
A typical undergraduate medical curriculum has a pre-clerkship phase, when students lay theoretical and practical foundations for practice-based learning, followed by a clerkship phase, during which students are placed in functioning clinical units in hospital or community to learn about and from patient care activities. Over the last three decades, many medical schools have made their pre-clerkship phases less didactic, more experiential, and more learner-centred. They have integrated learning horizontally across disciplines and introduced problem-based learning (Schmidt et al. 2011) early clinical experience (Yardley et al. 2013) and clinical skills education (Van Dalen et al. 2001). Clerkship education, however, has developed in a more haphazard way (Cooke et al. 2010). When the educational principles that transformed pre-clerkship education have been applied to clerkships, clinical teachers have resisted change (Dornan et al. 2005b; Graham and Dornan 2013). Changes in health services, meantime, have driven unintended change: the rise of specialisation has fragmented clinical expertise, more specialties compete for students’ time, students learn in primary, secondary, and tertiary care, rotations are ever more complicated, and continuity is lost (Hirsh et al. 2007; Holmboe et al. 2011).

One response to this situation is to provide longitudinal integrated clerkships (LICs). This curriculum design, which was first introduced to encourage medical graduates to become general practitioners in rural Australia (Worley et al. 2000), has gained such popularity that a recent commentary called it ‘the most significant educational innovation in clinical education to have occurred in our lifetimes’ (Bates and Towle 2012). Defining features of LICs are that students participate in the comprehensive care of patients over time, have longitudinal learning relationships with those patients’ clinicians, and acquire core competencies across multiple disciplines simultaneously (Bates and Towle 2012; Bates 2013; Hauer et al. 2012; Hirsh et al. 2007; Norris 2009; O’Brien et al. 2012; Teherani et al. 2013). LICs are provided in urban, academic medical centres (Poncelet et al. 2011) and rural underserved areas, where they attract people to work after qualifying (Bates and Towle 2012). What LICs do best is help students develop the generic, professional attributes of doctors-to-be, though LIC students perform as well academically in internal medicine, surgery, paediatrics, psychiatry, and obstetrics/gynaecology assessments as students in traditional block rotations (Bates 2013; Bell et al. 2008; Hauer et al. 2012; Hirsh et al. 2012; McLaughlin et al. 2011; O’Brien et al. 2012; Teherani et al. 2013; Walters et al. 2012).

Despite the appeal of LICs, it seems unlikely they will completely supplant rotation-based clerkships (RBCs). Evidence favouring LICs is mostly based on tiny numbers of students. The cost-effectiveness and feasibility of providing LICs for the cohorts of over 500 students per year, who attend some European medical schools, are unproven. Students need to learn from, and have the opportunity of being recruited to, disciplines other than the small number of ones typically included in LICs—internal medicine, surgery, paediatrics, gynaecology and family medicine.

Although RBCs have been the backbone of clinical education for a century, we know so little about what goes on in them that they have been described as black boxes (Shipengrover and James 1999). We thought it would be more sensible to open these black boxes and clarify the pedagogic principles that have made RBCs endure than to write them off. We have already opened the black box of pre-clerkship workplace education by assembling and analysing a large body of published evidence (Dornan et al. 2006a; Littlewood et al. 2005; Yardley et al. 2010) and decided to do the same for clerkship education. The review questions were:

  1. 1.

    What are the outcomes of undergraduate medical students’ clerkship education in hospital and community?

  2. 2.

    What processes result in those outcomes?

  3. 3.

    What conditions affect those processes?


Conceptual and methodological orientation

The approach was to use qualitative methodology to develop a ‘middle range theory’ (Merton 1967) of clerkship education. Middle range theories are grounded in empirical findings. Conceptually, they are positioned between high range, ‘grand’ theories like Marxism, and personal theories that are ‘low range’ because they are not transferable. We decided to elaborate an existing middle range theory named Experience Based Learning (ExBL) rather than produce an entirely new one. ExBL, which is described in Box 1, is the product of a series of empirical investigations into how medical students learn in clerkships. It is consonant with the higher range Communities of Practice theory (Wenger 1998) which is a member of the socio-cultural family of theories (Hodges and Kuper 2012).

Box 1 Experience based learning (ExBL)

‘Link’ as the unit of analysis

Traditional medical systematic reviews are, according to the classification of Cook et al. (2008) ‘justification research’. They synthesise quantitative, experimental evidence according to strictly defined, uniform procedures, which allow doctors to choose between alternative treatments. Medical education reviews (such as our own publication cited above), in contrast, often follow the ‘description research’ conventions of the Best Evidence Medical Education collaboration (Hammick et al. 2010). The research questions in this review called for ‘clarification research’, for which standard procedures are not available. The available evidence was both quantitative and qualitative. It could support qualitative statements like: ‘Students who learned in the outpatient setting obtained a greater breadth and depth of exposure to patients with common urological problems than those who learned in the inpatient/operative setting’ [actual data coded in this research from (Kerfoot and DeWolf 2002)]. We developed a way of extracting trustworthy evidence (the word ‘trustworthy’ emphasises reliance on researchers’ reflexivity, as is appropriate to a qualitative design) in the form of free text statements that some condition and/or process had led to a learning outcome. We use the term ‘link’ to describe those statements. The review procedure was to extract as many links as the evidence supported.

Inclusion criteria

  • Any empirical research into the conditions, processes, and outcomes of undergraduate medical students’ clerkship education, irrespective of methodology

  • Clerkship ‘experience’, defined as: authentic (real as opposed to simulated) human contact in a clinical context that enhanced learning about health, illness, and/or disease, and the role of the health professional

  • Any setting—hospital, family practice, and/or other community settings

  • Rated 3 or higher on the BEME ‘strength’ scale (Box 2) as suggested by (Yardley and Dornan 2012): in other words, it was judged that the findings could probably support conclusions, were very likely to be true, or were unequivocal.

    Box 2 BEME rating scale for strength of evidence

Exclusion criteria

  • Not in the English language (because our previous experience was that papers in other languages were more nationally than internationally applicable) (Dornan et al. 2006a)

  • Concerned simulation education or other ‘non-authentic’ experience

  • In the pre-clerkship rather than clerkship phase of a curriculum

Search and selection of informative evidence

Search terms were chosen by scrutinising the review protocol, Glossary of Medical Education Terms, and Medical Subject Headings, together with suggestions from the research team. The search was refined in a series of stages: scoping search; modification so it was 100 % sensitive for a test set of 84 ‘best evidence’ publications with the best achievable specificity; final search (for which the syntax is available on request from the authors). It was applied to five major databases (Medline, Embase, CINAHL, BEI and ERIC) for the period 1986–2006, yielding 88,394 hits, which were downloaded into EndNote bibliographic software (Thomson Reuters, Philadelphia) and, by elimination of duplicates, reduced to 74,484 citations. TD and NT randomly selected two thousand of them, independently reviewed their titles and abstracts, and applied and adjusted the selection criteria until they reached 100 % agreement about which articles to include. They then trained and supervised three other people to apply them. The five reviewers went through the remaining 72,484 ‘hits’ by title and (if available) abstract and identified 906 relevant articles. If in doubt, they included rather than excluded articles. To keep the size of the review manageable, the review period was limited to 2000–2006 inclusive. Five hundred and fifty-four articles were retrieved in full text and taken to the coding stage, of which 168 contained evidence that fulfilled the selection criteria.


The team developed, trialled, revised iteratively, and finalised a proforma to code data to the ExBL framework. A systems analyst then used Wufoo (Infinity Box Inc, Tampa, USA) to develop a web-based version of it, which allowed coders in different places to contribute to a common database, inspect one another’s codings, and work together to make judgements. The form included methodological details and fields derived from the ExBL model to represent conditions, processes, and outcomes of clerkship learning and links between outcomes and conditions and/or processes. Links were identified as described earlier and coded for their strength using BEME’s 1–5 rating scale (Box 2). Because the article selection process had favoured sensitivity over specificity, many were found at this stage not to fulfil the inclusion criteria and excluded. Some important coding definitions were:

Outcomes (illustrated by actual examples)

Affective outcome Learning that pertains to a student’s emotions and mood (for example: ‘greater comfort in the presence of older people’)

Practical outcome Having learned an attitude, knowledge, or skill, learned to learn, or learned a behaviour (e.g. ‘measurable change in students’ beliefs about the effects of ageing on bodily functioning’)

Real patient learning Learning, which was neither an affective outcome, nor a practical one, but repeated or even single episodes of which contributed to a medical student’s ability to care for patients (e.g. ‘students gained valued real patient experience of disability and care for it in community’)

Box 3 gives a worked example of the coding process and explains some of the terms used above.

Box 3 Worked example of how data were coded

Synthesis of findings and reporting

All data manipulations, further stages of coding, and analysis were done within Excel spreadsheets (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, USA), duplicating and restructuring them as needed, and maintaining an audit trail back to the original dataset by saving successive versions. Three reviewers (TD, NT, and KM) organised the raw data, checked the first level coding, added sub-codes, analysed data, and synthesised the interpretation presented here. They discussed problems, agreed solutions, and sent interim reports of the analysis to other team members. AS helped TD, NT, and KM constantly compare the evolving interpretation against the original ExBL theory and refine it. TD then reassembled the entire dataset into a single master spreadsheet, corrected errors, and eliminated redundancy in preparation for writing the narrative report of findings. In line with qualitative research practice, validity depended on the collaborative effort of a deliberately eclectic research team, which worked collaboratively to support its members’ reflexivity and prevent any one person’s preconceptions having an undue influence on the findings. We first prepared a detailed report (which is available from the authors on request) in which every statement was supported by a code identifying the link and the paper from which it came. This paper is a condensed version of the report, from which the >500 link codes are omitted for the sake of readability; an example of four such codes taken from one publication is included in Box 3. The generally positive language used in reporting the results is not intended to mean that students had uniformly positive experiences; rather to support the logic that ‘if condition A was fulfilled, outcome B resulted’. More positive than negative outcomes were reported, however, which may have been due to positive publication bias. We have addressed that possibility by citing negative examples below, as far as the literature permitted.


Nature of the evidence

The final dataset consisted of 548 trustworthy links from 168 articles. Over half the studies came from the USA and Canada, nearly a third from Europe, and most of the remainder from Australasia. Just two papers came from South America and Africa. One-third of evidence came from undergraduate entry and two-thirds from graduate entry programmes. Programme length ranged from 4 to 6 years (with just one 7-year programme). Median programme length was 4 years, reflecting the predominance of North American 4-year programmes. Only one-third of papers reported the pedagogy of the programme in which the research was conducted and, even then, details were scant. Thirty-five were traditional curricula, 13 used PBL (of which four also included other types of curriculum integration), three were integrated non-PBL, one was student-centred, and one was systems-based.

Review question 1: Outcomes

These included real patient learning (167 links), affective outcomes (177 links), and practical outcomes (204 links).

1a Real patient learning

Students remembered individual patients and aspects of their lives and problems as a result of working in a clinic for homeless people and learning to “pay witness” to individuals rather than objectify them’. Bibliography of reviewed papers: No 307

Real patient learning was a distinctive, contextualised type of learning, which resulted from students’ interactions with real patients. Although we call it an outcome, it was as much a process because it was part of a continuum of becoming increasingly experienced. Theory became relevant to practice, contextualised, reinforced, integrated, and more memorable. Important topics came into focus and new perspectives opened up. Knowledge was integrated with attitudes and skills. Students came to understand the spectrum of disease: from minor and self-limiting problems to multi-system, chronic, and complex disease. They understood different aspects of practice; for example, disability care, and referral practice. They understood better how doctors and patients communicated in real life. Real patient learning was practical as well as conceptual. Students practised procedures, assisted surgeons, wrote case records, made decisions, managed patients, and saw patients’ illnesses progress. They gained the quantity of experience and the hours of supervised learning they needed to become doctors. There were negative instances of real patient learning too: the complexity and open-endedness of patients’ problems could overwhelm inexperienced students; the quantity and quality of their engagement with real patients could be insufficient; interactions in poor quality learning environments had opposite effects to those described above. In summary, positive clerkship experiences helped students transfer, restructure, consolidate, strengthen, and contextualise learning, attach it to memorable patient exemplars, and put it into practice.

1b Affective learning

Feeling low on the hierarchy of a clinical team made students feel too uncomfortable to speak up when witnessing unethical situations’. Bibliography of reviewed papers: No 131

Another distinct type of learning was affective, which included emotions and mood but extended to a state of mind, such as a feeling of legitimacy. Some affects were directed primarily towards ‘the self’: students developed a sense of belonging and comfort in the role of a student doctor, legitimacy in clinical settings, and a sense of themselves as future physicians. They became more confident to interact with patients, put clinical skills into practice, make management decisions, manage risks and failures, cope with uncertainty and relate to old, mentally ill, and dying patients. They experienced a sense of satisfaction and reward for the effort they had invested in studying and providing patient care. Some affects were directed primarily towards ‘the other’. Experience fostered compassion and a humane perspective. It increased empathy, idealism, and interest in patients’ life experiences.

Experience also caused negative affects. Particularly at transition points in curricula, students found it difficult to adjust to clinical settings, did not feel they were legitimate or belonged there, and felt uncomfortable wearing a white coat and assuming the role of a (student) doctor. They lost confidence, became demotivated, and felt unrewarded, dissatisfied, or frustrated. They were angry, emotionally uncomfortable, anxious, sad, and had poor mental health. Experience could also have negative effects on their empathy, idealism, and interest in patients. It could undermine students’ respect towards and trust in teachers. Students could feel they did not have a legitimate voice, were low in the clinical hierarchy, not part of a clinical team, and abandoned. Their use of derogatory humour increased.

Affective reactions were complex: a single experience could cause both positive and negative ones at the same time. Positive reactions could mitigate previous negative ones; for example, by making students feel less depressed or anxious. In summary, clerkship experiences influenced students’ confidence, motivation, satisfaction, mood, compassion, and sense-of-self in practice contexts and their affects towards patients and doctors, both positively and negatively.

1c Practical learning

Being an actor in performance helped students acquire the skills of teamworking, keeping notes, communicating in workplaces, physical examination, and the selection of appropriate tests. Bibliography of reviewed papers: No 202

Clerkship experience helped students learn how to practise. It integrated biomedical, psychosocial, practical, and contextualised knowledge with less clearly defined ways of knowing so that they understood practice rather than just knowing about it. For example, students came to understand the true complexity of becoming and being a doctor. They understood organisational aspects of practice and the range of professional roles and healthcare providers that contribute to patient care. They learned local policies and procedures and learned how to manage specific clinical situations within local contexts. They learned how to apply evidence-based medicine principles to practice. Likewise, clerkship experience helped students become skilled. They learned how to behave in a patient-centred manner: approach patients, communicate with them, and counsel them. There were general physical examination skills as well as system-specific ones. There were diagnostic and clinical management skills. Clerkships helped students learn how to manage their learning: how to identify learning need, seek out resources, and use them, and how to learn in an inter-professional context. They acquired research and presentation skills, and learned to evaluate data critically and think deeply about clinical problems. They learned to work diligently, be aware of their limitations, admit they did not know something, know when to call for help, and stimulate teachers to teach. Clerkships also affected students’ attitudes: towards the care of vulnerable people; towards ethical aspects of care; towards their advocacy roles; team-working; the roles of other healthcare professionals; and towards medical specialties, their type of work, their contributions to healthcare, and the prospect of taking up careers in them.

There were negative as well as positive instances of all those practical outcomes. One negative finding, which deserves special mention, was a high incidence of needlestick injuries due to inadequate workplace learning of aseptic precautions. Another important finding was that clerkships could stimulate disorganised and surface learning. The evidence base contained limited evidence about the effects of clerkships on students’ actual behaviours, as opposed to their capability to demonstrate behaviours when assessed. In summary, positive clerkship experiences could help students understand as opposed to know about practice. Positive experiences helped students perform the tasks of doctors in context as opposed to demonstrate skills in test situations, develop attitudes that helped them work in an interdisciplinary context, and manage themselves and their learning in practice settings.

Review question 2: Processes

2a Instructional designs

Some reports gave little detail about what students experienced. When the intervention was ‘a clerkship’, students were told what tasks they should perform, asked to immerse themselves relatively independently in the care of patients, given a range of experiences to choose from and some supervision, and given feedback. When the intervention was ‘a preceptorship’, a student was attached to a single person (usually a clinician but sometimes a more senior medical student) for a period of time, during which the student followed up patients, performed authentic clinical tasks, and learned complex skills under supervision. When the process was a patient/family ‘visit’, students visited patients on their own, with a single allied health professional, or with a team, performed prescribed tasks, observed, and modelled on qualified health professionals, carried out written tasks and met in tutorial groups to discuss their learning. Sometimes, visits were multiple, which allowed students to build longitudinal relationships. When the intervention was a ‘patient journey’, one or more students built a longitudinal relationship with a person and their family in order to understand what it is like to be sick (or healthy). The students carried out prescribed tasks, kept portfolios, and were supervised by tutors. Other interventions included secondments to allied health professionals, clinics, and communities outside formal health services. There were also internships, when students performed the duties of a doctor before they were qualified. In summary, clerkship education included a range of instructional designs, which allowed students to learn by interacting with real patients.

2b Types of participation

The extent to which students were (non-) participants in practice was of particular interest given the conceptual orientation of the study towards Communities of Practice. It was not possible to extract information from 90 papers (54 % of the total), either because students took on multiple roles, or because information was lacking. In 11 studies, students’ highest level of integration into practice was observing; in 30 studies, students rehearsed the tasks of doctors but did not contribute to patient care; and in 37 studies, students were integrated into authentic practice and contributed to patient care. Students achieved highest levels of participation in practice when they were designated patient care tasks like assessing patients, assisting in operating theatres, counselling patients about smoking, delivering babies, delivering preventive health care, performing practical procedures or tasks that would otherwise be done by residents, or running an inter-professional patient ward. In summary, the instructional designs described in the previous paragraph allowed differing degrees of participation in practice, from observing to directly participating in patient care. The clearest evidence of participatory learning came from the most structured experiences.

Review question 3: Conditions

Contributions from faculty at every level determined whether the processes described above happened or did not happen and therefore whether and how students achieved the described learning outcomes—from Deans managing curricula to clinicians interacting supportively with individual students. In successful curricula, faculty worked together to plan, resource, and deliver experience, and they interacted with students informally as well as in formal educational roles. Figure 1 shows how the different types of support operated at different curriculum levels.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Relationships between levels and types of support

3a Planning experience at curriculum level

Faculty invested effort into designing or revising curricula, adding new curriculum components, and putting components in appropriate sequences. They ensured continuity of experience, access to a variety of experiences, and opportunities to participate in practice that were appropriate to students’ level of experience.

3b Resourcing experience at curriculum level

Experiences were funded, other educational resources were made available to students, teaching time was protected, and teaching rooms were made available. Faculty used the available resources to optimise continuity. They balanced numbers of students to the available casemix to ensure students were able to participate. They arranged for students to learn in provider organisations that offered a wide range of specialties and were relatively easy to get to. As well as hospitals, there were clinical learning opportunities in community sites, prisons, and other settings that were culturally unfamiliar to students. Within hospitals, there was experience in outpatient clinics, wards, operating theatres, intensive care units, and clinical teaching wards. Faculty brought district hospitals with different case mixes and lengths of stay as well as rural/community hospitals into their undergraduate programmes.

3c Delivering experience at placement level

Clinicians orientated students to the structure of placements, told them how much of what types of experience they should get, and provided means of logging experience. They arranged contact between students and relevant patients, or at least told students where they could find relevant learning opportunities. Clinicians worked in ways that made them accessible for one-to-one contact. They structured experiences, provided space for students to see patients alone, and organised their services to give students authentic roles and responsibilities. They created opportunities for students to work alone, be supervised, and receive feedback. They complemented clinical experience with group learning activities.

3d Formally supporting individualised learning

Clinicians filled the roles of mentors, preceptors, and supervisors. They instructed students at patients’ bedsides, observed them performing skills, and gave feedback. They adapted their teaching to individual students’ needs, briefed students on tasks they should perform, debriefed them, and were enthusiastic in their role. They supplemented clinical experience with teaching in skills laboratories, and in small and large groups.

3e Informally supporting individualised learning

Clinicians also optimised learning from participation in practice in many informal ways. They talked with students, asked and answered questions, drew them into ward round case discussions, allowed time for discussion, listened, and offered suggestions. They allowed students to perform tasks, delegated tasks to them, involved them in workplace activities, and directly facilitated students’ interactions with patients and their families. In their practice, they (often unconsciously) modelled clinical and academic competence, caring behaviour, good interpersonal skills, positive attitudes, good manners, evidence-based practice, and ethical behaviour. They showed a sense of responsibility and were willing to give time to students and other people. Effective models often had good teaching skills as well.

Affective support was a vital component of individual interactions. Clinicians behaved supportively within tutorial interactions, were respectful towards students, open, willing, friendly, kind, helpful, and caring towards students and patients. They were enthusiastic and encouraging, inspired confidence, and showed they enjoyed teaching. It was possible for clinicians to be both demanding and supportive if they behaved in a friendly way. Clinicians promoted students’ participation and identity development by acknowledging them, making them feel invited or valued, and not allowing them to feel uninvolved, in the way, or a burden. Positive relationships between teachers and students—particularly respectful and trusting ones—built rapport, helped students feel part of teams, and helped them interact with patients. Getting to know students as individuals, being patient, encouraging them to be self-aware, ensuring they participated in teaching sessions, and sharing personal experiences helped students learn. Even something as simple as the tone of a clinician’s voice could make interactions feel more or less supportive.

3f Unsupportive learning environments

Negative instances were mirror images of positive ones. Clinicians harassed students, belittled them, abused them, provided unsupportive feedback, did not allow them to express discomfort, and discriminated against them on grounds of gender. Some clinicians provided negative role models and taught by humiliation, which led students to become cynical and make jokes at the expense of patients. Students could feel compelled to perform intimate examinations without knowing if patients had consented. Students’ receptions to placements could be unsupportive. Some placements provided no teaching, feedback, or help to link clinical experiences with theoretical learning. Financial constraints are ubiquitous and will not be considered further here, but two other constraints deserve mention. One was the trend towards residents working shorter hours and the other was increasing physician workloads, both of which reduced the ability of faculty to support students’ learning.

In summary, students achieved the range of learning outcomes described earlier when faculty, planned, resourced, and delivered students’ experiences, and supported their individualised learning both formally and informally. There were three important dimensions of support: affective, pedagogic, and organisational support.


Lave and Wenger coined the term Community of Practice to describe how people learn to work nowadays (Lave and Wenger 1991) which is characterised by many-to-many relationships within groups of workers, through which learners become progressively more engaged into the core work of communities. Workers develop their core competences, not solely by working with generalists, but by navigating their way through whole landscapes of practice, including specialist practice (Wenger-Trayner and Wenger-Trayner 2013). The same is plainly true of medicine: increasing numbers of students learn from increasing numbers of doctors who work in large teams with allied professionals, some of whom are generalists and some of whom are specialists, and many of whom work shifts and rotate frequently. Being ‘thrown in at the deep end’ to learn by trial and error cannot be tolerated because it is a threat to patient safety so students’ opportunities to provide care directly to patients are becoming increasingly limited. Many students’ experiences are fragmented and impersonal (Holmboe et al. 2011). This review found reports of RBCs which had all those negative features but it also found a wealth of evidence showing how, if conditions allowed important processes to take place, valued learning could take place. Because the inclusion criteria were so broad, those findings are applicable to any curriculum design or context. They are applicable to LICs as well RBCs.

Several clear conclusions can be drawn. First, clerkship education does not just happen. Students learn when faculty at every level of a medical school work diligently and make imaginative use of resources to create conditions for their learning. Second, clerkship education has outcomes that differ from the competencies that are used to blueprint assessments and judge proficiency. Students develop a sense of themselves as (future) doctors, become able to provide compassionate patient care, learn to work in different contexts of care, and have the breadth and depth of experience that makes them proficient in the tasks of newly qualified doctors. Third, there is a whole range of clinician behaviours that are not really covered by the traditional use of the term ‘clinical teaching’, which support the achievement of those outcomes. The most important behaviours are behaving supportively, motivating students to learn, including them in patient care activities, and engaging them into all manner of different communicative activities related to patient care. Clerkship education has been slower to change its gestalt from teaching to learning than pre-clerkship education, where learner-centred educational methods are commonplace. This review is intended to help patients, doctors, and clerkship and curriculum leads make that change in gestalt so they help students’ learn by being supported participants in authentic patient care activities.

A review is only as useful as the implications for educational practice and research that can be derived from it. We therefore present the revised middle range theory of ExBL in Box 4 as a blueprint for providing and evaluating clinical clerkship education. Whilst the blueprint is expressed in positive language, the evidence on which it was based was negative as well as positive; the absence or poor quality of conditions and processes led to negative outcomes or failed to lead to positive ones. Figure 2 complements Box 4 with a pictorial model of ExBL. It is centripetal, starting from the outer shell of a supportive curriculum. It moves through the social layer of interaction between clinicians, patients, and students towards the innermost layer, a student’s identity. Affects, as well as practicalities, run through the model, and are placed at its centre.

Box 4 A blueprint for clerkship education
Fig. 2
figure 2

Pictorial model. Within conditions of organisational support at institutional and placement level, and pedagogic/affective support at the placement and interactional levels, learners participate in practice by observing, rehearsing, or contributing to practice, which results in real patient learning and construction of professional identity, whose two interrelated components are proficiency in workplace activities and affects

The main strength of the study is that every assertion in the blueprint for clerkship education is based on trustworthy empirical evidence of links between causes and effects so it is reasonable to assume the recommendations will lead to positive outcomes. What the review has not done, because it would make its scope too broad, is to explore the dynamics of condition-process-outcome links. Other limitations are that the review was restricted to a time period, which excluded recent publications. Since medical education is a fast developing research field, methodologically strong data have inevitably been omitted. Our intention, however, was not primarily to reflect the ‘cutting edge’ of clerkship education—particularly the LIC movement—but to make explicit a traditional part of undergraduate medical education, which has hitherto been reported piecemeal or left implicit.

As with any literature review, our conclusions are only as good as the available evidence. An important blind spot in studies we reviewed was a failure to differentiate between students with different inherent levels of motivation, ability, and learning need, which may have led us to over-estimate what can be achieved by giving learners more support. There was also an excess of positive over negative outcomes, which might be evidence of the positive reporting bias reported in earlier reviews (Dornan et al. 2006a).

Our findings need to be considered in relation to three important theories, as well as Communities of Practice (Wenger 1998). First, the reciprocal relationship between the supportive qualities of learning environments and the behaviours of students that we report here is a central feature of Billett’s theory of relational interdependence (Billett 2006). Second, the publications of Eraut [for example (Eraut 2004)] have consistently emphasised that most workplace learning is informal, that professional learning is strongly contextualised, and that a substantial amount of re-learning is involved in the transfer from medical school to practice. Finally, concern has been expressed that outcome-based education, as advocated by Harden et al. (1999) and by Cooke et al. (2010) may not be as applicable to learning processes as it is to blueprinting assessments (Morcke et al. 2012). Whilst some of our practical learning outcomes were clearly competences, most affective and real patient learning was not. Curricula, we argue, must recognise and value those aspects of learning that cannot be taught and tested as competences as well as those that can be.

The implications for practice summarised in Box 4 are strongly enough evidence-based for curriculum leaders to feel safe implementing them, provided the implementation is carefully evaluated. The contents of Box 4 might be useful to curriculum leaders or peer reviewers evaluating a clinical curriculum. Whilst we can confidently recommend that learners should participate in practice as much as possible, the available evidence equipped us less well to say how that should be ensured. Task-based learning (Harden et al. 2000) is a pedagogy that could fill the gap and our own research has shown how involving learners in the communicative practices of workplaces can support their learning (Steven et al. 2014). Whilst there is nothing new about saying that students should learn from real patients (Spencer et al. 2000) the general shift from curricula based on ‘being there and gaining experience’ (Hodges 2010) to outcome-based curricula (Cooke et al. 2010) might devalue some of the less easily measurable benefits of patient contact. Perhaps the most practically important of all our findings is the omnipresence of affects—in both processes and outcomes—which tend not to be given the same importance as ‘harder’ features of workplace learning like knowledge and skills. Curriculum leaders might, on the evidence presented here, strive to make learning environments affectively supportive, promote supportive interactions between practitioners and learners, and encourage practitioners and learners to identify and reflect on affective outcomes, and how they relate to learners’ identity construction. Sustaining learners’ motivation, as has been previously noted, is an important task for clinical educators (Mann 1999).

As well as providing a framework for curriculum design, the blueprint for clerkship education makes numerous assertions that could be researched within the various contexts of contemporary health care. ‘Complex intervention’ research (Craig et al. 2008) perhaps within design-based research designs (Kelly 2003) would be the most appropriate way of doing so. Our findings reveal two important gaps in the evidence base, and one area for further exploration. First, evidence about the interactional nature of participation is strikingly inadequate. Second, the practical outcomes of learning tend very much to focus on declarative knowledge (basic science knowledge and clinical facts) as might be tested in summative assessments, but not so much on the practical know-how that is important to newly qualified doctors and/or acquired through the informal, social processes of workplace learning. A research area that is ripe for further exploration is the place of emotions in the conditions, processes, and outcomes of clinical education.


This review has provided a blueprint for clerkship education, which is transferable across primary, secondary, and tertiary care. It can be applied to longer and shorter attachments, and to integrated and non-integrated ones. According to the blueprint, there are three types of learning outcome: real patient learning is a complex type of outcome, which differs from a competency because it is more to do with contextualisation, reinforcement, and integration of learning than new learning per se. Affective learning includes aspects of medical students’ learning and identity development, which are more complex and individual than more standardisable and measurable constructs like professionalism. Practical learning includes well-recognised learning outcomes like knowledge, skills, and attitudes, though they are contextualised and individual. It includes the acquisition of learning skills, which enable students to be effective workplace learners. Learners acquire those outcomes by participating in practice. They observe, rehearse, and perform the tasks of doctors within usual patient care and engage with patients and professionals in activities that complement their practice-based learning. Those learning processes are fostered by support, which is provided at every level of a medical school, from the curriculum to the individual interactional level. Organisational support ensures that clerkship experiences are part of an appropriate curriculum sequence and provide appropriate continuity, access to practice, and opportunities to participate in practice. Pedagogic support is provided by the clinicians encountered by students in workplaces as teachers, mentors, supervisors, preceptors, role models and sources of informal support to practice-based learning. Affective support is provided by everybody who learners meet during clinical placements. It includes providing a warm and supportive learning environment, interacting in an emotionally supportive way, fostering confidence and motivation, and inspiring learners to become effective doctors.

Bibliography of reviewed papers

Note: Numbering is non-consecutive because these unique identifiers were used to associate links with citations in a large bibliographic database.

12. Dixon A, Lam C, Lam T. Does a brief clerkship change Hong Kong medical students’ ideas about general practice? Medical Education 2000 May;34(5):339-47.

13. Lempp H, Seale C. The hidden curriculum in undergraduate medical education: qualitative study of medical students’ perceptions of teaching. BMJ 2004 Oct 2;329(7469):770-3.

18. Coldicott Y, Pope C, Roberts C. The ethics of intimate examinations – teaching tomorrow’s doctors. BMJ 2003 Jan 11;326(7380):97-101.

21. Rattner SL, Louis DZ, Rabinowitz C, Gottlieb JE, Nasca TJ, Markham FW, et al. Documenting and comparing medical students’ clinical experiences. JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association 2001 Sep 5;286(9):1035-40, 109-10.

22. Frank E, Carrera JS, Stratton T, Bickel J, Nora LM. Experiences of belittlement and harassment and their correlates among medical students in the United States: longitudinal survey. BMJ 2006 Sep 30;333(7570):682-4.

23. Dornan T, Bundy C. What can experience add to early medical education? Consensus survey. BMJ 2004 Oct 9;329(7470):834-7.

25. McParland M, Noble LM, Livingston G, McManus C. The effect of a psychiatric attachment on students’ attitudes to and intention to pursue psychiatry as a career. Medical Education 2003 May;37(5):447-54.

30. Dornan T, Arno M, Hadfield J, Scherpbier A, Boshuizen H. Student evaluation of the clinical ‘curriculum in action’. Medical Education 2006 Jul;40(7):667-74.

31. Dammers J, Spencer J, Thomas M. Using real patients in problem-based learning: students’ comments on the value of using real, as opposed to paper cases, in a problem-based learning module in general practice. Medical Education 2001 Jan;35(1):27-34.

33. Deketelaere A, Kelchtermans G, Struyf E, De Leyn P. Disentangling clinical learning experiences: an exploratory study on the dynamic tensions in internship. Medical Education 2006 Sep;40(9):908-15.

58. Corwin SJ, Frahm K, Ochs LA, Rheaume CE, Roberts E, Eleazer G. Medical Student and Senior Participants’ Perceptions of a Mentoring Program Designed to Enhance Geriatric Medical Education. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education 2006;26(3):47-65.

59. Davis BE, Nelson DB, Sahler OJ, McCurdy FA, Goldberg R, Greenberg LW. Do clerkship experiences affect medical students’ attitudes toward chronically ill patients? Academic Medicine 2001 Aug;76(8):815-20.

61. Daelmans HEM, Overmeer RM, van der Hem-Stokroos HH, Scherpbier AJJA, Stehouwer CDA, van der Vleuten CPM. In-training assessment: qualitative study of effects on supervision and feedback in an undergraduate clinical rotation.[see comment]. Medical Education 2006 Jan;40(1):51-8.

67. Clay M, Jonassen J, Nemitz A. A one-day interclerkship on end-of-life care. Academic Medicine 2001 May;76(5):517-8.

69. Carney PA, Pipas CF, Eliassen MS, Mengshol SC, Fall LH, Schifferdecker KE, et al. An analysis of students’ clinical experiences in an integrated primary care clerkship. Academic Medicine 2002 Jul;77(7):681-7.

72. Roscoe LA, Schonwetter RS, Wallach PM. Advancing geriatrics education: evaluation of a new curricular initiative. Teaching and Learning Medicine 2005 Fall;17(4):355-62.

74. Heckmann JG, Bleh C, Dutsch M, Lang CJG, Neundorfer B. Does improved problem-based teaching influence students’ knowledge at the end of their neurology elective? An observational study of 40 students. Journal of Neurology 2003 Dec;250(12):1464-8.

75. Carney PA, Pipas CF, Eliassen MS, Donahue DA, Kollisch DO, Gephart D, et al. An encounter-based analysis of the nature of teaching and learning in a 3rd-year medical school clerkship. Teaching & Learning in Medicine 2000;12(1):21-7.

76. Alford CL, Currie DM. Introducing first-year medical students to clinical practice by having them “shadow” third-year clerks. Teaching & Learning in Medicine 2004;16(3):260-3.

84. Duque G, Gold S, Bergman H. Early clinical exposure to geriatric medicine in second-year medical school students – the McGill Experience. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2003 Apr;51(4):544-8.

85. Miyata Y, Yamamoto W, Kimura S, Kawabata H. What did students acquire from their general medicine clerkship? - A qualitative analysis of student descriptions. Sapporo Medical Journal 2002;71(3-4):39-45.

86. Kern KA. Medical student contact with patients on a surgery clerkship: Is there a chance to learn? Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2002;195(4):539-42.

88. Dahan R, Reis S, Van Raalte R, Hermoni D. Changing the approach for teaching medical students in the primary care setting. Education for General Practice 2001;12(1):41-6.

89. Bennard B, Wilson JL, Ferguson KP, Sliger C. A student-run outreach clinic for rural communities in Appalachia. Academic Medicine 2004 Jul;79(7):666-71.

90. Alemagno SA, Wilkinson M, Levy L. Medical education goes to prison: why? Academic Medicine 2004 Feb;79(2):123-7.

91. Chacko TV, Seetharaman N, Murthy SN. Improving competencies through peer feedback in primary care settings. Medical Education 2006 May;40(5):487.

92. Wimmers PF, Schmidt HG, Splinter TAW. Influence of clerkship experiences on clinical competence. Medical Education 2006 May;40(5):450-8.

93. Kristina Tn MGDvdVCP. Comparison of outcomes of a community-based education programme executed with and without active community involvement. Medical education 2006 Aug;40(8):798-806.

100. Nagata-Kobayashi S, Sekimoto M, Koyama H, Yamamoto W, Goto E, Fukushima O, et al. Medical student abuse during clinical clerkships in Japan. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2006 Mar;21(3):212-8.

103. Burton JL. The autopsy in modern undergraduate medical education: a qualitative study of uses and curriculum considerations. Medical Education 2003 Dec;37(12):1073-81.

106. Jones A, Willis SC, McArdle PJ, O’Neill PA. Learning the house officer role: reflections on the value of shadowing a PRHO. Medical Teacher 2006 May;28(3):291-3.

107. Kogan LR, Butler CL, Lagoni LK, Brannan JK, McConnell SM, Harvey AM. Training in client relations and communication skills in veterinary medical curricula and usage after graduation. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 2004 Feb 15;224(4):504-7.

108. Mavis B, Vasilenko P, Schnuth R, Marshall J, Jeffs MC. Medical students’ involvement in outpatient clinical encounters: a survey of patients and their obstetricians-gynecologists. Academic Medicine 2006 Mar;81(3):290-6.

111. Kuo AK, Irby DI, Loeser H. Does direct observation improve medical students’ clerkship experiences? Medical Education 2005 May;39(5):518.

117. Johnson GA, Pipas L, Newman-Palmer NB, Brown LH. The emergency medicine rotation: a unique experience for medical students. Journal of Emergency Medicine 2002 Apr;22(3):307-11.

120. Connolly A. Documenting comparability of clinical experience on the obstetrics and gynecology clerkship. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2006 Nov;195(5):1468-73.

121. Raj N, Badcock LJ, Brown GA, Deighton CM, O’Reilly SC. Undergraduate musculoskeletal examination teaching by trained patient educators–a comparison with doctor-led teaching. Rheumatology 2006 Nov;45(11):1404-8.

123. Hanna A, Dent J. Developing teaching opportunities in a day surgery unit. Clinical Teacher 2006;3(3):180-4.

126. Levy BT, Merchant ML. Differences in clinical experiences based on gender of third-year medical students in a required family medicine preceptorship. Academic Medicine 2002 Dec;77(12 Pt 1):1241-6.

127. Whitehouse CR, O’Neill P, Dornan T. Building confidence for work as house officers: student experience in the final year of a new problem-based curriculum.[see comment]. Medical Education 2002 Aug;36(8):718-27.

129. Collinson S, Bliss L, Rickets M, Lobo E, Lumb A. ‘Seeing old people with real problems like leaving the gas on’: students’ and tutors’ reflections after piloting the second phase of a new, community based course for second-year medical students. Medical Teacher 2002 May;24(3):327-9.

130. Wilkinson TJ, Gower SS, Sainsbury R. The earlier, the better: The effect of early community contact on the attitudes of medical students to older people. Medical Education 2002;36(6):540-2.

131. Clever SL, Edwards KA, Feudtner C, Braddock CH, 3rd. Ethics and communication: does students’ comfort addressing: ethical issues vary by specialty team?[see comment]. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2001 Aug;16(8):559-63.

133. Van der Hem-Stokroos HH, Scherpbier AJJA, Van der Vleuten CPM, De Vries H, Haarman HJTM. How effective is a clerkship as a learning environment? Medical Teacher 2001;23(6):599-604.

134. Lonka K, Slotte V, Halttunen M, Kurki T, Tiitinen A, Vaara L, et al. Portfolios as a learning tool in obstetrics and gynaecology undergraduate training.[see comment]. Medical Education 2001 Dec;35(12):1125-30.

135. Murray E, Alderman P, Coppola W, Grol R, Bouhuijs P, van der Vleuten C. What do students actually do on an internal medicine clerkship? A log diary study.[see comment]. Medical Education 2001 Dec;35(12):1101-7.

138. Ochsendorf FR, Boehncke WH, Boer A, Kaufmann R. Prospective randomised comparison of traditional, personal bedside and problem-oriented practical dermatology courses. Medical Education 2004 Jun;38(6):652-8.

139. Mukohara K, Ban N, Sobue G, Shimada Y, Otani T, Yamada S. Follow the patient: process and outcome evaluation of medical students’ educational experiences accompanying outpatients. Medical Education 2006 Feb;40(2):158-65.

140. Worley P, Prideaux D, Strasser R, Magarey A, March R. Empirical evidence for symbiotic medical education: a comparative analysis of community and tertiary-based programmes. Medical Education 2006 Feb;40(2):109-16.

141. Ibrahim M, Ogston S, Crombie I, Alhasso D, Mukhopadhyay S. Greater knowledge gain with structured than student-directed learning in Child Health: cluster randomized trial. Medical Teacher 2006 May;28(3):239-43.

144. Seely AJE, Snell L, Salasidis R. The impact of current experience, level of training, and post-call status on student and resident examination results during a surgical ICU rotation. Medical Teacher 2001;23(4):396-9.

146. Gay TL, Himle JA, Riba M. Enhanced ambulatory experience for the clerkship: Curriculum innovation at the University of Michigan. Academic Psychiatry 2002 Sum;26(2):90-5.

147. Johnson NR, Chen J. Medical student evaluation of teaching quality between obstetrics and gynecology residents and faculty as clinical preceptors in ambulatory gynecology. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2006 Nov;195(5):1479-83.

148. Skoll MA, Dueckman R, Liston R. Fostering harmony in labor and delivery: a nursing preceptorship for clinical clerks. Obstetrics and Gynecology 2006 Jul;108(1):157-61.

149. Lyon PM. Making the most of learning in the operating theatre: Student strategies and curricular initiatives. Medical Education 2003 Aug;37(8):680-8.

150. Fryer-Edwards K, Wilkins M, Baernstein A, Braddock CH, III. Bringing Ethics Education to the Clinical Years: Ward Ethics Sessions at the University of Washington. Academic Medicine 2006 Jul;81(7):626-31.

151. Dowell A, Crampton P, Parkin C. The first sunrise: an experience of cultural immersion and community health needs assessment by undergraduate medical students in New Zealand.[see comment]. Medical Education 2001 Mar;35(3):242-9.

152. Askarian M, Malekmakan L. The prevalence of needle stick injuries in medical, dental, nursing and midwifery students at the university teaching hospitals of Shiraz, Iran. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences 2006 Jun;60(6):227-32.

153. Arora VM, Seiden SC, Higa JT, Siddique J, Meltzer DO, Humphrey HJ. Effect of student duty hours policy on teaching and satisfaction of 3rd year medical students. American Journal of Medicine 2006 Dec;119(12):1089-95.

154. Griffith CH, 3rd, Wilson JF. The loss of student idealism in the 3rd-year clinical clerkships. Evaluation & the Health Professions 2001 Mar;24(1):61-71.

155. Roop SA, Pangaro L. Effect of clinical teaching on student performance during a medicine clerkship.[see comment]. American Journal of Medicine 2001 Feb 15;110(3):205-9.

156. Elnicki D, Curry RH, Fagan M, Friedman E, Jacobson E, Loftus T, et al. Medical students’ perspectives on and responses to abuse during the internal medicine clerkship. Teaching and Learning in Medicine 2002 Spr;14(2):92-7.

163. McLeod PJ, Meagher TW. Educational benefits of blinding students to information acquired and management plans generated by other physicians. Medical Teacher 2001;23(1):83-5.

166. Hastings A, Fraser R, McKinley R. Student perceptions of a new integrated course in clinical methods for medical undergraduates. Medical Education 2000 Feb;34(2):101-7.

168. Schwind CJ, Boehler ML, Rogers DA, Williams RG, Dunnington G, Folse R, et al. Variables influencing medical student learning in the operating room. American Journal of Surgery 2004 Feb;187(2):198-200.

169. MacLeod R, Parkin C, Pullon S, Robertson G. Early clinical exposure to people who are dying: Learning to care at the end of life. Medical Education 2003 Jan;37(1):51-8.

172. Sheehan D, Wilkinson TJ, Billett S. Interns’ participation and learning in clinical environments in a New Zealand hospital. Academic Medicine 2005 Mar;80(3):302-8.

173. Ochsendorf FR, Boehncke WH, Sommerlad M, Kaufmann R. Interactive large-group teaching in a dermatology course. Medical Teacher 2006 Dec;28(8):697-701.

178. Tan SMK, Azmi MT, Reddy JP, Shaharom MH, Rosdinom R, Maniam T, et al. Does clinical exposure to patients in medical school affect trainee doctors’ attitudes towards mental disorders and patients? - A pilot study. Medical Journal of Malaysia 2005;60(3):328-37.

187. Mainhard MT, van den Hurk MM, van de Wiel MWJ, Crebolder HFJM, Scherpbier AJJA. Learning in a clinical education programme in primary care: the Maastricht Adoption Programme. Medical Education 2004 Dec;38(12):1236-43.

190. O’Sullivan M, Martin J, Murray E. Students’ perceptions of the relative advantages and disadvantages of community-based and hospital-based teaching: a qualitative study.[see comment]. Medical Education 2000 Aug;34(8):648-55.

191. Parry J, Mathers J, Al-Fares A, Mohammad M, Nandakumar M, Tsivos D. Hostile teaching hospitals and friendly district general hospitals: final year students’ views on clinical attachment locations. Medical Education 2002 Dec;36(12):1131-41.

192. Remmen R, Denekens J, Scherpbier A, Hermann I, van der Vleuten C, Royen PV, et al. An evaluation study of the didactic quality of clerkships. Medical Education 2000 Jun;34(6):460-4.

193. Riesenberg LA, Biddle W, Erney SL. Medical student and faculty perceptions of desirable primary care teaching site characteristics. Medical Education 2001 Jul;35(7):660-5.

194. Thiedke C, Blue AV, Chessman AW, Keller AH, Mallin R. Student observations and ratings of preceptor’s interactions with patients: the hidden curriculum. Teaching and Learning Medicine 2004 Fall;16(4):312-6.

195. Prince KJ, Boshuizen HP, van der Vleuten CP, Scherpbier AJ. Students’ opinions about their preparation for clinical practice. Medical Education 2005 Jul;39(7):704-12.

200. Struck BD, Bernard MA, Teasdale TA. Effect of a mandatory geriatric medicine clerkship on third-year students. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2005 Nov;53(11):2007-11.

201. Knight AM, Kravet SJ, Harper GM, Leff B. The effect of computerized provider order entry on medical student clerkship experiences. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2005 Sep-Oct;12(5):554-60.

202. Lempp H, Seabrook M, Cochrane M, Rees J. The transition from medical student to doctor: perceptions of final year students and preregistration house officers related to expected learning outcomes. International Journal of Clinical Practice 2005 Mar;59(3):324-9.

204. Lucas B, Pearson D. Learning medicine in primary care: medical students’ perceptions of final-year clinical placements. Education for Primary Care 2005 Jul;16(4):440-9.

205. Shunkwiler S, Broderick A, Stansfield R, Rosenbaum M. Pilot of a hospice-based elective to learn comfort with dying patients in undergraduate medical education. Journal of Palliative Medicine 2005 Apr;8(2):344-53.

206. Al-Dabbagh Sa A-TWG. Evaluation of a task-based community oriented teaching model in family medicine for undergraduate medical students in Iraq. BMC medical education 2005;5(31).

207. Shah MN, Heppard B, Medina-Walpole A, Clark NS, McCann R. Emergency medicine management of the geriatric patient: an educational program for medical students. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2005 Jan;53(1):141-5.

208. Hanson L, Tillett J, Kirby RS. Medical students’ knowledge of midwifery practice after didactic and clinical exposure. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health 2005 Jan-Feb;50(1):44-50.

209. Newbury JW, Shannon S, Ryan V, Whitrow M. Development of ‘rural week’ for medical students: impact and quality report. Rural and Remote Health 2005 Jul-Sep;5(3):1-9.

210. Denz-Penhey H, Murdoch C, Lockyer-Stevens V. ‘What makes it really good, makes it really bad.’ An exploration of early student experience in the first cohort of the Rural Clinical School in the University of Western Australia. Rural and Remote Health 2004 Jul-Sep;4(3):8p.

211. Dornan T, Boshuizen H, Cordingley L, Hider S, Hadfield J, Scherpbier A. Evaluation of self-directed clinical education: validation of an instrument. Medical Education 2004 Jun;38(6):670-8.

212. Hojat M, Mangione S, Nasca TJ, Rattner S, Erdmann JB, Gonnella JS, et al. An empirical study of decline in empathy in medical school.[see comment]. Medical Education 2004 Sep;38(9):934-41.

213. Ponzer S, Hylin U, Kusoffsky A, Lauffs M, Lonka K, Mattiasson A, et al. Inter-professional training in the context of clinical practice: goals and students’ perceptions on clinical education wards. Medical Education 2004 Jul;38(7):727-36.

214. Schenkenberg T, Jones CR, Steffens JD, Greenlee JE. Assessing the neurology clerkship: the value of student feedback. Neurology 2004 Nov 9;63(9):1757-8.

215. van der Hem-Stokroos H, Daelmans H, van der Vleuten C, Haarman H, Scherpbier A. The impact of multifaceted educational structuring on learning effectiveness in a surgical clerkship. Medical Education 2004 Aug;38(8):879-86.

216. Lynch DC, Willis SE. Can a 3-day preceptorship change first-year medical students’ opinions about living and working in small towns? Family Medicine 2000 Jul-Aug;32(7):495-9.

220. Sifuentes F, Chang L, Nieman LZ, Foxhall LE. Professional development. Evaluating a diabetes foot care program in a preceptorship for medical students. Diabetes Educator 2002 Nov-Dec;28(6):930, 2, 5-7.

221. Leung GM, Johnston JM, Tin KYK, Wong IOL, Ho L, Lam WWT, et al. Randomised controlled trial of clinical decision support tools to improve learning of evidence-based medicine in medical students. BMJ 2003 Nov 8;327(7423):1090-3.

222. Gavin J, Lempp H, Elliman A, Grogan C. Teaching in partnership: linking a medical school and a community trust. British Journal of Community Nursing 2002 Jan;7(1):32-6.

224. Crotty M, Finucane P, Ahern M. Teaching medical students about disability and rehabilitation: Methods and student feedback. Medical Education 2000;34(8):659-64.

226. Griffith ICH, Georgesen JC, Wilson JF. Specialty choices of students who actually have choices: The influence of excellent clinical teachers. Academic Medicine 2000;75(3):278-82.

227. Eleazer G, Wieland D, Roberts E, Richeson N, Thornhill JT. Preparing Medical Students to Care for Older Adults: The Impact of a Senior Mentor Program. Academic Medicine 2006 Apr;81(4):393-8.

228. Olney CA, Livingston JE, Fisch SI, Talamantes MA. Becoming Better Health Care Providers: Outcomes of a Primary Care Service-Learning Project in Medical School. Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community 2006;32(1-2):133-47.

229. Griffith ICH, Georgesen JC, Wilson JF. Six-year documentation of the association between excellent clinical teaching and improved students’ examination performances. Academic Medicine 2000;75(10 SUPPL):S62-S4.

230. O’Hara BS, Saywell Jr RM, Zollinger TW, Wooldridge JS, Kelton GM, Ries JS, et al. Students’ experience with women’s health care in a family medicine clerkship. Medical Education 2002;36(5):456-65.

231. Johnston B, Boohan M. Basic clinical skills: Don’t leave teaching to the teaching hospitals. Medical Education 2000 Sep;34(9):692-9.

232. Morgan P, Cleave-Hogg D. Comparison between medical students’ experience, confidence and competence. Medical Education 2002 Jun;36(6):534-9.

233. Leamon MH, Fields L, Cox PD, Scott C, Mirassou M. Medical students in jail: The psychiatric clerkship in an outpatient correctional setting. Academic Psychiatry 2001 Fal;25(3):167-72.

234. Penn MA, Smucker W, Logue E. Functional and attitudinal outcomes of teaching functional assessment to medical students. Educational Gerontology 2001 Jul-Aug;27(5):361-72.

235. Kasman DL, Fryer-Edwards K, Braddock CH, 3rd. Educating for professionalism: trainees’ emotional experiences on IM and pediatrics inpatient wards. Academic Medicine 2003 Jul;78(7):730-41.

236. O’Hara BS, Saywell RM, Jr., Smidley JA, Burba JL, Thakker N, Bogdewic SP, et al. Medical students’ experience with psychiatric diagnoses in a family medicine clerkship. Teaching & Learning in Medicine 2001;13(3):167-75.

237. Worley P, Prideaux D, Strasser R, March R, Worley E. What do medical students actually do on clinical rotations?[see comment]. Medical Teacher 2004 Nov;26(7):594-8.

238. O’Keefe M, White D, Spurrier N, Fox N. An inter-university community child health clinical placement programme for medical students.[see comment]. Medical Education 2001 Apr;35(4):384-90.

242. Wear D, Aultman JM, Varley JD, Zarconi J. Making fun of patients: medical students’ perceptions and use of derogatory and cynical humor in clinical settings.[see comment]. Academic Medicine 2006 May;81(5):454-62.

245. van der Hem-Stokroos HH, Daelmans HEM, van der Vleuten CPM, Haarman HJTM, Scherpbier AJJA. A qualitative study of constructive clinical learning experiences. Medical Teacher 2003 Mar;25(2):120-6.

247. Pololi L, Price J. Validation and use of an instrument to measure the learning environment as perceived by medical students. Teaching & Learning in Medicine 2000;12(4):201-7.

248. Ahmad L, Sawley E, Creasey H. Do informal interviews improve medical student empathy with the elderly? Medical Education 2005 Oct;39(10):1077.

250. Greenberg LW. Medical students’ perceptions of feedback in a busy ambulatory setting: A descriptive study using a clinical encounter card. Southern Medical Journal 2004;97(12):1174-8.

251. Lyon P. A model of teaching and learning in the operating theatre. Medical Education 2004 Dec;38(12):1278-87.

254. Hammoud MM, Haefner HK, Schigelone A, Gruppen LD. Teaching residents how to teach improves quality of clerkship. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004;191(5):1741-5.

257. Christison GW, Haviland MG. Requiring a one-week addiction treatment experience in a six-week psychiatry clerkship: effects on attitudes toward substance-abusing patients. Teaching & Learning in Medicine 2003;15(2):93-7.

260. Anderson ES, Lennox AI, Petersen SA. Learning from lives: a model for health and social care education in the wider community context. Medical Education 2003 Jan;37(1):59-68.

261. Olson LG, Hill SR, Newby DA. Barriers to student access to patients in a group of teaching hospitals. Medical Journal of Australia 2005;183(9):461-3.

263. Sanson-Fisher R, Rolfe I, Jones P, Ringland C, Agrez M. Trialling a new way to learn clinical skills: systematic clinical appraisal and learning. Medical Education 2002 Nov;36(11):1028-34.

275. Plymale M, Sloan P, Johnson M, Snapp J, LaFountain P. Junior medical students’ perceptions of an introductory hospice experience. Hospice J 2001;15(4):41-51.

276. Alford Cl MTPRED. An introduction to geriatrics for first-year medical students. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2001 Jun;49(6):782-7.

278. Boal J, Fabacher D, Miller R, Siu A, Kantor B. Validation of an instrument designed to assess medical student attitudes toward home care. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2001 Apr;49(4):470-3.

280. Freeth D, Reeves S, Goreham C, Parker P, Haynes S, Pearson S. ‘Real life’ clinical learning on an inter-professional training ward. Nurse Education Today 2001 Jul;21(5):366-72.

281. Simon SR, Peters AS, Christiansen CL, Fletcher RH. The effect of medical student teaching on patient satisfaction in a managed care setting.[see comment]. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2000 Jul;15(7):457-61.

282. Ault GT, Sullivan M, Chalabian J, Skinner KA. A focused breast skills workshop improves the clinical skills of medical students. Journal of Surgical Research 2002 Aug;106(2):303-7.

283. Ek EW, Ek ET, Mackay SD. Undergraduate experience of surgical teaching and its influence and its influence on career choice. ANZ Journal of Surgery 2005 Aug;75(8):713-8.

284. Dehaven MJ, Chen L. Teaching medical students research while reaching the underserved. Family Medicine 2005 May;37(5):315-7.

285. Bahn TJ, Cronau HR, Way DP. A comparison of family medicine and internal medicine experiences in a combined clerkship. Family Medicine 2003 Jul-Aug;35(7):499-503.

286. Bernard MA, McAuley WJ, Belzer JA, Neal KS. An evaluation of a low-intensity intervention to introduce medical students to healthy older people. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2003 Mar;51(3):419-23.

289. Thistlethwaite JE. Introducing community-based teaching of third year medical students: outcomes of a pilot project one year later and implications for managing change.[see comment]. Education for Health 2000;13(1):53-62.

290. Yuen JK, Breckman R, Adelman RD, Capello CF, LoFaso V, Reid M. Reflections of Medical Students on Visiting Chronically Ill Older Patients in the Home. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2006 Nov;54(11):1778-83.

292. Oneschuk D. Undergraduate medical palliative care education: a new Canadian perspective. Journal of Palliative Medicine 2002 Feb;5(1):43-7.

293. Coates WC, Gendy MS, Gill AM. Emergency medicine subinternship: can we provide a standard clinical experience? Academic Emergency Medicine 2003 Oct;10(10):1138-41.

296. Ubel PA, Jepson C, Silver-Isenstadt A. Don’t ask, don’t tell: a change in medical student attitudes after obstetrics/gynecology clerkships toward seeking consent for pelvic examinations on an anesthetized patient.[see comment]. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 2003 Feb;188(2):575-9.

297. Schwartz C, Clive D, Mazor K, Ma Y, Reed G, Clay M. Detecting attitudinal changes about death and dying as a result of end-of-life care curricula for medical undergraduates. J Palliat Med 2005 Oct;8(5):975-86.

300. Dolmans DHJM, Wolfhagen IHAP, Essed GGM, Scherpbier AJJA, van der Vleuten CPM. The impacts of supervision, patient mix, and numbers of students on the effectiveness of clinical rotations. Academic Medicine 2002 Apr;77(4):332-5.

302. Godkin MA, Savageau JA, Fletcher KE. Effect of a global longitudinal pathway on medical students’ attitudes toward the medically indigent. Teaching & Learning in Medicine 2006;18(3):226-32.

303. Godkin M, Savageau J. The effect of medical students’ international experiences on attitudes toward serving underserved multicultural populations. Family Medicine 2003 Apr;35(4):273-8.

305. Sloan PA, LaFountain P, Plymale M, Johnson M, Montgomery C, Snapp J, et al. Implementing cancer pain education for medical students. Cancer Practice: A Multidisciplinary Journal of Cancer Care 2001 Sep-Oct;9(5):225-9.

306. van Zuilen MH, Rubert MP, Silverman M, Lewis J. Medical students’ positive and negative misconceptions about the elderly: the impact of training in geriatrics. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education 2001;21(3):31-40.

307. Davenport BA. Witnessing and the medical gaze: how medical students learn to see at a free clinic for the homeless. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 2000 Sep;14(3):310-27.

308. Elnicki D, Kolarik R, Bardella I. Third-Year Medical Students’ Perceptions of Effective Teaching Behaviors in a Multidisciplinary Ambulatory Clerkship. Academic Medicine 2003 Aug;78(8):815-9.

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