Correction to: Arch Sex Behav

There were 4 cells in the original Table 2 that reported SEM values instead of SDs. A corrected version of Table 2 is provided below. In the Results section, the corresponding corrections are as follows:

Table 2 Descriptive statistics of subjective odor ratings (intensity, pleasantness, familiarity) and perceived genital arousal for women and men, including one-way ANOVA results and significance level

1. For Odor Effects by Gender (for Women): In the second paragraph, 5th line: The correct SD = 2.17. On the 6th line, the correct SD = 1.88.

2. For Odor Effects by Gender (for Men): In the first paragraph, 5th line: The correct SD = 2.78. On the 6th line, the correct SD = 2.30.

The seven authors of the paper apologize for these errors.