Retraction Note to: Mol Cell Biochem (2013) 377:177–185

The Editor-in-Chief has retracted this article at the author's request. After publication of the article, the authors realized that images for Fig. 2B and 4A were mistakenly grouped together and labeled. Publisher's investigation also found multiple image concerns in Figs. 2A, 2C, 6A and 6B (see below).

  • Partial image overlap in Fig. 2A specifically 2A-b with Fig. 2B ‘Control’ image of [1] authored by some of the same authors.

  • Image overlap of Fig. 2B of this article specifically 2B-c with Fig. 4C specifically bottom image ‘b’ of [2] authored by some of the same authors.

  • Partial image overlap in Fig. 2C, specifically 1st band of the 4th lane of WB (Cytokeratin) with Fig. 4A of our article, specifically the last band of the 1st lane of WB (P-Smad2) and also with Fig. 7 specifically the third band of the 2nd lane of WB (P-smad 3) of [3] authored by some of the same authors. Similarly, partial image overlap in Fig. 2C specifically 1st band of the 4th lane of WB (Cytokeratin) with Fig. 7 specifically the last band of the 2nd lane of WB (P-smad 3) of [3] authored by some of the same authors.

  • Partial Image overlap in Fig. 4A, specifically the last three bands of the upper lane of WB (P-Smad2) with Fig. 7 specifically the first three bands of the second lane of WB (P-Smad3) of [3] authored by some of the same authors. Similarly, partial Image overlap in Fig. 4A specifically the first three bands of the middle lane of WB (Smad2) with Fig. 7 specifically the first three bands of the third lane of WB (P-Smad3) of [3] authored by some of the same authors.

  • Partial image overlap in sub-images of Figs. 6A, & 6B with sub-images in Figs. 4D, 4E of [4] authored by some of the same authors and with sub-images in Fig. 3A of [5] authored by some of the same authors of our article.

  • Partial image overlap in Fig. 6B specifically between SF-CM from BGC-823 and SF-CM + anti -TGF-b1.

The Editor-in-Chief therefore no longer has confidence in the presented data. All authors agree to this retraction.