1 Introduction

Facial landmarks extraction plays an important role in diverse areas such as human-related image analysis, personal color analysis, makeup recommendation and security. For instance, in the human image analysis, it can be used to determine whether there is a human being in the image, identify who the person is, or recognize the orientation of a face when taking a photograph.

Many techniques based on image processing have been proposed for face landmarks extraction with a limited accuracy. Recently, convolutional neural networks (CNN) [12] have shown overwhelming performance in the field of image classification compared to other existing threshold or edge-based image processing techniques, such as Haar classifiers or linear spatial pyramid matching [9, 22]. In addition, CNNs have shown quite good performance in object recognition that requires locating a specific object within an image. More recently, semantic segmentation, which extracts the exact position and shape of a specific object in the image, has drawn much attention. Hence, semantic segmentation using CNNs has been actively researched, and high-quality object recognition techniques have been proposed in various fields, including autonomous vehicles, medical image analysis, artificial intelligence robots, defective product detection, camera software, and image indexing.

In our previous work, we proposed a scheme for diagnosing personal color and applying virtual makeup based on facial landmarks [16]. To do that, we first extracted facial landmarks using an open library called dlib [11]. We then evaluated personal color, and determined makeup colors that matched well with the personal color. Finally, we put virtual makeup on the face, considering the facial landmark coordinates and their relative position. Hence, the quality of the virtual makeup application depends on the accurate extraction of facial landmarks. However, landmark extraction using an open library gave an unsatisfactory performance in the detection of landmark shape and location, especially when the landmark had various shapes and colors, such as hair.

To overcome this problem, we proposed a method for extracting facial landmarks using deep learning and semantic segmentation [10]. In the work, we constructed a deep learning model using pre-trained CNN layers, trained a small amount of face image data as ground truth to tune the layer weights, and then demonstrated the performance of our scheme by measuring how well pixels of the final output matched with ground truth. Even though its performance was acceptable in most cases, the scheme showed very poor performance in some exceptional cases.

In this paper, we solve the problem of our previous scheme by constructing another deep learning model and enlarging its training set to consider abundant cases similar to those that had show a poor outcome in our previous work. In addition, we use a new face detection model to make landmark detection more efficient.

The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces several studies related to facial landmark detection. Section 3 describes our scheme in detail and in Section 4, the performance of our scheme is evaluated through experiments. Finally, Section 5 concludes this paper.

2 Related work

The first step in the extraction of facial landmarks in an image is to determine whether the image contains a face or not. This is important in terms of the efficiency and accuracy of facial landmark extraction. Many studies have been done to perform object or multi-object recognition in an image. After detecting the candidates in the face region, semantic segmentation is performed to extract facial landmarks. The semantic segmentation classifies an object not by rectangular unit, but by pixel unit. In other words, it determines to which class each pixel in the image belongs. Because deep learning techniques work well in image classification, there are many studies where semantic segmentation is performed using deep learning.

2.1 Object detection using deep learning

Ross Girshick et al. proposed Region-based Convolutional Neural Networks (R-CNNs) for object detection [7]. They first used a selective search algorithm to find all the regions that might contain an object. Those candidate regions are called region proposals and are represented using a bounding box. Each candidate is then evaluated using a CNN. However, the processing speed of an R-CNN is quite slow because every candidate must undergo feature extraction by CNN. To alleviate this, Shaoqing Ren et al. proposed Fast R-CNN [6]. This method first creates a feature map using a CNN, and then detects objects using RoI pooling and the softmax algorithm. Although Fast R-CNN improved the processing speed noticeably, creating region proposals still required a considerable amount of time. Due to this, Shaoqing Ren et al. further improved the processing speed using a revised model called region proposal network (RPN) [18]. They replaced the selective search algorithm with RPN. Because this model reduces the processing time considerably, it is called Faster R-CNN. On the other hand, Joseph Redmon et al. proposed You Only Look Once (YOLO) for real time object detection [17]. YOLO divides each image into N × N grids, and calculates the reliability of the grid. The reliability represents the accuracy of recognizing an object in each grid. Based on the reliability, the bounding box is moved around until the box with the highest object recognition accuracy is found.

2.2 Semantic segmentation

Jonathan Long et al. first proposed a deep learning model for semantic segmentation in 2015 [14]. They named their networks fully convolutional networks (FCNs), substituting the fully-connected layer that was used for image classification in the general CNN model with a convolution layer for pixel-level classification. They also proposed to skip the layer method to improve accuracy during the up-sampling process. Bilinear interpolation in FCNs is an up-sampling method that has shown a low-resolution problem. To solve this problem, Noh. H et al. proposed DeconvNet, and tried to add a deconvolutional network symmetrical to the convolutional network [15]. At the same time, they used the switch variable concept to remember the location of the max value during the max pooling calculation, and locate the position. V. Badrinarayanan et al. proposed SegNet [1, 2], which is a network that combines the advantages of DeconvNet and U-net. It reduces parameterization by removing the fully-connected layer used in DeconvNet. In addition, it improves memory cost by using pooling indices as opposed to copying and cropping the entire feature in U-net [19].

2.3 Facial landmark extraction

Erjin Zhou et al. localized facial landmark with Coarse-to-fine Convolutional Network Cascade [4]. They designed four-level convolutional network cascade. The first level estimates two bounding boxes: inner points and contour points. The second level predicts an initial estimation of the position. The third level refines each component. The fourth level is used for improving quality of detecting mouth and eyes by considering rotated image patches. Umut et al. performed face segmentation using conditional random fields and deep learning [8]. They formulated a conditional random field (CRF) over a four-connected graph as end-to-end trainable, convolutional, and recurrent networks, and then estimated them via an adversarial process. They showed that their model could achieve state-of-the-art performance through evaluation against two standard benchmark datasets for semantic face segmentation.

3 Facial landmark extraction

In this section, we briefly describe how facial landmarks are extracted from an image. As a first step for facial landmark extraction, we crop the facial region from the image using the Faster R-CNN for efficiency and accuracy. This is because Faster R-CNN is known to give superb detection performance despite a relatively slow processing speed. To extract facial landmarks, we construct a network architecture for semantic segmentation, and then build a training dataset with the ground truth that was created manually on the constructed network. The network architecture used in this paper is SegNet, which is known to supplement the disadvantages of existing semantic segmentation methods. SegNet is also suitable for classifying images into pixel units.

The overall architecture of our scheme is shown in Fig. 1. Firstly, the facial region in the input image is detected using Faster R-CNN. Then, the facial region is cropped from the image and given to SegNet for semantic segmentation. Lastly, facial landmarks are extracted and represented in the input image.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Steps for facial landmark extraction

3.1 Faster R-CNN

Usually, portraits images contain a face with different sizes and locations. For more effective landmark extraction, we resize every input image to 224 ×224 pixels. Hence, if the face occupies a significant portion of the image, face landmark detection can be done easily. However, if the image contains the whole body or the upper body, then its face size is relatively small in the image, and face landmark detection could be difficult. The situation becomes even worse after resizing because the face size becomes smaller. Figure 2 shows an example of landmark extraction for small faces. For the original image in Fig. 2 (a), Fig. 2(b) shows inaccurate facial landmark extraction results.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Inaccurate landmark extraction result

To solve this problem, we determine candidate facial regions before facial landmark detection by using Faster R-CNN. Faster R-CNN is one of popular high-performance object detection methods based on deep learning. The network architecture of Faster R-CNN is shown in Fig. 3. Because we only need an approximate facial region, we construct a relatively lightweight network model.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Faster R-CNN architecture

We collected 304 face images for the training set. For more robustness and better performance, we created more images by adding noise such as Gaussian noise and Poisson noise to the original face images. As a result, we constructed a training dataset of 1216 facial images. A few examples of the training set are shown in Fig. 4. Figure 4(a) shows three original face images, and Fig. 4(b) shows the corresponding modified images using Gaussian noise. The face in the image is marked using a yellow bounding box. Hence, all the faces in the bounding box become the ground truth of our model. Later, we explain in detail why we added such noise to populate the dataset.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Examples of Faster R-CNN training dataset

3.2 SegNet

As mentioned above, we used SegNet to extract facial landmarks. The basic network structure and method are almost the same as those used in [1]. SegNet consists of an encoder network and a decoder network with 13 convolutional layers based on DeconvNet and U-net. The encoder network is constructed in the same way as the first 13 convolutional layers of the VGG16 [21] network. The VGG16 is a deep learning technique designed to classify an ILSVRC dataset [20] with 1000 classes. At the back of the encoder network, however, three fully-connected layers at the end of the VGG16 are removed to reduce the number of parameters in SegNet. The network has also 13 decoder layers, which correspond to the encoder layers. The encoder network adjusts the weight with a large dataset and finally provides a set of features, which are batch-normalized at each layer. During this process, the output is sub-sampled through max pooling, and at the same time, resolution loss of the feature map occurs because the max pooling calculation removes all the values except the max value within the size of the window. Therefore, it is necessary to store the information of the feature maps in the encoder network before sub-sampling. Thus, our proposed scheme stores pooling indices, which indicate the location of the maximum feature value in the pooling window. This approach is more efficient than storing the feature map as U-nets, as it requires less memory. These pooling indices are used for up-sampling in the decoder layer, and finally convolution by the decoder filter. Lastly, the final decoder output is fed to the multi-class soft-max classifier, which provides a classification for each pixel. The detailed architecture of SegNet used in our work is described in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5
figure 5

SegNet architecture

3.3 Dataset construction

We defined 9 classes to describe facial landmark features: face skin, sclera, pupil, eyebrow, hair, lip, between-the-mouth, nostril, and background. “Face skin” is the area of skin not identified as other landmarks on the human face. “Sclera” is the white part of the eye, and “pupil” is the circular area of the center of the eye. “Between mouth” indicates the region where a shadow is formed when a person’s mouth is open, or an area where the teeth are visible, and which does not belong to the skin or lips. All areas except face and hair are defined as “background.”

In our previous work, we used a total of 150 front view face images as a dataset. Among those 150 images, 140 are Korean and 10 are Westerners. As for gender, 80% are women and 20% are men. In general, there is almost no difference between male and female in regarding to the position of facial landmarks, and their appearance is very similar. Women’s hair, on the other hand, has various lengths, colors, and shapes compared to men. Therefore, it is necessary to train them using diverse hair shapes and colors. As for age, 80% are in their teens to 30s and 20% are in their 40s or older. Each image is a colored image with a resolution of 224 × 224 pixels. We also created a ground truth for evaluating the accuracy of facial landmark extraction. The ground truth represents nine classes with different RGB values. The values are described in Table 1 in detail.

Table 1 Facial landmark and rgb values

Figure 6 shows a few samples in the created dataset. For the six original color images in Fig. 6(a), (b) represents the ground truth images extracted from the original image, which consist of the landmarks expressed using the different RGB colors defined in Table 1.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Samples in the dataset

In some cases, this method resulted in imprecise landmark extraction. Figure 7 shows such cases, where the borderline between the jaw and the neck or the side view of the face were not clear, as shown in Fig. 7(b) and (d) for the input image in Fig. 7(a) and (c), respectively.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Imprecise landmark extraction

We solved this problem by constructing a more extensive training set. More specifically, in addition to the original 150 front view face images, we collected 30 images of faces in profile view. Usually, facial landmarks can look different for the same person in terms of color and shape, depending on diverse factors such as camera hardware, light, or the external environment. Hence, for a total of 180 original images, we performed diverse operations such as image rotation and noise filtering to produce images of different features. This approach is known to be effective for improving the robustness of the model by scaling up the dataset during machine learning. We considered two types of operations for this purpose, which were noise filtering and image rotation. The noise filters that we considered in this paper included Gaussian noise and Poisson noise. With the combination of noise filtering and image rotation, we enlarged the dataset considerably. Figure 8 shows the result of face landmark extraction for the noisy and rotated images. Figure 8(a) shows the modified images, and Fig. 8(b) shows their ground truth images. The ground truth of the images with Gaussian noise and Poisson noise is the same as the ground truth of the non-noised images.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Ground truth for modified images

To summarize, we used a total of 180 original front view and side view facial images. By introducing noise and performing rotation, we obtained a total of 6840 images for the experiment. Details for the dataset are shown in Table 2.

Table 2 Construction of dataset for training SegNet

3.4 Training weight

Depending on the facial landmark, the total number of pixels in the class could be different. For example, because the background includes all the areas except the face and the hair, the background could occupy more than 60% of the total pixels, which is the largest portion of the total pixels. Because the difference in the number of pixels of each class could degrade extraction accuracy, weights for the nine classes are calculated using median frequency balancing [3], which can be defined by Eq. (1).

$$ {weight}_c= median(freq)/ freq\left({c}_n\right) $$

Here, c is a set of classes, median(freq) is the median value of 9 freq(cn) values, and freq(cn) is defined by Eq. (2).

$$ freq\left({c}_n\right)={pixels}_{c_n}/{pixels}_{ic} $$

\( {pixels}_{c_n} \) is the number of pixels in the class cn among all images, and pixelsic is the total number of pixels of all the images in which class cn is found.

4 Experiment

We evaluated the performance of our proposed scheme by comparing extracted facial landmarks with the constructed ground truth through diverse experiments. Experiments were conducted on an Intel® Core™ i5-7700 k CPU with 32 GB DDR4 memory, and an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti graphics card in a MATLAB 2017b environment. The mini-batch size was 12, and we performed a total of 17,000 iterations for training Faster R-CNN, and 50,000 iterations for training SegNet. In the first experiment, we evaluated the performance of Faster R-CNN. We then evaluated the accuracy of facial landmark extraction. In the last experiment, we applied our model to other face datasets, the results of which are reported in this paper.

4.1 Bounding box detection

In this experiment, we apply our Faster R-CNN model on various face images and check whether the bounding box contains a facial region or not. We evaluate our method by calculating how many pixels of face skin region are included in the bounding box. If the bounding box captures the facial region correctly, the accuracy should be 1. We used a total of 500 images for evaluation. The images were collected from our dataset for SegNet, Google image search, and other image datasets. Table 3 shows a part of entire evaluation, with an average accuracy of 0.97.

Table 3 Evaluation result of facial region detection

Figure 9 shows a few examples of facial region detection using our model, where facial regions were perfectly captured in the bounding box.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Facial region detection results

4.2 Facial landmark extraction

In this experiment, we extracted facial landmarks from 30 images and compared them with their ground truth by pixel units. Figure 10 shows the result. First, Fig. 10(a) shows the original images overlaid with the ground truth, and Fig. 10(b) shows the original images overlaid with the outcome using our scheme.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Facial landmark extraction result (Overlaid)

By comparing these figures, we can see that our proposed scheme detects facial landmarks quite well. To show the performance of our scheme quantitatively, we measure the detection accuracy of major landmarks, including hair, skin, and iris, which play an important role in personal color diagnosis and identification. Informally, the accuracy indicates how many pixels in the actual landmark are detected by our scheme. For hair and iris, the accuracy was higher than 95%, and for skin, the accuracy was higher than 90%, as shown in Table 4.

Table 4 Extraction accuracy of major landmarks

Detailed pixel-matching accuracies for all images and all classes are shown in Table 5. Each table entry indicates the probability that one landmark in the row is recognized as the landmark in the column. Hence, the accuracy on the diagonal indicates the correct recognition, and others indicate false recognition. For instance, an eyebrow was detected as eyebrow with an accuracy of 0.9437, and was not detected as hair or nose, as their entries are zero. From the table, we can see that all the landmarks, including major landmarks, are well detected with an accuracy higher than 90%. Interestingly, when a detection error occurs, the mistaken landmark is usually adjacent to the right landmark. For example, most of the detection errors for sclera are the iris, and the iris is adjacent to the sclera.

Table 5 Accuracy of pixel-matching for facial landmarks

Overall, the experimental results show that although we use relatively small datasets for machine learning, we were able to achieve excellent facial landmark detection accuracy using pre-trained VGG16.

4.3 Additional experiment

In this experiment, we show that our scheme can achieve satisfactory levels of facial landmark extraction for other human face databases, such as the Helen dataset [13] and another dataset [5]. The extraction results for images in other face databases are shown in Fig. 11.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Facial landmark extraction using other face dataset

From the figure, you can see that the shape and position of most landmarks are well detected, even though there are some landmarks with partial distortion. We roughly evaluated how well our method could detect facial landmarks using the 500 face images. For evaluation, we classified the detection results into 4 types and calculated the portion of perfect and acceptable detections as shown in Table 6.

Table 6 Evaluation result of facial landmark detection on other face images

Even though most landmarks are detected well, landmarks such as skin, hair, and nostril showed a minor problem. This is due to the different colors and shapes of the skin and hair and can be improved by considering a more extensive training dataset.

So far, we have shown that our model works superbly for typical face images. As mentioned earlier, our goal in this paper was to improve the accuracy of facial landmark extraction for the exceptional cases where the detection quality was poor. In fact, we constructed our model to overcome these cases. The result of applying our model to the exceptional cases we mentioned earlier is shown in Fig. 12. In the figure, we can see that the facial landmark is well extracted when using our proposed method.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Improvement for some exceptional cases

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we proposed a way to improve our previously proposed facial landmark extraction scheme by using SegNet based on the convolution layer of VGG16, and to make it more robust even for the exceptional cases by using Faster R-CNN. We used Faster R-CNN for extracting facial regions in the image, and then cropped the region for training. SegNet detected the facial landmarks from a cropped face region. Also, we showed how to scale up the dataset using diverse operations such as noise filtering and image rotation. We performed several experiments to evaluate the performance of our model. First, we evaluated the facial region detection of our Faster R-CNN. Although the model is not deep, it detects facial regions precisely. Second, we showed that our proposed model could achieve good performance in terms of extraction accuracy, even for a relatively small dataset. If extra classes such as accessories and glasses were added to the current nine classes, or if images with various skin colors are used as a training set, facial landmark extraction could be more accurate and robust. Finally, we showed that our current model can process exceptional cases that our previous model could not process effectively. Because we can obtain the exact location and shape of the facial landmark, our method can be used effectively for diverse applications, such as personal color diagnosis and virtual makeup.