
Nowadays libraries and information providers offer electronic full-text access to most journal articles. The articles themselves are made available by publishers or information intermediaries. Moreover, many articles (in preprint or reprint form) are freely available on the Internet. Librarians, intermediaries and publishers are all interested in the use that is made of the products they provide (Fowler 2007). As simple information can be read on screen the number of accesses made to a database, a journal or a particular article is an indication of its usefulness. Yet when a reader decides to download an article this indicates more than just casual interest. For this reason the number of downloads of an article (and on an aggregate level, of a journal or from a database) is an essential indicator of its scientific importance. Already in 2002, Rousseau (2002) observed that for articles published in e-journals three visibility indicators could be collected: the number of visits to the article’s page, the number of downloads and the number of inlinks. As an example he noted that the e-journal Conservation Ecology was already counting accesses since (at least) 1999.

Even though users download articles for other purposes than for citing them in their own publications, downloads may be a first step towards citations, and as such may be predictors of later citations. The relation between online “hit counts” and subsequent citations has received a lot of attention in recent years. Perneger (2004) wrote that “the number of early hits is a potentially useful measure of the scientific value of published medical research papers”. He further observed that in his study for every 100 additional hits, 4.4 additional citations accrued over 5 years (Perneger 2004). In the context of Open Access, Harnad and Brody (2004) found a significant correlation between the frequency of downloads and citations 2 years later. Brody et al. (2006) analyse how short-term web usage predicts medium-term citation impact and find a significant correlation of approximately 0.4 between the citation and download impact of articles in physics and mathematics. Yet, Bollen and Van de Sompel found a negative correlation between journal impact factors and journal usage impact for users in the California State University system (Bollen and Van de Sompel 2008). Results varied, however, over different disciplines and were highly affected by demographic factors (relative numbers of undergraduates, graduate students and researchers).

In an extensive study Nicholas et al. (2003) analysed user statistics, including downloads of full articles in order to study the impact of so-called Big Deal agreements on user online searching behaviour. Recall that the term Big Deal agreement, coined by Kenneth Frazier (2001), refers to an agreement between a publisher and a library (or group of libraries) where access is provided to a large collection of online journals for an established price, often at the cost of existing print subscriptions plus an increment. Under the contract annual price increases are capped for a number of years.

Research by Wan et al. (2005) indicates that curves representing time versus number of downloads are different from time–citation curves. Peak values of download curves are visibly higher than those of citation curves and appear earlier. Recently Schloegl and Gorraiz (2008) studied the usage impact factor (UIF) and usage half-life (UHL) for a number of oncology journals based on full-text access in Science Direct. Among other aspects they investigated differences in obsolescence characteristics between citations and downloads, using absolute as well as relative counts.

Research topics

In this paper, the following problems are studied:

  1. (1)

    Can the general shape of download curves and citation curves as observed by Wan et al. (2005) be confirmed?

  2. (2)

    What are the relations between the download immediacy index (DII) and other indicators?

  3. (3)

    Can the DII be used as an independent bibliometric indicator?

Before describing our methodology and results we introduce our main data source: the China Academic Journals Full-text Database (CAJ), a part of the Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI).

The Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure

The CNKI is an electronic platform launched in June 1999 by the Tsinghua Tongfang Knowledge Network (TTKN) Technology Company, a spin-off company of Tsinghua University, located in Beijing. CNKI contains several databases as shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Contents of the CNKI databases

Of the academic journals in the database the large majority is in Chinese but 400 are in English, confirming the fact that there are some English language journals in China, but that they generally play a small role within the country’s S&T system (Ren and Rousseau 2004). CNKI has more than 5,500 customers (universities, public and corporate libraries, hospitals, etc.). Most are in China but a growing number is outside China. For instance the British Library, Cambridge University and the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin are subscribers.

CNKI moreover publishes the Chinese Academic Journals Comprehensive Citation Report on the basis of the Chinese Academic Journals Comprehensive Evaluation Database in which about 6,000 Chinese academic journals are involved. In this report 12 bibliometric indicators are provided, including the total number of citations, the journal impact factor, the number of published articles, the journal immediacy index, the h-index, and the DII (under the name of web immediacy index) (Wan and Xue 2007; Wan et al. 2007).


The journal DII is defined as the number of downloads of a journal’s articles within one publication year, divided by the number of published articles by that journal in that same year (Wan et al. 2007). This definition is obviously modelled after Thomson/Reuters’ journal immediacy index. It can be considered as a measure of how intensely the “average article” in an online journal is downloaded. As such it is an indicator of the attractivity of a journal’s new articles (probably largely based on the reputation of the journal). We could have studied other indicators suitable for the analysis of journals available in electronic form, such as the web h-index (Hirsch 2005; Hua et al. 2009). In this article, however, we focus on the DII because it fully embodies quick response time, one of the main advantages of electronic resources available on the Internet.

The distribution of the DII of 6,000 Chinese academic journals published in 2006 is shown in Fig. 1. The highest value is 396.5, but more than 200 journals have a download immediacy value equal to zero. Although statistically (according to a chi-square test) no distribution fits the data the gamma distribution with shape parameter 2.38 and scale parameter 0.0754 fits best (after removing journals with DII = 0), see Fig. 2.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The distribution of the download immediacy index (DII) of Chinese academic journals

Fig. 2
figure 2

Best-fitting gamma distribution (frequencies on vertical axis)

Based on the download data of the central website of the CNKI, the DII of Chinese academic journals has been calculated. It was found that among the 2.4 million articles included in the CAJ and published in 2006 1,778,174 (or 75%) have been downloaded at least once. These articles were downloaded more than 48 million times in total, or an average of 27 times per downloaded article (during the year of publication, i.e. the year 2006).

Values for other indicators used in this article such as the immediacy index, impact factor, total cites and h-index were obtained from the Chinese Academic Journals Comprehensive Citation Report, a yearly publication of scientometric data about the CNKI.

General results

Based on the statistical data of 2006, the citation distribution curve and the download distribution curve are drawn and shown in Fig. 3. The numbers on the y-axis are relative numbers of downloads and citations, expressed as percentages. The peak value of the download distribution curve is visibly higher than that of the citation distribution curve and appears earlier. Concretely, 25.6% of all downloads in the year 2006 are articles published in 2005 (and 22.9% are articles published the same year); 18.7% of all citations in 2006 are given to articles published in 2004. Downloading can be characterized as quick-response behaviour. This is less the case for citing. These observations confirm those made by Wan et al. (2005). We note that for the oncology journals studied by Schloegl and Gorraiz (2008) most of the download curves have a mode during the first year. Probably the databases used (Science Direct vs. CNKI) and fields studied (oncology vs. all fields) explain this difference.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Comparison between the download frequency distribution and the citation distribution (2006 data)

Next we calculated the correlation coefficient between the download curve and different shifted versions of the citation curve. These values are known as normalized cross-covariances (NCCV) with different lag times. They are measures of similarity between two signals (here: two distribution curves). Concretely: the normalized cross-covariance with time lag 0 is the Pearson correlation between the download curve and the citation curve. The normalized cross-covariance with time lag 1 is the Pearson correlation coefficient of the download curve (with last point removed) and the citation curve with the first point removed; the normalized cross-covariance with time lag 2 is the Pearson correlation coefficient of the download curve (with the last two points removed) and the citation curve with the first two point removed, etc. Such NCCV have been used in informetrics before to study the age distribution of Chinese scientists over different years (Jin et al. 2003). Results are shown in Table 2. The NCCV with lag time equal to three is the largest (in bold in Table 2), but a shift of 2 years gives almost the same result. This result points to a strong relation between downloading and citing, be it shifted in time.

Table 2 Normalized cross-covariances

Results related to the field of agriculture and forestry

In this section the relationship between the number of downloads and the number of citations for the papers published in agricultural and forestry journals (460 in total) in the year 2004 are discussed. According to the characteristics of the curves shown in Fig. 3 the number of downloads in year 2005 and the number of citations in 2006 are used, because they may be the peak values. Indeed, we found a positive Pearson correlation, equal to 0.635 between citations (in 2006) and downloads (in 2005), see (Fig. 4). The Spearman rank correlation is 0.59. Although statistically acceptable (standard t-test, H 0: ρ = 0; p-value ≪ 0.001) Fig. 4 clearly shows that this relation is not linear at all: some journals have a much higher number of downloads than predicted by the trend line, while other ones have a much higher number of citations than predicted. This observation again illustrates the difference between download frequency and citation frequency.

Fig. 4
figure 4

The relationship between number of downloads in 2005 and number of citations received in 2006 for the papers published in agricultural and forestry journals in 2004

Figure 5 clearly shows that the relationship between the DII and total cites is not very good. Generally speaking, the higher the total cites, the higher the download immediacy (the Pearson correlation coefficient is 0.72). But some technical journals have a high DII and low total cites. Hence, the DII is perhaps best seen as an independent indicator to evaluate the value of a journal to its readers. As will be discussed further, this value can be scientific, but also practical (=of immediate use).

Fig. 5
figure 5

The relationship between total cites and download immediacy index for agricultural and forestry journals (semi-logarithmic scales)

Table 5 (see appendix) provides a comparison between the DII rank and other indicators’ ranks for the top 50 journals (according to DII) among the 459 agricultural and forestry journals. These other indicators are: the (citation) immediacy index, the classical impact factor (calculated within the CNKI database), the total number of citation and the h-index. The data in Table 5 indicate that the ranks of the DII are often not consistent with the ranks of other indicators. The DII ranks of, for example, the journals Sugarcane and Sichuan Forestry Exploration and Design are 47 and 49, but their ranks for the other indicators are quite high.

We have recalculated the ranks among these 50 journals (so all ranks are now between 1 and 50) and calculated Spearman rank correlation coefficients between the new ranked lists. These are shown in Table 3, corresponding p-values are shown in Table 4. The smallest correlation occurs between the DII and the traditional journal immediacy index. This is the only rank correlation that is statistically not significant (in bold in Table 4). The highest correlation occurs between the journal h-index and the total number of citations. This confirms observations made in the Web of Science (WoS) by van Raan (2006). When considering the first row of Table 3, this is the row that contains the correlation coefficient between the DII and the other indicators, it is clear that the highest correlation occurs with the h-index. So the DII is not only a predictor of the impact factor and the total number of citations (be it an imperfect one), but even more of the h-index. We recall that Yue et al. (2004) found that the classical immediacy index and impact factor are highly correlated.

Table 3 Spearman correlation
Table 4 Corresponding p-values

As mentioned above, although there are clear relations between the DII and other indicators, many exceptions occur. In these cases, predicted impact factors or total citation results are not reliable. Yet from a librarian’s or a scientometrician’s point of view these are the interesting cases, requiring insight in the concrete circumstances. In Fig. 4, for instance, we notice journals with a high number of downloads, but with no or almost no citations. Upon investigation we found that these journals (e.g. Gansu Agriculture) are not really scientific journals but more of the “practical-news” type. They publish short articles containing popular technical information or new facts that can increase farmers’ profits. Hence farmers like to download their contents because they offer a lot of good practical advice. There are also a few journals in the database with no downloads, but with a small number of citations. These are generally journals of low quality.

Download immediacy index versus citation immediacy index

Now we discuss the difference between the citation immediacy index (CII) and the DII for journals. Obviously, see Fig. 6, the DII is several orders of magnitude larger than the CII. Also here, for agricultural and forestry journals, the correlation coefficient is not high (R = 0.57).

Fig. 6
figure 6

The relationship between the citation immediacy index (CII) and download immediacy index (DII) for all agricultural and forestry journals (year 2006)

Going beyond the field of agriculture and forestry we note that statistical results indicate that the DII is dependent on academic fields (see Fig. 7), e.g. the DII of some popular (such as financial and economic) journals is distinctly higher than that of some special (such as silkworm and beekeeping) journals, because they have more readers. For comparison the values of the journal immediacy index are also shown in Fig. 7 (but remember that the DII is several orders of magnitudes larger). Among these selected fields the immediacy index of psychology journals is the highest. The average DII of this selected group of journals is 103.53, its average immediacy index is 0.126. The Pearson correlation coefficient between the two is 0.8.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Download immediacy index (DII), lower line, and citation immediacy index (CII), upper line of some selected fields


Returning to the list of problems we set out to study we first mention that the general shape of download curves as observed earlier by Wan et al. (2005) is confirmed in this new study. The relationship between the DII and other indicators suggests that the DII can be considered as an independent indicator, but that it also has some predictive value for other indicators, such as the h-index. It is especially useful for those journals that cannot yet have an impact factor as their citation history within the database is too short (1 or 2 years). In such cases the DII can be used for a preliminary evaluation. A question not studied in depth here is whether download frequencies predict citation frequencies. In order to answer this question one should study the same cohort of articles over several years and compare their download data and their citation data. This is not done here. Using NCCV we did, however, compare a download curve and a citation curve in the same year and found out that a shift of two year yielded already a correspondence of 0.94, indicating a strong relation between downloading and citing.

In conclusion we would like to mention that on the same retrieval platform, as in our study, all journals, in spite of their academic fields, are facing the same selection of readers. The download frequency of each journal reflects its overall impact, and the way the journal embodies social and academic values.