
While diagnosticians make individual diagnoses of the autism spectrum condition (ASC) in clinical settings based on direct observations of the patients and reports by caregivers, empirical researchers seeking to gauge autistic-like tendencies in the nonclinical adult population often rely on self-report measures. Our literature search has identified three such scales: autistic spectrum quotient (AQ; Baron-Cohen et al. 2001), adult repetitive behaviors questionnaire-2 (RBQ-2A; Barrett et al. 2015), and systemizing quotient (SQ; Baron-Cohen et al. 2003).Footnote 1 These self-report measures are not intended to be diagnostic instruments, but have been used as screening tools and administered along with other scales in empirical survey-based research.

Among these, the most widely used scale is likely the AQ (Baron-Cohen et al. 2001), a comprehensive measure of autism-like symptoms. Since its publication, the article containing the original scale has been cited thousands of times, and its influence continues to grow (Table 1). However, as elaborated in later sections, the factor structure of the AQ remains inconclusive despite its popularity and frequent use in prior literature. Further, neither the original scale nor its abbreviated versions are in keeping with the current two-factor ASC diagnostic criteria specified in the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5; American Psychiatric Association 2013), potentially leading to a disconnect between academic research on ASC and clinical practice.

Table 1 An overview of three adult, self-report autism-related measures

Complementing the AQ, the RBQ-2A (Barrett et al. 2015) assesses a specific set of autistic symptoms, i.e., restricted and repetitive behaviors. Individuals with high autistic tendencies may have limited insight into their social and communication challenges,Footnote 2 which could bias their responses in the non-autism direction (Bishop and Seltzer 2012). Therefore, by focusing on one of the most directly observable aspects of autism, this scale does not rely on the respondents’ introspection and is less likely influenced by their limited insight (Lewis and Bodfish 1998). Given its relative newness, we are not aware of any follow-up research that has retested the psychometric properties of the RBQ-2A using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA).

The SQ (Baron-Cohen et al. 2003), developed based on the Empathizing-Systemizing Theory (Baron-Cohen 2002), has also been frequently used over the years (Table 1). However, similar to the AQ, the SQ also has factorial validity issues in addition to some of its items appearing outdated and needing to be revised or removed to remain current (e.g., “I find it difficult to learn how to program video recorders”).

In this research, we examine the AQ, RBQ-2A, and SQ for their appropriateness for empirical survey-based research using two key criteria: psychometric validity and parsimony.

To be appropriate for empirical survey-based research, a measurement instrument must possess satisfactory psychometric validity, such as reliability and factorial validity (Hair et al. 1998). While most researchers follow the same guidelines on scale reliability (e.g., Cronbach’s α ≥ 0.70, Nunnally 1978), there has been less attention and consistency in the types of evidence required to demonstrate factorial validity (e.g., convergent validity, discriminant validity, measurement invariance), especially when evaluating these autism-related scales.

Many studies have relied on exploratory techniques, such as exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and principle component analysis (PCA), which often lead to significant over-factoring (Frazier and Youngstrom 2007), rather than CFA, which can evaluate alternative a priori factor structures for the best model fit and effectively establish factorial validity (e.g., MacCallum et al. 1992). In addition to overall model fit, items should also have high loadings on the intended factors (convergent validity) and low loadings on other factors (discriminant validity). Thresholds for individual item loadings have been recommended (e.g., 0.71 = excellent, 0.63 = very good, 0.55 = good, 0.45 = fair, and 0.32 = poor; Tabachnick and Fidell 2007). While it is critical for a factor to have at least three items (Kline 2010; Velicer and Fava 1998), it is desirable for a factor to have at least four loadings of 0.60 or higher (Guadagnoli and Velicer 1988).

Besides psychometric validity, another characteristic of a desirable measurement scale for empirical research, especially in survey-based research, is parsimony. In survey studies that include a large number of measurement items, researchers may be rightfully concerned about participants’ response burden, which can lead to decreased data quality and response rates (Veale and Williams 2015). While researchers need valid measures with strong loadings and domain coverage of their focal constructs, scale parsimony is also necessary to encourage respondent participation and reduce response burden and bias (e.g., Deutskens et al. 2004; Dillman 2000).

In sum, while the above three scales have been used repeatedly in research, they have presented either factorial validity issues (AQ and SQ), need updating for a modern context (SQ), or have never been further tested using CFA (RBQ-2A). Given their influence in the literature, it is important to ensure their validity and refine them as needed to provide rigorous and consistent instruments for future empirical research. In this work, we refine these three scales using samples from nonclinical, general adult populations, such as U.S. college students and members of an online crowdsourcing platform (MTurk). The resulting measures are not intended to be diagnostic instruments for ASC, but as measurement scales in empirical survey-based studies examining the relationships between autism-like symptoms and other constructs.

In the following sections, we first review the previous scale development efforts related to these three autism-related measures and discuss their limitations based on the criteria of psychometric validity and parsimony. Then, we iteratively test and refine these scales for their robustness and consistency through three consecutive studies: we examine the psychometric properties of the existing scales in Study 1 with a sample of U.S. college students, further refine them through adding or removing items in Study 2 using a worldwide sample of MTurk members, and conduct a final psychometric test of the revised scales in Study 3 with a sample of U.S.-based MTurk members. In these consecutive evaluations, we assess scale reliability, convergent and discriminant validity, factorial invariance, and nomological validity in terms of their intercorrelations with relevant Big Five personality traits that have been established in prior autism research. Evidence for factorial invariance will also enable us to conduct cross-group comparisons, such as gender-based differences between male and female participants, which have also been widely reported in prior autism research. This collective set of tests will allow us to provide a psychometrically valid, parsimonious, and consistent measure in line with prior academic research and clinical practice. We conclude with a discussion of the benefits and usage of the final scales, their limitations, and recommendations for future research.

Prior Scale Development Efforts

Autistic Spectrum Quotient (AQ)

Likely the most frequently used autism-related self-report measure, the original AQ scale (Baron-Cohen et al. 2001) consists of 50 items in five factors: social skill, attention switching, attention to detail, communication, and imagination. However, despite its popularity, the 5-factor structure has received limited support in subsequent research, where a 3-factor model has been identified and replicated (e.g., Austin 2005; Hurst et al. 2007; Kloosterman et al. 2011).

In the first EFA of the AQ-50, Austin (2005) extracted a 26-item solution (AQ-26) in 3 factors, namely social skills (α = 0.85), details/patterns (α = 0.70) and communication/mindreading (α = 0.66). Using PCA, Hurst et al. (2007) largely replicated Austin’s (2005) 3-factor solution, however, the third factor, communication/mindreading, exhibited low internal consistency (α = 0.42) as well as low item loadings across its four items (0.33, 0.53, 0.58, and 0.61). Though Hurst et al. (2007) noted that an alternative 2-factor solution could have been supported, the third factor was nonetheless retained due to their desire to “link the three identified factors to the autism triad, consistent with the [then] current diagnostic criteria” (p. 1947).

In a CFA test of the AQ-50, Kloosterman et al. (2011) also found support for a 3-factor model, including social skills, attention to detail, and communication/mindreading. However, similar to Austin (2005) and Hurst et al. (2007), the third factor exhibited lower reliability (α = 0.65), and only two of its five items had loadings over 0.50.

This set of studies, all reporting a three-factor solution with internal consistency and/or convergent validity in the communication/mindreading factor lower than the recommended thresholds (e.g., Guadagnoli and Velicer 1988; Tabachnick and Fidell 2007), provides cumulative evidence in support of a 2-factor AQ model (social skills and attention to detail), which, echoing Hurst et al.’s (2007) call, would be consistent with the current two-factor ASC diagnostic criteria specified in DSM-5: “persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction” and “restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities” (American Psychiatric Association 2013). Therefore, continued evaluation and refinement of the AQ is needed in keeping with the current DSM-5 criteria, which will allow for the further alignment between academic research and clinical practice.

Another noteworthy effort to achieve a parsimonious AQ measure is Allison et al.’s (2012) AQ-10, which was proposed as a rapid screening tool and was constructed by choosing the two items with the highest discrimination index values from each of the five AQ-50 scales (Baron-Cohen et al. 2001). However, evidence for its factorial validity was not reported, and its 5-factor structure is unlikely to hold in view of findings in Austin (2005), Hurst et al. (2007), and Kloosterman et al. (2011). Additionally, since each of the subscales consist of only two items despite recommendations for at least three items per factor (Kline 2010; Velicer and Fava 1998), they may suffer from low reliability as well as model estimation problems (Kline 2010), which can hinder their value when used in survey-based research.

Since the factorial validity of the AQ-10 has never been reported in the literature, and the scale is frequently used in research (e.g., Jackson et al. 2018), it is necessary that its psychometric soundness be empirically tested. Despite its potential shortcomings, it still has the distinct advantage of being the briefest AQ measure. In view of its parsimony, it was still used as a starting point for constructing a parsimonious and psychometrically sound AQ measure that is also theoretically linked to the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria. (The AQ-50 was not chosen because it is neither parsimonious nor psychometrically sound.)

Adult Repetitive Behavior Questionnaire (RBQ-2A)

The RBQ-2A (Barrett et al. 2015) focuses on a specific set of autism-related behaviors, i.e., restricted and repetitive behaviors. Developed using PCA, it consists of 14 items in two subscales: repetitive motor behavior (RMB) and insistence on sameness (IoS). RMB includes motor mannerisms, sensory seeking behaviors, and repetitive use of objects, while IoS is characterized by compulsions, rituals, and difficulties with changes in routine (Cuccaro et al. 2003).

However, there is limited evidence of its factorial validity as three items have “poor” loadings (λ < 0.45, Tabachnick and Fidell 2007) and another three item loadings are in the “fair” range (λ < 0.55, Tabachnick and Fidell 2007). Unfortunately, no follow-up research using this scale has retested and reported its psychometric properties using CFA. It is therefore necessary to further validate and refine the scale for future empirical research.

Systemizing Quotient (SQ)

The 40-item SQ scale (SQ-40, Baron-Cohen et al. 2003) was proposed as a measure of autistic tendencies based on the Empathizing-Systemizing Theory (Baron-Cohen 2002), which posits that individuals with high autistic tendencies have impaired empathizing, but superior systemizing, which refers to the drive to analyze, control, and build rule-based systems by understanding input-operation-output relationships (Baron-Cohen et al. 2003).

Based on CFA results, Ling et al. (2009) found that a single-factor model for SQ-40 has poor fit and recommended a 4-factor, 18-item solution, including technicity, topography, DIY, and structure. However, the topography and DIY subscales each had less than 3 items with “good” loadings, and overall, 8 of the 18 items have loadings that are less than “good” (λ < 0.55, Tabachnick and Fidell 2007), indicating limited convergent validity in these two subscales and the possibility that a two-factor SQ model (including technicity and structure) is a better fit.

Based on Manning et al.’s (2010) set of the most gender-differentiating SQ items, Veale and Williams (2015) tested a single-factor, 8-item measure (SQ-8). Though its overall model fit was thought to be “reasonably adequate” (p. 4), only 2 of its 8 items have loadings in the range of “good” or higher (λ > 0.55, Tabachnick and Fidell 2007). Therefore, further development of the SQ scale will likely require the higher loading items from the SQ-8 to be supplemented by additional items from the SQ-18 (Ling et al. 2009) to enhance scale validity.

In sum, though the existing AQ, RBQ-2A and SQ measures have been used in many empirical studies, yet they still exhibit significant psychometric issues—many of these have been acknowledged in the literature—and require additional refinement and testing to be used in future research. As the goal of this work is to rigorously evaluate, develop, and refine these frequently used scales to improve their psychometric validity and parsimony as well as ensure applicability to the general adult population, we begin with a baseline examination in Study 1 by testing the briefest existing versions of these measures before refining them in Study 2 and finally validating them in Study 3. A road map summarizing the scales, goals, and analytic techniques in each study is presented in Table 2.

Table 2 Road map of multi-study scale refinement and validation

Study 1: Initial Evaluation


Participants and Procedures

An anonymous online survey was administered with a sample of undergraduate students from two large public universities in the United States. Students received extra course credit for their participation. A total of 207 students returned useable responses, including 128 males (61.8%), 73 females (35.3%), and six students who did not report their gender. The mean age was 21.86 years, with the vast majority of them (91.8%) between 20 and 25. Most respondents were majored in business (31.2%) and IT-related (62.9%) fields. A total of 11 respondents (5.3%) were international students.


In addition to the customary demographic questions (e.g., age, gender, education), the survey included the AQ-10 (Allison et al. 2012), the RBQ-2A (Barrett et al. 2015), and the SQ-8 (Veale and Williams 2015). The complete set of items is presented in Table 3 (AQ-10) and 4 (RBQ-2A and SQ-8). All items were measured on a 7-point scale from “Strongly Disagree” to “Strongly Agree”.

Table 3 Study 1 EFA loading matrix for AQ-10

Statistical Analysis

As discussed earlier, the purpose of Study 1 is to empirically confirm the psychometric issues described in the prior literature before these measures are further developed and refined in subsequent studies. To begin our evaluation of scale validity, we first examine their internal consistency using Cronbach’s α estimates, and then assess their convergent and discriminant validity with CFA using LISREL 8.80.


Internal Consistency


As expected, all five AQ-10 subscales exhibited low internal consistency (αAttentiontoDetail = 0.21, αAttentionSwitching = 0.57, αCommunication = 0.50, αImagination = 0.21, and αSocial = 0.43). When all ten items were evaluated in a single factor, the internal consistency remained low (α = 0.48).


Both subscales, repetitive motor behavior and insistence on sameness, achieved adequate internal consistency (αRMB = 0.80 and αIoS = 0.83), and therefore were further examined in a CFA in the following section.


The SQ-8 achieved acceptable internal consistency (α = 0.75) with the existing items and was also included in the CFA test in the following section.

To sum up, in contrast to the AQ-10, the RBQ-2A and SQ-8 were found to demonstrate adequate internal consistency (i.e., α ≥ 0.70) and were therefore further tested for validity both within and between the scales through a combined CFA.

Convergent and Discriminant Validity

Since all five AQ-10 subscales exhibited unsatisfactory internal consistency, it was not necessary to further assess its factorial validity using CFA in its current form. However, in case there exists an underlying model consisting of fewer factors, we explored its factor structure using an unrestricted EFA with varimax rotation (Table 3), which revealed three factors with eigen values greater than (1) However, after removing items with low loadings (#5, #28R and #41) and cross loadings (#45), only two factors remained. Factor 1 consisted of one item from social skill (#36) and two items from communication, while both items from attention switching loaded onto Factor (2) However, neither factor met the threshold for scale reliability (i.e., α ≥ 0.70), thus no further analysis of the AQ-10 was necessary at this stage.

When testing the RBQ-2A and SQ-8 using CFA, we first examined the two scales separately. CFA results show that the two-factor RBQ-2A exhibits less than satisfactory model fit (χ2 = 162.98, df = 76, NFI = 0.90, CFI = 0.94, RMSEA = 0.074 with 90% CI: 0.058–0.090), with both NFI and CFI below the recommended thresholds of 0.95 and RMSEA exceeding 0.06 for acceptable model fit (Hu and Bentler 1999).

CFA results of the single-factor SQ-8 also indicates poor model fit (χ2 = 71.27, df = 20, NFI = 0.87, CFI = 0.90, RMSEA = 0.11 with 90% CI: 0.08–0.14), with NFI, CFI and RMSEA all comparing unfavorably with recommended thresholds (Hu and Bentler 1999). Additionally, only a single item loading exceeded 0.60.

After testing each scale individually, we examined the two scales together in a single model to evaluate their convergent and discriminant validity. The combined model also provided less than satisfactory fit (χ2 = 373.19, df = 206, NFI = 0.84, CFI = 0.92, RMSEA = 0.063 with 90% CI: 0.053 ~ 0.073). Factor loadings in Table 4 indicate that four RBQ-2A items (RMB #1, IoS #1, #2 and #7) have “poor” loadings (λ < 0.45, Tabachnick and Fidell 2007), which are similar to those reported by Barrett et al. (2015). Thus, these four items should be removed or refined in future steps of scale development.

Table 4 Study 1 CFA loading matrix for RQB-2A and SQ-8

The SQ-8 item loading matrix (Table 4) suggests that Items 2, 3R, and 4R have similarly low loadings in our study as in prior examinations (e.g., Veale and Williams 2015), necessitating their removal or refinement in future steps. As also observed by Veale and Williams, Item 1 (“maps”) has significant conceptual overlap with Item 6 (“motorways”), and thus could be removed to increase parsimony. Since only one item has a loading exceeding 0.60, further development of the SQ scale requires additional items from the larger SQ-18 to strengthen its psychometric properties.


Results from Study 1 indicate that, as expected, the AQ-10 has low internal consistency in all of its five subscales compared to the established guideline (α ≥ 0.70, Nunnally 1978). Though five of its items loaded onto two factors in an unrestricted EFA, appearing to echo the current dual-factor ASC diagnostic criteria, this alternative structure for AQ-10 cannot be supported in view of its low internal consistency, which likely resulted from its small number of items. Further development of the AQ requires additional items from the larger AQ-26 (Austin 2005; Hurst et al. 2007) to supplement the AQ-10 items before conducting further tests.

Results also show that, as expected, the SQ-8 has low item loadings and poor overall model fit. Thus, neither the AQ-10 nor the SQ-8 possesses satisfactory psychometric properties for empirical survey-based research at this time. Further development and refinement of these two scales require incorporating additional items to enhance their psychometric properties.

Though the RBQ-2A scale also exhibits less than satisfactory model fit, its psychometric properties may be improved by simply removing items with low loadings as the number of items in each factor (6 and 8) still far exceeds the recommended minimum of three items per scale (Kline 2010). Such item removal can also further improve its parsimony. In Study 2, we refine these three scales based on the issues identified in Study 1 and use theory and prior literature to determine potential remedies for the less than satisfactory psychometric properties.

Study 2: Further Refinement

Based on results from Study 1, our focus in Study 2 was to improve scale validity by removing unsatisfactory items from the RBQ-2A and incorporating additional items into the AQ and SQ scales.


To achieve a high degree of scale applicability and generalizability across adult populations, we collected data from a larger, more heterogeneous sample through Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (MTurk). Other ASC studies have also used samples from different populations in scale development (e.g., Barrett et al. 2015; Berger et al. 2016; Odom et al. 2018). Such multi-sample design can enhance scale applicability and generalizability to a variety of settings (Hui et al. 2004), which is essential for empirical research.

The use of MTurk samples has seen significant growth in recent years in psychology, psychiatry, and other behavioral fields as a way to recruit participants that are more diverse than college students (e.g., Berger et al. 2016; Chua 2013; Gosling and Mason 2015; Longo et al. 2018; Steelman et al. 2014). MTurk samples have been found to provide highly replicated results to those of traditional college student samples and specialized samples through third party organizations (Mullinix et al. 2015). MTurk respondents are also less inhibited to provide truthful answers due to increased anonymity, thus reducing social desirability bias (Shapiro et al. 2013). As further assurance to data quality, we restricted participation to MTurk members with cumulative satisfaction ratings of at least 95%. Participants were offered a small monetary incentive ($1.00) to encourage their participation.

Participants and Procedures

In Study 2, an MTurk sample of 355 participants from 44 countries returned useable data, with most of them residing in India (243, 68.5%) and Venezuela (19, 5.4%). No other country represents over 5% of the sample. Most respondents are male (260, 73.2%) and young (68.7% between 18 and 34 years of age, 28.2% between 35 and 54 years of age, 3.1% are 55 or over), and have received some college education (9.3% some college and 89.3% with bachelor’s degrees or higher).


In Study 2, additional AQ and SQ items were included to enhance scale validity. The complete list of items is provided in Table 5.

Table 5 Study 2 CFA item loadings


The six items from the social skills (#36 and #45), attention to detail (#5 and #28), and communication/mindreading (#27 and #31) subscales of the AQ-10 were supplemented by 13 items from these three subscales of the larger AQ-26 that had loadings of 0.40 or higher in prior research (Hurst et al. 2007).


Due to satisfactory loadings, the ten items from Study 1 were retained.


The four remaining SQ-8 items from Study 1 (#5, #6, #7 and #8) were supplemented by six items with loadings over 0.40 from the technicity and structure subscales of the larger SQ-18 (Ling et al. 2009). No items from its topography or DIY subscales were considered as neither factor had at least three items with sufficiently high loadings (Ling et al. 2009). Additionally, since reverse worded items can cause respondent confusion and mistakes while failing to prevent inattentive or acquiescent answering (van Sonderen et al. 2013), three such items were revised to be positively worded to increase clarity and improve internal consistency (#11 from “rarely” to “often”, #43 from “I would not” to “I would”, and #51 from “I do not think” to “I think”).

Statistical Analysis

Our analytical approach in Study 2 follows that of Study 1 such that we examine scale reliability after first conducting CFA tests of convergent and discriminant validity to remove items with low or cross loadings. Items with significant cross loadings should be dropped regardless of their content validity because they conceptually tap more than one latent factor and are therefore theoretically ambiguous and weak in discriminant validity (Hair et al. 1998). In sum, to ensure construct validity, items with low loadings (weak convergent validity) and cross loadings (weak discriminant validity) will be removed from further consideration (Kline 2010; Nunnally 1978).


Table 5 presents the CFA factor loadings for the three measurement scales in this study. We began by dropping 8 items with loadings in the “poor” range (λ < 0.45, Tabachnick and Fidell 2007), before separately testing each measure. In each individual goodness-of-fit test, we examined the modification indices to identify and remove items that have high error covariance with other items or load onto non-intended factors (Kline 2010). This process led to the removal of another 6 items (AQ #11 and #38; RMB #3; SQ #11, #30, and #51) to further increase the psychometric properties of each scale.

After this initial refinement of the items, the goodness-of-fit test results in Table 6 indicate that all three resulting scales achieved satisfactory model fit in their individual CFA tests, along with acceptable levels of internal consistency (all α ≥ 0.70), except for AQ attention to detail (α = 0.67), which is near the threshold. Further, when assessing the three scales together in a holistic model, the model fit remained satisfactory (χ2 = 499.85, df = 260, NFI = 0.93, CFI = 0.97, RMSEA = 0.051 with 90% CI: 0.044 ~ 0.058), indicating adequate psychometric validity and parsimony with the refined scales and items.

Table 6 Study 2 individual scale goodness-of-fit test results


After culling low-loading items from the RBQ-2A scale and adding high-loading items from the larger sets of AQ-26 and SQ-18 items, the three revised scales were subject to further testing in Study 2 using a larger, more diverse, and global, adult sample through MTurk. Results show that these item removals and additions have enhanced the internal consistency and factorial validity of the three scales.

Having used data from a global population through MTurk, the results in Study 2 provided initial evidence of scale applicability and generalizability to more diverse populations beyond the relatively homogeneous sample of U.S. college students employed in Study 1.

Finally, after finding scale structures that achieve adequate psychometric validity and parsimony in Study 2, we conducted Study 3 as a final validation of the three scales, hereinafter referred to as the AQ-9, RBQ-2A-R, and SQ-7. As a part of this final assessment, a series of additional robustness tests (i.e., measurement invariance, nomological validity) was performed to ensure their nomological validity, applicability, and consistency with prior research.

Study 3: Final Validation

As summarized in our analysis road map (Table 2), a final validation test was conducted in Study 3 to reevaluate convergent and discriminant validity of the three measures, establish scale nomological validity with known relationships from prior research, and to perform factorial invariance tests to determine scale consistency across groups. Findings of factorial validity and invariance enable the reporting of descriptive statistics, including internal consistency and factor correlations, which can be used to further assess their nomological validity.

A high degree of factorial invariance ensures that a given measurement scale is equivalent and consistent across different populations or groups. In this study, we examine gender differences as it has been repeatedly examined in prior autism research. This step is a critically important aspect of construct validity because a lack of invariance can preclude an unambiguous interpretation of between-group differences (Cheung and Rensvold 2002).

Also an important aspect of construct validity, nomological validity needs to be assessed to confirm that the focal construct is indeed correlated with other theoretically related constructs in its nomological network established in prior research (Cronbach and Meehl 1955). In this study, we assess nomological validity by examining the intercorrelations among these three autism scales and by replicating their relationships with relevant Big Five personality traits, which have been found to account for 70% of variance in autism trait scores (Schwartzman et al. 2016). The autism-Big Five linkage has also been reported in other studies (e.g., Austin 2005; Lodi-Smith et al. 2018; Rodgers et al. 2018; Schriber et al. 2014; Wakabayashi et al. 2006).


Participants and Procedures

As discussed earlier, researchers in behavioral fields have increased their use of the MTurk platform to recruit broader and more heterogeneous samples than student samples. Similarly, in order to achieve greater scale applicability and generalizability in Study 3, our data was gathered from an MTurk sample, which consisted solely of U.S. participants.

A total of 442 MTurk respondents returned useable data, including 192 males (43.7%), 247 females (56.3%), and 3 participants who did not respond to the demographic questions. Compared to the global MTurk respondents in Study 2, the U.S. participants are older (41.0% between 18 and 34 years, 41.0% between 35 and 54 years, 18.0% are 55 or over) and have received less college education (33.0% some college, 58.1% bachelor’s degrees or higher).


To establish nomological validity, constructs with theoretical relationships found in prior literature should be examined to identify expected relationships (MacKenzie et al. 2011). For this study, in addition to the AQ-9, RBQ-2A-R and SQ-7 items from Study 2 (Table 5), scales for both neuroticism and extraversion from the Big Five Inventory (BFI, John and Srivastava 1999) were also administered for the purpose of demonstrating scale nomological validity and further evidence of convergent and divergent validity when examining the AQ-9, RBQ-2A-R, and SQ-7 with additional constructs. These two BFI scales were specifically chosen in this study because they have been shown to correlate with the AQ and SQ in prior research (e.g., Austin 2005; Schwartzman et al. 2016; Wakabayashi et al. 2006). Finding a similar pattern of results with the refined AQ-9, RBQ-2A, and SQ-7 scales will provide further evidence for scale validity.

Statistical Analysis

Similar to our analytical strategies in Study 2, we first use CFA tests to evaluate scale convergent and discriminant validity. We then conduct a series of factorial invariance tests to determine the consistency of the measurement scales and factors across groups (specifically males and females in this study), which should align with known gender differences in prior autism research. After establishing adequate factorial validity and invariance to enable scale estimation and interpretation, we then report descriptive statistics, including scale reliability and factor correlations (Hair et al. 1998). Finally, we establish nomological validity by examining intercorrelations among the three autism-related scales and by replicating their relationships with their known Big Five correlates.


Convergent and Discriminant Validity

The CFA loading matrix for the three autism scales is presented in Table 7. Each scale exhibits satisfactory convergent and discriminant validity with items loading primarily on their focal constructs and less so on the others in the model (Kline 2010). However, the two SQ subscales have some slight cross-loadings, evidencing conceptual overlap and weaker discriminant validity within the SQ scale, but not across the other scales. Results from three separate goodness-of-fit tests also provide satisfactory evidence of psychometric validity (Table 8).

Table 7 Study 3 CFA factor loading matrix
Table 8 Study 3 individual scale goodness of fit tests

To further examine the discriminant validity between the two SQ subscales, we estimated a CFA model where the correlation between the two latent factors was constrained to 1. The resulting model has a poor fit (χ2 = 112.21, df = 14, NFI = 0.94, CFI = 0.94, RMSEA = 0.138), and the two-factor SQ model has significantly better fit (Δχ2 = 91.97, df = 1, p < 0.00001) despite the cross-loadings, indicating support for the two-factor model in future research.

However, researchers who remain concerned with the discriminant validity of the two SQ factors may alternatively only use the technicity subscale, which is the factor that explains the largest amount of variance in this scale in prior research (Ling et al. 2009). Similarly, in this study, technicity accounts for 51.4% of the total variance while structure explains 14.2%.

Based on CFA tests of the three scales, we again found sufficient evidence of their convergent and discriminant validity, which allowed us to further evaluate their psychometric properties through a set of factorial invariance tests.

Factorial Invariance

Factorial invariance tests were conducted to assess the extent to which each of these three measurement scales is equivalent and consistent across different groups (e.g., males and females). We examined configural invariance, metric invariance, scalar invariance, and complete invariance (Table 9), which provide increasing levels of model strictness across groups to indicate measurement consistency (e.g., Longo et al. 2017; Marques et al. 2017). Though higher levels of invariance are often hard to achieve “as metric equivalence and, particularly, scalar equivalence are frequently rejected in social science research” (Cheung and Rensvold 2002, p. 601), metric invariance is considered a prerequisite for meaningful cross-group comparison (Bollen 1989).

Table 9 Study 3 group invariance tests (male vs. female)

In this research, the factorial invariance tests were conducted between male and female participants. The choice of a gender-based assessment enables us to link our findings with existing knowledge on ASC, such as higher autistic tendencies in men than in women (e.g., Austin 2005). However, such known gender difference was also expected to make higher levels of invariance (e.g., scalar, complete) unlikely. Thus, our goal was to provide evidence of configural and metric invariance between males and females with a pattern of gender differences that are in keeping with prior literature.

In evaluating invariance, a threshold for ΔCFI of no more than 0.01 was adopted (Cheung and Rensvold 2002; Kline 2010). As shown in Table 9, all three scales showed satisfactory model fit in Models 1 and 2 and met the ΔCFI threshold, thus demonstrating evidence for configural and metric invariance. When testing for scalar and complete invariance in Models 3 and 4, model fit became less than satisfactory (RMSEA < 0.06, Hu and Bentler 1999) and exceeded the ΔCFI threshold as expected. This set of tests suggests that the three scales have all demonstrated configural and metric invariance, but as anticipated, not scalar or complete invariance due to known gender differences also reported in prior autism research.

With evidence of metric invariance, which is a prerequisite for meaningful cross-group comparison (Bollen 1989), a gender comparison test was performed for each of the scales. As shown in Table 10, males are significantly higher than females in attention to detail, insistence on sameness, structure, and technicity. However, gender differences in social communication and repetitive motor behavior are not significant. These findings are generally expected and consistent with our invariance test results (i.e., metric, but not scalar invariance) as well as prior research showing gender differences in autistic tendencies (e.g., Austin 2005).

Table 10 Study 3 Gender Group Comparison

Descriptive Statistics and Nomological Validity

After providing evidence of adequate psychometric validity of the scales, we are able to estimate and provide interpretations of each final scale. Table 11 presents the descriptive statistics, scale reliabilities, and factor correlations for the final scales. (See complete list of the final items in the Appendix.) All scales exhibit satisfactory reliability (α > 0.70).

Table 11 Study 3 descriptive statistics, scale reliability and factor correlations

As expected, many factors within the three scales are significantly correlated with one another (Table 11). As further evidence for their nomological validity, many of these factors are significantly linked to their known Big Five correlates (e.g., Austin 2005; Schwartzman et al. 2016; Wakabayashi et al. 2006). For example, AQ Social Communication is negatively related to extroversion (r = − 0.86), and RBQ-2A Repetitive Motor Behavior is positively related to neuroticism (r = 0.51).


The three measures that were further developed and refined in Study 2 were subject to a final round of testing in Study 3 to cross-validate the factor structures, psychometric properties, and nomological validity in a separate data collection (MacKenzie et al. 2011). Based on the results from a sample of U.S. MTurk members, all three scales demonstrated satisfactory internal consistency as well as convergent and discriminant validity, indicating their appropriateness for empirical survey-based research.

Further, in keeping with prior literature (e.g., Austin 2005; Schwartzman et al. 2016; Wakabayashi et al. 2006), the three scales had significant intercorrelations and replicated their relationships with the Big Five traits of extroversion and neuroticism, thus demonstrating their consistency and nomological validity (MacKenzie et al. 2011). Additionally, the factorial invariance tests indicated that the three scales exhibit satisfactory configural and metric invariance (Cheung and Rensvold 2002), which enabled us to compare means between genders, a common comparison in autism research (e.g., Austin 2005).

General Discussion

In this research, three rounds of scale testing and refinement were carried out using heterogeneous samples from general adult populations, which provided evidence of their applicability and generalizability to different populations (Kukull and Ganguli 2012). The resulting AQ-9, consisting of two factors: social communication and attention to detail, now mirrors the current dual diagnostic criteria in the DSM-5 and thus better aligns academic research and clinical practice. Also containing 9 items, the RBQ-2A-R has been refined through CFA for the first time, providing evidence of its reliability and validity for empirical research across the general population. The SQ-7 scale consists of two factors, including technicity and structure, and its content has also been updated to remain applicable.

To establish their psychometric properties, this research has provided evidence of scale factorial validity (through exhibiting satisfactory convergent and discriminant validity), factorial invariance (through establishing scale configural and metric invariance), nomological validity (through demonstrating consistent relationships among the three scales and with Big Five traits as in prior research), as well as parsimony (all scales contain less than ten items). These parsimonious and psychometrically satisfactory measures can provide efficient and consistent measurement of autistic tendencies across various settings in future survey-based research.

However, this research is not without limitations. First, while we feel it a strength and focus of this work to achieve higher scale applicability and generalizability by validating the instruments using three different adult samples, one concern about this design is that these heterogeneous samples represent culturally distinct populations, which may result in different sociocultural expectations for appropriate behaviors and culturally different response styles across different participants, which may in turn diminish the generalizability of these instruments.Footnote 3 Therefore, the cultural validity of these three measures should be further tested to ensure their consistency and invariance across cultures as well.

Second, due to the cross-sectional design of this research, the test–retest reliability of the scales could not be assessed. While we do find consistency in the psychometric properties of our refined scales in Studies 2 and 3, future research should examine the consistency of our measures across time periods with a single sample to provide further confidence in these instruments.

Third, while these parsimonious scales demonstrate satisfactory psychometric properties, they have less comprehensive domain coverage than their respective full-length measures. However, this is less likely an issue because as reflective indicators, individual items within a scale are highly correlated and reflect a common underlying latent construct (Hair et al. 1998; Nunnally 1978). Thus, to the extent that scale reliability remains satisfactory, removing individual items should not significantly affect measurement as each item reflects the same underlying construct. Additionally, our final instruments (e.g., AQ-9, SQ-7) are similar in lengths to existing abbreviated measures (e.g., AQ-10, Allison et al. 2012, SQ-8; Veale and Williams 2015), which were also shortened versions of the original, larger scales (e.g., AQ-50, SQ-40).

Finally, though our nonclinical samples may have included some autistic individuals (either diagnosed or not), this research could have benefited from the inclusion of a separate autistic sample. The use of both neurotypical and autistic samples in future research would allow a test of the discriminant ability of these scales and potentially demonstrate their effectiveness as screening tools. While these self-report measures are useful in empirical survey-based research, they are not intended or designed to be diagnostic tools.


Measurement scales that are ideal for empirical survey-based research should be parsimonious and demonstrate satisfactory psychometric properties such as scale reliability and factorial validity (Kline 2010). Despite repeated usage of the AQ, SQ, and RMB-2A in the literature, there has been limited in-depth evaluation of their psychometric properties and appropriateness for empirical research. Our examination found that they could all benefit from further development.

Three rounds of scale development and refinement resulted in three psychometrically satisfactory and parsimonious instruments that can provide efficient and consistent measurement of autistic tendencies in the general adult population. These scales can increase confidence and comparability of the findings of future research while also reducing response burden.

Given that research on autism-related traits in the general adult population is an under-studied area and that the existing measures need further refinement, the development of a rigorously validated set of instruments is a meaningful contribution to this area of empirical research and clinical application.