1 Introduction

Connection between the computational limit and entropy was pointed out by Maxwell in [1] and Szilard in [2], which entail that “KT ln (N) joules of energy must be dissipated during every computation, where K is Boltzmann’s constant of \(1.38\times 10^{23}\) J K\(^{-1}\) and T is the absolute temperature of the environment in kelvin and N is an integer proportional to the number of computed bit”. Later Landauer proved that the reversible system can reduce these energy dissipations [3]. In [4], Bennett showed that the reversible circuits dissipate KT ln(1) energy, which is much lower than the corresponding irreversible circuits. An irreversible system can store the information which is produced during a computation rather than erasing, but it doesn’t always provide a unique path from each current state to its previous state [5]. Energy used to store these information is unrecoverable [6]. It has also been pointed out that an irreversible system has a fundamental lower limit to the energy dissipation during a computation which equals to KT ln(2) for each erased bit. Although the power dissipations due to information loss in irreversible circuits are negligible at present, but it will be a significant concern in near future if Moore’s Law continues to be in effect [7]. Moore predicted in [8] that “the number of transistors and resistors on a chip doubles in every 18 months”. This assumption implies that the power dissipation in the circuit must be decreased, otherwise internal overheating can demolish the future hardware chips [5, 7]. Therefore, the reversible circuit will play an extensively crucial role in the upcoming days. Moreover, a reversible circuit is viewed as a special quantum circuit, as the quantum evolution must be reversible [9].

In addition, fault tolerant reversible circuits can detect faulty signal in the primary outputs through parity checking. Parity checking has widely been used to detect errors in the storage hardware or transmission of information because most arithmetic and other processing functions don’t consider to preserve the parity of data [5]. If the parity of the input data is maintained throughout the computation, then the intermediate checking wouldn’t be required [10]. As a result, an entire circuit can preserve parity if its individual gate is parity preserving [11]. Over the past few years, both reversible and fault tolerant circuitry gained remarkable interest in the field of DNA-technology [12], nano-technology [13], optical computing [14], program debugging and testing [15], discrete event simulation [5], modeling of biochemical systems [16] and in the development of highly efficient algorithms [17].

On the other hand, barrel shifter is the in-built component of many computing systems as it can shift multiple bits in a single cycle and hence it attains much importance in designing the processors [5], low-density parity-check decoders [6], optical networks [18] and test generation [19]. Among the various barrel shifters, logarithmic shifter has the simplest structure which is also more area efficient as it doesn’t require any underneath decoder circuitry [20]. In these consequences, this paper proposes the implementation techniques of the reversible fault tolerant barrel shifters using nano-meter MOS transistors. There are few non-fault tolerant reversible designs of barrel shifters in literature [2123]. However, all these approaches are not generalized and scalable except our proposed designs [7]. Thus, the main objective of this research is to develop a generalized structure of the reversible barrel shifters in addition to the fault detection capabilities. The MOS realization of the proposed reversible fault tolerant circuits are considered because of its scalability [5, 6, 24, 25]. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 summarizes necessary backgrounds and related works. Then we present a generalized synthesis of the proposed reversible fault tolerant unidirectional logarithmic barrel shifters in Sect. 3. We already published a part of this mentioned work in [7]. This section proposes few extension of the published work such as MOS realization and generalized algorithmic representation. Section 4 presents the hierarchical design of the bidirectional barrel shifter based on the proposed unidirectional shifter which proves the scalability of the proposed extended unidirectional design. We also present the design methodologies of the proposed universal shifter in Sect. 5. The performances of all the proposed designs are evaluated in Sect. 6. Finally, based on all these discussions, a conclusion is drawn in Sect. 7.

2 Basic definitions and literature review

This section starts with the basic definitions of the reversible and fault tolerant logic synthesis. Then we briefly define reversible gates in addition to their fundamental properties. Transistor realizations of the popular reversible gates using standard low power p-MOS 901 and n-MOS 902 models have also been shown. Finally, the section ends with a discussion on the existing works.

2.1 Reversible and fault tolerant gates

An \(n\times n\) reversible gate is shown in Fig. 1. This block uniquely maps between input vector \(I_v=(I_0, I_1, ..., I_{n-1})\) and output vector \(O_v=(O_0, O_1,\) \(\dots , O_{n-1})\) denoted as \(I_v \leftrightarrow O_v\) [5]. The unique mapping (one-to-one mapping) among all inputs and outputs for each input-output sequence results no information loss. There are two prime requirements for the reversible logic synthesis which are given below:

  • There should be equal number of inputs and outputs.

  • There should be one-to-one correspondence among all input-output sequences.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Block diagram of an \(n\times n\) reversible gate

A Fault tolerant gate is a reversible gate that constantly preserves the same parity between inputs and outputs. More specifically, an \({n\times n}\) fault tolerant gate clarifies the following property between the input and output vectors:

$$\begin{aligned} { {I_0 \oplus I_1 \oplus ... \oplus I_{n-1} = O_0 \oplus O_1 \oplus ... \oplus O_{n-1} }} \end{aligned}$$

The parity preserving property of Eq. 1 allows to detect a faulty signal from the circuit’s primary output. Researchers showed that if a reversible circuit is drawn using only reversible fault tolerant gates, the entire circuit preserves parity and hence it is able to detect a faulty signal in its primary outputs [57].

2.2 Quantum cost

The quantum cost for all \(1 \times 1\) and \(2 \times 2\) reversible gates are considered as 0 and 1, respectively [57]. Hence, the quantum cost of a reversible circuit is the total number of \(2 \times 2\) quantum gates. In other words, numbers of controlled-V (square root of NOT, i.e., SRN), controlled-\({V^+}\) (hermitian of SRN) and \(2 \times 2\) Ex-OR gates represent the quantum cost of the circuit.

A controlled-V gate is shown in Fig. 2a. In a controlled-V gate, when the control signal a = 0, the qubit b will pass through the controlled part and remain unchanged, i.e., we will have Q = b. If the value of a = 1, then Q = V(b), where,

$$\begin{aligned} V = (i+1)/2 \left( \begin{array}{cc} 1 &{} -i \\ -i &{} -1\\ \end{array} \right) \end{aligned}$$

In the above matrix, i is the basic imaginary unit, i.e., i = \(\sqrt{-1}\). A controlled-\(V^+\) gate is shown in Fig. 2b. In a controlled-\(V^+\) gate, when the control signal a = 0, the qubit b will pass through the controlled part and keep it unchanged, i.e., we will have Q = b. If the value of a = 1, then Q = \(V^+(b)\), where \(V^+\) is the hermitian of V (\(V^+\) = \(V^{-1}\), when a = 1). Thus, \(V\times V\) or \(V^+\times V^+\) creates a unitary matrix of NOT gate, whereas, \(V\times V^+ \) or \(V^+\times V\) is an identity matrix (I) describing just a quantum wire.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Block diagram of the controlled a V gate b \(V^{+}\) gate

2.3 Hardware complexity, PDP and garbage output

In a logic circuit or reversible logic circuit, the path consisting of maximum number of gates from any input to any output is known as critical path. However, it is an NP complete problem to find the critical path specially for large circuits [5, 7]. Thus, researchers used to select the path which is the most likely candidates for the critical path, and delay of a logic circuit is the delay of this path. The critical path delay calculation has several other requirements such as, “each gate need to perform computation in unit time and all inputs to the circuit must be known before the computation begins”. Thus, the researchers determined the hardware complexity of the circuit which is considered as a seemingly equivalent performance evaluation criteria. The number of basic operations needed to realize the circuit is referred to as the hardware complexity of the circuit. Actually, a constant complexity is assumed for each basic operation of the circuit, such as, \(\alpha \) for Ex-OR, \(\beta \) for AND, \(\gamma \) for NOT etc. Then, the total hardware complexity is calculated with respect to these assumed complexities. For example, the hardware complexity of Fig. 3 is \(\alpha \), since it can be realized with a 2\(\times \)2 Ex-OR operation.

The power delay product (PDP) is a figure of merit that directly correlated with both the energy efficiency and delay of a circuit. The real value of PDP is power consumption times delay. However, generally PDP is presented in normalized form [26, 27].

Fig. 3
figure 3

Block diagram of a \(2\times 2\) reversible Feynman gate

Unwanted or unused output of a reversible gate is known as garbage output, i.e., the output which are needed only to maintain the reversibility are known as garbage output [5, 6]. For example, to perform the exclusive OR between two inputs, a \(2 \times 2\) reversible Feynman gate (FG) can be used. This realization produces an extra dummy output along with the desired output signal, which is needed to preserve the reversibility. This extra output is the garbage output denoted by P as shown in Fig. 3. It is important to note that heavy price is paid off for each garbage output [28].

2.4 Reversible and fault tolerant gates

In this section we define more reversible and fault tolerant gates and their properties.

2.4.1 Feynman double gate

Input vector (\(I_v\)) and output vector (\(O_v\)) for \(3\times 3\) reversible Feynman double gate (F2G) are defined as follows: \(I_v = (a, b, c)\) and \(O_v = (a, a \oplus b, a \oplus c)\). Block diagram of F2G is shown in Fig. 4a. Figure 4b represents the quantum equivalent realization of F2G. From Fig. 4b, we find that it is realized with two \(2\times 2\) Ex-OR gates i.e., its quantum cost is 2. According to our design procedure, 12 transistors are required to realize the Feynman double gate reversibly. This transistor realization is shown in Fig. 4c. Figure 4d represents the corresponding timing diagram of the transistor realization of the reversible Feynman double gate.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Reversible \(3\times 3\) Feynman double gate. a Block diagram. b Quantum equivalent realization. c Transistor realization. d Timing diagram [6]

2.4.2 Fredkin gate

Input and output vectors for \(3 \times 3\) Fredkin gate (FRG) are defined as follows: \(I_v = (a, b, c)\) and \(O_v = (a, a'b \oplus ac, a'c \oplus ab)\). Block diagram of FRG is shown in Fig. 5a. Figure 5b represents the quantum equivalent realization of FRG. In Fig. 5b, each rectangle is equivalent to a \(2 \times 2\) quantum primitive. Therefore, its quantum cost is considered as one. Thus, the quantum cost of FRG is five. To realize the FRG, four transistors are needed as shown in Fig. 5c and its corresponding timing diagram is shown in Fig. 5d. Fredkin gate can also be used to swap 2nd and 3rd inputs using first input as a controlled input. Referring to the input-output combinations of Fredkin gate, when a = 1, the inputs b and c will be swapped. The resulting value of the outputs are \(Q = c\) and \(R = b\). Whereas, if a = 0, then outputs P, Q and R are directly connected to inputs a(= 0), b, and c, respectively. The reversible gates discussed above maintain the property of Eq. 1 which is shown in Table 1.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Reversible \(3\times 3\) Fredkin gate. a Block diagram. b Quantum equivalent realization. c Transistor realization. d Timing diagram [6]

2.5 Existing barrel shifters

Barrel shifter has n-input and n-output lines for data transmission and k control inputs, where k=log\(_2n\). An adaptive structure of the basic (nk) unidirectional logarithmic barrel shifter is shown in Fig. 6. It has k (k = \(log_2n\)) stages which are controlled by k control bits. Control bit \(S_j\) (j=0 to \(k-1\)) of a stage determines whether to shift (or rotate) the input data or not for that stage. If \(S_j\) is set to high, then \(j^{th}\) stage will shift or rotate the input 2\(^j\) times, otherwise input will remain unchanged.

Table 1 Truth table for F2G and FRG
Fig. 6
figure 6

Adaptive structure of (n, k) logarithmic barrel shifter

Gorgin et al. presented the first paper on reversible unidirectional barrel shifter in [22]. An improved design of the reversible unidirectional barrel shifter presented in [21]. Our proposed work on unidirectional shifter outperforms these mentioned works by a huge margin as shown in [7]. As mentioned in Sect. 1, this paper shows the extension of our proposed work in transistor level realizations and algorithmic representation. The design methodology of a (8, 3) reversible logarithmic bidirectional arithmetic and a logical barrel shifter presented in [23]. Here, the circuits are constructed with Feynman and Fredkin gates in addition to many elements of the theory for the (n, k) circuit. Besides these, the design methodology of a reversible (4, 2) universal barrel shifter is presented in [29]. Except our proposed work [7], all the other existing works are unscalable and generalized i.e., not generalized. Thus, a single structure for all the shifters under a generalized and scalable architecture is needed.

3 Proposed reversible fault tolerant unidirectional logarithmic barrel shifters

In this section, an enhancement of our work [7] on unidirectional barrel shifter is presented. The proposed adaptive structure of the unidirectional shifters and algorithm have extensively used to design other shifters which are being presented in the remaining sections.

Theorem 1

A reversible unidirectional barrel shifter can be realized with at least k garbage outputs and no constant input, where n is the number of data bits and k=log\(_2n\).


The unidirectional barrel shifter with n data bits has k control inputs, where k=log\(_2n\), i.e., total of n+k inputs. Thus, according to the property of reversibility, it should have at least (\(n+k\)) outputs among which n bits are the primary outputs. So, the number of garbage outputs is k, which means that no constant input is required. \(\square \)

3.1 Proposed reversible fault tolerant unidirectional logarithmic rotators

Figures 7 and 8 show the architecture of the proposed (4, 2) and (8, 3) logarithmic rotators, respectively. From these figures, we find that the proposed rotators are designed using only reversible fault tolerant Fredkin gates. Thus, according to our discussion in Sect. 2.1, the proposed rotators preserve parity. Proposed unidirectional rotators follow the adaptive structure of logarithmic barrel shifter, e.g., the \(1^{st}\) stage rotates \(2^0\) bit, the 2nd stage rotates \(2^1\) bits and so on. Rotation occurs only when control signal is set to high. If any stage’s control signal is set to low then instead of rotating that stage just passes the input to the next stage.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Proposed (4, 2) reversible fault tolerant unidirectional logarithmic barrel shifter. a Circuit for left rotation. b Circuit for right rotation. c Corresponding timing diagram of (4, 2) left rotator. d Corresponding timing diagram of (4, 2) right rotator

Example 1

Let the value of n be 4. Then, we have (4, 2) reversible barrel shifter. Figure 7 shows the architecture of the proposed (4, 2) reversible fault tolerant barrel shifter (circuits for rotation) which has 2 two garbage outputs and no constant input. If we replace n with 4 in Theorem 1, we get two garbage outputs and no constant inputs as well. Thus, the proposed rotators are the optimal design in-terms of garbage output and constant input as it corresponds to Theorem 1.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Proposed (8, 3) reversible fault tolerant unidirectional logarithmic barrel shifter. a Circuit for left rotation. b Circuit for right rotation

3.1.1 Design and working procedure of the proposed reversible fault tolerant unidirectional rotators

Let the data inputs for the proposed (nk) rotator be \( I_0, I_1, I_2, \dots , I_{n-3}, I_{n-2}, I_{n-1}\) and the control inputs be \(S_0, S_1, \dots , S_{k-1}\); where n represents the number of inputs and k is the number of stages equals to log\(_2n\). Each of these stages require a chain of (\(n-2^j\)) Fredkin gates. The inputs and outputs for each Fredkin gate in a stage j can be rewritten as A(ij), B(ij), C(ij) and P(ij), Q(ij), R(ij),  respectively. Here, j represents the \(j^{th}\) stage, where \(n-1 \ge i \ge 0\) and \(k - 1 \ge j \ge 0\). The working procedure of the proposed reversible fault tolerant rotator is as followsFootnote 1: Let n = 4, then we have a (4, 2) rotator. It takes \(I_0I_1I_2I_3\) as data inputs and \(S_0\) and \(S_1\) as control inputs. If both the control inputs are set to high (\(S_0\) = 1, \(S_1\) = 1), then data inputs will be rotated \(2^0 + 2^1\) times to the right. Sequence of the rotate operations will be \(I_1I_2I_3I_0\) for the first stage and \(I_3I_0I_1I_2\) for the next. On the other hand, if both control inputs are set to low, then the input sequence will remain unchanged. For example, when control input \(S_0\) is set to low, the 1st Fredkin gate (FRG) of first row will select input \(I_0\), 2nd will select \(I_1\) and the 3rd one will select \(I_2\) also \(I_3\) will be generated from another output of the 3rd FRG. Finally, the selected four outputs will be used as inputs of 1st and 2nd FRG at 2nd row, which are controlled by the control input \(S_1\). Besides, if the 1st control input is set to high, then the selection sequence will be \(I_1, I_2, I_3\) and \(I_0\) which are 1st, 2nd and 3rd FRG at 1st row, respectively. Figure 7c, d shows these working procedures. From the above figures, we find that the proposed fault tolerant left and right rotators are very similar to each other except the input-output positions. Hence, only the architecture and algorithm of the proposed reversible fault tolerant (n, k) right rotator is presented here which is shown in Fig. 9 and Algorithm 1, respectively.

Lemma 1

Let FR be the required number of gates for (nk) fault tolerant unidirectional rotator, where n and k (k= log\(_2n\)) are the numbers of data bits and control inputs, respectively. Then, FR = \(nk - \sum _{j = 0}^{k-1} 2^j\).


A (n, k) reversible fault tolerant unidirectional logarithmic rotator has k stages and n input bits. According to our design procedure, each \(j^{th}\) stage requires (n-2\(^{j}\)) Fredkin gates, where j = 0 to \((k-1)\). So, the required number of gates for a (n, k) reversible fault tolerant rotator is \((n-2^0)+(n-2^1)+(n-2^2)+ \dots +(n-2^{k-2})+(n-2^{k-1})\) = \( nk - \sum _{j=0}^{k-1} 2^j.\) \(\square \)

Lemma 2

Let QC be the total quantum cost for (nk) reversible fault tolerant unidirectional logarithmic rotator. Then, QC = \(5nk-5\sum _{j = 0}^{k-1}2^j\).


In Lemma 1, we proved that the proposed reversible fault tolerant (n, k) rotator can be realized with (\(nk - \sum _{j=0}^{k-1} 2^j\)) reversible fault tolerant Fredkin gates. According to our discussion in Sect. 2, quantum cost of each Fredkin gate is 5. Therefore, total quantum cost of the (n, k) reversible fault tolerant unidirectional logarithmic rotator is \((5nk-5\sum _{j = 0}^{k-1}2^j).\) \(\square \)

figure a
Fig. 9
figure 9

Proposed (nk) reversible fault tolerant unidirectional logarithmic right rotator

Lemma 3

Let \(\alpha \), \(\beta \) and \( \gamma \) be the hardware complexity for two-input Ex-OR, AND, NOT calculations, respectively. Then the total hardware complexity \(({ HC})\) for (nk) fault tolerant unidirectional logarithmic rotator is \((2nk - \sum _{j = 0}^{k-1} 2^{j+1})\alpha + (nk - \sum _{j = 0}^{k-1} 2^{j})(4\beta +\gamma )\).


Lemma 1 proved that the proposed reversible fault tolerant (nk) unidirectional logarithmic rotator can be realized with (\(nk - \sum _{j=0}^{k-1} 2^j\)) Fredkin gates. Hardware complexity of a Fredkin gate is (2\(\alpha \)+4\(\beta \)+\(\gamma \)) [5]. So, the hardware complexity of the (n, k) unidirectional rotator is (\(2nk-\sum _{j=0}^{k-1}2^{j+1}\))\(\alpha \) +(\(4nk- \sum _{j = 0}^{k-1}2^{j+2}\))\(\beta \) + (\(nk- \sum _{j=0}^{k-1}2^{j})\gamma \)=\(2nk- \sum _{j = 0}^{k-1} 2^{j+1}\))\(\alpha \)+ (\(nk- \sum _{j = 0}^{k-1}2^{j}\))(4\(\beta \)+\(\gamma \)).

\(\square \)

3.2 Proposed reversible fault tolerant unidirectional logical shifters

Design procedure of the proposed (n, k) reversible fault tolerant unidirectional logarithmic logical shifters is similar to the proposed rotators but in reverse direction. Each k stages of the proposed (n, k) logical shifter is responsible for shifting input data by \(2^{k-1}\) to \(2^0\) bits. The architecture of the proposed (4, 2) and (8, 3) reversible fault tolerant unidirectional logical shifters are shown in Figs. 10 and 11, respectively. The working procedure of the proposed (n, k) unidirectional right logical shifter is as follows: Inputs to the 1st stage are,

  • \(A(i, k - 1) = S_{k-1}\), for \(i \leftarrow (n - 1)\) to 0

  • \(B(i, k - 1) = i_i\), for \(i \leftarrow (n - 1)\) to 0

  • \(C(i, k-1) = 0\), for \(i \leftarrow (n - 1)\) to \(((n - 1)-2^{k-1}+ 1)\)

  • \(C(i, k-1)\) = \(R_m\), for \(i \leftarrow ((n - 1) - 2^{k-1})\) to 0; R is \(3^{rd}\) output of the m Fredkin gate, where \(m \leftarrow (n - 1)\) to \(((n - 1)\)-\(2^{k-1}+ 1)\).

The controlling input for all Fredkin gates in the first stage of the proposed logical shifter is set to \(A(i, k - 1)\) = \(S_{k-1}\). When \(S_{k-1}\)=1,

  • \(P(i, k - 1)\) = \(S_{k-1}\), for \(i \leftarrow (n - 1)\) to 0

  • \(R(i, k - 1)\) = \(i_i\), for \(i \leftarrow (n - 1)\) to 0

  • \(Q(i, k - 1)\) = 0, for \(i \leftarrow (n - 1)\) to \((n-1)-2^{k-1}+1\)

  • \(Q(i, k - 1)\) = \(i_m\), for \(i \leftarrow (n-1)-2^{k-1}\) to 0 and \(m = (n-1)\) to \(2^{k-1}\)

When \(S_{k-1}\)=0, we have following values at the outputs.

$$\begin{aligned} P(i, k - 1)= & {} S_{k-1},\, \mathbf{for }\, i \leftarrow (n - 1)\,\hbox { to}\, 0\\ Q(i, k - 1)= & {} i_i,\, \mathbf{for }\, i \leftarrow (n - 1)\,\hbox { to}\, 0\\ R(i, k - 1)= & {} 0, \mathbf{for }\, i \leftarrow (n - 1)\,\hbox { to}\, 0 \end{aligned}$$

The second stage of the proposed logical shifters uses inputs from the first stage.

  • \(A(i, k - 2) = S_{k-2}\), for \(i \leftarrow (n - 1)\) to 0

  • \(B(i, k - 2) = Q(i, k - 1)\), for \(i \leftarrow (n - 1)\) to 0

  • \(C(i, k-2) = 0 \), for \(i \leftarrow (n - 1)\) to \(((n - 1)-2^{k-2} + 1)\)

  • \(C(i, k-2)\) = \(O_m\), for \(i \leftarrow ((n - 1)-2^{k-2} + 1)\) to 0 and O is \(3^{rd}\) output of the m Fredkin gate; where \(m \leftarrow (n - 1)\) to \(((n - 1)-2^{k-2} + 1)\); and \(m = (n - 1)\) to \(2^{k-2}.\)

Since, \(S_{k-2}\) works as the input A of the Fredkin gates, we will have following values at the outputs, when \(S_{k-2}\) = 1,

  • \(P(i, k - 2)\) = \(S_{k-2}\), for \(i \leftarrow (n - 1)\) to 0

  • \(R(i, k - 2)\) = \(Q(i, k - 1)\), for \(i \leftarrow (n - 1)\) to 0

  • \(Q(i, k - 2)\) = 0, for \(i \leftarrow (n - 1)\) to \((n-1)-2^{k-2}+1\)

  • \(Q(i, k - 1)\) = \(Q(m, k - 1)\), for \(i \leftarrow (n-1)-2^{k-2}\) to 0; \(m = (n-1)\) to \(2^{k-2}\).

When \(S_{k-2}\)=0, we will have following values at the outputs.

$$\begin{aligned} P(i, k - 2)= & {} S_{k-2},\, \mathbf{for }\, i \leftarrow (n - 1)\,\hbox { to}\, 0\\ Q(i, k - 2)= & {} Q(i, k - 1),\, \mathbf{for }\, i \leftarrow (n - 1) \,\hbox { to}\, 0\\ R(i, k - 2)= & {} Q(i, k - 1), \,\mathbf{for }\, i \leftarrow (n-1) \,\hbox { to}\, 0. \end{aligned}$$

Similar design strategy are used for the remaining stages. From Figs. 11 and 12, we find that the proposed (4, 2) and (8, 3) left and right logical shifters are identical to each other except the input-output positions. so, only the architecture and algorithm of the proposed fault tolerant (n, k) right logical shifting is presented which is shown in Fig. 13 and Algorithm 2 respectively.

Lemma 4

Let F be the required number of gates for a (nk) reversible fault tolerant logical shifter, where n is the number of data bits and \(k=log_2n\). Then, F = nk.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Proposed (4, 2) reversible fault tolerant unidirectional logarithmic barrel shifter. a Circuit for left logical shifting. b Circuit for right logical shifting. c Corresponding timing diagram of (4, 2) left logical shifter. d Corresponding timing diagram of (4, 2) right logical shifter

Fig. 11
figure 11

Proposed (8, 3) reversible fault tolerant unidirectional logarithmic logical shifter. a Circuit for left logical shift. b Circuit for right logical shift

Fig. 12
figure 12

Proposed (nk) reversible fault tolerant logarithmic unidirectional logical right shifter


A (nk) logical shifter has k stages (0 to \(k-1\)) and n input bits. According to our design procedure, n Fredkin gates are required for each stage. Therefore, total number of Fredkin gates required for reversible fault tolerant (n, k) logical shifter is \(\sum _{0}^{k-1}n\) = nk. \(\square \)

Lemma 5

A (nk) reversible fault tolerant unidirectional logical shifter can be realized with 5nk quantum cost and (2nk \(\alpha \)+4nk \(\beta \)+nk \(\gamma \)) hardware complexity.


Lemma 4 proved that the unidirectional (nk) logical shifter can be realized with nk FRG. Each FRG is realized with 2 quantum cost and 2\(\alpha \) + 4\(\beta \)+\(\gamma \) hardware complexity. Hence, the (nk) fault tolerant unidirectional logical shifter is realized with 5nk quantum cost and (2nk \(\alpha \) + 4nk \(\beta \) + nk \(\gamma \)) hardware complexity. \(\square \)

4 Proposed reversible fault tolerant bidirectional barrel shifters

Initially this proposes a lower bound on the number of garbage output of the reversible fault tolerant bidirectional shifter. Then we presents the detail conversion procedures of the proposed unidirectional shifters to bidirectional shifter.

Theorem 2

A reversible bidirectional barrel shifter can be realized with at least k+1 garbage outputs and no constant input, where n is the number of data inputs and \({k} = log_2n\).


Reversible bidirectional barrel shifter with an n-bit data input has \(k+1\) control inputs i.e., \(n+k+1\) inputs in total. Thus according to our discussion in Sect. 2 and Theorem 1, there must be \(n+k+1\) output bits in a reversible bidirectional barrel shifter. However, among these output bits, there are only n primary outputs. So, there are at least \(k+1\) garbage outputs which means that no constant input is required. \(\square \)

4.1 Proposed fault tolerant bidirectional rotators

Algorithm 3 shows the working procedures of the bidirectional barrel shifter. Here, control signal (\(S_{LR}\)) determines the direction of shift or rotate operations (shown in lines 4 and 6). Figure 13a, b shows the architecture and corresponding simulation of the proposed (4, 2) reversible fault tolerant bidirectional rotators. Comparing the Fig. 13 with Fig. 7, we find that the proposed bidirectional rotator is only the extension of the proposed (4, 2) unidirectional rotators with two additional gates. These additional gates are needed to maintain the direction of rotate operations.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Proposed (4, 2) reversible fault tolerant bidirectional rotator. a Architectural block diagram. b Corresponding timing diagram

figure b
figure c

Lemma 6

A (n, k) reversible fault tolerant logarithmic bidirectional rotator can be realized with \(n(k-1)+ (k+1)\) reversible fault tolerant gates, where n is the number of data inputs and k = \(log_2n\).


A (n, k) reversible fault tolerant bidirectional rotator has k stages and n input bits. According to our design procedure, each \(j^{th}\) stage requires (n-2\(^{j}\)) Fredkin gates, where j=0 to \((k-1)\). In addition to that, one Fredkin gate and (\(k-1\)) Feynman double gates are needed to maintain bi-directionality. Therefore, total number of reversible fault tolerant gates required for a (n, k) reversible fault tolerant logarithmic rotator is \(\sum _{j = 0}^{k-1} (n-2^j) + 1 + (k-1) = n(k-1)+ (k+1). \) \(\square \)

Lemma 7

A (n, k) reversible fault tolerant bidirectional rotator can be realized with \(5n(k-1)+ 2(k+4)\) quantum cost and \(2(nk-n+k+1)\) \(\alpha \) +\(4(nk-n+2)\) \(\beta \)+\(2(nk-n+2)\) \(\gamma \) hardware complexity, where n is the number of data inputs, k = \(log_2n\) and \(\alpha \), \(\beta \) and \( \gamma \) are the hardware complexity for two input Exclusive-OR, AND, NOT calculations respectively.


In Lemma 6, we have proved that the (n, k) reversible fault tolerant bidirectional rotator can be realized with \(\sum _{j = 0}^{k-1} (2n-2^j) + 1\) Fredkin gates and (\(k-1\)) Feynman double gates. According to our discussion in Sect. 2, the quantum cost of each Fredkin and Feynman double gates is 5 and 2, respectively. On the other hand, hardware complexity of each Fredkin and Feynman double gate is \(2\alpha +4\beta +\gamma \) and \(2\alpha \) respectively [5]. Thus, total quantum cost of the proposed (n, k) bidirectional rotator is

$$\begin{aligned}&\left( 5 \left( \sum _{j = 0}^{k-1} (n-2^j) + 1\right) + 2(k-1)\right) \\&\quad = 5n(k-1)+ 2(k+4) \end{aligned}$$

and hardware complexity is

$$\begin{aligned}&\left( \sum _{j = 0}^{k-1} (n-2^j) + 1\right) (2\alpha +4\beta +\gamma ) + 2(k-1)\alpha \\&\quad =2(nk-n+k+1)\alpha +4(nk-n+2)\beta \\&\qquad +2(nk-n+2)\gamma . \end{aligned}$$

\(\square \)

The architectural block diagram and algorithmic designs of the proposed reversible fault tolerant (n, k) bidirectional rotator is shown in Fig. 14 and Algorithm 4, respectively. Lines 3–14 of the algorithm design the additional circuitry, which is needed to maintain bidirectionally. Although line 15 calls Algorithm 1 to built the base circuitry of unidirectional rotators.

Fig. 14
figure 14

Proposed reversible fault tolerant bidirectional rotator: circuitry for n-data bits

4.2 Proposed reversible fault tolerant bidirectional logical shifters

Algorithm 5 presents the design procedure of the proposed (n, k) reversible fault tolerant bidirectional logical shifter. The proposed shifter is capable of logical shifting the inputs in both left and right directions depending on the value of the control signal \(S_{LR}\).

According to Algorithm 5, architecture of the proposed (4, 2) and (n, k) fault tolerant bidirectional logical shifter is shown in Figs. 15a and 16, respectively. Figure 15b represents the corresponding timing diagram of Fig. 15a. According to the procedure, both the left and right unidirectional schema can be used for the base extension of the bidirectional schema form the unidirectional one. Here, bidirectional logical shifter is schematized through the extension of the proposed unidirectional logical shifter.

Lemma 8

Let n be the number of data input bits for (n, k) reversible fault tolerant logarithmic bidirectional logical shifter and \(k=log_2n\). Let \(F_3\) be the required number of gates for (n, k) reversible fault tolerant bidirectional logical shifter. Then, \(F_3 = n(k+1)\)


A (n, k) reversible fault tolerant bidirectional logical shifter has k stages and n input bits. According to our design procedure, number of Fredkin gates required for each \(j^{th}\) stage is (n), where j = \(k-1\) to 0. Also we need n additional Fredkin gates to maintain bi-directionality. Therefore, total number of gates required is, \( \sum _{j = 0}^{k-1} n + n = n(k+1)\) \(\square \)

Lemma 9

Let n be the number of data input bits for (n, k) reversible fault tolerant logarithmic bidirectional logical shifter and \(k=log_2n\). Let \(G_3\) be the required number of garbage outputs and for (n, k) reversible fault tolerant bidirectional logical shifter. Then, \(G_3\)=\((n+k)\).


A (n, k) reversible fault tolerant bidirectional logical shifter has k stages and total of n input bits. According to our design procedure, each stage produces \((n-2^j)\) garbage outputs, where, \(j=0\) to \((k-1)\). Extra control input which is needed to preserver the bi-directionality produces another garbage output. So, total garbage outputs produced by a (n, k) reversible fault tolerant bidirectional logical shifter is,

$$\begin{aligned} \sum _{j~=~0}^{k-1}~(n-2^j)~+~1 = (n+k) \end{aligned}$$

\(\square \)

Lemma 10

Let n be the number of data input bits for (n, k) reversible fault tolerant logarithmic bidirectional logical shifter and k be the number of number of stages equals to \(log_2n\). Then the (n, k) reversible fault tolerant bidirectional logical shifter can be realized with, \(5n(k+1)\) quantum cost and \((2nk+2n)\) \(\alpha \) + \((4nk+4n)\) \(\beta \)+ \((nk+n)\) \(\gamma \) hardware complexity; where, \(\alpha \), \(\beta \) and \( \gamma \) are the hardware complexity for two input Exclusive-OR, AND, NOT calculations respectively.


In Lemma 8 we have proved that the (n, k) reversible fault tolerant bidirectional logical shifter can be realized with \(n(k+1)\) Fredkin gate. According to our earlier discussion (Sect. 2.2), the quantum cost of each Fredkin is 5. So, total quatum cost of the proposed (n, k) reversible fault tolerant bidirectional logical shifter is \(5n(k+1)\). As shown in Sect. 2.2, the hardware complexity of each Fredkin gate is \(2\alpha +4\beta +\gamma \). Thus, the hardware complexity of the proposed (n, k) reversible fault tolerant bidirectional logical shifter is, \((2nk+2n)\) \(\alpha \)+\((4nk+4n)\) \(\beta \)+\((nk+n)\) \(\gamma \).\(\square \)

figure d
figure e

5 Proposed reversible fault tolerant universal barrel shifters

Universal shifter performs logical shifting, arithmetic shifting and rotate operation in a single circuit. As shown earlier, the proposed left shifter can be designed from the proposed right shifters by interchanging input-output. Hence, initially we propose the reversible fault tolerant universal right shifter here. The proposed universal right shifter is designed from the proposed logical right shifter in addition with some extra gates. The additional gates are needed to support the arithmetic shifting and rotate operations. There are two extra control inputs used for this purpose. Table 2 summarizes the operations of these control signals. Algorithm 6 represents the design procedure of the proposed reversible fault tolerant universal right shifter for n data inputs. According to the algorithm, proposed (8, 3) universal shifter circuit is shown in Fig. 17.

Fig. 15
figure 15

Proposed (4, 2) bidirectional logical shifter. a Architectural block diagram. b Corresponding timing diagram

The working procedure of the above algorithm is as follows: The first stage of (n, k) universal right shifter requires \(2^{k-1}\) number of additional Fredkin gates in addition to the chain of n Fredkin gates. The inputs and outputs for these additional Fredkin gates are represented as \(A_r(i, j)\), \(B_r(i, j)\), \(C_r(i, j)\) and \(P_r(i, j)\), \(Q_r(i, j)\), \(R_r(i, j)\) respectively. The inputs are passed to these additional Fredkin gates as follows:

\(A_r(i, k - 1) = S_{RR}\), for \(i \leftarrow (2^{k-1}-1)\) to 0

\(B_r(i, k - 1) = Q_{r}\), for \(i \leftarrow (2^{k-1}-k)\) to 0 from right, remaining \(B_r\) = 0, except the last stage; for the last stage, if \(S_{RS}\)=1 then \(B_r\)= \(I_7\) else \(B_r=0\).

\(C_r(i, k-1) = i_m \), for \(i \leftarrow 2^{k-1}\) to 0, and \(m = (2^{k-1}-1)\) to 0.

In the first stage, the additional Fredkin gates are controlled by the control signal \(S_{RR}\). Thus, for all \(i \leftarrow (2^{k-1}-1)\) to 0, the controlling input \(A_r(i, k - 1)\) is set to \(S_{RR}\) . This assigning of \(S_{RR}\) to \(A_r(i, k - 1)\) facilitates logical right shift or right rotation operation.

For \(i \leftarrow (2^{k-1}-1)\) to 0, the second input of the additional Fredkin gates are connected \(Q_r\) from right, remaining \(B_r\) = 0, except the last stage; for the last stage \(B_r\)= \(I_7\), if \(S_{RS}\)=1 else \(B_r\)=0. This facilitates the arithmetic right shift operation by \(2^{k-1}\) bits because when the control signals \(S_{RS}\) = 1 and \(S_{RR}\) = 0 we will have \(Q_r(i, j)\) = \(B_r(i, j)\). The input sequences for the third input of the additional Fredkin gates are set to \(C_r(i, k - 1)\) = \(i_m\), for \(i \leftarrow 2^{k-1}\) to 0, and \(m = (2^{k-1}-1)\) to 0. This facilitates the right rotate operation by \(2^{k-1}\) bits because when the control signals \(S_{RS}\) = 0 and \(S_{RR}\) = 1 we will have \(Q_r(i, k - 1)\) = \(C_r(i, k - 1)\) and the logical right shift operation, when \(S_{RS}\) = 0 and \(S_{RR}\) = 0. The original inputs \(I_{n-1}, I_{n-2}, I_{n-3}, \dots , I_2, I_1, I_0\) will work as the inputs to the chain of n Fredkin gates as used in the design methodology for (n, k) reversible logical right shifter. These original inputs and \(Q_r(i, k - 1)\) outputs of the additional Fredkin gates are assigned to the chain of the n Fredkin gates as follows:

Fig. 16
figure 16

Proposed (nk) bidirectional logical shifter

\(A(i, k - 1) = S_{k-1}\), for \(i \leftarrow (n - 1)\) to 0

\(B(i, k - 1) = i_i\), for \(i \leftarrow (n - 1)\) to 0

\(C(i, k-1) = Q_r(m, k-1), \) for \(i \leftarrow (n-1)\) to \( ((n - 1) - 2^{k-1}+1)\),

and \(m = 2^{k-1}\) to 0

\(C(i, k-1) = i_m, \) for \(i \leftarrow ((n - 1) - 2^{k-1})\) to 0, and \(m = (n-1)\) to \(2^{k-1}\).

Control input for all the Fredkin gates in the \(1^{st}\) stage is set to \(S_{k-1}\), which facilitates either shift or no shift operation. Except these changes in the input-output mapping working procedure of this stage is similar to the above stage thus is not explained separately. Similarly, one can design the other stages of the reversible universal right shifter. Table 3 represent the summarized output of the architecture shown in Fig. 17 for the initial inputs \(I_7\), \(I_6\), \(I_5\), \(I_4\), \(I_3\), \(I_2\), \(I_1\), \(I_0\).

Table 2 Operations on a (n, k) universal right shifter
figure f
Fig. 17
figure 17

Proposed (8, 3) reversible fault tolerant logarithmic universal shifter (circuit for universal right shift)

Table 3 Operations on a (8, 3) universal right shifter

Lemma 11

Let UGT be the required number of gates for the (n, k) fault tolerant universal shifter, where n is the number of data inputs and \(k=log_2n\). Then,

$$\begin{aligned}&{\textit{UGT}} = \frac{1}{4}(5n+8nk) \end{aligned}$$


A (n, k) reversible fault tolerant universal shifter has k stages and n input bits. According to our design procedure each stage requires \((2n-2^j)\) Fredkin gates. An additional Fredkin gate is also required to determine the type of shifts or rotations. For efficient copying of output, we require n Feynman double gates at each stage. We also need n / 4 Feynman double gates for extra circuitry, which determines type of shifting and rotation. Therefore, total number of gates required for a (n, k) fault tolerant universal shifter is

$$\begin{aligned}&\sum _{j = 0}^{k-1} (2n-2^j)+1+\sum _{j = 0}^{k-1}n+\frac{n}{4}\, = \frac{1}{4}(5n+8nk) \end{aligned}$$

\(\square \)

Lemma 12

Let UGO be the number of garbage outputs for the (n, k) fault tolerant universal shifter, where n is the number of input bits and k = \(log_2n\). Then,

$$\begin{aligned}&{\textit{UGO}} = n(2k+1)+(k+2) \end{aligned}$$


A (n, k) fault tolerant universal shifter requires (\(\sum _{j = 0}^{k-1} (2n-2^j)+1\)) Fredkin gates and \((nk + n/4)\) Feynman double gates. According to our design procedure, each FRG produces one garbage output and and the remaining gates combinedly produce n / 2 garbage outputs. So, total garbage outputs produced by an (n, k) fault tolerant universal shifter is,

$$\begin{aligned} \sum _{j = 0}^{k-1} (2n-2^j)+ nk+ \frac{n}{4} = n(2k+1)+(k+2) \end{aligned}$$

\(\square \)

Lemma 13

Let \(\alpha , \beta \) and \( \gamma \) be the hardware complexity for two-input Ex-OR, AND, NOT calculations, respectively. Also let, n is the number of input bits and k = \(log_2n\). Then the propsed universal shifter can be realized with \(\frac{1}{2}(11n+14nk)\) quantum cost and (\(n/2(8k + 5)\alpha +4n(k+1)\beta +n(k+1)\gamma \)) hardware complexity .


A (n, k) fault tolerant universal shifter requires (\(\sum _{j = 0}^{k-1} (2n-2^j)+1\)) Fredkin gates and \((nk + \frac{n}{4})\) Feynman double gates. Quantum cost of each Fredkin and Feynman double gate is 5 and 2 respectively; and their hardware complexity is \(2\alpha +4\beta +\gamma \) and \(2\alpha \), respectively. So, total quantum cost of the proposed (n, k) reversible fault tolerant universal shifter is \(5\sum _{j = 0}^{k-1} (2n-2^j)+1)+2(nk + n/4) = \frac{1}{2}(11n+14nk)\) and the total hardware complexity is \( 2(\sum _{j = 0}^{k-1}(2n-2^j)+1)+(nk + n/4)\alpha +4\sum _{j = 0}^{k-1}(2n-2^j)+1)\beta +\sum _{j = 0}^{k-1}(2n-2^j)+1)\gamma = n/2(8k + 5)\alpha +4n(k+1)\beta +n(k+1)\gamma \) \(\square \)

figure g

Algorithm 7 demonstrates the design procedure of the proposed bidirectional universal shifter. The extra control input \(S_{LR}\) defines shift-rotate direction. According to the algorithm the architecture of proposed bidirectional universal shifter is shown in Fig. 18. The figure shows that there is an additional Fredkin gate after the (n, k) universal right shifter. The additional gate preserves the sign bit when \(S_{LA}\) is set to high. The sign bit of the input data is copied for arithmetic right shift using additional Feynman double gate. Table 4 shows the operational procedure of the (n, k) reversible fault tolerant universal bidirectional shifter.

Fig. 18
figure 18

Proposed (nk) reversible fault tolerant bidirectional universal shifter

Table 4 Operations on bidirectional universal shifter

The working procedure of the Algorithm 7 is as follows: In the first stage, the input data \(I_{n-1}, I_{n-2}\), ... ... ...,\( I_1, I_0\) is provided to the n/2 Fredkin gates, which are controlled by the control signal \(S_{LR}\). When \(S_{LR}\) is set to high, the input data is reversed. In the second stage, the outputs generated by the n/2 Fredkin gates are used as the inputs to the (n, \(k+2\)) universal right shifter. The (n, \(k+2\)) universal right shifter performs the desire right shifts depending on its inputs \(S_{RS}\) and \(S_{RR}\). The stage III consists of a Fredkin gate, which is needed only if the arithmetic left shift operation is performed. This additional Fredkin gate helps in changing the \(0^{th}\) bit of the output generated by the proposed (n, \(k+2\)) universal right shifter if \(S_{LR}\) = 1 and \(S_{RS}\) = 1. Thus, when this condition is satisfied, the Fredkin gate will change the \(0^{th}\) bit of the output generated by the (n, k) universal right shifter to the sign bit, i.e., \(I_{n-1}\). If this stage is used, then the outputs of the final stage will be arithmetic left shifted result of the original inputs. The stage IV, consists of n/2 Fredkin gates as shown in Fig. 18, which are controlled by the control signal \(S_{LR}\). If \(S_{LR}\) = 1 then the inputs passed to this stage are reversed by the n/2 Fredkin gates to produce the final output as logically left shifted input data or arithmetically left shifted input data or left rotated input data. Otherwise, the final outputs will be the same as the outputs of the Stage III, which is logically right shifted input or arithmetically right shifted input or right rotated input.

Lemma 14

A reversible fault tolerant bidirectional universal shifter for n data bits can be realized with \(1/4(9n+8nk+8)\) reversible fault tolerant gates \(\frac{1}{2}(21n+14nk+14)\) quantum cost and \(\frac{1}{2}(9n+8nk+8)\) \(\alpha \) + \((8n+4nk+4)\) \(\beta \)+ \((4n+2nk+2)\) \(\gamma \) hardware complexity, where n is the number of inputs, \(k=log_2n\), \(\alpha \), \(\beta \) and \( \gamma \) are the hardware complexity for two-input Exclusive-OR, AND, NOT calculations respectively.


The proposed bidirectional universal shifter for n data bits is the extension of the proposed universal right shifter with some additional gates. As proved earlier, the universal right shifter can be realized with \(\sum _{j = 0}^{k-1} (2n-2^j)+ nk+ \frac{n}{4}\) garbage outputs. Additional gates that are needed to maintain bi-directionality in the universal shifter produce \(\frac{n}{2}\) garbage outputs. Thus, total number of garbage outputs produced by the proposed bidirectional universal shifter is, \(\sum _{j = 0}^{k-1} (2n-2^j)+ nk+ \frac{n}{4} + \frac{n}{2} = 1/4(n+2nk+5)\).

According to our previous discussion, quantum cost of each Fredkin and Feynman double gate are 5 and 2, respectively and their hardware complexity are \(2\alpha +4\beta +\gamma \) and \(2\alpha \), respectively. So, total quantum cost of the proposed (n, k) bidirectional universal shifter is, \( 5\sum _{j = 0}^{k-1} (2n-2^j) + 5 + 5(n+1) + 2\sum _{j = 0}^{k-1}n+\frac{n}{2}+ 2= \frac{1}{2}(21n+14nk+14)\) and total hardware complexity of the proposed bidirectional universal shifter is \((\sum _{j = 0}^{k-1} (2n-2^j) + 1 + (n+1))(2\alpha +4\beta +\gamma ) + 2(\sum _{j = 0}^{k-1}n+\frac{n}{4}+1)\alpha \frac{1}{2}(9n+8nk+8)\alpha + (8n+4nk+4)\beta + (4n+2nk+2)\). \(\square \)

6 Performance evaluation of the proposed methods

In this section, we evaluate the performance of the proposed designs with respect to existing approaches in terms of number of garbage output (GO), quantum cost (QC), constant inputs (CI), hardware complexity (HC), and power delay product (PDP). Garbage output is considered as an important performance evaluation parameter, since it represents the number of unwanted overheads. As mentioned in Sect. 2.3, heavy price is paid off for each garbage output [5, 6]. Thus, the circuit with fewer garbage outputs is desirable. In addition, the constant input is another major overhead, as it increases the number of bits for the realization. On the other hand, hardware complexity represents the required number of basic operations for a circuit. A reversible circuit with fewer hardware complexity means a circuit with lower operations that leads to the lower quantum cost. The reversible circuits with the fewer quantum cost are considered as beneficial as a quantum circuit with many qubits is very difficult to realize. In addition, power delay product is directly correlated with the energy efficiency specifically for the transistor based circuits. The circuit with lower power delay product is also desirable [26, 27]. In the following tables we present the power delay product in normalized form. The standard normalization procedure based on frequency (input) has been used for this purpose.

To our best knowledge, there are two works [21, 22] on reversible unidirectional barrel shifters. The work [21] greatly outperforms the work of [22]. Thus, we compare our proposed unidirectional work only with the method of [21] which is shown in Table 5 Footnote 2. Table 6 represents the performance of the proposed bidirectional shifters with the existing bidirectional shifter [23]. However, it is not possible for us to evaluate the performance of the proposed universal shifter with respect to the existing design [29] as the existing design presents only a structure of (4, 2) shifter without any further explanation. The minimization in the proposed circuit is achieved at the low level transistors which is reflected in the above performance evaluation tables. The performance evaluation tables also proved that the proposed reversible fault tolerant designs perform much better than the existing non-fault tolerant designs in terms of all the performance evaluation parameters. Form these tables we also find that the performance of the proposed circuits increases as the circuit grows (more inputs).

Table 6 Comparative study of reversible bidirectional logarithmic barrel shifters

7 Conclusions

In this paper, we presented the design methodologies of the reversible fault tolerant unidirectional, bidirectional and universal barrel shifters. The proposed circuits have the capability of detecting errors at its primary outputs, which are not available in the existing circuits [21, 23, 29]. We have also proposed two lower bounds on the numbers of garbage outputs and constant inputs of the reversible barrel shifters in Theorems 1 and 2, respectively. Example 1 has evidenced that the proposed unidirectional rotator is constructed with the optimum garbage output and constant input. The proposed unidirectional rotator has further been used to build the base structures of the other proposed shifters. We also present design algorithm for all the proposed reversible fault tolerant barrel shifters. The presented algorithms can be used to design the respective fault tolerant barrel shifters for any n where, n is number of data bits and \(n=2^m, m\ge 2, m\epsilon Z\). Moreover, in order to simulate the proposed circuits, we implement each individual gates of the proposed shifters using low power MOS transistors. The simulation results showed that the proposed shifters work accurately. Finally we have presented detail comparative results in Tables 5 and 6, respectively. The comparative results show that the proposed designs perform better than all its counterparts and are much more scalable.