1 Introduction

One of the important tasks of document image analysis is automatic reading of text information from the document image. This is performed using the tool Optical Character Recognition, usually abbreviated as OCR, which is referred to the electronic translation of images of handwritten, typewritten or printed text (usually captured by a scanner) into machine editable text. An OCR system enables us to take a book or a magazine article, feed it directly into an electronic computer file, and then edit the file using available word processing software. Mixed-script documents contain text words written in more than one language. As India is a multilingual country, therefore, it is obvious that a document is composed of text contents written in multiple (often two) languages. As a consequence, OCRing such a document possess a real difficulty because the language/script types of the text need to be pre-determined, before employing a particular OCR engine. This is because that every OCR system makes an imperative inherent postulation that a particular script, in which the document is written, is known in advance. Therefore, such processing of documents which heavily depends on OCR would undoubtedly necessitate human intervention to select the suitable OCR package. This criterion is certainly inefficient, undesirable and unrealistic in an automatic multilingual situation. Design of a single recognizer system which can identify a large number of scripts/languages is also perhaps close to impossible. Therefore, before allocating the input document to its corresponding OCR system, it becomes obligatory to initially recognize the language/script in which the document is written.

India is a multilingual country where 23 constitutionally recognized languages are there which are written using 12 major scripts. Besides these, hundreds of other languages are used in India, each one with a number of dialects. The officially recognized languages are: Hindi, Bangla, Punjabi, Gujarati, Oriya, Sindhi, Assamese, Nepali, Marathi, Urdu, Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Kashmiri, Manipuri, Konkani, Maithali, Santhali, Bodo, Dogari and English. Scripts used to write these languages are: Devanagari, Bangla, Oriya, Gujarati, Gurumukhi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Manipuri, Urdu and Roman. The first 11 scripts are originated from the early Brahmi script (300 BC) and are also referred to as Indic scripts [55]. Indic scripts are a logical composition of individual script symbols and follow a common logical structure. This can be referred to as the “script composition grammar” which has no counterpart in any other set of scripts in the world. Indic scripts are written syllabically and are usually visually composed in three tiers where constituent symbols in each tier play specific roles in the interpretation of that syllable. Besides, being the official languages, Hindi and Bangla are the most popular languages (in terms of the total number of speakers) in Indian sub-continent. Devanagari script is used to write Hindi, Nepali, Marathi and Sindhi languages and Bangla script is used to write Assamese, Manipuri and Bangla languages. English is the binding language due to the colonial past in our country as well as the diversity of languages/scripts in India and other parts of the world. However, English written using Roman script is frequently used in conjunction with different Indic scripts while writing a text document. Their usage is frequently seen in advertisements, movies, and text messaging nowadays. A multilingual document such as railway reservation forms, question papers, language translation books and money-order forms, etc. may contain text in more than one script/language. Script identification has long been the forerunner of many OCR processes as a precursor during the preprocessing stages. Identification of scripts is also essential to extract information presented in digitized documents namely, articles, newspapers, magazines and e-books [55]. Document analysis systems that facilitate processing of these stored images are crucial for both efficient archival and providing access to various researchers.

Script identification is a vital footstep that arises in document image analysis particularly in a multi-script and multilingual situation. The solution of this dilemma is the development of an automatic script identification system. Script identification facilitates many important applications such as sorting and selecting appropriate script specific text understanding system and searching online archives of document images comprising of a particular script, etc. [15].

Processing of handwritten and machine printed documents require different approaches. Handwriting consists of elongated strokes, whereas the machine counterpart consists of regularly spaced blobs. Handwritten documents present three challenges for script identification. Firstly, the resemblance among different scripts is more commonly found in handwritten documents rather than in printed ones. Secondly, a single character (or word) written by different individuals possesses the catalog of different possible character (or word) shapes that can be frequently seen in case of handwritten documents. This is due to individual differences, and even differences seen in the writing styles of analogous people at different instances. Thirdly, typical problems such as ruling lines, word fragmentation due to low contrast, noise, skew, etc. are commonly found in handwritten documents. Researchers face enormous difficulties while segmenting and recognizing handwritten text due to the wide variations in handwriting styles which poses huge challenges in script identification scheme.

Script identification is generally achieved at three levels: (a) Page-level, (b) Text-line level and (c) Word-level. A detailed survey on script identification described by Singh et al. [55] shows that researches on identification of different scripts from document pages [15, 25, 26, 36, 38, 50, 56] or text-lines [29, 31, 37, 39, 42, 57] are limited in the literature. In comparison to this, script recognition at the word-level in a multi-script document is generally much more challenging but useful. It is challenging because the information available from only a few characters in a word may not be adequate for the purpose. Furthermore, the variation of different scripts in the form of text words (generally bi-script) is commonly seen rather than in text-lines or document pages. Hence, the identification of scripts at word-level is much more preferable than its other two counterparts. Some researchers have even attempted to do script identification at the character level. However, script recognition at the character level is generally not required in practice. This is because the script usually changes only from one word to the next and not from one character to another within a word. Some of the word-level script identification methodologies are discussed in [9,10,11,12, 16, 17, 24, 40, 41, 44,45,46,47, 49, 51, 53, 54].

It can be observed from the literature study that most of the existing works [9,10,11,12, 16, 17, 24, 40, 41, 45,46,47] are done on printed script words whereas only few works [44, 49, 51, 53, 54] are available for identification of handwritten Indic scripts. K. Roy et al. [49] have described a scheme for word-wise identification of handwritten Roman and Oriya scripts for Indian postal automation. In the proposed scheme, at first, the document skew is corrected. Using a piece-wise horizontal projection, the document is segmented into text lines and by vertical histogram, the text lines are segmented into words. Finally, some features based on fractal dimension, presence of small component, water reservoir, topology of a word, etc. are used for the Oriya and English script word identification by using a MLP classifier. R. Sarkar et al. [51] have proposed 8 holistic features for word-level script identification from Bangla and Devanagari handwritten texts mixed with Roman script by using MLP classifier. P. K. Singh et al. [53] have reported an intelligent feature based technique for word-level script identification of Devanagari script mixed with Roman script. A set of 39 distinctive features comprising of 8 topological and 31 convex hull based features had been designed. An MLP classifier with these 39 features is used to identify the said scripts. In [54], performances of multiple classifiers are evaluated with the designed feature set (described in [53]) for selection of a suitable classifier on randomly selected multiple datasets of Devanagari and Roman script words. A set of statistical significance tests followed by its corresponding post-hoc tests has also been performed as an essential part for validating the performance of the multiple classifiers using multiple datasets. A word-level handwritten Indic script identification technique for 11 different major Indian scripts (including Roman) in bi-script and tri-script scenarios has been proposed by R. Pardeshi et al. [44]. The features are extracted based on the combination of Radon transform, Discrete wavelet transform, Statistical filters and Discrete cosine transform. The classification is done using linear discriminant analysis, Support Vector Machine (SVM) and k-nearest neighbor classifiers.

The main contribution of our work is the development of benchmark databases comprising of 150 Bangla-Roman and 150 Devanagari-Roman mixed-script handwritten document pages. We have also applied a robust page-to-word segmentation algorithm for segmenting the word images from the handwritten document pages. Finally, a method based on Modified log-Gabor filter approach and MLP classifier is also presented for handwritten word-level script identification. The present scheme has also been tested on the developed handwritten databases and the corresponding recognition accuracies in bi-script and tri-script scenarios are also reported here. Fig. 1 shows the block diagram of the present approach.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Schematic diagram showing the key modules of the present approach

The organization of the paper is done in the following way: First, the need for standardization of database is described in Section 2 and some characteristics of Devanagari and Bangla scripts are described in Section 3. Section 4 deals with detailed dataset description including data collection and pre-processing. Compositions of the databases are described in Section 5. Information related to ground truth annotations and GTGen software is described in Section 6. Section 7 discusses the benchmark script separation result on the developed databases, and experimental results and discussion are provided in Section 8. Finally, conclusion and scope of future work are given in Section 9.

2 Need for standardization of experimental data

A document containing text information in more than one script is called a mixed-script document. Many of the Indian documents contain two scripts namely, the state’s official language (local script) and English.

This is because English is frequently used in daily activities, along with almost all official purposes. English is one of the key mediums of education in our country. Even in text-books written in regional language, keywords are mentioned in English too. Above all, as our country-people use various languages, hence, English acts as the binding language for us. These are the main reasons that mixed-script documents are so pertinent in Indian sub-continent. Fig. 2 shows some samples of mixed-script printed documents used in India. All the Indian languages do not have the unique scripts. Some of them share the same script. Among these, Devanagari is the most widely used script; it is the script of Hindi language which is the fourth most popular language in the world. Being the official language, Hindi is a medium through which messages are communicated in multilingual and heterogeneous Indian society. As compared to other languages (international), progress in Devanagari and Bangla character recognition systems have not been achieved satisfactory advancement till date. Also, early researchers paid very little attention to test data collection. Invariably, many of them tested their algorithms on artificially crafted datasets. In our assessment, lack of standard dataset is one of the important reasons for the slow progress in developing the Devanagari and Bangla OCR systems. In order to build a realistic system, researchers need handwriting samples collected from different sections of society. Such samples would help in understanding the complex structure of any script, discovering features, and training and testing the system in real environment. In recent years, efforts to create dataset for Indian languages are being reported in the literature. The study on Indic scripts has got prime attention in last few decades. Many authors have taken the challenges and are working on several Indian languages. A brief summary of dataset available for Indic scripts, surveyed here, is presented in Table 1 for quick referencing. Survey shows that efforts to collect Devanagari or Bangla dataset started after 2000 (Pal et al. [43], Bhattacharya et al. [3], and Jayadevan et al. [28]).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Examples showing mixed-script documents used in Indian sub-continent: a government job application form, b college leave application form, c newspaper advertisement, d Bangla school text-book, and e treasure of Stotras in both Sanskrit and English

Table 1 Summarization of datasets for Indic scripts available till date

However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no public domain database freely available till date for unconstrained handwritten document pages of mixed-script document written in Bangla or Devanagari mixed with Roman words. There are two main important issues related to handling the document pages in a mixed-script environment. The first approach requires a robust page-to-word segmentation technique to extract the words written in different scripts which are fed to the script identification module. Whereas the second approach is to initially perform text-line segmentation followed by word segmentation from the document images. However, the computational complexity using former approach is much less as compared to the latter one. In multi-script environment, a single document is written using a particular script and one can apply the script identification module at page-level to avoid complexities as designing an appropriate script independent text- line/word segmentation technique for handwritten documents is a very challenging task. It may be worth mentioning at this point that for Indic, Arabic, and Chinese scripts, special techniques are required to implement handwritten OCR algorithms. Previous researches on Indic script recognition systems were reported on the basis of databases artificially created for training and testing their developed systems. But, future research in this domain requires standard benchmark databases fulfilling certain criteria depending on the application domain. This will in turn help the researchers to test their developed techniques on a common platform and compare their recognition accuracies. To address these issues, we have been motivated to prepare two moderately large datasets which consist of handwritten document databases containing both Bangla-Roman and Devanagari-Roman words. The research on mixed-script document pages would gain popularity because due to the presence of two contrasting types of scripts inscribed in it.

3 Characteritics of scripts

3.1 Devanagari script

Devanagari script is a derivative of ancient Brahmi script which is mother of almost all Indic scripts. Nearly more than 300 million people from all over the world use Devanagari script [32]. Word formation in Indic scripts follows a definite script composition rule for which there is no counterpart in Roman. Devanagari script is used to write Hindi, Nepali, Marathi, Sindhi, etc. So, this script plays a very important role in the literature and manuscripts in India.

Devanagari has 13 vowels and 33 consonants. Besides this, other constituent symbols in Devanagari are set of vowel modifiers (placed to the left, right, above, or at the bottom of a character or conjunct), pure-consonant (also called half-letter) which when combined with other consonants yield conjuncts. A horizontal line called Shirorekha (a headline) runs through entire span of a word.

3.2 Bangla script

Bangla is the seventh most popular script in the world [32]. Bangla script is used to write Bangla, Assamese and Manipuri languages. There are 11 vowels and 39 consonants in modern Bangla alphabet. They are called basic characters. Sometimes two or more characters get combined and generate a new shape which is known as compound character. Many characters of Bangla alphabet have a horizontal line at the upper zone. This line is called Matra or headline.

4 Database description

4.1 Database nomenclature

Our developed database have been named as CMATERdb1 and CMATERdb2,where CMATER stands for ‘Center for Microprocessor Applications for Training Education and Research’, a research laboratory at Computer Science and Engineering department of Jadavpur University, India, where the current databases are prepared. Here, db symbolizes database, and the numeric values 1 and 2 represent handwritten database at page and word-level respectively. In the current work, we have developed two variations of CMATERdb1and three variations of CMATERdb2 which are enlisted in Table 2. These databases are available freely at https://code.google.com/p/cmaterdb/and the link is also given in our CMATER website (www.cmaterju.org).

Table 2 Tabular representation showing all the variations of the developed databases namely, CMATERdb1 and CMATERdb2

4.2 Data collection

Materials of the handwritten document pages for the proposed databases have been written by different persons. Document pages were collected from various individuals who were requested to write textual contents selected from newspaper articles and text-books containing both Devanagari (or Bangla) and English vocabularies. The writers were asked to use a black or blue ink pen and write inside the margins on all the four sides of A-4 size pages. Most of them took the content from either school text-books, or articles of popular daily Hindi newspaper “Sanmarg”, and Bangla newspaper “Anandabazar Patrika”. No other restrictions were imposed regarding the kind of pen they used or the style of writing chosen. Special attention was paid to ensure data collection from the writers belonging to different origins, age-groups and educational levels. Moreover, we collected the pages from different places (home, office, school etc.) in order to include different styles of writing. In total, 150 men and 150 women participated in this data collection drive. The main highlighting aspect of our developed database is the heterogeneity with respect to three important factors: namely, state of origin, educational background and age among the writers participated in the data collection process which is shown in Fig. 3a-c.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Graphical representation highlighting the writer’s information such as: a state of origin, b educational level, and c age group

4.3 Digitization and pre-processing

All the document pages were scanned using a flatbed scanner with 300 dpi gray scale image resolution. Each page, meant for the databases CMATERdb1.5.1and CMATERdb1.2.2, is stored in 24-bitmap file format with the naming convention HE###.bmp and BE###.bmp respectively. ### is a unique integer given to the file name to maintain sequence, and HE or BE refers to the document type, i.e., DevanagariRoman or Bangla-Roman, respectively. One sample image from each of these databases is shown in Fig. 4a-b. On the other hand, the remaining three databases namely, CMATERdb2.1.3, CMATERdb2.2.3 and CMATERdb2.3.1, are also stored as 24-bitmap file format with the same naming convention data#####.bmp. After scanning, the documents are binarized by simple adaptive thresholding technique, where the threshold was chosen as the average of maximum and minimum gray level values in each document image. All the binarized images were archived in DAT format, where foreground and background pixels are represented as ‘0’ and ‘1’, respectively. Then, the documents are preprocessed in order to remove all the remaining noisy artifacts like long lines present along the margins on the collection sheet. All the binarized images are finally labeled with the ground truth annotations for the purpose of script recognition.

Fig. 4
figure 4

a-b Sample document images from: a CMATERdb1.5.1, and b CMATERdb1.2.2

5 Develpoed database

CMATERdb1.5.1, the Devanagari mixed with Roman scripts handwritten document database contains 150 pages in its first version whereas CMATERdb1.2.2 contains 150 handwritten document pages in its second version comprising of Bangla mixed with Roman script. Each of the document pages of these databases are described with the help of some auxiliary information like height, width and aspect ratio, total number of text lines and Devanagari/Bangla script words, and statistical estimations of the average horizontal and vertical stroke widths.

Detailed descriptions regarding the averages and standard deviations of all the attributes of document pages of the two databases are uploaded as supplementary files in the database website [https://code.google.com/p/cmaterdb/]. Document attributes related to page dimensions are actually based on the scanned region of the images. In most cases, we have attempted to preserve the original/physical page dimensions, but in some cases, they may get compromised because of misalignment due to scanning or cropping of torn out page boundaries. Counting of total number of text lines as well as number of words written in different scripts in the document images are done manually at the CMATER research laboratory. These attributes are necessary for evaluating effective page segmentation and script identification algorithms. Stroke width in any binarized document image is estimated as the run of black pixels in any given direction (horizontal/vertical) which is shown in Fig. 5. Unlike other features, these two features are computed programmatically and are particularly useful in estimating an important characteristic of the writers, i.e., the connectedness in writing style. These writers’ characteristics play key roles in designing different features for character/word recognition.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Illustration of horizontal and vertical stroke widths on a sample Devanagari script word

Popularly used run length-based features are specifically sensitive to stroke width of any unconstrained handwriting. Run-length based horizontalness and verticalness attributes in document/word images are widely used for script separation from document images. Average horizontal stroke width has been calculated as the mean of all the continuous run of black pixels along the rows. Likewise, average vertical stroke width is also computed over the mean of column-wise runs of black pixels. In order to estimate the variation of density of text words present in the handwritten document pages, counts of the number of Roman words written in each document page taken from the database CMATERdb1.5.1 and CMATERdb1.2.2 are also shown in Fig. 6a-b respectively.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Graphical analysis showing the histogram of the frequency of occurrence of Roman script words written in each document page taken from the database: a CMATERdb1.2.2, and b CMATERdb1.5.1 respectively

6 Ground truth of the databases

Generation of appropriate ground truth data has always been a challenging and tiresome task for the kind of problem under consideration. Availability of ground truth information, however, makes any database more useful, enabling proper evaluation of one’s technique by comparing their output with the ground truth. In this work, we have prepared ground truth images for all the pages of our databases, viz., CMATERdb1.5.1 and CMATERdb1.2.2 for script identification application. For each of the two handwritten databases, we have generated the ground truth information, which has been archived as CMATERgt1.5.1 and CMATERgt1.2.2, respectively. These ground truth images of the databases are prepared in a semi-automatic way. We have applied a two-password identification approach, as described in [59], for identifying individual word images from any document image containing Bangla/Devanagari script words mixed with Roman script words. In the first pass, key points are initially estimated from the handwritten document images using Harris corner point detection algorithm. Harris corner detector [23] is based on the local auto-correlation function of an image which measures local changes of an image with patches shifted by a small amount in different directions. It is based on the Moravec Operator which is used to compare the error between shifted patches with the original image using sum of squared differences [33]. The feature points generated from Harris corner point detection are passed on to Density-based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) algorithm [19]. Given a set of points in some space, it groups together points that are closely packed together, marking as outlier points that lie unaccompanied in low-density regions. DBSCAN requires two parameters: 1) distance up to which points are to be checked whether it belongs to a particular cluster or not i.e., ε and the minimum number of points required toform a dense region (minPts). These points’ neighborhood up to distance ε is retrieved, and if it contains significant number of points, a cluster is initiated. Values of ε and minPts for the present work are set on trial-and-error basis while executing the DBSCAN algorithm. Finally, the boundary of the text words present in a document image are estimated based on the convex hull [22] drawn for each of the clustered key points. In the second pass, a simple post-processing technique has been applied for handling the two major error cases: over-segmentation and under-segmentation of the words. If a single word component is erroneously broken down into two/more parts, then it is considered as an over-segmentation error. Whereas if two/more words are recognized as a single word, then it is considered as an under-segmentation error. Possible causes of these errors are either wrongly detection of Harris corner points or improper clustering of the corner points around the word images. To combine over-segmented components, spatial distance between two neighbouring convex hulls is measured to verify their closeness and those two convex hulls are merged if they are close by. For under-segmented components, vertical histogram of the word image is considered and the minima valley is calculated which considers the gap in between two or more consecutive words. This gap is taken into consideration to separate the word images. Examples of successful word extraction algorithm on document pages taken from the two databases CMATERdb1.5.1 andCMATERdb1.2.2 are shown in Figs. 7a and b respectively.

Fig. 7
figure 7

a-b Sample document pages after the application of word identification algorithm on: a CMATERdb1.5.1, and b CMATERdb1.2.2

Then, a software tool called GTGen version 1.1, developed in CMATER research laboratory, is used for correcting the possible errors that might have been generated in script separation algorithm. In addition, we have also used GTGen to recolor those words or part of the words which have been labeled erroneously by our script separation technique. It may be noted that all the ground truth images are stored in bitmap file format, where the background is labeled in white and individual scripts are marked in different colors. All the files in CMATERgt1.5.1 and CMATERgt1.2.2 are named as GTHE###.bmp and GTBE###.bmp respectively. Figs. 8a-b shows sample ground truth images from the two databases respectively, prepared for the script separation application.

Fig. 8
figure 8

a-b Sample ground truth images taken from a CMATERgt1.5.1 and, b CMATERgt1.2.2. (where Devanagari and Bangla scripts are shown in blue color, Roman script shown is in red color and non-text components are shown in black color)

GTGen version 1.1 is a software tool, developed in Visual Basic dot net technology at the CMATER research laboratory that can label text in any chosen color. GTGen reads images having white background. One can select any color from a color panel and use that to recolor the text by selecting the intended region with a mouse. Using this technique, we can easily correct errors in our script identification algorithm to generate ground truth data. We can even use this tool to label words written in different scripts for mixed-script document pages or even generate ground truths for text-line and word segmentation algorithms. This software setup is also made available freely at https://code.google.com/p/cmaterdb/.

7 Benchmark script identification result on the developed databases

For any successful pattern classification system, it is very challenging but essential to design features which are strong enough to categorize an input pattern to the actual class to which it belongs to. Proposed scheme is inspired from the observation that the humans are capable of distinguishing unknown scripts just based on visual inspection. We assume the script identification as a process of the texture classification. In general, a texture is a complex visual pattern composed of sub-patterns (http://www.csse.uwa.edu.au/~pk/research/matlabfns/PhaseCongruency/Docs/convexpl.html). However, theses sub-patterns lack a sound mathematical model. Thus, we have hired a Modified log-Gabor filter approach (already described in [58]) based on Gabor filter for handwritten script identification.

Gabor filters are local and linear band-pass filters in which a sinusoidal plane at a certain orientation and frequency is modulated by a Gaussian envelop. Impulse response of these filters is generated by multiplying a complex oscillation with Gaussian envelope function. 2D Gabor filter function can be written as [20]:

$$ \varphi \left( x, y\right)=\frac{f^2}{\pi \gamma \omega}{e}^{-\left(\frac{f^2}{\gamma^2}{x^{\hbox{'}}}^2+\frac{f^2}{\gamma^2}{y^{\hbox{'}}}^2\right){e}^{j2\pi f{x}^{\hbox{'}}}} $$


\( {x}^{\hbox{'}}= \) :

xcosθ + y sin θ

\( {y}^{\hbox{'}}= \) :

−xcosθ + y sin θ

In spatial domain (Eq. (1)), Gabor filter is the product of a complex plane wave (a 2D Fourier basis function) and an origin-centered Gaussian. Here, f is the central frequency of the filter, θ is the rotation angle, γis sharpness (bandwidth) along the Gaussian major axis, and ω is sharpness along the minor axis (perpendicular to the wave). In the given form, the aspect ratio of the Gaussian which is denoted by 1/γ. This function, in frequency domain, takes the following analytical form (http://www.csse.uwa.edu.au/~pk/research/matlabfns/PhaseCongruency/Docs/convexpl.html):

$$ \varphi \left( u, v\right)={e}^{\frac{-{\pi}^2}{f^2}\left({\gamma}^2{\left({u}^{\hbox{'}}- f\right)}^2+{v^{\hbox{'}}}^2{\omega}^2\right)} $$


\( {u}^{\hbox{'}}= \) :

ucosθ + vsinθ

\( {v}^{\hbox{'}}= \) :

ucosθ + vcosθ

Gabor filters possess excellent joint localization characteristics in both the spatial and the frequency domains and its convolution kernel is obtained by multiplying a Gaussian and a cosine function. However, most applications that employ Gabor filters require a large bank of filters leading to high computational cost. Additionally, they have two main limitations:-

  • Maximum bandwidth of a Gabor filter is limited to approximately one octave.

  • Gabor filters are not optimal if one is seeking broad spectral information with maximal spatial localization.

To overcome the above limitations, log-Gabor filter was constructed with arbitrary bandwidth and the bandwidth can be utilized to build a filter with minimal spatial extent. Feature extraction procedure based on our Modified log-Gabor methodology is detailed below:

Consider there are n s scales and n o number of orientations, resulting in n s  × n o different filters. Let J denotes the Fourier transform of the input word image, G s,o is the Gabor filter at scale s and orientation o, and Vs,o is the output of the convolution of G s,o and J.

$$ {V}_{s, o}={J}^{\ast }{G}_{s, o} $$

Local responses of each of the Gabor filters can also be represented in terms of amplitude A s,o (x, y) and energy E s,o (x, y) as defined below,

$$ {A}_{s, o}=\mid {V}_{s, o}\left( x, y\right)\mid $$


$$ {E}_{s, o}\left( x, y\right)=\mid Real\left\{{V}_{s, o}\left( x, y\right)\right\}\mid \hbox{--} \mid Img\ \left\{{V}_{s, o}\left( x, y\right)\right\}\mid $$

where (x, y) denotes 2D coordinates of a pixel, and Real and Img denote the real and imaginary parts of the filter responses respectively. Next, we define the median over all orientations for a fixed scale s for A s,o and E s,o as follows:

$$ {A}_s\left( x, y\right)= median\left\{ o=1,2\dots, {n}_o\right\}\ {A}_{s, o}\left( x, y\right) $$


$$ {E}_s\left( x, y\right)= median\left\{ o=1,2\dots, {n}_o\right\}\ {E}_{s, o}\left( x, y\right) $$

Finally, the phase symmetry measure, denoted by η(x,y) is defined as follows:

$$ \eta \left( x, y\right)=\frac{\sum_{s=1}^{n_s}{E}_s\left( x, y\right)}{\sum_{s=1}^{n_s}\kern0.75em {A}_s\left( x, y\right)} $$

For the present work, features based on Modified log-Gabor filter have been extracted for 5 scales (n s  = 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) and 6 orientations (n o  = 00, 300, 600, 900, 1200, and 1500), where each filter is convolved with the input image to obtain 30(5*6) different representations (response matrices) for a given input image. These response matrices are then converted to feature vectors. Each input image provides us with one feature vector consisting of 30 elements. Application of the Modified log-Gabor filter based approach on a sample handwritten Devanagari script word for 5 scales and 6 orientations is shown in Fig. 9.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Illustration of output images after performing Modified log-Gabor filter based approach on a sample handwritten Devanagari script word a for 5 scales and 6 orientations (The first row shows the output for n o  = 00 and five scales, the second row shows the output for n o  = 300 and five scales, and so on)

8 Experimental analysis and discussion

Evaluation of the script separation technique, as discussed above, has been applied on the set of 150 handwritten documents of CMATERdb1.2.2 and150 handwritten documents of CMATERdb1.5.1. In our experiments, all the schemes are executed in the same environment, i.e., on a PC with an Intel Dual Core processor (2.13 GHz) and 2 GB RAM. In this experiment, CMATERdb1.2.2 is named as Dataset#1 and CMATERdb1.5.1 is named as Dataset#2. The first part of the experiment involves the extraction of the text words form Datasets#1 and #2 using the technique already described in [59]. For evaluating the performance of the word segmentation algorithm (shown in Table 3), we have considered two types of errors: (a) Over-segmentation (O) and (b) Under-segmentation (U). Denoting the number of actual text words present in a given document page as T, the success rate (SR) of the present technique can be calculated as follows:

$$ SR=\left[\frac{{\left( T-\left( O+ U\right)\right)}^{\ast }100}{T}\right] $$
Table 3 Performance evaluation of the word segmentation algorithm on Datasets#1 and #2

It is noted from Table 3 that the word extraction algorithm attains segmentation accuracies of 89.65% and 91.27% on Datasets#1 and #2 respectively.

The second part of the experiment focuses on the selection of a suitable classifier for our script recognition algorithm using Modified log-Gabor filter based approach. A 3-fold cross validation scheme has been used for this purpose. For bi-script scenario, a total of 19,507 words (12,620 Bangla and 6887 Roman words) have been randomly selected from CMATERdb2.1.3 and CMATERdb2.3.1 for the training purpose whereas the remaining 9755 words (6311 Bangla and 3444 Roman words) have been chosen for the testing purpose which is named as Dataset#3. A total of 17,239 words (10,352 Devanagari and 6887 Roman words) have been randomly selected from CMATERdb2.2.3 and CMATERdb2.3.1for the training purpose whereas the remaining 8620 words (5176 Devanagari and 3444 Roman words) have been chosen for the testing purpose which is named as Dataset#4. Similarly, for tri-script scenario, a total of 29,859 words (12,620 Bangla, 10,352 Devanagari and 6887 Roman words) have been randomly selected from all the three word databases for the training purpose whereas the remaining 14,931 words (6311 Bangla, 5176 Devanagari and 3444 Roman words) have been taken for the testing purpose, named as Dataset#5. The designed feature set has been individually applied to eight well-known classifiers namely, Naïve Bayes, Bayes Net, MLP, SVM, Random Forest, Bagging, MultiClass Classifier and Logistic. A brief description of these classifiers is discussed below:

  • Naïve Bayes: Naive Bayes classifiers are a family of simple probabilistic classifiers based on applying Bayes’ theorem with strong (naive) independence assumptions between the features. It is called “naive” because it incorporates a simple assumption that attribute values are conditionally independent, given the classification of the instance. Naive Bayes classifiers [48] are highly scalable, requiring a number of parameters linear in the number of variables (features/predictors) in a learning problem. Maximum-likelihood training can be done by evaluating a closed-form expression, which takes linear time, rather than by expensive iterative approximation as used for many other types of classifiers.

  • Bayes Net: This classifier is a probabilistic graphical model (a type of statistical model) that represents a set of random variables and their conditional dependencies by means of a directed acyclic graph. Popular Bayesian classifier [30] uses Bayes network learning using different search algorithms and quality parameters. The base class of this classifier provides data structures such as conditional probability distributions, network structure etc. and facilities common Bayes network learning algorithms like K2 and B.

  • MLP: MLP [2], special kind of Artificial Neural Network (ANN), is a feed-forward layered network of artificial neurons. Each artificial neuron in the MLP computes a sigmoid function of the weighted sum of all its inputs. An MLP consists of one input layer, one output layer and a number of hidden or intermediate layers. Numbers of neurons in the input and the output layers of MLP are mainly chosen as the number of features extracted for the given problem and the number of output classes respectively. Number of neurons in other layers and the number of layers in the MLP are all determined by a trial and error method at the time of its training.

  • SVM: SVM classifier [7] effectively maps pattern vectors to a high dimensional feature space where a ‘best’ separating hyperplane (the maximal margin hyperplane) is constructed. Maximal margin results in better generalization and a global solution for the problem, which is a highly desirable property for a classifier to perform well on a novel dataset. Support vector machines are less complex (smaller VC dimension) and perform better (lower actual error) with limited training data. SVM classifier is found to be suitable for most pattern recognition problems having large number of classes and high dimensional input data due to its effective training and testing algorithms and natural extension to the kernel methods. There are number of kernels that can be used in SVM models such as linear, polynomial, radial basis function (RBF) and sigmoid. For the present work, we have implemented RBF based SVM.

  • Random Forest: A collection or ensemble of simple tree predictors constitute a Random Forest, each capable of producing a response when presented with a set of predictor values. For classification problems, these responses acquire the type of a class membership, which relates, or classifies, a set of independent predictor values with one of the categories present in the dependent variable. Response of each tree depends on a set of predictor values selected independently (with replacement) and with the similar distribution for all trees in the forest, which is a subset of the predictor values of the original data set. Optimal size of the subset of predictor variables is given by \( {log}_2^{M+1} \), where M is the number of inputs. Given a set of simple trees and a set of random predictor variables, Random Forest classifier defines a margin function that computes the extent to which average number of votes for the correct class surpasses the average vote for any other class present in the dependent variable. For more detail refer to [6].

  • Bagging: Bagging (Bootstrap aggregating) classifier is an ensemble meta-estimator that fits base classifiers each on random subsets of the original dataset and then aggregate their individual predictions (either by voting or by averaging) to form a final prediction. Such a meta-estimator can typically be used as a way to reduce the variance of a black-box estimator (e.g., a decision tree), by introducing randomization into its construction procedure and then making an ensemble out of it. It also reduces variance and helps to avoid overfitting. Although it is usually applied to decision tree methods, it can be used with any type of method. For more detail, please refer to [5].

  • MultiClass Classifier: This classifier [4] is a meta-classifier for handling multi-class datasets with 2-class classifiers. It is also capable of applying error correcting output codes for increased accuracy.

  • Logistic: It is a classifier for building linear logistic regression model [8]. Here, LogitBoost is used with simple regression function as base learner for fitting logistic model. Optimal number of LogitBoost iterations to be performed, is cross-validated which, in turn, helps in selecting automatic attributes.

Script identification performances of the present technique using each of these classifiers and their corresponding success rates achieved on Datasets#3, #4 and #5are shown in Fig. 10. It can be seen from the figure that the highest script identification accuracies achieved by the present technique are found to be 92.32%, 95.30% and 93.78% on Dataset#3, Dataset#4 and Dataset#5 respectively. The performance analysis involves two parameters namely, Model Building Time (MBT) and Recognition Time (RT). MBT is defined as a parameter which is measured based on the time required to train the system on the given training samples and RT is defined as a parameter which is measured based on the time required to recognize (test) the test set samples. MBT and RT required by the above mentioned classifiers for all three datasets are shown in Figs. 11(a-b). Recognition accuracy of the method is estimated by the following equation:

$$ Recognition\ Accuracy=\frac{\# Correctly\ classified\ words}{\# Total\ words}\times 100\% $$
Fig. 10
figure 10

Graph showing the recognition accuracies of the proposed script identification technique using eight classifiers in bi-script scenario on Dataset#3, Dataset#4 and Dataset#5

Fig. 11
figure 11

Graphical comparison of: a Model Building Time (MBT), and b Recognition Time (RT) required by eight different classifiers on Dataset#3, Dataset#4 and Dataset#5

8.1 Statistical Significance tests

Statistical significance of the present experimental setup has also been measured as an essential part for validating the performance of multiple classifiers using multiple datasets. For statistical comparison of multiple classifiers, two or more classifiers are first trained and tested on a suitable set of datasets and then their classification accuracies are evaluated. A large dataset is randomly divided to create small datasets with different sample sizes. Performances of different classifiers are then carried out for each randomly created dataset. The only requirement for performing non-parametric tests is that the compiled results provide reliable estimates of the classification algorithms’ performances on each dataset [54]. In the usual experimental setups, these numbers come from cross-validation or from repeated stratified random splits onto training and testing datasets. The term “sample size” refers to the number of datasets used, not the number of training/testing samples taken from each individual set. Sample size can therefore lies between 5 and 30.

To do so, we have performed a safe and robust non-parametric Friedman test [21] with corresponding post-hoc tests. For the experimentation on Dataset#3, number of randomly selected datasets (N) and number of classifiers (k) are set as 12 and 8 respectively. Performances of the classifiers on different datasets are shown in Table 4. On the basis of these performances, classifiers are then ranked for each dataset separately, and the best performing algorithm gets rank 1, second best gets rank 2, and so on (see Table 4). Average ranks are assigned in case of ties.

Table 4 Recognition accuracies of 8 classifiers and their corresponding ranks using 12 different datasets (ranks in parentheses are used for performing Friedman test)

Let \( {r}_j^i \) be the rank of j th classifier on i th dataset. Then, the mean of ranks of the j th classifier over all the N datasets will be computed as:

$$ {R}_j=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N{r}_j^i $$

The null hypothesis states that all the classifiers are equivalent and so their ranks R j should be equal. To justify it, Friedman statistic [21] is computed as follows:

$$ {\chi}_F^2=\frac{12 N}{k\left( k+1\right)}\left[\sum_j{R}_j^2-\frac{{k\left( k+1\right)}^2}{4}\right] $$

Under the current experimentation, this statistic is distributed according to \( {\upchi}_{\mathrm{F}}^2 \) with k-1(=7) degrees of freedom. Using Eq. (12), value of \( {\chi}_F^2 \) is calculated as 26.075. From the table of critical values [available in any standard statistical book], value of \( {\chi}_F^2 \) with 7 degrees of freedom is 14.0671 for α = 0.05 (where α is known as level ofsignificance). It can be seen that the computed \( {\chi}_F^2 \) differs significantly from the standard \( {\chi}_F^2 \). So the null hypothesis is rejected.

Iman et al. [27] derived a better statistic using the following formula:

$$ {F}_F=\frac{\left( N-1\right){\chi}_F^2}{N\left( k-1\right)-{\chi}_F^2} $$

F F is distributed according to F-distribution with k– 1 (=7) and (k − 1)(N − 1) (=77) degrees of freedom. Using Eq. (13), value of F F is calculated as 4.952.Critical value of F (7, 77) for α =0.05 is 2.147 [see any standard statistical book] which shows a significant difference between the standard and calculated values of F F . Thus, both Friedman and Iman et al. statistics reject the null hypothesis.

As the null hypothesis is rejected, Nemenyi test [34], a post-hoc test, is carried out for pair-wise comparisons of the best and worst performing classifiers. Performances of two classifiers significantly differ if the corresponding average ranks differ by at least the critical difference (CD) which is expressed as:

$$ CD={q}_{\alpha}\sqrt{\frac{k\left( k+1\right)}{6 N}} $$

For Nemenyi’s test, value of q 0.05 for eight classifiers is 3.031 (see Table 5a of [14]). So, CD is calculated as \( 3.031\sqrt{\frac{8\times 9}{6\times 12}} \) i.e. 3.031 using Eq. (14). Since, the difference between mean ranks of the best and worst classifiers is much greater than the CD, we can conclude that there is a significant difference between the performing ability of the classifiers. For comparing all classifiers with a control classifier (say MLP), we have applied Bonferroni-Dunn test [18]. For this test, CD is calculated using the same Eq. (14). But here, the value of q 0.05 for 8 classifiers is 2.690 (see Table 5(b) of [14]). So, CD for Bonferroni-Dunn test is calculated as 2.690\( \sqrt{\frac{8\times 9}{6\times 12}} \) i.e. 2.690. As the difference between the mean ranks of any classifier and MLP is always greater than CD, so the chosen control classifier performs significantly better than other classifiers for Dataset#3.A graphical representation of the above mentioned post-hoc tests for comparison of seven different classifiers on Dataset#3 is shown in Fig. 12. Similarly, it can also be shown for Dataset#4 and Dataset#5, that the chosen classifier (MLP) performs significantly better than the other seven classifiers.

Table 5 Detailed results of the present script recognition technique using MLP classifier on: a Dataset#3, b Dataset#4 and c Dataset#5
Fig. 12
figure 12

Graphical representation of comparison of multiple classifiers for: a Nemenyi’s Test and b Bonferroni-Dunn’s Test

8.2 Detailed evaluation of MLP classifier

After performing above mentioned statistical significance tests over the 12 datasets and eight classifiers, we can conclude that MLP outperforms all other classifiers for all the three datasets. So, MLP classifier has been chosen for exhaustive testing by tuning its different parameters. For designing the requisite model for each of the MLP based classifiers, several runs of Back Propagation learning algorithm with learning rate (η) = 0.6 and momentum term (α) = 0.7 are executed for different number of neurons in its hidden layer.

The model is trained for 1000 iterations. For the experiment, each dataset (i.e., CMATERdb1.2.2 and CMATERdb1.5.1) is divided into 3 subsets and testing is done on each subset using rest of the subsets for learning. That is, for the first subset, the training is done with the text words extracted from the document pages 1 to 100 and testing is done with the remaining pages 101 to 150. The second subset of the experiment involves the selection of text words from the document pages 1 to 50 and 101 to 150 while testing is done with the remaining pages 51 to 100. Finally, for the third subset of the experiment, the selection of text words is done from the document pages 51 to 150 while testing is done with the remaining pages 1 to 50. The accuracies of three different runs of script identification scheme on test sets of Datasets #3, #4 and #5 are detailed in Tables 5a, b and c respectively. In the present work, detailed error analysis with respect to different parameters namely, Kappa statistics, Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), True Positive Rate (TPR), False Positive Rate (FPR), Precision, Recall, F-measure, Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) and Area Under ROC (AUC) are computed. Table 6 provides a statistical performance analysis with respect to ten parameters for each of the above mentioned datasets.

Table 6 Statistical performance measures achieved by the proposed technique on Dataset#3, Dataset#4 and Dataset#5

The overall performances of the technique applied on both the databases are also shown in Table 7. Fig. 13 shows some samples of successful script identification of different scripts taken from both the databases.

Table 7 Overall best case performances of MLP classifier on all the three Datasets
Fig. 13
figure 13

Sample images of successful script identification of a-b Bangla script, c-d Devanagari script, e-f Roman script

In concluding part of the experiment, the handwritten text words present in the said databases have been classified into three types depending on the number of the characters present in a word image. These are: (a) small-sized words, (b) middle-sized words, and (c) large-sized words. If the number of characters present in any word image is less than 3, then it is termed as small-sized words whereas if the number of characters lies between 3 and 5, it is called middle-sized words. Again, if the number of characters is found to be more than 5, it is labeled as large-sized words. Counting of the characters present in each word image has been performed manually in our laboratory. Based on this counting, the text words present in the databases are grouped into the above-said three classes for each of the three above mentioned databases. For each of these databases, the number of words in each class is shown in Table 8. Same script identification algorithm is again applied to them individually and the recognition is done with cross-validation scheme using MLP classifier. Recognition accuracies recorded for each of the word classes are detailed in Table 9.

Table 8 Number of small-sized, middle-sized and large-sized words present in the databases CMATERdb2.1.3, CMATERdb2.2.3 and CMATERdb2.3.1
Table 9 Recognition performances of MLP classifier for bi-script and tri-scenarios on all the three datasets (best case for each class is styled in bold and shaded in grey)

8.3 Comparison with other state-of-the-art works

For comparison of the present work with some recent works, proposed feature sets as described in [12, 25, 49, 51, 54, 57] have been implemented and evaluated on the developed databases. We have also measured the computational time of the feature extraction. In the experiments, all the schemes are executed in the same environment, i.e., using MATLAB R2009a on a PC with an Intel Dual Core processor (2.13 GHz) and 2 GB memory. From the outcome (see Table 10), it is noted that the current feature set not only gives higher identification accuracies but it is also very fast compared to other methods. So, it may be concluded from the result that the proposed technique outperforms the previous ones.

Table 10 Performance comparison of the proposed script identification technique with some state-of-the-art techniques

8.4 Error analysis

It is evident from Table 7 that only few words from Dataset#4 are misclassified during testing. This can be due to discontinuities in Matra and poor quality of documents due to presence of noise. Sample word images written in Devanagari script are shown in Figs. 14c-d. On the other hand, comparatively low accuracy has been observed for the word images present in Dataset#3. Errors are also observed when there is overwriting. Due to structural similarity in some words, high rate of error is observed in these words. For example, the word seen in Fig. 14f is actually a Roman script word “or” but it is very much similar to Bangla script word “Baa”. This is why, the said Roman script word image is misclassified as Bangla script word. Some words are written in structurally different ways, depending on the educational and regional background of the writer. For example, no Matra like component is found in word images of Figs. 14a and c, written in Bangla script whereas the same is found in the word image of Fig. 14e, written in Roman script and these are misclassified among each other. Thus sample word images written in Bangla script, shown in Figs. 14a-b, are misclassified as Roman script. Few Roman script words are also misclassified (see Figs. 14e-f). This is due to existence of Matra like component in the word for which the extracted feature values are almost similar to those for the words written in Devanagari/Bangla scripts. In addition, presence of some small components found in the upper part of Devanagari/Bangla script misclassifies them into Roman script or vice-versa. Apart from this, misclassification is mostly seen in the categories of small-sized and middle-sized words rather than in large-sized words. This may be due to the fact that the feature values extracted from such classes of words may not be sufficient enough for the script identification purpose.

Fig. 14
figure 14

Sample images of unsuccessful script identification of a-b Bangla script (misclassified as Roman script), c-d Devanagari script (misclassified as Roman script), and, e-f Roman script (misclassified as Bangla script)

9 Conclusion

In this paper, development of benchmark databases for unconstrained handwritten document pages containing both Bangla-Roman (Dataset#1) and Devanagari-Roman (Dataset#2) mixed-script words are reported. Dataset#2 is first of its kind in this domain of application, i.e., OCR of handwritten Devanagari script mixed with Roman script. In addition, the second version of Dataset#1 containing 150 handwritten document pages containing Bangla mixed with Roman script words has been provided. Each document contains characters, text, digits, and other symbols written by different persons. Despite many research efforts in this domain, availability of standard benchmark dataset is limited for Devanagari/Bangla script. The current work also assessed our word segmentation algorithm on mixed-script document pages written in Bangla/Devanagari mixed with Roman script and we have attained reasonable segmentation accuracies of 89.65% and 91.27% on both developed datasets respectively. We have also evaluated Modified log-Gabor filter based feature extractor for identifying the scripts in mixed-script text documents using MLP based classifier and the script identification accuracies on these handwritten document pages in bi-script and tri-script scenarios are also reported here. Apart from this, we have also provided the word-level ground truth annotations of both the databases which are available freely in public domain. Improvement of the ground truth generation software by including the text line extraction routine and performance evaluation metrics are also in our future plans of research. Moreover, some additional techniques must also be devised which will be integrated with the existing scheme in order to recognize the misclassified small and middle-sized script word images.

In future releases of the database, our aim is to increase the database quantity consisting of document pages written in purely Devanagari script and may also include other Matra-based scripts like Gurumukhi, Gujarati, Oriya etc. and collect other possible mixed-script document pages. In short, we have attempted to provide databases for the researchers interested in a challenging problem domain, related to mixed-script OCR systems of unconstrained handwritten document pages containing Devanagari/Bangla texts mixed with Roman script words.