Erratum to: Breast Cancer Res Treat (2012) 131:65–73 DOI 10.1007/s10549-011-1396-3

Unfortunately in the original publication of the article, the Fig. 2c (right panel), Fig. 5d and the caption of Fig. 5 were published erroneously. The corrected Figs. 2, 5 and caption of Fig. 5 are given in this erratum. The authors apologize for this error.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Effects of overexpression and knockdown of PcG proteins on FOXC1 gene expression. MCF-7 cells were transfected with EZH2, SUZ12, and Bmi1 expression plasmids, and 48 h later the FOXC1 mRNA and protein levels were determined by PCR (a) and western blotting (b), respectively. The ectopic expression of EZH2, SUZ12, and Bmi1 proteins was confirmed by western blotting (c). MDA-MB-231 cells were transfected with EZH2, SUZ12, and Bmi1 siRNA, and 48 h later RT–PCR and western blotting were performed. The endogenous FOXC1 mRNA (d) and protein (e) levels were upregulated. f Western blotting verification of the interfering efficiency of EZH2, SUZ12, and Bmi1 siRNAs in MDA-MB-231 cells

Fig. 5
figure 5

FOXC1 prevented MDA-MB-231HM cell migration and invasion. FOXC1 expression was detected by RT-PCR (a) and western blotting (b) in MCF-7, MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-231HM cell, respectively. c The whole cell lysates of FOXC1-MDA-MB-231HM and GFP-MDA-MB-231HM were prepared for western blotting detection of HER2 and Vimentin. d FOXC1 prevented MDA-MB-231HM cell migration. FOXC1-MDA-MB-231 and GFP-MDA-MB-231 cells were plated in trans-well chambers as described above. e FOXC1 prevented MDA-MB-231HM cell invasion. Cell invasiveness was evaluated in vitro as described above