
The practice of rating research performance on the basis of bibliometric indicators (number of publications and citation count) is ubiquitous in academic research. Ratings based on bibliometric information provide a rationale to justify the allocation of research funds and for quality assurance in research programs and projects, in that way enabling strategic planning at system level but also at the level of universities (see European Commission 2010; Hicks et al. 2004). These ratings are also increasingly used for international benchmarking of universities and faculties in the competitive battle for scientific and economic resources. This becomes evident when looking at the most widely used international university rankings (e.g., Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), Times Higher Education World University Ranking), which depend partly on bibliometric indicators or when looking at national and international research funding procedures (examples being the Federal Act on Funding and Coordination of the Higher Education SectorFootnote 1 in Switzerland or the research funding procedures applied by the Higher Education Funding Council for EnglandFootnote 2).

Furthermore, bibliometric data is used as means of rating individual researchers (Rokach et al. 2011), and influencing researchers’ job-attaining or promotion chances (Jensen et al. 2009; Long et al. 1993).

In view of the growing importance of bibliometric data for systemic and individual rating of research performance, various international and national initiatives to develop new methods and approaches for measuring research outcomes (examples being the EERQI projectFootnote 3 on a European level or the initiatives of the conference of Swiss university presidentsFootnote 4) are ongoing.

The popularity of bibliometrics probably resides in the fact that the information is highly compact, easy to handle, and likely to be objective. Nonetheless, bibliometric methods have their critics among experts (and, naturally, among researchers as well). The criticisms concern general methodological challenges that call into question the appropriateness of the measuring instrument per se (see Adler et al. 2009; Fröhlich 1999; Jokić and Ball 2006; Moed 2005; Neuhaus 2010). In particular as far as the humanities and social sciences are concerned (and other disciplines such as law), there are additional difficulties involved in measuring the quality of research performance, as publication and citation practices in these areas differ significantly from customary practice in other academic disciplines, which casts even more doubt on the validity, and fitness for purpose, of bibliometric evaluation (see Hicks 1999; Huang and Chang 2008; Moed 2005; Nederhof 2006). As a result, comparisons of research performance across different disciplines and, in some cases, even within one and the same discipline (regional language disparity, differences between sub-disciplines, cohort effects), need to be analysed in light of the differences in the importance and evaluation of research performance by bibliometric techniques.

This paper investigates the fitness-for-purpose and soundness of bibliometric parameters in measuring and elucidating the research performance of individual researchers. The quantitative analyses are limited to one specific research area (education sciences) and one country (Switzerland). These particular choices are motivated by at least two reasons. Firstly, assessment of research with bibliometric data is most criticized in scientific disciplines where publication practices still rely much more on monographs and book chapters than on peer-reviewed journals. This is especially true in all academic fields of the humanities. Research in education sciences in many countries is still closer to humanities than social sciences. Therefore, in our analyses we will test whether the assessment of individual research output varies according to the exclusiveness or inclusiveness of the bibliometric data base used. In order to get a valid comparison of the results of different bibliometric data bases, we compare researchers coming from one scientific field and not across different fields of research.

Secondly, there are cultural, language-driven differences in the publication practices as well as in the inclusion practices of bibliometric data bases and it is not clear to what extent these differences bias a research assessment that is based on such data. Switzerland as a multi-language country offers the possibility to study these issues in a framework of one higher education system but with different languages and cultural traditions, which is probably more appropriate than comparing the research output between different countries.

Three specific issues are analyzed in this paper:

Firstly, two different databases are used to measure individual research performance: the more restrictive Web of Science, and the more extensive Google Scholar database. The use of two different databases with very different inclusion criteria for research performance is intended as a means of finding out how much the rating for individual research performance depends on the database used as the source of the bibliometric information.

Secondly, the two databases are used to construct quantitative and qualitative measures of individual research performance. The number of publications contained in the databases provides a quantitative measure of individual research output, and the citation count provides a qualitative measure,Footnote 5 i.e., the citations actually denote a research outcome, namely the impact of the published research papers on other people’s research. This second step investigates the connections between output and outcome and whether these connections depend on the database used for the comparison.

Thirdly, we attempt to explain inter-individual differences in research output and outcome on the basis of individual and institutional characteristics of the researchers. The main question here is whether different research performance levels can be explained by observable characteristics of the researchers involved, and if so, which ones.

The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: First, bibliometric indicators, production of publications in educational research, and explanatory factors for research performance are presented. Then our database and the basics of the method are outlined. The following two sections give a descriptive summary, outline the connections between different research performance indicators, and present the findings on the explanatory factors for research performance. The last section summarizes and discusses the lessons learned from the present findings and the potential extensions for further research.

Bibliometric Indicators, Scientific Communication Practices in Education Sciences, and Explanatory Factors Pertinent to Research Performance

Indicators for Measurement of Research Performance

Bibliometric indicators used to measure research performance are mainly based on two central elements: number of publications and citation count. The statistics based on the number of publications primarily reflect the quantitative output of research activity. In contrast, there is little agreement on what the figures based on citations exactly measure, as the reasons for citing a paper may be highly disparate (see Jokić and Ball 2006; Krampen et al. 2007; Moed 2005).Footnote 6 This paper interprets the individual citation impact more as a measure of the response elicited by a piece of research in the academic community. Another form of citation impact is one in which scientific journals have an impact factor which, in turn, is based on the frequency of citation of articles published in the particular journal. Journal-based impact factors of this kind are relatively widespread, although not uncontroversial (Schulze et al. 2008), and are used to attach a weighting to each article published by a researcher, based on the impact factor of the journal in which the material was published. This does not measure the impact of the actual article or researcher, but does deliver a qualitative statement about the article, as it can be assumed that the standards of a journal with a high impact factor will be superior, in that it is more difficult to be accepted for publication in that kind of journal.

Extensive journal rankings exist for many disciplines, which allow weighting the (quantity of) published papers by journal quality. Attempts have been undertaken to draw up similar journal rankings in educational research (see e.g., ERA Journal Ranking, European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH) of the European Science Foundation, or PAJE journal quality rating on the basis of QScores of the Centre for the Study of Research Training and Impact (University of Newcastle)). However, the currently available lists in education sciences do not adequately cover the journals served by Swiss researchers. With regard to the various sub-disciplines of education sciences, the rankings also fluctuate significantly (Budd and Magnuson 2010; Earp 2010; Fairbairn et al. 2009; Togia and Tsigilis 2006) and are sometimes criticized on grounds of poor overall validity (Corby 2003; Haddow and Genoni 2010; Luce and Johnson 1978; Rey 2009; Smart 1983; Wellington and Torgerson 2005). In consequence, there seems to be little benefit at present in using journal rankings in educational research for the purpose of analysis of individual research performance in Swiss education sciences.

Brief Outline of Scientific Communication Practices in Education Sciences

Overall, little is known about the specific scientific communication practices in education sciences as only a handful of studies (e.g. Dees 2008; Fernández-Cano and Bueno 1999 or Shin 2004) have analyzed the publication output of researchers in education sciences. In Switzerland, precise figures on current publication activity were not available before our analysis. Although the individual universities can be assumed to document research performance in the form of periodic publication lists, these lists are not always available to the public, or may be available only for a limited period, or may not be made available in a standardized form that would enable comparison between individual researchers. A comparatively old study by Cusin et al. (2000) provides a number of pointers on publication output. This study is based on detailed investigation of the publication frequency of the education sciences departments of three universities (Zurich, Freiburg (German speaking department) and Geneva) in the 1996–1998 period. Classification by type of publication revealed the following pattern: of the ~1,100 publications studied, book chapters (23 %) and articles in user-oriented periodicals (24 %) each accounted for just under one-quarter each, while articles in scientific journals accounted for about one-fifth (21 %). Monographs and conference papers each accounted for seven percent (other publications: 18 %). However, there were significant differences in the relevant percentages between the individual departments. A look at the provenience of the media in which the scientific articles were published indicates a heavy local bias. About two-thirds of articles were published in a Swiss journal or journal published in the same language as the university department in question. Only 17 percent of the articles appeared in anglophone journals.Footnote 7 Furthermore, analysis of the scientific articles (n = 234) indicated a heavy focus on just a few (national) outlets.

Education sciences papers very often have a single author (Dees 2008; Hornbostel and Keiner 2002; Keiner 1999). More than half of the publications in the Dees study (57 %) had a single author, and one-quarter (25 %) had two authors. The average number of authors was 1.8; Keiner (1999) puts the figure at 1.1–1.2. Authorship tends to be larger for papers published in English (Dees 2008).

Findings available to date on distribution of publication output and outcome show major variation in research performance in education sciences, as in other disciplines (see e.g. Aaltojärvi et al. 2008; Bernauer and Gilardi 2010; Rauber and Ursprung 2008), both between researchers and between different research departments. No publications were identified in the Education Information System database for one-third of the education sciences professors in Germany during the 1997–1999 period. One solitary publication was identified for another 18 % (Hornbostel and Keiner 2002). This skewed distribution in terms of publication and citation frequency can only be explained in part by variations in coverage of educational research literature in the individual sub-areas (Corby 2001) or by differences in citation practices (Kroc 1984).Footnote 8

Determinants of Individual Research Performance

The variance in research activity can be explained by a number of individual and institutional characteristics, as evidenced by the results of studies in various disciplines (see below). Besides institutional characteristics including language region, our data allows us to analyze three socio-demographic factors—(career) age, professional category, and gender—for which significant effects on research performance have been found in previous research (see e.g., Shin and Cummings 2010; Smeby and Try 2005; Stack 2004).


From an empirical point of view, results vary widely in terms of a possible correlation between age and research performance. Some are confirmatory and some are contradictory. Applying Becker’s human capital theory (1964) to research productivity over the life cycle of a researcher, a hump-shaped progression is hypothesized, explained by investments in human capital in the first years and human capital depreciation in the later years. An inverted U-shaped correlation between (academic) age and research output is therefore expected over the life cycle of an individual researcher.

Empirical analysis mostly indicates a trend in keeping with this theory, according to which publication activity increases during the first years in academia and then gradually plateaus (Gonzalez-Brambila and Veloso 2007; Rauber and Ursprung 2008; van Ours 2009) or falls off (albeit with linear specifications of age; see Carayol and Matt 2006; Levin and Stephan 1991; Smeby and Try 2005). Alongside the human capital theory, alternative explanations exist for the initial rise in the research output curve, followed by a plateau or actual decline. For instance, organizational and administrative duties at a university are likely to increase with age, leaving less time for research and hence for publishing (see Knorr et al. 1979). Alternatively, incentive structures may change (acceptance of senior academic positions such as dean or head of department), or there may be less incentive to do research (tenured position). Another explanation is that older academics are not less productive, but rather less successful in publishing (see Bakanic et al. 1987 for an analysis of acceptance rates of prestigious journals in the field of sociology).

In addition to individual age effects, cohort effects, which tend to skew analysis of age effects in purely cross-sectional studies, are likely to apply (see Hall et al. 2005). Both the number of publications and citation count have been on the rise in recent decades (Gonzalez-Brambila and Veloso 2007; Graber et al. 2008; Moed 2005; Rauber and Ursprung 2008). In cross-sectional studies, this results in a tendency to underrate the activity of older researchers. To enable analysis of output as a function of academic age, the outputs of identical cohorts would therefore have to be compared over different periods of time.Footnote 9

An interesting feature and one that is pronounced in the field of educational research is that there is not much of a correlation between biological age and research age (years since Ph.D.). This is because the professional biographies of professors in the field of education sciences display a high level of heterogeneity. As a result, the effect of both age variables can be tested together. A distinction of this kind might not be possible in most other scientific disciplines as there is usually a strongly positive correlation between the two variables. Previous evidence on the effects of both academic and biological age suggest a positive effect of academic age and a negative effect of biological age (Shin and Cummings 2010).

Professional Category (Position in the Academic Hierarchy)

A number of explanations can be posited for the correlation between professional category and individual research performance. There are two possible explanations for positive correlations. The first is what is known as a selection effect. “Good” research scientists in particular, i.e., those with successful research and publishing histories, are more likely to be promoted to higher positions. This produces a positive correlation with a seemingly causal relationship between publishing activity and likelihood of being in a higher professional category. The second explanation posits causality in the opposite direction, i.e., that the higher position has a positive impact on research performance, as the more prestigious position is more likely to be associated with favourable conditions for research work (number of assistants, access to research projects, less time taken up with teaching). Other theories posit a negative causal relationship: the incentive to do heavy-duty research may diminish as soon as the person has achieved the goal of acquiring a tenured position. However, the findings of the empirical studies conducted to date indicate an unmistakably positive correlation between professional category and research productivity (see Aaltojärvi et al. 2008; Carayol and Matt 2006; Puuska 2010; Smeby and Try 2005), but do not give a clear indication of the direction of causality.Footnote 10


Various studies show that the publishing output of female researchers is lower than that of their male counterparts (Aaltojärvi et al. 2008; Kyvik 1996; Larivière et al. 2011; Puuska 2010; Rauber and Ursprung 2008; Smeby and Try 2005). In contrast, findings indicating positive effects of female gender on research output are rare (De Witte and Rogge 2010). Some studies show that gender differences in research output disappear when other control variables are taken into account (Abramo et al. 2009; D’Amico et al. 2011; Borrego et al. 2010) and gender differences may also vary by subject field (Abramo et al. 2009; Stack 2004). Possible explanations for the negative correlation might be poorer integration of women in the research community and lower levels of support for female researchers (smaller networks, less women in influential positions such as editorial boards, etc.). Larivière et al. (2011) found that women collaborate more often with regional partners rather than international ones and receive less funding, other things being equal. Another hypothesis is that female researchers and professors have less time to devote to research owing to family commitments and therefore do in fact produce less research output. This hypothesis is supported by some studies (Hunter and Leahey 2010; Stack 2004), but not by others (Bozeman and Gaughan 2011; Sax et al. 2002).


Evaluations of individual research performance based on records in citation databases may be affected by language effects. English language plays a dominant role; in the Social Science Citation Index, more than 95 % of publications are in English language (van Leeuwen 2006). The comparison of non-English publications in different databases shows that the underrepresentation of non-English publications is most pronounced in the Web of Science (Hicks and Wang 2011). Therefore, the strong under-representation of non-English journals may result in a biased view of the research performance of non-English writing researchers.

Archambault et al. (2006) examined the coverage of Web of Science journals by country of editor, by main language spoken in editor’s country, and by language of the articles. Focussing on the social sciences and humanities, English and Russian languages are over-represented, all others under-represented. Concerning the languages spoken in Switzerland, French is under-represented by 27 %, German by 34 %, and Italian by 89 %. This study shows that it is not only non-English writing authors that have more difficulties being represented in the Web of Science, but that there are also relative differences between non-English languages.Footnote 11

Alongside the individual determinants of individual research performance, institutional factors can explain some of the variance in research output. Such factors include peer effects, i.e., the research performance of colleagues (Carayol and Matt 2006), age structure of a department, i.e., more experienced or less experienced colleagues (Bonaccorsi and Daraio 2003), department size (see Carayol and Matt 2006), external funds at the institutional level (Jansen et al. 2007) and research climate (Smeby and Try 2005). As far as these factors are concerned, the expectation is that researchers working in an environment with other productive researchers will produce more research themselves (positive spill-over effects). However, it is relatively difficult to furnish empirical evidence of a causal relationship between a researcher’s output and that of his or her colleagues, because an alternative explanation for any such correlation would always be that a department with a productive research environment is more likely to recruit productive new researchers; this would be a selection effect, pure and simple.

Database and Methods

Basic Population and Data Sources

Our study population is made up of all professors in the field of education sciencesFootnote 12 employed at Swiss universities in the year 2010. The population includes all full professors, titular professors, associate professors and assistant professors.Footnote 13 It does not include honorary professors, emeritus professors, guest professors or visiting professors. Each professor is a unit of analysis. The sample comprises all seven Swiss universities which employ professors in the field of education sciences. Two of the universities run two different institutes, which finally results in nine different departments.

We investigate our research questions using two different research performance data sets obtained on the basis of a top–down approach: the Thomson Reuters Web of Science citation database ([v.5.1], see and Google Scholar (using Publish or Perish softwareFootnote 14). The following paragraphs provide a brief outline of the two data sources and implications for bibliometric analysis.

The Thomson Reuters Web of Science is probably the most popular citation database for calculating bibliometric statistics. The database covers high-quality scientific publications. In most cases they are peer-reviewed journal articles, but there are a small number of non peer-reviewed journals, as well as a negligible number of book chapters, book reviews and proceedings papers. The main emphasis has traditionally been on the exact sciences and natural sciences (including medicine). However, an extensive humanities and social science database has been established during the last four decades (the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) was established in 1973, the Arts and Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) in 1978). 2,257 journals are at present included in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI). A total of 213 journals are indexed in the education sciences categories (“education & educational research”, “education, special” and “psychology, educational”). In view of the quantitative significance of educational research in academic research as a whole, it appears that there is no under-representation of education sciences, at least in terms of the number of indexed journals in the SSCI.

The criteria for including publications in the database are heavily based on customary practice in the natural sciences. Monographs and book chapters, which are the main publishing outlets for many of those engaged in humanities and social science research, are—with a few exceptions—not included in the Web of Science, resulting in low overall coverage of education sciences literature in all of its published forms (Corby 2001; Togia and Tsigilis 2006). Likewise, non-English-language and non-international journals have a lower chance of inclusion in the database (see Archambault et al. 2006; Nederhof 2006; van Leeuwen 2006); three-quarters of the education sciences journals are published by US or UK publishers. Since many education sciences papers are contextualized in a local setting, and most are intended solely for the local research community, their chances of being included among the indexed journals are remote. The 2000 study by Cusin et al. confirms this expectation for Switzerland during the years 1996–1998. Only 7.4 % of the articles published in journals at the three university departments investigated were indexed in the SSCI. The Dees study conducted 10 years later (2008) estimated a figure of 14 % for publications from 15 German departments of education sciences, again indicating a low proportion of coverage.

The alternative (or complementary) Google Scholar citation database does away with most of the deficiencies of the Web of Science (see Harzing and van der Wal 2008; Jacsó 2008; Meho and Yang 2007), but has other drawbacks of its own. The scientific literature in Google Scholar has a much broader base, including publications addressed to international, national and regional scholars, as well as some output, which is not primarily addressed to a scholarly public. Importantly, it takes account of all of the different types of publications: that is not only journal articles and proceedings papers, which dominate in the Web of Science, but also monographs, book chapters, reports and gray literature. Another major advantage of the database is that it embraces a broad range of non-English-speaking literature, which is clearly underrepresented in Web of Science. However, unlike with Web of Science, inclusion of publications is low-threshold and not subject to quality control. The disadvantage is that literature can enter the database that does not comply with established scientific criteria. Poor data base quality is evident in the citations (García-Pérez 2010; Jacsó 2008).

Van Aalst (2010), who compared various databases on the basis of citation impacts for three areas of education sciences, concluded that, despite its weak points, Google Scholar nonetheless delivers valuable bibliometric information.

The two databases, Web of Science and Google Scholar, differ significantly from each other as regards degree of coverage, type of publications included, and data quality/homogeneity. However, combining the two data sources provides the opportunity to conduct comparative analyses and hence to establish the effect that the use of a specific bibliometric data source has on the results of analysis.

The bibliometric data of the individual researchers was acquired in the period from 29 to 30 September 2010 (Web of Science) and 15–22 October 2010 (Google Scholar). All publications and citations in the Thomson Reuters database were identified that were indexed in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) or Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&H-CI). The Citation Report delivered information on number of publications, citation count, citation count excluding self-cites, and h-index.

For the database of Google Scholar, only those hits were considered which were listed in Publish or Perish under the heading “Social Sciences, Arts, Humanities”. The software provides information on number of publications, citation count, citation count per author, h-index and number of authors. The acquired data underwent rigorous cleansing. Duplicate titles were eliminated as were titles that were not specifically linked to an actual piece of research.Footnote 15 Publications which were published in two different languages, however, were counted twice.

For our analysis, the following distinctions were made: In the database of Web of Science we considered only journal articles. All other contributions, like review articles, editorials or conference papers, were excluded in order to get an output measure which includes only substantial research activity. In the Google Scholar data base in contrast, we considered all kinds of scientific output, namely journal articles, editorials, reviews, non-published discussion papers, conference papers, monographs, book chapters, reports as well as gray literature and lectures. The rationale for doing so was to counter the critique that the Web of Science criteria were too exclusive for a fair assessment of the research output for professors in education sciences.

Dependent Variables: Research Performance Indicators

Our analysis was conducted using a number of different indicators which allows us to compare a variety of bibliometric statistics and correlations. Our method took account of indicators that are primarily intended to measure the quantitative dimension of research output (number of publications) and indicators that reflect the level of response elicited in the academic community (outcomes, in this instance: citation impact). Data for all indicators was accumulated for each individual scholar’s entire life’s work (see Linmans 2010). Furthermore, we also performed some analyses where only the accumulated publications per researcher within the most recent time slot (2005–2010) were used. This allowed us to study the bibliometric patterns that are independent of the cumulative effect of age. However, in order to get a sufficiently large number of observations a period of 6 years rather than of just 1 year was chosen.

Our main dependent variables are:

  1. Number of publications: This variable includes all publications throughout the researcher’s career.

  2. Number of publications 2005–2010: This variable is based on the above variable (number of publications) but only includes literature published in the 2005–2010 period.

  3. Citation count: This variable covers all citations documented in the databases for the indexed publications. In respect of the Web of Science-based variable, only citations referring to an actual article were used. Self-cites were excluded.

  4. Citation count per publication: this variable is the ratio of citation count to number of publications.

  5. h-Index: a researcher with an index of h has published h papers, each of which has been cited by others at least h times.

Explanatory Variables

The characteristics of professors that might explain variances in individual research performance were defined as follows:

  1. Academic age: This variable measures the number of years (in 2010) since obtaining a doctorate. Squared terms are also inserted into the analysis to investigate non-linear correlations.

  2. Biological age: This variable gives age in 2010. Again, squared terms are taken into account.

  3. Professional category: This variable is operationalized as a dummy variable. It assumes a value of one if a person has a tenured professorship and zero for all other cases.

  4. Gender: This dummy variable assumes a value of one if the subject is a woman.

  5. Language region: This variable is operationalized as a dummy variable. Researchers working at a French-speaking department assume a value of one.

To avoid bias attributable to inter-department differences, our analysis includes a number of control variables. We use dummy variables for the various universities (or more precisely departments, as there are two universities which provide two separate institutes), dummy variables for the different areas of studies (i.e., didactics, general pedagogy, adult education, sociology/systems research, child psychology/special needs teaching/anthropology), the number of professor colleagues in the department, and the average productivity of colleagues in the department (mean number of publications, mean citation count, etc.). Descriptive statistics of all variables are presented in the Appendix (Tables 3, 4).

Analysis MethodsFootnote 16

Multivariate regressions for analysis on the basis of Google Scholar data was mainly done using OLS regression with logarithmized dependent variables. Ordered probit models were calculated to verify the results. In respect of Web of Science variables, logarithmization of the variables did not achieve normal distribution. Two-stage estimator models were therefore used (negative binomial logit hurdle models or Poisson logit hurdle models; see Winkelmann 2008). Hurdle models are a highly suitable method of analysis for questions of this kind because, in the presence of a large number of observations with zero values, the factors that can explain who publishes at all, and the factors that can explain how many publications a person who publishes will have, need not necessarily be the same explanatory factors. To verify robustness and for estimation models in which the use of hurdle models was not suitable, (zero-inflated) negative binomial models, Poisson models and ordered probit models were estimated in addition. The first two mentioned models assume, in contrast to the OLS model, that the distribution of the dependent variable is skewed. The ordered probit model, on the other hand, which differentiates only between ordered categories of values of the dependent variable, can be applied to any distribution of variables. The categorization, however, leads to a restriction of information. Rank correlations were calculated to investigate bivariate correlations between different dependent variables. The advantage of rank correlations over correlation estimations based on exact figures is that the influence of the various values is constant and large values do not have more influence. To address dependency of research performance on individuals in the same department, clusters were used for the departments in the regressions.

Correlations Between Different Research Performance Indicators

This section looks at correlations between indicators from each of the two databases (Web of Science and Google Scholar) and correlations between the various indicators for quantitative output and outcome (citation impact).

Comparison of Research Performance Indicators on the Basis of Web of Science and Google Scholar

Publication Output: Number of Publications

The Thomson Reuters database contains 374 publications by the 51 educational research professors. 218 of those publications (58 %) are actual journal papers (articles). The remaining publications are book reviews, editorials and other forms of publication that were not used for our analysis. Hence, ~4.3 articles are included per professor on average. However, there are substantial differences in inter-individual performance. 29 % of the professors have no articles in the database. The median figure is two articles. The mean number of articles in the Web of Science per researcher for ten working years is two (median: one article). Analysis of publication output limited to the last 6 years (2005–2010) gives a mean of 1.6 articles, which is consistent with results for the overall period.

As expected, the Google Scholar database contains a much greater number of publications than Web of Science. A total of 1,559 titles are indexed, i.e., about four times the number contained in the Thomson Reuters Web of Science. The average number of publications per professor is 30.6, with a median of 22 publications. This translates as 15.8 publications per ten working years per researcher (median: 12.7). The research output figures are slightly higher than the output identified earlier by Hornbostel and Keiner (2002).

The number of journal articles contained in both databases is 122. Thus 56 % of Web of Science articles are also indexed in Google Scholar (conversely, 7.8 % of Google Scholar publications are also in Web of Science). The overlap is somewhat larger if the analysis is restricted to publications since 2005 (65 and 11.8 %, respectively). Separate analysis of the two language regions shows marked differences between German-speaking and French-speaking institutions in terms of inclusion in Web of Science and Google Scholar. The percentage of Web of Science articles in the Google Scholar database is higher for French-speaking institutions (76 %) than for German-speaking institutions (45 %). Hence, the findings plainly show two things: firstly—unsurprisingly—the observations confirm that Web of Science contains no more than a small percentage of total publication activity (see Corby 2001; Dees 2008; Meho and Yang 2007; Moed 2005; Togia and Tsigilis 2006). Secondly, and more surprisingly, Google Scholar contains not more than two-thirds of the “quality assured” literature given in Web of Science. The incomplete coverage is consistent with findings of Leinenkugel et al. (2011). These authors show that, out of articles published in German-speaking education science journals during 2006 and 2009, only about two-fifths were indexed in Google Scholar. They explained the overall low coverage of publications with differences in the online-availability of (meta) data, which is essential for a full indexation and is not (yet) supplied by all journal publishers.

For the descriptive analysis of the relationship between the number of publications per professor in the two databases, we calculated a rank correlation between the two indicators. The rank correlation is positive (r = 0.46) and statistically significant at a 5 % level of significance. Investigation of the relationship between Web of Science and Google Scholar using regression analysis reveals an effect size (without control variables) of ~0.5 % at a 1 % level of significance. This means that a 1 % increase in publication count in Web of Science is accompanied by a 0.5 % increase in the Google Scholar count. In absolute figures, this means that a professor of education sciences in Switzerland had an additional seven publications in Google Scholar for every two publications more in the Web of Science.Footnote 17 This correlation does not weaken when additional control variables are included, but rises to an effect size of about 0.7 %. The findings hence confirm that individuals who have published more journal articles that have been included in Web of Science are also more likely to have published more works elsewhere. This finding is in line with those of Puuska (2010) and Bernauer and Gilardi (2010) for political science in Switzerland, which suggest positive correlations between publication outputs in publications of different types.

Publication Outcome: Citation Count

The 218 articles included in Web of Science altogether elicited 804 citations (not including 78 self-cites), which corresponds to an average citation frequency of 15.7 citations per professor and 3.7 citations per publication.

Like the number of publications, the citation count is also very unequally distributed. Alongside the 29 % of professors with no published articles, another 18 % of published professors have never produced a single article that was ever cited in an indexed publication.

The citation count in Google Scholar is also many times greater than in the Thomson Reuters database. The total citation count amounts to 12,280.Footnote 18 The average citation count is 241 citations per professor and 7.9 citations per publication. Hence, less than half of the larger citation volume in Google Scholar is attributable to the larger number of publications. The higher citation impact in Google Scholar is consistent with the results of other studies (Paludkiewicz and Wohlrabe 2010; van Aalst 2010) and can be explained by the fact that the number of possible recipients of publications contained in Google Scholar is incomparably larger than that of publications in Web of Science.

As with publication output, again we compared the correlation between the two databases as regards citations per professor. Rank correlation in this case points to an even stronger, statistically significant correlation (r = 0.60) than for the publications. This strongly positive correlation is also evident in regression analysis, both with and without other control variables. Researchers with a 1 % higher citation count per publication in Web of Science have a 0.66–0.72 % higher citation rate per publication in Google Scholar. Therefore, as already observed in the analysis of publications, authors with high citation rates for their Web of Science publications display high citation rates for the publications in Google Scholar as well.

In summary, the conclusion is that in our sample there is a positive correlation between the Web of Science and Google Scholar indicators not only in terms of quantity but also in terms of the elicited response to research papers.

Quantity (Number of Publications) Versus Response (Citation Impact): Comparison of the Various Indicators

This section looks at correlations between publication output and citation impact in educational research. Both positive and negative relationships are conceivable. A negative relationship would develop if publication quantity and quality (measured in terms of citation impact) were found to compete with each other. The relationship might be positive if good researchers were superior both in terms of output and impact, or if the probability of a researcher being noticed and cited more frequently were found to increase with the person’s publication rate. The correlations of interest here are again investigated using rank correlations and multivariate estimation models.

Very high positive rank correlation coefficients (Web of Science: r = 0.85, Google Scholar: r = 0.85) were observed as regards the relationship between number of publications and citation count for both databases, i.e., researchers who are prolific publishers also have more citations. The strongly positive relationship is not only because the possibility of being cited increases in keeping with an increasing number of publications, since there is also a positive correlation (although less strong, especially for Google Scholar) between the number of publications and the citation count per publication (Web of Science: r = 0.70, Google Scholar: r = 0.45). The strong correlation between publication rate and h-index (Web of Science: r = 0.88, Google Scholar: r = 0.89) points in the same direction. The correlations identified here thus support the hypothesis that professors who publish more frequently also tend to author publications that elicit a higher level of response (i.e., with a higher citation impact), and refute the competition hypothesis (see e.g., Butler 2002), which posits a choice between a large number of low-impact publications and a small number of good publications with a large impact.

The positive relationship between a researcher’s output and outcome as identified by rank correlation is confirmed in multivariate models. If the number of publications is regressed on the number of citation counts, we find a significant relation. This effect stays positive and significant even when controlling for individual characteristics (age, gender, etc.), culture (language region), and institutional factors (number of colleagues, subfield, etc.).

Distribution of Research Performance: Major Disparity Between Researchers

What has been said so far already gives some indication that research performance in our sample is unequally distributed between the researchers involved. To enable a more in-depth investigation of the disparities, the number of publications, citation count, citation count per publication and h-index are analysed by Lorenz curves in the following. Lorenz curves display statistic distributions and illustrate thereby the dimension of disparity (or inequality). On the y-axis, the cumulated percentage of the object of study is shown (in our case, the research performance), on the x-axis the population (professors) from the lowest to the highest volume of research performance. Figure 1 clearly shows that research performance varies greatly among education science professors in Switzerland. There are a great many professors with a low publication rate (0) and only a handful of professors who publish a great deal. A similar situation applies as regards citation count, citation count per publication, and h-index. Inequality of distribution is highest for the citation rate (see Appendix, Table 5). Using the Gini index (or Gini coefficient)Footnote 19 to quantify the unequal distribution, we find a Gini index of 0.82 for the Web of Science (upper graph) and of 0.68 for Google Scholar (lower graph). By comparison, the Gini coefficients for number of publications are somewhat lower (Web of Science: g = 0.67, Google Scholar: g = 0.47).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Lorenz curves: distribution of research performance

Comparison of the Lorenz curves for the two databases shows that, as expected, the inequality between researchers is more marked in Web of Science than Google Scholar. This finding is consistent with the fact that inclusion of publications in the Thomson Reuters is highly selective and based on rigid criteria. The inequality of distribution is compounded by the fact that 29 % of professors do not have a single publication and 47 % do not have a single citation in Web of Science.

The highly disparate distribution of research performance inevitably raises the question as to what is causing these differences. This is investigated in the following section and an attempt is made to identify the underlying influencing factors.

Explanatory Factors in Research Performance

This section presents a more in-depth investigation of the various individual and institutional factors influencing the research output and outcome of the 51 professors. The first part presents explanatory factors for Web of Science-based research performance and the second part presents the corresponding factors for Google Scholar.

Web of Science-Based Results

We use hurdle models to explain variance in research performance based on Web of Science data, since, given the large number of researchers who are unpublished or uncited in Web of Science, the question as to whether a person has any publications/citations and if so, how many, actually involves two separate questions, which might be influenced in different ways by the explanatory variables. Table 1 shows three models for estimation of number of articles and h-index. The three different models assessed vary in terms of influence of institutional control variables. Results are largely consistent for the two indicators investigated, i.e. number of articles and h-index.

Table 1 Hurdle regression analysis: research performance in Web of Science

The results—especially for publication output—can be summarized thus: the question as to whether a person has any publications whatsoever in Web of Science is determined to a significant extent by biological age, gender and academic position (hurdle 0/1). Younger male researchers with a tenured professorship who teach at a university in the German-speaking part of Switzerland are significantly more likely to be in Web of Science. Investigation of the other question—i.e., which factors determine how much a person who is in Web of Science actually publishes—shows that biological age gives way to years since obtaining a PhD. This confirms the recent results of Shin and Cummings (2010), who likewise identified positive effects of academic age and negative effects of biological age. The fact that biological age determines the hurdle (0/1) negatively, while “research age” determines the extent of measured research output and outcome positively, is an indication that publications in Web of Science may also involve a cohort effect, in that older generations of researchers were under less pressure in their day to publish in foreign (indeed, English-language) journals. As far as number of publications is concerned, the positive effect of academic age should not be interpreted as a mere cumulative effect of research production. Rather, the (primarily) positive curvilinear correlation, which also applies in respect of number of publications between 2005 and 2010, indicates that researchers become more efficient as they gain experience (although the efficiency benefit plateaus somewhat with time). One explanation is that researchers who have built up a rich body of knowledge and skills need less time to author a new publication. Another possibility is that individuals with more research experience have a more effective network that might work in favour of publication activity (joint publications, co-authorships).Footnote 20

The gender effect is more of a determinant in terms of publication output in the hurdle model and in terms of citations in the negative binomial (or Poisson) part of the model. Female researchers are less likely to have publications and citations in Web of Science, and those who are represented in the database have a lower publication and citation count than their male colleagues. Our finding that female professors show a poorer performance in bibliometric analyses seems to corroborate existing findings for other countries and other fields. However, gender differences as regards citation count, citation count per publication, and h-index (Web of Science) are attributable at least in part to the effect of isolated statistical outliers and lose (some) statistical significance when these are controlled for. Moreover, differentiated gender analyses that address interaction with age reveal the following findings for Web of Science data: the gender disparity varies with (academic) age. The differences are much greater for older professors and are mostly absent among younger researchers. This finding suggests that the gender disparities in the Swiss education sciences have largely diminished with regard to the recent cohort of researchers. This hypothesis is also supported by analyses which focus on the number of publications published during the past 6 years. The gender effect is not significant anymore which again indicates that the disparities have declined (or disappeared altogether) in recent years. Hence, our data suggests that the gender effect is to a large extent a cohort effect.

As mentioned in the hypotheses, the higher likelihood for researchers in tenured positions to be represented in Web of Science in the first place, and to have a larger number of publications, is not amenable to a direct causal interpretation, and the data do not support a form of assessment that would result in a causal interpretation. However, the results can be taken to be robust since both biological and academic age are controlled for.

The statistically corroborated higher research performance of education sciences professors from the German-speaking part of Switzerland is attributable to a variety of factors and does not necessarily indicate that researchers from the German-speaking part of Switzerland have a higher research output and impact. German-speaking researchers are likely to benefit from the demonstrable fact that educational research journals from German-speaking areas (specifically, Germany) are represented better in Web of Science than journals from French-speaking areas (specifically, France). German-language researchers can choose from a variety of Web of Science-indexed educational research journals: Zeitschrift für Pädagogik (since 1976), Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft (since 2006), Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation (since 2005), Pädagogische Rundschau (1966–1983), Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht (since 1973), Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und pädagogische Psychologie (since 1969) and Zeitschrift für pädagogische Psychologie (since 1994). In contrast, important French-language publishing outlets are not represented in Web of Science. The three education sciences categories in Web of Science (“education & educational research”, “special education” and “educational psychology”) do not contain any French-language journals at present. Key French-language journals such as Revue française de pédagogie, Revue des sciences de l’éducation, and Bulletin de psychologie are not indexed. We thus conclude that the lower performance of professors in the French-speaking area of Switzerland compared to those in the German-speaking area of Switzerland is very likely to be the result of structural factors. We therefore conclude that assessments, which are based on bibliometric measures gained from selective databases, are generally likely to be biased by language issues.

The correlations already described also apply (or at least tend to apply) in respect of number of articles between 2005 and 2010, citation count, and citation count per article (see Appendix, Tables 6, 7, 8). Citation effects (in particular, citation count per publication) however tend to be non-statistically significant or to be lacking in robustness. In addition to possible theoretical explanations, the most likely reason has to do with statistical power: as almost half of the professors have no citations to their name, variance is low and the probability of identifying significant differences in such a small sample like ours is commensurately remote.

The control variable results suggest that research performance may vary significantly between departments. Some disparity between individual areas of studies is also evident. Thus, the evidence for Swiss education sciences supports the existing literature that publication practices may vary substantially within the same subject due to different subfields or focus areas. Department size and research performance of colleagues in the department have no significant influence in most instances; however, positive correlations are evident in isolated cases.

Google Scholar-Based Results

Table 2 presents regression results (OLS) for the Google Scholar-based number of publications and h-index. The first thing to notice is that there are fewer (if any) significant explanations for disparity in research performance to be found here than in the analyses on the basis of Web of Science data. One explanation is that the low-threshold inclusion of titles in the Google Scholar promotes statistical noise, which eliminates the statistical correlations between dependent and independent variables.Footnote 21 The hypothesis that the non-significance in the regressions is entirely a result of a lack of statistical power can be refuted, as this would have been the same for the regressions using the Web of Science data in which significant and stable effects over a large variety of models were found (see Table 1).

Table 2 OLS regressions: research performance in Google Scholar
Table 3 Descriptive statistics of variables: means and variances
Table 4 Descriptive account of variables: quartiles and totals
Table 5 Descriptive statistics of variables: Gini index

Concerning the individual effects, the results based on Google Scholar tend to demonstrate positive effects for both the academic and the biological age on publication output (number of publications and h-index, respectively), although the level of statistical significance is low in some of the models. Thus, no sign of any possible cohort effect is evident. This may be due to the fact that no structural barriers in terms of publication type exist in Google Scholar.

For gender, no significant effect on publication output is observed. There is an indication that, as with the Web of Science data, full professors are more present in Google Scholar than their lower ranking colleagues.

Estimation of the number of publications between 2005 and 2010, number of publications per author, citation count and citation count per publication reveals very similar effects (see Appendix, Tables 6, 7, 8). However, significant effects are barely in evidence for citation count per publication and number of publications between 2005 and 2010. The only exception for the latter is the academic position, and for the former it is gender: female professors achieve fewer cites per publication than their male colleagues.

Table 6 Regression results: number of publications 2005–2010
Table 7 Regression results: citation count
Table 8 Regression results: citation count per publication

When looking at the impact of language region on Google Scholar-based publication number, we find a positive effect of education science departments located in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. This effect is in line with our descriptive results, but opposed to the findings in the Web of Science data, where French-language departments are outperformed. This again points to the structural barriers of the Web of Science related to language issues.

Analysis of the control variables detects significant disparity between departments. Differences between areas of studies are also evident in some cases. The number of colleagues in the department has no effect on individual research performance. Productivity of departmental colleagues is associated with positive point estimates in some models.


Our study of the research output of all educational research professors in Switzerland reveals four main results that can be significant with regard to the further use of bibliographic information to assess the research performance of scholars, also beyond education sciences and Switzerland:

Firstly, positive correlations are evident across all indicators of research performance from different bibliometric databases (Web of Science and Google Scholar). It is possible to conclude at the very least that scholars with good research performance results based on one database will also tend to do well in a measurement based on another bibliometric database, even if items counted in both databases are excluded. In other words, it is very unlikely that the overall picture of the distribution of individual research performance changes completely when using different bibliometric databases.

Secondly, whatever the bibliometric database employed, there are positive correlations between output (number of publications) and outcome (citations), or quality and quantity. This means that the occasionally posited trade-off between quantity and quality does not apply. On the contrary: a person with a lot of publications to his or her name generally also achieves a higher impact rating with his or her publications (this also applies to the citation count per published publication).

Thirdly, explanatory models for variance in research performances, which are consistent and compatible with the existing literature, are evident only in respect of Web of Science. The same analyses on the Google Scholar database identify virtually no statistically significant explanatory factors, indicating that the very low-threshold inclusion of publications and citations in Google Scholar impedes finding explanations for the great disparities in individual publication rates.

Fourthly, there is evidence to corroborate the view that some of the explanatory models used to explain differences in research output in Web of Science may be attributable to factors that lead to unjustified researcher rankings. The main factor is certainly the language bias in the inclusion of journals in the Social Sciences Citation Index, which was found in this paper to be to the significant detriment of researchers from the French-speaking part of Switzerland. Therefore, at present, the use of Web of Science for the comparison of the research performance of researchers of different languages in scientific disciplines that still privilege publications in national languages is not advisable.

In summary, the conclusion is that evaluation of the research performance of educational research scholars on the basis of bibliometric data is justified provided that the bibliometrics are not too indiscriminate in terms of the quality of the material included. On the other hand, it needs to be ensured that the qualitative exclusion criteria do not result in a publication inclusion bias that is not justified on quality grounds and in that way works to the disadvantage of specific categories of researchers.

Finally, it is worth noting that the available bibliometric information very clearly shows that professors of educational research break down into two categories, i.e., frequently published and frequently cited researchers versus researchers who publish little to nothing and are mostly uncited. It would now be interesting to establish whether there is a trade-off between individual research performance and any other activity in higher education, e.g. whether professors who are prolific publishers devote less time to teaching or expert review activities, or whether there is no such trade-off in these areas either.