Erratum to: Biogeochemistry (2017) 132:87–102 DOI 10.1007/s10533-016-0289-2

Our paper, published in Biogeochemistry (Vol. 132, 2017, pp. 87–102), contains a calculation error in the determination of the C-gas flux rates. To correct this error all CO2 flux rates should be multiplied by 3.66, and all CH4 flux rates multiplied by 1.34. As a result, the sustained global warming potentials of mean daily water–air CH4 contributions to total C-gas emissions from the S1 study segment were 39% the sustained global warming potentials of mean soil CO2 emissions over the 20-year time frame and 29% the measured background water–air emissions over the 100-year time frame. The revised Table 2 below reports correct values for the paper. This does not alter any of the statistical analyses, other interpretations, or general conclusions of the manuscript.

Table 2 Comparison summary of mean CO2 concentration and fluxes for temporary ponds, perennial flowing rivers and streams, seasonally ephemeral watercourses, lakes, and wetlands worldwide (±SD; ranges shown in parentheses)