
To date, 19 terrestrial Parasitengona mites (excluding Leeuwenhoekiidae, Trombiculidae and Walchiidae) have been listed for the Canary Islands (Haitlinger, 2019). Of these, four species of Leptus Latreille, 1796 were found: Leptus (Leptus) canaricus Haitlinger, 2009, L. (L.) edwini Haitlinger, 2009 and L. (L.) tenerificus Haitlinger, 2009 on Tenerife and L. (L.) maxorata Haitlinger 2009 on Fuerteventura (Haitlinger, 2009). In this paper, we describe two new species of Leptus: L. (Leptus) grancanaricus n. sp. from Gran Canaria and L. (L.) machadoi n. sp. from Fuerteventura. This is the first record of erythraeid mites from Gran Canaria and the second record from Fuerteventura. All Leptus species were collected from curculionid beetles: L. (L.) maxorata from Herpisticus calvus Wollaston (Fuerteventura, endemic), L. (L.) canaricus from Laparocerus crassifrons Wollaston, L. (L.) edwini from L. tessellatus Boullé and L. (L.) tenerificus from L. fernandezi Roudier. They are all Tenerife endemics. Herpisticus guanarteme Machado, 2020 (Gran Canaria endemic, parasitised by L. (L.) grancanaricus n. sp.) and L. maxorata Machado (Fuerteventura endemic, parasitised by L. (L.) machadoi n. sp.) are new hosts for the complex of Leptus spp.

Supplementary data to the descriptions of L. (L) akkus Haitlinger, 1990, L. (L.) andae Haitlinger, 2003, L. (L.) hammameticus Haitlinger, 1998, L. (L.) horiacus Haitlinger, 1994 and L. (L.) tammuzicus Haitlinger, 1994 based on examination of the type-material, are also provided (the types are in very poor condition and some metrical and meristic data could not be completed).

Materials and methods

One species of curculionid beetle was collected from Gran Canaria and one species of curculionid beetle was collected from Fuerteventura. From these, we obtained 32 larvae, 17 larvae of Leptus (Leptus) grancanaricus n. sp. from Gran Canaria and 15 larvae of Leptus (Leptus) machadoi n. sp. from Fuerteventura (all collected by AM). All specimens were preserved in ethanol (70%) and then mounted in Berlese’s medium. Measurements (given in micrometres) were taken and figures were drawn using a NIKON Eclipse 59i microscope. Terminology and abbreviations follow Haitlinger (1999, 2013).

To comply with the regulations set out in Article 8.5 of the amended 2012 version of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN, 2012), details of all new taxa have been submitted to ZooBank. For each new taxon, the Life Science Identifier (LSID) is reported in the taxonomic summary.

Family Erythraeidae Robineau-Desvoidy, 1828

Genus Leptus Latreille, 1796

Leptus ( Leptus ) grancanaricus n. sp.

Type-host: Herpisticus guanarteme (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).

Type-locality: Tejada: Mirador de Timagada, altitude 1,258 m (27°58′39″N, 15°36′60″W), Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain.

Type-material: The holotype and 16 paratypes, all from H. guanarteme (coll. 17.vii.2019). The holotype and 16 paratypes were deposited in Museum of Natural History, Wrocław University (MNHWU), Poland.

ZooBank registration: The Life Science Identifier (LSID) for Leptus (Leptus) grancanaricus n. sp. is

Etymology: The species is named after the island where the holotype and paratypes were collected.


Larva [Based on the holotype and 16 paratypes; measurements in Table 1; Figs. 112.] Dorsum of idiosoma with ~210 setae with very short barbs (holotype), 210–240 (paratypes). Single eye present at the level of postero-lateral margins of scutum 16 (12–17) (Figs. 1, 2). Dorsal scutum punctate (in medial part of sclerite), with concave anterior border. Two cuticular lines present below anterior sensillae sockets cuticular line and below and laterally to posterior sensillae sockets. Posterior border with slight concavity. Scutalae AL longer than PL, all barbed. Anterior sensillae ASE and posterior sensillae PSE both with setules on distal half (Figs. 57). Ventral surface of idiosoma bearing setae 1a and 2a, 1a > 2a, all barbed; 20 barbed setae between coxae II-III; 60 barbed setae (56–60) posterior to coxae III. Coxalae 1b, 2b, 3b all barbed; coxalae 1b distinctly longer than others. Peg-like supracoxal seta elc I (5 μm) present on dorsal rim of coxa I (Figs. 3, 4). Gnathosoma, with nude posterior hypostomalae (bs) and nude galealae (cs). Anterior hypostomalae (as) absent. Gnathobase punctate, with supracoxal setae (elcp ~5 μm) with slight basal expansion, placed in dorso-lateral position, at gnathosoma base. Palpfemur with 1 barbed seta, palpgenu with 2 barbed setae. Palptibia with 3 barbed setae (Fig. 8). Palptarsus with 5 normal setae (all smooth), 1 solenidion (ω) located in the proximal part of the segment and 1 eupathidium (ζ) placed distally. (Fig. 9). Pedipalp formula: 0-B-BB-BBB-ωζNNNNN. Odontus simple. Legs setal formula. Leg I: Ta 1ω, 2ζ, 24 (20–24); Ti 2φ, 1κ, 14 (13–14); Ge 1σ, 1κ, 8; Tf 5; Bf 2; Tr 1; Cx 1 (Fig. 10). Leg II: Ta 1ω, 2ζ, 22 (19–22); Ti 2φ, 14 (13–15); Ge 1κ, 8; Tf 5; Bf 2; Tr 1; Cx 1 (Fig. 11). Leg III: Ta 1ζ, 23 (21–25); Ti 1φ, 15 (15–16); Ge 8; Tf 5; Bf 1; Tr 1; Cx 1 (Fig. 12). Solenidia and eupathidia on legs without companion setae (z); coxal fields punctate.

Table 1 Metrical data for Leptus (Leptus) grancanaricus n. sp.
Figs. 1–4
figure 1

Leptus (Leptus) grancanaricus n. sp. 1, Idiosoma, dorsal view; 2, Dorsal opisthosomal setae; 3, Idiosoma, ventral view; 4, Ventral opisthosomal setae

Figs. 5–9
figure 2

Leptus (Leptus) grancanaricus n. sp. 5, Scutum; 6, Ornamentation of prodorsal sclerite; 7, AL, PL scutalae and ASE, PSE sensillae, 8, Gnathosoma; 9, Palptarsus

Figs. 10–12
figure 3

Leptus (Leptus) grancanaricus n. sp. 10, Leg I; 11, Leg II; 12, Leg III

Postlarval instars unknown.

Differential diagnosis

Leptus (Leptus) grancanaricus n. sp. belongs to the species group of Leptus spp. bearing two setae on the palpgenu, two setae between coxae I-II, more than four setae between coxae II-III, Ta I > 160 μm and Ti III > 280 μm. This group includes L. (L.) akkus Haitlinger, 1990 from Spain, L. (L.) bertoldi Haitlinger, 1993 from Ghana, L. (L.) edwini Haitlinger, 2009 from Canary Islands (Spain) and L. (L.) hammameticus Haitlinger, 1998 from Tunisia and Sicily (Haitlinger, 1990, 1993, 1998, 2009, 2012). It differs from L. (L.) akkus in the longer AL (76–91 vs 66–72 µm), GL (258–278 vs 222–228 µm), PSE (79–94 vs 68–74 µm), shorter Ta I (168–183 vs 200 µm), Ti I (242–265 vs 312 µm), Ta II (131–152 vs 160–166 µm), Ti II (192–207 vs 252–254 µm), Ta III (172–188 vs 206 µm) and Ti III (285–317 vs 362 µm); from L. (L.) bertoldi in the longer L (84–100 vs 66–70 µm), W (119–142 vs 100–104 µm), AW (101–111 vs 82–86 µm), PW (105–117 vs 94–98 µm), PaFe (L) (67–78 vs 50–56 µm), PaGe (L) (73–83 vs 60–61 µm), shorter Ti I (242–265 vs 332 µm), Ti II (192–207 vs 258–264 µm) and Ti III (285–317 vs 384 µm); from L. (L.) edwini in the longer AL (76–91 vs 60–68 µm), GL (258–278 vs 250–254 µm), PsFd (80–94 vs 64–74 µm), 1a (46–58 vs 38–42 µm) and shorter ISD (35–42 vs 44–48 µm) and from L. (L.) hammameticus in the shorter PaGe (L) (73–83 vs 84–86 µm), Ge I (157–173 vs 180–192 µm), Ti II (192–207 vs 210–232 µm), Ge II (120–136 vs 140–148 µm), leg I (940–1,018 vs 1,032–1,110 µm), leg II (786–834 vs 868–918 µm), leg III (1,006–1,072 vs 1,089–1,150 µm), IP (2,757–2,905 vs 2,993–3,178 µm), fD (210–249 vs~190) and fV (setae beyond coxae III) (50–60 vs 44).

Leptus ( Leptus ) machadoi n. sp.

Type-host: Laparocerus maxorata (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).

Type-locality: Jandia, Pico de la Zarza, 807 m (28°05′50″N, 14°01′12″W), Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain.

Type-material: Holotype and 14 paratypes, all from L. maxorata (leg. A. Machado; coll. 5.iii.2011). Holotype and 14 paratypes were deposited in the Museum of Natural History, Wrocław University (MNHWU), Poland.

ZooBank registration: The Life Science Identifier (LSID) for Leptus (Leptus) machadoi n. sp. is

Etymology: The name is given in honor of the Spanish researcher Dr Antonio Machado, who donated mite larvae to all Leptus species described from the Canary Islands.


Larva [Based on the holotype and 14 paratypes; measurements in Table 1; Figs. 1324.] Dorsum of idiosoma with ~130 barbed setae (110–130). One pair of eyes at level of postero-lateral margins of scutum 14 (13–16) (Figs. 13, 14). Dorsal scutum with straight anterior border (or slightly concave in some paratypes) (Table 2). Scutalae AL longer than PL, all barbed. Anterior sensillae ASE and posterior sensillae PSE with setules on distal half. Posterior sensillae sockets with cuticular lines posteriorly and laterally. Two wide cuticular lines present at anterior sensillae sockets (Figs. 1719) (invisible in some paratypes). Ventral surface of idiosoma bearing setae 1a and 2a, all barbed; 14 barbed setae between coxae II-III; 44 (44–46) barbed setae posterior to coxae III. Coxalae 1b, 2b and 3b all barbed. Peg-like supracoxal seta elc I (5 μm) present on dorsal rim of coxa I (Figs. 15, 16). Gnathosoma with nude posterior hypostomalae (bs) and galealae (cs). Anterior hypostomalae (as) absent. Gnathobase punctate with supracoxal setae (elcp ~4 μm) with slight basal expansion, placed in dorso-lateral position, at gnathosoma base. Palpfemur with 1 barbed seta, palpgenu with 2 barbed setae. Palptibia with 3 setae, 1 of them nude (Fig. 20). Palp tarsus with five normal setae, of which 1 is covered with fine setules and 4 are nude, one solenidion (ω) located in proximal part of segment and 1 eupathidium (ζ), placed distally (Fig. 21). Pedipalp formula: 0-B-BB-BBN-ωζNNNNN. Leg setal formula. Leg I: Ta 1ω, 2ζ, 23 (19–23); Ti 2φ, 1κ, 12; Ge 1σ, 1κ, 8; Tf 5; Bf 2; Tr 1; Cx 1 (Fig. 22). Leg II: Ta 1ω, 2ζ, 19 (19–22); Ti 2φ, 12; Ge 1κ, 8; Tf 5; Bf 2; Tr 1; Cx 1 (Fig. 23). Leg III: Ta 1ζ, 21 (18–22); Ti 1φ, 12 (12–14); Ge 8; Tf 5; Bf 1; Tr 1; Cx 1 (Fig. 24).

Figs. 13–16
figure 4

Leptus (Leptus) machadoi n. sp. 13, Idiosoma, dorsal view; 14, Dorsal opisthosomal setae; 15, Idiosoma, ventral view; 16, Ventral opisthosomal setae

Table 2 Metrical data for Leptus (Leptus) machadoi n. sp.
Figs. 17–21
figure 5

Leptus (Leptus) machadoi n. sp. 17, Scutum; 18, Ornamentation of prodorsal sclerite; 19, AL, PL scutalae and ASE, PSE sensillae, 20, Gnathosoma; 21, Palptarsus

Figs. 22–24
figure 6

Leptus (Leptus) machadoi n. sp. 22, Leg I; 23, Leg II; 24, Leg III

Postlarval instars unknown.

Differential diagnosis

Leptus (Leptus) machadoi n. sp. belongs to the species group of Leptus bearing two setae on the palpgenu, two setae between coxae I-II, more than four setae between coxae II-III, Ta I less than 140 μm and Ti III less than 190 μm. This group includes L. (L.) andae Haitlinger, 2003 from Rhodes (Greece), L. (L.) dubius Paoli, 1937 from Italy, L. (L.) horiacus Haitlinger, 1994 from Syria, L. (L.) maxorata Haitlinger, 2009 from Canary Islands (Spain), L. (L.) mogadoranus Haitlinger, 1990 from Morocco, L. (L.) pasopaicus Haitlinger, 1990 from Namibia, L. (L.) polythrix Fain & Elsen 1987 from Malawi, L. (L.) pyrenaeus André, 1953 from France, and L. (L.) tammuzi Haitlinger, 1994 from Israel, Saudi Arabia and Syria (Paoli, 1937; André, 1953; Fain & Elsen, 1987; Haitlinger, 1990a, b, 1994, 2003, 2009). It differs from L. (L.) andae in the longer W (101–120 vs 92–100 μm), AW (82–99 vs 78–80 μm), 1a (18 – 28 vs 36 μm), PaGe (L) (63–76 vs 58–60 μm), PaFe (L) (67–78 vs 56 μm), ANS (16–38 vs 8 μm) and fV (44–46 vs 27 μm); from L. (L.) dubius in fn intercoxalae (~14 vs 10), fD (110–130 vs 88 μm) and scutum without lines in median part vs scutum with lines in median part; from L. (L.) horiacus in the longer W (101–120 vs 90–96 μm), AW (82–99 vs 72–74 μm), PW (90–111 vs 78–84 μm), GL (191–219 vs 160–170 μm), PaGe (L) (63–76 vs 54–52 μm), Ti III (135–160 vs 184 μm) and fD (110–130 vs < 100 μm); from L. (L.) maxorata in the shorter AL (38–49 vs 50–54 μm), L (71–85 vs 84–98 μm), PsGv (30–43 vs 46–54 μm), ANS (0–6 vs 13–20 μm), ωI (19–26 vs 34–41 μm), leg III (533–609 vs 614–656 μm), IP (1,586–1,766 vs 1,768–1,854 μm) and fV (44–46 vs 58 μm); from L. (L.) mogadoranus in the shorter W (101–120 vs 134–146 μm), AW (82–99 vs 110–118 μm), PW (90–111 vs 122–130 μm), PL (25–41 vs 56 μm), 1a (20–24 vs 32–38 μm), PsGd (45–58 vs 82 μm) and PsGv (30–43 vs 50 μm); from L. (L.) pasopaicus in the longer W (101–120 vs 94 μm), AW (82–99 vs 76 μm), PW (90–111 vs 84 μm), GL (191–219 vs 142 μm), ISD (41–51 vs 34 μm), shorter 1a (20–24 vs 40 μm) and Ti III (135–160 vs 182 μm); from L. (L.) polythrix in the shorter AL (38–49 vs 51–64 μm), PL (26–41 vs 45–52 μm), longer PaGe (L) (63–76 vs 45 μm) and fD (110–130 vs ~200); from L. (L.) pyrenaeus in the longer AL (38–49 vs 25 μm), AL > PL vs AL = PL, AW (82–99 vs 64 μm), PW (90–111 vs 79 μm), fV (44–46 vs 54 μm) and scutum without a wide belt between AL vs scutum with a wide belt between AL and from L. (L.) tammuzi in the shorter L (71–85 vs 90–104 μm), PL (26–41 vs 42–52 μm), shorter Ta III (102–118 vs 126–140 μm), Ti III (135–160 vs 170–204 μm) and Ge III (81–100 vs 104–118 μm).

Leptus ( Leptus ) akkus Haitlinger, 1990

Corrections and additions to the original description

ASBM 7; LX 40 (33); elcp 5; bs nude 34 (31); cs 20; σI 38; φIb 13; φIIa 36; ωII 17 (paratype); palptibia 2B; 1N; palptarsus ωζBNNNN.

Leptus ( Leptus ) andae Haitlinger, 2003

Corrections and additions to the original description

PaFe (L) 56; PaFe (W) 39; elcI 4; ASBM 8; ωI 21; φIa 27; φIb 19; σI 23; ωII 18; φIIa 21; φIIb 12; OD 24.

Leptus ( Leptus ) hammameticus Haitlinger, 1998

Corrections and additions to the original description

ASBM 11; LX 45; cs 22; elcp 7; elcI 4; ωI 33; φIa 27; φIb 19; σ 31; ωII 19; φIIa 23; φIIb 11; OD 33; Leg I: Ta –; Ti 2φ, 1κ, 14; Ge 1σ, 1κ, 8; Tf 5; Bf 2; Tr 1; Cx 1. Leg II: Ta 1ω, 2ζ, 24; Ti 2φ, 14; Ge 1κ, 8; Tf 5; Bf 2; Tr 1; Cx 1. Leg III: Ta 1ζ, 26; Ti 1φ, 14; Ge 8; Tf 5; Bf 1; Tr 1; Cx 1.

Leptus ( Leptus ) horiacus Haitlinger, 1994

Corrections and additions to the original description

PaFe (L) 40 holotype (38–40 paratypes); PaFe (W) 32 (33–34); bs 25 (26); ωI 31; φIa 32 (both paratypes); ωII 18; φIIa 19 (24); φIIb 8, OD 22 (22–24).

Leptus ( Leptus ) tammuzius Haitlinger, 1994

Corrections and additions to the original description

PaFe (L) 48 holotype (51–56 paratypes); PaFe (W) 42 (38–43); bs 26 (24–29); ωI 22 (24–25), φIa 26; σI 27; φIb 22; ωII 16 paratype; OD 20 (22–25).