Correction to: Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing

The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake in the abstract section and figure 7. The corrections are listed below.

  1. (a)

    In the Abstract section: 4th line “BCl3” is repeated twice. It should read as “A break-down in mixtures of BCl3 and BF3 with hydrogen, argon, and methane are studied both theoretically and experimentally.”

  2. (b)

    Figure 7 is incorrect. The correct Fig. 7 is given below.

Fig. 7
figure 7

MS spectra of a BCl3; b BCl3 + H2; c BCl3 + H2 + CH4; d BF3; e BF3 + H2; and f BF3 + H2 + CH4. The black and red correspond to spectra taken before and after laser irradiation, correspondingly