi ^{i+2} \leftarrow Launch &\\ r^{i+2}_{b_3} \leftarrow SendReader(Init, \pi ^{i+2}) &\\ M^{i+2}_{b_1}, M^{i+2}_{b_4}, T^{i+2}_b \leftarrow SendTag(r^{i+2}_{b_3}, vtag_b) &\\ Free(vtag_b) &\\ \end{array} \end{aligned}$$
  3. 3.

    Guess Phase: Eventually, an adversary A’s privacy game simulation comes to an end with the guess output bit \(b'\) for the corresponding tag.

A wins the experiment or its success probability is non negligible if \(b'=b\), that is possible only if she can compute \(r^{i+2}_{j_1}\), \(r^{i+2}_{j_2}\) and \(\gamma ^{i+2}_j\) but due to lack of knowledge about random numbers used in \({(i+1)}{\rm {th}}\) session causes ambiguity for her to differentiate b and \(b'\). So our assumption is wrong. A is unable to trace \(vtag_b\) in \(i'>i\) session and eventually

$$\begin{aligned} |Pr(A \,succeeds)\,-\,Pr(A^B \,succeeds)|\,<\,\epsilon (\lambda ) \end{aligned}$$


Theorem 7

Our proposed protocol attains backward untraceability if \(P(z_j,.)\) is an ideal PUF function and h(.) is one way hash function.


Our proposed protocol is also backward untraceable as there exist an adversary, who knows all the secrets of \(i\mathrm{{th}}\) session but her success probability to trace the tag in \(i' (i'< i-1)\) session is negligible.

Note: Proof similar to Theorem 6.6. \(\square\)

6.2 Informal Security Analysis

In spite of attaining tag/reader authentication, achieve destructive privacy, untraceabilily, forward/backward untraceability, resist side channel attack, our protocol is also secure against the following known attacks:

6.2.1 Resist Denial of Service Attack

To resist the server from denial of service attack, reader sends authentication message \((M_{j_1},M_{j_4},T_j,r_{j_3})\) to the server along with the counter to avoid computation exhaustive attacks as counter value is increased with each reply of the tag and after the predefined wrong attempts server immediately locks the tag for some specific period.

6.2.2 Resist Man-in-the-Middle Attack

An adversary has no ability to act as the middle man in between the reader and the tag or to modify the communicated messages. An adversary can intercept in the transaction only if he aware of either \((K_{j_1},K_{j_2})\) or \((\alpha _j,\beta _j)\) or \((M_{j_2}, M_{j_3})\), but the possibility of guessing or calculating these variables directly depends upon the PUF function and one way hash function which make its probability negligible.

6.2.3 Resist Replay Attack

For an adversary, to replay an authentication messages \((M_{j_1},M_{j_4},T_j,r_{j_3})\) of one session into another session is useless as the authenticity of the request is verified by checking the freshness of the time stamp \(T_j\) and \(M_{j_4}\) which enables our protocol to prevent strongly the replay attack.

6.2.4 Resist De-synchronization Attack

Server stores \((ID_j, \alpha ^N_j, \beta ^N_j)\) in its database and to save the protocol from de-synchronization attack server will not replace the new ordered pair \((ID_j, \alpha ^N_j, \beta ^N_j)\) with the existing one \((ID_j, \alpha _j, \beta _j)\) in that particular polynomial time and will maintain the pair \((ID_j, \alpha _j, \beta _j)\) till synchronized authentication session can be done. So it will become infeasible for an adversary to de-synchronize the protocol by modifying the communicated messages between reader and the tag.

6.2.5 Resist Cloning Attack

An adversary is unable to clone the registered tag by creating fake tag as each and every tag has its own physical characteristics like supply voltage, temperature, electromagnetic interference, etc. So inbuilt specific PUF function gives different responses for the same challenge for two different tags which makes our protocol secure against cloning or tag compromising attack.

7 Performance Analysis

In this section, as described in Table 4 we analyze and evaluate performance and efficiency of our authentication protocol with the related Molnar-Wagner [23], Bassil et al.’s [24], Kardas et al.’s [17], Zhuang et al.’s [25], Dekhordi-Farzaneh [26], Akglayan [27] and Asadpour-Dashti [28] schemes in terms of storage, tag computation, server computation, communication cost, privacy level, reader complexity level, threshold authentication, key updation, secret key recovery process and various known attacks like side channel attack, traceability attack, impersonation attack, cloning attack, De-synchronization attack, achieve mutual authentication and attain forward and backward untraceability.

Let \(t_h\) denotes the time complexity for hash operation, \(t_p\) denotes the time complexity for PUF evaluation, \(t_{xor}\) denotes the time complexity for xor operation, \(t_{rot}\) denotes the time complexity for rotation function and \(t_{rec}\) denotes the time complexity for reconstruction function. Since the time complexity for xor operation is negligible, thus we ignore the computational complexity for xor operation. W.l.o.g we assume that the random numbers and the time stamp are as long as the output of one way hash function say, l and the identity message \(ID_j\) is padded with zero bits to make the bit size of \(ID_j\) as long as l.

In our proposed protocol tags memory, parameters \(ID_j, r_{j_1}, r_{j_2}\) and \(\gamma _j\) are stored in our protocol along with its physical characteristics \(z_j\) like supply voltage, temperature, electromagnetic interference, etc. which has negligible storage cost. Thus storage cost is 4l bits. In our protocol, mutual authentication request messages \(\{r_{j_3}\}\), \(\{M_{j_1},M_{j_4},T_j\}\) and \(\{M_{j_5}\}\) require \(l+3l+l\,=\,5l\) bits. Thus communication overhead becomes 5l bits during mutual authentication process. During the Authentication phase, tag requires 7 hash computations and 2 PUF evaluations. Thus the total computation cost at tag side is at most \(7t_h+2t_p\). While the computational overhead of Lagrange interpolation technique for the recovery of key is at server side as server has no constraint for resources and for authentication server’s computation cost is atmost O(n), where n is the number of tags.

As compared to other’s schemes [17, 2328], increased requirement of computational complexity is not baseless as additional computational cost provides safety from various known attacks, achieves high privacy level and accomplish threshold authentication, as described in Table 4. Thus due to low storage, computation and communication cost and due to provide security against various attacks and due to provide high security level and due to provide threshold authentication; we demonstrate that our protocol is efficient enough to be used practically over insecure networks.

Table 4 Efficiency evaluation

8 Conclusion

In this paper, we extend well-known Vaudenay’s RFID privacy model to make the RFID system acceptable for threshold secret sharing system among n tags. To resist tag compromising or cloning attack, we employ PUF function in tags. Next, to implement threshold RFID system we have designed (tn) threshold RFID mutual authentication protocol based on physically unclonable function with the aim to ensure secure communication through an insecure channel, to resist tag compromising attack and to enhance shared control of the secret among multiple tags. It is a method of distributing a secret s among a set of n RFID tags in such a way that any group of t or more tags will recover the secret s only after successful mutual authentication by using lagrange interpolation. In order to enhance anonymity and untraceability of tags, we use dynamic security parameters which are updated after each successful run of mutual authentication protocol. In-spite of low storage capacity and limited computation and communication cost, our mutual authentication protocol achieves destructive privacy, untraceabilily, forward/backward untraceability, withstand against side channel attack, denial of service attack, man-in-the-middle attack, replay attack, de-synchronization attack and cloning attack which makes our protocol secure and efficient to be used practically over insecure networks.