1 Introduction

With the rapid development of human–computer interaction, the quality of life of severely disabled people has been considerably improved. Previous research proposed computer assistive technology for users to interact with a computer using joysticks, switches, head pointers, trackballs, neural interfaces, and eye tracking devices, etc. [38, 44, 51]. The first four devices have been widely used as computer-assistive devices because they can be executed by hands, feet, chin, mouth (blowing), thumbs, palm, and head. In addition, they can be used for controlling a wheelchair or a mouse pointer [26, 38].

In previous studies [21, 22 38, 53], the head and face were tracked by computer vision technology, which enables the control of mouse cursors. However, these methods have disadvantages in that they cannot be used by the severely disabled, such as quadriplegics. That is because it is often the case that the severely disabled, such as quadriplegics cannot move even the head and face. To overcome this problem, the method based on various physiological signals such has been researched.

In previous research [43], they showed that various physiological signals such as electrooculograms (EOGs), electroencephalograms (EEGs), and electromyograms (EMGs) can be used as the interface with patients with motor disabilities, e.g. people with high-level spinal cord injury or with locked-up syndrome. The EOG signal is the electrical one produced by the difference of potential between the retina and cornea, from 2 to 20 mV. However, it is usually represented in the range from 15 to 200 uV.

Sometimes people with severe motor disability, e.g. locked-in syndrome cannot control the activity of muscle for communication. In this case, brain computer interface (BCI) based on EEG signal can be used because even the people with severe motor disability can maintain cerebral and sensory functions intact. Although the accuracies by invasive method of measuring EEG signal, e.g. electrocorticogram (ECoG) are higher than those by non-invasive method, the former has the disadvantages of involving clinical risks. Therefore, non-invasive method has been highlighted in recent BCI researches.

In case that the brain commands a muscle to contract, signals are known as being sent to motor neurons which control some fibers. As the membrane fiber is depolarized, it is reported that the electrical potential is produced in the neighborhood of the muscle fibers. The summation of the action potentials through the fibers generates the motor unit action potential (MUAP) of a motor unit (MU). The ensemble of MUAP train is usually named as the EMG signal.

In previous study [8], they proposed a method of using EMG signals based on muscle responses as a computer interface for the upper limb disabled. They extracted the EMG signals from the muscles of lower arm, and multi-layered neural network (MLP) was trained in order to classify six patterns for controlling the movement and clicking a cursor. In addition, they designed on-screen keyboard in order to input Korean and Roman letters on the computer.

In other researches [3, 11], they proposed the interface systems using EOG signals, which can provide information of rough gaze direction based on eye movements. They designed the hardware circuits for measuring EOG signal including the eye-movement coils generating the voltages from 50 uV to 3500 uV with a frequency ranging from dc-100 Hz [11]. With this device, they also designed the graphic user interface (GUI) for controlling TV or game. In previous research [3], Barea et al. proposed the method of solving the problem that the detection accuracy of EOG-based eye movement degrades due to user’s tiredness caused by using the system for long period. For that, they remove the noises and obtain more accurate result from EOG data based on wavelet transform and radial basis function (RBF) neural network.

However, the cost of system for measuring these kinds of physiological signals is not cheap, and the user’s convenience is low because of the attachment of sensors on user’s skin for the measurement of long period. In addition, the attachment of sensors can cause the errors in the measured signals in case of the movement of user’s head, face, or body.

In order to solve these problems, camera-based gaze tracking methods have been widely researched as an alternative [45]. In previous research [12], authors addressed the dynamic and active nature of biometrics, in general, and gaze analysis, in particular, including background and motivation. They introduces a critical survey of conventional gaze analysis methods, challenges caused by uncontrolled environments and lack of standards, and explains promising R&D directions. In addition, they propose criteria for performance evaluation, and compares state-of-the art gaze analysis methods with the same database. In [2], they introduce a state-of-the art survey for head movement detection and eye tracking methods proposed in the literature. They also explain various examples of different fields of applications for these technologies, such as driving assistance systems, human computer interaction, and assistive technologies.

Most previous studies on gaze tracking were performed in the environment of 2D monitors [17, 23, 36]. In [36], the authors introduced the previous researches on eye tracking-based human computer interface system including its features, functionality and methods in addition to the challenges included in using the eye as an input modality, and real life applications. Lankford proposed the eye-based typing method based on the eye-gaze response interface computer aid (ERICA) system made by the University of Virginia [23]. In order to enhance the accuracy of gaze clicking, they introduced the method of gaze clicking based on dwell time (including collapse stages) and zooming methodology of the screen where a user is looking. In addition, they showed the method of enhancing the performance of eye-typing based on collapse on the key of visual keyboard. In other study, they introduced various previous studies on eye movements as a user interface (UI) for analyzing the UI in terms of usability and control in human-computer dialogue [17]. However, most of these studies of gaze tracking in 2D monitors have disadvantages in that the change of Z-distance and the direction of the monitor from the user are limited after user calibration. In addition, in the case of a gaze tracking-based interface for the disabled, the user can look at a home appliance in the 3D world instead of a 2D monitor, where the change of Z-distance and direction of the home appliance from the user can be large after user calibration, which can degrade the accuracy of gaze tracking system.

Some studies examined gaze tracking for controlling in 3D space [14, 37, 41, 47, 54, 57]. Shi et al. proposed a gaze tracking method using two cameras, one for eye tracking and the other for frontal object recognition. However, they did not consider the change of Z-distance and direction of the frontal object from the user after user calibration, which can cause the degradation of accuracy of gaze detection [47]. Other studies proposed gaze tracking using a head-mounted display (HMD) or wearable device [37, 41, 54]. In [41], authors used an HMD system with one camera for gaze tacking and one for frontal viewing, in an augmented reality application. Mardanbegi et al. also proposed a wearable device including two cameras for eye tracking and frontal viewing [37]. Turner et al. proposed a wearable device including one camera for gaze tracking and the two cameras for frontal viewing [54]. Using two frontal viewing cameras can increase the viewing range of the user irrespective of the natural movements of user’s head. In [57], authors proposed a wearable eye-gaze tracking system for observational purposes on flight decks. In their research, because a pilot uses this system while sitting in the cockpit, the viewing angle and the Z-distance range from user to object are limited. In other research [14], the authors proposed a wearable device including two cameras, one for eye gaze detection, and the other for the recognition of frontal objects and gestures. However, all of these methods require the user to wear an HMD or wearable device, but wearing these devices for a long time can cause much inconvenience or cybersickness to the user, especially the disabled. In addition, these studies did not consider the change of Z-distance and direction of the frontal object from the user after user calibration, which can cause the degradation of accuracy of gaze detection.

In order to estimate the Z-distance of the object [55], stereo cameras based on homography matrix [7, 16, 25, 39, 40] or depth-measuring devices, such as ultrasonic sensors or Kinect devices [19] have been widely used. However, they have limitations, such as the need for additional calibration between two cameras and low acquisition speed of images by two stereo cameras [7, 25, 39, 40]. Because one camera for eye tracking should be used in our research, if two stereo cameras are used for frontal viewing, the total number of cameras becomes three. Therefore, the image capturing speed can be much reduced. In addition, in our research, each people can see the TV or heater at the Z distance of maximum 3 m from people to TV or heater. In order to measure the accurate Z distance in this case, the inter-distance between two cameras should be large, which can increase the size of system. The measurement by ultrasonic sensors has the limitation that inaccurate measurement can be caused by other obstacles which exists between the people and TV or heater. In case of using Kinect devices, the size of our system increases due to the large size of the Kinect device. Although Joglekar et al. proposed a method of estimating Z-distance based on single camera, their method requires additional information about the road geometry, including vanishing point and the point of contact on the road [18], which cannot be obtained indoors where our interface system for the disabled is applied.

Although they did not deal with the method of gaze detection, our fuzzy system-based method can be compared to previous machine learning-based approaches. In previous research [30, 31], they proposed the method for forecasting the water quality of a station over the next few hours, based on multitask multi-view learning method to combine multiple datasets from different domains. In details, in [30], their learning model is composed of two alignments such as the spatio-temporal view alignment, which fuse local spatial and temporal information of each station, and the prediction alignment among stations, which acquires their spatial correlations and performs co-predictions by incorporating these correlations. In [31], they also proposed the method of forecasting the water quality of a station from a data-driven perspective, using the water quality data and water hydraulic data reported by existing monitor stations and various data sources observed in the city, such as pipe networks, meteorology, point of interests (POIs), and structure of road networks. Then, they identify the influential factors that have effect on the urban water quality through extensive experiments, and used a multi-task multi-view learning method to fuse those multiple datasets from different domains into an unified learning model. In other research [32], they proposed the method of scientifically and systematically studying the feasibility of career path prediction from social network data by seamlessly combining information from multiple social networks to comprehensively describe a user and characterize progressive properties of his or her career path. For that, they used a multi-source learning framework with fused lasso penalty, which jointly regularizes the career-stage relatedness and source.

By comparing gaze tracking of our research, in previous research [28], they proposed the method for generic human motion tracking by using both low- and high-dimensional trackers. Annealed Particle Filtering (APF) shows its advantage in the tracking without limitation on motion types. In addition, Gaussian Process Dynamical Model (GPDM) is trained to learn the motion model of low-dimensional tracker, which performs better on specific types of motion. They combined these two methods and automatically sample trackers according to the motion types. In [10], they also proposed a fusion formulation which combines low- and high-dimensional tracking methods into one framework. The low-dimensional method successfully overcomes the high-dimensional problem of tracking the motions with available training data by learning motion models, but it only works with specific kinds of motion types. On the other hand, although the high-dimensional approach can recover the motions without learned models by sampling directly in the pose space, it cannot guarantee robustness and efficiency. Therefore, they used within the framework, the two parallel approaches, low- and high-dimensional, which are fused via a probabilistic approach at each time step. All of these previous researches show high performance, but they require the procedure of learning with training data whereas our fuzzy system-based estimation (of Z-distance and direction of home appliance) and gaze tracking method do not require any training procedure. This is the difference between our research and previous ones [10, 28, 30,31,32].

By comparing NIR patterns-based method for measuring the Z-distance and direction in our research, in previous research [29], they proposed the method for complicated activity recognition being composed of two components such as temporal pattern mining, which supplies a mid-level feature representation for activities, encodes temporal relatedness among actions, and acquires the intrinsic properties of activities, and adaptive multi-task learning, which acquires relatedness. In [33], they also proposed the method to identify temporal patterns among actions and utilize the identified patterns to represent activities for automated recognition based on machine learning method using support vector machine (SVM) or k-nearest neighborhood (kNN) classifier. In [34], they defined an atomic activity-based probabilistic framework that uses Allen’s interval relations to show local temporal dependencies. The framework introduces a latent variable from the Chinese Restaurant Process to explicitly characterize these unique internal configurations of a particular complex activity as a variable number of tables. However, their method also performs the training procedure to learn the parameters. In [27], they proposed a new method to retrieve the Kid’s activities from video sequences captured in smart home environment. They showed the retrieval method with two steps, first using spatio-temporal matching to get a coarse result, second using the method to learn dominant child-adult interactive behaviors from a sequence of home videos based on K-means clustering and scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) matching. In [35], authors proposed the unsupervised method to recognize physical activities by smartphone accelerometers. In their method, features extraction is performed with the raw acceleration data gathered by smartphone. With these features, physical activity is recognized by unsupervised classification method called molecular complex detection (MCODE) method. Different from these researches [27, 29, 33,34,35], our NIR patterns-based method for measuring the Z-distance and direction does not require any training procedure. This is the difference between our research and previous ones [27, 29, 33,34,35].

Considering these factors, we propose a new method of estimation of Z-distances and directions of home appliances using one (small-sized) web camera based on fuzzy system. Our research is novel in the following four ways compared to previous works:

  • First, the NIR patterns (attached on the boundary of the home appliance) captured by the frontal viewing camera are used for measuring the Z-distance and direction of the home appliance from the user.

  • Second, the size and average of four lengths of sides of a quadrangle defined by the NIR patterns are used as two features for a fuzzy system to estimate the Z-distance.

  • Third, the difference between the sum of two obtuse angles and that of two acute angles of the quadrangle, and the difference between the two y positions of left- and right-top NIR patterns are used as two features for the fuzzy system to estimate the direction.

  • Fourth, the accuracy of user’s gaze detection on the home appliance is enhanced by compensating the size and symmetrical shape of the quadrangle area (defined by the NIR patterns) by offset according to the Z-distance and direction measured by the fuzzy system.

The structure of this article is as follows. The proposed system and our methodology are presented in Section 2. Section 3 describes the experimental setup and the results, and the conclusions and some ideas for future work are presented in Section 4.

2 Proposed estimation method of Z-distances and directions

2.1 Proposed system and method

Figure 1 shows examples of using the proposed system. NIR-LEDs attached to the corners and edges of a home appliance can be captured by the frontal viewing camera where the NIR cutting filter is replaced with a NIR passing filter. The NIR-LED wavelength of 850 nm is not dazzling to the user’s eye. According to various positions of NIR-LEDs, various kinds of home appliances, such as a TV, heater, and switch, can be recognized by the frontal viewing camera. The additional eye tracking camera, including a NIR passing filter with an 8 × 8 NIR-LED illuminator, is used for measuring the user’s gaze position in the 3D world. These two cameras and illuminator are attached to the wheelchair. By using NIR cameras with NIR-LEDs and a NIR-LED illuminator, the performance of gaze tracking and recognizing the home appliance is not affected by changes in environmental visible light.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Example of using the proposed system: cases of (a) looking at a heater, (b) looking at a TV

Figure 2 shows the summarized steps of our method. As the first and second steps, one image is captured by frontal viewing camera, and one by the eye tracking camera. Then, the four features are extracted from the NIR-LED pattern in the image by frontal viewing camera. With these features and a fuzzy system, the Z-distance and direction from the user to the home appliance are estimated. With the image from the eye tracking camera, the user’s gaze position is calculated, and the system determines whether the user is looking at the home appliance on the basis of the Z-distance and direction with the user’s gaze position.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Summarized steps of the proposed method

2.2 Capturing the images of the NIR-LED patterns of home appliances by the frontal viewing camera

The experimental setup of our research is shown in Fig. 3. The Z-distances of the TV and heater from the user are 270 cm and 300 cm, respectively, whereas those of the switch from user are 170 cm and 200 cm, respectively. The reason the Z-distances from the switch are smaller than those from the TV and heater is that the switch is smaller than the TV or heater. We performed the experiments in the three directions of right, center, and left of the user’s position relative to the TV, heater, and switch, as shown in Fig. 3. That is, the experiments were performed at three viewpoints of the frontal viewing camera as shown in Fig. 3. In our research, we define the case that user is at right position based on home appliance as shown in Fig. 3(c) as left viewpoint because the home appliance is positioned at left side based on the frontal viewing camera of our system.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Experimental setup of (a) the TV and heater, and (b) switch. (c) Top view of experimental setup

As explained in Section 2.1, each home appliance has different patterns of NIR-LEDs. Examples of images of the home appliances, including the NIR-LED patterns captured by the frontal viewing camera, are shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Captured images of (a) TV, (b) heater, and (c) switch at three different viewpoints of the frontal viewing camera. Left, center, and right images represent the images captured from the right, center, and left viewpoints, respectively

With the captured images of Fig. 4, the features for estimating the direction (viewpoint) and Z-distance of the user from the home appliance are extracted. Detailed explanations are as follows.

The quadrangular shape of the NIR-LED patterns becomes smaller according to the increase in Z-distance of the user from the home appliance, because of the principle of camera perspective projection. On the basis of these characteristics, we define the features for estimating the Z-distance of the user from the home appliance. As the two features for estimating the Z-distance, we use the size and average of four lengths (L1 ~ L4 of Fig. 5(b)) of the sides of the quadrangle defined by the NIR patterns. The farther the Z-distance is, the smaller these two features become.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Symmetrical quadrangular shapes of NIR-LED patterns of the TV, and features for estimating the direction (viewpoint) and Z-distance of the user from the home appliance: a Shapes of NIR-LED patterns at three viewpoints (right, center, and left, respectively) at the Z-distance of 270 cm. b Extracted lengths of L1, … L4 and angles of R1, … R4 from the captured image

In addition, as shown in Fig. 5, the symmetrical quadrangular shapes of the NIR-LED patterns are different according to three different viewpoints of the frontal viewing camera. For example, as shown in the left image of Fig. 5(a) in the case of right viewpoint of frontal viewing camera (the user’s position in the right direction), the upper-left corner point of quadrangular shape is higher than the upper-right corner point. In addition, there are differences between the sum of the two obtuse angles and that of the two acute angles of the symmetrical quadrangle. For example, in case of the left image of Fig. 5(a), the sum of angles of R1 and R4 is smaller than that of R2 and R3. On the basis of these, we use two features for estimating the direction of the user (viewpoint of the frontal viewing camera) as follows. The first feature is the difference between the two y positions of left- and right-top NIR-LED patterns. The second feature is the difference between the sum of the two obtuse angles and that of the two acute angles of the quadrangle.

Using these features, we estimate the Z-distance and direction using a fuzzy system. Detailed explanations are presented in the next section.

2.3 Fuzzy-based estimation of Z-distances and directions

2.3.1 Definition of fuzzy membership functions

In some cases, it is difficult to accurately estimate the Z-distance and direction of a home appliance from the user only with the NIR-LED pattern of the image by the frontal viewing camera. The NIR-LED pattern in the case of the left position of the user (Fig. 6(a)) looks similar to that of the right position of the user (Fig. 6(b)), which makes it difficult to distinguish the direction of the home appliance. To overcome this problem, we adopt a fuzzy logic system. As explained in Section 2.2, we use two features for estimating the Z-distance, including the size (F 1 _dist) and average (F 2 _dist) of the four lengths (L1 ~ L4 of Fig. 5(b)) of the quadrangle sides defined by the NIR patterns. In addition, we use two features for estimating the direction of the user, including the difference (F 1 _direct) between the two y positions of the left- and right-top NIR-LED patterns, and the difference (F 2 _direct) between the sum of the two obtuse angles and that of the two acute angles of the quadrangle. Because the ranges of the four features are different from each other, each feature value is represented in the range from 0 to 1 by Z-score normalization [49], and they are used as the inputs to the fuzzy logic system [1, 20, 52].

Fig. 6
figure 6

Example case where the direction of the home appliance from user is difficult to distinguish: a right direction and b left direction

Figure 7 shows the fuzzy membership functions used in this study. We use the linear (triangular) function because it has been widely adopted in fuzzy systems considering its fast processing speed and the problem complexity [4, 5, 58]. In Fig. 7(a), Features 1 and 2 represent F 1 _dist and F 2 _dist in the case of using the fuzzy system for estimating the Z-distance of the home appliance from the user. Features 1 and 2 represent F 1 _direct and F 2 _direct in the case of using the fuzzy system for estimating the direction of the home appliance from the user. As shown in Fig. 7, the low (L), middle (M), and high (H) areas are usually designed to be overlapped. We use these membership functions and fuzzy rules table (Table 1) to obtain an output value of the fuzzy system through the defuzzification method.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Illustrations showing the input and output fuzzy membership functions: a input fuzzy membership function and b output fuzzy membership function

Table 1 The fuzzy rule tables (Low (L), Middle (M), High (H)). Rule tables for estimating (a) the Z-distance and (b) direction

2.3.2 Designing the fuzzy tables and obtaining the output by the defuzzification method

In Table 1, we design the fuzzy rule tables. Table 1(a) is used for estimating the Z-distance, and Table 1(b) is for estimating the direction of the home appliance from the user. Based on the 5th rule (if “M” and “M”, then “M”), the 1st ~ 4th rules are symmetrical to the 6th ~ 9th ones if exchanging L and H, each other as shown in Tables 1(a) and (b).

Lower values of F 1 _dist and F 2 _dist represent a farther Z-distance of the home appliance from the user. Therefore, we design the output of the fuzzy system as H in cases of low values of F 1 _dist and F 2 _dist as shown in Table 1(a). Higher values of F 1 _dist and F 2 _dist represent a nearer Z-distance of the home appliance from the user. Therefore, we design the output of the fuzzy system as L in cases of high values of F 1 _dist and F 2 _dist as shown in Table 1(a). As with this method, the fuzzy rules of Table 1(b) are also designed.

Then, we introduce the procedure of obtaining output value of fuzzy system as follows. Figure 8 shows the conventional procedure of obtaining the fuzzy inference value from input feature based on input membership function whereas Fig. 9 shows the conventional procedure (defuzzification) of obtaining the final output value of fuzzy system from the fuzzy inference value. These has been widely used in conventional fuzzy system [4,5,6, 24, 46, 48, 58].

Fig. 8
figure 8

Illustrations of obtaining the output from the input membership function: a outputs by F 1 _dist and b outputs by F 2 _dist

Fig. 9
figure 9

Illustrations of obtaining the final output by the defuzzification method: a FOM, LOM, MOM, and MeOM; b COG

Three outputs of f 1 (L), f 1 (M), and f 1 (H) are obtained from one input feature value (F 1 _dist) by three input membership functions of L, M and H, respectively, as shown in Fig. 8(a). In addition, three outputs of f 2 (L), f 2 (M), and f 2 (H) are obtained from other input feature value (F 2 _dist) by three input membership functions of L, M, and H, respectively, as shown in Fig. 8(b). For example, if the F 1 _dist is 0.615821, the f 1 (L), f 1 (M), and f 1 (H) are 0.0, 0.768, and 0.232, respectively, as shown in Fig. 8(a). If the F 2 _dist is 0.631579, the f 2 (L), f 2 (M), and f 2 (H) are 0.0, 0.737, and 0.263, respectively, as shown in Fig. 8(b).

With these two pairs of three outputs, we can obtain the nine combinations of output ((f 1 (L), f 2 (L)), (f 1 (L), f 2 (M)), (f 1 (L), f 2 (H)), (f 1 (M), f 2 (L)), (f 1 (M), f 2 (M)), (f 1 (M), f 2 (H)), (f 1 (H), f 2 (L)), (f 1 (H), f 2 (M)), (f 1 (H), f 2 (H)) as shown in Table 2. Then, based on the Min or Max rule with the fuzzy rule table of Table 1, we can obtain the output values as shown in Table 2. For example, in the 6th index of pairs, in the case of 0.768(M) and 0.263(H), from Table 1 we can obtain L as the output in the case of M and H of input. In addition, if using the Min rule, the smaller value of 0.263 is selected, whereas the larger value of 0.768 is selected in the case of using the Max rule. Therefore, in the case of using the Min and Max rules, we can obtain 0.263(L) and 0.768(L), respectively, as shown in Table 2. We call these values of 0.263(L), and 0.768(L) as inference values (IVs). Then, through the defuzzification method with these IVs, we can obtain the output of the fuzzy system.

Table 2 Illustration of the nine combinations of output values of Fig. 8, and the selected ones by the Min or Max rule

The detailed explanation of the defuzzification method is as follows. For example, with Fig. 9, three IVs are assumed to be 0.0(L), 0.263(L), 0.736(M). Using these three IVs, we can obtain the final output of the fuzzy system by using the defuzzification method. There are various kinds of defuzzification methods, such as first of maxima (FOM), last of maxima (LOM), middle of maxima (MOM), mean of maxima (MeOM), and center of gravity (COG) [6, 24]. The FOM method selects the first output value calculated by the maximum IV. In Fig. 9, we can obtain output (S2) calculated by the maximum IV (0.736(M)) by the FOM method. LOM selects the last output value calculated by the maximum IV. We can obtain output (S4) calculated by the maximum IV (0.736(M)) by the LOM method. MOM selects the middle of the first and last outputs calculated by the maximum IV. We can obtain the output ((S2 + S4)/2) calculated by maximum IV (0.736(M)) by the MOM method. MeOM selects the mean of all the outputs calculated by the maximum IV. In Fig. 9, the output ((S2 + S4)/2) obtained by MeOM is same to that by MOM because all the outputs (S2 and S4) calculated by the maximum IV are same as the first and last outputs (S2 and S4) calculated by the maximum IV. COG select S5 (the geometrical center of the polygonal region defined by Q1 ~ Q6) as the output as shown in eq. (1) [6, 46, 48] and Fig. 9(b). In eq. (1), \( \tilde{F} \) is the combined area of two regions (F1 and F2 of Fig. 9(b)). V and S are the variables of the values of vertical and horizontal axes, respectively.

$$ \mathrm{S}5=\frac{\int V\;\tilde{F}(S)\cdot S\; dS}{\int V\;\tilde{F}(S)\; dS} $$

On the basis of the fuzzy system output value, the Z-distance and direction of the home appliance from the user are obtained. For example, in the case of the TV and heater, the output value in the range of 0–1 is linearly mapped into that in the range of 270–300 cm, whereas the value is linearly mapped into that of 170–200 cm in the case of the switch.

2.4 Detecting the user’s gaze position based on the home appliance

On the basis of the measured Z-distance and direction, we can obtain accurate gaze position relative to the home appliance. At one Z-distance and direction (center) with each home appliance, each user performs a user-dependent calibration. For the calibration, the user gazes at the four (upper left, upper right, lower right, and lower left) corners of the home appliances. From this, four images are acquired. Within each image, the pupil center is detected by sub-block-based template matching, binarization, canny edge detection, and ellipse fitting. In addition, from the detected pupil center, the center of corneal specular reflection (SR) is located by binarization and calculation of geometric center position. Figure 10 shows examples of detected pupil centers and centers of SR.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Four images including the detected centers of pupil and corneal SR when a user is looking at the (a) upper left, (b) upper right, (c) lower left, and (d) lower right corners of a TV

With these four data of detected pupil centers and centers of SR, the position of the pupil center is compensated on the basis of the center of SR, which can reduce the variation of gaze position caused by head movement [15]. Because these four data of compensated pupil centers are obtained when a user looks at the four corners of the home appliance, we can obtain the geometric transform matrix, which defines the relationship between the pupil movable area and the region of the home appliance as shown in Fig. 11.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Relationship between the pupil movable region (the quadrangle defined by (PC x0, PC y0), (PC x1, PC y1), (PC x2, PC y2), and (PC x3, PC y3)) on the eye image and the recognized area of the home appliance (the quadrangle defined by (HA x0, HA y0), (HA x1, HA y1), (HA x2, HA y2), and (HA x3, HA y3)) on the image by the frontal viewing camera

Then, we can obtain a geometric transform matrix like eq. (2), and the user’s gaze position (GP x , GP y ) can be obtained by eq. (3).

$$ \left[\begin{array}{c}{HA}_{x0}\ {HA}_{x1}\ {HA}_{x2}\ {HA}_{x3}\\ {}{HA}_{y0}\ {HA}_{y1}\ {HA}_{y2}\ {HA}_{y3}\end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{cc} a& b\\ {} e& f\end{array}\kern0.5em \begin{array}{cc} c& d\\ {} g& h\end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{c}{PC}_{x0}\kern2.75em {PC}_{x1}\kern2.75em {PC}_{x2}\kern2.75em {PC}_{x3}\\ {}{PC}_{y0}\kern2.75em {PC}_{y1}\kern2.75em {PC}_{y2}\kern2.75em {PC}_{y3}\\ {}\begin{array}{cc}{PC}_{x0}{PC}_{y0}\kern1em {PC}_{x1}{PC}_{y1}& {PC}_{x2}{PC}_{y2}\end{array}\kern1em {PC}_{x3}{PC}_{y3}\\ {}\kern0.5em 1\kern4.25em 1\kern4.75em 1\kern5em 1\end{array}\right] $$
$$ \left[\begin{array}{c}{GP}_x\\ {}{GP}_y\end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{c} a\kern0.5em b\kern0.5em c\kern0.5em d\\ {} e\kern0.5em f\kern0.5em g\kern0.5em h\end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{c} PC{\prime}_x\\ {} PC{\prime}_y\\ {} PC{\prime}_x PC{\prime}_y\\ {}1\end{array}\right] $$

However, the geometric transform matrix including the coefficients of a, b, … h of eqs. (2) and (3) is obtained when a user performs calibration at one Z-distance and direction. Therefore, if the Z-distance and direction are changed from those of initial calibration, the accuracy of the user’s gaze position calculated by the geometric transform matrix of eqs. (2) and (3) becomes lower. To solve this problem, we use the Z-distance and direction measured by the fuzzy system (explained in Section 2.3). The area of the home appliance for user’s gaze position (GP x , GP y ) is compensated by offset according to the measured Z-distance and direction. For example, if a user gazes at the TV at 300 cm although the calibration was performed at 270 cm, the TV size seen by the user inevitably becomes smaller. Therefore, we redefine the TV area (the right image of Fig. 11) by using the smaller area when our system determines whether the user gazes at the TV. For example, if a user gazes at the TV at the right position although the calibration is performed at the center, the TV shape seen by the user inevitably becomes distorted as shown in the left image of Fig. 5(a). Therefore, we redefine the TV area (the right image of Fig. 11) by using the distorted area like the left image of Fig. 5(a) when our system determines whether the user gazes at the TV.

3 Experimental results

Two web cameras (Logitech C600 [56]) with the illuminator of 8 × 8 NIR-LEDs are used for implementing our system. Our algorithm is implemented using Microsoft visual studio 2012 C++, and OpenCV (version 2.3.9) library [42], which is executed on a laptop computer (Intel Core i5 at 2.8 GHz with 8 GB of memory). As the home appliance, a 60-in. TV, heater, and switch are used. The sizes of the images captured by the scene and eye tracking cameras are 640 × 480 pixels and 1600 × 1200 pixels, respectively. Experiments were performed by 20 people with three home appliances from three viewpoints (left, center, and right) and two Z-distances (270 and 300 cm in case of the TV and heater, 170 and 200 cm in case of the switch) as shown in Fig. 3. Each subject performed the experiments five times, and we captured 1800 scene images for the experiments. The percentage of scene images of users looking at the target is 50%, and that of users looking outside the target boundaries is also 50%. Among 20 participants, 18 were male and 2 were female, and none of them wore glasses or contact lens. The average age (standard deviation) of the 20 participants is 27.4 (1.85), and all of them are able-bodied.

As explained in Section 2.3.1, we use two features for estimating the Z-distance, including the size (F 1 _dist) and average (F 2 _dist) of four lengths (L1 ~ L4 of Fig. 5(b)) of the sides of the quadrangles defined by the NIR patterns. In addition, we use two features for estimating the direction of the user, including the difference (F 1 _direct) between the two y positions of left- and right-top NIR-LED patterns, and the difference (F 2 _direct) between the sum of the two obtuse angles and that of the two acute angles of the quadrangle. Table 3 shows the calculated feature values according to the Z-distance and directions of each home appliance. From the Table 3, we can find that there are differences among the feature values according to the Z-distance and directions, and these feature values can be effective as inputs to fuzzy system.

Table 3 Calculated feature values according to the Z-distance and the direction of each home appliance: (a) F 1 _dist, (b) F 2 _dist, (c) F 1 _direct, and (d) F 2 _direct

With the feature values of Table 3, the output values by the fuzzy system are obtained as shown in Fig. 12. Figure 12 shows the examples of the outputs by fuzzy system with the COG method and Min rule. As shown in Fig. 12, we can find that all the outputs by the fuzzy system can be completely separated according to Z-distances and directions.

Fig. 12
figure 12figure 12

Examples of outputs by the fuzzy system with the COG method and Min rule: ac are the cases of using F 1 _dist and F 2 _dist; df are the cases of using F 1 _direct and F 2 _direct; a TV, b heater, c switch, d TV, e heater, and f switch

For the next experiments, according to various defuzzification methods such as FOM, LOM, MOM, MeOM, and COG with the Min and Max rules, we measured the correct recognition rate of the Z-distance and direction of the TV, heater, and switch. For example, with the TV at the far Z-distance (300 cm) in the right direction, if our fuzzy-based system can correctly recognize this as a TV at the far Z-distance (300 cm) in the right direction, this case is counted as correct recognition. Experimental results showed that the average recognition rate by COG_MIN (COG with Min rule) is the best (100%) and that by FOM_MIN (FOM with Min rule) is the second-best (99.5%).

For the next tests, we measured the root mean square (RMS) errors of the Z-distance and direction estimated by our fuzzy-based system. From the fuzzy output of 0–1, we obtain the actual Z-distance and direction by linear mapping, and calculate the RMS error between the estimated and ground-truth values. Because the correct recognition rates of COG_MIN and FOM_MIN are the first- and second-best, respectively, we show the RMS errors by the COG_MIN and FOM_MIN as shown in Table 4. As shown in Table 4, we can find that the RMS error of estimating the Z-distance is less than approximately 2 cm and that of estimating direction is less than approximately 4°.

Table 4 The RMS errors of the Z-distance and direction estimated by the fuzzy-based system: (a) RMS errors of the Z-distance, (b) RMS errors of the direction at the near Z-distance (TV and heater (270 cm), switch (170 cm)), (c) RMS errors of the direction at the far Z-distance (TV and heater (300 cm), switch (200 cm))

For the next experiment, we measured the accuracies of gaze detection on home appliances in terms of true positive rate (TPR) and true negative rate (TNR) by proposed method and previous one [15]. TPR means the rate at which the calculated gaze position belongs to the area of the home appliance boundary when the user is actually looking at the home appliance. The TNR is that at which the calculated gaze position exists outside of the area of the home appliance boundary when the user is not actually looking at the home appliance. The same dataset made up of 1800 scene images (explained at the beginning of Section 3) is used for this experiment. The details of the employed dataset are explained at the beginning of Section 3.

The gaze detection with our method is performed by compensating the size and shape of the quadrangle area (defined by the NIR patterns as shown in the right image of Fig. 11) by offset according to the Z-distance and direction measured by fuzzy system as explained in Section 2.4. The gaze detection by previous method [15] is performed with geometric transform matrix for gaze detection without the estimation of Z-distance and direction. As shown in Table 5, the TPR and TNR with our method are higher than those by previous method, which shows the effectiveness of our method in gaze detection on home appliances.

Table 5 TPR and TNR with our method and by previous method (unit: %)

In order to prove that the average TPR and TNR with our method are statistically higher than that by previous method, a t-test is performed. The t-test is a statistical hypothesis test which is frequently used in statistical analysis [50]. When the t-test is performed using two independent samples, the average TPR by previous method and that with our method, the calculated p-value is 0.006, which is smaller than the 99% (0.01) significance level. When the t-test is performed using two independent samples, the average TNR by previous method and that with our method, the calculated p-value is 0.015, which is smaller than the 95% (0.05) significance level. The null-hypothesis for the t-test is determined that there is no difference between two TPRs or two TNRs, and this null-hypothesis is rejected on the basis of the p-value. Therefore, we can conclude that there is a significant difference in the average TPR and TNR by previous method [15] and with ours.

For the next analysis, Cohen’s d analysis is performed, through which the size of the difference between the two groups can be shown on the basis of effect size [9]. Cohen’s d is usually determined as small at approximately 0.2 ~ 0.3, medium at approximately 0.5, and large at or higher than 0.8. In Table 6, the calculated Cohen’s d is 1.728 in the case of TPR, and we can conclude that the difference between the average TPR by previous method and with our method is large. In addition, in Table 6, the calculated Cohen’s d is 1.455 in the case of TNR, and we can conclude that the difference between the average TNR by previous method and with our method is large. From the p-value and Cohen’s d, we can conclude that the average TPR and TNR with our method are higher than those by previous method [15] with a significant difference.

Table 6 P-value, Cohen’s d, and effect size calculated between the average TPR and TNR by previous method and with our method

As the last experiment, we measured the processing speed of our method. As shown in Table 7, we found that our system can be operated at a fast speed (about 67.2 (1000/14.887) frames/s).

Table 7 Processing speed of our method (unit: ms)

In our system, the home appliance in the image by frontal viewing camera can be recognized based on the bright spots of NIR pattern. Therefore, even in the case that multiple home appliances are close to each other, all of them can be correctly recognized and the positions of each quadrangle defined by NIR patterns can be detected as shown in Fig. 14.

With the image, the positions of all the bright spots can be located by image binarization and component labeling [13]. In order to group the bright spots according to the kind of home appliance, the following method is used. Two bright spots which are the closest to the left-upper corner (0, 0) and left-lower corner (0, 479) of the image is firstly located, respectively. The image size by frontal viewing camera is 640 × 480 pixels in our system. In Fig. 14, these two bright spots are the left-upper and left-lower corners of heater, respectively. Then, based on these two bright spots, two searching regions are respectively defined at the right positions of these bright spots, and the positions of third and fourth bright spots are also located. From that, the first quadrangle defined by four bright spots is located. Then, except for the four bright spots of the first quadrangle, same procedure is repeated in order to detect the second or third quadrangle. After detecting all the quadrangles in the image, with the four bright spots of each quadrangle, our system checks whether there exists additional bright spot between two corner bright spots of the quadrangle. Based on this information, our system can recognize the kind of home appliance.

Through this procedure, our system can correctly recognize multiple home appliances close to each other, and detect the positions of each quadrangle defined by NIR patterns as shown in Fig. 14. Then, based on the methods of Sections 2.2 and 2.3, the Z-distance and direction from user to the home appliances are estimated. All the Z-distances and directions of Fig. 14 are correctly recognized by our method.

Our fuzzy system-based method (for estimating Z-distance and direction of home appliance) and gaze tracking algorithm do not require any training procedure, and the performance of our method is not affected by the training data. As shown in Section 3 with Tables 4, 5, 6, and 7, and Figs. 12, 13, and 14, we showed the experimental results with analyses for showing the efficiency of our method. Our fuzzy system can produce the continuous values of Z-distance (i.e. 171 cm, 195 cm, 283 cm, etc) and directions (left direction of -3o from the center, right direction of +21o from the center, etc) as shown in Fig. 12 and Table 4 (not discrete value). Therefore, our system can be used in various positions (not in the same position). Based on these continuous values of Z-distance and directions, our system compensates the size and shape of the quadrangle area (defined by the NIR patterns as shown in the right image of Fig. 11) by offset. For example, if a user gazes at the TV at 295 cm although the calibration was performed at 270 cm, the TV size seen by the user inevitably becomes smaller. Therefore, we redefine the TV area (the right image of Fig. 11) by using the smaller area (whose size is decreased by the offset based on the measured (continuous) Z-distance) when our system determines whether the user gazes at the TV. For example, if a user gazes at the TV at the right position of +4o from the center although the calibration is performed at the center, the TV shape seen by the user inevitably becomes distorted (whose shape is distorted by the offset based on the measured angle) as shown in the left image of Fig. 5(a). Therefore, we redefine the TV area (the right image of Fig. 11) by using the distorted area like the left image of Fig. 5(a) when our system determines whether the user gazes at the TV.

Fig. 13
figure 13

T-test of average TPR and TNR by previous and proposed methods. a TPR. b TNR

Fig. 14
figure 14

The examples of recognizing multiple home appliances close to each other. The Z-distances of (a) ~ (c) and (d) ~ (f) are correctly estimated as 270 cm and 300 cm, respectively. The directions from user to home appliances are correctly estimated as (a), (d) right viewpoint, (b), (e) center viewpoint, (c), (f) left viewpoint

A direct trigonometric computation can be considered for estimating Z-distance and direction. However, only the Z-distance and direction to home appliance (coordinate) based on frontal-viewing camera (coordinate) can be obtained by this method. In our research, there exists another gaze tracking camera (coordinate), and the relationship between the frontal viewing camera and gaze tracking camera coordinates should be calibrated also in case of using the trigonometric computation. In addition, user’s eye (coordinate) based on the gaze tracking camera (coordinate) should be considered, also. However, through our fuzzy system-based method, we can easily obtain the gaze position on home appliance (coordinate) directly without these complicated calibration procedures among different cameras, home appliance, and user’s eye coordinates. This is the advantage of our method.

4 Conclusion

In this research, we propose a new method of estimation of Z-distances and directions of home appliances using one (small-sized) web camera and a fuzzy system. Two feature values are extracted for estimating the Z-distance and another two feature values are obtained for estimating the direction. These feature values are used as the input to the fuzzy system, and we can obtain the Z-distance and direction of the home appliance based on the output of the fuzzy system. Experimental results show that the correct recognition rate of Z-distance and direction is 100%. The RMS errors of estimating Z-distance and direction are less than approximately 2 cm and 4°, respectively. In addition, the TPR and TNR with our method are higher than those by previous method, which shows the effectiveness of our method in gaze detection on home appliances.

For future work, we would test the performance of our system with more home appliances, and enhance the accuracy of our system by combining the fuzzy system with a training-based neural network.