
Protocol verification with the help of a theorem prover is often rather ad hoc, in the sense that one has to develop the entire proof structure from scratch. Inventing such a structure takes a lot of effort, and makes that in general such a proof cannot be readily adapted to other protocols. Groote and Springintveld [27] proposed a general proof framework for protocol verification, which they named the cones and foci method. In this paper we introduce some improvements for this framework. Furthermore, we have cast the framework in the interactive theorem prover PVS [43].

We present our work in the setting of μCRL [24] (see also [26]), which combines the process algebra ACP [4] with equational abstract data types [33]. Processes are intertwined with data: Actions and recursion variables are parametrized by data types; an if-then-else construct allows data objects to influence the course of a process; and alternative quantification sums over possibly infinite data domains. A special action τ [6] represents hidden internal activity. A labeled transition system is associated to each μCRL specification. Two μCRL specifications are considered equivalent if the initial states of their labeled transition systems are branching bisimilar [19]. Verification of system correctness boils down to checking whether the implementation of a system (with all internal activity hidden) is branching bisimilar to the specification of the desired external behavior of the system.

For finite labeled transition systems, checking whether two states are branching bisimilar can be performed efficiently [28]. The μCRL tool set [8] supports the generation of labeled transition systems, together with reduction modulo branching bisimulation equivalence, and allows model checking of temporal logic formulas [12] via a back-end to the CADP tool set [18]. This approach to verify system correctness has three important drawbacks. First, the labeled transition systems of the μCRL specifications involved must be generated; often the labeled transition system of the implementation of a system cannot be generated, as it is too large, or even infinite. Second, this generation usually requires a specific choice for one network or data domain; in other words, only the correctness of an instantiation of the system is proved. Third, support from and rigorous formalization by theorem provers and proof checkers is not readily available at the level of labeled transition systems.

Linear process equations [7] constitute a restricted class of μCRL specifications in a so-called linear format. Algorithms have been developed to transform μCRL specifications into this linear format [25, 29, 49]. In a linear process equation, the states of the associated labeled transition system are data objects.

The cones and foci method from [27] rephrases the question whether two linear process equations are branching bisimilar in terms of proof obligations on relations between data objects. These proof obligations can be derived by means of algebraic calculations, in general with the help of invariants (i.e., properties of the reachable states) that are proved separately. This method was used in the verification of a considerable number of real-life protocols (e.g., [17, 23, 48]), often with the support of a theorem prover or proof checker.

The main idea of the cones and foci method is that quite often in the implementation of a system, τ-transitions progress inertly towards a state in which no τ can be executed. Here, inert means that a τ-transition is between two branching bisimilar states. We call a state without outgoing τ-transitions a focus point. The cone of a focus point consists of the states that can reach this focus point by a string of inert τ-transitions. In the absence of infinite sequences of τ-transitions, each state belongs to at least one cone. This core idea is depicted in Fig. 1. Note that all external actions at the edge of the depicted cone can also be executed in the ultimate focus point F; this is essential for soundness of the cones and foci method, as otherwise τ-transitions in the cone would not be inert.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The cone of a focus point

The starting point of the cones and foci method are two linear process equations, expressing the implementation and the desired external behavior of a system. A state mapping φ relates each state of the implementation to a state of the desired external behavior. Groote and Springintveld [27] formulated matching criteria, consisting of equations between data objects, which ensure that states s and φ(s) are branching bisimilar. Roughly, (1) if \( s\mathrel{\stackrel{\tau}{\rightarrow}} s' \) then φ(s) = φ(s′), (2) each transition s \( \mathrel{\stackrel{a}{\rightarrow}} \) s′ with \( a\not=\tau \) must be matched by a transition \( \phi(s)\mathrel{\stackrel{a}{\rightarrow}} \phi(s') \), and (3) if s is a focus point, then each transition of φ(s) must be matched by a transition of s.

The state mapping φ establishes a functional branching bisimulation. In principle one could also allow φ to be a relation rather than a function, but such a generalization would come at a price. Namely, the resulting matching criteria would then contain existential quantifiers (which is not the case when φ is a function), and thus would be much harder to validate. In our experience, branching bisimulations that are used in protocol verifications tend to be functional, as a specification of the protocol is related to the desired external behavior of this protocol, where the latter is minimized modulo branching bisimulation.

If an implementation, with all internal activity hidden, gives rise to infinite sequences of τ-actions, then Groote and Springintveld [27] require the user to distinguish between progressing and non-progressing τ's, where the latter are treated in the same way as external actions. A pre-abstraction function divides occurrences of τ in the implementation into progressing and non-progressing ones. The idea is to turn certain states into focus points by declaring τ-transitions at such states to be non-progressing. There must be no infinite sequence of progressing τ's, and focus points are defined to be the states that cannot perform progressing τ's. Often it is far from trivial to define the proper pre-abstraction; there is no general method known to determine a pre-abstraction. Finally, a special fair abstraction rule [3] can be used to try and eliminate the remaining (non-progressing) τ's.

In this paper, we propose an adaptation of the cones and foci method, in which the cumbersome treatment of infinite sequences of τ-transitions (based on pre-abstraction and a fair abstraction rule) is no longer necessary. This improvement of the cones and foci method was conceived during the verification of a sliding window protocol [2, 14], where the adaptation simplified matters considerably. As before, the method deals with linear process equations, requires the definition of a state mapping, and generates the same matching criteria. However, we allow the user to freely assign which states are focus points (instead of prescribing that they are the states in which no progressing τ-actions can be performed), as long as each state is in the cone of some focus point. We do allow infinite sequences of τ-transitions. No distinction between progressing and non-progressing τ's is needed, and τ-loops are eliminated without having to resort explicitly to a fair abstraction rule. We prove that our method is sound modulo branching bisimulation equivalence.

Compared to the original cones and foci method [27], our method is more generally applicable. As expected, some extra price may have to be paid for this generalization. Groote and Springintveld must prove strong termination of progressing τ-transitions. They use a standard approach to prove strong termination: provide a well-founded ordering on states such that for each progressing τ-transition \( s\mathrel{\stackrel{\tau}{\rightarrow}} s' \) one has s > s′. Here we must prove that each state can reach a focus point by a series of τ-transitions. This means that in principle we have a weaker proof obligation, but for a larger class of τ-transitions. We develop a set of rules to prove the reachability of focus points. These rules have been formalized and proved in PVS.

We formalize the cones and foci method in PVS. The intent is to provide a common framework for mechanical verification of protocols using our approach. PVS theories are developed to represent basic notions like labeled transition systems, branching bisimulation, linear process equations, and then the cones and foci method itself. The proof of soundness for the method has been mechanically checked by PVS within this framework. Once we have the linear process equations, the state mapping and the focus condition encoded in PVS, the PVS theorem prover and its type-checking condition system can be used to generate and verify all correctness conditions to ensure that the implementation and the external behavior of a system are branching bisimilar.

We apply our mechanical proof framework to the Concurrent Alternating Bit Protocol [31], which served as the main example in [27]. Our aims are to compare our method with the one from [27], and to illustrate our mechanical proof framework and our approach to the reachability analysis of focus points. While the old cones and foci method required a typical cumbersome treatment of τ-loops, here we can take these τ-loops in our stride. Thanks to the mechanical proof framework we detected a bug in one of the invariants of our original manual proof. The reachability analysis of focus points is quite crisp.

This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present the preliminaries of our cones and foci method. In Section 3, we present the main theorem and prove that our method is sound modulo branching bisimulation equivalence. A proof theory for reachability of focus points is also presented. In Section 4, the cones and foci method is formalized in PVS, and a mechanical proof framework is set up. In Section 5, we illustrate the method by verifying the Concurrent Alternating Bit Protocol. Part of the verification within the mechanical proof framework in PVS is presented in Section 5.4.

An earlier version of this paper (lacking the formalization in PVS and the methodology for reachability analysis) appeared as [15].

Related work. The methodology surrounding cones and foci incorporates well-known and useful concepts such as the precondition/effect notation [30, 34], invariants and simulations. State mappings resemble refinement mappings [36, 45] and simulation [16]. Linear process equations resemble the UNITY format [10] and recursive applicative program schemes [13]. UNITY is a simple model of concurrent programming, with a single global state; a program consists of a collection of guarded atomic commands that are repeatedly selected and executed under some fairness constraint.

Several formalisms have been cast in (the higher-order logic HOL of) the theorem prover Isabelle [42], to obtain a mechanized framework for verifying concurrent systems. Nipkow and Slind [41] embedded I/O automata [35] in Isabelle. Merz [37] formalized Lamport's temporal logic of actions TLA [32] in Isabelle. Nipkow and Prensa Nieto [40] captured in Isabelle the Owicki-Gries proof method, which is an extension of Hoare logic to parallel programs. In [44], Paulson cast UNITY in Isabelle, and formalized safety and liveness properties. In contrast to our work, these papers focus mostly on proving properties expressed in some logic, while we focus on establishing an equivalence relation.

In compiler correctness, advances have been made to validate programs at a symbolic level with respect to an underlying simulation notion (e.g., [11, 21, 39]). Glusman and Katz [20] formalized in PVS a framework to prove in two steps that a property P holds for all computations of a system: P is proved for certain “convenient” computations, and it is proved that every computation is related to a convenient one by a relation which preserves P. Müller and Nipkow [38] formalized I/O automata in Isabelle with the aim to perform refinement proofs in a trace-based setting a la [36]. Röckl and Esparza [47] reported on the derivation of observation equivalence proofs for a number of protocols using Isabelle.



μCRL [24] is a language for specifying distributed systems and protocols in an algebraic style. It is based on process algebra extended with equational abstract data types. In a μCRL specification, one part specifies the data types, while a second part specifies the process behavior. We do not describe the treatment of data types in μCRL in detail. For our purpose it is sufficient that processes can be parametrized with data. We assume the data sort of booleans Bool with constant \( {\sf T} \) and \( {\sf F} \), and the usual connectives \( \land \), \( \lor \), \( \neg \) and \( \Rightarrow \). For a boolean \( b \), we abbreviate \( b={\sf T} \) to \( b \) and \( b={\sf F} \) to \(\neg b\).

The specification of a process is constructed from actions, recursion variables and process algebraic operators. Actions and recursion variables carry zero or more data parameters. There are two predefined processes in μCRL: δ represents deadlock, and τ a hidden action. These two processes never carry data parameters. p·q denotes sequential composition and p+q non-deterministic choice, summation \( \sum_{d: D}p(d) \) provides the possibly infinite choice over a data type \( D \), and the conditional construct \( p \vartriangleleft b \vartriangleright q \) with \( b \) a data term of sort Bool behaves as \( p \) if \( b \) and as \( q \) if \( \neg b \). Parallel composition \( p\parallel q \) interleaves the actions of \( p \) and \( q \); moreover, actions from \( p \) and q may also synchronize to a communication action, when this is explicitly allowed by a predefined communication function. Two actions can only synchronize if their data parameters are semantically the same, which means that communication can be used to represent data transfer from one system component to another. Encapsulation \( \partial_H(p) \), which renames all occurrences in p of action names from the set H into δ, can be used to force actions into communication. Finally, hiding \( \tau_I(p) \) renames all occurrences in p of actions from the set I into τ. The syntax and semantics of μCRL are given in [24].

Labeled transition systems

Labeled transition systems (LTSs) capture the operational behavior of concurrent systems. An LTS consists of transitions \( s \mathrel{\stackrel{a}{\rightarrow}} s' \), denoting that the state s can evolve into the state s′ by the execution of action a. To each μCRL specification belongs an LTS, defined by the structural operational semantics for μCRL in [24].

Definition 2.1 (Labeled transition system).

A labeled transition system is a tuple (S, Lab, →), where S is a set of states, Lab a set of transition labels, and → \(\subseteq \) S×Lab× S a transition relation. A transition (s, l, s′) is denoted by \( \smash{s\mathrel{\stackrel{l}{\rightarrow}}s'} \).

Here, S consists of μCRL specifications, and Lab consists of actions from a set Act∪{τ}, parametrized by data. We define branching bisimilarity [19] between states in LTSs. Branching bisimulation is an equivalence relation [5].

Definition 2.2 (Branching bisimulation).

Assume an LTS. A branching bisimulation relation B is a symmetric binary relation on states such that if \( sBt \) and \( \smash{s\mathrel{\stackrel{l}{\rightarrow}}s'} \), then

  • either \( l=\tau \) and \( s'Bt \);

  • or there is a sequence of (zero or more) τ-transitions \( t\mathrel{\stackrel{\tau}{\rightarrow}}\cdots\mathrel{\stackrel{\tau}{\rightarrow}} t_0 \) such that \( sBt_0 \) and \( t_0\mathrel{\stackrel{l}{\rightarrow}}t' \) with \( s'Bt' \).

Two states s and t are branching bisimilar, denoted by \( s\mathrel{\underline{\leftrightarrow}}_b t \), if there is a branching bisimulation relation B such that sBt.

The μCRL tool set [8] supports the generation of labeled transition systems of μCRL specifications, together with reduction modulo branching bisimulation equivalence and model checking of temporal logic formulas [9, 22, 46]. This approach has been used to analyze a wide range of protocols and distributed systems.

In this paper we focus on analyzing protocols and distributed systems on the level of their symbolic specifications.

Linear process equations

A linear process equation (LPE) is a μCRL specification consisting of actions, summations, sequential compositions and conditional constructs. In particular, an LPE does not contain any parallel operators, encapsulations or hidings. In essence an LPE is a vector of data parameters together with a list of condition, action and effect triples, describing when an action may happen and what is its effect on the vector of data parameters. Each μCRL specification that does not include successful termination can be transformed into an LPE [49].Footnote 1

Definition 2.3 (Linear process equation).

A linear process equation is a μCRL specification of the form

$$X(d: D) = \sum_{a\in {\it Act} \cup\{\tau\}}\sum_{\ell: L_a}a(f_a(d,\ell)){\cdot}X(g_a(d,\ell)) \vartriangleleft h_a(d,\ell) \vartriangleright \delta$$

where \( f_a: D\times L_a\rightarrow D_a \), \( g_a: D\times L_a\rightarrow{} D \) and \( h_a: D\times L_a \rightarrow{} Bool \) for each \( a\in {\it Act}\cup\{\tau\} \).

The LPE in Definition 2.3 has exactly one LTS as its solution (modulo strong bisimulation).Footnote 2 In this LTS, the states are data elements \( d: D \) (where D may be a Cartesian product of n data types, meaning that d is a tuple \( (d_1,\ldots ,d_n) \)) and the transition labels are actions parametrized with data. The LPE expresses that state d can perform \( a(f_a(d,\ell)) \) to end up in state \( g_a(d,\ell) \), under the condition that \( h_a(d,\ell) \) is true. The data type \( L_a \) gives LPEs a more general form, as not only the current state \( d: D \) but also the local data parameter \( \ell: L_a \) can influence the parameter of action \( a \), condition \( h_a \) and resulting state \( g_a \). Finally, action \( a \) carries a data parameter from the domain \( D_a \); if there is no such parameter, then this domain contains a single element.

We write \( X(d)\mathrel{\underline{\leftrightarrow}}_b Y(d') \) if in the LTSs corresponding to the LPEs \( X \) and \( Y \), the states \( d \) and \( d' \) are branching bisimilar. Examples of LPEs can be found in Section 5.2, where the concurrent components of the Concurrent Alternating Bit Protocol are specified.

Definition 2.4 (Invariant).

A mapping \( {\cal I}:D\rightarrow\,{}Bool \) is an invariant for an LPE, written as in Definition 2.3, if for all \( a\in {\it Act}\cup\{\tau\} \), \( d: D \) and \( \ell: L_a \),

$$ {\cal I}(d)\wedge h_a(d,\ell)\,\Rightarrow\,{\cal I}(g_a(d,\ell)). $$

Intuitively, an invariant approximates the set of reachable states of an LPE. That is, if \( {\cal I}(d) \), and if one can evolve from state \( d \) to state \( d' \) in zero or more transitions, then \( {\cal I}(d') \). Namely, if \( {\cal I} \) holds in state \( d \) and it is possible to execute \( a(f_a(d,\ell)) \) in this state (meaning that \( h_a(d,\ell) \)), then it is ensured that \( {\cal I} \) holds in the resulting state \( g_a(d,\ell) \). Invariants tend to play a crucial role in algebraic verifications of system correctness that involve data.

Cones and foci

In this section, we present our version of the cones and foci method from Groote and Springintveld [27]. Suppose that we have an LPE \( X(d: D) \) specifying the implementation of a system, and an LPE \( Y(d': D') \) (without occurrences of τ) specifying the desired input/output behavior of this system. We want to prove that the implementation exhibits the desired input/output behavior.

We assume the presence of an invariant \( {\cal I}:D\rightarrow\, Bool \) for \( X \). In the cones and foci method, a state mapping φ : DD′ relates each state of the implementation X to a state of the desired external behavior Y. Furthermore, some states in D are designated to be focus points. In contrast with the approach of Groote and Springintveld [27], we allow to freely designate focus points, as long as each state \( d: D \) of \( X \) with \( {\cal I}(d) \) can reach a focus point by a sequence of τ-transitions. If a number of matching criteria for \( d: D \) are fulfilled, consisting of relations between data objects, and if \( {\cal I}(d) \), then the states \( d \) and \( \phi(d) \) are guaranteed to be branching bisimilar. These matching criteria require that (A) all τ-transitions at d are inert, (B) each external transition of d can be mimicked by φ(d), and (C) if d is a focus point, then vice versa each transition of φ(d) can be mimicked by d. The presence of invariant \( {\cal I} \) makes it possible to use properties of reachable states in the derivation of the matching criteria.

In Section 3.1, we present the general theorem underlying our method. Then we introduce proof rules for the reachability of focus points in Section 3.2.

The general theorem

Let the LPE X be of the form

$$X(d: D) = \sum_{a\in {\it Act}\cup\{\tau\}}\sum_{\ell: L_a}a(f_a(d,\ell)){\cdot}X(g_a(d,\ell)) \vartriangleleft h_a(d,\ell) \vartriangleright\delta.$$

Furthermore, let the LPE Y be of the form

$$Y(d': D') = \sum_{a\in {\it Act}}\sum_{\ell: L_a}a(f_a'(d',\ell)){\cdot}Y(g_a'(d',\ell)) \vartriangleleft h_a'(d',\ell) \vartriangleright \delta .$$

Note that Y is not allowed to have τ-transitions. We start with introducing the predicate FC, designating the focus points of X in D. Next we introduce the state mapping together with its matching criteria.

Definition 3.1 (Focus point).

A focus condition is a mapping \( {\it FC}: D\rightarrow Bool \). If FC(d), then d is called a focus point.

Definition 3.2 (State mapping).

A state mapping is of the form φ : D → D′.

The following five matching criteria originate from Groote and Springintveld [27].

Definition 3.3 (Matching criteria)

A state mapping φ : D → D′ satisfies the matching criteria for \( d: D \) if for all \( a\in {\it Act} \):

  1. I

    \(\hspace*{7.5pt} \forall \ell: L_\tau\,(h_\tau(d,\ell)\Rightarrow\phi(d)=\phi(g_\tau(d,\ell))) \);

  2. II

    \(\hspace*{3pt}\hphantom{0} \forall \ell: L_a\,(h_a(d,\ell)\Rightarrow h_a'(\phi(d),\ell)) \);

  3. III

    \( \hspace*{6pt}\hspace*{1.5pt}\forall \ell: L_a\,(({\it FC}(d)\wedge h_a'(\phi(d),\ell))\Rightarrow h_a(d,\ell)) \);

  4. IV

    \( \hspace*{7.5pt}\forall \ell: L_a\,(h_a(d,\ell)\Rightarrow f_a(d,\ell)=f_a'(\phi(d),\ell)) \);

  5. V

    \( \hspace*{7.5pt}\forall \ell: L_a\,(h_a(d,\ell)\Rightarrow \phi(g_a(d,\ell))=g_a'(\phi(d),\ell)) \).

Matching criterion I requires that the τ-transitions at d are inert, meaning that d and \( g_\tau(d,\ell) \) are branching bisimilar. Criteria II, IV and V express that each external transition of d can be simulated by φ(d). Finally, criterion III expresses that if d is a focus point, then each external transition of φ(d) can be simulated by d.

Theorem 3.4.

Assume LPEs \( X(d: D) \) and \( Y(d': D') \) written as above Definition 3.1. Let \( {\cal I}:D\rightarrow\,Bool \) be an invariant for \( X \). Suppose that for all \( d: D \) with \( {\cal I}(d) \),

  1. 1.

    \( \phi:D\rightarrow D' \) satisfies the matching criteria for \( d \), and

  2. 2.

    there is a \( \hat{d}: D \) such that \( {\it FC}({\hat d}) \) and \( d\mathrel{\stackrel{\tau}{\rightarrow}}\cdots\mathrel{\stackrel{\tau}{\rightarrow}}{\hat d} \) in the LTS for \( X \).

Then for all \( d: D \) with \( {\cal I}(d) \),

$$X(d) \mathrel{\underline{\leftrightarrow}}_b Y(\phi(d)).$$


We assume without loss of generality that D and D′ are disjoint. Define B \(\subseteq \) (DD′)×(DD′) as the smallest relation such that whenever \( {\cal I}(d) \) for a \( d: D \) then \( d B\phi(d) \) and \( \phi(d)B d \). Clearly, \( B \) is symmetric. We show that \( B \) is a branching bisimulation relation.

Let \( sBt \) and \( s\mathrel{\stackrel{l}{\rightarrow}}s' \). First consider the case where \( \phi(s)=t \). By definition of \( B \) we have \( {\cal I}(s) \).

  1. 1.

    If \( l=\tau \), then \( h_\tau(s,\ell) \) and \( s'=g_\tau(s,\ell) \) for some \( \ell: L_\tau \). By matching criterion I, \( \phi(g_\tau(s,\ell))=t \). Moreover, \( {\cal I}(s) \) and \( h_\tau(s,\ell) \) together imply \( {\cal I}(g_\tau(s,\ell)) \). Hence, \({ g_\tau(s,\ell)Bt }\).

  2. 2.

    If \( l\neq\tau \), then \( h_a(s,\ell) \), \( s'=g_a(s,\ell) \) and \( l=a(f_a(s,\ell)) \) for some \( a\in {\it Act} \) and \( \ell: L_a \). By matching criteria II and IV, \( h_a'(t,\ell) \) and \( \smash{ f_a(s,\ell) = f_a'(t,\ell) }\). Hence, \(\smash{ t\mathrel{\stackrel{{a(f_a(s,\ell))}}{\rightarrow}}g_a'(t,\ell)}\). Moreover, \( {\cal I}(s) \) and \( h_a(s,\ell) \) together imply \( {\cal I}(g_a(s,\ell)) \), and matching criterion V yields \( \phi(g_a(s,\ell))=g_a'(t,\ell) \), so \( g_a(s,\ell)Bg_a'(t,\ell) \).

Next consider the case where s = φ(t). Since \( s\mathrel{\stackrel{l}{\rightarrow}}s' \), for some \( a\in {\it Act} \) and \( \ell : L_a \), \( h'_a(s,\ell) \), \( s'=g_a'(s,\ell) \) and \( l=a(f_a'(s,\ell)) \). By definition of \( B \) we have \( {\cal I}(t) \). By assumption 2 of the theorem, there is a \( \hat{t}: D \) with \( {\it FC}(\hat{t}) \) such that \( \smash{ t\mathrel{\stackrel{\tau}{\rightarrow}}\cdots\mathrel{\stackrel{\tau}{\rightarrow}}\hat{t}}\) in the LTS for \( X \). Invariant \( {\cal I} \), so also the matching criteria, hold for all states on this τ-path. Repeatedly applying matching criterion I we get \( \phi(\hat{t})=\phi(t)=s \). So matching criterion III together with \( h_a'(s,\ell) \) yields \( h_a(\hat{t},\ell) \). Then by matching criterion IV, \( f_a(\hat{t},\ell)=f_a'(s,\ell) \), so \( \smash{ t\mathrel{\stackrel{\tau}{\rightarrow}}\cdots\mathrel{\stackrel{\tau}{\rightarrow}}\hat{t}\mathrel{\stackrel{a(f_a'(s,\ell))}{\rightarrow}}\,g_a(\hat{t},\ell) }\). Moreover, \( {\cal I}(\hat{t}) \) and \( h_a(\hat{t},\ell) \) together imply \( {\cal I}(g_a(\hat{t},\ell)) \), and matching criterion V yields \( \phi(g_a(\hat{t},\ell))=g_a'(s,\ell) \), so \( sB\hat{t} \) and \( g_a'(s,\ell)Bg_a(\hat{t},\ell) \).

Concluding, B is a branching bisimulation relation.

Groote and Springintveld [27] proved for their version of the cones and foci method that it can be derived from the axioms of μCRL, which implies that their method is sound modulo branching bisimulation equivalence. We leave it as future work to try and derive our cones and foci method from the axioms of μCRL.

Note that the LPEs X and Y in Theorem 3.4 are required to have the same sets \( L_a \) for \( a\in{\it Act} \) (see the definitions of X and Y, at the start of Section 3.1). Actually this is a needless restriction of the cones and foci method, which we imposed for the sake of presentation. In principle one could allow Y to have different sets \( L_a' \), and define state mappings from \( D\times L_a \) to \( D'\times L_a' \) for \( a\in{\it Act} \). We did include this generalization in the PVS formalization of a variant of the cones and foci method for strong bisimulation. This generalization was needed in the PVS formalization of a verification of a sliding window protocol [2].

Proof rules for reachability

The cones and foci method requires as input a state mapping and a focus condition. It generates two kinds of proof obligations: matching criteria, and a reachability criterion. The latter states that from all reachable states, a state satisfying the focus condition must be reachable. Note that it suffices to prove that from any state satisfying a given set of invariants, a state satisfying the focus conditions is reachable. In this section we develop proof rules, in order to establish this condition. First we introduce some notation.

Definition 3.5 (τ-reachability).

Given an LTS \( (S, {\it Lab},\rightarrow) \) and \( \phi,\psi\subseteq S \). ψ is τ-reachable from φ, written as \( \phi\mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow} \psi \), if and only if for all x∈φ there exists a y∈ψ such that \(\smash{ x\mathrel{\stackrel{\tau}{\rightarrow}}\cdots\mathrel{\stackrel{\tau}{\rightarrow}} y }\).

From now on, by abuse of notation, we may use a predicate over states to denote the set of states where this predicate is satisfied. The above mentioned reachability criterion can now be expressed as Inv \( \twoheadrightarrow \) FC, where Inv denotes a set of invariants, and FC denotes the focus condition.

Definition 3.6 (Reachability in one τ-transition).

Let LPE \( X(d: D) \) be written as above Definition 3.1. The set of states \( {\it Pre}_X(\psi) \), that can reach the set of states ψ in one τ-transition, is defined as:

$${\it Pre}_X(\psi)(d) = \exists \ell: L_\tau. h_{\tau}(d,\ell) \wedge \psi(g_{\tau}(d,\ell))$$

Next, we state proof rules for proving \( \mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow} \) with respect to an LPE X.

Lemma 3.7 (Proof rules for reachability).

We give a list of rules for proving reaches with respect to an LPE X as follows:

  • (precondition) \( Pre_X(\phi) \mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow} \phi \)

  • (implication) If \( \phi\Rightarrow\psi \) then \( \phi\mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow}\psi \).

  • (transitivity) If \( \phi\mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow}\psi \) and \( \psi\mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow}\chi \) then \( \phi\mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow}\chi \).

  • (disjunction) If \( \phi\mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow}\chi \) and \( \psi\mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow}\chi \), then \( \{\phi\vee\psi\}\mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow} \chi \).

  • (invariant) If \( \phi\mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow}\psi \) and \( {\cal I} \) is an invariant, then \( \{\phi\wedge {\cal I}\}\mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow}\{\psi\wedge {\cal I}\} \).

  • (induction) If for all \( n>0 \), \( \{\phi \wedge (t=n)\}\mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow} \{\phi\wedge (t<n)\} \), then \( \phi\mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow}\{\phi \wedge (t=0)\} \), where \( t \) is any term containing state variables from \( D \).


These rules can be easily proved. In the precondition rule we obtain a one step reduction from the semantics of LPEs. The implication rule is obtained by an empty reduction sequence; for transitivity we can concatenate the reduction sequences. The disjunction rule can be proved by case distinction. For the invariant rule, assume that \( \phi(d) \) and \( {\cal I}(d) \) hold. By the assumption \( \phi\mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow}\psi \), we obtain a sequence \( d\mathrel{\stackrel{\tau}{\rightarrow}}\cdots\mathrel{\stackrel{\tau}{\rightarrow}} d' \), such that \( \psi(d') \). Because \( {\cal I} \) is an invariant, we have \( {\cal I}(d') \) (by induction on the length of that reduction). So indeed \( \{\psi\wedge {\cal I}\}(d') \). Finally, for the induction rule we first prove with well-founded induction over \( n \) and using the transitivity rule that \( \forall n\cdot\{\phi \wedge (t=n)\}\mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow}\{\phi\wedge (t=0)\} \). Then observe that \( \phi \Rightarrow \{\phi\wedge (t=t)\} \), and use the implication and transitivity rule to conclude that \( \phi\mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow} \{\phi\wedge (t=0)\} \).

The proof rules for reachability were proved correct in PVS, and they were used in the PVS verification of the reachability criterion for the Concurrent Alternating Bit Protocol, which we will present in Section 5.4.

A mechanical proof framework

In this section, our method is formalized in the language of the interactive theorem prover PVS [43]. This formalism enables computer aided protocol verification using the cones and foci method. PVS is chosen for the following main reasons. First, the specification language of PVS is based on simply typed higher-order logic. PVS provides a rich set of types and the ability to define subtypes and dependent types. Second, PVS constitutes a powerful, extensible system for verifying obligations. It has a tool set consisting of a type checker, an interactive theorem prover, and a model checker. Third, PVS includes high level proof strategies and decision procedures that take care of many of the low level details associated with computer aided theorem proving. In addition, PVS has useful proof management facilities, such as a graphical display of the proof tree, and proof stepping and editing.

The type system of PVS contains basic types such as boolean, natural, integer, real, etc. and type constructors such as set, tuple, record, and function. Tuple, record, and type constructors are extensively used in the following sections to formalize the cones and foci method. Tuple types have the form \(\tt [T1, \ldots ,Tn], \) where the \(\tt Ti \) are type expressions. The fields of a tuple can be accessed by projection functions: \(\tt `1, \)\(\tt 2, \) … , (or \(\tt proj\_1,proj\_2,\, \ldots ). \) A record type is a finite list of named fields of the form \(\tt R:TYPE=[\# E1:T1,\, \ldots ,En:Tn \#], \) where the \(\tt Ei \) are the record accessor functions. A record can be constructed using the following syntax: \(\tt (\# E1:=V1,\, \ldots ,\, \#).\) The function type constructor has the form \(\tt F:TYPE=[T1,\,\ldots ,Tn-\!\!>R], \) where \(\tt F \) is a function with domain \(\tt T1\times T2 \times\cdots \times Tn \) and range \(\tt R. \)

A PVS specification can be structured through a hierarchy of theories. Each theory consists of a signature for the type names, constants introduced in the theory, axioms, definitions, and theorems associated with the signature. A PVS theory can be parametric in certain specified types and values, which are placed between [ ] after the theory name. A theory can build on other theories. To import a theory, PVS uses the notation \(\tt IMPORTING \) followed by the theory name. For example, we can give part of the theory of abstract reduction systems [1] in PVS as follows:

figure a

Theory \(\tt ARS \) contains the basic notations, like the transitive closure of a relation, and theorems for abstract reduction systems. The rest of this section gives the main part of the PVS formalism of our approach. PVS notation is explained throughout this section when necessary.

LTSs and branching bisimulation

In this section, we formalize the preliminaries from Section 2 in PVS. An LTS (see Definition 2.1) is parameterized by a set of states \( \tt D, \) a set of actions \( \tt Act \) and a special action \(\tt tau. \) The type \( \tt LTS \) is then defined as a record containing an initial state, and a ternary step relation. The initial state is added here because protocol specifications usually contain a clearly distinguished initial state, and for verification in PVS it is convenient to have this information available. In particular, useless invariants that are not satisfied in the initial state (like the invariant that is always \({\sf F}\)) can be ruled out. The relation \( \tt step\_01 \) extends \(\tt step \) with the reflexive closure of the \( \tt tau \)-transitions. We also abbreviate the reflexive transitive closure of tau-transitions \( \tt tau \_star. \) Finally, the set \( \tt reachable \) of states reachable from the initial state can be easily characterized using an inductive definition.

figure b

To define a branching bisimulation relation (see Definition 2.2) between two labeled transition systems in PVS, we first introduce a formalization of a branching simulation relation in PVS. A relation is a branching bisimulation if and only if both itself and its inverse are a branching simulation relation.

figure c

In our actual PVS theory of branching bisimulation, we also defined a semi-branching bisimulation relation [19]. In [5], this notion was used to show that branching bisimilarity is an equivalence. Basten showed that the relation composition of two branching bisimulation relations is not necessarily again a branching bisimulation relation, while the relation composition of two semi-branching bisimulation relations is again a semi-branching bisimulation relation. Moreover, semi-branching bisimilarity is reflexive and symmetric, so it is an equivalence relation. Basten also proved that semi-branching bisimilarity and branching bisimilarity coincide, that means two states in an LTS are related by a branching bisimulation relation if and only if they are related by a semi-branching bisimulation relation. Thus, he proved that branching bisimilarity is an equivalence relation. We have checked these facts in PVS.

Representing LPEs and invariants

We now show how an LPE (see Definition 2.3) can be represented in PVS. The formal definitions deviate slightly from the mathematical presentation before. Firstly, an initial state was added.

A second decision was to represent μCRL abstract data types directly by PVS types. This enables one to reuse the PVS library for definitions and theorems of “standard” data types, and to focus on the behavioral part.

A third distinction is that we assumed so far that LPEs are clustered. This means that each action name occurs in at most one summand, so that the set of summands can be indexed by the set of action names Act. This is no real limitation, because any LPE can be transformed into clustered form, basically by replacing + by ∑ over finite types. For example, the LPE

$$ \begin{array}{lcl}X(b:Bool,c:Bool)=&& a(0){\cdot}X(\neg b,c) \vartriangleleft b \vartriangleright \delta \\ && +\ a(1){\cdot}X(b,\neg c) \vartriangleleft b\lor c \vartriangleright \delta\end{array} $$

can be transformed into the following clustered LPE, where \( {\it if}({\sf T},d_1,d_2)=d_1 \) and \( {\it if}\, ({\sf F},d_1,d_2)=d_2 \):

$$\begin{array}{cl}& X(b:Bool,c:Bool) \vspace{1mm} \\ &\quad=\sum_{x:Bool} a({\it if}\,(x,0,1)){\cdot}X({\it if}\,(x,\neg b,b),{\it if}\,(x,c,\neg c))\,\vartriangleleft\,{\it if}\,(x,b,b\lor c)\,\vartriangleright\delta\end{array}$$

Clustered LPEs enable a notationally smoother presentation of the theory. However, when working with concrete LPEs this restriction is not convenient, so we avoid it in the PVS framework. An arbitrarily sized index set {0, … , n−1} is used, represented by the PVS type \( \tt below(n). \)

A fourth deviation is that we assume from now on that every summand has the same set L of local variables (instead of \( L_a \) before). Again this is no limitation, because void summations can always be added (i.e.: \( p = \sum_{\ell:L} p \), when \( \ell \) doesn’t occur in \( p \)). This restriction is imposed to avoid the use of dependent types.

A fifth deviation is that we do not distinguish action names from action data parameters. We simply work with one type Act of expressions for actions. This is a real extension. Namely, in our PVS formalization, each LPE summand is a function from D×L (with D the set of states) to Act×Bool×D, so one summand may now generate steps with various action names, possibly visible as well as invisible.

So an LPE is parameterized by a set of actions (\(\tt Act \)), a global parameter (\(\tt State \)) and a local variable (\(\tt Local \)), and by the size of its index set (\(\tt n \)) and the special action τ (\(\tt tau \)). Note that the guard, action and next-state of a summand depend on the global parameter d:State and on the local variable \(\tt l:Local. \) This dependency is represented in the definition \(\tt SUMMAND \) by a PVS function type. An LPE consists of an initial state and a list of summands indexed by \(\tt below(n). \) Note that here it is essential that every summand has the same type L of local variables. Finally, the function \(\tt lpe2lts \) provides the LTS semantics of an LPE, \(\tt Step(L,a) \) provides the corresponding binary relation on states, and the set of \( \tt Reachable \) states is lifted from LTS to LPE level.

figure d

We define an invariant (see Definition 2.4) of an LPE in PVS by a theory \(\tt INVARIANT \) as follows, where \(\tt p \) is a predicate over states. \(\tt p \) is an invariant of an LPE if and only if it holds initially and it is preserved by the execution of every summand. Note that we only require preservation for reachable states. This allows that previously proved invariants can be used in proving that \(\tt p \) is invariant, which occurs frequently in practice. The abstract notion of reachability can itself be proved to be the strongest invariant (\(\tt reachable\_inv1 \) and \(\tt reachable\_inv2 \)

figure e

Formalizing the cones and foci method

In this section, we give the PVS development of the cones and foci method. Compared to the mathematical definitions in Section 3 we make two adaptations. First, we use the abstract reachability predicate instead of invariants; by lemma \(\tt reachable\_inv2 \) we can always switch back to invariants. Second, we have to reformulate the matching criteria in the setting of our slightly extended notion of LPEs, allowing arbitrary index sets, and more action names per summand.

We start with two LPEs, for the implementation and the desired external behavior of a system, \( \tt X:LPE[Act,D,L,m,tau] \) and \( \tt Y:LPE[Act,E,L,n,tau] \) respectively. Both LPE \(\tt X \) and LPE \(\tt Y \) have the same set of actions and the same set of local variables. However, the type of global parameters (D and E, respectively) and the number of summands (\(\tt m \) and \(\tt n,\) respectively) may be different. Note that here we do not exclude the syntactic presence of \(\tt tau \) in the LPE \(\tt Y. \) For the correctness proof this restriction is not needed. However it does not really extend the method, because the matching criteria enforce that there are no reachable τ-transitions.

The next ingredients are the state mapping function \(\tt h:[D-\!\!>\!\!E] \) and a focus condition \(\tt fc:pred[D]. \) But, as summands are no longer indexed by action names, we also need a mapping of the summands \(\tt k:[below(m)-\!\!>\!\!below(n)]. \) The idea is that summand i : below(m) of LPE X is mapped to summand k(i):below(n) of LPE Y. Having these ingredients, we can subsequently define the matching criteria (MC) and the reachability criterion (RC). The individual matching criteria (MC1–MC5) are displayed separately.

figure f
figure g

The theorem \(\tt CONESFOCI \) was proved in PVS along the lines of Section 3.

The symbolic reachability criterion

The last part of the formalization of the framework in PVS is on the proof rules for the reachability criterion. We start on the level of abstract reduction systems \(\tt (ARS[S]), \) which is about binary relations, formalized in PVS as \(\tt pred[S,S]. \) First, we have to lift conjunction \(\tt (AND) \) and disjunction \(\tt (OR) \) to predicates on \(\tt S \) (overloading is allowed in PVS). We use \(\tt Reach \) to denote \( \twoheadrightarrow \). Next, several proof rules can be expressed and proved in PVS. Here we only show the rules for disjunction and induction; the latter depends on a measure function \( \tt f:[S-\!\!>\!\!nat] \) (this rule is not used in the verification of Concurrent Alternating Bit Protocol later, but it was essential in the verification of a sliding window protocol [2, 14]).

figure h

Finally, the precondition and invariant rules depend on the LPE under scrutiny, so we define them in a separate theory:

figure i

To connect the proof rules on the \(\tt Reach \) predicate with the reachability condition of the previous section, we proved the following theorem in PVS:

figure j

This finishes the formalization of the cones and foci method in PVS. We view this as an important step. First of all, this part is protocol independent, so it can be reused in different protocol verifications. Second, it provides a rigorous formalization of the meta-theory. For a concrete protocol specification and implementation, and given invariants, mapping functions and focus condition, all proof obligations can be generated automatically and proved with relatively little effort. The theorem \(\tt CONESFOCI \) in Section 4.3 states that this is sufficient to prove that the implementation is correct w.r.t. the specification modulo branching bisimulation. No additional axioms are used besides the standard PVS library. The complete dump files of the PVS formalization of the cones and foci method can be found at \(\tt\)~\(\tt vdpol/conesfoci/. \)

Application to the CABP

Groote and Springintveld [27] proved correctness of the Concurrent Alternating Bit Protocol (CABP) [31] as an application of their cones and foci method. Here we redo their correctness proof using our version of the cones and foci method, where in contrast to Groote and Springintveld [27] we can take τ-loops in our stride. We also illustrate our mechanical proof framework and our approach to the reachability analysis of focus points by this case study.

Informal description

In the CABP, data elements \( d_1,d_2,\ldots \) are communicated from a data transmitter S to a data receiver R via a lossy channel, so that a message can be corrupted or lost. Therefore, acknowledgments are sent from R to S via a lossy channel. In the CABP, sending and receiving of acknowledgments is decoupled from R and S, in the form of separate components AS and AR, respectively, where AS autonomously sends acknowledgments to AR.

S attaches a bit 0 to data elements \( d_{2k-1} \) and a bit 1 to data elements \( d_{2k} \), and AS sends back the attached bit to acknowledge reception. S keeps on sending a pair \( (d_i,b) \) until AR receives the bit \( b \) and succeeds in sending the message \( ac \) to S; then S starts sending the next pair \( (d_{i+1},1-b) \). Alternation of the attached bit enables R to determine whether a received datum is really new, and alternation of the acknowledging bit enables AR to determine which datum is being acknowledged.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The structure of the CABP

The CABP contains unbounded internal behavior, which occurs when a channel eternally corrupts or loses the same datum or acknowledgment. The fair abstraction paradigm [3], which underlies branching bisimulation, says that such infinite sequences of faulty behavior do not exist in reality, because the chance of a channel failing infinitely often is zero. Groote and Springintveld [27] defined a pre-abstraction function to declare that τ's corresponding to channel failure are non-progressing, and used Koomen's fair abstraction rule [3] to eliminate the remaining loops of non-progressing τ's. In our adaptation of the cones and foci method, neither pre-abstraction nor Koomen's fair abstraction rule are needed.

The structure of the CABP is shown in Fig. 2. The CABP system is built from six components.

  • S is a data transmitter, which reads a datum from port 1 and transmits such a datum repeatedly via channel K, until an acknowledgment ac regarding this datum is received from AR.

  • K is a lossy data transmission channel, which transfers data from S to R. Either it delivers the datum correctly, or it can make two sorts of mistakes: lose the datum or change it into a checksum error ce.

  • R is a data receiver, which receives data from K, sends freshly received data into port 2, and sends an acknowledgment to AS via port 5.

  • AS is an acknowledgment transmitter, which receives an acknowledgment from R and repeatedly transmits it via L to AR.

  • L is a lossy acknowledgment transmission channel, which transfers acknowledgments from AS to AR. Either it delivers the acknowledgment correctly, or it can make two sorts of mistakes: lose the acknowledgment or change it into an acknowledgment error ae.

  • AR is an acknowledgment receiver, which receives acknowledgments from L and passes them on to S.

The components can perform read \( r_n(\ldots ) \) and send \( s_n(\ldots ) \) actions to transport data through port \( n \). A read and a send action over the same port \( n \) can synchronize into a communication action \( c_n(\ldots ) \).

μCRL specification

We give descriptions of the data types and each component's specification in μCRL, which were originally presented in [27]. For convenience of notation, in each summand of the μCRL specifications below, we only present the parameters whose values are changed.

We use the sort Nat of natural numbers, and the sort Bit with elements \( b_0 \) and \( b_1 \) with an inversion function \( {\it inv}:{\it Bit}\rightarrow{\it Bit} \) to model the alternating bit. The sort \( D \) contains the data elements to be transferred. The sort Frame consists of pairs \( \langle d,b \rangle \) with \( d: D \) and \( b: Bit \). Frame also contains two error messages, \( ce \) for checksum error and \( ae \) for acknowledgment error. \( eq:S\times S\rightarrow\,Bool \) coincides with the equality relation between elements of the sort \( S \).

The data transmitter S reads a datum at port 1 and repeatedly transmits the datum with a bit \( b_s \) attached at port 3 until it receives an acknowledgment \( ac \) through port 8; after that, the bit-to-be-attached is inverted. If the parameter \( i_s \) is 1 then S is awaiting a fresh datum via port 1, and if \( i_s \) is 2 then S is busy transmitting a datum. The notation \( t/x \) means that the data term \( t \) is substituted for the parameter \( x \).

Definition 5.1 (Data transmitter).

$$\begin{array}{cl}& S(d_s: D,b_s: {\it Bit},i_s: Nat) \\ \vspace*{3pt} &\quad= \sum_{d: D}r_1(d){\cdot}S(d/d_s,2/i_s) \vartriangleleft eq(i_s,1) \vartriangleright \delta \\ \vspace*{3pt} &\qquad+\ (s_3(\langle d_s,b_s \rangle){\cdot}S()+r_8(ac){\cdot}S(inv(b_s)/b_s,1/i_s)) \vartriangleleft eq(i_s,2) \vartriangleright \delta\end{array}$$

The data transmission channel K reads a datum at port 3. It can do one of three things: it can deliver the datum correctly via port 4, lose the datum, or corrupt the datum by changing it into ce. The non-deterministic choice between the three options is modeled by the action j. \( b_k \) is the attached alternating bit for K. And its state is modeled by the parameter \( i_k \).

Definition 5.2 (Data transmission channel).

$$ \begin{array}{cl}& K(d_k: D,b_k: {\it Bit},i_k: Nat) \\ \vspace*{3pt} &\quad= \sum_{d: D}\sum_{b: {\it Bit}}r_3(\langle d,b \rangle){\cdot}K(d/d_k,b/b_k,2/i_k) \vartriangleleft eq(i_k,1) \vartriangleright \delta \\ \vspace*{3pt}&\qquad+\ (j{\cdot}K(1/i_k)+j{\cdot}K(3/i_k)+j{\cdot}K(4/i_k)) \vartriangleleft eq(i_k,2) \vartriangleright \delta \\ \vspace*{3pt} &\qquad+\ s_4(\langle d_k,b_k \rangle){\cdot}K(1/i_k) \vartriangleleft eq(i_k,3) \vartriangleright \delta\\ \vspace*{3pt} &\qquad+\ s_4(ce){\cdot}K(1/i_k) \vartriangleleft eq(i_k,4) \vartriangleright \delta\end{array}$$

The data receiver R reads a datum at port 4. If the datum is not a checksum ce and if the bit attached is the expected bit, it sends the received datum into port 2, sends an acknowledgment ac via port 5, and inverts the bit-to-be-expected. If the datum is ce or the bit attached is not the expected one, the datum is simply ignored. The parameter \( i_r \) is used to model the state of the data receiver.

Definition 5.3 (Data receiver)

$$\begin{array}{cl}& R(d_r: D,b_r: {\it Bit},i_r: Nat) \\ \vspace*{3pt} &\quad= \sum_{d: D}r_4(\langle d,b_r \rangle){\cdot}R(d/d_r,2/i_r) \vartriangleleft eq(i_r,1) \vartriangleright \delta \\ \vspace*{3pt} &\qquad+\ (r_4(ce)+\sum_{d: D}r_4(\langle d,inv(b_r) \rangle)){\cdot}R() \vartriangleleft eq(i_r,1) \vartriangleright \delta \\ \vspace*{3pt} &\qquad+\ s_2(d_r){\cdot}R(3/i_r) \vartriangleleft eq(i_r,2) \vartriangleright \delta\\ \vspace*{3pt} &\qquad+\ s_5(ac){\cdot}R(inv(b_r)/b_r,1/i_r) \vartriangleleft eq(i_r,3) \vartriangleright \delta\end{array}$$

The acknowledgment transmitter AS repeats sending its acknowledgment bit \( b'_r \) via port 6, until it receives an acknowledgment \( ac \) from port 5, after which the acknowledgment bit is inverted.

Definition 5.4 (Acknowledgment transmitter).

$$AS(b'_r: {\it Bit}) = r_5(ac){\cdot}AS({\it inv}(b'_r))+ s_6(b'_r){\cdot}AS()$$

The acknowledgment transmission channel L reads an acknowledgment bit from port 6. It non-deterministically does one of three things: deliver it correctly via port 7, lose the acknowledgment, or corrupt the acknowledgment by changing it to ae. The non-deterministic choice between the three options is modeled by the action j. \( b_l \) is the attached alternating bit for L. And its state is modeled by the parameter \( i_l \).

Definition 5.5 (Acknowledgment transmission channel).

$$ \begin{array}{cl}& L(b_l: {\it Bit},i_l: Nat) \\ \vspace*{3pt} &\quad= \sum_{b: {\it Bit}}r_6(b){\cdot}L(b/b_l,2/i_l) \vartriangleleft eq(i_l,1) \vartriangleright \delta \\ \vspace*{3pt} &\qquad+\ (j{\cdot}L(1/i_l)+j{\cdot}L(3/i_l)+j{\cdot}L(4/i_l)) \vartriangleleft eq(i_l,2) \vartriangleright\delta \\ \vspace*{3pt} &\qquad+\ s_7(b_l){\cdot}L(1/i_l) \vartriangleleft eq(i_l,3) \vartriangleright \delta\\ \vspace*{3pt} &\qquad+\ s_7(ae){\cdot}L(1/i_l) \vartriangleleft eq(i_l,4) \vartriangleright \delta\end{array}$$

The acknowledgment receiver AR reads an acknowledgment bit from port 7. If the bit is the expected one, it sends an acknowledgment ac to the data transmitter S via port 8, after which the bit-to-be-expected is inverted. Acknowledgment errors ae and unexpected bits are ignored.

Definition 5.6 (Acknowledgment receiver)

$$ \begin{array}{cl} {\it AR}(b'_s: &{\it Bit},i'_s: Nat) \\ \vspace*{3pt} &\quad= r_7(b'_s){\cdot}{\it AR}(2/i'_s) \vartriangleleft eq(i'_s,1) \vartriangleright \delta \\ \vspace*{3pt} &\qquad+\ (r_7(ae)+r_7(inv(b'_s))){\cdot}{\it AR}() \vartriangleleft eq(i'_s,1) \vartriangleright \delta \\ \vspace*{3pt} &\qquad+\ s_8(ac){\cdot}{\it AR}(inv(b'_s)/b'_s,1/i'_s) \vartriangleleft eq(i'_s,2) \vartriangleright \delta\end{array} $$

The μCRL specification of the CABP is obtained by putting the six components in parallel and encapsulating the internal actions at ports {3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8}. Synchronization between the components is modeled by communication actions at connecting ports. So the topology of Fig. 2 is captured by defining that actions \( s_n \) and \( r_n \) synchronize to the communication action \( c_n \), for n = {3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}.

Definition 5.7

Let \(H\) denote \( \{s_3,r_3,s_4,r_4,s_5,r_5,s_6,r_6,s_7,r_7,s_8,r_8\} \), and \( I \) denote \( \{c_3,c_4,\\c_5,c_6,c_7,c_8,j\} \).

$$\displaylines{{\it CABP}(d: D) \cr \quad=\tau_I(\partial_H(S(d,b_0,1)\parallel {\it AR}(b_0,1)\parallel K(d,b_1,1)\parallel L(b_1,1)\parallel R(d,b_0,1)\parallel AS(b_1))) }$$

Next the CABP is expanded to an LPE Sys. Note that the parameters \( b'_s \) (of AR) and \( b'_r \) (of AS) are missing. The reason for this is that during the linearization the communications at ports 6 and 7 enforce \( eq(b'_s,b_l) \) and \( eq(b'_r,b_l) \).

Lemma 5.8

For all \( d: D \) we have

$$\begin{array}{lll}{\it CABP}(d)&=& {\it Sys}(d,b_0,1,1,d,b_0,1,d,b_1,1,b_1,1)\end{array}$$


$$ \begin{array}{c} \hbox{\it Sys } (d_s: D,b_s: {\it {\it Bit}},i_s: {\it Nat},i'_s: {\it Nat},d_r: D,b_r: {\it Bit},i_r: {\it Nat},\\ d_k: D,b_k: {\it Bit},i_k: {\it Nat},b_l: {\it Bit},i_l: {\it Nat})\\ \end{array} $$
$$ =\sum_{d: D}r_1(d){\cdot}{\it Sys}(d/d_s,2/i_s) \vartriangleleft eq(i_s,1) \vartriangleright \delta $$
$$ +\ \tau{\cdot}{\it Sys}(d_s/d_k,b_s/b_k,2/i_k) \vartriangleleft eq(i_s,2)\land eq(i_k,1) \vartriangleright \delta $$
$$ \qquad +\ (\tau {\cdot}{\it Sys}(1/i_k)+\tau {\cdot}{\it Sys}(3/i_k)+\tau {\cdot}{\it Sys}(4/i_k)) \vartriangleleft eq(i_k,2) \vartriangleright \delta $$
$$ +\ \tau{\cdot}{\it Sys}(d_k/d_r,2/i_r,1/i_k) \vartriangleleft eq(i_r,1)\land eq(b_r,b_k)\land eq(i_k,3) \vartriangleright \delta $$
$$ + \tau{\cdot}{\it Sys}(1/i_k) \vartriangleleft eq(i_r,1)\land eq(b_r,inv(b_k))\land eq(i_k,3) \vartriangleright \delta $$
$$ + \tau{\cdot}{\it Sys}(1/i_k) \vartriangleleft eq(i_r,1)\land eq(i_k,4) \vartriangleright \delta $$
$$ + s_2(d_r){\cdot}{\it Sys}(3/i_r) \vartriangleleft eq(i_r,2) \vartriangleright \delta $$
$$ + \tau{\cdot}{\it Sys}(inv(b_r)/b_r,1/i_r) \vartriangleleft eq(i_r,3) \vartriangleright \delta $$
$$ + \tau{\cdot}{\it Sys}(inv(b_r)/b_l,2/i_l) \vartriangleleft eq(i_l,1) \vartriangleright \delta $$
$$ + (\tau {\cdot}{\it Sys}(1/i_l)+\tau {\cdot}{\it Sys}(3/i_l)+\tau {\cdot}{\it Sys}(4/i_l)) \vartriangleleft eq(i_l,2) \vartriangleright \delta $$
$$ \;\;\;+\ \tau{\cdot}{\it Sys}(1/i_l,2/i_s') \vartriangleleft eq(i_s',1)\land eq(b_l,b_s)\land eq(i_l,3) \vartriangleright \delta $$
$$ + \tau{\cdot}{\it Sys}(1/i_l) \vartriangleleft eq(i_s',1)\land eq(b_l,inv(b_s))\land eq(i_l,3) \vartriangleright \delta $$
$$ + \tau{\cdot}{\it Sys}(1/i_l) \vartriangleleft eq(i_s',1)\land eq(i_l,4) \vartriangleright \delta $$
$$ + \tau{\cdot}{\it Sys}(inv(b_s)/b_s,1/i_s,1/i_s') \vartriangleleft eq(i_s,2)\land eq(i_s',2) \vartriangleright \delta $$


See Groote and Springintveld [27].

The specification of the external behavior of the CABP is a one-datum buffer, which repeatedly reads a datum at port 1, and sends out this same datum at port 2.

Definition 5.9

The LPE of the external behavior of the CABP is

$$\begin{array}{lcl}B(d: D, b: Bool)&=&\sum_{d': D}r_1(d'){\cdot}B(d',{\sf F}) \vartriangleleft b \vartriangleright \delta+s_2(d){\cdot}B(d,{\sf T}) \vartriangleleft \neg b \vartriangleright \delta.\end{array}$$

Verification using cones and foci

We apply our version of the cones and foci method to verify the CABP. Let Ξ abbreviate \( D\times {\it Bit}\times {\it Nat}\times {\it Nat}\times D\times {\it Bit}\times {\it Nat}\times D\times {\it Bit}\times {\it Nat}\times {\it Bit}\times {\it Nat} \). Furthermore, let \( \xi:\Xi \) denote \( (d_s,b_s,i_s,i_s',d_r,b_r,i_r,d_k,b_k,i_k,b_l,i_l) \). We list six invariants for the CABP, which are taken from [27].

Definition 5.10

$$ \begin{array}{l} {\cal I}_1(\xi) \equiv eq(i_s,1)\lor eq(i_s,2)\\ \vspace*{3pt} {\cal I}_2(\xi) \equiv eq(i_s',1)\lor eq(i_s',2)\\ \vspace*{3pt} {\cal I}_3(\xi) \equiv eq(i_k,1)\lor eq(i_k,2)\lor eq(i_k,3)\lor eq(i_k,4)\\ \vspace*{3pt} {\cal I}_4(\xi) \equiv eq(i_r,1)\lor eq(i_r,2)\lor eq(i_r,3)\\ \vspace*{3pt} {\cal I}_5(\xi) \equiv eq(i_l,1)\lor eq(i_l,2)\lor eq(i_l,3)\lor eq(i_l,4)\\ \vspace*{3pt} {\cal I}_6(\xi) \equiv (eq(i_s,1)\Rightarrow eq(b_s,inv(b_k))\land eq(b_s,b_r)\land eq(d_s,d_k) \\ \vspace*{3pt} {\qquad\quad}\hspace*{2cm}\land eq(d_s,d_r)\land eq(i_s',1)\land eq(i_r,1))\\ \vspace*{3pt} {\qquad\quad}\land(eq(b_s,b_k) \Rightarrow eq(d_s,d_k)) \\ \vspace*{3pt} {\qquad\quad}\land(eq(i_r,2)\lor eq(i_r,3) \Rightarrow eq(d_s,d_r)\land eq(b_s,b_r)\land eq(b_s,b_k)) \\ \vspace*{3pt} {\qquad\quad}\land(eq(b_s,inv(b_r)) \Rightarrow eq(d_s,d_r)\land eq(b_s,b_k)) \\ \vspace*{3pt} {\qquad\quad}\land(eq(b_s,b_l) \Rightarrow eq(b_s,inv(b_r))) \\ \vspace*{3pt} {\qquad\quad}\land(eq(i_s',2) \Rightarrow eq(b_s,b_l)) . \end{array} $$

\( {\cal I}_1\rm{-}{\cal I}_5 \) describe the range of the data parameters \( i_s \), \( i_s' \), \( i_k \), \( i_r \), and \( i_l \), respectively. \( {\cal I}_6 \) consists of six conjuncts. They express:

  1. 1.

    when S is awaiting a fresh datum via port 1, the bits of S and K are out of sync but their data values coincide, the bits and data values of S and R coincide, and AR and R are waiting to receive a datum;

  2. 2.

    if the bits of S and K coincide, then their data values coincide;

  3. 3.

    when R just received a new datum, the bits and data values of S and R coincide, and the bits of S and K coincide;

  4. 4.

    if the bits of S and R are out of sync, then their data values coincide, and the bits of S and K coincide;

  5. 5.

    if the bits of S and L coincide, then the bits of S and R are out of sync;

  6. 6.

    when AR just received a new bit, the bits of S and L coincide.

Lemma 5.11.

\( {\cal I}_1 \), \( {\cal I}_2 \), \( {\cal I}_3 \), \( {\cal I}_4 \), \( {\cal I}_5 \) and \( {\cal I}_6 \) are invariants of Sys.


We need to show that the invariants are preserved by each of the summands (1)−(14) in the specification of Sys. Invariants \( {\cal I}_1 - {\cal I}_5 \) are trivial to prove. To prove \( {\cal I}_6 \), we divide \( {\cal I}_6 \) into its six parts:

$$ \begin{array}{lcl}{\cal I}_{61}(\xi) &\equiv & (eq(i_s,1)\Rightarrow eq(b_s,{\it inv}(b_k))\land eq(b_s,b_r)\land eq(d_s,d_k) \\ \vspace*{3pt} && \hspace{4.1pc}\land eq(d_s,d_r)\land eq(i_s',1)\land eq(i_r,1))\\ \vspace*{3pt} {\cal I}_{62}(\xi) &\equiv & eq(b_s,b_k)\Rightarrow eq(d_s,d_k) \\ \vspace*{3pt} {\cal I}_{63}(\xi) &\equiv & eq(i_r,2)\lor eq(i_r,3)\Rightarrow eq(d_s,d_r)\land eq(b_s,b_r)\land eq(b_s,b_k) \\ \vspace*{3pt} {\cal I}_{64}(\xi) &\equiv & eq(b_s,{\it inv}(b_r))\Rightarrow eq(d_s,d_r)\land eq(b_s,b_k) \\ \vspace*{3pt} {\cal I}_{65}(\xi) &\equiv & eq(b_s,b_l)\Rightarrow eq(b_s,{\it inv}(b_r))\\ \vspace*{3pt}{\cal I}_{66}(\xi) &\equiv & eq(i_s',2)\Rightarrow eq(b_s,b_l). \end{array} $$

We consider only seven summands in the specification of Sys; the other summands trivially preserve \( {\cal I}_6 \). For the sake of presentation, we represent \( eq(b_1,{\it inv}(b_2)) \) as \( \neg eq(b_1,b_2) \), where \( b_1 \) and \( b_2 \) range over the sort \( {\it Bit} \).

  1. 1.

    Summand (1): \( {\cal I}_6\land eq(i_s,1) \Rightarrow {\cal I}_6(d/d_s,2/i_s) \).

    \( {\cal I}_{61}(d/d_s,2/i_s) \) is straightforward. By \( eq(i_s,1) \) and \( {\cal I}_{61} \), we have \( \neg eq(b_s,b_k) \), \( eq(i_r,1) \), and \( eq(b_s,b_r) \). By \( \neg eq(b_s,b_k) \), \( {\cal I}_{62}(d/d_s,2/i_s) \). By \( eq(i_r,1) \), \( {\cal I}_{63}(d/d_s,2/i_s) \). \( eq(b_s,b_r) \) implies \( {\cal I}_{64}(d/d_s,2/i_s) \). \( {\cal I}_{65} \), \( {\cal I}_{66}(d/d_s,2/i_s) \) are trivial.

  2. 2.

    Summand (2): \( {\cal I}_6\land eq(i_s,2)\land eq(i_k,1)\Rightarrow {\cal I}_6(d_s/d_k,b_s/b_k,2/i_k) \). \( eq(i_s,2) \) implies \( {\cal I}_{61}(d_s/d_k,b_s/b_k,2/i_k) \). \( {\cal I}_{62}(d_s/d_k,b_s/b_k,2/i_k) \) is straightforward. \( {\cal I}_{63}(d_s/d_k,b_s/b_k, 2/i_k) \) and \( {\cal I}_{64}(d_s/d_k,b_s/b_k,2/i_k) \) follows immediately from \( {\cal I}_{63} \) and \( {\cal I}_{64} \), respectively. \( {\cal I}_{65} \), \( {\cal I}_{66}(d_s/d_k,b_s/b_k,2/i_k) \) are trivial.

  3. 3.

    Summand (4): \( {\cal I}_6\land eq(i_r,1)\land eq(b_r,b_k)\land eq(i_k,3) \Rightarrow {\cal I}_6(d_k/d_r,2/i_r,1/i_k) \).

    Assuming \( eq(i_s,1) \), by \( {\cal I}_{61} \), it follows that \( \neg eq(b_s,b_k) \) and \( eq(b_s,b_r) \). Hence, \( \neg eq(b_r,b_k) \). This contradicts the condition \( eq(b_r,b_k) \). So \( {\cal I}_{61}(d_k/d_r,2/i_r,1/i_k) \). \( {\cal I}_{64} \) implies \( eq(b_s,b_r)\lor eq(b_s,b_k) \), which together with the condition \( eq(b_r,b_k) \) yields \( eq(b_s,b_r)\land eq(b_s,b_k) \). So \( {\cal I}_{62} \) implies \( eq(d_s,d_k) \). Hence, \( {\cal I}_{63}(d_k/d_r,2/i_r,1/i_k) \). By \( eq(b_s,b_r) \), \( {\cal I}_{64}(d_k/d_r,2/i_r,1/i_k) \). \( {\cal I}_{62} \), \( {\cal I}_{65} \), \( {\cal I}_{66}(d_k/d_r,2/i_r,1/i_k) \) are trivial.

  4. 4.

    Summand (8): \( {\cal I}_6\land eq(i_r,3) \Rightarrow {\cal I}_6({\it inv}(b_r)/b_r,1/i_r) \).

    Assuming \( eq(i_s,1) \), by \( {\cal I}_{61} \), we have \( eq(i_r,1) \), which contradicts the condition \( eq(i_r,3) \). So \( {\cal I}_{61}({\it inv}(b_r)/b_r,1/i_r) \). \( {\cal I}_{63}({\it inv}(b_r)/b_r,1/i_r) \) is straightforward. By \( eq(i_r,3) \) and \( {\cal I}_{63} \), we have \( eq(d_s,d_r) \) and \( eq(b_s,b_k) \). Hence, \( {\cal I}_{64}({\it inv}(b_r)/b_r,1/i_r) \). By \( eq(i_r,3) \) and \( {\cal I}_{63} \), we have \( eq(b_s,b_r) \), so \( {\cal I}_{65} \) implies \( \neg eq(b_s,b_l) \). Hence, \( {\cal I}_{65}({\it inv}(b_r)/b_r,1/i_r) \). \( {\cal I}_{62} \), \( {\cal I}_{66}({\it inv}(b_r)/b_r,1/i_r) \) are trivial.

  5. 5.

    Summand (9): \( {\cal I}_6\land eq(i_l,1) \Rightarrow {\cal I}_6({\it inv}(b_r)/b_l,2/i_l) \), \( {\cal I}_{65}({\it inv}(b_r)/b_l,2/i_l) \) is straightforward. If \( eq(i_s',2) \), by \( {\cal I}_{66} \) we have \( eq(b_s,b_l) \), so by \( {\cal I}_{65} \) we have \( \neg eq(b_l,b_r) \). Hence, \( {\cal I}_{66}({\it inv}(b_r)/b_l,2/i_l) \). \( {\cal I}_{61}\sim{\cal I}_{64}({\it inv}(b_r)/b_l,2/i_l) \) are trivial.

  6. 6.

    Summand (11): \( {\cal I}_6\land eq(i'_s,1)\land eq(b_l,b_s)\land eq(i_l,3)\Rightarrow {\cal I}_6(1/i_l,2/i'_s) \).

    By \( eq(b_l,b_s) \) and \( {\cal I}_{65} \), we have \( \neg eq(b_s,b_r) \). So by \( {\cal I}_{61} \), \( \neg eq(i_s,1) \). Hence, \( {\cal I}_{61}(1/i_l,2/i'_s) \). \( eq(b_l,b_s) \) implies \( {\cal I}_{66}(1/i_l,2/i'_s) \). \( {\cal I}_{62}\sim{\cal I}_{65}(1/i_l,2/i'_s) \) are trivial.

  7. 7.

    Summand (14): \( {\cal I}_6\land eq(i_s,2)\land eq(i_s',2)\Rightarrow {\cal I}_6({\it inv}(b_s)/b_s,1/i_s,1/i_s') \).

    To prove \( {\cal I}_{61}({\it inv}(b_s)/b_s,1/i_s,1/i_s') \), we need to show \( eq(b_s,b_k)\land \neg eq(b_r,b_s)\land eq(d_s,d_k)\land eq(d_s,d_r)\land eq(i_r,1) \). As \( eq(i_s',2) \), by \( {\cal I}_{66} \) we have \( eq(b_s,b_l) \), so by \( {\cal I}_{65} \), we have \( \neg eq(b_s,b_r) \). By \( {\cal I}_{64} \), it follows that \( eq(d_s,d_r)\land eq(b_s,b_k) \). As \( eq(b_s,b_k) \), by \( {\cal I}_{62} \), \( eq(d_s,d_k) \). By \( {\cal I}_{63} \) and \( {\cal I}_4 \), \( \neg eq(b_s,b_r) \) implies \( eq(i_r,1) \). Hence, \( {\cal I}_{61}({\it inv}(b_s)/b_s,1/i_s,1/i_s') \). \( {\cal I}_{62}\sim{\cal I}_{66}({\it inv}(b_s)/b_s,1/i_s,1/i_s') \) are trivial.

We define the focus condition (see Definition 3.1) for Sys as the disjunction of the conditions of summands in the LPE in Definition 5.8 that deal with an external action; these summands are (1) and (7). (Note that this differs from the prescribed focus condition in [27], which would be the negation of the disjunction of conditions of the summands that deal with a τ.)

Definition 5.12.

The focus condition for Sys is

$${\it FC}(\xi)=eq(i_s,1)\lor eq(i_r,2).$$

We proceed to prove that each state satisfying the invariants \( {\cal I}_1-{\cal I}_6 \) can reach a focus point (see Definition 3.1) by a sequence of τ-transitions.

Lemma 5.13 (Reachability of focus points).

For each \( \xi: \Xi \) with \( \bigwedge_{n=1}^6 {\cal I}_n(\xi) \), there is a \( \hat\xi:\Xi \) such that \( {\it FC}(\hat\xi \)) and \( \xi\mathrel{\stackrel{\tau}{\rightarrow}}\cdots\mathrel{\stackrel{\tau}{\rightarrow}}\hat\xi \) in Sys.


The case \( {\it FC}(\xi) \) is trivial. Let \( \neg {\it FC}(\xi) \); in view of \( {\cal I}_1 \) and \( {\cal I}_4 \), this implies \( eq(i_s,2)\land (eq(i_r,1)\lor eq(i_r,3)) \). In case \( eq(i_s,2)\land eq(i_r,3) \), by summand (8) we can reach a state with \( eq(i_s,2)\land eq(i_r,1) \). From a state with \( eq(i_s,2)\land eq(i_r,1) \), by \( {\cal I}_3 \) and summands (2), (3) and (6), we can reach a state where \( eq(i_s,2)\land eq(i_r,1) \land eq(i_k,3) \). We distinguish two cases.

  1. 1.

    eq(b r ,b k ).

    By summand (4) we can reach a focus point.

  2. 2.

    eq(b r , inv(b k )).

    If i s ′ = 2, then by summand (14) we can reach a focus point. So by \(\mathcal{I}_2 \) we can assume that i s ′ = 1. By summands (5), (2) and (3), we can reach a state where eq(i s ,2)∧eq(i s ′,1) ∧eq(i r ,1) ∧eq(i k , 3) ∧eq(b r , inv(b k )) ∧eq(b k , b s ) . By \(\mathcal{I}_5\) and summands (10), (9) and (13) we can reach a state where eq(i s , 2)∧eq(i s ′, 1)∧eq(i r , 1) ∧eq(i k , 3) ∧eq(b r , inv(b k )) ∧eq(b k , b s ) ∧eq(i l , 3). If eq(b l , b s ), then by summands (11) and (14) we can reach a focus point. Otherwise, eq(b l , inv(b s )). Since eq(b k , b s ) and eq(b r , inv(b k )), we have eq(b l , b r ). By summand (12), we can reach a state where eq(i s , 2)∧eq(i s ′, 1)∧eq(i r , 1) ∧eq(i k , 3) ∧eq(b r , inv(b k )) ∧eq(b k , b s ) ∧eq(i l , 1) ∧eq(b l , inv(b s )) ∧eq(b l , b r ). Then by summand (9) we can reach a state where eq(b l , b s ), since b l is replaced by inv(b r ). Then by summands (10), (11) and (14), we can reach a focus point.

Our completely formal proof in PVS has many more steps. The main steps of the proof using the rules in Definition 3.7 can be found in Section 5.4.

We define the state mapping \( \phi:\Xi\rightarrow D\times Bool \) (see Definition 3.7) by

$$\phi(\xi)=\langle d_s,eq(i_s,1)\lor eq(i_r,3)\lor\neg eq(b_s,b_r)\rangle.$$

Intuitively, φ maps to those states in which R is awaiting a datum that still has to be received by S. This is the case if either S is awaiting a fresh datum (\( eq(i_s,1) \)), or R has sent out a datum that was not yet acknowledged to S (\( eq(i_r,3)\lor\neg eq(b_s,b_r) \)). Note that φ is independent of \( i_s',d_r,d_k,b_k,i_k,b_l,i_l \); we write \( \phi (d_s, b_s, i_s, b_r, i_r)\).

Theorem 5.14.

For all \( d: D \) and \( b_0,b_1:{\it Bit} \),

$${\it Sys}(d,b_0,1,1,d,b_0,1,d,b_1,1,b_1,1)\mathrel{\underline{\leftrightarrow}}_b B(d,{\sf T}).$$


It is easy to check that \( \wedge_{n=1}^6{\cal I}_n(d,b_0,1,1,d,b_0,1,d,b_1,1,b_1,1) \).

We obtain the following matching criteria (see Definition 3.3). For class I, we only need to check the summands (4), (8) and (14), as the other nine summands that involve an initial action leave the values of the parameters in \( \phi(d_s,b_s,i_s,b_r,i_r) \) unchanged.

  1. 1.

    \( eq(i_r,1)\land eq(b_r,b_k)\land eq(i_k,3) \Rightarrow \phi(d_s,b_s,i_s,b_r,i_r)=\phi(d_s,b_s,i_s,b_r,2/i_r) \)

  2. 2.

    \( eq(i_r,3) \Rightarrow \phi(d_s,b_s,i_s,b_r,i_r)=\phi(d_s,b_s,i_s,{\it inv}(b_r)/b_r,1/i_r) \)

  3. 3.

    \( eq(i_s,2)\land eq(i_s',2) \Rightarrow \phi(d_s,b_s,i_s,b_r,i_r)=\phi(d_s,{\it inv}(b_s)/b_s,1/i_s,b_r,i_r) \)

The matching criteria for the other four classes are produced by summands (1) and (7). For class II we get:

  1. 1.

    \( eq(i_s,1) \Rightarrow eq(i_s,1)\lor eq(i_r,3)\lor\neg eq(b_s,b_r) \)

  2. 2.

    \( eq(i_r,2) \Rightarrow \neg (eq(i_s,1)\lor eq(i_r,3)\lor\neg eq(b_s,b_r)) \)

For class III we get:

  1. 1.

    \( (eq(i_s,1)\lor eq(i_r,2))\land (eq(i_s,1)\lor eq(i_r,3)\lor\neg eq(b_s,b_r)) \Rightarrow eq(i_s,1) \)

  2. 2.

    \( (eq(i_s,1)\lor eq(i_r,2))\land \neg(eq(i_s,1)\lor eq(i_r,3)\lor\neg eq(b_s,b_r)) \Rightarrow eq(i_r,2) \)

For class IV we get:

  1. 1.

    \( \forall d: D (eq(i_s,1) \Rightarrow d=d) \)

  2. 2.

    \( eq(i_r,2) \Rightarrow d_r=d_s \)

Finally, for class V we get:

  1. 1.

    \( \forall d: D (eq(i_s,1) \Rightarrow \phi(d/d_s,b_s,2/i_s,b_r,i_r)=\langle d,{\sf F}\rangle) \)

  2. 2.

    \( eq(i_r,2) \Rightarrow \phi(d_s,b_s,i_s,b_r,3/i_r)=\langle d_s,{\sf T}\rangle \)

We proceed to prove the matching criteria.

  1. I.1

    Let \( eq(i_r,1) \). Then

    $$\begin{array}{lcl}\phi(d_s,b_s,i_s,b_r,i_r)&=&\langle d_s,eq(i_s,1)\lor eq(1,3)\lor\neg eq(b_s,b_r) \rangle\\ \vspace*{3pt} &=&\langle d_s,eq(i_s,1)\lor eq(2,3)\lor\neg eq(b_s,b_r) \rangle\\ \vspace*{3pt} &=&\phi(d_s,b_s,i_s,b_r,2/i_r).\end{array}$$
  2. I.2

    Let \( eq(i_r,3) \). Then by \( {\cal I}_6 \), \( eq(b_s,b_r) \). Hence,

    $$\begin{array}{lcl}\phi(d_s,b_s,i_s,b_r,i_r)&=&\langle d_s,eq(i_s,1)\lor eq(3,3)\lor\neg eq(b_s,b_r) \rangle\\ \vspace*{3pt} &=&\langle d_s,{\sf T}\rangle \\ \vspace*{3pt} &=&\langle d_s, eq(i_s,1)\lor eq(i_r,3)\lor\neg eq(b_s,{\it inv}(b_r))\rangle \\ \vspace*{3pt} &=&\phi(d_s,b_s,i_s,{\it inv}(b_r)/b_r,1/i_r).\end{array}$$
  3. I.3

    Let \( eq(i_s',2). \) \( eq(b_s,b_l) \) together with \( {\cal I}_6 \) yield \( eq(b_s,{\it inv}(b_r)) \). Hence,

    $$\begin{array}{lcl}\phi(d_s,b_s,i_s,b_r,i_r)&=&\langle d_s,eq(i_s,1)\lor eq(i_r,3)\lor\neg eq(b_s,b_r) \rangle\\ \vspace*{3pt} &=&\langle d_s,{\sf T} \rangle \\ \vspace*{3pt} &=&\langle d_s,eq(1,1)\lor eq(i_r,3)\lor\neg eq({\it inv}(b_s),b_r) \rangle\\ \vspace*{3pt} &=&\phi(d_s,{\it inv}(b_s)/b_s,1/i_s,b_r,i_r).\end{array}$$
  4. II.1


  5. II.2

    Let \( eq(i_r,2) \). Then clearly \( \neg eq(i_r,3) \), and by \( {\cal I}_6 \), \( eq(b_s,b_r) \). Furthermore, according to \( {\cal I}_6 \), \( eq(i_s,1)\Rightarrow eq(i_r,1) \), so \( eq(i_r,2) \) also implies \( \neg eq(i_s,1) \).

  6. III.1

    If \( \neg eq(i_r,2) \), then \( eq(i_s,1)\lor eq(i_r,2) \) implies \( eq(i_s,1) \). If \( eq(i_r,2) \), then by \( {\cal I}_6 \), \( eq(b_s,b_r) \), so that \( eq(i_s,1)\lor eq(i_r,3)\lor\neg eq(b_s,b_r) \) implies \( eq(i_s,1) \).

  7. III.2

    If \( \neg eq(i_s,1) \), then \( eq(i_s,1)\lor eq(i_r,2) \) implies \( eq(i_r,2) \). If \( eq(i_s,1) \), then \( \neg(eq(i_s,1)\lor eq(i_r,3)\lor\neg eq(b_s,b_r)) \) is false, so that it implies \( eq(i_r,2) \).

  8. IV.1


  9. IV.2

    Let \( eq(i_r,2) \). Then by \( {\cal I}_6 \), \( eq(d_r,d_s) \).

  10. V.1

    Let \( eq(i_s,1) \). Then by \( {\cal I}_6 \), \( eq(i_r,1) \) and \( eq(b_s,b_r) \). So for any \( d: D \),

    $$\begin{array}{lcl}\phi(d/d_s,b_s,2/i_s,b_r,i_r)&=&\langle d,eq(2,1)\lor eq(1,3)\lor\neg eq(b_s,b_r)\rangle \\ &=&\langle d,{\sf F}\rangle.\end{array}$$
  11. V.2
    $$\begin{array}{lcl}\phi(d_s,b_s,i_s,b_r,3/i_r)&=&\langle d_s,eq(i_s,1)\lor eq(3,3)\lor\neg eq(b_s,b_r)\rangle \\ &=&\langle d_s,{\sf T}\rangle.\end{array}$$

Note that \( \phi(d,b_0,1,b_0,1)=\langle d,{\sf T}\rangle \). So by Theorem 3.4 and Lemma 5.13,

$$ {\it Sys}(d,b_0,1,1,d,b_0,1,d,b_1,1,b_1,1)\mathrel{\underline{\leftrightarrow}}_b B(d,{\sf T}). \vspace*{-1pc} $$

Illustration of the proof framework

Let us illustrate the mechanical proof framework set up in Section 4 on the verification of the CABP as it was described in Section 5.3. The purpose of this section is to show how the mechanical framework can be instantiated with a concrete protocol. A second goal is to illustrate in more detail how we can use the proof rules (see Lemma 3.7) for reachability, to formally prove in PVS that focus points are always reachable.

To apply the generic theory, we use the PVS mechanism of theory instantiation. For instance, the theory LPE was parameterized by sets of actions, states, etc. This theory will be imported, using the set of actions, states etc. from the linearized version of CABP, which we have to define first. To this end we start a new theory, parameterized by an arbitrary type of data elements (D, with special element d 0 : D).

Defining the LPEs. The starting point is the linearized version of the CABP, represented by Sys in Lemma 5.8. The type \(\tt cabp\_state\) is defined as a record of all state parameters. Note that we use the predefined PVS-types \(\tt nat\) and \(\tt bool (bool\) is also used to represent sort Bit). The type \(\tt cabp\_act\) is defined as an abstract data type. The syntax below introduces constructors \(\tt (r1,s2:[D-\!\!>\!\!cabp\_act]\) and \(\tt tau:cabp\_act\)), recognizer predicates \(\tt (r1?,s2?,tau?:[cabp\_act-\!\!>\!\!bool]\)), and destructors \(\tt (d:[(r1?)-\!\!>\!\!D]\) and \(\tt d:[(r2?)-\!\!>\!\!D])\). Subsequently we import the theory LPE with the corresponding parameters. The LPE for the implementation of the CABP contains 18 summands (note that summands (3) and (10) in Lemma 5.8 each represent three summands). Note that the only local parameter in this LPE that is bound by ∑ has type D.

figure k

The next step is to define the implementation of the CABP as an LPE in PVS. It consists of an initial vector, and a list of summands, indexed by \({\tt LAMBDA i}\). The \({\tt LAMBDA (S,d)}\) indicates the dependency of each summand on the state and the local variables. Note that given state \(\tt S, S`x\) denotes the value of parameter \(\tt x\) in \(\tt S\). The notation \(\tt S WITH {[}x := v{]}\) denotes the same state as \({\tt S}\) except the value of field \(\tt x\) which is set to \(\tt v\). We only display the summands corresponding to summand (1) and (14) of Sys.

figure l

In a similar way, the desired external behavior of the CABP is presented as a one-datum buffer. The representation of the LPE B from Definition 5.9 in PVS is:

figure m

Invariants, state mapping, focus points. The next step is to define the ingredients for the cones and foci method. We need to define invariants, a state mapping and focus points. In PVS these are all functions that take state vectors as input. We only show a snapshot:

figure n

The proof of the reachability criterion will be discussed in the next paragraph. The correctness of the invariants and the matching criteria were proved already (see Section 5). These proofs were formalized in PVS in a rather straightforward fashion. The proof script follows a fixed pattern: first we unfold the definitions of LPE and invariants or matching criteria. Then we use rewriting to generate a finite conjunction from the quantification \(\tt FORALL i:below(n)\). Subsequently (using the PVS tactic \(\tt THEN*)\), we apply the powerful PVS tactic (\(\tt GRIND\)) to the subgoals. Sometimes a few subgoals remain, which are then proved manually.

Reachability of focus points. We formally prove Lemma 5.13, which states that each reachable state of the CABP can reach a focus point by a sequence of τ-transitions using the rules in Lemma 3.7. This corresponds to the theorem \(\tt CABP\_RC\) in the PVS part below. Using the general theorems \(\tt CONESFOCI\) and \(\tt REACH\_CRIT\), we can conclude from the specific theorems \(\tt cabp\_inv\), matching and \(\tt CABP\_RC\) that \(\tt CABP\) is indeed \(\tt CORRECT\) w.r.t. the one-datum buffer specification.

figure o

We now explain the structure of the proof of \(\tt CABP\_RC\). This proof is based on the proof rules for reachability, introduced in Sections 3.2 and 4.4. It requires some manual work, viz. the identification of the intermediate predicates, and characterizing the reachable set of states after a number of steps. Each step corresponds to a separate lemma in PVS. The atomic steps are proved by the precondition-rule (semi-automatically). An example of such a lemma in PVS is:

figure p

These basic steps are combined by using mainly the transitivity rule and the disjunction-rule. We now provide the complete list of the intermediate predicates, together with the used proof rules. We do not display the use of implication and invariant rules, but of course the PVS proofs contain all details. The fragment before corresponds to the third step of item (5) below, where summand (3) is used to increase \( i_k \).

  1. 1.
    $$ \begin{array}{l}\\ \{i_r=1 \wedge i_s=2 \wedge i_k=4\} \mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow} \{i_r=1 \wedge i_s=2 \wedge i_k=1\} \mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow}\\ \{i_r=1 \wedge i_s=2 \wedge i_k=2\} \mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow} \{i_r=1 \wedge i_s=2 \wedge i_k=3\} \end{array} $$

    Using the precondition rule, on summands (6), (2) and (3), respectively.

  2. 2.
    $$ \{{\cal I}_{3}\wedge i_r=1 \wedge i_s=2\} \mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow} \{i_r=1 \wedge i_s=2 \wedge i_k=3\} $$

    Using the disjunction rule with \( i_k=1\vee i_k=2 \vee i_k=3 \vee i_k=4 \), and the transitivity rule on the results of step 1.

  3. 3.
    $$ \{i_r=1 \wedge i_s=2 \wedge i_k=3\wedge b_r=b_k\}\mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow} FC $$

    Using the precondition rule on summand (4).

  4. 4.
    $$ \{i_r=1 \wedge i_s=2 \wedge i_k=3\wedge i_s'=2\}\mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow} FC $$

    Using the precondition rule on summand (14).

  5. 5.
    $$ \begin{array}{l}\\ \\\\ \{i_r=1 \wedge i_s=2 \wedge i_k=3 \wedge i_s'=1 \wedge b_r\neq b_k\}\mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow} \\ \{i_r=1 \wedge i_s=2 \wedge i_k=1 \wedge i_s'=1\}\mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow} \\ \{i_r=1 \wedge i_s=2 \wedge i_k=2 \wedge i_s'=1 \wedge b_k= b_s\}\mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow} \\ \{i_r=1 \wedge i_s=2 \wedge i_k=3 \wedge i_s'=1 \wedge b_k= b_s\}=: Q \end{array} $$

    Using the precondition rule on summands (5), (2) and (3).

  6. 6.
    $$ \begin{array}{l}\\ \\ \\ \{Q \wedge i_l=2\} \mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow} \{Q \wedge i_l=1\};\\ \{Q \wedge i_l=4\} \mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow} \{Q \wedge i_l=1\};\\ \{Q \wedge i_l=3 \wedge b_l\neq b_s\} \mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow} \{Q \wedge i_l=1\} \mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow} \{Q \wedge i_l=2 \wedge b_l\neq b_r\} \mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow} \\ \{Q \wedge i_l=3 \wedge b_l\neq b_r\} \end{array} $$

    Using the precondition rule on summands (10), (13), (12), (9) and (10), respectively.

  7. 7.
    $$ \{Q \wedge (i_l\in\{1,2,4\}\vee (i_l=3\wedge b_l\neq b_s))\} \mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow} \{Q \wedge i_l=3\wedge b_l\neq b_r\}. $$

    Using the disjunction rule and the transitivity rule on the results of step 6.

  8. 8.
    $$ \{Q \wedge i_l=3 \wedge b_l=b_s\} \mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow}\{i_r=1 \wedge i_s=2 \wedge i_k=3 \wedge i_s'=2\} \mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow} {\it FC} $$

    Using the precondition rule on summand (11), and then the transitivity rule with step 4.

  9. 9.

    \( \{Q \wedge {\cal I}_5\} \mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow} {\it FC}. \)

    By \( {\cal I}_5 \), \( i_l\in\{1,2,3,4\} \). So we can distinguish the cases \( i_l\in\{1,2,4\} \), \( i_l=3\wedge b_l\neq b_s \) and \( i_l=3 \wedge b_l=b_s \). In all but the last case, we arrive at a situation where \( b_k=b_s \wedge b_l\neq b_r \) (by step 7). Note that this implies \( b_k=b_r \vee b_l=b_s \). So we can use case distinction again, and reach the focus condition via step 3 or step 8.

  10. 10.

    \( \{ i_r=1 \wedge i_s=2 \wedge i_k=3 \wedge {\cal I}_{2} \wedge {\cal I}_{5}\}\mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow} {\it FC} \).

    From \( {\cal I}_2 \) and the disjunction rule we can distinguish the cases \( b_r=b_k \), \( i_s'=2 \) and \( i_s'=1\wedge b_r\neq b_k \). We solve them by the results of step 3, step 4, and transitivity of 5 and 9, respectively.

  11. 11.

    \( \{i_r=3 \wedge i_s=2\}\mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow} \{i_r=1\wedge i_s=2\} \).

    Using the precondition rule on summand (8).

  12. 12.

    \( {\cal I}_1\wedge {\cal I}_2\wedge {\cal I}_3\wedge {\cal I}_4\wedge {\cal I}_5\mathrel{\twoheadrightarrow} {\it FC} \).

    Using the invariants \( {\cal I}_1 \) and \( {\cal I}_4 \), we can distinguish the following cases:

    • \( i_s = 1 \) or \( i_s = 2\wedge i_r = 2 \) (both reach FC in zero steps);

    • \( i_s=2\wedge i_r=3 \) (leads to the next case by step 11);

    • \( i_s=2\wedge i_r=1 \). This leads to \( i_s=2\wedge i_r=1\wedge i_k=3 \) by step 2 and then to FC by step 10.

This finishes the complete mechanical verification of the CABP in PVS using the cones and foci method. The dump files of the verification of the CABP in PVS can be found at \(\tt\sim vdpol/conesfoci/cabp/\).

Concluding remarks

In this paper, we have developed a mechanical framework for protocol verification, based on the cones and foci method. We summarize our main contribution as follows:

  • We generalized the original cones and foci method [27]. Compared to the original one, our method is more generally applicable, in the sense that it can deal with τ-loops without requiring a cumbersome treatment to eliminate them.

  • We presented a set of rules to support the reachability analysis of focus points. These have been proved to be quite powerful in two case studies.

  • We formalized the complete cones and foci method in PVS.

The feasibility of this mechanical framework has been illustrated by the verification of the CABP. We are confident that the framework forms a solid basis for mechanical protocol verification. For instance, the same framework has been applied to the verification of a sliding window protocol in μCRL [2, 14], which we consider a true milestone in verification efforts using process algebra.

The cones and foci method provides a systematic approach to protocol verification. It allows for fully rigorous correctness proofs in a general setting with possibly infinite state spaces (i.e. with arbitrary data, arbitrary window size, etc.). The method requires intelligent manual steps, such as the invention of invariants, a state mapping, and the focus criterion. However, the method is such that after these creative parts a number of verification conditions can be generated and proved (semi-)automatically. So the strength of the mechanical framework is that one can focus on the creative steps, and check the tedious parts by a theorem prover. Yet, a complete machine-checked proof is obtained, because the meta-theory has also been proof-checked in a generic manner. We experienced that many proofs and proof scripts can be reused after small changes in the protocol, or after a change in the invariants. Actually, in some cases the PVS theorem prover assisted in finding the correct invariants.