
Medical images must be protected from the security breaches, if the patient information is to be confident. Mammography is one of the most sensitive techniques to identify the breast cancer of a women by examining the breasts. In mammography, X-ray imaging is used in the detection and diagnoses of breast diseases in women. There are high chances for these information to be hacked and data may be altered by the third party. So this images which are obtained from mammogram must be encrypted and stored in the secure manner. For this security purposes, cryptographic algorithm can be employed. Even the recent advanced breast tomosynthesis images can also be encrypted and decrypted using the different cryptographic algorithms.

For more than 2 decades DES (Data Encryption Standard) is the most standard algorithm used for the secure communication between end users. But because of some shortcomings in DES, such as key length, in 2001, NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) made Rijndael the new standard cipher AES [1]. This new AES architecture was jointly invented and processed by Belgian researchers Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijment.

With embedded systems, faster execution of the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm is a critical problem. Therefore, many alternative possible ways are to be developed in implementing AES with minimum propagation delay. Over the past two decades, many embedded architectures have been proposed and their performances are evaluated using Field Programmable Gate Arrays and Application Specific Integrated Circuits. Most of these new architectures are based on the variations in S-Box architecture to provide faster execution and less power consumption. Area occupied by AES encryption algorithm is also a constraint on implanting the algorithm in ASIC’s and FPGA’s.

In this research paper, we investigated and proposed a new design methodology for a better AES with faster execution and better area management. In this paper, the new design has been focused on the logic or gate level, rather than looking at the transistor level. Because of this consideration, this new architecture can be applied to numerous applications for the secure transmission and reception. Cryptographic AES algorithm can be implemented in both hardware and software. But thehardware implementation is a good choice in terms of speedof execution and security. Hardware implementation strategy varies based on our necessities. Our new algorithm can be implemented in the e-commerce servers since higher execution speed is a predominant factor in those servers.

After deep investigation it is found that the total time, area occupied and power consumption, it is clear that the S-Box operation in the SubBytes process consumes major part of the total time taken, area occupied and power requirement of the entire AES architecture. Therefore, a change in the S-Box architecture affects the whole AES Encryption and Decryption resource utilization.

There are three different types of architecture for AES hardware implementation.

  1. (i).

    Looping architecture

  2. (ii).

    Fully unrolled pipelined architecture

  3. (iii).

    Deep sub pipelined fully unrolled architecture.

The looping architecture implemented by Gaj [2] uses feedback of data for each round,the fully unrolled pipelined architecture implemented by Saggese et al. [8] uses pipeline registers at the time unrolled stages of AES, Whereas the Deep sub pipelined fully unrolled architecture implemented by I Hammad et al. [10] is done by further dividing each stage by pipeline registers.

Many researchers have contributed significantly in developing area efficient and faster AES architectures. The innovative work offered by K. Gaj [2], Good and Benaissa [3] andRouvroy et al. [4] clearly depicts the efficient utilization on area (slice utilization). Grando et al. [5] design based on composite field arithmetic GF(22)4 a using sub-pipelined loop unrolled architecture provides higher throughput. A design that provides good speed with sacrifice in the slice usage is proposed by Saggase et al. [6] with unrolling, tiling and pipelining transformations. With deep sub pipelining technique Hammad et al. [7] achieved better throughput and also reduced area. Different ideas of efficient Virtex-E FPGA implementations of the AES Algorithm with higher throughput and efficient area utilization were proposed by Standaert et al. [8].

Here in this paper, the analysis of Positive Polarity Reed Muller form S-Box for eliminating larger power consumption due to dynamic hazards is done and modifications in the PPRM structure is introduced to achieve better speed and make the AES algorithm to be area efficient. The new idea is targeted to achieve high throughput and area efficient while implementing the architecture in FPGA.

Rest of the paper is organized as follows Section II briefs about the structure and processes involved in AES algorithm for the 128-bit key. Section III details about the various S-Box architectures. Modified PPRM structure, its Performances and its effect on mammographic images are explained in Section IV. Conclusion is given in the last section.

AES algorithm

Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm is a symmetric key cryptographic algorithm which is widely used in the world for secure communication. In case of AES single algorithm can be used for both encryption and decryption operations. Also same is used in both encryption and decryption operation. AES has a fixed block size of 128 bits, whereas the secret key length varies [9,10,11,12]. But the data block length is fixed as 128 bits for all key lengths. Based on the different key length of 128, 192, 256 bits, AES has three different versions as AES-128, AES-192, AES-256. According to key length, number of encryption and decryption operation takes place on a single data block of 128 bits also differs. These relations are given in Table 1. For each round of encryption and decryption operation, a separate key called subkeys is needed. These subkeys are derived from the single main key. This process of creating subkeys from main key is called key expansion or key scheduling process. From Table 1 it is clear that if Nr is the number of rounds for a given version of AES, then Nr + 1 is the required number of subkeys.

Table 1 Relation between Key length and Rounds of operation

In all the versions of AES, pre encryption round and last rounds are different and all the other rounds are same. Input data block of 128 bits are arranged as [4*4] matrix which is often called as state. Sate acts as an input or output for a particular operation in AES encryption and decryption. Each entry in the state matrix has a byte of data [13,14,15].

AES encryption and decryption operation

Both Encryption operation and decryption involves four steps and these four steps are repeated in each round of operation except last round. Encryption and decryption has the following operations in each repetitive round.

  1. 1.

    Byte Substitution / Inverse Byte Substitution

  2. 2.

    Shift Rows / Inverse Shift Rows

  3. 3.

    Mix Columns / Inverse Mix Columns

  4. 4.

    Add Round Key

In last round of encryption and in first round of decryption operations, mix column step is not included since it can be easily invertible. So its inclusion can be avoided. First two process, byte substitution and shift rows can be interchanged without affecting the encryption operation.

In Byte Substitution and Inverse Byte Substitution, each entry in the state matrix is replaced by another entry. This is a highly non-linear process in the AES algorithm. Byte Substitution can be implemented in several ways. Shift rows shifts the elements in the second, third and fourth row towards left by 1, 2, 3 positions respectively during encryption. It shits towards right in decryption operation. During mix column, bytes are multiplied with a predefined modular matrix. At last subkeys are combined with the output of mix column operation by performing EXOR operation. It is to be noted that Byte Substitution is the only non-linear process in the AES algorithm. All the other processes are reversible. Figure 1 describes the process of AES-128 Encryption [16, 18, 19].

Fig. 1
figure 1

AES Process

S-Box architectures

Byte Substitution produces a one-byte nonlinear transformation using 128-bit S-Boxes. Each entry in the S-Box is a multiplicative inversion on a Galois field GF(28) and then an affine transformation. Galois Field uses an irreducible polynomial m(x) = x8 + x4 + x3 + x + 1 [20, 21]. Since the S-Box transformations are the only non-linear function, security of the AES is majorly dependent on the S-Box implementation second after the secret key information. S-Box architecture can be realized in hardware and software methods.

Hardware realization

In Hardware realization, substitution of values is calculated directly. No memory is required for hardware techniques. But calculating the S-Box value needs additional hardware circuits which occupy more chip area. In case of hardware approach of synthesizing S-Box values involves two steps. Firstly, multiplicative inverse of the given data is to be found and followed by an affine transformation leads to the required value, which is slower and area ineffective [23,24,25].

Software realization

In case of software realization of S-Box structure, Look Up Tables (LUTs) are used. Substitute values are substituted directly from the predefined LUTs. In this technique a dedicated RAM is used for storing the LUT values. LUT values can be obtained with the help of SOP, POS expressions. BDD method can also be implemented with the help of SOP and POS expressions for obtaining S-Box value very efficiently. Both hardware and software approaches can be combined and derive an efficient S-Box architecture [26,27,28,29,30].

Here in this research paper, an efficient software approach is discussed. With software implementations, we can achieve higher speed. But LUT occupies large area and nearly about 200 times LUT must be referred by the algorithm to encrypt a data block of 128 bits. IN this case LUT occupies larger chip area and has higher propagation delay. Therefore in order to reduce area and propagation delay an efficient method alternative to LUT based algorithm must be devised [31].

CFA structure in S-Box

Composite Field Arithmetic (CFA) calculates values of S-Box at the required time. There is no necessity to store the value in the predefined memory location. Implementing GF [28] is highly difficult since general implementation consumes more power and high propagation delay. In Composite Field Arithmetic structure instead of calculating GF [28] directly, GF [22]2 is calculated [17]. Here calculations arebeing made in the lowerorder field. Multiplicative Inverse can be found in the lower order field with help of following polynomial

$$ {\left(\mathrm{bx}+\mathrm{c}\right)}^{-1}=\mathrm{b}{\left({\mathrm{b}}^2+\uplambda +\mathrm{c}\left(\mathrm{c}+\mathrm{b}\right)\right)}^{-1}\mathrm{x}+\left(\mathrm{c}+\mathrm{b}\right){\left({\mathrm{b}}^2+\uplambda +\mathrm{c}\left(\mathrm{c}+\mathrm{b}\right)\right)}^{-1} $$

With the help of above expression (1) combinational circuit can be derived as shown in Fig. 2 and Multiplicative Inverse can be found.

Fig. 2
figure 2

CFA combinational circuit for calculating multiplicative inverse

Steps involved in Byte substitution process with CFA structure

  1. 1)

    By isomorphism function, map all elements of the field A to a composite field B.

  2. 2)

    Compute the multiplicative inverses over the field B.

  3. 3)

    Re-map the computation results to A, using inverse isomorphism function [32].

S-Box realization by PPRM architecture

Main disadvantage of Composite Field Arithmetic architecture is its complicated signal paths. Because of this complicated signal paths power consumption and signal delay is increased. This disadvantage can be eliminated by converting some of S-Box into two level logics. Much better S-Box can be derived by converting carefully selected subcomponents into two-level logic, if an appropriate partitioning of the S-Box into sub-components is done. Positive Polarity Reed Muller (PPRM) is an approach for finding Multiplicative Inverse using array of EXOR and AND gates alone. Main advantage of this process is that dynamic hazards occurring in the combinational circuits get reduced. As a result, total power consumption of the entire S-Box architecture can also be reduced since dynamic hazards consume much of the power in S-Box realization [33, 34].

PPRM architecture can be realized in three stages. These three stages of operation take place at the three different stages of Composite Field Arithmetic Architecture i.e. Pre-inversion, Inversion and Post-inversion stages. As Shown in Fig. 3, all the three stages can be realized by using AND array and EXOR array. Figure 3 also clearly explains that two signals which are not passing through Multiplicative Inversion process is delayed using some delay circuits thus avoiding the unwanted hazards. This delay circuit does not perform any operation on the given signal data. It just delays the signal transmission as close to the time taken by Inversion block.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Composite Field S-Box and Multistage PPRM

Modified PPRM architectures

The above multistage PPRM architecture can be further reduced without affecting the total power consumption but achieving greater speed and better area efficiency. With the help of simple optimization given in the combinational circuit relation between EXOR and AND gate, this new improved version of Positive Polarity Reed Muller S-Box architecture can be achieved. This process is illustrated in the Fig. 4.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Illustration of obtaining MPPRM from PPRM

First picture in Fig. 4 is a part of stage 2 of 3 stage PPRM realization. In that circuit realization, it is necessary to have 4 AND gates and three EXOR gates. But this circuit can be simplified as the second picture in Fig. 4. Both the circuit consumes the same amount of power except that second circuit has only one AND gate and two EXOR gates.

Dynamic hazards can be eliminated by adding some delay circuits in the path of AND gate result. By this new circuit design we can save three AND gate and one EXOR gate area with the same amount of power consumption. Main aim of having PPRM circuit is that, PPRM architecture consumes lesser power than that of other types of S-Box architectures. Since there is no variation in the power consumption between PPRM and Modified PPRM architecture, Modified PPRM can be preferred over conventional PPRM with added advantage having lower propagation delay and chip area.

Both PPRM and MPPRM S-Box realizations have been simulated and synthesized over three different types of FPGAs and the results are tabulated. In this research paper, Power consumption, Propagation delay and chip area of the S-Box architecture are the major constraint. Tabulations 2,3 and 4 clearly shows the result of synthesis over Spartan 3E, Virtex 6 and Spartan 6 respectively. Composite Field architecture (CF), Twisted Binary decision diagram (TBDD), Positive polarity Reed Muller architecture’s performances in terms of power consumption is measured by implementing the above architectures in Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC).

In this research paper, the architectures are implemented and performances are measured in the Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA). Since the implementation in FPGA is simpler than that of ASIC implementation [22]. As shown in Tables 2, 3 and 4 in Section III, the PPRM and MPPRM S-Box architecture achieves the lowest power consumption among all other S-Box architectures. Modified Positive Polarity Reed Muller architecture shows a great variant in terms area and the speed of the operation when compared to that of convention 3 stage PPRM S-Box structures. In all the devices, MPPRM structure occupies about less than 62% of area occupied by the PPRM structure. Also this new algorithm implements the cryptographic process 12% faster than that of convention PPRM architecture.

Table 2 Comparison of different S-Box Architectures in 3s500efg320–5 (Spartan 3E FPGA)
Table 3 Comparison of different S-Box Architectures in 6vlx75tff784–3 (Virtex 6 FPGA)
Table 4 Comparison of different S-Box architectures in 6slx75tfgg676–3 (Spartan 6 FPGA)

Though there is no much change in the power consumption between these two architectures, MPPRM holds the advantage of having faster execution and lesser area. Figure 5 shows performance comparisons of different S-Box architectures in the line chart. In power consumption chart of Fig. 5, it clear that both the architecture PPRM and MPPRM consumes the same amount of power irrespective of the FPGAs used. Improved MPPRM architecture shows the improvement in the execution speed and total area usage. Overall execution speed of the AES algorithm is improved since much of the AES execution time is allocated to S-Box operation. As it is mentioned earlier that, for the AES cryptographic process, all operations are repeated over sometimes for both encryption and decryption process.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Performance comparisons of various methods of S-Box Architectures

This modified and improved S-Box is used for building AES algorithm and this improved version of AES is implemented for securing the information that has to be obtained from the mammographic images. Pixel values in the mammogram images acts as the data input the AES and the pixel values of the mammographic images can be obtained with the help of Matlab [22]. Input data to the AES is encrypted and the encrypted images looks like the noisy form of original images which are shown in Fig. 6. The encrypted pixel values can be combined to form a mammographic image. The resultant image will not reveal any information regarding the diseases in breast of women. Encrypted images can be transferred to the destination and in the receiver side the original mammographic images can be obtained by decrypting the received images. Here also Matlab can be used to convert images into data and data to image after decryption. This modified AES algorithm works better in securing data in the mammographic images.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Original and encrypted mammographic images


In this research work, we have developed a Modified multi-stage PPRM architecture for High speed S-Box circuit to secure the data in the mammographic images. In general S-Box of the AES architecture takes much of the total execution time for encryption and decryption operations. Total propagation delay of PPRM S-Box circuits can be significantly reduced by providing a simple modification in the combinational circuit realization in second stage of three stage PPRM architecture. A total propagation delay of only 4.9 ns in Virtex 6 FPGA was achieved, while the propagation delay of the conventional PPRM, TBDD and composite field S-Boxes are 5.552, 5.048 and 6.035 respectively. With MPPRM design the output of the S-Box is achieved 12% faster than conventional PPRM. Area minimization of about 60% can be achieved with this new proposed architecture. MPPRM also has lower power consumption when compared to Composite Field Arithmetic and Twisted BDD architecture. The resultant AES algorithm is efficient in encrypting and decrypting the mammographic images. This AES algorithm can be extended to securing the data of other healthcare applications like ECG, Endoscopy, Hysteroscopy etc.