1 Introduction

Today construction project management is a difficult process. Effective management processes bring a many request on managers, employees and technical resources. Material request is important in this field too [1, 2]. The construction project presents a series of relative processes. The success of the project is primarily influenced by the order of these processes [3]. Based on some experts, Building Information Modeling (BIM) is not a software, but it’s process that bring information model as a result. This contains graphical and non-graphical information. Some parts represent information and dimension [4]. Also, Building Information Modelling based approach to address sustainability issues regarding material selection and supply decisions [5, 6]. Future studies on Civil Engineering and Construction and research themes may focus on the application or integration of innovative technologies such as BIM, augmented reality, radio-frequency identification (RFID) and other for increasing productivity [7]. BIM has emerged into the mainstream bringing a different process of collaboration and a new way of working transforming current AECOO industry structures and practices, with the aim of improving efficiency and environmental objectives [8]. BIM presents the art of data management and collection by CPIC (Construction Project Information Committee). This a process that runs through the entire asset lifecycle [9, 10]. Implementation of the BIM concept to suit the specific requirements of infrastructure projects will be a key aspect in effective BIM deployment and UK contractors’ ability to meet the 2016 requirement.

In view of the potential benefits of BIM for the infrastructure construction industry, this study aims to provide a review of existing re- search and industry development on the use of the BIM concept within the infrastructure sector and its application by the contractor role [11]. Building Information Modelling is currently receiving worldwide recognition in the architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry due to its ability to store and also ease the use and reuse of project data across the project development phase [12].

The main idea driving the concepts of a sustainability in the construction industry is primarily the development of standards and the implementation of Building Information Modelling and sustainability practices. Several research studies have discussed the possibilities of BIM to advance the implementation of sustainability practices in construction projects. Alsayyar and Jrade [13] developed an innovative model which integrates BIM tools with sustainable design requirements to evaluate the cost and benefits of a proposed building in the planning and design stages. The model was developed with a data base module and tested on a real-life project [14].

Moreover, Gilkinson et al. [15] regarded BIM as a revolutionary de-sign-based technology and process which provides considerable value to construction projects throughout the lifecycle stages. BIM implementation can be considered from two aspects—(1) the use of 3D technology (software) to model and analyses building model using software such as Revit, ArchiCAD etc.; and (2) the process/conceptualization which enable other knowledge domains such as cost, schedule, project management, safety, sustainability parameters to be embedded in BIM software to provide one-source, central hub of information for project stakeholders. Olatunji et al. [16, 17] affirmed BIM capability to offer both functions (application and process) which enables it to be useful for construction stakeholders and organizations in managing project data.

On other hand, BIM technology is not only about technology. Generally, productivity in construction industry depends on many factors. One of the can be technology. Generally, productivity is defined as the ratio of outputs to inputs. Construction projects are mostly labor based field with basic hand tools and equipment. According some analyses and expert statements, labor costs comprise 30–50% of overall project cost. Productivity in economics refers to measures of output from production processes, per unit of input. Productivity may be conceived of as a measure of the technical or engineering efficiency of production. Productivity in construction is often broadly defined as output per labor hour. Since labor constitutes a large part of the construction cost and the quantity of labor hours in performing a task in construction is more susceptible to the influence of management than are materials or capital, this productivity measure is often referred to as labor productivity [18].

Productivity is one of the key performance indicators (KPIs). Generally, business performance measurement includes a process of efficiency and effectiveness quantifying [19]. It means especially cost and revenues. Generally, performance measurement has some rules that have to be accepted by expert society. KPIs are focused on cost, safety, customer satisfaction, profitability and productivity. Group of authors describe measurement construction key performance indicators in Australia [20]. They present more approach in performance measurement. They claim, that it depends from resource of measurement. It’s different to say key performance indicators for project and other for construction business. Based on this, they set 10 KPIs. Productivity is number seven between them. According this study, productivity is economic KPIs. In addition, there are two more powerful groups of KPIs. There are social KPIs and environmental KPIs. Another authors claim, that KPIs present one the factors that constitute construction project success criteria which is the reason while performance measurement on construction projects are usually carried out [21]. According this study, it’s not possible measuring only one performance indicators. But, it’s very important to set trend. Productivity is one of the most powerful indicators for performance measuring in construction project management. They set and confirmed these KPIs in construction industry:

  • Construction time

  • Profitability

  • Project management

  • Material ordering, handling and management

  • Risk management

  • Quality assurance

  • Client satisfaction (product)

  • Safety

  • Time predictability (project, design, construction)

  • Productivity

  • Client satisfaction (service)

  • Cost predictability (project, design, construction)

  • Procurement Construction cost

  • Defects

  • Human resource management

There are many researches, that was analyzed KPIs in construction industry. Some authors tried defining these performance indicators. More information about these researches and KPIs are detailed described in Table 1.

Table 1 Key performance indicators in construction project management [22,23,24,25]

There are sample, that productivity is very important factor for project performance measuring. The issue of sue BIM technology and its impact on productivity is necessary to discusses and find new way, how to achieve increasing of this parameter.

2 Methodology

The issue of use BIM technology and measuring its impact on productivity in construction project management is difficult process. Construction project management has more specifics. First of all, there are more participants with different interests. The measurement way it must be different. It’s not about one manager, or employee, but it’s must by based on more interest’s people. Use of BIM technology was examined in random selected construction projects. It’s rate of use BIM technology in some project phase. That means 3D software and another supporting BIM concept. The main aim of research was analyzing the use of BIM technology in construction project management and analyze its impact on productivity on construction project management.

Data collection was done by questionnaire about productivity and use of BIM technology in construction project management. Research sample includes 65 participants of construction projects and project managers, and they set value of use BIM technology and its impact on productivity like one of the most powerful key performance indicators in construction field. More information about research sample and participants of construction projects are recorded in Fig. 1. Respondents evaluated the productivity in the construction project. It was answer not only one expert, for each project group of experts (project manager, employees, and so on.). Based on these more values for each project were set mean and standard deviation. It was set a Likert scale from 1 to 5. Perception of project participants and in this case, respondents too were important value for data processing in this research.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Research sample in construction project management by construction project participants

Research sample includes participants of construction projects. There is different business in construction industry, that participated on construction projects. Every project includes more experts, not only one in this project. It’s important for objectivity of research results.

Data processing was based on statistical methods. In data processing was used Chi square test. The range of all possible values of the random variable is divided into k non-overlapping parts. For each part, the probability of pi that the random variable takes values from some part. The expected frequencies in each section are compared Npi with real frequencies Xi using the formula:

$$\chi^{2} = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{k} {\frac{{(X_{i} - Np_{i} )^{2} }}{{Np_{i} }}}$$

Another case of this it was used the Cronbach’s alpha. Cronbach’s alpha is a statistic commonly quoted by authors to demonstrate that tests and scales that have been constructed or adopted for research projects are fit for purpose [26].

3 Results

Construction project management is difficult process and it depends on many activities and parameters. Progressive technology like BIM technology can be helpful with them. Generally, implementation of information and communication technology should be bringing some miserable improving. That’s reason why is important checking key performance indicators in construction project management. There is assumption, that BIM technology can increasing productivity in construction project management.

Use of BIM technology in constriction project management is increasing in the last decades. In similar research before 3 years ago, it was a rate of use of BIM technology less than 20%. But actually, this situation is better. Actually, from this research, The BIM technology use in more than 26% of construction projects from addressed and researched projects (see Fig. 2).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Use of BIM technology in construction project management (in Slovak construction industry)

Use of BIM technology increasing for last years. It shown research and it was confirmed in other countries too. That’s very important information for systematic software works and increasing automatization in construction project management.

Next figure (see Fig. 3) shown level of Use of BIM technology in construction project management. It confirmed utilization of this.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Use level of BIM technology in construction project management

Based on a literature review and assumption, that BIM technology can be helpful in increasing of productivity, it was done research about impact of use of BIM technology on productivity in CPM. Figure 4 shown level and value of participants answer. Impact value floating about 3.5 value, what presents significant impact. There is only selected sample for illustration. Generally, research shown trend in this field.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Floating the resulting productivity impact values

Significant value can be considered each value more than 3.5 and it’s mean probably high level of impact on productivity in construction project management. But, it’s not only about value. This research must be confirmed statistical methods and other tests. Table 2 described detailed value and results of statistical tests for confirmation assumption, that use of BIM technology impacts on productivity in constriction project management.

Table 2 Final results of BIM impact

Cronbach’s alpha and Chi square were used in data processing and for confirmation of statistical results. It achieved value 0.901 for all participants. Generally, these tests confirmed dependence. These results shown, that progressive technology and information and communication technology can be helpful in construction project management and BIM technology impact on productivity. All respondents tried eliminated other factors which can influence on results. That’s very important information for confirmation of research results.

4 Conclusion

Management of construction projects is difficult and technology-requirement processes. BIM technology brings a lot of advantages. It’s helpful tool for construction project management. Generally, it can be possible to say that progressive technology and information and communication technology increasing project results and they have positive impact on many processes. BIM technology represents one of the most progressive tools in construction project management and many project managers sign it for the most important tool in their everyday work. But, the aim of this research it was analyze the use of BIM technology and its impact on productivity in construction project management. Implementation of BIM technology can mean first rejected change by employees and it must by done the teaching process in new system. In spite of this, research confirm increasing productivity on next time. It’s was confirmed by examine tests. Productivity presents one of the so-called key performance indicators in construction project management. It’s first step to achieve better project results in construction industry. Statistical test confirmed assumption, that BIM technology has a real impact on productivity as a one of KPIs in construction project management.