1 Introduction

The Instrumentation & Control System (I&CS) used in a nuclear power plant measures, controls, protects, and monitors the plant to ensure the safe operation of the power plant. This includes both safety and non-safety class systems.

The safety system and non-safety systems are divided into many subordinate systems according to their specific functions [1]. In the past, I&CS consisted of only analog technology. However, the system has begun to incorporate digital technologies such as computers and data networks [1, 2]. Currently, nuclear power plants which are in operation have higher ratio of analog technology than the new ones being built, and the ratio is fast growing [1, 2].

The importance of cyber security is growing due to the emergence of digital technology. In 2010, the appearance of Stuxnet [3], which destroyed the centrifuge of the Iranian Bushehr nuclear power plant, showed that nuclear power plants are prone to cyber-attack. Those responsible for the safety of these plants then realized that such threats should not be overlooked any longer. Cyber-attack on I&CS can result in system malfunction and data alteration, and if it is not brought under control, it can lead to the reactor core melt down or to cause exposure to radiation that can lead to a large-scale life threatening disaster. In this context, the cyber security of I&CS is an urgent issue.

As a solution to the security of the system, many cyber security guidelines for nuclear power plants are available. However, the security technology recommended in these guidelines is not implementable to currently operating plants, nor to those under construction. Furthermore, the distinct characteristics of I&CS and the difficulty of data collection due to classified nature makes it a challenge to incorporate the cyber security technology used in other IT systems.

For this reason, it is necessary to develop a security technology suitable for nuclear I&C. Therefore, this paper proposes a method to make security technology development requirements by using the Protection Profile (PP) which is a component of the Common Criteria (CC). Per ISO/IEC 15408, CC is a set of criteria used to evaluate the security of IT systems and information security products. Protection Profile of CC is to allow consumer groups and communities of interest to express their security needs. Also it has a set of functions and assurance requirements which stipulates the security objectives of the designated Target of Evaluation (TOE) [4].

To list the PP, it is necessary to state the scope of the product precisely. For this, the environment, security objective and the security function requirements should be identified. Furthermore, the security environment, including potential threats and security policy of the organization, should be analyzed. In addition, it is necessary to focus on all possible threats and to analyze them during risk analysis. In other words, to list a suitable PP, the threats in the operating environment, the security policy of the organization, and the operational assumptions should first be analyzed. Subsequently, the security function requirements should also be defined.

However, even in the CC, there is no specific method for devising security function requirements and performing security environment analysis. It only describes the criteria for security products that apply to general IT systems. An I&CS is different from a general IT environment in which the data collection is readily achieved.

This work proposes an analysis method which is currently used for I&CS in the operating group of a nuclear power plant in Republic of Korea.

The presentation of this paper is as follows. In Sect. 2, discussion is given on current trends in formulating guidelines for strengthening cyber security in the nuclear power plant and the composition process of the PP. Section 3 proposes a system analysis method for security used in I&CS of a nuclear power plant. In Sect. 4, results of the implementation of the proposed method are given. In Sect. 5, conclusions are made and discusses the future work.

2 Related work

2.1 Trends in cyber security guidelines

The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has published a Regulatory Guide (RG) 5.71 for protection against cyber-attacks on digital computers, communication systems and networks of nuclear facilities. RG 5.71 is a more practical guideline than the cyber security legislation, US Code of Federal Regulations 73.54, whose purpose is to implement comprehensive security control methods and defensive systems in relation to Critical Digital Assets (CDA), in order to handle cyber security threats. Also, it defines the cyber security implementation scope according to the SSEP (Safety, Security and Emergency Preparedness) protocols performing CDA [5]. “Appendix A” in RG 5.71 provides a cyber security scheme, and Appendices B and C list methods to handle potential cyber security threats on the CDA, informed by the National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) SP 800-53 and 800-82 [6].

The NIST criteria include 100 security requirements which are classified to 18 types. These types are divided into 3 fields: technology, operation and management [7, 8].

Nuclear Security Series (NSS) No. 17 describes technical guidance on the implementation and recommendations to ensure security and safety of nuclear facilities. This includes control systems, networks and information systems, cyber threats, etc. In addition, it considers cyber security requirements exclusively for nuclear facilities in tandem with other criteria and ISO 27000 series.

Part I of NSS No. 17 helps to determine cyber security-related policies and administrative structures. Also, to provide a guideline for restrictions on and management of cyber security. Part II provides a technological and administrative guideline for the fulfillment of comprehensive cyber security schemes [9].

2.2 The Protection Profile (PP) of Common Criteria (CC)

The International Common Criteria were established to bring about compatibility among the different evaluation criteria of various countries. It is composed of three sections.

In Sect. 1, general models explain the terms and definitions used in the CC of general models. In Sect. 2, security function requirements classify the security functions needed in security products. In Sect. 3, security requirements elaborate the functions and assurance requirements which information protection systems should perform and meet [4].

The Protection Profile (PP) which constitutes Common Criteria (CC) is a set of functions and assurance requirements which stipulates the security objectives of the designated Target of Evaluation (TOE). The PP of a potential product is first evaluated by the CC evaluation group and documented by a registered institution and is subsequently published. After publication, the product is developed.

Since the PP is a security function requested by users and must have a particular TOE, it should minimize the scope of its technical references, so that they are comprehensible to the user. Figure 1 shows and explains the essential elements of the PP.

3 A proposed method for analyzing the Instrumentation & Control Systems of nuclear power plants

This chapter proposes a method for deducing basic information in order to devise the components of PP. Figure 2 shows steps to analyze the Instrumentation & Control of Nuclear Power Plants. The detailed description of each step is as follows.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The contents of Protection Profile [4]

The first step of the proposed method is to analyze I&CS and identify its characteristics. In this step, various hardware nodes and network connections between nodes using interfaces are identified. Secondly, the analyzed information and identified characteristics from the first step are used to depict cyber security threats. In addition, the second step includes the substance of the cyber threats found through both the interface information and node structure, which were previously analyzed in order to detect them if the threats are actualized. In the third step, an attack scenario is devised, and evaluate its degree of impact and occurrence probability on the node structure and interface proposed in the first step. Finally, a calculation on the degree of the risk with this information is made. The calculated degree of risk to the node structure and interface is used as a basis to decide whether the product should have a Protection Profile or not.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The proposed analysis procedure for NPP I&C

The analyzed data, the system characteristics and the potential cyber threats to the product are used as fundamental data in devising the Protection Profile as shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Method of devising Protection Profile

The summary of the devised PP from Fig. 3 is listed in Table 1.

Table 1 Analysis results per application

3.1 Analysis of the Instrumentation & Control System

A I&CS is divided into its safety and non-safety components, each of which has specific subordinate systems. In this section, specific subordinate systems are explained and then propose a method to analyze their functions and the communication method of I&CS.

First of all, to analyze the structure and the functions of the system, the node structures of various hardware units are classified. For each hardware unit, the functions, hardware types, loaded software, and firmware versions/characteristics should be described. The format of the hardware nodes is shown in Table 2. Furthermore, the network-connected nodes are classified by an interface as shown in Table 3. Each interface is assigned as a unique identifier, and message information is delivered between the nodes.

Table 2 Node information form
Table 3 Interface information form

The second stage is to identify the systems functions and the sequences stages by identifying each functional unit in terms of the use cases. Furthermore, the object, result and protocol of the function have to be identified. At this time, one should discover what is needed to prevent cyber threats from the security point of view by considering confidentiality, integrity and accessibility. All fields and the required content of each field are described in Table 4.

Table 4 Use case form

3.2 Identifying the characteristics of the Instrumentation & Control System

Before incorporating cyber security technology into the I&CS of a nuclear facility, an analysis of both the system and its characteristics, policies and operating environment are required. The I&CS also has a different implementation guideline from the functional point of view. Furthermore, to ensure the safety level of each sub-system, the I&CS uses multiplexing schemes, so that the malfunctioning of one system does not affect another. Also, the system has various characteristics, including its own unique components.

For the PP of the I&CS, the classification and characteristics of the system analysis described in Sect. 3.1, the policies used by the administrators, communication protocol information, system structure, and safety guarantee conditions should all be described. The format is shown in Table 5. In addition, some necessary items can be added and/or existing items can be extracted according to the characteristics of the system.

Table 5 Nuclear pant I&C characteristics

3.3 Identifying the cyber security threats and degree of risk of the Instrumentation & Control System

To judge whether or not the I&CS needs its security strengthened, we need to find the possible cyber threats and the degree of risk to the systems node and interface. In this section, we will devise a cyber security threat scenario using the system analysis resulted in Sects. 3.1 and 3.2 and then identify the characteristics of the cyber security threats. With this procedure, we can determine the degree of risk to the I&CS when the threat occurs.

To identify a potential cyber security threat to the I&CS, the cyber security threat data of IT and ICS from ENISA, US.ICS-CERT, NIST, etc. [7, 8, 15, 16] are analyzed. The risk analysis method cannot be applied directly, but if it is modified to be implementable, it can be used on I&CS. The analyzed security threats are compared with the analysis results of 3.1 and 3.2 above. Then, induce a cyber security threat and classify it using a unique identifier. The induced threat is described as in Table 6.

Table 6 Form of implementable cyber security threat in nuclear plant I&C

Also, the threat scenario form is described in Table 7.

Table 7 Threat scenario form

The next stage is to calculate the degree of risk of the cyber security threat to the node structure and interface. To calculate the degree of risk, a formula that originated from OWASP, OCTAVE, DREAD, etc., was used [17,18,19]. For this risk calculation, the cyber security threats degree of impact and degree of risk need to be utilized.

In this paper, the evaluation criteria for a cyber security threat are the boundary at which a cyber attacker or an attacking group can successfully initiate the threat to the system. The attackers ability, system status, attack opportunity, and intrusion detection probability are the elements included in the evaluation. There should be an explanation of the specific conditions and situations in which these elements are manifested. Furthermore, for the elements to be evaluated, their levels and scopes should be classified in advance. For each specific criteria, a score scale of 1–9 according to the occurrence probability was adopted. Scale 1 is the lowest probability, and the highest scale is 9.

Table 8 exhibits an example of the occurrence probability evaluation criteria. The detailed evaluation of an Attacker’s techniques indicates the attacker’s knowledge of the system. Attacker’s techniques are an important evaluation standard for measuring the occurrence probability. It is used together with the results of three other evaluation standards: attack opportunity, intrusion detection possibility and vulnerability availability.

Table 8 Occurrence probability evaluation criteria

The evaluation criteria for calculating the potential degree of impact of the cyber security threat are the elements which influence the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of the system. According to the occurrence results and the potential damage level, 1–9 scores are given to the degree of impact of a cyber security threat. 1 is the lowest probability, and the highest is 9. The higher the degree of impact the higher the score. Table 9 shows an example of the evaluation criteria for calculating the degree of impact.

Table 9 Example of degree of impact evaluation criteria
Table 10 Nodes of reactor protection system

The elements of occurrence probability and the degree of impact can be added to or extracted from the system. There are many methods for risk calculation [7, 19, 20]. This paper uses the most common formula (1), which is:

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {Risk} = \hbox {occurrence probability(likelihood) }{*}\hbox { impact}. \end{aligned}$$

The average value of the likelihood and the average value of the impact are used to derive Eq. 2. Professionals from the nuclear and cyber security fields should devise the boundaries to delineate the criteria for degrees of impact, which are high, medium, and low risks.

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {RISK}=\frac{1}{N}\left( {\mathop \sum \limits _{i=1}^N L_i } \right) \times \frac{1}{M}\left( {\mathop \sum \limits _{j=1}^M I_j } \right) \end{aligned}$$
  • \(L_{i}\): Score of each Likelihood

  • \(I_j\): Score of each Impact

  • N: Number of elements of Likelihood

  • M: Number of elements of Impact

  • i: \(1,\ldots ,N\)

  • j: \(1,\ldots ,M\)

4 Example of the implementation of an Instrumentation & Control System analysis method

This chapter demonstrates the I&CS analysis method explained in chapter 3 and implements it on a reactor protection system [21, 22]. The reactor protection system (RPS) constantly monitors the safety variables. If their values exceed the predefined safety boundary, it quickly halts reactor operation and maintains the integrity of the reactor coolant system. RPS consists of a bi-stable processor (BP), coincidence processor (CP), automatic test and interface processor (ATIP), and a cabinet operator module (COM) similar to PLCs and industrial PCs.

4.1 Analysis of the reactor protection system

The structure of the nodes is comprised of three PLCs and one industrial PC, as shown in Table 10. In addition, between the nodes or between a node and a system, there are six interfaces as shown in Table 11. Among six interfaces, one example is presented in Table 12.

Table 11 Interface of reactor protection system
Table 12 Reactor Protection System (RPS) Use case
Table 13 Reactor protection system characteristics

4.2 Identifying the characteristics of reactor protection system

An example of the characteristics and policies guiding the operation of the RPS is described in Table 13, which is the result of our analysis of the system and of input from the nuclear specialist who operates the system. The format of Table 13 was derived from Table 5.

Table 14 Reactor protection system threats list
Table 15 Reactor protection system cyber security threat scenarios
Table 16 Two examples (attack technique and attack opportunity) of likelihood evaluation criteria of cyber security threat
Table 17 Impact evaluation criteria of cyber security threat

4.3 Identifying threat to reactor protection system and calculating degree of risk to the system

To determine a cyber security threat to the I&CS, this paper employed the threats suggested in the Threat Landscape published by ENISA and the ICE vulnerability information published by ICS-Cert [15, 16]. With the analysis method described in Sect. 4.2, six possible threats to the RPS were identified, which are shown in Table 14.

Table 18 Risk of each threat of cyber security of the reactor protection system

Table 15 shows one of twelve possible attacks scenario using the threats described above to the node structure and interface of the RPS.

For the calculation of the degree of risk, criteria for calculating the occurrence probability were established. The occurrence probability consists of four evaluation items, namely attack technique, attack opportunity, intrusion detection possibility, and vulnerability, in order to devise specific criteria and to evaluate them. The impact evaluation criteria consisted of items that evaluated confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility. In this example, an evaluation criteria of the occurrence probability and impact of the cyber security threat were established. This is shown in Tables 16 and 17, respectively, with two examples each.

Finally, for the evaluation of the Cyber Security Occurrence Probability and Impact, the scenario of Table 15 was evaluated with both criteria of Tables 16 and 17. Afterward, the results from formula (1) were implemented and consulted several nuclear and cyber security specialists. A score of 9 or below designates a low risk, a score of 10–36 is a medium risk, and a score of 37 or above is considered a high risk. As shown in Table 18, the degree of risk of various threats to the Reactor Protection System was calculated.

5 Conclusion

This paper proposed a method for calculating the degree of risk to a nuclear reactor systems based on multiple factors for the safety purpose. Based on the proposed method, we presented some examples of how to calculate risk factors to nuclear reactor safety systems which may be under cyber-attack targets. Furthermore, using the analyzed information and the security threat mapping table, we have also proposed a method to define and specify security problems. In addition, we found that to generate security profiles, one also needs to analyze environmental elements, security assumptions and the organization’s security policy. We also have found that many of the evaluations have resulted in low risks while none of them have received high in risk. This is because the I&CS is isolated from the external network and it is very difficult for a hacker to access the system and acquire information. However, due to the dangers posed by of nuclear power plants, even a low risk assessment can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, the security of I&CS in nuclear facilities needs to be reinforced.

The proposed method provides a foundation on which to develop and incorporate cyber security technology into nuclear power plants. Its main focus is to implement security techniques in currently operating I&CS.

As a future work, more research is needed on the security function and guarantee requirements of the Protection Profile of I&CS.